• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Timebreaker: Loose Ends

Following her domination over her Fel and Void selves, adding their power to her own and raising the bronze dragons who brought them into undeath, Sunset glanced at Chromie for a second and the gnome opened a portal back to her domain in Tirisfal Glades, which they used without delay. Upon their return to the tainted monastery she found that the Scourge were starting to build everything that they made when they took over a region or province, beginning construction of ziggurat crystals, wagons to carry the dead so the val'kyr could remain safe, and other tools for their war. If it wasn't for her plan to gather her strength for the final step of her plan, so she could exact her revenge on Tirion and those who followed him, she would spend a lot more time enjoying this and dominating the rest of this timeline, before she paused. With five dragons that were linked to time itself, one of which being the alternate self to Nozdormu himself, Sunset had the power to tap into other timelines and even the past if she wanted, like she had done so far, but it opened doors she previously thought were closed.

To further her goals Sunset remained in the area that she and her Council called home, even though each member would need their own domain once she completed her task, where Murozond and the others approached her area, though in that instant she readied Frostmourne and stabbed the leader of the infinite dragons in the chest.

"Nothing personal, but I have a feeling that you might betray me in the very near future." Sunset said, because from what she could gather the infinite Aspect was the creation of the influence of the Old Gods messing with Nozdormu, resulting in what she and her soldiers were seeing right now, even though this confirmed something for her as the dragon went limb, adding his vast power to her growing strength.

"And now the infinite dragonflight will follow you." Chromie commented, as it was easy for her and the others to figure out what they were as Sunset pulled her runeblade out of Murozond's body and revived the fallen dragon as a member of the Scourge, bent to her dark will like everyone else she chose to revive, before noticing that Kairoz and Mira were caught off guard by this event, "What is our next move?"

"I need to tie up some loose ends before moving onto the final stage of my grand plan." Sunset replied, which meant the other three alternate versions of herself that were still wandering the timelines, since she was sure that Erith was looking for her after their encounter and the others might be unaware of what was going on right now, even though there were all sorts of other 'loose ends' she wanted to take out, "First, we purge this world of the living, starting with the remainder of the Scarlet Crusade in Northrend before we worry about the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, to tear down what's left of both the Alliance and the Horde. Once this world is filled with death you and the other time dragons, both the bronzes and the infinites, will open the way for me to return to our main timeline, where I will travel to the points in time where the heroes killed the other villains, such as Onxyia and Nefarian, and raise them into undeath. That should, in theory, force the bronze dragons to call in Erith and the other two alternate selves that are out there, allowing me to fight them and bring all three of them down, granting me all the power I could want... after that, well, the Helm of Domination will be mine, and I will be able to fulfill the promise I gave Tirion."

Chromie and the others nodded before opening new portals to Northrend, where Sunset and her army marched through them without delay, appearing in the snowy region of Icecrown, which she was fine with as she channeled her power into her runeblade and let it spread all over the land. Sure enough she found that the dead, be they the recently slain vrykul in a nearby village, the long frozen dead who smashed out of their icy prisons in either ice or snow, or even the forces that were protecting the citadel, responded to her call and marched to join her army. As she did that her force marched on the small province between them and Dragonblight, where the Scarlet organization was stationed, though the dragons flew over to the Storm Peaks and rained death on whatever enemies were over there, the val'kyr raising whatever they killed to serve Sunset's dark will. She also spotted a floating city, on a piece of ground, up above the ground of the crystalline forest she marched through, scouring the land of life as the Scourge slaughtered the living guardians, a few elves here and there, allowing her to raise them as well as the forest crumpled to her will.

Sunset smiled a little as she raised her hand and brought Dalaran, the floating city, crashing to the ground, allowing the dead to surge through it and wipe out the citizens, even Khadgar's powerful group, allowing her to raise them as members of the Scourge and she did the same for all those still trapped in the Violet Hold.

Once that was done Sunset rode through the southern opening and invaded Dragonblight, which would serve as a terrible turn of events for the living as she extended her power and raised the fallen of the five flights into undeath, as this land was the graveyard of the red, blue, green, bronze, and black dragons. It was a massive error on their part, building their graveyard on the continent that the Lich King ruled over, and it wasn't long before dragons of every flight joined her army, giving her far more power than she had before, both in terms of soldier strength and her own terrifying power. Of course she found that the still living dragons were terrified of the scene they were witnessing, because they flew down from their tower and tried to attack her army, which was yet another error on their part as her forces tore them out of the sky, either the revived dragons just crashing them into the ground or the undead giants pulled them down. She also knew that three of the dragon Aspects were protecting this province, as Deathwing was somewhere else in the world and Malygos was slain by heroes, where she found three large dragons approaching her army, the bronze dragon Nozdormu, the red dragon Alexstrasza, and the green dragon Ysera.

Sometimes the living were far too predictable, as whenever the Scourge showed up their focus was on fighting them and rarely thinking about why they were doing whatever their leader wanted them to do, though the death of Murozond told Sunset all she needed to know, the Aspects were long-lived, not immortal like they pretended to be.

"Undead, cease your unholy acts and return to the frozen wastes you came from... this will be your only warning, and if you persist we will burn you to cinders." Alexstrasza stated, where she landed and reverted to her visage form, that being a female high elf that wore some rather revealing clothing that was basically a golden metallic bra with red filler material, a design that was mimicked on her bracers and boots, and she had panty armor for some reason, plus Sunset noticed her pair of curved horns with gems attached to them.

Sunset reckoned that Alexstrasza was used to most dragons and mortals listening to her, but instead of listening she raised Frostmourne and stabbed the Dragonqueen in the heart, something that surprised the red Aspect when she glanced down at the blade that had pierced her. As that happened both Ysera and Nozdormu roared in rage, as if sounding the horn of war against her army, where Sunset barely moved her head as some of the undead giants moved out and pulled Ysera out of the air, smashing her against some nearby rocks. Nozdormu, on the other hand, found himself knocked into the ground by his own counterpart, as Murozond took advantage of their displaced focus and got above him, and the infinite Aspect landed on top of him, keeping him trapped in this position. Once they were brought down Sunset finished off Alexstrasza and paused for a few seconds as the Aspect's body hit the ground, allowing her to absorb the power of the Life-Binder, another massive surge of power since she, like Murozond, was over ten thousand years old and had a lot of experience to add to her own, before she raised the fallen Dragonqueen into undeath.

"There will be no end to the Scourge's campaign, and now you three and your flights will join my army." Sunset said, where she walked over to Ysera, who shifted into her night elven form to escape the giants, and slew her in the same manner as the red Aspect, before repeating the motion with Nozdormu and then raised both of them into undeath as she added their power to her own, making her far stronger than she had been moments ago.

Sure enough raising three of the Aspects into undeath enraged the other dragons in Dragonblight, though her next act, in combination with that, really pissed them off as her bronze and blue dragons opened a portal to when Malygos was slain in this timeline and pulled his corpse out, allowing her to raise him into undeath as well. Once that was done Sunset let all of her forces spread out, where her new intense power followed the Scourge and raised the dead from their graves, while at the same time covering all possible exits that the Scarlet crusaders might use to flee from what was happening, as some of her newly raised dragons flew out over the water to burn the ships. As she expected the rest of the Scarlet organization fought to the death when they or their leaders realized that their ability to retreat was cut off, though all she could do was grin as each crusader fell in battle and was raised to further the will of the Scourge, much to their eternal dismay. Sunset also made sure to tear every dragon out of the ground, adding to her power and the might of the Scourge, and once the Scarlet organization was torn apart, with no one left to stand against her, she spread her army all over Dragonblight, just to be sure the flame of life had been snuffed out in this province.

After that she spread her darkness all over Northrend, allowing her forces to tear down every living foe that might be left to challenge them, regardless of who they were, as the vrykul collapsed in defeat, she tore down the Titan's defenders in Storm Peaks, and all of the minor races that lived on the continent fell before her dark might, even the magnataur, a race that was a cross between a giant and a mammoth, were no match for her forces.

One thing Sunset noticed after some time was that absorbing the power of multiple Aspects had a much stronger effect on her than she originally expected, especially since each Aspect had over ten thousand years of experience and each one had been empowered by the Titans. As such the intense power of the dragons, the power of the Aspects combined with the droplets of power from the lesser ones, surged through her body like a massive tidal wave from a hurricane, trying to overwhelm her with the sheer force it represented. She was sure that Life was making an attempt to make her into one of it's minions, especially since Alexstrasza was the Life-Binder and Ysera was connected to the Dream, though once she had that thought Sunset summoned her own power to dominate the dragon energy, forcing it to obey her command before it settled in like all of the other powers she had stolen so far. Of course it took some time for the power to fully settle down, but when it did she felt that a shudder pass through her tail, where Sunset watched as it transformed into a dragon tail, a vibrant red color like her demon form and thicker than the pony tail she had previously, all while her armor altered itself to fit her new addition and covered it for some extra protection.

With that done she felt a slight pinch in her eyes and assumed it was her pupils changing into the piercing dragon slit she could see in the eyes of the Aspects, though it mattered little to her as she turned her focus to what was going on in front of her, all while her darkness covered the entirety of Northrend as the Scourge tore the living down.

Once that was done Sunset began her crusade against the living of this timeline, returning to the Eastern Kingdoms and started to head south, though instead of following a single path she followed all of them so she could flank her foes, not to mention cutting off their escape routes, especially with the dragons cutting off the beaches. Since they were undead none of them had to stop for sleep or food, meaning they were able to overcome some of the living that tried to flee, plus with the growing size of their army those who stood and fought were wiped out in no time. This time Sunset remained on her steed and watched as the Scourge overran the living, wiping out the guardians of the Eastern Kingdoms and leading to the eventual downfall of each major city that stood in her way. Her reasoning for staying her hand was because she had done more than enough to topple the living and this was her army's turn to have some fun, decimating the living so they could be raised into undeath as well, just as she intended as she gathered more under her unholy banner.

Of course she also stabbed both Kairoz and Mira when the opportunity presented itself to her, raising them into undeath like all those who came before them, as the Scourge was an army of the undead and having the living as part of it might cause problems, and with both dragons raised as undead her forces were even stronger.

When half of the Eastern Kingdoms had fallen to the Scourge, and her force was far larger than she expected due to them raising everything that had been living, be they bodies in the crypts or graveyards and the recently slain, Sunset focused on the other loose ends she needed to clear up first. Half of the time dragons joined her in Arathi Highlands and gathered their energies without delay, tearing open portals to the main timeline as each small group tracked down the villains and evils that the heroes killed in their quest to save Azeroth, be it Nefarian, Onyxia, the troublesome elementals, and many others, leaving the Old Gods for when she was ready for them. She weaved her power into each portal, creating illusions to make the heroes lose focus of the bodies so they didn't take the heads of certain enemies, allowing her forces to pull the bodies into their timeline so she could raise each and every one of them into undeath. With the power of the bronze and infinite flights she could spread death to the other timelines, collecting more and more soldiers for the Scourge, and by targeting the worlds that her Fel and Void selves came from her strength got even stronger than before.

Such a thing gave her multiple versions of the dragons she had raised so far, adding their power to the Scourge's might as she ordered them to continue spreading death to this timeline, allowing her army to attack Kalimdor as well, making it far harder for the living to win against their dark might, all while she could feel scales growing on her arms and legs, a sign of all the dragon energy she had obtained so far.

Her plan worked out quite well as multiple tears in reality opened nearby, where she found Erith leading a charge with all sorts of minions following her, such as another Sunset who had Arcane energy dancing around her body and a staff, not to mention another clad in plate armor and wielding the Ashbringer. The other three had brought themselves to her with an offering of their followers, causing her to turn all of her followers, all of the Scourge, on them without delay, which was when the alternate heroes found themselves surrounded by an army of undead and dragons, a force that was stronger than they originally believed them to be. As that happened Sunset rushed at the enemies she was interested in, where she found Erith raising her weapon as the paladin and mage readied themselves, summoning their powers in an attempt to chain her to the ground, like what happened when the Light aided Tirion in overcoming what happened to him and those who ended up betraying the Lich King. Sunset simply grinned as she summoned her power and swung Frostmourne, the sheer act of doing that breaking the chains before they could even reach her, surprising Erith's allies in the process, which was fine with her as she continued her assault, zeroing in on the paladin, as she didn't want anything to do with the blade or the Light.

As the paladin shifted her stance, and raised Ashbringer to stop Sunset in her path, she also altered her stance and swung her runeblade, smashing the weapon to pieces with a single blow, before the second attack cut through the force of Light that had been inside it and it's wielder. The mage, watching her ally fall as Erith rushed forward to stop what was coming next, tried to summon a wall of ice to stop her or even stall what was coming, where she slashed her way through it with a single swing and stabbed her in the chest. As two of her targets fell, proving that Sunset was far stronger than when she first fought Erith, she quickly altered her stance again and parried the incoming attack from the dryad, the air shuddering as they clashed for a few seconds, simply repeating what had happened the first time they clashed, but this time she was strong enough to take her foe down. Previously when they clashed Erith was stronger, likely due to Life wanting a version of her that could twist the world in it's image, or for whatever reason it had for making Erith like this, but now, after all the anima she had stolen from those who had perished since setting this plan into motion, Sunset was stronger and she was growing even more formidable with each soldier slain and raised by her army.

This time around, when they separated from each other, Sunset swung her runeblade and multiple wounds appeared all over Erith's arms, legs, and her body, showing her that this fight wasn't going to turn out like the last one, before she took a moment to wipe out the paladin's and mage's bodies, after claiming the arcane staff for later, allowing her to focus on the dryad again.

"Don't you feel ashamed for all the death you've caused, minion of Death?" Erith asked, once more sounding sad because of the fact that Sunset was causing so much destruction and death to the world around her, plus those who called it the lands home, before she took a moment to truly study Sunset's body in great detail, "I see that you have altered your form as well, after sounding angry that I was reborn in a different form... you're becoming a dragon of death and destruction, a being of pure evil."

"No just death and destruction... a dragon of Domination!" Sunset remarked, as she really didn't care if her body changed a little, because the power she had gained from slaying and raising all of the Aspects, not to mention their flights, gave her a massive power boost and now she was standing up to the one figure who stood in her path, who noticed the sinister icy blue color in her eyes, "Take a look around you, Erith... you and your allies have failed."

Sure enough the living had been wiped out, the heroes from the alternate timelines were dead, slain by those who might have been allies in their own timelines and were caught off guard by all the dust the fighting had kicked up, and she found that Erith, despite her trust in Life, fell to her knees in despair, especially when she found that her bronze allies had been raised as well, cutting off her escape route.

"As much as I want to fight you I have a world to conquer, so our battle must end here." Sunset continued, to which she took advantage of Erith's weakness for the living and stabbed her in the heart, finding that her Life counterpart was just saddened by what was going on, not even caring about her own life, maybe because she realized that no matter what she did she was going to be overpowered, to which Sunset took the power she was seeking before wiping out the dryad entirely, before turning to her massive army, "It's time. All of you, finish off the rest of this timeline's living and regroup in Icecrown... once we're ready, well, we'll be linking back up with the main timeline and claim my prize!"

The Scourge, boosted by the foolishness of her other counterparts, cheered for a few seconds before getting to work, as it would take them some time to finish off the rest of the living that infested this world, something that allowed her to take a break for a time as she waited for them to complete their mission, and once they were ready she would return to her own timeline and claim her prize before fulfilling her promise to her enemies.

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