• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,124 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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Special: Rollercoaster of Friendship PT2

Not long after entering the main park area, the friends found themselves splitting up. Rainbow dragged Fluttershy off to one of the park's best rollercoasters while Applejack and Pinkie both wandered off.

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Flash asked Heart and Soul, the two now glancing around as he, Sunset and Twilight smiled at their naivety. "Anything take your fancy?"

"What's that?" Soul asked, pointing at a circular ride with several round booths spinning around a track while spinning themselves. "The Equestrian Waltz?"

"Ooo!" Twilight clapped, "I love the waltz!" Flash nodded and they rushed to get on, managing to get the last car before the ride started up. At first the younger teens weren't impressed, but then the ride started speeding up.

"Oh yeah," Flash turned to the teens. "Are either of you prone to seizures with flashing lights?" They both shook their heads, making the teen relax as one of the workers grabbed the side of their car and spun it around. They all cheered at the movement while looking up at the ceiling. Hundreds of differently colored lights were above them, the spinning of the car causing them to see many strange shapes and squiggles.

Every now and then, a worker would stop their cars and spin them in the opposite direction, Heart and Soul quickly figuring out why Twilight loved the ride so much. It was fun and beautiful. They were almost sad that the ride soon ended, but they also didn't want to deprive anyone else of going on it.

"That was awesome!" Heart cheered, "What else is there?!"

"Games!" Soul cheered, pointing at a series of booths that had a bunch of carnival games. They both laughed and ran off, the teens chuckling at the two's child-like enjoyment. The twins quickly found a game that involved a laser-tag gun, hitting targets for a prize.

"Game on!" Heart exclaimed as he handed over a ticket and picked up the gun, watching carefully as the game started. Then, alien and spaceship targets started appearing, Heart firing and hitting each of them without issue.

"Wow," Twilight commented, "I had no idea Heart was such a good shot."

"Got great reflexes too," Sunset added as Heart hit a spaceship that only appeared for a second. Heart kept getting a higher and higher score and eventually, only one target was left. A mother-ship that's target was constantly moving around, Heart finding himself getting frustrated, only for the ship to leave, the kid hitting the target at the end. The alien ship let out several sounds before mimicking crashing to the earth, his friends all cheering as the store owner smiled.

"You got one hundred points kid. Not bad." He pointed to the prizes, which had a bunch of numbers next to them. "Pick anything you want that adds up to that." Heart pointed to a pair of blue and pink teddy bears, which were each worth twenty-five points. "I'll take those." The owner grabbed them, and Heart gave the pink one to his sister, Soul gasping and taking the bear happily. "I'll also...take five of those Equestria Land hats." Each hat was ten points each, meaning he used up all this points.

"Thanks Heart," Flash said as Heart gave them all caps.

"But you didn't have to waste your points on us," Twilight continued.

"Well, it's not like I could carry all the other stuff I could have got," Heart replied as he held his new bear. "This is fine."

They nodded as they continued to make their way through the booths, only for Twilight to hear a pair of voices call out. She turned to the voice's source, now seeing a stand run by a pair of twin men, both having red and white hair and wearing blue and white striped shirts and white pants with bowties. The only difference between the two was that one had a moustache.

"You like prizes, we got prizes!" Moustache twin declared as he pointed up at all the animal plushies.

Twilight stepped over to the booth, seeing a bunch of bottles on a table. She turned to the twins as the one without a moustache held up a ring. As she did this, Sunset grimaced at the sight, "Oh...it's them."

"You know those two?" Flash asked.

"Not personally," Sunset whispered, "But they caused a few problems for Applejack a ways back. Forced her to work for them while wearing a banana costume." Flash raised an eyebrow while the twins laughed at the thought.

"Toss this ring onto any one of these bottles, easiest game in the park." Non-moustache twin lazily flipped the ring in the air, the ring landing on the bottle without issue.

"Huh." Twilight corrected her glasses, "This game does look easy."

The twins smiled, "Would you lookie here? Somebody who knows a thing or two about a thing or two." Twilight shined a grin and was about to hand over her tickets, only for Sunset to grab her by the shoulders and pull her away.

"Twilight, they're just giving you the old bump and tickle to lure you in. These games are rigged."

"Slanderous!" Moustacheless replied.

"Libellous!" Moustache went on.

Twilight smirked at Sunset. "You know what's not rigged? The laws of physics." And thus, she went into full on lecture mode. "Assuming no air resistance and a vertical displacement of zero..." That was as far as Flash's brain was able to follow, the rest just sounding like a bunch of gobbilty goop. And when she finally stopped, she turned to the booth and put down two tickets before picking up a ring, holding it up and doing the calculations in her head.

She then let the ring fly free and saw it hit the bottle, landing around the neck and spinning.

"Oh, the suspense!" Moustacheless cried.

"The drama!" Moustache continued.

"I can't watch!"

"Hold me." They hugged as they watched. That is, till the ring flew off the bottle.

Twilight's growled at her failure, Sunset now patting her on the shoulder. "That was pretty good," she held up some more tickets. "Maybe we should try one more time?" Twilight smiled and Flash saw the dastardly look that the booth owners were wearing, the teen turning to Heart and Soul.

"I get the feeling they're gonna be here a while. Wanna go check out some more stuff?" They nodded before they soon going to the bumper cars, Heart and Soul teaming up to bully Flash with constant bumps, trying a haunted house, with Heart actually being more terrified than Soul, and got to watch a wild west show.

"Alright," Heart cheered as they checked a nearby map. "What should we do next?"

"I'm not sure." Soul added as she squinted her eyes at the map.

"Why not go in the house of mirrors?" They turned to the voice and saw Heather, Iron and First walking up with drinks in their hands. "We just tried it out and found it was a lot of fun."

"Great idea," Flash replied, "Didn't know you guys would be here."

"Why wouldn't we?" Heather asked, "Great food."

"Awesome rides," Iron added.

"And games that are sure to be both challenging and rewarding," First finished.

"I don't know. I'm willing to bet Twilight and Sunset are still trying to win a game." They all laughed at this as Flash turned to Iron, "You know, Fluttershy's here as well." Iron raised an eyebrow at this, "She got dragged off by Rainbow to try out the rollercoaster. Probably scared out of her mind right now."

"Is that so...well, guess I'll go look for her then." He began to walk off and the others laughed while Flash turned back to the map.

"House of mirrors?"

"Over there," Heather pointed behind herself, "It's not too far away. We'll go help Iron." They nodded and separated, Flash and the twins quickly finding the place.

"What exactly are you supposed to do in here?" Heart asked as they entered.

"Well, we're in Rarity's personal heaven," Flash laughed as he walked up to see him reflecting in the mirrors and there were soon a bunch of him. "Army...march!" He started doing a saluting stance and it looked like an entire battalion was making their way towards them. Flash then began to march further into the building, the pair following after him.

Heart started making funny faces at each of the mirrors while Soul adjusted her hair whenever she spotted something about it she didn't like. "Come on, Narcissus," Flash told her, "If you wanna spend you time looking into a mirror, I'm willing to bet this place as the special kind you'll enjoy looking at." They raised their eyebrows at this as Flash continued leading them to the center of the building. "Here we are."

They noticed a circle of mirrors that were all different colors. "What's so special about these?"

"Step in front of one." Heart did so and found his body was suddenly three times taller in the reflection.

"No way!" He laughed and jumped in front of the next one, finding he was now half his normal height. Soul jumped in front of one and found her head and upper body looked stretched while her legs and waist were squeezed. They all laughed as they continued looking at their many hilarious reflections. But eventually, they had had enough.

"Which way is out?" Soul asked, making Flash laugh again.

"That's the other fun part of a mirror house. Trying to find your way out."

"Can't be that hard," Heart added, "Let's try this way." He started walking, only to crash into something face first and stagger back. "Ahh!" He held his nose, "Mirror." Flash chuckled as the group began to wander around again.

While they did this, Iron, Heather and First arrived at the rollercoaster Flash had told them about. "You see them anywhere?" Iron asked.

"No," Heather shook her head, "They might already be on the ride."

"Well, Rainbow is over there," First pointed at the girl in question. They headed over and saw her looking at the ride, giving it an expression they didn't expect to see on her face: Fear.

The girl spun around and saw someone else coming her way. "Applejack!" She cheered as the farm girl walked up, "Hey! I was just about to ride this thing for, like, the tenth time already!" This resulted in the little girl standing next to her letting out a cough, making Rainbow glare at her for some reason before whispering something that made the girl walk off.

"Uh..." Applejack glanced around, noticing the three approaching teens. "Hey ya'll," she waved, Rainbow turned to them as Applejack continued surveying the area. "Have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?"

"Oh," Rainbow turned to her, "She was with me, super scared of this ride, but I think she went off with Vignette."

"Okay," Applejack began to walk off, "Thanks."

"If you see her, tell her she still owes me a rollercoaster ride!" But then she was grabbed by Heather and First.

"Come on," she told the rainbow haired girl, "I haven't been on this yet."

"Neither have I," First told her. "Since you have been on it nine times already, you can tell us where the best place to sit is." They dragged Rainbow to the ride, the girl babbling as if trying to figure out a way out of what was happening.

Meanwhile, Iron decided to go with Applejack. "You lookin' for her too?" The farm girl asked, Iron shrugging.

"I plan on being a cop some day. Cops are supposed to look after scared kids lost in big scary places like this."

"Right..." Applejack chuckled before noticing a display stand that allowed anyone to take a map of the park. Grabbing one, she looked it over. "Now if ah were Fluttershy, where'd I be?" They looked it over as they passed the bumper cars, but couldn't find anything on the map that Fluttershy would be interested in doing alone. That is, till they heard a whistling noise.

Before they could figure out where it came from, a pink hand grabbed the map and pulled it away from them. "No frowning allowed!" Pinkie yelled, scrunching up the map and throwing it into a trash can as she looked them both over. "As 'Fun Inspector', I'm a little concerned about what I'm seeing here. You're both frowning!" They looked Pinkie over and saw she had changed her clothes and was now wearing...a bunch of stuff too complex to really explain.

"Pinkie Pie?" Applejack scratched her head, "Don't tell me you're workin' for the park now, too."

Pinkie started laughing at this. "No, silly! Fun Inspectors are freelance! And don't get paid! And totally made up by me earlier today when I saw a little girl crying because she dropped her ice cream, and I said to myself, 'Pinkie Pie, this place isn't as fun as it could be!'" She gestured to what she was wearing. "Do you like the uniform? I made it out of things I found in the trash, but you can't even tell!" She pulled a lollipop off of her sleeve and was about it eat it, until Applejack pulled it away from her.

"Geh, uhhh...so, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?"

"Nope," Pinkie shook her head before taking something out of her pocket. "But I have seen my Deputy Fun Inspector!" She placed it on Applejack shirt and revealed it was a homemade badge. "Ta-da! Now you have all access to the entire park." She then pulled another lollipop from her hair and smirked at Applejack, "Deputy Fun Inspector!" She gave it a lick before turning to Iron, humming as she looked him over.

"If you even try to stick one of those trash badges on me, I'll pick you up and throw you into a trash can where that uniform belongs." He deadpanned, Pinkie rolling her eyes before walking away, Applejack sighing in response.

Back at the mirror house, Flash chuckled as he followed the twins. The pair were carefully walking forward, their hands out like they were blind. "Mirror," Heart stated as his hand touched something hard before the pair turned left.

"Mirror," Soul sighed from her side as they turned right.

"Door!" Heart exclaimed as he spotted the exit.

"Heart, wait!" But it was too late, Heart now slamming into a mirror, moaning as he staggered back.

"This place got a lot less fun ten minutes ago," he groaned as Flash walked by and left through the exit. Heart and Soul followed him out, Heart still rubbing his nose.

"That was fun," the older teen chuckled.

"For who?" Heart asked as Flash took out his phone and called Twilight. It took a minute or so, but she soon answered.


"Hey," he asked, "You still playing that game?" Twilight didn't reply, giving Flash all the answer he needed. "You are, aren't you?"


"How many tickets have you used?"

"A lot."

"How's Sunset doing?"

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THE PARAKEET!" He suddenly heard over the phone, which actually forced him to pull it away from his ear.

"Not well I take it."

"I...think we're done for the day. Wanna meet up somewhere...where Sunset and I can rest?"

"Sure," Flash laughed, "I'll get you two a snack to wash your sorrows away."

"Thank you," she replied before hanging up.

Back with Applejack and Iron, they were both sitting on a bench as Applejack explained the problem.

"...Or maybe I want her to be my prime suspect because she's Rarity's new best friend at the park." She sighed and scratched her head, "Am I goin' crazy over a whole lot o' nothin'?" She waited for Iron to reply, but he said nothing and then saw he was sitting there looking half asleep. "Iron?"

"Huh?" He opened his eyes and turned to her, "Sorry. I guess I stopped listening..."

"When did yah stop listening?"

"When did yah start talking?" Applejack felt her face starting to turn red, but before she could yell at him, someone spoke up first.

"What's that badge ya got there?!" They jumped and turned to see an old security guard standing beside them, pointing at the badge Pinkie had made that Applejack was still wearing.

"I, uh..." She began stammering, "Y-y-you see, it-it's just-"

"It's a crime to fake security badges, you know." The guard exclaimed, "I'm a fake cop, but I can send ya to real jail!"

"Hold it man," Iron chimed in, "It's not her fault. Her friend gave it to her and if she took it off, it'd hurt her friend's feelings."

"Exactly," Applejack stood up and gave him the badge. "I'm just lookin' for my friend, and-"

"Hands on your head!" The guard screeched, "No sudden moves! Got that?!"

"You're just looking for any old excuse to arrest someone," Iron growled as the guard looked down at the badge.

"Huh!" He then smiled and started laughing, "Why didn't ya tell me you were a Deputy Fun Inspector?!" The teens turned to him in shock, looking between him and the badge. Clearly, this old timer had been out in the sun way to long. "Here you go. Come with me, I'd prefer to get my station inspected as soon as possible" He began to walk off as the pair shared a glance.

"Are we sure this guy's a security guard and didn't just escape from the old folks home?" Applejack shrugged at Iron's question and decided to follow the guard, Iron also coming along as they soon went to a small building that looked rather boring compared to the rest of the park's vibrant atmosphere.

"I am so sorry about that, ma'am." The guard opened the door and stepped inside, "Uh, here's my workstation. It hasn't been fun-inspected in years."

"Ah'm tryin' to tell you mah friend made this badge," Applejack rubbed the bridge of her nose. "It ain't real."

"Oh. An undercover Fun Inspector. I get it. Anyway, have fun ''not inspecting' my workstation. Wink, wink." He headed for the door, Iron still thinking this guy might be a crazy while Applejack sighed.

"How many times do I have to say it?" She asked, only for the guard to wink before stepping out and shutting the door. Applejack had every intention of just leaving, but then she heard a sound and turned to see it was coming from the guard's left behind walkie talkie, which was sitting on the desk of the park's surveillance system.

"Uh...we probably shouldn't be watching that," Iron commented.

"So close your eyes," Applejack added as she stared at the different screens. Then she noticed on one screen, Rainbow Dash was talking to Vignette. "What are you up too?" Unfortunately, the cameras didn't have sound. All she could do was watch carefully and try to pick up context clues.

"Rarity told me you're the coolest, smartest friend who knows what's the opposite of down." She leaned into Rainbow, "What's up?!"

Rainbow chuckled at this, "True."

"I have a bold new vision for the Rainbooms that you are going to love!" Vignette exclaimed, making Rainbow raise an eyebrow as Vignette began to explain her genius. "The Throwbacks! Capital T, hashtag TBT, Throwback Today. Or for short, T.C.T.H.T.B.T.bracket.T.B.T.bracket, pronounced ta-ca-ta-ca-ba-ta!" Rainbow's brain now told her that that made no sense. "You are going to represent the touchstones of cool throughout the ages!"

Now that got Rainbow smiling, "I like it so far, and I assume I'll like what you say next."

Vignette wrapped an arm around her, "Rainbow Dash: '50s Sockhop Sweetheart!" Rainbow's eyes went wide hearing this, "Poodle skirt, adorable blonde hair. How do you feel about shaving your head? I only ask cuz you'll definitely have to do it for the wig."

"Uhhh," Rainbow looked up at her head, "There is no way anyone is shaving my head."

Vignette frowned, "B.Y.B.B.?"

Rainbow quickly countered her, "B.I.A.A.T.B. But I already am the best?"

The woman's facial expression was clear. She was not happy. "Well, if you insist on just, ugh, being yourself or whatever, then at least let me take a picture of the real you." Before Rainbow could reply, she held her phone up and snapped a picture. In a flash, Rainbow was suddenly zapped away by the phone's light.

Applejack and Iron gasped at the sight, "What the...is Vignette zappin' mah friends with a magical phone?! I knew she was up to somethin'! Just wasn't expectin' somethin' so magic and evil."

"You think she did the same to Fluttershy?" Iron asked, Applejack nodding as she stared at the screens.

"She makes 'em disappear, but where do they go?"

"Who cares?" Iron asked, "We've just gotta grab that phone and smash it!"

"No," Applejack shook her head, "This ain't the first time somethin' like this's happened. When mah friends and I got sucked into a magic mirror, breakin' it almost killed us."

"Then how do we save them?" Iron asked, making Applejack sigh as she sat back.

"That's a good question." She closed her eyes, only to say, "We gotta tell the others! Come on!" She got up and headed out the door, Iron following her as he took out his phone.

Flash, Heart, Soul, Twilight and Sunset were at the snack booth. Sunset had gotten an ice cream cup and wrapped her fingers around it, the cold making them feel much better after the cramping that had occurred during her ring toss escapade.

They laughed at something Heart had said until Flash suddenly found his phone go off, taking it out and seeing it was Iron. "Hey," he got up as he answered and walked a good distance away, "What's up?"

"Sentry, we got a problem. A magical problem."

"What?" Flash yelped, only to look up and see Vignette and Rainbow Dash walking by a distance away, only to see Vignette do something with her phone.

"It's that Vignette woman. She's kidnapped Rainbow and Fluttershy using a magic phone of hers." As he said that, Flash saw Vignette press something that caused Rainbow to suddenly be transformed into a horrible dress and blonde wig. And the fact that Rainbow wasn't complaining about it or even moving made him frown.

"I gotta call you back," Flash tapped his phone before running over, "Hey!" Vignette turned to him, "I don't know what you did to Rainbow and Fluttershy, but you better undo it right now." Vignette raised an eyebrow at this, only to see Flash's body start to spark, "One warning, that's all you get."

"Noted?" She slowly said, "B.T.W, that shade of lightning is so last season. Have you thought of changing to a hot pink color?" Flash then leapt at her, the girl yelping before holding up her phone and snapping a photo.

"Gyah!" He yelled as he felt himself be surrounded by light, blinding him until he hit the floor and grunted, his eyes blinking the light away as he looked around. He saw nothing but white all around him, seeing he was now inside a blank white room. He then spotted Rainbow, Fluttershy and...a bowl of salad. "Oh, come on! This again?! This is the third time!"

Author's Note:

Well, things are picking up. How will they handle this?