• Published 19th Aug 2021
  • 2,124 Views, 165 Comments

Flash Sentry's EQG Chronicles - Banshee531

Follow Flash Sentry and his friends through their adventures in the newly magical world around them.

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Special: Forgotten Friendship PT4

"Come on Flash," Sunset tapped her foot as the phone rang. "Please, please, please." But nobody picked up, "Come on!" She stopped the call and turned to the Rainbooms, all staring at her like she had gone nuts. "Okay, I know this might sound crazy, but you girls have a friend named Flash. He's Twilight's boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend," Twilight instantly replied as the others glared at her.

"Then check your wallpaper on your phone!" Sunset responded, Twilight rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone, only to go wide-eyed. The image of her, Spike, their new dog Springer, and a boy she didn't recognise. She had to admit, the boy looked cute...but she had no memory of him. But he was there, sitting next to her with his arm around her and a charmingly goofy grin on his lips.

"What's...going on?" The others looked at the photo, only to raise multiple eyebrows.

"Oh my," Rarity whispered, "Quite a handsome devil, isn't he? Twilight, why didn't you tell us you were in a relationship with such a hunk?"

"Because someone stole your memories," Sunset chimed in before holding up the picture. "With this, the memory stone. A magical relic that can steal memories from others. Someone used it to steal all your memories of me being your friend, but Flash wasn't affected because of his magic. Whoever did this must have learned about his immunity and used the stone to erase your memories of him too." The others looked up at her with flat stares, making Sunset sigh, "Look at your phones. You must have a picture of Flash in there somewhere."

They did so and one by one, they found pictures of the mysterious teen. There was one of him playing soccer with Rainbow, one of him and Pinkie baking a cake, one of him carrying barrels of apples, one of him and Fluttershy washing an unhappy Springer and one of him being a model for one of Rarity's creations.

"So...where is this guy?" Rainbow asked, "If he's our friend, why isn't he here right now?"

Sunset grimaced at this, only to call him again, "Come on Flash, where are you?"

Flash leaned against the doorway of the metal door, which continued to remain locked no matter what he did. As soon as his head was on straight, he had tried to call somebody, only to find his phone was gone along with his geode. As angry as he was to be stuck in there, the boredom he felt was beginning to overcome it. It got so bad that he got up and started looking around the room, checking the shelves and finding they were all full of canned goods, though a few also had long lasting but still perishable foods.

He then spotted a vent behind one of the shelves and gasped as he moved the cans away, "Hey!" He yelled through it, "Anyone on the other side of that thing?! I'm locked in here!" There was no response, "Come on!" He glanced around at this, only to scream, "There's no bathroom in here!"

"So, do you believe me when I'm telling you someone's stole your memories?!" Sunset asked, the girls just staring at her, "Oh, come on! How much more proof do you need?! Aren't the pictures on your phones enough?"

"I wouldn't believe photos if I were you." A new voice suddenly rang out, the group turning to see Trixie, who looked like she had just gotten back from the beach. "After all, this is the same girl who made flawless fake photos of your friend trashing the gym."

This made the girls frown while Sunset rolled her eyes. "And how would I have gotten them onto their phones?!"

Trixie shrugged at this, "No idea, but I wouldn't put anything past you."

"Yeah..." Pinkie nodded as she kept flicking through some of her phone's pictures. "Wait a minute!" She stared at one of them, "Is this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face? Ha! I'd never fake a face like that! Preposterous! Fake, I say!"

Trixie smiled at this while Sunset frowned. "It's obvious that Miss Shimmer here is going through some kind of identity crisis, believing she's your friend when she's anything but." Sunset wanted to strangle her at this, "I don't think she's in the right state of mind to be in charge of the yearbook. I believe that means the vice president takes over. And, why..." She pretended to gasp, "That's you, Rarity!"

Rarity rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "If this is your way of asking to be made The Greatest and Most Powerful, the answer is no." She then blinked at her own words, "And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? I can't quite remember."

"Uh..." Applejack tried to think.

"Hmm," Fluttershy added.

"We did have this discussion yesterday," Sunset sighed, "And we all agreed you weren't gonna have that title because if wasn't one of the superlatives!"

"Says you," Trixie growled, "So what do you say, Rarity?"

Rarity let out a groan, "I'll...think about it."

"That's all I ask," Trixie smiled before walking off.

Once she was, Sunset turned to Rarity, "You're not really gonna put her in the yearbook, are you?"

"Of course not," Rarity scoffed, "I just told her that so she would leave us." She then raised an eyebrow, "Though she might have been right about me taking over for the yearbook. Clearly, you're not in your right mind."

Sunset let out a strangled cry, then took a deep breath so as to not say something she would regret. "I'll be expecting an apology for that remark once you get your memory back." She then turned to Twilight, the girl still clutching her destroyed drone, but was also staring at the pictures on her phone. "Twilight," she looked up at Sunset, "I am sorry about the drone. Really. But you gotta believe me when I tell you Flash exists and is your boyfriend."

"It just...seems very hard to believe."

Sunset let out a long sigh, only for a bulb to go off in her head, "Twilight...go home and check his room. He lives with you. You'll find a bunch of stuff in there's that's only his. There's no way I could fake that." Twilight blinked at her, only to nod back. "Alright," she slowly said before looking at the time. "I'm gonna keep trying to get in contact with Flash. Hopefully, he just left his phone uncharged." She headed into the school, trying to phone Flash again.

But as she called, she heard a ringtone fill the air. Part of her hoped that Flash was in the school somewhere and followed the sound. But as she got close, the noise suddenly cut out. Then at that moment, someone hurried around the corner. Someone that looked familiar. "Oh," she stopped before she could run into her, "Sorry." She then remembered her from the previous day, "Wallpaper...right?"

"Wallflower," she corrected.

"Sorry," she replied, "But anyway, did you see anyone else down that hallway? I thought I heard a phone ringing."

"No," she shook her head, "No I didn't."

Sunset pulled out her phone again. "I'm sure I heard Flash's phone." This made Wallflower's eyes go wide, but she quickly played it off before Sunset could notice.

"Flash...who's that?"

"A friend who's been...doesn't matter," she sighed, "Hopefully I'll find him and figure out a way to make everyone remember him." She ran off without another word, leaving a grimacing Wallflower. She ran back to her locker and opened it up, pulling out several objects: The Memory Stone, a phone and Flash's Geode.

She knew enough about the Rainboom's abilities to make sure Flash wouldn't be leaving his little hideaway any time soon. As long as she kept the geode far enough away, he wouldn't be able to bust the door down. "What am I doing?" She asked, putting the items back and slamming her locker shut before sliding down to the floor. Fear filled her entire body. If Flash and Sunset were immune to the stone's power, she couldn't make them forget what they had done. She was gonna go to jail for sure if this got out. "What have I done?"

Sunset had gotten her journal back from her locker and quickly sent a message to Twilight about Flash's disappearance and everyone's memory lapse of him. This worried Twilight, who had yet to find anything that might help Sunset restore the lost memories. The girl headed back to her apartment and tried to think of something, only to find nothing.

Twilight had also returned home with her broken drone, Springer and Spike running up to her as she did so.

"Twilight," Spike spoke up, "Why'd you bring me back from the beach so early?" Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, thinking back and remembering that Spike and Springer had returned home after they went to school. But she couldn't remember taking them home herself...

"Twilight!" She heard her mother call out, "Dinner's almost ready. Set the table." She nodded and put her drone down before heading into the dining room, taking the cutlery out of the drawers and setting it. It was only when she was done that she realized she had set one place to many, making her frown as she returned the knife, fork and plate to its usual place. A few moments later, her parents entered the room and brought in the food.

"Don't you think you've made a bit much?" Night asked as he put the potatoes down, "There's enough food here to feed four people."

"You're right," Velvet replied, "Strange. Were we going to have a guest over tonight?" Both her parents frowned at this, Twilight then remembering to her earlier conversation with Sunset.

She took out her phone and opened it up, staring at the picture of the boy sitting with her and the dogs. "Twilight..." her father spoke up, "No phones at the table."

"I know," she nodded. "But..." She hesitated for a moment, then held the phone up to them. "Do you recognize this boy?" Her parents stared at the picture, squinting their eyes.

"No," Velvet shook her head before her eyes went wide. "Twily, do you have a boyfriend?" Night's eyes went wide at this, Twilight knowing he was probably about to go into overprotective dad mode. She had to spend the next twenty minutes rebuffing questions and other inquiries, which was hard since she didn't even know the boy that her parents had seen her next to.

When she finally managed to get away from the table, she grabbed her drone and headed up to her room. But as she walked up the stairs, she remembered Sunset's words. And as she reached the top of the stairs, her eyes glanced at the multiple doors in the hallway. Her parent's room was at the end, with hers and her brother Shining's on either side. Next to Shining's room was the bathroom, but then there was the door next to hers.

She stared at it, trying to remember what was in there...but she couldn't remember a thing. Springer came up the stairs and stared at the door, clearly wanting to go in there. Twilight opened it up and he ran in, jumping onto the bed it had inside while the girl looked around. The room looked like that of a young boy's, with a guitar in one corner and a wardrobe full of boy's clothes in another. A desk was by the window, and it had a load of framed pictures on it.

She picked up the pictures and looked them over, seeing photos of her and her family along with this Flash Sentry she had been told about. Pictures showing the two of them as kids, playing or doing science experiments in her room. There was also a picture Twilight remembered posing for, that being on her first day at Crystal Prep. She looked rather excited as she, Shining, Cadance and Flash all stood there with the pair in Crystal Prep uniforms. She didn't remember that teen being in there for the picture, but she did remember the standing in that position in front of Cadance. If Flash wasn't there, standing in front of Shining, she should have stood between them.

"Twilight?" She turned to see Spike at the door, "What's going on?" He glanced around at this, "Never been in this room before..." They then heard a whine and looked over to see Springer on the bed, looking upset. Clearly, he was missing something, even if he couldn't remember what.

Twilight continued to stare at the photos and as she did this, she couldn't help but feel like she should be feeling great amounts of joy and happiness from the sight of them. "Something's happening Spike," she told him. "And I think Equestrian Magic is involved."

Flash was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, eating out of a bean can that was one of the few cans he didn't need a can opener to open. Since he didn't have a spoon or anything, he had to carefully used his finger to scoop the beans out without cutting himself. The cold beans might have been edible, but it didn't exactly make for the best meal. And since there wasn't anything to drink down there, he was worried he would eventually dehydrate.

And as he finished the bean can, he heard something coming from above him. Someone was upstairs. "HELLO!" He stood up, running to the door and banging on it. "Hey! Let me out of here!" He listened and some footsteps began to approach, Flash hoping it was Wallflower's parents or maybe Sunset and his friends.

He got his answer when a small flap in the middle of door opened up. He kneeled down it and found himself staring at Wallflower, "You! Let me out of here! Now!"

"I'm sorry," she replied, looking ready to start crying. "I didn't wanna do this. I just panicked when you found the stone and knocked you out without thinking."

"That stone..." Flash slowly responded, only to growl, "What is that stone?! Tell me!"

"I'm not really sure," she told him. "I think it uses that Equestrian Magic you and your friends use. I found it buried in the school garden. It can-"

"Steal memories?" Flash guessed, the girl nodding, "Why did you take everyone's memories of Sunset?"

"Cause they're a lie," Wallflower instantly replied, "She was the biggest bully in the school. She turned into a demon and brainwashed everyone. How did everyone forget that?!"

Flash blinked at her words, only to say, "They didn't forget it, they forgave her. She's changed."

"She turned the lights in the yearbook room off on me when you all left. That's not changed." She backed away from the door, "She's just pretending to be good. Watch. She'll show her true colors on Monday when everyone at school sees her for what she truly is."

"So what about me?" He asked, "You can't just leave me here."

"You should have forgotten her like everyone else," she growled, "Why'd you have to be immune to the magic?! You would have been happier forgetting the fake Sunset that girl's pretending to be!"

"Still doesn't answer my question. What are you going to do with me?" Wallflower replied by taking something out of her pocket. Some kind of scroll that she held up, showing several images and words.

"According to this, the Memory Stone only holds memories for three days. Come sundown on Monday, every memory will be erased...permanently."

Flash's eyes went wide at this. "You can't!"

"I can," Wallflower nodded. "I didn't want to do this, but I'm in too deep. You'll stay in there until Monday night. I...I don't wanna do it, but I've got no choice."

"Yes, you do," Flash replied, "Wallflower, you made a mistake. You were angry and upset and that made you do something without thinking. If you just let me out and return everyone's memories, they'll forgive you. But what you're doing right now isn't something you can easily come back from. If you do this, you'll be just as bad as Sunset was before. You'll be ruining someone's life, and when it's over, you'll spend the rest of your life feeling guilty about it."

"This is what she deserves," Wallflower hissed before taking something out of her bag. It was a book and a pencil, which she slotted through the opening for him to take. Flash did so and saw that it was some kind of puzzle book, "Here. So you're not bored."

"You won't get away with this," Flash threw the book and pencil away. "My friends know I came looking for you! They'll show up, and when they find me, they'll go all rainbow laser blast on you!"

"They won't be looking for you," she responded, Flash raising an eyebrow before going wide-eyed.

"You didn't," he gasped as Wallflower grimaced.

"I'll return their memories of you when I let you out, promise."

Flash tried to say something, but she closed the flap. "Wallflower," he roared as she locked it, "WALLFLOWER!" He waited, hoping she would respond...but there was nothing. He heard her walk away, Flash's anger peaking as he started hysterically screaming and banging his fist into the wall. Wallflower heard every bit, but ignored it all, glad her parent's work caused them to be away so often.

The next morning...

Sunset moaned as she woke up and opened her eyes, now remembering she was sitting on her couch. She had stayed up late last night trying to figure out where to find the culprit of her friend's lost memories, only to find nothing. The girl felt like she barely had any energy to do anything, only for her phone to start ringing, her eyes going wide. She rolled around on her bed and grabbed the phone, "Flash?"

"No," Twilight's voice replied.

"Twilight?" Sunset responded, only to gasp, "Please tell me you remember we're friends."

"No," Twilight replied again, "But...I'll admit something weird is happening."

"Do you at least remember who Flash is?" Sunset asked, getting another no from the girl as the pony turned human sighed.

"But I do believe you when you said he exists and he's someone special to me. Listen, I'm gonna send you a link to a group chat. I'm gonna tell my friends what I found, and once I've convinced them, I'll send you the link so you can join us. Probably not the best idea to have you in the chat until I've convinced them."

"Okay..." Sunset slowly said, a small smile trying to appear on her face.

Once Twilight had ended her conversation with Sunset, the girl sent the links to all her friends and then ran over to start up her computer. A few minutes later, she was on the group chat and the first one there. Then, Pinkie's face appeared in a window. "HEY!" She cheered, "What's the sitch?"

"Waiting for the others to show up," Twilight replied, "I only wanna do this once." That was the same thing she said to the others as they logged on, and when Rarity joined the party, Twilight took a deep breath. "Listen girls, I think Sunset was telling the truth."

"What?!" Rainbow yelped, "You really think she's our friend after everything she did to us?!"

"Yes," she nodded. "And here's why." She picked her laptop up and took it into the room she had found yesterday, showing it to those on screen. "See this room? I have no memory of it being filled with anything until now." The girls on the screen stared at the room, seeing the guitar and boy items littering it. She then showed them the photos on the windowsill, the five seeing the images of the boy they had seen pictures of on their phones.

"So this boy does live with you," Rarity gasped.

"And I don't remember him," Twilight put the computer down on the desk as Springer got up off the bed and moved over to put his head on her lap. "And I don't remember when we got Springer either, so that must mean this Flash boy was the one who got him."

She chose this moment to send Sunset the link.

"So yah think someone's altering our memories?" Applejack asked, getting a nod from Twilight.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Fluttershy asked, only for a ringing to indicate someone wanting to join the chat. Twilight accepted and everyone else frowned at seeing Sunset.

"Hey," she waved sheepishly, "So...you girls believe me now?"

"I guess if Twilight believes there's something up..." Rarity responded.

"But don't think this means we trust yah," Applejack added, "The moment yah do something we don't like, we'll make yah sorry."

"That's fine," Sunset nodded. "Just...please. Please give me the chance to prove we are friends."

"Well, that's all your getting," Fluttershy said. "One chance."

The others nodded as Rainbow spoke up next. "So what's the plan? If our memories were stolen, how do we get them back?"

"We have to find whoever has this stone that Sunset mentioned," Twilight told them. "If we ask around tomorrow-"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Sunset replied, "In fact..." She looked down with an unhappy smile on her face, "It might be best if you all keep acting like you don't believe me."

"What? Why?" Pinkie asked.

"Flash got you girls to believe me before, but then he disappeared and you all had your memories wiped again. If whoever did this knew you believed me again..."

"They'd take our memories again," Twilight chimed in, "So...we need to act like we don't believe you in order to keep from being mind wiped. That makes sense."

"Augh!" Rainbow moaned, "So there's a super awesome magic thing going down and we can't be apart of it?!"

"Sorry," Sunset nodded, "But you girls can still keep an eye out. You should all still have my number in your phones. Act like nothing's wrong, but be on alert in case you see something and text me about it. If I learn anything, I'll do the same thing for you."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Twilight asked, "Doing this on your own?"

"I just got you girls to believe me. At least...partly believe me. If you all got your minds wiped, I'll just be going in circles trying to convince you again and again."

"Okay," Applejack nodded, "But ah'm with Rainbow in hating that we gotta do nothin' while some villain's walkin' around stealin' memories."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Rarity added as Sunset put a finger to her chin, then snapped her fingers.

"Twilight, you've got a Find My Phone app for Flash's phone. If you can figure out the password, you might be able to locate his phone and maybe find him as well." Twilight took out her phone, only to see a my phone app. There was one for her parent's phones and one for Flash's, but when she tapped his name, she found it required a password like Sunset had said.

"How am I supposed to figure out the password when I don't know anything about him?"

"Just...look around his room and try to get a good feel for his character. Then try whatever." Sunset leaned back against her chair, "In the meantime, I'll keep looking for who might be responsible for this. And I think I have a pretty good idea who that might be."

"Who?" Everyone asked before Sunset gave them a smirk.


Flash had also woken up from a rather restless sleep. The cold hard ground of the basement didn't do much in the way of comfort, Flash now finding himself drifting in and out of his slumber throughout the night. He didn't even know what time it was, his brain unable to process what was happening.

"Err," he moaned as he sat up. And as he did this, he realized he had hit the point he had been dreading. He needed to go to the bathroom. He got up and ran to the metal door, banging against it. "Wallflower!" He screamed, "If you don't let me out right now, you'll need to explain a rather horrible smell to your parents." He continued to bang against the door for several minutes until the slot unlocked and opened up to show the shy girl. "I swear to god, I'll have you thrown in jail for inhuman acts if you don't let me out right now!"

"If you need the bathroom, just use the one down there." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, the girl pointing at a part of the wall without a shelf, though it was next to one where a bunch of toilet paper was stored. He moved up to it and noticed the wall had a square ridge. He used his foot to push it back, only for the wall to fall down and a metal toilet folded out of it.

"Seriously?" He asked, looking back up at Wallflower. "What's with this place?!"

"The previous owner was one of those prep people," Wallflower replied, "He was working on making this place a bomb shelter before he died." She didn't say anything else and closed the flap, Flash sighing but deciding to at least make himself more comfortable. Once he had done his business, being sure to use ten cleaning wipes on his hands before he used any of the food, he started walking around the cell as the boredom returned. His eyes eventually landed on the puzzle book Wallflower had given him and since he had no other way out, he decided it was better that he spent his time not going insane.

"Sunset...you'd better hurry up and find me." He remembered what Wallflower had told the yesterday about how long the memories were held before being erased, knowing not much time was left.

The next day...

Sunset was miserable. Despite her friends believing her about the Memory Stone, it didn't make things any easier. As soon as she arrived at the school, everyone there was giving her a wide birth and whispering behind her back. She hated this, especially when she accidently bumped into Micro Chips.

The techie fell to the ground, then panicked when he saw who had knocked him over. Sunset held out a hand to help him up, but Micro simply dug into his pockets and pulled out several coins and wads of cash that he placed in her hand. Sunset was shocked by this and glared at him, grabbing Micro by his suspenders and pulling him to his feet before shoving his money into his chest.

"I don't want your lunch money! I'm not mean! Got it?!" Micro didn't respond to this and simply legged it, leaving Sunset still upset. "I'm not mean!" But everybody flinched at this, making her sigh before turning to see Trixie over by her locker. She ran over and slammed the door shut, scaring the girl who turned to her. "So..." she crossed her arms, "Here we are."

"Here we do are," Trixie mirrored her as she realized that made no sense. She quickly shook it off and the pair glared each other down. "You really want to do this here in the hallway in front of everyone?"

"Up to you," Sunset nodded as everyone watching backed away from the coming fight

Author's Note:

Mostly an original chapter, but I hope you still enjoy it. Next time, this story comes to an end. Looking forward to seeing your opinions on it.