• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 34: The Search in Griffonstone.

The ponies learned to quickly get used to Twilight now having a dragon bodyguard. Wherever Twilight went, Spike wasn’t far behind. Thanks to the growth he had done in the Dragon Lands, he was able to carry her books under one arm.

Though, unfortunately, his attempts at a dissuading glare only got chuckles from the ponies around. Spike glowered at the thought of Starlight having a similar reaction. If he was going to protect Twilight from that maniac, he needed to step up his game.

As it was, such an opportunity presented itself when the Cutie Map once again unfolded from their table, and revealed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s cutie marks over…

“Griffonstone,” Twilight breathed as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie answered the summons, both giving wary looks to Spike as he stood protectively behind Twilight. “The map is summoning you two to Griffonstone; the very heart of the griffon kingdom! I don’t know if either of you have ready ‘Bygone Griffons of Greatness, but griffons were known to be…”

“Rude, insensitive bullies,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Or abusive family members,” Spike agreed.

Twilight winced. “You’re talking about Gilda and Hawke, right?”

“No, we’re talking about the ‘other’ griffons we’ve come across,” Spike snarked.

Twilight turned to him. “You came across ‘other’ griffons on the outskirts?”

Spike face-palmed.

“Look, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “When Gilda came to Ponyville, she was a total jerk.”

“And Hawke’s no better,” Spike said. “Sure, she got a bit of an attitude check when we freed her from that slaver, but she still hurt Swift.”

“Swift’s part-griffon and he’s not so bad,” Twilight offered.

“I guess…” Rainbow Dash said. “But it could probably be his dragon blood making him nicer.”

Spike smiled at Dash’s words. Twilight, however, kept her eyes on the book in front of her.

“I don’t know,” Twilight said. “In ancient times, griffons were known to be just as greedy as dragons. Always hoarding bits and treasures. But after King Grover found the Idol of Boreas, he was able to turn Griffonstone into one of the most majestic kingdoms in the land.”

Spike hummed. “It didn’t look so majestic when we checked it out.”

Twilight turned to him. “Could you… show Rainbow and Pinkie?”

Spike scoffed. “Nice try, Twilight, but I’m not leaving your side again.” He looked at Dash and Pinkie. “Swift can go with you.”

Dash grimaced. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You just said that Griffonstone wasn’t a good place for him.”

“He wrecked his home there,” Spike said. “And he deserves to see the place without the lens of his abusive aunt over it.” He pat Twilight’s shoulder. “Plus,” he admitted. “I’m curious if Starlight might’ve gone that way. The griffons we met down there were straight up mercenaries; would do anything for a couple of bits. Starlight could probably get some help down that way.”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “Well, it… could be worth investigating.” She sighed. “Alright. But only if Swift’s okay with it.”


As it turned out, Swift was okay with it.

“I’ve spent too long fearing that place,” Swift insisted. “I need to move on. Be better than I was before.”

Spike grimaced. “I… could ask the others to go with.”

Swift shook his head. “Nah, you guys got your own stuff going on.”

“Besides,” Twilight admitted. “I’m pretty sure if the map wanted others to come, it would’ve said so.” She pat Dash’s side. “Dash can help you handle whatever the issue is just fine.”

“In the meantime, Twilight will stay here where it’s safe, while I keep an eye on her,” Spike added, gripping Swift’s shoulder. “If you see even a hair from Starlight’s mane, you let me know, okay?”

Swift swallowed. “O-Okay, buddy.”

“Here,” Diamondback said, coming up with some sort of eyeball. “This is a seeing device.” She offered another one to Spike, “It will help you see what he sees, so if something does crop up, you’ll at least know about it.”

Spike smiled. “Thanks, DB,” he said.

“Yeah,” Swift admitted, looking relieved. “Thanks.” Taking another breath, he shook himself out, before lowering a wing for Pinkie. “Well, shall we?”

Dash briefly looked shocked - like she was thinking of taking the train - but with the risk of looking weak before her, she shrugged and took flight herself.

“C’mon, slow poke,” she encouraged Swift. “Last one to Griffonstone is a rotten bird’s egg.”

“No fair, I’m carrying Pinkie!” Swift complained, even as he rushed after Dash.

Shaking his head at their antics, Spike made sure Twilight hadn’t wandered off, and looked into the seeing eyeball, making sure that Swift did okay.


Though Twilight gave a disappointed groan at the state Griffonstone was in, Spike was more concerned about the griffons around it.

Every single one had a suspicious look to them. Granted, part of Spike knew that they were likely more suspicious of Swift and his friends than he was of them, but he couldn’t help it. With the threat of Starlight hanging over his head, everyone in Griffonstone looked like a potential enemy.

“These griffons are ‘exactly’ like I thought they’d be,” Rainbow Dash was saying.

“Maybe we should just find the palace so we can ask the King what’s going on,” Pinkie suggested.

Swift grimaced, but before he could speak…

“We don’t have a king, losers,” a voice noted, Swift turning to see the griffon that Jackknife had gotten into a brawl with.

Rainbow Dash’s wings flared in anger. “Gilda,” she snarled.

“Dash,” Gilda hissed back.

“Swift!” Pinkie declared, pointing a hoof at him.

Swift, however, ignored her. “You two know each other?”

“Swift, you’re supposed to say, ‘Pinkie!’” Pinkie protested.

But Swift only had eyes for Gilda, who glared him down too.

“Wait, you met her?” Dash asked.

Gilda huffed. “Figured you’d go with the loser half-griffon, Dash. Guess dweebs fly together, eh?”

Swift hissed. “Tough talk. I didn’t hear you talking that tough when Jackknife tanned your hide.”

Rainbow Dash gaped before grinning. “Jackknife fought her?” She sneered. “Well, clearly he didn’t knock enough sense into you.”

Gilda snorted. “And I’m used to you usually whimpering while Hawke beat you down.” She smirked. “She’s here, you know.”

Swift paled. “W-What?”

Gilda’s grin widened. “Yeah, came back all beaten up. Made the guys who stole her furniture look worse.” She examined her talons. “I’m sure she’d be real interested to know her nephew’s back in town.”

Swift hissed, his feathers puffing up. “Don’t you DARE breath a word…”

“Or what?” Gilda sneered. “You finally discover some dragon blood? Did all those beatings she give you awaken something?”

Pinkie got between them. “Hey-hey,” she warned. “Swift, remember; we’re here to help Griffonstone, not destroy it!” She turned and gave Gilda a winning smile. “Look, how about you stop talking about Swift’s aunt and tell us where the Idol of Boreas is.”

Gilda laughed. “Don’t tell me you believe in that thing!”

“You better believe it!” an older griffon with the head of a vulture wheezed. “The idol was the best thing to ever happen to us.”

Gilda groaned as the vulture griffon haggled with Dash, but Swift was already looking around. Even on the other side of the world, Spike could feel his terror.

“Hawke’s back,” he whispered, looking to Twilight. “We should’ve sent Jackknife too. We should’ve…”

“Sh, wait,” Twilight said, “What’s the older griffon saying about the idol?”

But Swift wasn’t interested in that story. He had already spotted Hawke’s old home. And sure enough, it had been rebuilt. Shoddily, admittedly, but the nest-like house was standing on its own, and a light shone out from the broken window.

Swift ran to it, almost like he was being drawn to it.

“No-no, Swift!” Spike shook the eyeball, but he didn’t know if it had some way to communicate with the bird-dragon.

As it was, Spike could only watch as Swift reached the front porch, gazing around with dumbfounded shock. Spike heard his heavy breathing, going from shocked to enraged. His feathers puffed up, and he raised his wings, ready to blast it down again… only for the door to burst open. A crossbow appeared, aimed at his heart.

“Don’t you dare try it!” Hawke’s voice shouted. “I just rebuilt this thing!”

For a moment, the two glared at each other, Spike hearing Swift’s rampant heart-beat even through the eyeball.

“W-What are you doing back here?” Swift snarled.

“I live here,” Hawke replied shortly. She motioned at his wings. “Put down the wings, I’ll put down the crossbow.”

“How can I trust you won’t just shoot me?” Swift snapped back.

“Believe me, it’s tempting,” Hawke admitted, before sighing and lowering the crossbow first. “But I still owe you for freeing me from that Verko rat.”

Swift narrowed his eyes, but his wings did lower by a fraction. “You owe me a lot more than that.”

Hawke glared right back at him. For a moment, it looked like aunt and nephew were about to begin another brawl. But then…


Swift turned as best he could, keeping his eye on Hawke as he beheld Gabby, who was gazing at him with all the excitement of old friends seeing each other.

“Swift, it is you!” Gabby said, before glancing behind him. “Uh… is Spike with you?”

Swift sighed. “No, but… I came here with some ponies. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. They’re further up the way. Looking to… help recover the Idol most likely.”

“Ponies?” Gabby gaped in glee. “Here to help the Idol.” She shot right past them at speeds that knocked Hawke’s crossbow out of her grip, and left her and Swift with some windswept feather styles.

Sighing, Hawke smoothed her feathers out. “How that girl remains so peppy, I have no idea. You’d think she’d have learned after the last pony…”

Swift paused, and Spike’s breath hitched. “Last pony? What are you talking about?”

Hawke gave him a curious look. “That why you’re back here?” she asked. “Tracking some ponies? I know it’s not to see me.”

“You’re right on that,” Swift admitted. “That pony - Starlight Glimmer - attacked a pony that belongs to my friend.”

Spike briefly became aware of Twilight perking up. “Belong?” she asked.

But Spike ignored her, yearning for Swift to ask the question.

“She got away,” Swift admitted. “And we’re looking for her.”

Hawke hummed, picking up her crossbow and taking the bolt out. “Why can’t your friend go find her himself?”

“He wants to make sure his pony’s safe,” Swift replied. “Didn’t Sunny do the same thing? Protect her treasure while griffons like my dad did the dirty work?”

Hawke smirked. “Bet you’d make him pretty proud right about now.”

Swift hissed, his wings rising again. “Don’t think I’m afraid of you anymore,” he snarled.

Hawke just laughed. “I’m surprised you still are; seeing what Verko did to me…” she frowned, looking down as a haunted look came over her eyes.

For a moment, Swift paused, trying to comprehend how one of the scariest people he knew could look so sad and vulnerable.

But then the spell past, and Hawke looked up. “That ‘Starlight Glimmer’ pony was here alright. Was looking to hire some mercenaries. She’d need them for some sort of heist she’s got planned.”

“Heist?” Swift asked.

“Details were after people got hired,” she replied. “Not before.” She looked away. “Either way, only a few griffons came along. She didn’t have bits in hoof, but she was a sweet-talker. Got a few of them to accept contracts that promised payment later. That’s why I’m not among them; contracts like that led to you finding me in a cell.”

Swift hummed. “And where is she now?”

“Do you think I’d still be here if I knew that?” Hawke demanded. “Griffons don’t care about anything unless it somehow gives them bits. That was how Sunny and your dad met up; both of them had treasures they wanted, and that was all they cared about.” Hawke glared away. “Your mom got your dad killed by exploiting his greed; having him rob other dragon hordes and sweetening the deal however she could.”

Swift tilted his head. “Was that… grief in your voice?”

“NO!” Hawke shouted.

Swift jumped back, his wings rising again, and Hawke went for her crossbow. But before a showdown could occur…

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” Gabby was flying back.

“Gabby?” Swift asked.

“One of the ponies,” Gabby said. “R-Rainbow Dash, I think! She went into the Abysmal Abyss looking for the Idol of Boreas. She’s hurt and Pinkie needs help to get her out!”

Swift’s response was instant. Flaring his wings, he launched into the sky… and turned back. “Uh, where’s Abysmal Abyss?”

Hawke rolled her eyes, but Gabby beamed at him. “I’ll show you!”

Together, the two griffons took off.

They found not only Dash in trouble, however, but Pinkie and Gilda as well. Down inside the abyss, Gilda was hanging onto Pinkie and Dash, who clung to her for dear life.

But right next to her, glinting in what little light could reach the abyss, was the Idol of Boreas. And Gilda was eyeing it.

Swift’s eyes narrowed. Tucking his wings, he dove into the abyss, riding the winds like a pro and angling for Dash and Pinkie.

But, right before he could flare his wings and grab them…

“You’re worth more to me than some dumb chunk of gold,” Gilda yelled, yanking Dash and Pinkie up.

Swift froze. “Did she just…”

But in his moment of shock, the wind blew him off course. He slammed hard into the idol, and began to plummet.

“SWIFT!” Dash screamed, Pinkie and Gilda staring in horror.

Spike almost crushed the eyeball, wanting to go help.

But then a flash of dark blue sped by them, attached to a rope. It caught Swift, but fumbled the Idol, letting it fall into darkness.

“Agh, whatever,” Hawke’s voice snarled.

“Hawke?” Swift stammered.

“GABBY!” Hawke yelled.

Up above, Gabby strained with the rope, pulling it like a bungee cord.

Together, Dash, Pinkie, Gilda, Hawke and Swift all surged up out of the abyss, landing with a collective THUD on safe ground.

Hawke extricated herself from the group, dusting herself off. Swift could only stare at her in shock.

“Hawke…” he muttered. “You…”

Hawke didn’t reply. “Consider us even,” she said, before flapping her wings and taking off.

Nearby, Gilda was having a much warmer resolution with Dash and Pinkie. But Swift couldn’t participate. He could only stare in shock as Hawke flew away, like saving his life was nothing.

Gabby hesitantly pat his shoulder. “Swift? Are you okay?”

Swift blinked, glancing at Gabby. “I, uh… I’m not sure,” he admitted. He glanced at the eyeball connecting him to Spike. “But I do know one thing. Starlight’s preparing for something big.”

“Yeah,” Spike agreed, even if Swift couldn’t hear him. “And she’s factoring us into it.” He closed his fist over the eyeball, careful not to crush it.

This was going to complicate things.

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