• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Timebreaker: The Sunwell

Instead of picking a point in time to attack directly, since she had just invaded a timeline that one of her other selves lived in, Sunset decided to focus on what was going on in the Scarlet timeline, finding that nothing had happened since she took over the monastery, and when she glanced towards the Eastern Plaguelands she found Acherus floating in the air.

"So despite winning so many battles, and killing so many of the Scourge, the Scarlets were unable to destroy it... we might have our next target." Sunset remarked, because if she stayed here there was a chance that the other bronze dragons that were looking for her wouldn't find her until it was too late, while if she immediately went after another important event she might be discovered before she was ready, so it looked like a massacre was coming.

"Acherus is a fortress that can weather any event this world throws at it... not that I need to tell you that, my Queen." their new ally, the bronze dragon Sunset had killed earlier, stated, though what was interesting was the fact that while she had a female voice, indicating what she had seen with her gnome form, her actual dragon body looked more masculine, which was a little odd.

"How unexpected... I really wasn't expecting that." Sunset said, though while her statement was due to the dragon's form, and only that, she had to admit that being referred to as 'Queen' was exciting, in fact it made her wonder how she'd react if she managed to claim both Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, to be crowned as the new 'Lich Queen'.

"The dragonflights have a special ceremony called Visage Day, where we pick a mortal form to use when dealing with the races of Azeroth, and many blues take on high elf forms," Mira remarked, as she understood what Sunset was thinking as she stared at the dragon in front of them, even though this was her first time meeting the previously confused dragon in question, and by that she meant that the bronze had sought out several dragons to talk to before coming to a decision on what her Visage would be, "Chronormu, for example, had a hard time coming up with a decision and he sought out many of the other dragons... Nozdormu, Kalecgos, and Onyxia among them... before he came up with who he wanted the rest of Azeroth to see and became what you saw earlier: Chromie, a charismatic female gnome. Speaking of which, Chromie, you could have come to one of the blues and asked us to change your dragon form as well, so it would match how you felt on the inside... we've had a few in your position before and helped them find their true selves."

Sunset wasn't even surprised at this point, because in this world it was possible to reanimate the dead and raise them to do battle with the living, it was possible to alter one's original form into another with the power of Life, and now she was learning that the Arcane could bend genders and alter one's body, causing her to shelve the thought before focusing on the next stage of her dark plan.

"We'll discuss the Visage Day more later, once we're done taking control of Acherus." Sunset said, because she knew that there was an easy way for her an her allies to get up to the necropolis and move it to the province she controlled, all she had to do to that was fly up to the structure and take control of it, especially since she now had a dragon that had been risen as one of her servants, "The plan is simple: Kairoz, you and Mira will join the val'kyr in raiding the Scarlet crypts, as in heading inside and opening portals for the newly risen Scourge to be teleported over here, to our domain, which should distract the Scarlet as they notice their dead being taken. Chromie, you will be taking me to Acherus and I will claim it, and any Scourge that are still up there, before we return to our new domain and begin the assault on the Scarlet lands, which means starting with the Western Plaguelands. After we've ruined the Scarlet's plans, and have forced their soldiers to join the ranks of the Scourge, I will start seeking other avenues to gather the power I require before making my move on the powerful item I desire."

"Might I suggest heading to Quel'Thalas and ravaging the Sunwell?" Chromie inquired, confirming that when one was slain and revived as a servant of the Scourge they no longer held the morals they had when they were alive, meaning a dragon who was tasked with protecting time would be twisted into a being who wanted to ruin time, "Our current point in time is 612, the year that the Scourge ruined Lordaeron and, with Arthas at the helm, ruined much of the Highborn's domain, a fact that included using the magical Sunwell to revive Kel'Thuzad as a powerful lich... the potent waters of Eternity could do wonders for someone of your power."

Sunset grinned for a moment, not because of the fact that she could befoul the Sunwell and slaughter the high elves like Arthas had done to revive one of his closest allies, but because of the fact that Frostmourne was out there, without one to wield it, as the Scarlets had ravaged the Scourge and there was no telling where the runeblade had fallen when the first of the Lich King's death knights had fallen.

"Very well, first we claim Acherus, then we reinforce our army, and then we march on the Sunwell." Sunset stated, where her allies realized that she must have discovered something after listening to Chromie's comment on the point in time she had chosen to ruin, though it didn't take Murozond or Kairoz long to figure it out, as it was the tool she wanted to claim, one that was responsible for her previous decisions.

With her orders given Murozond, who she didn't order around since he was Kairoz's master and her ally, focused on the magic that was hiding this timeline from the bronze dragons, while his subordinate and Mira departed for the crypts, like she commanded, where Chromie allowed Sunset to take her place on her back before taking off. As they flew through the air Chromie roared and the Scourge responded, understanding that she was one of them now, while Sunset found that all of the Scarlet crusaders were taken aback by the discovery of a fallen dragon having been revived by the Scourge, but this was, of course, the least of their concerns. Sure enough she found that the crypts that were scattered around the province were overtaken by a surge of deathly energy, the fallen crusaders being brought back to life and being forced to serve the Scourge in their new life, though before they were teleported back to Sunset's domain some of them did drag down a few unsuspecting crusaders and ended their life. Such a thing brought a smile to her face as those newly fallen crusaders were forced into their brand new lives as members of the Scourge, the ultimate punishment for them in her mind, though she had other matters that demanded her attention right now as she focused on the necropolis.

When they got close Sunset directed Chromie to the balcony she had first used the Eye on and discovered that it was still in control of the Scourge, there were death knights and several other types of undead on the floors, to which she landed and climbed off her new servant before strolling inside Acherus, causing the death knights to observe her. In that moment she raised her hands and summoned her power over Death, where Chromie and the other minions of the Scourge felt a change in the air as the necropolis started to move from where it had been left, traveling from the Eastern Plaguelands as she directed it over to Tirisfal Glades. Sure enough she found that many of the Scarlet crusaders were shocked by this odd event, as they were used to Acherus being just a floating stronghold they couldn't touch, and while they stared up at the sky it seemed that her allies took it upon themselves to snatch more groups of crusaders to add to her collection, just to show the Scarlet organization that their time was up. When Sunset was halfway across the Western Plaguelands, however, she stopped the necropolis and issued her orders to her minions, that they were to wage war on the denizens of the now cleansed province, leading to the Scourge surging into the province from the western side while Kairoz's reinforcements were scattered everywhere else.

Sunset smiled as she rode down to the battlefield, watching as the living were brought down by the Scourge, who avoided her still living allies due to the feelings they were receiving, and when Chromie landed in the middle of the province she let her master off, where Sunset drew her runeblade and began the slaughter. While the Scarlet crusaders were ready for war with the undead Scourge, given their victories over the undead, none of them were ready for what was happening, with an undead bronze dragon tearing her foes apart, death knights that had been inspired by a new leader, and living allies that had betrayed them. In addition to that they were unable to stand before her power, where she swung her runeblade and cut down her opponents like they were pieces of wheat, as if she were a farmer of some kind, where she stole their anima as the val'kyr raised them to slay their former allies. All of this added to her power, just as she intended when she set her plan in motion, and it wasn't long before the Scarlet organization, who actually seemed to be stretched too thin among all of their various bases, were fighting a losing battle, though Chromie cut off their escape with a wall of flames.

It amused her when she considered the arrogance of the Scarlet crusaders, who thought they had won and continued to operate with that feeling, as if nothing could touch them or bring them down in battle, and yet here she was, bringing all of them down and reviving them as members of the Scourge, where she didn't stop until all of the Western Plaguelands was back under the Scourge's dark control.

"I was originally planning on taking half of the province, but this is even better for our goals." Sunset remarked, because the newly raised members of the Scourge would allow them to reach her next destination with ease, while their power had been added to her own, causing her to turn towards her allies, "Shall we get this show on the road?"

Kairoz and Mira nodded their heads as they combined their magic into a portal, allowing them to travel from one point to another in seconds, dropping Sunset and her army at the start of the undead scar that Arthas would have inflicted on the lands that the high elves currently lived in. With Chromie aiding them she was able to track down the one who had aided Arthas in breaking through the barrier that protected the lands, manipulating events so that he was here, believing that Sunset was someone else, allowing the Scourge to enter the realm of the high elves. Sunset found that Arthas, at least the one in this timeline, had started marching across the land, bringing death to everything, but the scar didn't last long, not when she considered the fact that the Scarlets invaded this place as well, as this world's version of the organization had been formed far sooner than the original, hence their victories. Still, she found that she didn't care that much as she and all of her Scourge marched through the lands in front of them, bringing death to everything and everyone who happened to be in this province, which proved to be a number of elves who couldn't escape her grasp, not with her magic dragging all of them back as Chromie cut off their escape.

Their highborn ally, who Sunset had stabbed and revived as a darkfallen, an undead elf, informed her of three locations she needed to hit to gather the key fragments to a gate she would need to pass through at some point, though they had smashed through the first with ease, thanks to his help. Instead of heading to the locations herself Sunset had Kairoz and Mira track down their targets, teleporting the keepers and their guardians out of their hiding places and bringing them to the Scourge, allowing the undead to slaughter them before Sunset raised them. Such a thing meant that she didn't have to waste time tracking her opposition down, even though she was sure that Mira would leave once she got what she wanted from the group of timebreakers, but Sunset was focused on the here and now as she slaughtered the high elf defenders and marched on Silvermoon City, what was the blood elf capital in her world. It amused her that Arthas had smashed the first of the two gates down before he and his army was routed, but now, with her might, her allies, and her army, Sunset was ready to do what he did in their timeline, which meant killing the Ranger-General, ravaging the land, and tainting the Sunwell with her dark actions.

She also enjoyed the screams of agony and the looks of horror that came from the high elves when they realized what was in front of them, though as they started to cross the river, and drew closer to Silvermoon City, she spotted a female elf in the distance, a ranger who wore a chest piece that exposed part of her midriff, where Sunset recognized her from what the Lich King had shoved into her head.

"Sylvanas Windrunner... this should be somewhat interesting." Sunset remarked, where she beckoned for the others to continue moving as she rode over to the area that the high elf was guarding, summoning her magic to block some arrows that were meant to take her down, before she leapt off her steed and yanked the ranger over to her with her dark lasso, ripping her from her hiding place in the process.

"So, you know of me, Scourge dog. Such a thing won't help you." the ranger replied, where Sylvanas pulled out a pair of shortswords, her preferred melee weapon when she didn't have a choice in the matter, as she switched her bow out and used the momentum to attack Sunset, who swung her runeblade and parried her attack with ease, enough to force her back for the time being.

Sunset knew that Sylvanas was an impressive foe, to the point where Arthas tore her soul out of her body and turned her into the first banshee, all while carting her fallen body around to mock her, so she wasn't about to underestimate her foe, not in the slightest, especially when she came close to killing the death knight that Arthas had been. Sylvanas had been a thorn in Arthas' side until her death and twisted rebirth, hounding her foe every step of the way when she found that her home was under attack, so she was nipping this problem in the bulb before it bothered her as well, while her forces killed all of the other elves that stood in their way. The two clashed not a few seconds later, showing Sunset that the Ranger-General knew or suspected a ranged battle would result in her demise, not that it mattered since she swung her blade and pushed her foe's weapons back in rapid succession, as their speed was about the same, yet another advantage that the Lich King had given her upon her resurrection. Sylvanas did her best to overpower her and retreat, though Sunset found that without the power that had been bestowed upon her, as the first banshee in existence and later being known as the Banshee Queen, the Ranger-General could only go so far and that her best skill was with the bow, meaning she was doing this with a bunch of disadvantages stacked against her.

Despite all of her attempts to bring Sunset down, increasing in intensity as more of her kind fell and were revived as new minions of the Scourge, Sylvanas fell before her might and collapsed on her knees, where her arms, legs, and body had a number of cuts all over them, while at the same time Sunset stood untouched.

"Finish it! I deserve... a clean death." Sylvanas stated, where she recalled what happened the last time someone tried to lead an army of the undead through the realm of the high elves, the first gate had been broken, which allowed them and a number of their human allies to wipe out the army before they even got close to the second gate, but this invasion was far different, as if another force was behind the attack, and her foe was too strong for her to take down.

Sunset grinned as she stabbed Sylvanas in the chest, surprising the Ranger-General in the process, though as soon as the life fled her body it was only a matter of reviving her fallen foe as a member of the Scourge, much to her dismay as she, too, joined the force of undead that was ravaging her homeland. Such a thing broke the moral of the living as they found all of their slain tearing down their friends, family, and everyone else they knew or cared about, with Sylvanas loosing her arrows at those who dared to flee from the Scourge. With Sunset's magic her army was able to cross the river and press on to Silvermoon City, eventually breaking through the second elfgate and slaughtering the remaining high elves who had been hoping to survive the invasion that was wiping them out. Arthas, in her timeline, had failed to kill everyone and she took a few more moments to make sure the city was scourged, all life extinguished as their rulers fell to her might, before Mira informed her that the portal was ready and allowed them to march on the isle that her target was on, surprising the rest of the high elves with their sudden arrival.

As her forces slaughtered the living and raised them, while scouring the land, Sylvanas lead Sunset to the Sunwell, which was inside the large structure that the high elves had been guarding, where she found that it was a radiant font of energy that could do all sorts of things for her, based on the information she had been given, before discovering her prize floating in the air above it: Frostmourne.

"We realized that we couldn't destroy the weapon, so we contained it where it couldn't be used against us," Sylvanas said, no doubt recalling the battle that she had with Arthas, one that she won with the aid of the Scarlet crusaders and whoever else responded to what was going on, because she knew this was the beginning of the end, given who was near her and what was in front of them, "or be turned against the rest of the world."

"A noble effort, but worthless in the end." Sunset remarked, where she stepped forward and found that the waters of the Sunwell seemed to inch backwards, trying to get away from her and her dark power, while Frostmourne, however, simply lowered itself down to where she was walking, showing that it sensed her presence and her power, "Time to claim both of my prizes."

Sylvanas said nothing as Sunset raised her hand and claimed Frostmourne, causing a surge of deathly energy to shock the chamber they were in, followed by an icy chill that reminded her of the portion of Icecrown she had landed in, thought it accepted her as it's wielder with no resistance. The will of the Lich King was that she take this weapon as her own and use it to bring about the rest of his plan, likely resurrect Kel'Thuzad and try to summon Archimonde, though she had her own plans and it started with taking this weapon as her own. In the next few seconds she summoned her magic and connected it to the Sunwell, finding that it responded to both her unique magic and her undead nature, before she raised her other blade, her replacement runeblade, and let her power dance around it as well. The titansteel blade merged with the other runeblade when she brought them together, allowing her to grip Frostmourne with both hands as energy danced around it's edge, before Sunset drove it into the Sunwell and a massive surge of deathly energy surged into the sky, darkening the entire area that was around the well as she corrupted everything that the high elves were guarding.

Sunset found that her desire had been correct, her version of Frostmourne possessed the power to steal the anima of the foes she slew, even stealing the power from objects like the Sunwell, as when the pillar dissolved, and the sky remained in it's darkened nature, she emerged from it with a dark grin on her face, all while leaving a dark crater behind, though as her forces cheered she knew it was time to move onto the next part of her dark plan.

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