• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode Ten: A Dog And Pony Sequel

Spike was hoping that Diamondback and Rarity would get along. Both of them were already so similar. And with Diamondback already interested in learning about friendship, surely the two would be capable of bonding, right?

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be the case. For as Spike left Jackknife and Rainbow to their competitions, he found Diamondback storming out of Ponyville, some of her dogs under her arms, and with a very insulted ‘Well, I never’ look plastered across her features.

“Oh, no…” Spike groaned, before racing over to block Diamondback’s path. “Diamondback? Diamondback, what happened?”

Diamondback harrumphed. “For a Pony Element of Generosity, that ‘Rarity’ is one of the most close-minded individuals I’ve ever met.” She pet one of her diamond dogs like it was a chihuahua. “Having the nerve to insult my diamond dogs…” she snorted. “You insult my treasures, you insult me, darling!”

Spike glanced at the dog in question - Kodo, he remembered his name being - and his heart skipped a beat. “I… may know what you’re talking about,” he admitted. “You see, a while back, Rarity had a… bad encounter with…”

“I’m aware of her previous misadventure,” Diamondback said shortly. “And I’ll tell you the same thing I told her: my dogs are well-behaved, loyal to me, and properly raised. They’re nothing like whatever stray mongrels she came across. But does she listen to me?” Diamondback scoffed again. “No! No, apparently because my dogs are diamond dogs, they are worthy only of suspicion!”

Spike raised his hands placatingly. “Okay-okay, I’ll see if I can talk some sense into her.”

“See that you do, darling,” Diamondback said, nose in the air as she continued out of Ponyville. “I’ll be waiting outside this town’s borders.” She shot a glare at a mint-green pony that ducked behind a building. “Assuming these other ponies aren’t a bunch of close minded HYPOCRITES like their so-called Element of Generosity!”

“I got it, it’s okay,” Spike struggled to assure her. “Please, stay calm. I got this.”

Diamondback set her dogs down and continued to tend to them, while Spike headed towards the boutique.

Of all the ponies that had to make things difficult, it had to be Rarity, Spike bemoaned. Would he even be capable of chastising her? Seeing those beautiful blue eyes be narrowed in rage or frustration at him?

He groaned, trying to shake off his crush on her, before finding himself joined by the best ally he could have asked for.

“Things not going well, huh?” Twilight asked.

“How did you…” Spike started to ask, but Twilight spoke over him.

“Spike, I could hear Rarity and Diamondback arguing from halfway across Ponyville.” She paused. “Granted, not too well to hear what they were arguing about, but I could tell they were angry about something.”

Spike sighed as the boutique came into view. “I guess we’re gonna find out what they were mad about soon enough.”

As they entered the boutique, Spike wondered if Diamondback’s rage had been strong enough that she had destroyed anything.

But his suspicion was replaced with guilt, as he found Rarity’s boutique completely immaculate as always.

Which still begged the question: what had happened? Did Rarity do something?

“Rarity?” Twilight called.

“One moment!” Rarity’s voice snapped upstairs.

Curious, Spike headed up, and found her desperately smoothing out a dress inlaid with purple amethysts. She scrubbed at it with a vengeance, murmuring dark threats under her breath.

“Rare?” Spike asked, worriedly.

Rarity glared up at him, before scoffing. “Let me guess,” she said. “Diamondback complained to you about how I’m some cruel, close-minded witch? All because I wasn’t about to let one of her little thieves make off with my dresses?”

Spike glanced at Twilight as she joined him. “What are you talking about, Rarity?” Spike asked.

“The Diamond Dogs,” Rarity exclaimed, turning to him with a whirl. “She swore up and down that they were better than the brutes that tried to turn me into a work whorse, but I saw the truth!” She indicated her dress. “I saw one of those little thieves trying to rip the gems off of this dress!” She indicated several missing spots. “He’s already managed to take at least five of them!”

Spike deflated. So much for an easy misunderstanding.

However, Twilight was not so easily deterred, holding up her quill and paper. “Can you remember what he looked like?”

Rarity groaned. “Oh, I don’t know, they all look the same, somewhat or other.” Before Spike could grimace at her comment, she groaned and thought. “I think he had… silver fur? Yes, silver fur and one eye.”

Twilight glanced at Spike. “Do you know any of Diamondback’s dogs who have silver fur and one eye?”

Spike thought about it, remembering the dog that Diamondback had been carrying. “First one that comes to mind is Kodo,” he admitted. “But… he’s the Alphas’ son.” He glanced at Rarity. “You’re making quite the accusation there, Rarity.”

“It’s true!” Rarity insisted. “He’s a thief and a brute just like the other Dogs, and I won’t allow him or any other dog to take advantage of me.”

Twilight sighed. “I can see that this has been… a burden for you,” she said, backing up and taking Spike with her. “Why don’t we give you a chance to cool down?”

Rarity scoffed before going back to checking over her dress. “As if a Diamond Dog could change…” she muttered as Spike and Twilight backed out of the boutique.

Spike sighed. “Well, that sucks,” he said.

“It’s not over yet,” Twilight said, “We’ll need Kodo’s side of the story if we want to connect this all together.”

“But Twilight,” Spike protested. “Kodo’s one of Diamondback’s. We try to question him, Diamondback will think we’re taking Rarity’s side.”

“It’s not an accusation to ask him some questions,” Twilight insisted. “Besides, Diamondback’s way more reasonable than most dragons. Surely she’ll see that we only want to make peace.”


Unfortunately, Twilight put too much stock in Diamondback’s willingness to be generous.

“You just want to lump all my dogs together into an antagonistic little pile of villains, don’t you?” Diamondback sneered. “Slander and lies! He did nothing wrong, and you and Rarity both should be ashamed of being such a close-minded species-ist.”

“I’m not saying he’s connected,” Twilight insisted, “I’m just curious what his side of the story is.”

“I already know his side,” Diamondback snapped back. “He was minding his own business, and Rarity let her past blind her to the truth. Whatever the other Diamond Dogs did to her, my dogs had nothing to do with it!”

Spike sighed. He could tell that this arguing was going to go on forever. Unless…

“No one’s accusing your dogs of anything,” Twilight said. “We just…”

“Twilight,” Spike interjected. “Just let this go.”

“What?” Twilight stammered. “But Spike…”

“Please,” Spike gripped her shoulders, gazing at him pleadingly to trust him. “Diamondback’s dogs are nothing like the dogs who took Rarity. I’m willing to trust them. Don’t you trust me?” He put emphasis on the last sentence, gazing into her eyes.

Twilight’s own eyes widened as he realized what his plan was. She nodded. “Of course, I trust you, Spike.”

Spike smiled. “Then please, go to Rarity and…” He glanced at Diamondback, who was watching them with narrowed eyes. “And ask her for an apology.”

Twilight grimaced, but Spike tightened his grip briefly, wishing he could share his full plan with her.

“Please,” he said. “I know what we need to do here.” He grinned on the last part.

Twilight glanced at Diamondback again, but after looking at Spike, she gave a nod, and backed off. “Okay,” she said. “Okay.” She turned away and left for the boutique.

Spike looked to Diamondback, who let out a slow breath.

“Thank you, Spike,” she said, brushing his cheek with her claw. “It’s nice to know I can count on you.” She kissed his head and strode over to her dogs.

For a moment, Spike froze where he was. Why did that feel better than when Rarity did it?

But he quickly shook off his feelings. He still had work to do.

With Diamondback placated, Spike went towards her dogs. He quickly found Kodo huddled in a corner, with his tail tucked and his ears lowered.

“Kodo?” Spike asked.

The diamond dog looked up, his one blue eye wide with worry. “Mr. Spike,” he said, glancing over at Diamondback. “I…”

Spike lifted a hand, waiting until Diamondback got preoccupied with something from Shiva. He then gave Kodo a firm look. “Tell me what really happened at the boutique?”

Kodo sighed. “The mare kept looking at us like we were going to steal everything from her. She just…” he grimaced. “She was acting very snobby. Diamondback told us to prove her suspicions wrong by being good. And I was trying, but…” he sighed. “I found this beautiful purple dress with amethysts on it…”

The dress Rarity was working on, Spike realized, though he didn’t say anything, letting Kodo continue.

“...and…” Kodo licked his lips nervously.

Spike comforted him. “It’s okay; you’re not in trouble,” he said. “Just tell me what you did.”

Kodo gazed at Spike worriedly… before unveiling five amethysts in his claws.

The same ones Rarity had said were missing from her dress.

Spike stared at Kodo in horror. “You stole from Rarity?”

“It was only a few,” Kodo tried to insist. “I was trying to help with the dress - show that we were different - but I didn’t know what I was doing, and some of the gems fell. And when I picked them up, I figured…”

“Kodo,” Spike struggled to keep his voice down, glancing at Diamondback. “Diamondback and Rarity are at each other’s throats over this. You need to tell Diamondback.”

Kodo looked up at Diamondback in fear. “But… what if she gets angry at me?” he whimpered. “I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I even thought she’d like some of them; she loves amethysts!”

“Kodo!” Spike said firmly. “Rarity went through a very bad experience with diamond dogs. You can’t do things like that; it only proves her assumptions right, and makes things even worse.”

As if to prove his point, Diamondback turned, a growl forming on her face as Rarity stormed over, Twilight struggling to keep Rarity back.

“Rarity, just leave it alone,” Twilight pleaded, but Rarity was a mare on a mission.

“So,” Rarity snarled. “You want an apology, do you?” She glared at Spike. “You steal my gems, you steal my dragon, and now you want to steal my dignity?!”

Your dragon?” Diamondback sneered. “Who knew the Greed was capable of affecting creatures outside of dragons?”

Rarity turned red in the face. “I will not stand for this.”

“Then don’t!” Diamondback growled, nudging her with her claw and forcing Rarity to sit down hard.

Spike winced. Glancing at Kodo accusingly, he ran over to help Twilight in keeping the two girls apart.

“DB, stop,” Spike pleaded. “You’re better than this.”

“You… you traitor!” Rarity hissed at him. “Taking this beast’s side after her thieves steal from me!” She glared up at Diamondback. “I want my amethysts back!”

“We don’t have them, because we’re not thieves!” Diamondback snarled. “My dogs are the epitome of good. And it’s not their fault you’re stuck in the past!”

However, Rarity followed Spike’s gaze, and saw Kodo looking on in guilt. “If I’m so stuck in the past, why don’t you prove it.” She pointed at Kodo. “Where are my amethysts, dog?”

Kodo flinched, before Diamondback stepped between them. “Don’t blame my dogs for your incompetence.”

Rarity’s horn began to glow ominously. Twilight tried to refute it with her own horn. “Rarity, stop!”

Diamondback, however, laughed, towering over all of them. “You don’t want to test me, child,” Diamondback warned.

“DB, please,” Spike pleaded, gazing at Kodo. “Stop this!”

Kodo’s eyes darted back and forth. It looked like Rarity and Diamondback were seconds away from tearing each other apart. However, as Rarity screamed and lifted Twilight out of her way with a spell…


Left with no other choice, Spike raced under Diamondback and grabbed Kodo, yanking the amethysts from his claws and holding them up.

“Stop-stop-stop!” Spike said, pulling Kodo to the center of the conflict.

Diamondback stared at the gems and Kodo in shock. “Spike…” she stammered, “Did you…?”

“Who’s side are you on, Spike?” Rarity demanded. “You claim Diamondback’s dog is in the right, then you suddenly try to frame him or something?”

“I’m not framing anyone,” Spike said. “I’m stopping you two from making a horrendous mistake.” He turned to Rarity. “Rarity, what the diamond dogs put you through was horrendous. I won’t deny it, and I’m sorry it had to happen. But it doesn’t justify you acting like a complete lunatic and hating all diamond dogs on principle. Diamondback has raised these dogs better than that.”

Rarity glared at the amethysts in his talons. “Not nearly good enough,” she muttered.

Diamondback opened her mouth to retort, but Spike turned on her.

“Don’t argue with her, DB,” Spike said. “Your diamond dogs are better than most, but that doesn’t make them perfect. Unless you forgot what they did to Phoenix.”

Diamondback winced at the reminder, and even Kodo looked down in shame.

“I’m sorry, DB,” he whimpered. “I… I only thought…” He stopped and shook his head. “No, there’s no excuse for me stealing from those we’re supposed to befriend.” He lowered himself to all fours. “Please forgive me.”

Diamondback gazed down at her dog with sorrow, before inclining her head. “I’m sorry, Rarity,” she said. “I… suppose I… overestimated my dog’s integrity.”

Rarity, however, didn’t look pleased with her victory. As she gazed at Kodo and saw how frightened he looked, she lowered her head in guilt. “I… I’m sorry too,” she admitted. “Spike is right; I shouldn’t have let my past experiences turn me into a brute as well. I was far too harsh.” She gazed up at Diamondback. “Can you… forgive… an imperfect mare?”

Diamondback managed a small smile. “As long as you can forgive an old dragoness that doesn’t know as much as she thinks.”

Spike and Twilight smiled hopefully, before Kodo looked up. “So… what can I do to repent?” he asked.

Diamondback glanced at Rarity, who gave Kodo another ponderous look before sighing.

“If you can learn from this experience and do something about those sticky fingers of yours,” Rarity said, “I could use a model for some stallion suits. Dresses are all well and good, but I could also use some items that stallions might be interested in.”

“He’ll do it,” Diamondback replied, before glaring at Kodo. “And should he ever shame his pack again, I will personally see that he never does it again.”

Kodo gulped and nodded in submission. With the thief taken care of, Diamondback and Rarity gave each other another worried look.

“So…” Diamondback mused. “Did you… want to continue work on that diamond studded dress?”

“Oh, yes, actually,” Rarity admitted, her eyes brightening again. “The way you’ve embedded the diamonds with the scales is a marvelous pattern that I’d love to work on more.”

Smiling, Diamondback went back into Ponyville with her, as Twilight and Spike watched on.

The Alpha Shiva came up to them apologetically. “Apologies for all of this,” she said. “Rarity was just… acting…”

“Like Rarity, right?” Spike asked.

Shiva blushed sheepishly. Her tail flicked between her legs before Twilight pat her shoulder.

“We’ll try and make sure that she doesn’t act so mean to you guys from now on,” she promised.

Shiva grinned. “And we’ll make sure to not give her any reasons to get mean,” she offered.

Spike smiled. “Sounds great.”


Dear Princess Celestia,

It’s easy to want to help our friends, especially when our friends have helped us in the past.

It’s a much bigger challenge to be willing to help those we’re suspicious of or just don’t like.

Rarity, Diamondback and the Diamond Dog Pack learned this today, when a misunderstanding nearly made Rarity and Diamondback do something they would have regretted for a very long time.

Luckily, one of the diamond dogs, Kodo, was able to bring peace by remembering that just because we don’t like someone doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still try to treat them with respect and courtesy.

Because sometimes, what we dislike in others is stuff we dislike in ourselves. So instead of blindly hating, maybe it’s better to find that common ground, and use it to turn hate into something kinder and better.

Hopefully, Rarity and Diamondback can accomplish that in the future.

Until then,

Your dragon friend, Spike

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