• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 12,504 Views, 489 Comments

Equestria: A New Generation - Phantom-Dragon

What-IF: Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and joins Sunny Starscout and friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Zephyr Heights

Long ago

"Earth ponies, take the lead!"

"Pegasi, fly beside me!"

"Unicorns, horn at the ready!"


"What fantastical foes awaits us, princess?" Asked Rarity in the past.

"Is it something scary?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Or is it something awesome?" Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.

"No matter what it is, we'll face it together," Princess Twilight reassured. "For we are the Guardians of Friendship. With the power of friendship on our side, we will..."

"Spread love!" Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Give hugs!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Fry brains!" Rarity said in a man's voice?

"Huh?" The rest of the Mane Six asked.

"Wait, what?!" Twilight Sparkle asked, as she and her friends look at Rarity, who has suddenly turned evil with sharp teeth, red eyes, and talks in a man's voice.

"Yeah I'm a unicorn, and we're evil!" Rarity boasted, before she proceeded to zap her friends and chase them, like a maniac. "I'm gonna zap everypony with my horn lasers!"

A Few Years Ago

"What?! No, no, no! It's all wrong!" Exclaimed the voice of a young Sunny Starscout. "The ponies are all supposed to get along, remember?"

She was telling the story of Twilight Sparkle and friends' heroism, to her friends, Hitch Trailblazer and Sprout Cloverleaf, when they were the same age as her.

"Boring!" Sprout shouted after Sunny, who paid him no mind.

"It's like in the olden times when all three ponykinds were friends," Sunny began, with a look of wonder.

"Uhh! Here we go again!" Sprout rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"And they never used their magics against each other!"

"You're wrong!"

"No, I'm not!"

"My mom says the pegasi and the unicorns tried to eat up all the earth ponies by zapping 'em with lasers and frying 'em to a crisp."

"They wouldn't do that!"

"So the earth ponies kicked their butts in an epic battle," Sprout continued with his twisted version of the story. "And if they ever come back to Maretime Bay, we'll kick their butts again!"

"Those are lies!" Sunny continued to persist, before turning to the colt next to her. "Hitch, tell him."

"Well," Hitch began. "That is kind of what our teacher said in history class, but..." Realizing she was in denial, Sunny scoffed as she turned towards Hitch, "But, hey, we can play the game your way if you want, Sunny. I don't mind."

"Well I do!" Sprout frowned. "It's a boring game. Let's play Pegasus Barbecue instead!"

Disgusted, Sunny tried to talk the colt out of his antics, "Sprout, stop it! I'm going to tell my dad!"

Speaking of whom, Sunny's father is blue with a darker blue mane and tail, darker blue hooves, and purple eyes. He has some stubble on his chin. He wears black-rimmed glasses and a necklace with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. His Cutie Mark is a yellow shooting star.

The old stallion himself was working on a new night light, when the sound of children roughhousing brought his attention to his daughter, and two colts, coming down on an elevator, with Sprout and Hitch role-playing a battle between a doll of Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"Dad, tell them that's not what they do," Sunny pleaded to her dad.

Setting his handiwork down, Sunny's father, walked over to the two colts and beckoned them to leave, "Time to head on home, don't you think, colts?" He said.

"Uhh! Fine!" Sprout rolled his eyes as both he and Hitch took their leave. "Pew pew!"

"Oh no!" Hitch played. "My brains are melting!"

Upon walking out the door, both Hitch and Sprout were greeted at the sight of the mare, Phyllis, the CEO of Canterlogic.

"Mom?" Sprout exclaimed.

"Hello, Mrs. Cloverleaf!" Hitch greeted.

"How many times have I told you?" Phyllis berated the two colts. "You cannot just go trotting off without my permission, especially not here." She gritted her teeth, turning her eyes on Sunny's father.

"And why is that again, Phyllis?" The old stallion asked.

"Because you are brainwashing their minds with all of your...nonsense."

"It's called research, Phyllis. And by the way, I leave all the brainwashing in Maretime Bay to you. Unicorn cupcake?" He offered, when his daughter presented the said baked goods.

"Freshly baked," Sunny smiled.

Disgusted, Phyllis walked up to Sunny's dad, "You know, you're an earth pony, Argyle," Phyllis marched up to the stallion, pulling her son away, before he had the chance to take a cupcake. "You should really start acting like one, at least for her sake," She gestured to young Sunny.

Nevertheless, neither Sunny, nor her father, Argyle, heeded her words as they saw Phyllis out, with Sprout and Hitch.

"Who does he think he is?" Phyllis asked in outrage. "Talking to me like that? That pony is trouble."

"Don't worry, Mommy," Young Sprout promised. "When I become sheriff, I'll keep everypony in line."

"Hmm...Sheriff Sprout," Phyllis commented. "Oh, it does have a certain ring to it."

Present day

Meanwhile, back at Maretime Bay, in his officer, Sheriff Hitch was ranting his mind off, in front of a disinterested Deputy Sprout who is more interested in his pizza.

"I told her," Sheriff Hitch ranted. "I told her. No more favours, no more bailing her out. She gave me no choice. No choice," Turning to Deputy Sprout, Hitch barked, "All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law."

Deputy Sprout was about to eat a slice of pizza, when he asked, "Question. When you say we, you mean...?"

"You and I."

Deputy Sprout's eyes widened as he looked shocked and worried, dropping his pizza slice.

"Uh, I'd...I'd love to," Sprout stammered, while purposely making a mess to get out of work. "But, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace, get my papers in order and..."

Rolling his eyes, Sheriff Hitch shook his head, "You know what? I think you're right," Hitch said as he turned. "This one's a job for Hitch, and Hitch only," He flicked his head, while his deputy breathed a sigh of relief. "All right. Sprout, you stay here while I'm out dancing with danger," Sheriff Hitch instructed as he took his leave. "Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, and be a pillar of strength."

However, Sheriff Hitch shuddered at the last part he said, "Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I'm gone, OK?"

With a slam of the doors, Hitch was gone, leaving Sprout to stew in his own envy of his partner.

"Oh, everypony loves Hitch!" Sprout ranted. "What does he have anyway?" He glared at a calendar, with a picture of Hitch posing, which Sprout ripped to reveal another photo of Hitch, in different costumes, one after another. "Sure, he's got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid-off mortgage. So what? I've got stuff. I can do...um, things."

"Like that," Sprout scowled as he ripped the calendar off the wall, before trotting over to a cabinet, and shoved a drawer. "And that, and that," He kicked a drawer, which caused the upper drawer to reopen, irking Deputy Sprout.

"Where's Hitch?" Phyllis asked, when she trotted in. "Ponies all over town. They're terrified. They want answers."

"He went after Sunny," Deputy Sprout answered. "Another solo Hitch mission."

"Sugar cube," Phyllis consulted her son. "Why the Sprout pout? That's great news."

"It is?"

"Yes," Phyllis picked up a shining sheriff's badge, and placed it on Deputy Sprout's strap. "It means that you are the sheriff, at least for now."

"I am!" Sprout exclaimed in realization. "Hey there. The name's Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What's the problem, filly? Don't worry, Sheriff Sprout is here," Sprout began, already getting into character. "Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout's orders!"

Satisfied, Sprout turned to his mother and nodded.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was sound asleep to the feel of soft grasses beneath her, when her ears twitched to the sound of a pianos playing.

"Huh?" Sunset moaned, wearily lifting her head up, opening her eyes to find herself in what appeared to be a ballroom. "Where am I?"

Getting up on her hooves, Sunset walked on all four, following the sound of piano playing until she finds a woman, playing the piano.

"Excuse me," Sunset called to the woman. "But, where am I?" The woman turned around to look at Sunset, startling the fiery unicorn, when she saw her face, "Twilight?" Sunset gasped. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Sunset," Twilight smiled. "It's me!"

"Omigosh!" Sunset exclaimed, running up to her friend, wrapping her arms around the Princess of Friendship, in a hug. "I...I've missed you so much!"

"Shhh," Twilight consulted, comforting the fiery unicorn. "Everything's going to be okay, Sunset."

"I...I...I'm sorry I didn't get to visit you sooner," Sunset cried. "If I had known, I..."

"There's nothing you could do, Sunset," Twilight shook her head. "What's done is done."

"But...I need your help, Twilight. I'm...I'm back in Equestria, but... It's divided. I don't even know the first clue of what I'm supposed to do. I...I can't do this without you."

"I wish I could tell you, Sunset. I really do. But know this. As long as you have friendship on your side, nothing can go wrong. You will always have friendship through the ages."

Turning her back to the piano, Twilight began to play some notes, leading Sunset and herself into a familiar song. Then, as if by magic, Sunset Shimmer felt herself grow younger, as if rejuvenated by the memory of the song.

Friendship Through The Ages

[Twilight Sparkle]

Nothing stays the same for long
But when it changes doesn't mean it's gone
Time will always get away
As it leaves behind another day

Then, another voice brought Sunset Shimmer's attention to see her friend Fluttershy, running through the mountain fields, with some animals.


Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

Then, another voice took over to sing the next verse, alongside Fluttershy, to which Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a field of large flowers, and sees Rarity, ever so elegant.

[Rarity and Fluttershy]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages

A loud blast of guitar pierced the air, as Rainbow Dash took the next verse, with Sunset Shimmer crowdsurfing.

[Rainbow Dash]

Been around for a long time
Rocking out hard 'cause I'm in my prime
Maybe it'll change further down the line
But my friendship carries on through the ages

With a break of her guitar, Rainbow Dash sent Sunset Shimmer into a large beautiful apple orchard, where she sees the apple of every Equestria Girls' eyes, Applejack.


Every single style has something
Different it can say
There's nothing wrong with being unique
And special in your own way

And last, but not least, the loose cannon, the wildcard, and the party girl everyone knew and love, Pinkie Pie, popping the pop genre in an upbeat verse.

[Pinkie Pie]

Maybe you wanna be a pop star
Get your fifteen minutes of fame, wha, ah! Ah, oh!
That won't last forever
But friendship remains the same, ah-oh, oh!

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a dark void, surrounded by her friends, before they were lit up, one by one, in colorful spotlights.

[The Rainbooms sans Sunset Shimmer]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages


But friendship carries on

[The Rainbooms]

Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But friendship carries on through the ages


But friendship carries on

Ohhh-oh, carries on...

At the end of their song, the six girls all crowded around Sunset Shimmer, wrapping their arms around her in a group hug. The warmth of the hug, the safety of its love, sends an overwhelming feel of nostalgia. Sunset Shimmer blinked her eyes open, looking down to see that in her sleep, Sunny and Izzy had wrapped their hooves around her, and hugged the olden unicorn in her sleep.

"Whoa!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, fully awake, as she got up, startling both Izzy and Sunny awake. "What? Who? When?"

"Good morning, Sunset," Sunny yawned, as both she and Izzy stretched themselves awake. "How did you sleep?"

After a moment of composing herself, Sunset Shimmer realized the recent flashback she experienced was a dream.

"I slept well," Sunset answered. "How about you girls?" She yawned and stretched her back, making a few pops. "How did you sleep?"

"I'm all rested and ready," Sunny replied.

"I'm full of pep!" Izzy smiled.

"Great. So... What's the agenda again?"

"We're going to Zephyr Heights and find a way to restore the magic to Equestria!" Sunny reminded.

With that, the two young ponies, plus an older one, resume their quest, which took them to a long vast canyon, shrouded in fogs.

Along the way, Sunny walked alongside Sunset Shimmer, eager to ask, "So, Sunset," Sunny began. "You knew Twilight and her friends. How do you think they would do on an adventure like this?"

"Hmmm, let me think," Sunset pondered. "If I were my friends, what would I do?" Looking at her surroundings, Sunset pondered on what Twilight and friends would do in a situation like this. "Well, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie would make a game out of this situation. She'd probably go, 'I spy with my little eyes...something...Sunny!'" Sunset did an impression Pinkie Pie's voice, while booping Sunny's nose. "'Boop!'"

"She'd really do that?" Sunny smiled.

"That's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie," Sunset shrugged. "If you know her well enough."

"So...what would Twilight's pegasi friends, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do?"

"Uh, let me think," Sunset scratched her chin, before she did an impression of Rainbow Dash. "'Aw, yeah! Adventure, here we come!'" Next, Sunset pretended to be Fluttershy, "'Eek! I hope it's not dangerous, or something scary, like a dragon!'" Sunset then did an impression of Spike. "'Hey! I'm a dragon! And I don't bite. I eat gems!'"

"'Oh, of course, little Spikey-Wikey!'" Sunset did a Rarity impression. "'You're just so cute, I could just pinch your cheeks all day!'"

With that, both Sunny and Izzy broke out laughing at Sunset's impressions of Twilight's friends, "Wow! That's sounds just like how my dad told me about them!" Sunny laughed.

"Ooh! Do me next!" Izzy asked eagerly.

"Uh, I don't know if I can," Sunset shook her head. "I mean, I can try, but you'll hate me."

"Eh, try me!"

"Ok," Pitching her voice the highest she can, Sunset did her best impression of Izzy. "Hi new friend! Name's Izzy! I don't have magic! But I can do this! Ta-da~!"

"Hmm," Izzy clapped her hooves. "Not bad."

Before the bonding experience could continue, a woosh was heard, whizzing pass them, overhead, startling the three mares.

"Let's keep going," Sunset insisted as she and the two young mares resumed their journey.

On the way, Izzy began to strike up conversation, "You know," Izzy began. "Not to freak you out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal your luminescence, don't you?"

"Oh no," Sunset shook her head. "Don't even start."

"My lumi-what?" Sunny asked.

"Luminescence," Izzy repeated. "You know, like your sparkle. Yours is...lavendar."


"And the happier you are, the brighter it shines!"

Suddenly, the wooshing sound from before was heard again, with the sound of several rocks falling along the cliffside. Before long, another woosh pierced the air, with a streak of shadow that zipped across the cliffs, scaring the three mares.

"Who's there?" Sunset Shimmer demanded, lighting her horn up at the ready, following the shadow, to see it perched on a cliff. Through the mists, Sunset squinted and could make out the silhouette outline of a pegasus.

Before Sunset had time to react, the pegasus had knocked some rocks loose from the cliff, sending them down, scaring both Sunny and Izzy into a frantic run.

"Hey, girls! Wait up!" Sunset galloped after the two runaway mares.

Turning around, Sunny looked to see the pegasus was still on their tails, "Hurry!" Sunny shouted, as she, Izzy, and Sunset galloped as fast as they could, before arriving at a cliffside, that appeared to have once been a landslide.

Looking back, seeing the pegasus was catching up, Sunny pushed Izzy up the rocky sides, and they frantically climbed up as fast as they could, with Sunset Shimmer following, straining as she climbed up the rocky ledges.

Once at the top, Izzy was the first to reach solid ground, while Sunny looked back to see the pegasus was catching up to them, when her hoof slipped, and the earth pony yelped.

"SUNNY!" Izzy screamed, reaching out for her friend, with her horn, which Sunny grabbed onto.

"I got ya, kid!" Sunset grunted, using her magic to catch the young earth pony, pushing her back on the ledge.

With Sunny safe, Sunset was the last to climb up the cliff and took the moment to catch their breaths.

"You okay?" Sunset inspected both Izzy and Sunny.

"We're fine," Sunny panted. "Thanks."

The three mares looked back, over the cliffside, seeing nothing but a sea of clouds, before they all exchanged looks. However, the adrenaline was not yet over, as the mares were all greeted, and startled by the pegasus, who finally revealed herself from the clouds.

Out of fright, Sunny and Izzy both screamed as they hugged each other, with Sunset Shimmer sandwiched in between. The three mares watched as the pegasus swoops down, over their heads, landed on several rocky ledges, before she came to perch atop of a rock, revealing herself in a display of pride and glory.

Izzy and Sunny both gasped in awe, "A real pegasus!" Sunny gasped.

"And this one's got Rainbow Dash's attitude," Sunset commented.

In appearance, the pegasus is white with silver hooves. Her wings have light blue and lavender feathers and are quite long. Her mane is hot pink with aqua and pink streaks, and it resembles gelled hair. Her tail is similarly colored and is of average length. She has turquoise blue eyes and pink eyebrows. Her cutie mark is a pink-and-blue lightning bolt with a yellow crown on top.

"Whoa," The pegasus mare shouted. "Two unicorns and an earth pony? Together?" The pegasus smiled as she commented, "OK, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting."

Suddenly, the sound of metal clanking was heard, to which the pegasus mare looked to her left, in time to see some pegasus guards, coming around the corner.

With a frighten look, the pegasus took off, turning back to the mares and requested, "Don't tell them you saw me," With that, the pegasus disappeared into the clouds.

"There's no way we could!" Izzy called after the mysterious pegasus. "We don't even know your name! She seems nice," She commented to Sunny and Sunset.

"AAAH!!" A shout startled Sunset and her companions, as they turned around to see they were seen by two pegasus guards.

"Uh, hello there," Sunset waved a hoof, but one of the pegasus guard quivered, as he hid behind his comrade.

"Thunder, get it together!" The other guard barked.

"But-but that's an earth pony," The guard, identified to be Thunder, quivered.

"They're harmless," The other guard reassured. "They have tiny brains," She said, much to Sunny's annoyance.

"What do we do about them?" Thunder asked, pointing to Sunset and Izzy.

"Well, did you bring the shield?"

"What shield?"

"Didn't you read the guard guide?"

"Yes! OK, no."

The other guard let out an exasperated groan, "Oh, fine!" She said, as she walked over to the group, spreading her wings. "I've got this."

"You'll never take us alive!" Sunset Shimmer declared, lighting up her horn and disappeared in a flash of light.

"Sunset?" Sunny asked, looking at where the unicorn once was. "Sunset! Where'd you go? Come back!"

"Whoa!" Izzy exclaimed in excitement. "She disappeared! We can do that?"

"Unicorns can do that?" Sunny asked, before remembering the guards. "Oh no..."

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer reappeared in another part of the area.

"Phew! That was a close one," Sunset smiled to herself, before she turned around. "You girls o–Sunny? Izzy?"

However, the only other pony in the area was just Sunset, by her lonesome.

"Hey! Where'd you..." With an exasperated sigh, Sunset slapped herself on the forehead. "Don't tell me I goof and left them behind..." With her face blushing a shade of pink, Sunset shook her head, "I'm out of shape physically, and I'm out of shape magically."

Turning back up the mountain peaks, Sunset frowned, "Oh Celestia, what do I do? What have I done? I'm supposed to look after those girls, and now they're in trouble because of me! I gotta do something!" She contemplated. "I know. I'll go back for help! No... It's a long way, and I might not make it back in time! I'll go after the girls myself."

With her resolve in order, focusing her magic, Sunset strained as she disappeared in a flash of light, determined to rescue the girls.

Meanwhile, back with Izzy and Sunny, the girls were in an elevator, escorted by the pegasus guards, who have stucked a tennis ball on top of Izzy's horn.

"That's creative," Izzy commented, at the tennis ball, while Sunny beside her was skimming through the pages of her notebook.

"What's it like to fly?" Sunny asked. "Is your wingspan the same as your height?"

"Well, I..." Thunder was interrupted when Sunny asked another question.

"Do you need a license to fly? How far can you go?"

"Can you fly to the moon?" Izzy asked.

"Do pegasi wear horseshoes or do they just weigh you down?" Sunny continued to ask.

"Well, I-I do collect sneakers," Thunder answered.

"Hey, don't answer anything!" The other guard berated. "They could be spies," She whispered.

Sunny and Izzy then turned to look out the window of the elevator. They both gasped in amazement to see a utopia of pegasus ponies in front of them.

"Wow!" Sunny and Izzy both marveled at the grand sight from inside the elevator.

"This is so awesome!" Sunny marveled. "I wish Sunset Shimmer was here to see this. I wonder what she would have to say?"

Speaking of whom, out in the streets of the big city, Sunset Shimmer was sneaking through the crowds, wearing a hat over her horn, while managing to disguise herself as a pegasus, with a pair of fake wings she had painted on herself.

"Wow, all those art classes paid off," Sunset said to herself as she walks among the crowds, passing herself off as a regular pegasus pony. "Now, where are Sunny and Izzy? I hope they're okay," In the meantime, Sunset Shimmer took a glance around at Zephyr Height, taking in the marvel of the city.

"Wow, this place is like Canterlot," Sunset commented. "But with a New York and Manehatten feel to it. When did the pegasi developed TV screens that big?"

Before Sunset could wonder any further, a loud announcer voice was heard booming on the TV screens, as they changed channel to a news broadcast, with two news reporter – one male and one female.

"Good morning, Zephyr Heights!" The male reporter greeted. "It's another beautiful day, in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight's royal celebration!"

"Royal celebration?" Izzy Moonbow asked, pressing her face against the window of the elevator. "Ha! Talk about great timing!"

The second reporter then took over as she announced, "Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance. Isn't that right, Skye?"

"Ha!" The reporter, Skye, agreed. "Oh, my, yes, Dazzle," He said to the other reporter identified to be Dazzle. "And this just in - an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in ZH."

With that, a lot of the pegasus ponies stopped what they were doing as they looked up to see what their princess has to say, along with Sunset, who specifically wanted to see what's going on. Before long, a social livestream video was shown on the big screen, with an overflowing amount of heart, happy face, and cat emojis on the right, next to the said Princess Pipp.

In appearance, Pipp is a light pink pegasus with golden hooves, and her legs have a slight gradation into lighter pink feathering. Her wings are fluffy and white and are made of large, soft feathers. Her violet mane is wavy and swept to one side, and her tail is of average length. She has kiwi green eyes and violet eyebrows. Her cutie mark is obscured from the screen, but she appeared to be wearing a gold tiara with a green jewel and golden wheat.

"What is up everypony?" Pipp greeted her people. "Big shout-out to all my fans, the PippSqueaks."

Nearby, Sunset heard the squeal sound of two pegasus foals, who giddied in excitement to their favorite princess.

"So tonight's the night," Pipp continued. "I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys!" She sang in a lovely voice.

"Aww!" The crowd replied.

"We love you so much, Pipp!" A random pegasus stallion hyperventilated.

"Ok, guys, I love you lots. Got to go," With that, Pipp signed off with, "Pipp, Pipp, hooray!"

"Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" Everypony cheered.

"Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" Izzy cheered, along with the two guards in the elevator.

"Wow! Equestria's really catching up with the Digital Age," Sunset Shimmer commented, before she resumes searching for Sunny and Izzy.

Once they reached the top, the elevator clicked open.

"Move it," The other guard ordered.

"You betcha!" Izzy complied, while Sunny looked at the pegasus, suspiciously.

"Do you see anypony flying here?" Sunny asked, but her question fell on deaf ears, when Izzy looked up and gasped.

"They have a castle!" Izzy exclaimed.

After some time of marching through the halls of the castle, Sunny and Izzy have arrived at the throne room, where another squadron of guards were marching, before they took their place, at the sides of a carpet.

"Bow before our queen!" Thunder ordered, to which some other guards blew into trumpets, sounding a fanfare.

Sunny and Izzy watched as the guards bowed their heads in respect, to which a small, white, winged pomeranian appeared on the scene, sitting in front of the throne, scratching its head with its hindleg.

"Your Majesty," Izzy bowed to the dog.

However, spot lights were shown from the ceilings, which the little dog yapped. Sunny looked up, nudging Izzy to do the same. In the background, the sound of upbeat music was heard. Everypony in the room watched as three pegasus ponies came swooping into the room, before they gently flapped their wings, lowering themselves to the throne.

Sunny looked to see they are the celebrity, Princess Pipp, the mysterious pegasus who chased them before, and the third is the queen, who is pale pink with blue and purple hair, purple hooves, blue and purple wings and blue eyes. She wears a pair of sunglasses, a purple vest with a blue and gold necklace and crown.

When all three pegasus landed on the throne, the little dog yapped and ran circles around the queen.

"Hi new friend!" Izzy waved to the mysterious pegasus, who shook her head, pleading not to get her involved.

"Guards," The queen began. "State your business and please make it quick. We're on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure," She turned to the dog, identified to be Cloudpuff. "Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practice my laugh," To show her point, the queen laughed out loud, which seemed rather forced than natural. "Hmm. Still not right."

"Your Highness," The other guard began, as she and Thunder presented, "We found these intruders in our territory."

The queen lowered her glasses, shocked to see, "An earth pony and a unicorn in Zephyr Heights!"

"There was another unicorn with them," Thunder spoke up. "But she got away in a flash of light."

"But we have these two under control, Your Highness!" The other guard explained.

"And we deployed the shield," Thunder pointed to the ball stuck on Izzy's horn.

Still, the queen wasn't pleased, "Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you?" The queen gasped in shock as she stated, "Nopony must know they're here."

It was too late, however, Princess Pipp had already started livestreaming what had transpired in the throne room.

Check it out, PippSqueaks, live from the castle..." Pipp began. "It's a real unicorn and earth pony."

Back in the streets, Sunset Shimmer stopped dead in her tracks upon hearing the news. She turned her head and looked up and gasped along with the pegasi crowds.

"I know, right?" Pipp said. "This is so not a filter."

"GIRLS!" Sunset said out loud, attracting some attentions, "I mean...Hey, an earth pony and unicorn! And they're both girls. Don't see those everyday, do you?" She smiled sheepishly, to which the pegasi ponies turned away and resumed watching the livestream.

"Pipp!" A hoof appeared on the screen, which turned to reveal the pegasus Queen Haven, who reassured, "There's nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you." With that, the pegasi breathed sighs of relief, while the queen ordered, "Shut it off."

With that, the TV screen switched off, and Sunset asked to herself, "They're prisoners of the queen? Can anything else go wrong today?"

"Excuse me, Majesty?" Sunny asked. "We only want to ask you a few questions about magic. We..."

"Guards!" Queen Haven shouted, with a spread of her wings. "Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly," She ordered. "And confiscate the book."

"What? No, no," Sunny protested as the guards took her book away. "But-but, Your Majesty, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, please."

Unfortunately, the young mare's words fell on deaf ears as the queen took her leave, with Princess Pipp and the mysterious pegasus, while the guards escorted Sunny and Izzy away.

"Did she just say dungeons?" Izzy asked.

"Could anything else go wrong today?" Sunny moaned.