• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 31: The Alicorn Arc; Part Three

Author's Note:

Standard reminder: Astral and Aurora are the original characters of AstralFlare42. Thank you, Astral, for your contribution to the story. :twilightsmile:

If Twilight hadn’t acted as quick as she had, everything would have been lost.

“Night, don’t!” Twilight hissed, her voice cracking in grief as Night nearly lunged at Discord. “If you expose yourself…”

“I ain’t about to show him my goods!” Night shot back, before realizing what she said. “S-Sorry, Spike, you’re way too young for…”

“Will you knock it off, that’s not what she meant!” Spike snarled. “Think about Tirek! If he’s out there…”

Right on cue, the centaur made his appearance, striding towards the cage containing the Mane Five first.

Fluttershy was sobbing as he approached. “Why are you doing this, Discord? I thought we were friends!”

“Oh, we were,” Discord said, in a smug tone that made Spike’s blood boil. “But Tirek offered me so much more than just tea parties. Surely you saw this coming.”

“I didn’t,” Fluttershy whimpered as Tirek began to drain her magic. “I really didn’t.”

Seconds later, the deed was done, and the Mane Five lay magic-less.

Night swore, and Twilight let a single tear escape. But Twilight stopped Spike and Night from acting.

“Give me a second,” she said. “I-I need to think of a plan.”

“We need to do something,” Spike said. “We gotta save them.”

However, at that moment, Tirek noticed the Drake Four.

“Dragons?” he mused. “What brought you down from your volcanos?”

Diamondback merely glared at him in defiance, while Jackknife spat at him and Astral tried to fling one of his swords at him. Swift shivered in Phoenix’s grip, as Phoenix stood protectively over him.

“Oh, just some friends her little dragon picked up,” Discord replied. “Though, I could’ve sworn there were more of them…”

“It matters not,” Tirek replied. In one quick inhale, he drained them of their fire and magic. “You really think that Princess Twilight will do anything for them?”

“If Twilight has magic to give, it will be yours,” Discord replied. “Soon, there won’t be a pony, dragon or any other creature of magic that can stand against us.”

Night gasped at the crafty look in Tirek’s eyes, quickly covering her mouth before Spike or Twilight could.

“Us?” Tirek asked. “Who said anything about us?”

Discord blinked. “Y-You did.”

Tirek smirked and lifted Discord with the magic he stole. “You’ve helped me grow strong. You’ve provided the means by which I can obtain Princess Twilight’s magic. And now, you are no longer of any use to me.”

Jaws all across town dropped as Tirek drained Discord of his magic, throwing him aside like a rag doll.

“But…” Discord whimpered, pulling up some sort of necklace he had been wearing. He held it out to Tirek. “You said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty! A gift from someone close to you!”

“My brother,” Tirek replied coldly. “Who betrayed me. It is as worthless as he is.”

As he turned away, Applejack and the others glared at Discord. “Surely you saw this coming,” she noted.

“I didn’t,” Discord whimpered weakly. “I truly didn’t.”

Tirek stopped at the cage containing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. That’s when his eyes turned, landing right on the collective trio.

“You might as well come out now, Princess Twilight,” he noted. “I know you’re there.”

Twilight, Spike and Night exchanged glances, but Twilight was looking right at Discord. Spike could see the gears in her mind turning.

“Stay back,” she whispered to her dragon friends. “And only attack on my signal.” She showed her signal with a wave of her hoof. “I got an idea.”

Holding her head high like Celestia, Twilight stepped out and glared Tirek down.

“You have something that belongs to me,” Tirek said. “And you’re going to give me what I want.”

“In exchange,” Twilight said, “You’re going to release them.” She indicated her friends. “All of them. In return, I will give you all the Alicorn magic in Equestria.”

“WHAT?!” everyone shouted.

“Don’t do it, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“What is she thinking?!” Diamondback stammered.

“NIGHT!” Jackknife bellowed. “Why are you letting this happen?!”

Night winced, but Spike kept her back. Whatever Twilight was planning, he had to trust her.

Tirek, thankfully, had eyes for no one but Twilight. “As you wish,” he declared, opening the cages. He almost threw Discord into one of them… but Twilight stamped a hoof.

“All of them,” she said, looking at a stunned Discord.

Tirek laughed. “After the way he has betrayed you, you still call him a friend?”

Twilight’s gaze was like steel. “Release him!”

Tirek huffed. “If that’s what you wish.”

He threw Discord to the others, Discord staring at Twilight with shock, and shame.

“Twilight…” he whispered. “I… I’m…”

But Twilight didn’t look at him. She and Tirek only seemed to have eyes for each other.

“Your turn,” Tirek growled, stepping closer and inhaling.

But once again, nothing happened.

Tirek snarled. “What is this?! WE HAD A DEAL!”

“We do,” Twilight said with a grin. “I promised you all the Alicorn magic in Equestria.” She turned. “Night. Give it to him.”

Thankfully, Night understood… and buried her foot halfway down Tirek’s throat, before unleashing a blast of magic that threw him out of the town and into the countryside.

“Hey big boy,” Night noted, tossing one of her scales in her hand. “You want the Alicorn magic? Here it is!” She threw her scale. “Fetch!”

Tirek’s eyes followed the scale, and he leaped up and snatched it… only for it to blow up in his face.


“Pot? Is that you?” Night asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she moved forward. “It’s Kettle; nice to see you!”

Right on cue, she conjured a giant kettle, which smashed onto Tirek’s head, leaving him with a loopy expression before Night punched him further away into the countryside.

As everyone watched the black dragoness run circles around the centaur, gasps and bits of shocked laughter emanated.

“But… how is she doing that?” Rarity stammered. “Dragons can’t absorb magic… can they?”

Spike and Pinkie Pie merely exchanged a grin, which they were able to hide with laughter as Tirek tried to rush Night, only for her to conjure a matador outfit.

“TORO-TORO!” She declared, before turning intangible, letting Tirek run headfirst into a mountain.

Spike and the others cackled, before Spike noticed Discord weakly laughing as well.

“She’s better at my job than I am,” Discord noted. Though as Spike and Twilight looked at him, his face fell and he lowered his head in shame. “Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But I see now that there is nothing worth more.” He looked at his medallion with sad reflection. “He lied when he said this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship…” he removed the medallion and gave it to Twilight. “I’m telling the truth.”

Twilight gazed at the medallion, hope springing across her face. She looked to the others, who seemed to understand.

“You think that might be the last one we need.”

Twilight nodded, turning to the others. “We have to get to the Castle of Two Sisters.”

“I’d say we’ll keep Tirek occupied, but…” Jackknife trailed off as Tirek shrieked in frustration, stampeding around while tangled up in Night’s matador cloak, all while Night - now dressed in a cowboy outfit - was riding him like a rodeo bull.


“YOU WILL DIE SLOW!” Tirek vowed, ripping through the cloak and trying to buck her off… only for Night to turn into another anvil right as she was flung over his head, burying his face in the dirt.

“I say we just enjoy the show,” Scootaloo noted.

Smiling, Twilight and her friends ran back for the Tree of Harmony, while Spike sat with his friends and watched Night and Tirek’s battle.

As Night battled against Tirek, she noticed the crowd watching her.

“You got this, Night Fire!” Jackknife cheered.

“Give him the what-for!” Diamondback declared.

But Night’s focus quickly turned to the citizens of Ponyville, as they began to applaud and cheer for her.

“Night Fire! Night Fire! Night Fire! Night Fire!” they all began to scream and shout.

For a moment, Night got distracted - a hopeful grin spreading across her face… but one that faded as Spike noticed her conflict. But in her moment of worry, Tirek tackled her.

A collective gasp shot up as Tirek smashed Night into the ground.

“NIGHT, NO!” Jackknife wailed.

“YOU MONSTER!” Aurora screamed as Tirek brought his fists and hooves down with relentless abandon on the dragoness. She was soon hidden in a cloud of dust and dirt.

“You’ve humiliated and annoyed me for too long, dragoness,” Tirek snarled, digging into the dirt and bringing the beaten dragon up. “But no more! Your magic… is… MINE!”

He tried to inhale… but still nothing happened. And as the dust cleared, everyone saw that he wasn’t holding a beaten Night… but a shedded snake skin.

“W-What…?” Tirek stammered, before a shadow rose up behind him. As he turned, a beam of energy blasted him again, carving a trench through the countryside.

“I’m not just a dragoness,” Night’s voice declared from the shadows, her electric green eyes shining in darkness. “I am the reminder that darkness itself should not be feared, only the ones that misuse its power.”

Spike’s eyes widened. “No way…” he whispered. “Is she going to…?”

The crowd was silent, watching as ‘Night’ slowly began to walk out of the darkness.

“I have spent so long running; certain that others saw me as a monster… always hiding who I truly was inside. No more.”

She stepped out of the darkness… and another collective gasp rang out.

Night had shed her dragon form. She stood as an alicorn princess, tall, proud and ready to kick tail.

“I am Star Wing,” Star declared. “And THIS!” She shot forward and broke Tirek’s jaw with a punch. “IS!” She upper cut him into the air. “MY!” She caught his tail and spun him so fast he became a blur. “HOME!”

She hurled him towards the Castle of Two Sisters. He smashed into the Ever Free forest hard enough to leave a crater. And right on cue, Twilight and the Mane Five rose from the Castle, shining like diamonds as whatever power the Tree had was finally bestowed onto them.

“H-How…” Tirek whimpered. “How?”

“You may have stolen normal magic, Tirek,” Twilight said. “But there is one magic you can never take from us. The most powerful magic of all.”

Sharing a grin with Twilight, Star lifted up her friends. Silvery threads bound them to her, sharing the power of five alicorns with them.

As one, pony and dragon blasted Tirek with two pure white beams of light. And with a final scream, Tirek was blasted from existence, and flung into the deepest pit of Tartarus.

Carefully, the dragons and ponies lowered to the ground. Eyes quickly turned to Star Wing, as she stood tall and proud.

On closer inspection, Spike noticed that she hadn’t completely shed her dragon form: her tail was still draconic, as were her wings. Her eyes still retained slit pupils, and the teeth of a dragon gleamed as she smiled. Add to that, small bits of white scales sprouted up from her otherwise dark fur.

“I can’t believe it,” Rarity stammered. “All this time. You’ve been…”

“She’s Star Wing,” Pinkie replied with a smile. “More importantly… She's our friend.”

Star’s eyes glittered with happy tears at Pinkie’s reply.


It didn’t take long for magic to be restored to the land, and before long, everyone stood gathered at Canterlot, with Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and even Star Wing seated on thrones.

All eyes were on Discord as he remained magicless, kneeling before the collection of alicorns.

“Discord,” Celestia said in disappointment. “You betrayed Equestria to Tirek.”

Discord merely lowered his head in shame.

“Yet you also provided the means by which Star Wing and I could beat him,” Twilight noted.

“Indeed,” Celestia said. “For that, we will let you retain your immortality.”

“That being said,” Luna added. “The rest of your magic must be earned back.”

Cadence revealed an orb that flashed and shimmered with the power of chaos. “Help others and show the goodness in your heart,” she said. “And your power will return, little by little.”

“A hundred good deeds gets you one percent of your power,” Star noted with a grin.

Discord chuckled. “Experienced fighters can do much with only a small percentage of that power,” he noted, though his smile faded as he looked back at Celestia. He gave a more respectful bow. “I have learned much from this experience, Princesses. Honestly more than my many centuries of mischief making could have taught. I will not make the same mistakes again.”

Celestia nodded, and Discord retreated back into the crowd, Fluttershy patting him on the back as he sat next to her.

“Star Wing,” Luna declared, causing Star to slip off her throne and stand before the princesses. “You have shown great courage and tenacity in the battle against Tirek.”

“Every pony here,” Twilight declared. “Owes you their lives.”

Star tried to make herself look casual. “Aw, c’mon,” she said. “Just part of being a hero, right?”

“Like the stories we used to read?” Luna asked wistfully.

“Your name shall stand among them,” Celestia promised, tears brimming in her eyes. “Star Wing… our history has been rift with tension and strife.” She gazed out at the crowd. “Star Wing knows better than anyone… that even I can be flawed, and make horrible mistakes.”

Worried murmuring sounded, but everyone stayed focused on the alicorns as Celestia looked back to Star.

“Star,” she said. “Should you wish it, we will gladly welcome you back. You would have your rank of Princess - this time, properly recognized as such by even the nobles of Canterlot…”

“And our home would always be open to you,” Luna added with a smile.

Mother and daughter grinned at each other, while Star glanced at her hooves - which Spike noticed still had dragon talons around the edges.

“It’s a tempting offer,” she admitted. “But… I imagine that being a princess is going to mean a lot of paperwork. And I was never good at writing.”

The dragons chuckled, though the princesses looked more confused, and almost worried.

Star sighed. “Princesses… Mother… for many centuries, I dreamed about coming back here. About being recognized as a princess… as a hero… as a living soul.” She looked back towards Spike and the others. “But… what I ended up finding on my journey… I kinda like it.” She turned to Twilight. “And even though the Tree of Harmony seemed to think I was full of bulls, well… Princess Twilight did encourage me to balance joy for myself and joy for others. I’d like to take her up on her advice.”

Celestia gave a small sigh. “So… you would rather not be a Princess again?”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Star noted. “I’ll still defend Equestria when it needs me. And visit when I can. But… not every alicorn needs to be a prince or princess. I’d like to showcase that.” She looked at Diamondback and the others. “If you guys will still have me, of course.”

Spike looked at the others - at Diamondback and Phoenix. Diamondback’s eyes were shining.

“Do you even need to ask that, darling?” Diamondback asked, before scooping her up in a hug. “You’re my friend. My treasure.”

“Our friend,” Phoenix added.

“Our partner in crime!” Jackknife laughed as he clapped Star on the back.

“You never needed to hide anything from us,” Swift promised.

“What he said.” Spike joined her in hugging Star.

The princesses glanced at each other, and the crowd cooed and murmured, but ultimately, Celestia turned back to Star, and nodded.

“It’s probably for the better,” Cadence noted, grinning at Twilight. “We already have one new princess already.”

“Indeed,” Celestia said with a grin. “Tell me, Princess Twilight. You have been wondering what you are meant to do as a Princess. Do you know now?”

“Yes,” Twilight said. “I believe that as Princess, I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. That is the role I am meant to have in our world. The role I choose to have. But I didn’t defeat Tirek on my own - it took everyone.” She looked to the dragons. “Friends of all shapes and sizes. It is clear I am not meant to take on this task alone.” She turned to the dragons. To Discord and the Mane Five. Her horn flashed with power similar to the Tree of Harmony, and a crystal map of Equestria appeared before them. “Will you help me in spreading friendship across this world?”

The dragons grinned at each other.

“Twilight,” Spike said. “You don’t even need to ask.”

“Don’t think you’re hogging all the good deeds, Spikey,” Discord noted. “Star Wing said 100 good deeds for a percent of my power back. And I want to get started!”

“Careful, Discord,” Diamondback noted. “We don’t need to think you’re doing this out of greed.”

“Ah, I’m sure you’re the expert on that, aren’t you?” Discord teased. He adopted a sick pose. “Tell me doctor, will I ever live free of the Greed?!”

The others chuckled, before Spike and Twilight shared a grin across the map.

“So,” Star said, as the map already began to flash with possible adventures. “Where to next?”

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