• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 5,228 Views, 312 Comments

Zinnias - Serinity Southerland

Disturbances in the magic of Equestria causes rifts between worlds. One unlucky hiker stumbles into one such rift and finds themself in a new body and in a new world.

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Subdued beams of light streamed into the guest room as the sun peaked its head over the hillside overlooking the farm. Apple trees dotted the landscape, their ruby red fruits glistening in the morning dew like countless sequins adorning their tree’s emerald green leaves. I sighed, content to watch the morning sun illuminate the land whilst I got ready for the day. I had already been up for an hour or so, being unable to sleep soundly due to the growing anxiety in my chest.

I had agreed to letting Applejack take me to visit two of her friends in the hopes of them being able to help me figure out my little wing problem, but as I went to bed that night all I could imagine was me making a fool of myself. I tossed and turned, thinking of all the different ways it could go wrong and how the two pegasi would silently judge me for being flightless. It was only after arguing with myself for half the night that I finally remembered that I wasn’t even really a pony, and that stressing out this much about something that would never be natural for me was beyond inane. “And besides, we’re all adults here. If nothing else, I’ll just be considered handicapped or something and live the life of an earthbound pony. That is, if I’m not able to figure out a way back to Earth…if there is one.”

I brushed my hair as I mused, looking out through the window as the sun crept up over the hilltops. Big Mac was already out in the yard beginning his morning chores. My eyes followed him as he came in and out of view of the window while he collected the tools he’d need for the day. “Well if there isn’t a way to get back home, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad.”

The large red stallion came back into view, pulling a cart behind him. He looked up at the house, his gaze wandering from window to window until it fell upon mine. I realized I had been staring at him again, and blushed as I waved at him. He simply grinned and nodded in reply before carrying on with his morning. “I really need to stop staring at people before someone gets the wrong idea…again…”

I turned my attention back to my mane, trying to tame some errant strands that refused to sit straight when I heard a knock at the door. “Rise ‘n shine, Sugarcube! Ready to get them wings a workin’?” AJ shouted through the door before opening it up to see me furiously stroking the same patch of mane with frustrated determination. “Uhh…havin’ some trouble there, Z?”

“Ugh! I’ve been brushing this mess for thirty minutes and I just can’t get it to lay flat! I’m tempted to just cut it short!” I grumbled as I tossed my brush onto the bed with an exasperated sigh.

“With any luck it won’t matter none. It’s just gonna get messy when you take off flyin’ again anyway, right?” AJ said with a reassuring smile.

If I start flying.” I corrected, trying to temper both of our expectations.

“Naw, C’mon. That’s just stinkin’ thinkin’. Now hurry on up, breakfast is ready. Once you get your fill, we’ll head on over to Fluttershy’s cottage. Knowin’ Rainbow, she won't be awake for a couple more hours yet.”

“Okay, I’ll be right down.” I said, licking my hoof and running it through my hair which fixed the issue. I rolled my eyes and grumbled as AJ chuckled at me, and we both headed down to breakfast.

As we rounded the corner to the kitchen my nose was greeted warmly by the scents of a fresh morning meal, and it was a big one. Apple fritters, apple tarts, apple oatmeal, leftover apple pie, among various other apple based products spread across the table buffet style, ready to be picked up and consumed. Applebloom sat at her spot, sleepily rubbing her eyes as she poured herself a bowl of Applesmacks cereal (which I giggled at) and Granny Smith was just settling down to a steaming bowl of oatmeal.

Before long, a majority of the foods on the table were demolished and I helped clean up the kitchen before we made off. AJ sighed with content as she picked a piece of apple skin from her teeth with a toothpick and let out a satisfying belch. I simply gave her an amused look before shaking my head and laughing, how that mare could eat that many fritters and still move was beyond me.

The birds were singing pleasantly as they darted around from tree to tree, the warm mid-summer sun having awoken them from their slumber. We watched them go about their business while we strolled down the path to town, enjoying the warmth as the sun-rays touched my fur, but my wings felt next to nothing. As pleasant as the morning walk was, I still found myself with a growing pit in my stomach. “So…do you really think that your friends can actually help me with my wings?”

AJ smiled at me, her face radiating confidence beneath the brim of her stetson. “Sure as sugar. In fact, Rainbow helps train new recruits for the Ponyville weather team. If she can get that Bulk Biceps feller up there, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about.”

“Ponyville weather team? Like, weather forecasters? How does that make her a good flyer?” I hummed to myself as we walked. “Okay, so what about… Fluttershy, was it? Does she work for the weather team too?”

“She takes care of the local critters in and around town. I guess you could consider her an animal care professional, though she doesn’t really have any professional schoolin’.” AJ responded as the bridge into town came into view. The path at this point crested at the top of a hill before dropping into the small valley the town sat in, and allowed a great view of the entire place. I could see several ponies moving around as they began their day, and spotted Twilight as she left a large tree-shaped structure. Every pony having a different color scheme made it remarkably easy to spot them at a distance.

“So…you’re taking me to a Veterinarian?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Wha? No! Well, I mean, yes. Kinda? She’s the kindest and most patient pony I know, and she apparently had some trouble with her wings growing up. I figure she may know a trick or two, start you off easy before Rainbow gets a hold to ya’.”

“Oh.” Something about that last part didn’t exactly fill me with confidence.

“Don’t you worry about nothin’, Z. Shy and I’ll be there to make sure Rainbow don’t go overboard.” She gave me a wink as we crossed into town, sending shivers down my spine.

“Oh no…what have I gotten myself into?”

The rest of the walk to Fluttershy’s place was filled with small talk, mostly about things that still needed repair at the farm and deliveries that needed to be made to places out of town. It wasn’t long before we made it back out of town and were closing in on the edge of the Everfree forest. I noted the woods, and shivered as the memory of being attacked by the timberwolves came back to mind.

“Uhh, AJ? She doesn’t live in there, does she?” I asked, pointing to the woods.

“Shoot, the only pony I know who lives out there is a Zebra. No, Fluttershy lives on the outside edge. You can see her cottage from here actually.” AJ said, pushing my pointed hoof to a little house in the distance. The moss covered home appeared to be two stories tall with large windows allowing for ample natural lighting and many birdhouses hung from the eaves of the cottage and the trees surrounding it. A small stream burbled happily near the home, and I could make out several small, furry animals playing in the water under a little wooden bridge that led to the path to her door.

I stared at the cottage for a moment before a smile crept across my face. It almost reminded me of my childhood home, if only a fair bit more cartoonish in design. The only thing that it was missing was a garden and a garage. AJ didn’t seem to notice the nostalgic grin I wore though, as she tugged me forward. “Come on, now. We’re burning daylight.”

AJ and I came to a stop just outside the front door, but before she knocked she turned to me, “Now, I should tell you that Fluttershy is a mite, well…shy. Especially around ponies she ain’t never met before, so don’t be put off if she don’t warm up to you right away.” I nodded, acknowledging AJ before turning my attention to all the little creatures that ran about the property.

“She was right, this pegasus really must love her critters seeing as she practically shares her house with them.”

Applejack knocked at the portal, causing a small, soft voice somewhere behind the door to squeak in surprise with an “EEP!” After a few moments the top half of the door, which like many of the other doors on residential buildings was split in half laterally, cracked open to reveal a large teal eye and a shock of pink hair. The eye, upon finding a familiar face, brightened up and the door opened wider to reveal an off-yellow pegasi. “Oh! Hello, Applejack. I didn’t expect you to visit today. I thought you would be busy with applebucking season.”

“Well, the other fields are growin’ a bit slow this year so we’re a little behind schedule. I figured it’d be a good day for us to come an’ visit seein' as we can't get ta applebucking if there ain't no apples to buck.” AJ explained with a nod and a grin, motioning to me as I stood awkwardly beside her.

“Us?” Fluttershy asked, looking beside her friend to see me standing there. She let out a small gasp, before retreating behind a curtain of pink hair. “H-he-hello…”

“Oh, come on now. She ain’t gonna bite.” AJ joked, which only caused her timid friend to flinch. “Fluttershy, this here’s Zinnia, and, Zinnia, this here’s Fluttershy.” She said, proudly introducing me. Unsure how to respond, I simply waved a hoof and smiled. I was never great with introductions. However, thankfully Fluttershy seemed to recognize my name and perked up a little, peering out from behind her mane.

“Oh,” her soft voice increased in volume, but still barely beyond a whisper. “So you’re the one Twilight told us about. I’m sorry, would you two like to come in? I have some honey chamomile tea brewing if you'd like some.” The yellow pegasus opened up her door allowing us the space to enter, but Applejack shook her head.

“Actually, we came here because Zinnia has a problem we were hopin’ you could help her with.”

“Great, AJ sure doesn’t waste any time, does she.” I sighed, imitating Fluttershy’s initial reaction to me by hiding behind my own mane.

“What kind of problem, if you don’t mind me asking?” She eyed me curiously, tilting her head as I hid further into my mane wishing I could just disappear into my hair like it was some sort of invisibility cloak.

“Well, ya see, y’all know how Twilight said she took a tumble into the woods? Well, turns out she's been havin' some trouble gettin’ her wings to do what she wants ‘em to do ever since.” AJ explained for me, my face now burning red. I knew that she had told me Fluttershy had been in a similar situation before, that she wasn’t a strong flyer, but I still felt embarrassed about this whole thing.

Fluttershy seemed to relax a little more, looking at me with understanding eyes. She stepped out from her home and closed the door behind her before standing by my side and placing a wing over my back in a soft, almost motherly gesture.

“There, there. I know how embarrassing it can feel. I was never a strong flyer. Why, I remember how awful flight school was because of it and how much the other foals picked on me, but I’m sure if you put your mind to it, your wings will come back.” Fluttershy flapped her wings and smiled as she hovered an inch or so off the ground for a moment before landing beside me again. “If I can do it, anypony can.”

“Maybe…” I said, looking up to her before feeling a hoof make sharp contact with my flank.

“‘Maybe’ nothin’. I know you can do it. You just gotta have faith in yourself, Z!” AJ said triumphantly.

“Okay, sure. But how do I start? I mean, ever since the Everfree, I’ve only moved them twice, and both times I wasn’t trying to. It just kinda happened.”

“That’s strange,” Fluttershy said, taking on a thoughtful appearance before her eyes shrank to pinpricks, “Oh! No, I didn’t mean you’re strange. I meant…oh…”

“We know what you meant, Shy.” AJ rolled her eyes at Fluttershy before turning back to me. “But I thought you said you can’t move ‘em at all,” she said, looking at me critically through narrowed eyes.

“On my own, no. The first time, I…uhh…kinda got spooked by a wild animal,” I felt a tinge of embarrassment as I remembered that terrifying squirrel in the woods. “The second time was when I was running from the timberwolves. I thought I was going to get eaten, so I jumped the ravine expecting to just fall down when they opened on their own and I glided to the other side. Since then, nothing.”

“Hmm…okay. How about we start with some stretches then? Sometimes my wings can get a little stiff if I haven’t used them in a while.” Fluttershy suggested as she looked around her yard, “There’s a nice sunny patch of grass over there we can use.” She pointed to a spot in her yard where the sun had seared away the morning dew creating a warm, dry place perfect for picnics, or in this case doing pony pilates.

The warm grass tickled the bottom of my hooves as we stood in the glow of the sun. Applejack opted to lay off to the side and watch us, absently chewing on a stalk of hay she had previously hidden in her hair somewhere. Apparently, there were several different routines ponies used for stretching. Some designed for earth ponies and unicorns, while other more specialized versions were used by pegasi called “pre-flight warm-ups.” Fluttershy showed me some of the basic stretches used almost universally, which actually felt pretty good compared to the awkward and uncomfortable “human” way I had been trying to work my muscles prior, before moving on to the routine she learned in flight school.

“It’s always good to make sure you are nice and limber before moving on to the next routine. If not, you can pretty easily pull one of your flight muscles. Now, follow my lead, please.” I prepared myself to do as she instructed, noting the three butterflies on her flank, which suited her timid nature perfectly. She was shy the entire time we did the first set, shrinking a little every time I glanced at her to make sure I was doing it right, but she eventually relaxed enough that she only gave me awkward smiles in return as I fumbled my way through.

“Okay, ready.” I said as I took a deep breath and watched her carefully.

“First, extend both of your forelegs in front of you, bringing your head down and your tail up like this,” Fluttershy showed an example, looking similar to how Big Mac had been stretching earlier that morning. AJ had noticed it too, taking on a curious look. I followed along with Fluttershy, doing my best to imitate her. “Doing this helps stretch the muscles in your withers and back. Now, slowly so you don’t stress your ligaments, extend both wings up, then forward, then down and back, as if you were taking one long, slow, wing stroke, like this,” again, showing how it’s done.

“Okay…the hard part.” I attempted to imitate her, focusing on the space between my shoulders, trying to find the right muscles to move. I could feel something back there twitch, before my left wing shot out straight, throwing my balance off and sending me tumbling over to the side. I could hear AJ trying not to snicker on the sidelines as I collected myself, my wing still stuck in its position.

“Oh! Oh dear. Umm, that’s not supposed to…are you ok?” Fluttershy said, holding out a hoof to help me up. I gratefully accepted it, pulling myself back to a standing position with my left wing outstretched perfectly horizontal in what I would assume would be a gliding position, the other still tucked close to my side.

“Uhh…I don’t suppose that was supposed to happen?” I asked as I pawed at the rigid wing. I could almost imagine it twanging like a guitar string as I flicked it with a hoof.

“Umm…n-no. Here, let me just…uhh…ok, this might feel a little…ohh…” She gingerly raised a hoof and placed it where my wings met my back, near a cluster of flight muscles and nerves. She gently massaged the area, causing my rigid appendage to immediately relax, falling limply to my side to lay uselessly on the grass below. She looked at it, then at my withers, then to me with a strange mix of confusion and surprise.

“What?” I raised an eyebrow towards her, causing her to shy away, putting her hoof back on solid ground.

“Y-you didn’t react how I thought you would…” She said, timidly. I looked at her curiously, before trying to gather up my wing, noting that AJ also seemed to be surprised as well.

“My wing falling limp like that? Yeah, that hasn’t happened to me yet either.” I explained as I stared at it with my ears pinned back.

“No, Sugarcube. Oh, how do I put this…you know how you pegasi have all them flight control parts tied up in between your wings?” I stared blankly at AJ as she waited for a response, nodding slowly and trying to pretend that I understood. “Ugh. Remember? Biology? Didn’t you learn all that in school when you were a filly?”

“Oh. Right. Yeah, sorry.” I chuckled, trying to hide my ignorance of the subject.

“Well, all them nerves are supposed to make that spot particularly sensitive. Like, really sensitive.” AJ continued as Fluttershy squeaked again. “I think when Fluttershy was trying to get that wing muscle to relax, she, and I, were expecting more of a reaction. Heck, some pegasi nearly melt if you so much as tap ‘em there. But you acted like it was no different than if she touched your hoof.”

“That’s probably not a good sign.” I thought to myself, eying the limp wing I took it into my hooves. “Okay…so that’s bad, right?” I asked, not really knowing what kind of answer to expect, but having a growing suspicion of what it might mean.

“Umm…well, I think it could mean a couple of things, really. But in your case, it could be a sign of nerve damage.” Fluttershy looked at my wings for a moment before speaking again. “Umm…May I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.” I answered halfheartedly. My suspicions seemed correct. “I might actually be broken…”

“Do you feel anything in your wings at all?”

I held up my limp wing and let it drop to the ground. It spread out, my tan feathers fanning into the sun as it laid there. My body felt warm from the sun as it crept up higher into the sky, signifying it was getting closer to midday, but the glow of the sun didn’t seem to reach my wings. Neither were they cold, or in pain, or uncomfortable in any way, they just existed, numb to the world.

I looked back to Fluttershy and shook my head. “No, I don’t feel anything at all.”

Fluttershy’s head fell slightly, and I heard AJ to the side mutter something under her breath. The anxiety that I had managed to keep at bay started growing again and the pit in my stomach grew. “I am broken, aren’t I?”

“Now, let’s not jump to conclusions just yet, Sugarcube. Maybe Rainbow Dash can put her two bits in. She’s had plenty of nasty spills before, so she might know of something that can help.” AJ said, her confident smile now waning.

“Oh! Right! I can go get her! I mean, if you want… She’s not too far from here. It will only take a second.” Fluttershy said, perking up and taking to the air, hovering a few inches off the ground. I shrugged, feeling deflated and defeated, but AJ gave her the go ahead. After a short wait, Fluttershy came back with another pegasus in tow, this one cyan blue, with a disheveled rainbow colored mane. She yawned loudly and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she followed Fluttershy with her eyes half closed while scratching the rainbow colored lightning bolt cutie mark on her flank. I took a moment to note that despite the similarities between us, it seemed that we pegasi were more lithe and slim than Applejack, who was more solid and muscular. “Guess that explains the difference in strength between us. Probably another earth pony thing.”

The cyan pony landed with a thump, allowing her rump to hit the ground first and yawned again loudly. “Alright, Fluttershy. What did you need me for so badly that you woke me up from my morning nap?” She managed to open her eyes enough to see where she was and spotted AJ and me as well, giving us a quizzical look. “Oh, hey AJ. Who’s the new chick?”

“Rainbow Dash, this is Zinnia. Zinnia, I’d like you to meet our good friend, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy waved a hoof at her prismatic friend, or at least, she thought she did but before she could see where her friend had gone, Rainbow was already zipping around my head, now wide awake and positively gushing.

“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! No way! You’re the mare from Manehatten that beat up a whole pack of timberwolves! I mean, not that I couldn’t do that too, but you did it without flying and everything! That’s. So. Awesome! Hey, tell me! Were you really out there for a whole week by yourself?” She barely breathed as she darted around me, eventually landing three inches from my face, looking at me like I was some sort of war hero.

“Uhh…yes? But I didn’t actually-” I started, but was interrupted by the rainbow colored blur.

“Woah! You're like a real like action hero or something! You and I totally have to hang out sometime. You could show me all your awesome fighting moves and I can show you all my sweet tricks! You and me, we’ll be totally unstoppable!”

“Now just slow down there, Sally,” AJ said, tugging Rainbow’s tail and dragging her back down to earth, much to Rainbow’s dismay, “That’s all fine and dandy, but before you go on and get carried away like a school filly, we got a problem we need your opinion on.”

Rainbow looked at all three of us before clearing her throat and sitting down, taking on a cool demeanor, “Oh, right. Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, umm, Zinnia is having a little problem with her wings. Remember when Twilight told us she was lost in the E-Everfree forest for a whole week, and you asked her why she didn’t just fly out?” Fluttershy began, causing me to wince.

“Just how many ponies did that unicorn tell?”

“Yeah, what about it?” Rainbow glanced at me with a curious look before tilting her head back at Fluttershy.

“Well, you see, she may have a reason for that.” The yellow pegasus pawed at the ground, glancing towards me with a pitiful expression. I couldn’t tell if it was because she felt bad for me, or if she was asking me to help her finish to avoid saying something insensitive.

“Yeah, duh, Fluttershy. Of course she has a reason, she’s just awesome like that! I bet she could totally thrash a Ursa Major if she used her wings! Nopony just trots into the Everfree forest and beats up baddies with barely a scratch on them like that!” Rainbow exclaimed, shadow boxing the air in front of her and causing Fluttershy to gasp and take a step back.

“Actually, Rainbow-” AJ interrupted, but I beat her to the punch.

“Actually, I umm…I can't really use my wings.” I admitted, trying to look a little bit braver in front of Rainbow and not doing a very good job of it.

Rainbow took a moment to process what I said, looking at me with a scrunched up face. “What do you mean you can’t use your wings? Is something wrong?” She looked around, noticing my left wing lying limply on the grass and a look of alarm spread across her face. “It’s not broken is it? Why isn't it in a cast? Did the doctors even help you at the hospital? Why I oughta…” She looked about ready to take off and knock somepony's lights out.

“No! Rainbow, somethin’ ain’t working the way it’s supposed to and we need your help figuring out what it might be. She ain’t hurt, but she also can’t really feel nothin else neither.” AJ stepped in, reigning in her friend.

Rainbow had a look of realization before glancing at me, then to Fluttershy. “Did you try those pre-flight stretches we learned in flight school, Shy?” Fluttershy nodded “Ok, what about uhh…massaging her flight muscles?” Rainbow’s face became a slight shade of pink mentioning that, as did Fluttershy, but she nodded.

“I did…umm, well, kinda. Her wing went stiff when we were stretching and then limp when I tried umm…palpating her muscles... But she didn’t even react to that other than her wing doing that...” Fluttershy explained as she pointed out the wing I had started trying to return to my side again with no luck.

Rainbow hummed to herself for a moment before trotting towards me, regarding me critically with a furrowed brow. She poked at my right wing, still tucked to my side. “Feel anything, Z?” I shook my head and watched her as she grabbed it and slowly began flexing the appendage in a pseudo flight motion, first up, then forward, then down and back, until she placed it back in its original spot. “Still nothing?”

“No. I wouldn't have been able to tell you were moving it at all were I not watching you doing it.” I explained.

“Well, it doesn’t appear to be broken. All your bones looked fine to me, and I didn’t see any signs of dislocation or bruising underneath.” She tapped her hoof against her chin, looking at my wing, her eyes shifting across my feathers before landing on the space between my shoulders. “Uhh…excuse me real quick.” She hopped up on her back legs and poked at my flight muscles again, humming when she didn’t receive a response. She pushed a little harder, working her hoof in a circular motion before moving to my left side and doing the same. After a moment, my left wing twitched and started stiffening up again, allowing me to place it against my side comfortably where it sat unaided.

“Huh…that’s…kinda bucked up, isn’t it.” She mumbled to herself. “I don’t know. It seems like it could be some form of nerve damage, but what's weird is that your wings still move when those nerve triggers are tripped. My advice, as much as I hate to say it, would be that you may have to visit the hospital again. You could have a pinched nerve or something. Stormwind had something like that happen to him when he had his accident in flight camp. Apparently it stopped his brain from telling his wings what to do or something and he needed surgery to fix it.”

Fluttershy seemed to flinch when Rainbow brought up this Stormwind guy. I could have swore I saw her turn a little green as well. “Must have been one hell of a spill…”

“Oh. Lovely.” I groaned, sighing heavily and rolling my eyes. “Yup, just as I thought. They couldn’t help me at all. Figures. I should just be lucky my body knows how to breathe on its own at this point I guess.”

“Hey, it’s not the end of the world. Stormwind can fly just fine now, he’s part of the weather team and everything! I’m sure once the doctors figure out what’s wrong they’ll have you back in the clouds in no time! I’ll even teach you one of my signature stunts when you feel better! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!” Rainbow exclaimed, puffing out her chest and holding her head up high. I couldn’t help but grin at her antics, but I still felt defeated.

AJ just rolled her eyes at Rainbow and sat down beside me, elbowing me in the leg. “Cheer up, Z. There’s still a few things we can try before I’ll let you go mopin’ around. Maybe that spa day tomorrow will help!”

I looked at her incredulously. “How did you know that I had a spa day planned for tomorrow?”

“I uhh, heard you and Rarity talkin’ about it at the cafe before I sat down. Aloe and Lotus know how to work magic with their hooves. Maybe they can figure something out if it’s just a little pinched nerve.” She smiled, her confidence returning.

“Yeah. We’ll see. If nothing else it should be relaxing." I said, attempting to stay positive.

“Oh, I still have my tea brewing inside. Maybe that will help make you feel a little better.” Fluttershy offered with a gentle smile.

“Tea sounds good.” I replied, trying to return the smile but only getting about halfway there.

“Ok, I’ll just get some cups ready.” She turned and trotted off towards her cottage with us following closely behind her. It seemed like tea wasn't quite Rainbow’s speed, but she stuck around to chat while we continued our visit. It was pleasant overall, though I swore I kept seeing a familiar furry face watching me through the windows. The memory of that squirrel in the Everfree must have made me paranoid around all of Fluttershy’s little pets…

We bid farewell to Fluttershy after sticking around for tea and thanking her for having us over. That chamomile and honey tea did wonders for easing my stress, and we had talked about different things around Ponyville for so long that the sun had begun to sink in the sky. Rainbow wished me the best of luck and flew off to a particularly large cloud which she disappeared behind. I figured that I just lost track of her behind it and that she lived somewhere in that direction.

We eventually found our way back to the farm and I excused myself for the day with AJ’s approval. She figured it was a good idea that I get some rest after all that I’d been through and get ready for my “girls-day-out” with Rarity, which I honestly had been looking forward to. I took another extra long shower, letting myself absorb all the things that happened and silently hoping that it wasn’t some terrible medical issue that caused my wings to be dead weight. Surgery wasn’t fun, and anything involving nerves or backs was incredibly risky, at least back on earth. On humans.

I sat on the bed, letting my mane dry, absently teasing the same lock of hair that had refused to cooperate earlier as I watched AJ and Big Mac talking animatedly in the yard about something before her brother’s face flushed. AJ just laughed and did a half-hearted stretch that Fluttershy and I had done earlier, before flicking her tail and walking off towards the barn to prepare her things for tomorrow, as the apples had finally ripened and were ready to be bucked tomorrow. Big Mac simply watched his sister trot off and snorted before letting his eyes wander back to my window, where he found me staring again.

I registered his eyes meeting mine just in time to see his face turn a lighter shade of red and he waved quickly before quickly trotting off to another part of the yard out of view. I sighed, glad to be back in the familiar atmosphere of the farm and laid my head on the pillow to rest. “Yup…despite everything that’s happened, I guess this isn’t so bad.”