• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

  • ...

New Students

It was the first day of summer vacation and Flash and Twilight were sitting in Sugarcube Corner. "How long will it be until they get here?" Flash asked, Twilight checking her watch.

"Can't be much longer. We did get here pretty early, so we shouldn't be surprised they're taking a while."

"True." Flash sighed as they sat there, thinking back to the meeting they had both had two days ago.

Two Days Ago...

The pair were in Celestia's office, having been called there on the second to last day of school. They wondered what it was that Celestia wanted to talk to them about, especially since there was only one day left of the school year. Worry was plain on their faces, only to see a giant grin on Celestia's face as they stepped into the room.

"Flash, Twilight." She gestured to them to sit, "Glad you came. I have some important news to share with you."

"Are we in trouble?" Twilight asked, her face still showing a bit of worry.

"Of course not." Celestia responded while shaking her head, "Just the opposite, actually. I was hoping that maybe you'd be willing to help me with something." The pair shared a glance at this, "You see, you've both settled in rather well here at Canterlot High...and I was hoping you might be willing to help two new students do the same thing."

"New students?" Flash asked, "But tomorrow's the last day of school."

"Yes, these two will be joining us starting next term. I was just hoping you could spend a few days this summer hanging around with them, showing them around and introducing them to some of your friends so they don't feel so out of place next year."

Flash and Twilight shared a glance before Twilight pointed to herself, "Is there a reason you want us to help with this?"

"Well, you two are also still new, so I think you could use that to help them. That and these two have had a rather tricky past. They lost their parents young and have been bounced around the foster care system. If it doesn't work out here, they may be separated."

"That's horrible," Twilight gasped. "Well, we'll do what we can to help them get settled in. Right Flash?"

"You know it," Flash nodded. "So, who are these two?" Celestia looked through her papers and nodded, then handed them a folder with the image of two young people on it.

"Yes, their names are..."

"Fire Heart and Shining Soul," Flash repeated while leaning back in his chair, "What are the odds that this world's version of our counterpart's students would show up, and we'd be the ones to take them under our wing?"

"I guess destiny is just weird that way," Twilight replied, "Though, I don't think we should tell them about that part. We might freak them out."

"We can't exactly leave out the whole magic thing," Flash added, "They'll figure it out eventually, and be even more terrified."

Twilight shrugged at this, "I won't disagree...but we should ease them into it. Not just throw the whole magic thing at them out of nowhere." Flash nodded back as the door's chime rang, making them turn to see the kids they were meant to look after. "Heart," she waved, "Soul." Flash got his first look at the pair and went wide-eyed as he saw that they looked exactly like the humanoid version of his counterpart's students. They were dressed the exact same, and had their hair styled the same way. It was like someone had taken a picture of the pony versions.

"Hello," Soul said quietly as she and Heart sat down, "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Twilight smiled, "We've heard so much about you."

"And we've heard absolutely nothing about you," Heart responded, only to see Twilight frown at him, "Uh...sorry. This isn't the first time we've had to meet students from our new school. Same thing happened last year until we had to move."

"Why'd you move?" Flash asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Heart...kind of got expelled," Soul muttered, both now raising an eyebrow at this.

"It wasn't my fault!" Heart exclaimed, "This bully put a bunch of cherry bombs in my bag and used them to blow up half the toilets in the school. He ratted me out and I got expelled."

"That's horrible," Twilight gasped, Flash remembering a similar incident happening to Twilight once. Only it had been stink bombs in the teacher's lounge, though Flash had managed to grab the stink bombs and sneak them into the perpetrator's bag.

"Well, don't worry about that." Flash responded, "Nothing like that's gonna happen at CHS. Everyone there looks out for each other. That's why I like it so much." Twilight nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure?" Soul asked, "We've been to schools that look nice on the surface, but they always end with us getting into trouble for something we didn't do."

"Well, don't worry," Twilight assured, "You've got us looking out for you this time, and we don't let anyone get in trouble if they don't deserve it." She got up, "Now why don't I get us all a milkshake and you two can ask any question you have about CHS." They nodded and Twilight headed for the counter while Heart turned to Flash.

"I heard CHS is a super weird place."

"What do you mean?" Flash responded, Heart shrugging.

"Well, I just heard some rumors. Like, apparently there was a massive rainbow-looking light show that appeared earlier this year. And then another one at the nearby park."

"Yeah," Soul nodded, "And apparently there was a huge electrical storm that only covered the school and nowhere else." Flash blinked at this, his mind going back to the many magic events he's already been a part of as she added, "Is it something we should be worried about?"

"What? No. Trust me, CHS is a great place to go to school." He replied while waving his hand, only for Twilight to return carrying four milkshakes. The glasses all appeared side by side, but Flash could tell she was actually using her magic to carry them. "Hey Twilight, these two apparently heard some strange rumors about weird stuff happening at the school."

"Oh?" Twilight raised an eyebrow while putting the milkshakes down. "What weird stuff?"

"Rainbows coming from the school and a nearby amphitheater."

"And the storm that surrounded only the school," Soul pointed out as Twilight felt a bead of sweat appear on her face.

"Oh, you shouldn't take too much stock in those silly rumors." Twilight waved her hand as well, "CHS is just like any other school." The twins' eyes narrowed as they saw her quickly look away and slurp up a bunch of her milkshake until she almost gave herself brain freeze.

"So...there's nothing weird about CHS?" Heart asked.

"Well," Flash slurped some of his milkshake, "Every school has something strange about it. It's just something you've gotta learn to accept." The raised an eyebrow at this, "But enough about that. Why don't we talk about what you wanna do when you get to school next term? There's a ton of different clubs you can join."

As they enjoyed their milkshakes, the two older teens began telling the twins about all the clubs there were. Heart and Soul both seemed interested in a few of them, but still seemed curious about the rumors and kept trying to go back to that. And when they finished their drinks, they decided to head out to show the two the best sights of the town.

"The funny wig club?" Heart asked as they left the bakery, "That can't be a real thing."

"Oh, it's a real thing. Our friend Pinkie came up with it and it's a lot of fun."

"What do you do then?"

"Anything we want," Twilight giggled, "Only we do them while wearing the funny wigs. Like play board games, make paper-mache sculptures, or whatever else is suggested. One time we spent the entire club time learning to break-dance in our wigs." The twins chuckled at that thought, Flash smirking at the memory.

They headed down the street to the area Flash had parked, but as they walked, they heard the sound of laughter and turned to see a bunch of young kids running down the opposite side of the street with a ball in hand. They were throwing the ball to one another, bouncing it off the ground during each pass. However, one kid bounced the ball so hard it sailed over the head and into the middle of the road, the other kids glaring at him as he ran out to retrieve it.

He was so focused on the ball that he didn't notice a bus rolling down the street. "Look out!" One of his friends yelled, but the kid was already in the middle of the street. He grabbed the ball as the bus beeped and tried to stop, but it was too late. Twilight, Heart and Soul all gasped at this, expecting to see the kid's untimely demise, only for a surge of lightning to appear beside them. Flash instantly ran down the street, grabbing the kid before leaping straight up, the bus racing below him. And as he fell back down, he landed on top of the bus, Flash and the kid rolling along until they reached the end. There, he leapt off the bus and landed back on the road while the bus finally came to a stop.

Flash put the kid down and looked him over, "You okay?" The kid nodded. "Good. Now try to stay out of the road. And wait to play with your ball until you get somewhere safer." The kid nodded again and ran off, his friends running off with him. Flash let out of sigh at this, then turned to Twilight and saw Heart and Soul's shocked expressions.

"How...how did you do that?" Heart asked, as Flash stepped back onto the sidewalk with them. "You moved at super speed and leapt liked twenty feet!"

"And what was that lightning around you?" Soul added, Flash and Twilight sharing a glance.

"Ooookay," Flash replied, "There's something about our school you need to know." The twins shared a glance and as the older teens led them to Flash's car, the two starting to tell them about the magic that they all had. They told them about how their school was located beside a portal to a world of magic and how it leaked into their world and affected certain members of the student body.

"So...everyone at the school has magic?" Heart asked with star filled eyes.

"No," Twilight shook her head, "Just Flash, me and five of our friends."

"You have magic too?" Soul gasped, Twilight nodding back. "What can you do? Can you fly?"

"No...er, kinda. When I pony up, I..." Twilight looked around, making sure nobody was watching before turning her attention to a nearby trash can. "Watch this." He grasped her geode and held her hands to the can, which began to glow. Heart and Soul watched in amazement as a bunch of garbage started flying out of the trash can and floated around.

"Wow," Heart whispered, "That's awesome."

The older teens chuckled as Twilight put the garbage back.

"Sorry we didn't tell you earlier," Flash added, "We didn't want to freak you out. We were gonna tell you when you got used to us...and you would eventually see it at school."

"We get it," Soul nodded, "If you had told us, we probably wouldn't have believed you."

"Or we would have freaked out," Heart continued, "So...those rumors we heard about the school, those all have something to do with this magic?" They nodded back, "Cool."

"Just do us a favor and don't tell anyone," Twilight pleaded. "If the wrong person found out that there was a portal to another world besides out school, who knows what problems that could cause." Heart and Soul shared a glance, then nodded back.

"Alright," Heart assured her, "We won't tell a soul."

"But you've gotta show us what the rest of your friends can do," Soul added with a cheeky grin. Flash and Twilight grinned at this as they reached Flash's car. Heart and Soul were now a lot more excited about life at their new school. If magical events were going to happen, they were sure to be in for a fun time. And with their new friends there to watch out for them, hopefully they would be able to stick around long enough to graduate. Time would only tell what interesting adventures were awaiting them and their new friends

Author's Note:

I know this probably wasn't my best work, but I was suffering through a horrible cold whilst writing this. Hope you still enjoyed it and liked how I brought Heart and Soul into the EQG world full time.