• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Finale: Into the Maw

Sunset paused for a moment as she passed through the portal and appeared in the outskirts of the Maw, a twisted realm where the most unforgivable and irredeemable souls were sent, even though most still ended up in Revendreth so the inhabitants could make an attempt to atone for their sins. The Maw itself looked like a realm that had been shattered by some sort of force in the distant past, forcefully pulled together by large chains to form the floating islands that made up it's territory, though most of this place looked like it was charred and barren. Of course there were all sorts of buildings that were scattered throughout the Maw, structures that looked like places of torment for those souls that were sent here, an area she would have likely been sent to if she failed to be absolved of her sins in the Sire's realm. In addition to that Sunset found two interesting areas on the islands, one being a ghostly river that seemed to cut through part of the left side of the Maw, likely the entry point for those sent here, while the other was a heated area that looked like it might be a smithy, likely an area to forge specific implements of torture.

Off in the distance floated a massive citadel that looked like a prison for the evilest of souls, a spiraling tower that had to be the seat of the Jailer's power, his domain, meaning he was likely still inside it, planning out the next move he would make to fulfill whatever plan he had been working towards.

"So, this is the Maw... it almost feels like home, given what I've gone." Sunset remarked, because she knew herself better than most and, with the insight given by being purified by the Elements of Harmony, she knew that no matter what the Sire and his Harvesters did she would refuse to be absolved of her many sins, meaning this place would have become her home at some point anyway, she just skipped part of the process, "Oh well, time to get started."

With Frostmourne in hand Sunset made her way down the path in front of her and found that the tormentors were beings in dark armor that looked identical to the walls of the structures that were around the Maw, wielding pikes to inflict torment on the damned, even though some had other weapons, no doubt based on their position. Sure enough she found that the pair in her path were surprised to find her in the Maw, no doubt because they thought she was still a 'living' creature despite the fact that she had died before being raised as a death knight, but, as she expected, they were hostile towards her. She was fine with that, as Sunset figured the more tormentors she killed the greater her chance of drawing out the Jailer would be, at least in her mind it made sense, so when they lashed out at her she pulled Frostmourne up and parried the attack, before altering her stance to let the weapon pass by her. With that done Sunset stabbed the first tormentor right in it's heart, if it even had one, before pushing it back to parry the incoming attack from the second one, causing her to summon the other blade from her runeblade to deal fatal damage to her other foe, dropping it to the ground as well.

Sunset knew that this was going to be a long and painful process, as she would have to find the key players in the Jailer's forces that would draw his attention quicker than she could do with just killing the lesser tormentors, though with that lone thought in her mind she readied her runeblades before taking off.

Her secondary objective was to sow chaos amongst the ranks of the tormentors, or Mawsworn she guessed they could be called, eventually forcing the Jailer's hand to either send out more of his more powerful minions or even come out to see what in the world was going on. Even so she could feel something staring at her as she flew through the air, no doubt some sort of surveillance spell or device that the Jailer had set up to ensure everything in his realm worked as he intended, and since only the Mawsworn seemed to be flying through the air this would give her some of the attention she was seeking, or so she hoped. Even so she zeroed in on the Mawsworn that were flying through the air and stabbed them before they had a chance to do anything to her, even using one to defend herself against what appeared to be small floating towers that were designed to deal with souls that were trying to run, to ensure they were captured, causing her to alter her plan for a time as she targeted the towers. She really didn't want to be bothered by the towers and their powerful blasts, since they proved to be an unnecessary distraction, so she unleashed a small bit of her power on them, creating energy spikes that pierced the material that made the towers and detonated once they were deep enough, wiping out the towers while she focused on all of the flying Mawsworn that were coming after her.

One Mawsworn actually tackled her and knocked her down into the ground, near what looked like a fortress of some kind, to which she removed it's head with her blades, though as she picked herself up she found that there were more types of enemies to fight, as in massive giants that were brutes, floating robe wearing mages, twisted dragons that seemed ready to tear their enemies apart, and who knew what else.

"Lok'tar ogar!" a voice cried out, where Sunset glanced at the sky for a moment as an orc warrior, Garrosh Hellscream, or at least the one that fell to the might of the Scourge and was risen as a minion of Death, crashed into the ground, crushing one of Sunset's enemies before it even had a chance to attack her.

"Garrosh? What are you doing here? You should be in Maldraxxus, given your history." Sunset said, as even with him being turned into a soldier of Death, forced to kill the living, she suspected that the Arbiter would have sent him to the realm of warriors, or maybe Revendreth to purge him of all the sins he committed in her dark name.

"Since you wiped out so many alternate timelines, and sent so many to the Shadowlands, the Arbiter has decided that you won't fight this battle on your own." another voice said, where she found her Kairoz, along with the Chromie she had also raised into undeath, standing nearby, who used their magical powers to blast several Mawsworn into oblivion, their Anima being absorbed into Frostmourne, just like those Sunset had slain since her arrival.

As Sunset thought about that, and what it meant, a comet shower happened in the air, where she watched as the forces of her army rained down on the Maw, where people that she had given a second chance of sorts, by freeing them from her power and sending them to their afterlives, joined her in what might very well be her last fight. Without needing to utter a single word she gestured to all of the Mawsworn and her army crashed into them before landing, using the force of them entering the Maw to crush some of her enemies into submission, just like Garrosh had done when he entered this realm of Death. Following that she watched as some of the more powerful members of her army arrived, Deathwing struck the nearby mountain, where another fortress had been built, and roared as he used his earth powers to shatter the area that it was in, while the rest of the Aspects and their kin rained death on the Mawsworn around them. The risen soldiers of the Horde and the Alliance crashed into the forces of the Maw, cutting and blasting their enemies into submission as Sunset did the same, picking out the more important members of the Jailer's forces to cut down before they could report to their master.

It turned the Maw into a literal warzone between them and the tormentors of the Maw, where soldiers fell on both sides of the conflict, though to ensure the Jailer didn't gain anything from this Sunset used her lingering connection to those she had risen and trapped their souls in Frostmourne, to present them to the Arbiter if she survived all this.

While her forces tore into the Mawsworn that were guarding the Maw, and targeting the reinforcements to prevent them from gaining the upper hand, Sunset gathered her power for a few seconds before bursting into the air, heading right for the floating tower that their enemies called Torghast. She struck the outside of it with her magic and found that, thanks to her special gear, namely Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, she was able to slip through whatever barrier rested on the outer walls and appeared inside the structure that the Jailer had to be waiting in. What she discovered was that the entry area looked like the antechamber of some palace, or something to that effect, and as Sunset walked forward, taking in the sights while looking for any enemies that might be lingering in this place, she spotted what appeared to be a sealed portal to another part of the structure. Such a thing meant that it had to be someone important to the Jailer, either one of the most dangerous souls in all of creation, a criminal who shouldn't be allowed to see the light of day for the rest of their miserable existence, or someone he was exploiting for his own purposes.

Such a thing caused her to turn her magic on the seal for a few seconds and shattered it with ease, opening the portal that had been sealed by Domination magic, allowing her to enter it and found that it brought her to a platform that was likely deep in Torghast's depths, with a large figure, as tall as the Eternal Ones, chained in front of her.

"Wh... Whose there?" the figure asked, where Sunset found that it was, indeed, male based on the voice, which matched the form she was seeing right now, while noticing that the chains were linked to a pair of bracers it was wearing right now, not to mention a Mawsworn helm to likely keep his identity obscured while the Jailer forced his will upon him, "Zo... Zovaal, is that you?"

"No, the Jailer is elsewhere in Torghast... I am an ally." Sunset replied, as she had a feeling she knew where the six Eternal One was now, where she raised Frostmourne, something that caught the figure's attention as he stared at her though some slits in the eyes of his prison helm, and lashed through the chains like they were butter, before readying her magic for a few seconds as she pointed it at him, "Brace yourself, as this is going to be painful."

What she did was connect her magical powers with the abilities of both Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, just like Sunset had done in the past, before connecting them to the figure in front of her, where she found that his memories were fragmented and scattered, causing her to focus her mind. She found that the fragments in question were scattered all over the Maw, twisted into the forms of weapons and armor to serve the will of Zovaal as he prepared, in secret, for the day when he could leave this place and destroy all of reality, or maybe just enslave everything. As her power found each fragment she pulled them back to where she was standing, channeling all of them into the figure in front of her as she discovered that her process had an interesting effect on him, he lost his hunch and started to stand straight once more. The mask shattered as she worked, revealing the humanoid face of who she assumed was the Primus, the last of the Eternal Ones, and she found that his robe was restored to it's former glory, while discovering that he had a magnificent white beard, a pair of horns that were different from demonic ones, a look in his eye that represented his wisdom, and a staff of power.

"I... remember... everything." the Primus said, though as Sunset lowered Frostmourne she noticed that he lost something in his voice, as it was far more elegant and befitting of an Eternal One, far more than the grating pained expression he had in the form that Zovaal had forced upon him after tearing out his memories, before he noticed her, "You possess the Vessels of Domination, my finest mourneblade and the helm I designed to be it's partner... only twisted to serve Zovaal's plans for the rest of reality. Here, allow me..."

Sunset found that the power of the Primus washed over the Helm of Domination and felt something disappear, which had to be the connection her helm had to this place, or more specifically the Jailer, where the Primus nodded for a moment as he lowered his right hand, which he had raised to work his magic.

"I have severed the helm's connection to Zovaal, so you have nothing to fear from him invading your mind again." the Primus stated, though at the same time he started to walk towards the portal Sunset had created to enter this part of Torghast, an area the Eternal One didn't seem too interested in staying in for more than what was necessary, "We must return to Oribos and inform the others that..."

"Zovaal is plotting to destroy the machine of Death to gain the power to break free of the Maw and remake reality in his dark image?" Sunset remarked, something that caused the Primus to glance at her for a moment as she tapped the helm, as she had seen glimpses of the plan when Zovaal thought she'd become one of his greatest champions, creating a sea of undead that would be sent to the Maw once she completed her mission, "My army is attacking the Maw right now, tearing down the Mawsworn while I assault Torghast... I'm putting an end to this here and now, both to stop his plans and repent for what I did after being risen into undeath."

The Primus said nothing as he departed from Torghast, no doubt using his own power to track down a portal to the Maw so he could see what was going on, though as he did that Sunset headed into the antechamber and found that there were a number of paths for her to pick from. With how big the tower was sure knew that it would take her forever to track down the area that Zovaal was likely hiding in, watching her waste time while her army fought the Mawsworn, hence the reason that she did something that the Jailer might not have expected her to do, she closed her eyes and focused her magic for a few more seconds. She was using it, combined with the Helm of Domination, to track down the one she was searching for so she could pinpoint Zovaal's exact location before he had a chance to move even deeper into Torghast, and it didn't take her too long to locate her target, causing her to open her wings before taking off. In order to safely pass through the rest of Torghast she covered herself in her magic and watched as she passed from one part of the tower, a labyrinth that was the true nature of this place, to a fiery area for some reason, before reaching an area that looked like an open balcony, so one could look out over the vastness of the Maw.

Standing near the edge was a tall figure, the sixth Eternal One, who wore no chest piece, had some odd collar with a pair of spikes on either side of his head, with plated bracers like what the Primus had been wearing, and had chains linked up to them that were broken, before she noticed that he had red and purple pants, no shoes, and had a hole in his chest that made it seem like he was missing something.

"Zovaal the Jailer... we meet at last." Sunset stated, landing near her target as she tucked in her wings, as this didn't seem like a good place to use them, at least for the time being, all while the figure turned in her direction and she found that he had eerie blue runes on his arms, chest, and even parts of his head.

"Sunset Shimmer, my greatest champion... I was not expecting you to come here, not until the Legion was defeated and the soul of Argus was used to stop the machine of Death." the figure, Zovaal, replied, though while Sunset could see that her forces were still fighting the Mawsworn it was hard to tell if he was displeased with her actions or if he even cared, but she was expecting it to be the latter, especially since he didn't seem at all concerned by the battle that was going on near his doorstep, "No matter, for the act of delivering so many souls to the Shadowlands will benefit us in the end... many will fail to meet the Archon's expectations and be turned into doubters of her system, the Primus' chosen will be overwhelmed by new recruits and many undesirables will ruin their ranks, the Winter Queen will find her groves withering before long, and the Sire will find all sorts of souls that will be sent here. Eventually Death will ensnare the rest of reality and the other Cosmic Forces will be forced to bend their knee to us... I shall rule over a united universe, to destroy the Void Lords and all those who would oppose us, and you, Sunset Shimmer, will be my greatest champion, the force that enforces my will on the rest of reality."

Sunset knew that if she had been her twisted self, who served the darker side of Death, she would have knelt and offered her services to the Jailer, helping Zovaal impose his will upon not only Oribos but the rest of the Shadowlands, in addition to the rest of reality, causing her to make her decision. In the next moment she made her move, rushing off to Zovaal's left and using the edge of one of Torghast's walls to propel herself over to a small metallic disc she had set up while the Jailer was talking, allowing her to push herself towards her foe's backside. The plan was simple, while Sunset knew she was very strong, thanks to all the Anima she had absorbed and the power of four Old Gods merged with her own with their owners destroyed by the Elements of Harmony, she wasn't too sure that she could defeat an Eternal One in combat, despite what she had said to all of the others in front of the Archon. As such her plan was to cut down Zovaal without giving him even a chance to defend himself, hence why she was aiming at his neck right now, because if she took his head off it would bring an end to this in an instant and allow her to move on with her life.

As that happened, however, Zovaal extended his right hand and summoned what appeared to be a mace that was more like a warhammer, one that could switch between being used with one hand and used with two hands, and looked like the attire of the Mawsworn, that he used to parry the incoming attack.

Since Zovaal didn't seem surprised by this Sunset understood that he knew of her betrayal and that she was here to take his head, since she brought an army to make sure his forces were unable to stop this battle, but since her attack had been stopped she spread her wings once more and allowed herself to be pushed back. Sunset rushed around the balcony that they were currently on, finding that part of her movements were needed to slash at the chains that Zovaal sent her way, to pull her down and likely either chain her to his will once more or remove her so he could find a better champion, though Frostmourne was enough to deal with those items. After a few seconds she gathered her energy and spun around as she focused on her target, sending out a crescent wave of energy that rushed through the air and slammed into the Jailer, who seemed surprised by her attack as it slammed into his bare chest and detonated, enough to dent the balcony itself while kicking up some smoke. Several chains burst out of the smoke, where she found that, despite cutting down some of them, a few caught her and pulled her down into the ruined area, allowing Zovaal to swing his hammer into her side, where she was thankful for the armor she was wearing, as that attack hurt her insides enough to cause her to stagger, though it was in that moment she was grateful that she was still undead, otherwise she'd be on the ground.

Despite that fact, however, Sunset found that Zovaal was wounded, due to the diagonal slash on his chest, which just so happened to be bleeding right now, showing her that despite his nature as an Eternal One he was still capable of having all sorts of injuries inflicted upon him, meaning there was a chance of her winning this.

After that the two clashed with their weapons, allowing her to see something important, while the chains were still on his arms, legs, and belt area, even if they were broken right now, most of their power was still in effect, Zovaal wasn't allowed to use his full power, limiting him to some Domination magic and his own melee skills. It was the only thing going for her as she lashed out with her magic spells, slashing and blasting at Zovaal as she dodged his attacks, or at least to the best of her abilities, and while she suffered a few more strikes of his warhammer, causing her to stagger in the process, she found that her attacks hit their marks. The Jailer, with his limited skills and even more limited powers, had no choice up to allow a fair number of her spells to strike his body and inflict harm on him, where she found something to be humorous about, as when she was living she never used her magic against another, at least not until her fateful event, but in undeath she was able to learn how to inflict pain on the living. Such a thing allowed her to inflict maximum harm on Zovaal with a single well placed spell, so hitting him with multiple in rapid succession, in addition to slashing at his exposed chest with the blade he had made to fulfill his dark desires, along with his arms and legs every now and then, before she ducked under his swing a moment later and swung upwards, removing his arm in the process.

In the end Sunset stabbed Zovaal in his chest, right below the heart, and found that she brought him to one knee, but just to make sure he didn't try anything she focused her mind and left the other runeblade in his chest, allowing her to use the edge of Frostmourne to remove his head... though as it hit the ground she huffed, as he was a tough foe and would have been tougher with his full power, before she collapsed and let unconsciousness claim her again.

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