• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 5,272 Views, 313 Comments

Zinnias - Serinity Southerland

Disturbances in the magic of Equestria causes rifts between worlds. One unlucky hiker stumbles into one such rift and finds themself in a new body and in a new world.

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A New Beginning

I sat on my hospital bed remembering the last couple of days I spent here as I recovered from my abrupt excursion into the Everfree Forest. Pretty much every pony I had met was incredibly kind and friendly in one way or another, and while it was still a bit strange to be here, I found it to be rather enjoyable. Between the attentive hospital staff and my four new buddies, it didn’t feel like my discharge day took very long to arrive at all.

Twilight left a few books for me to read to help me pass the time, which I greatly appreciated after I managed to figure out how to open them without causing damage to them. I did practice on the hospital’s books first though just in case, those books weren’t as lucky unfortunately. Twilight had apparently spent several hours picking out a selection of fiction, non-fiction, documentary, historical, and academic tomes for me to read, and thankfully Spike was there to drastically reduce the volume of her selection down to just fifteen books. I was barely able to get through just one in the short time I was admitted but I have to say that the book on Equestria’s plant life was insightful, if not just a little concerning since some of the entries seemed a little too out there to be real.

Pinkie Pie had visited me at least twice every day between her work at the bakery, hanging out with her own friends, and other misadventures she told me about while she visited. She was a mystery to me; a pink, giggly enigma. I wasn’t sure how she managed to make time for it all, let alone making sure to stop by during visiting hours to help me feel less lonely and drop off a cake or pastry for me and at least a dozen or so for the employees of the hospital. It still freaked me out how she seemed to know things would happen before they did or how she somehow read my mind the first time we met, but I took Rarity’s advice and just chalked it up to “Pinkie just being Pinkie.”

Speaking of Rarity, I didn’t really see her after her first visit. According to Twilight she was busy making dresses for something called a “cute-ceañera,” whatever that was, but had made it a point to leave me with a selection of hair care products and devices to brush and style my hair if I wanted to try. I appreciated her generosity, and after learning how much better I looked and felt after simply having my mane and tail sorted out I made it a point to learn how to use them. Thanks to her I discovered that I could, somehow, hold objects in my hooves without needing to grasp them with my fetlocks while I was struggling to hold the brush she and Twilight bought for me. I guess all ponies had a special kind of magic or whatever that made things stick to their hooves.

I felt like I actually had someone to talk to between the three of those mares, which was a welcome change from the city and college life I had been hiking away from. I wasn’t sure if they were what I’d consider “friends” yet since we really only knew each other for three days, but I didn’t have a better way to describe them. I was relieved that they were here as the last of my bandages were removed and thrown away and my final charts were being signed off before I was released, because I needed the reassurance they provided me when some other visitors dropped in.

Just as Nurse Sweetheart had finished throwing out the surprisingly clean bandages I had been wearing and turned to Doctor Horse with a nod of approval, two armored stallions appeared in the doorway to my hospital room. “Doctor Horse. I’ve received word that the patient has recovered and regained her memories,” I winced, unsure what to make of the two. “Would you mind if we ask her a few questions before you discharge her?”

“Certainly, we’re all finished here anyway. I’m happy to say that Zinnia here has a clean bill of health!” The doctor announced happily before turning to me with a grin. “Be sure to stop by the receptionist before you head out so you can sign off on some paperwork.” He started to leave before another thought crossed his mind and he leaned in a bit closer and whispered, “Oh, and if you need me, you know where to find me.” He gave me a knowing wink and trotted off with Sweetheart as she giggled quietly out of the room. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and feel like I was in one of those dreadful medical dramas that played on late night television.

The two golden armor clad stallions stepped into the room to replace the staff and closed the door behind them, which made me feel nervous and a little trapped. I had almost forgotten about being new to this area, and this world, and my two new guests reminded me of my fears of some broken law or pony prison. Thankfully, Twilight was quick to address them which gave me time to collect myself.

She turned to the stallions and greeted them cheerfully, “Hello, Sergeant Tough Nut. I expected that you would have been here sooner. Guess Pinkie’s party was a bit too much?” She chuckled as she poked fun at the stoic individuals.

“The party was well received by my men, and I agree that Miss Pie and Miss Applejack have certainly earned their baking titles,” He answered flatly, “But I’m afraid I’m not here to chat about the festivities, Miss Sparkle. I have a few questions for our patient here that I would like answered, and I hope she feels inclined to cooperate.” I couldn’t help but lean back as Tough Nut strode up to the bed. He was a lot larger than the stallion patient I had seen outside the other day or my doctor and I was distinctly aware of his musculature as he stood there eyeing me.

“I beg your pardon, but what is the meaning of this?" Rarity asked, confused, “Can’t you see the poor thing has just recovered from a harrowing ordeal? I’m sure she’d love to answer some questions for you two handsome gentlemen, but we have a girls day at the spa planned and we really shouldn’t miss it.” She said in an attempt to butter up the stallions, but to no avail.

“I’m sorry Miss Rarity, but I am under orders. If she cooperates, this shouldn’t take long.” Sergeant Nut replied with a side glance, which Rarity didn’t appreciate very much. She pouted and turned to Twilight, who wasn’t put off in the slightest.

“It’s ok, everypony. Sergeant Nut was leading the rescue team sent by the royal guard in Canterlot to help us search for her after Princess Luna discovered that she was lost. They just want to ask you some questions to rule out the possibility that somepony else did something to cause you to be lost. I hope that’s ok.” Twilight explained, but only brought more questions to mind.

“Princess Luna? Canterlot? Royal guard? How did a Princess off in some far-away castle figure out I was even here, let alone lost out there in the Everfree where apparently nopony ever even goes? Does Twilight regularly talk to pony royalty? Is she royalty?”

“Ahem.” The Sergeant cleared his throat to grab my attention, which got a startled jump from me in response. “Let’s start from the beginning shall we? What is your name, and where are you from?”

“Uh oh…” I suddenly wish I had spent some time reading the books on geography that Twilight left me. “M-my name’s Zinnia, and I’m not really from anywhere in particular.” I winced under his glare, it didn’t look like that answer was satisfactory.


“I-I mean, I’m originally from further north, but I’ve been going to a school outside of my hometown and have moved a few times since I started classes.” I did live in the northeast US and I had moved a couple of times before settling down at the apartment. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was going to be late with rent because of all this. “I guess stress makes you think of weird things at times like this…”

“Ok. Let me be more clear. I’m trying to help you out, Zinnia. It’s my duty as the head of this team to make a full report to my superiors when I return, and I can’t do that if you wont help me. If you can just answer my questions clearly, this can be over a lot sooner, and you won't have to spend another day in the hospital while I sit here with you. Understand?” His expression shifted from that of a stoic stone carving to thinly veiled annoyance.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m trying my best.” I said pitifully, trying to hide behind my bangs.

“Try harder. North, where?” He said again, impatiently.

“Uhh, north east…in a city.”

“Ok, better. Most likely Manehatten or Fillydelphia. Do you remember which?”

“M-manehatten, I think.” The name was so similar to the city I lived in before that I nearly choked.

“Big city.”

“Y-yeah…yes it is.”

“Okay, city girl. What were you doing all the way out here near Ponyville?” I cringed at being called a city girl, but brushed it off with a frustrated sigh.

“I was hiking, sir.”

“Hiking? I wouldn’t have taken you for the outdoor type were it not for your cutie mark there.” He nodded towards the flint and steel on my flank making me flinch a little. A large stallion pointing his hoof at my rear only a couple feet away made me feel extremely self-conscious and I tucked my tail subconsciously in response.

“I-it’s a hobby.” I replied shortly. I was starting to get the feeling that he wasn’t that bad a dude, just much too serious about his job. Maybe his life too. I felt sorry for whatever poor mare decided to marry him, if ponies marry.

“Did you bring anypony with you?” He continued his line of questions.

“No sir, I came alone. Most of my friends liked the northern trails closer to home and opted to stay there.”

“Do you know of anypony who may dislike you, or would want to harm you?” He asked, pointedly.

“No. No sir I don’t. I try to be friendly with every…pony I meet. It’s how I was raised.” I stumbled again on the everypony thing, which made him raise an eyebrow.

“Are you sure about that? If you think somepony would be willing to do something awful to you, we need to know in case-”

“No. Sorry sir, I’m just nervous since I have two armored stallions interrogating me right now. Nopony did anything to me. I was hiking alone through the mountains pretty far south of home when I fell off a cliff and woke up in the Everfree and was there for a week before your team rescued me from the timberwolves.” I interjected, trying to cut off any misunderstandings before they occurred. I really didn’t need the royal guard of some pony kingdom running a stop-and-frisk campaign in whatever cities are north of here to find an attempted murderer that doesn’t even exist.

“Actually, Wind Vane was the one that found you. You can thank him for that.” Sergeant Tough Nut said, nodding towards the guard behind him. Wind Vane bowed his head slightly before standing at attention again.

“Oh. Thank you Mr. Vane. I’m glad you got there when you did. I’d probably be dead if not for you.” I said, grateful that Tough Nut allowed me that bit of knowledge.

“It’s what we’re here for, ma’am.” Wind Vane responds, still at attention behind his superior but with a smile spreading across his face.

Twilight entered the conversation, looking a little confused, “You said you fell off of a cliff but if I remember correctly, Sergeant Nut, you said Zinnia’s hoofprints were found in a flat area of the woods with a hole in the tree canopy.” My muscles tensed as she picked apart that little inconsistency.

“That’s correct, Miss Sparkle. There were no cliffs near where her tracks were first spotted.”

“Odd. Zinnia, did you happen to see anything strange while you were exploring the mountains? Any weird magic or maybe something like rippling air?” Twilight asked, her attention now solely on me. It looked like she knew something that nopony else in the room was aware of.

“Rippling air?” I repeated, but a detail struck me as I did, “Actually…yeah! I remember hearing some crazy sounds all day that day, like talking where I was alone. I made camp for the night and I thought I saw some weird ripples in the air like if you threw a rock into a pond and shortly after I heard some kind of monster and a bunch of hooves running with it and I got scared because I couldn’t see anything there. I thought it was some kind of ghost or something and ran away in the dark and right off the cliff. I closed my eyes before I landed and woke up in the Everfree.” “How did she know about…?”

“Why didn’t you just fly away?” Wind Vane asked, as if it were that obvious thing to do. I realized he had wings too as I looked at him incredulously.

“I uhh…like to challenge myself when I’m hiking. I mean, it wouldn’t be a hike if I just flew where I wanted to go, would it?” I said, partially trying to cover for my lack of ability to fly which seemed embarrassing beyond belief. He considered my answer for a moment, then shrugged.

“Now who does that sound like?” Rarity said with a snicker.

“Speaking of Rainbow Dash,” Twilight continued, “she said that she saw something similar the day before Princess Luna discovered you. I wonder if…” She trailed off before standing up and trotting towards the door to the room. “Sorry girls, but I need to do some research. Glad to see you’re feeling better, Zinnia! Feel free to stop by later, okay?” She said before leaving the room with a shower of purple sparkles and a pop.

“Did SHE just teleport? Now I really want a redo, that’s so not fair.”

The guards continued for a little while longer, asking me questions about my days in the Everfree and what had happened up to the moment they found me. I had apparently been pretty close to Ponyville for nearly three days, and could have walked into town in less than a day’s time if I had simply stumbled onto one of the paths that led through that section of woods. Once they were finished, they thanked me for their time and I waved to Wind Vane as they left, as a final thank you. I wasn’t sure if I’d get to see him again, so I wanted to make sure he knew I really was grateful.

“Well, that was fun! You should have seen Nutty the other night at the party! He was so full of cake he passed out near the punch bowl! I nearly pinned a ‘pin the tail on the pony’ tail on him by accident!” Pinkie laughed, bringing the mood in the room back up.

“Well I, for one, thought that was dreadful. They could have at least had the courtesy to postpone their interview until after our spa day. Oh, I hope we can still get in. All this stress is really getting to my skin.” Rarity complained, acting as though she actually needed it but I honestly felt the same. I sighed in relief, but I felt exhausted and hoped I wasn’t going to see gray hair in my mane because of this.

“Aww, it’s ok! We can still take Zinnia out to see the town today and visit the spa some other time! It’s not like it’s going anywhere. Unless it grows legs…or wings…or wheels. Can spa’s grow wheels?”

“Aaaand we lost Pinkie again.” I couldn’t help but giggle at her antics.

“You’re right. I suppose we could show her the town. Besides, Zinnia dear, we need to find a place for you to stay while you’re with us in town. I simply won’t allow you to do any more ‘roughing it’ while in Ponyville.” Rarity said resolutely. I nodded in agreement, having had enough camping for a while. I picked up the brush I was given and placed it in a saddle bag that Rarity had made for me. It took me a moment to figure out how to get the thing on, but thankfully she helped me settle the straps beneath my wings before we set off.

We made our way to the receptionist, who was busy penciling somepony else into the hospital. I paused momentarily as I watched her manipulate the quill with her mouth and remembered that I was told I needed to sign some documents and realized I couldn’t write. “Oh…oh no…maybe I can? I can read, right? Maybe I can write too and just need practice like with my wings? She’s using her mouth though…”

“What’s the matter, darling? You look like you’ve forgotten something important.” Rarity said, putting a hoof on my withers.

“I umm…” I couldn’t tell her about my trepidation after I had said I went to school. I was supposedly educated, not someone who can’t write their own grocery list.

“Need to go to the little filly’s room?” Pinkie Pie interjected.

“No! I mean,” I sighed in frustration. “My writing is bad.”

The two girls stared at me for a moment before giggling, which made me blush. “Is that what you’re worried about? Zinnia, you’re in a hospital where even the best paid doctors here write in chicken scratch. I’m sure you’re fine, just scribble something down and worry about it later.” Rarity reassured me.

“Yeah! It’s not like you don’t know how to write at all!” Pinkie said with a snort.

“Damn it, Pinkie Pie. Get outta my head!” The receptionist, who was done with her work by the time we arrived, welcomed us and collected some papers from a bin on her desk.

“Zinnia! Glad to see you’re feeling better now! Ready to go?” Mrs. Care said as she handed the documents to me across the desk.

“Y-yeah, I sure am. I missed being able to walk on my own two- err, four hooves again. Anyway, are these the papers I needed to sign?” I hoped they didn’t catch that.

“Sure are! I just need a signature on the bottom of pages two, five, and seven. Then you’re all set.” She pushed a quill over to me and I stared at it warily for a moment. “Oh! I’m sorry, you’re still recovering. You probably want a clean one just in case, right?” She reached over and picked up an ink vile with several sterile quills for me to pick from.

I looked at the pens and swore to myself. “Not helping, Mrs.Care. The quill on the desk was hard enough, now I gotta pull one out of a bunch. Trial by fire, here we come.” I sighed and thanked her before slowly attempting the quills, which only took me three times before a success. I got the quill comfortable in my mouth and made three signatures as uniformly as I could manage, which wasn’t very uniform at all, not helped by Rarity audibly cringing at my calligraphy skills. “Okay, all set?”

“Yup! Take care of yourself, Zinnia. Don’t be afraid to stop by sometime and see us again. I’m sure Doctor Horse would love to have a visit from his favorite patient!” Mrs. Care waved us off before returning to her work.

“I swear if I hear one more person mention that stallion’s name I’ll snap their neck.” “Will do, Mrs. Care! Thank you!” I waved back and walked out with my friends in tow, doing my best to smile through gritted teeth.

“What was that about?” Pinkie asked with a confused look.

“Oh, it’s nothing Pinkie. Just some hospital humor.” Rarity smiled and winked at me as we walked into the sunlit street outside. I could tell she knew what they’re little inside joke meant; of course she did. I was certain she would have even if no one told her, but she kept it to herself and I was relieved that I didn’t have to follow up on my silent threat.

The air outside was warm and pleasant, and the smell of summer wafted through the air on the gentle breeze. I stopped where the main road met with the hospital’s and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath and savored the outdoors once more. There was a faint scent of apples in the air, mixed in with the other smells of flowers, trees, grass, the dirt road, and cotton candy from Pinkie beside me. Everything smelled so wonderfully fresh and crisp either from my new pony nose being a better sniffer than my old human one, or having been stuck in the hospital with the scent of cleaners and medical equipment.

Pinkie and Rarity spent most of the walk into town talking about the different shops and ponies that live in Ponyville. These two were apparently pretty well known in town too as every pony we passed waved or made a point to greet them happily, some even asking when the next batch of fresh cookies would be ready at the bakery or when Rarity would be free to help patch an outfit for them. It was a wonderful sense of familiarity, reminding me of my hometown and how everyone knew each other. I’d only been in town for five minutes, but it almost felt like home.

We passed by a few houses of different sizes, and I was impressed at their architecture. I didn’t know what I expected ponies to live in, but I was nevertheless surprised by their similarity to the houses I knew. There were only two buildings that were particularly strange to me; One being a shop of some sort that’s roof looked as though it were made from gingerbread and topped with a cupcake shaped room which I learned was Sugarcube Corner. The other was a building that was modeled to look vaguely like a mall carousel on top of a round building, which was Rarity’s boutique. “Interesting design choices. At least they stand out.”

We spent some time exploring the shops in town, Rarity showing off her expensive tastes no less, and then they treated me to lunch at a local cafe. I didn’t expect a daisy sandwich to be delicious, but hey, when in Rome, right? I was starting to feel guilty though. Since they met me, the girls had bought me brushes, hygiene supplies, and food and I hoped that I wasn’t running up a tab or causing undue stress on them financially. I had to make that known when I refused Rarity’s offer to purchase me a pillow in case wherever I decided to stay didn’t have once that matched my mane.

“Oh, hey girls! Glad you made it! How’s the tour of Ponyville going?” Twilight said as she trotted up to the table we were having lunch at. I wondered how she found us so easily, even in such a small town.

“Right on time as always, Twilight! Everything’s going great! We stopped by Sugarcube Corner, Rarity showed her the boutique, we stopped by the quills and sofas shop…” Pinkie said between a hoof full of hay fries.

“Everything but our spa day. We were too late for our appointment and had to reschedule for Wednesday.” Rarity said, daintily dabbing her lips with a napkin.

“Oh, I’m sorry that you missed your spa treatment. If I had known the guards would be there for their interview I would have asked for them to meet us after you were done. And Wednesday is two days from today! Is that alright with you, Zinnia? I thought that you would be excited to get back home.” Twilight said with a worried look.

“Mm-hmm. I don’t really have anywhere else to be, so it’s ok. It gives me time to explore this wonderful little town you have here. I just need to find a place to stay till then, and before you say it, Rarity, I can’t accept your offer to stay with you. You’ve already done so much for me that I couldn’t possibly impose on you any further.” I said, catching Rarity before she could argue. She simply closed her mouth and huffed. She had brought it up at least three separate times since we got into town, but I just didn’t feel right bumming in her house while she paid for everything. That was too generous.

Pinkie was flustered at this point, too. “What about me? You can stay with me if you want! We can stay up all night and play board games and eat ice cream sundaes and you can share a bed with me and Gummy!”

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but I don’t feel comfortable with that either. I want to repay you all for helping me, not have you pay for me more than you already have!” I also didn’t like the idea of bunking with a pet alligator, even if he didn’t have teeth.

“What about me? I could use some help reorganizing the library again this week, and Spike could use the break. I even have a spare bed! Besides, I really would like to chat with you a little more about your survival skills, you could even teach me a thing or two! I’m a great student and take tons of notes, too! It would almost be like having a sleepover!” Twilight seemed just as excited about the prospect of a sleepover as Pinkie Pie did. I was starting to feel like a rope in a three way tug of war when another pony entered the fray.

“Howdy, y’all! Looks like we had the same idea huh? All that apple buckin’s got me hungrier than a mosquito in a ponyquinn factory.” The orange pony with three red apples on her flank trotted right up to the others and smiled at them before noticing me sitting with them. “Oh, pardon me. I didn’t see ya there. You must be that new pony in town Twilight’s been talkin’ about. My name’s Applejack, and you're Zinnia, I reckon. Pleasure to meet you.” She said, extending a hoof to me in a handshake-like gesture, which I instinctively returned.

“The pleasure’s a-a-a-ll m-m-mine.” I stammer out as she grasps my proffered hoof and shakes it heartily, nearly causing me to fall out of my chair. “What the hay?! She’s stronger than she looks! Ow!”

“Hey, Applejack! How’s apple bucking season coming along?” Twilight asked cheerfully.

“Well, we were on track to finish the south field today when Apple Bloom and her friends decided buckin’ em’ down was too hard and tried to pull em’ down with a rope. They nearly yanked a whole pony-pickin tree up before Big Mac caught em’. He spent the next hour tryin’ to get the tree to sit right again. We lost so much time that I’m not sure we’ll be done today, so I came into town to ask for help. I don’t think we can do it on our own.” I wondered how anyone could pull a tree up at the roots with a simple rope.

“I’m sorry AJ, I’d love to come help but I’m waiting for a very important letter from Princess Celestia to return and can’t afford to miss it.” Twilight said sadly, “Maybe Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy can help?”

“Well, I tried askin’ Rainbow for help but she wanted to work it into her routine for that Wonderbolts tryout she’s practicing for, and you know how Angel gets with Fluttershy when she misses his tail fluffin’ day. I couldn’t ask her for that. What about you Pinkie? Think you could help out?” AJ asked, looking hopefully at Pinkie.

“Sure thing! I’d love to help!” She said cheerfully before she gasped and leapt from her chair. “Oh no! I forgot! I can’t help because today Zinnia got discharged from the hospital and I was supposed to plan a huuuge ‘got well’ party for her but I totally forgot! I can’t just leave a party un-partied! I gotta go girls! Bye!” Pinkie shouted before she zipped away in a pink cloud of dust.

“Aww, pony fea-” Applejack started before pinkie dashed back to grab the rest of her fries and was off again. I opened my mouth to say something but Rarity stopped me.

“Hold on, dear.” I tilted my head, confused but my ears flicked back to another direction as they caught the sound of Pinkie racing back to the tables opposite from where she took off. I was barely able to turn in time to meet her brilliant blue eyes only centimeters from mine, looking like they were about to pop out from their sockets.

“Pretend you didn’t hear anything I just said! It’s a surprise, got it?!” She stared at me with a crazy look in her eye before smiling pleasantly and dashing off again.

“Okay, I think we’re good.” Twilight said with a giggle.

“I’m not sure I am.” I thought to myself as I tried to calm my heart from doing somersaults in my chest. I grabbed my glass and took a drink before looking at Applejack, considering her plight.

“I can help you, Applejack. You just need some apples picked, right? That shouldn’t be too hard,” I offered, taking another sip of water.

“Are ya sure, sugarcube? Ya just got out of the hospital an’ I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself doing something you don’t have to do. We Apples can figure out how to tackle them apples.” Her words didn’t match the concern that plagued her face. I could tell she was worried about getting her job done on time.

“No. It’s ok, really. I want to help. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie all did so much to help me while I was in the hospital and even treated me to lunch and showed me around Ponyville today. I want to do something to repay them. I want to help you.” I said, getting out of my chair with a poorly hidden wince as I shifted my weight from my bad leg.

“I-I don’t know. What do you think, Twi? I sure do need the help, but I really don’t want to cause any trouble for her either.” Applejack looked to her friend for advice, conflicted.

Twilight thought for a moment before answering. “Well, Zinnia seems determined to repay us… Applejack, do you have a spare room?”

“Sure do, we always have a room ready just in case one of our cousins comes a-knockin’.” AJ responds.

“Well, since Zinnia doesn’t want to stay with any of us because she feels like she owes us, how about she helps you with the farm so she can feel like she’s earned her stay? That way she can help us help you, and you can help her too!” She said with a smile, looking at me as though expecting me to respond as well. Twilight’s plan made sense, it gave me a place to stay and a reason to stay there without feeling like a mooch.

“I guess that’s alright. I can’t have you throwin' that leg out again though, so you’re on light duty till you’re feelin’ up to it. We got a deal?” She held out a hoof and spit on it, nearly causing Rarity to get sick right there.

“Deal!” I spat on mine and held it out for her to shake. I thought this was just a customary thing, but even Twilight seemed somewhat taken aback by my action, and poor Rarity had somehow found an entire couch to faint on. “Where did she get that?”

“She keeps' em handy. You get used to it.” AJ said with a charming chuckle. “Now hurry on up with your sandwich. We got a lot of buckin’ to do, and only half a day left to do it.” I swallowed the other half of my sandwich and polished off my water before thanking Twilight and Rarity for everything and heading out with Applejack to her farm.

I wasn’t much help, really. At least, I didn’t feel like I was. I couldn’t buck the trees to knock the apples down like AJ and her brother Big Mac could, and I was surprised that the stallion didn’t buck the trees straight over the moon with how large and muscular he was. He really lived up to his name, and I found myself staring at him on a couple of occasions. My useless wings still wouldn’t listen to me either, so flying and picking the apples by hoof wasn’t an option either. I ended up following Applejack around with a wooden bucket and catching the apples that fell from the trees she kicked. It was amazing how one kick was enough for every single apple to fall down. It must have been part of that earth pony magic Twilight talked about.

It was just after sun down before we finished the last tree in the south field. My leg was on fire and I was dripping sweat, but we managed to finish the job. It was the first major accomplishment I had since making that little clay bowl back in the woods. I wondered if it was still lying out there somewhere or if that timberwolf had made off with it. I wished I had it back, really just as a symbol of the hardship I endured more than anything.

Big Mac and Applejack packed up the equipment in their barn and she showed me into the house. It reminded me of that classic southern “barnyard” style home that one would see advertised in some of those women’s health mags laying around a doctor’s waiting room or a salon. She took the time to introduce me to her family at dinner, telling a slightly more adventurous rendition of my vacation in the Everfree to everyone there. The old mare, Granny Smith, seemed rather unimpressed but I bet she probably had to walk twenty miles to school and back in the snow uphill both ways in her day.

AJ’s little sister though, she was a different story altogether. Apple Bloom was a rambunctious ball of energy, even after causing a mess with her friends and helping finish the south field. She bounced excitedly in her chair while AJ told the family how I single-handedly fended off a whole pack of rabid timberwolves and gasped when she heard I did that sort of thing for fun because the city life was too stuffy. I had to correct her embellishments, but I could tell AJ was just having fun with it. Of course, Apple Bloom had endless questions for me after dinner while we cleaned up too, but I was too exhausted to answer more than just a couple of them before retiring to the guest room.

I took my first real shower in several weeks, and relished the warm water washing the sweat from my body, mane, and tail for probably a little too long. “I hope ponies don’t have a water bill…” I brushed out my hair like Rarity had shown me, making sure to keep it from tangling or breaking and once I was finally clean and my hair dried, I sorely climbed into bed and rested my head on the soft pillows. My leg appreciated the hot soak in the shower and barely complained at all as I relaxed under the white and red checkered blanket.

It had been almost two weeks since I’d been in Equestria. One full of hardship, the other filled with friendship. I threw my mind back to my college days in the city, and how miserable I was there. Here I was, working on an apple orchard and enjoying life close to how I’d have dreamed, no degree or internship required. My family would be proud…”Or would they?

“Would they understand my situation out here? Would they accept that I wasn’t really me anymore? Would they ever even know? Would I ever get to see my parents or cousins again? Do they even know I’m gone now, or do they think I’m dead? I bet my mom was crying at my funeral without so much as a bone to say goodbye to. I miss them so much…” I had a new start in a new world with wonderful friends and a job I would have killed for back home, but that night I cried myself to sleep.