• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 12,503 Views, 489 Comments

Equestria: A New Generation - Phantom-Dragon

What-IF: Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and joins Sunny Starscout and friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Campfire Stories

Somewhere in Equestria, after their escape from Zephyr Heights, Sunny Starscout and her friends, accompanied by their new pegasi friends, Zipp and Pipp, and a reluctant Hitch Trailblazer, where all walking in a field of daisies. During the trip, the three young ponies – Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp – were engaged to a lively story that Sunset Shimmer was telling them.

The fiery unicorn was telling them one of Princess Twilight's stories, in her absent.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute," Sunny exclaimed. "Pinkie Pie can actually play ten instruments at once?"

"That's what Twilight told me," Sunset Shimmer smiled.

"Is she even an earth pony?" Sunny asked. "How does she even do that?"

"That's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie," Sunset shrugged. "Don't ask. I've tried to ask her, and she doesn't make a lot of sense, so...best not to overthink these things."

"Well, I like her already!" Izzy Moonbow chirped. "She sounds like a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, I figured you would," Sunset smiled. "They don't call her Ponyville's local party pony for nothing."

"You have got to tell me each and every parties she threw!" Sunny giddied. "Who knows? Maybe one day, after we've brought the earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi together, I could even throw a big victory party of friendship! And we can invite EVERY PONY!!!"

"...That's a tall order, Sunny," Sunset commented. "But you think you can handle that?"

"Why not? If Pinkie Pie can do it, then maybe I can! Maybe I have Pinkie Pie's party making blood in me!"

Sunset Shimmer could only chuckle in admiration, "One thing's for sure, you have her optimism," Sunset frowned sadly at the last part, sadly missing Pinkie Pie.

"Look!" Sunny pointed, directing the gang's attention to a large tree in the distance, with pink leaves. "That's the tree from the map," Sunny confirmed, as she, Izzy, and Zipp looked back down in the map. "That means... it's this way!"

Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp all dashed off, leaving Sunset behind with Pipp and Hitch following behind.

"What am I even doing here?" Hitch frowned, along with Pipp. "Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn't even exist!"

"Hey, try and keep an open mind, okay?" Sunset grumbled. "Y'know, for some pony's childhood friend, you really don't seem to share her optimism for friendship."

"Well, as a sheriff, it's in my best interest to look out for what's best for Sunny and try and keep her out of trouble," Hitch scowled. "But for all I know, I'm probably too late, because you've got her under your mind control. Haven't you?"

"Ha! Please," Sunset rolled her eyes. "If I wanted to hypnotize Sunny, I would've done it a long time ago, and make her, say, punch you in the face so hard that even your grand kids will have a swollen face."

"You threatening me?" Hitch challenged. "You're facing serious charges for threatening an officer of the law, Miss Bacon Head!"

"That's Sunset Shimmer to you, Donut Lord!" Sunset spatted, as she got into Hitch's face. "And I'm warning you, I may be old, but I've still got magic, and I'm not afraid to use it!"


With a huff, both Sunset and Hitch held their noses up and looked away, with an equally miffed Pipp passing through.

"It was supposed to be my best show ever," Pipp moaned. "And now it's all over. I'm a criminal! And it's all because of them!" She said, with Hitch saying the exact same thing. "And that is so not cool."

"No it is not," Hitch scowled, before he did a double take. "Did I just agree with a pegasus?" Hitch asked.

"Yup," Sunset Shimmer confirmed. 'I miss Big Mac,' She thought.

While walking through the daisy fields, Pipp caught to her sister, with Hitch galloping towards Sunny, leaving Izzy with Sunset.

"So...you've got magic!" Izzy beamed. "What's it like? Being able to cast spells, lift objects up in the air, instead of your hooves?"

"Oh, well, it's...it's..." Sunset struggled to find the right words. "Y'know, long ago, back when every unicorns still have their magic, it's always been like a norm. When Equestria still had magic, you can accomplish a lot of feat. and use it to perform simple everyday tasks, like picking apples from a tree, levitating a book to read while you're walking, or...say you're running late for class. You're in your bedroom. But all you needed is to concentrate and–Poof! You're in class, with seconds to spare!"

"Wow!" Izzy marveled. "So...if we have magic, then...we can do EVERYTHING WE EVER WANTED?! Like you're on top of the world?"

Upon hearing Izzy's comment and fascination, Sunset immediately paused, experiencing unpleasant flashbacks of her time as Princess Celestia's prized pupil. Like Izzy commented, Sunset Shimmer too once thought she would be on top of the world, that she has no limitation, or that she shouldn't be obliged to follow the rules. Young Sunset Shimmer then was arrogant, aloof, and disrespectful to the limits and wishes that Princess Celestia had imposed on her. As a result, it sent her down a dark path that forever traumatized Sunset Shimmer, for as long as she shall live.

"Sunset? Sunset?" Izzy asked, noting the fiery unicorn's sudden pause. "Yoo-who? Any pony in there?"

Sunset shook her head, snapping herself back to reality.

"I'm fine, kid," Sunset began sternly. "But listen, when you have magic, then you have to promise you don't do anything reckless with it."

"How come?"

"It's not just for fun, kid," Sunset lectured to Izzy. "With great power comes great responsibility. Ya can't just gallop around, firing random magic spells, thinking there's no limitations. There are rules ya need to follow and...and..."

"And what?" Izzy asked. "Rules and what?"

"Responsibility kid..." Sunset dipped her head. "Think about it. You don't have magic, but I do. If I suddenly hexed you, and you... If I turned you into a zombie, would you like that?"

"Hmmm," Izzy pondered before she shook her head. "No, not really."

"Nope. It wouldn't be cool, and it would be on me. And you wouldn't want to do that, now would you?"

"Be on you?"

"No. The other thing."

"Turn you into a zombie?"


"No. I wouldn't do that."


"We're almost to the river, everypony!" Sunny Starscout called out, drawing Sunset and Izzy's attention up to the earth pony.

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but smile, "Sunny's a nice Earth Pony, isn't she?"

"She sure is!" Izzy chirped in agreement. "Reminds you of anypony you know?"

But before Sunset could answer, Hitch's voice was heard, screaming, "No, no, no, no, no! Where's my badge?! Hey! You two!" He said, pointing an accusing hoof at Sunset and Izzy.

"Hmmm?" Izzy replied.

"What?" Sunset asked, in an annoyed tone, not liking to be falsely accused.

"I know unicorns like shiny things!" Hitch began.

"Well, has your mother ever told you about dragons and griffons hoarding gemstones to build their nests?" Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Cut the cat and mouse game, Bacon Head," Hitch glowered. "Where's my badge?"

"Oh, you know," Izzy began. "I think I did see a shiny badge-y thing on the ground a few hours ago."

"What?!" Hitch freaked out. "Hours?!"

"And you're telling us now?" Sunset asked.

"Well, maybe it's for the best," Izzy began. "Between you and me, buddy," She began in a low hushed voice. "That badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic," With that, Izzy started singing a song, to herself, leaving a bewildered Hitch behind, with Sunset.

"She's got a point," Sunset said, as she turned and followed the younger ponies, until they came across a valley, where the bridge was out.

"What are we gonna do?" Sunny asked.

"Don't worry, kid," Sunset turned her head to the side, making cracking noises from her neck. "I've got this."

Concentrating her magic, Sunset Shimmer focused on a teleportation magic, straining as she exerts every amount of mental powers she could muster. Focusing the magic on herself and her five young companions, there was an explosion of turquoise light, followed by another flash of light, revealing all six ponies on the other side of the valley.

"Whoa!" Hitch moaned, having been rendered in a daze, with his eyes rolling. "Warn us next time you were going to do that!"

"But it worked!" Sunny exclaimed, upon seeing that they were all on the other side of the gap. "We made it to the other side!"

"Way to go, Sunset!" Izzy chirped. "Though, to be fair, I was going to use my horn to cut down that tree on the other side to create a bridge for us to get across!"

However, Sunset Shimmer wasn't in the mood of accepting praises. The five younger ponies turned to notice the fiery unicorn had collapsed onto the ground.

"Sunset!" Sunny exclaimed, galloping to the weary unicorn. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, kid," Sunset reassured, rubbing her temples with her hoof. "I...I'll be fine. I'm not as spry as I used to be. C'mon. Let's go," Turning to Izzy, Sunset asked, "How far are we to this Bridlewood home of yours, Izzy?"

"Not too far now!" Izzy smiled, pointing off in the direction. "It's just a hop and a skip away!" With that, Izzy took the lead, with the rest of the group following.

Though, all the same, Sunny Starscout couldn't help but cast a look of concern at Sunset Shimmer's well-being.

Taking notice of her worried expression, Sunset reassured, "Don't worry, Sunny. I'll be fine."

But still, Sunny thought otherwise. Not too far behind, Sheriff Hitch, Zipp Storm, and Pipp Petals couldn't help but share Sunny's concern. Though they know Sunset, somehow, still retained her magic, her fatigue and tired age have sent messages that made them question their initial prejudice against unicorns.

Just then, a faint yelling was heard.

"Did you hear something?" Sunset asked, turning her head, side to side, trying to locate the source.

"No pony here, but us," Izzy chirped.

Little did any of them know, however, a familiar earth pony was flying by, carried on the winds, by balloons.

Meanwhile, back at Maretime Bay

"Why aren't you finished yet?" Deputy Sprout demanded, while overseeing preparations of some machineries at Canterlogic.

"W-We're working as fast as we can," One of the staff members explained, "but we've run out of rivets."

"Rivet-ing story," Sprout laughed in sarcasm, before he glared, grabbing the pony by the neck tie. "Just make it work, okay?!"

"Sugarcube," Phyllis Cloverleaf called, walking up to her son. "I know your little top-secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products? It is my factory, after all, dear."

"But it's my town, Mommy!" Sprout countered. "Your son's now emperor of Maretime Bay!"

"Emperor?!" Phyllis exclaimed in disbelief. "But yesterday you were only the sheriff."

"Well, see how fast I'm climbing the ranks?" Sprout boasted. "This defense factory is going on offense, and it's all thanks to your love and encouragement. Break's over, Bubblegum McGinty!" Sprout shouted at a random work pony.

"Oh, dear. Somepony's getting a big head," Phyllis muttered, starting to regret every words she had said.

Meanwhile, back with Sunset and friends

Sunset Shimmer and the five young ponies she's traveled with continued their journey to Bridlewood, the home of Izzy Moonbow, and fellow unicorns.

During the journey, Sunny started another conversation with Sunset Shimmer.

"So, Sunset," Sunny began. "You can teleport? Do all unicorns teleport, when they had magic?"

"Well, not all of us, per say," Sunset answered. "It kinda depends on a unicorn's special talents, from which they get a little magic to boost, be it singing, cooking, or math."

"How so?"

"Well, take Rarity, for example," Sunset began. "She's a unicorn, but her special talent is fashion making. Hence, her magic is more focused on making the most beautiful dresses and accessories you ever lay your eyes on."

"Really?" Pipp commented, having taken interest in Sunset's conversation.

"Wow!" Sunny gasped in fascination. "And...can she teleport, like you can?"

"Hmmmm, from what Twilight told me, not really," Sunset shook her head. "Rarity's magic is impressive, don't get me wrong. But, I don't think she can perform spells, like teleport, flight, or..."

"Reading other ponies' minds and then frying them?" Hitch interrupted.

"Hitch!" Sunny scolded at the paranoid stallion. "Not helping!"

"I'm just saying..."

"How did that silly rumor even got started is probably a mystery to me," Sunset muttered.

"Just ignore him," Sunny advised to Sunset. "So, on the topic of magic. You can perform other magic spells, besides the power to teleport? Can you list a few examples?"

"Uh, my magic days are kinda behind me," Sunset chuckled embarrassingly. "I mean, my time as Princess Celestia's former pupil have been so long, I...I could hardly remember."

"Well, can you still name a few?"

Scratching her chin, Sunset paused for a moment to recall a memory, of her time as Princess Celestia's magical prodigy, before she went rogue. Unfortunately, as Sunset Shimmer searched her past, she was distraught and ashamed to recall negative feelings of pride, arrogance, and dishonesty of her younger days. The times when she was the opposite of Twilight; a different pony.

"Sunset?" Sunny asked, gently nudging the weary unicorn, startling her back to reality. "Sunset? Are you okay? You zoned out for...a minute there."

"I'm fine, I..." Looking up, Sunset noticed the sky darkening, with the stars appearing, following the setting sun. "I think we should stop to make camp for the night."

"I'll go get some firewoods!" Izzy chirped as she galloped off into the woods.

"I'll find us a spot to make camp," Zipp trotted off.

"And I'll keep an eye on you," Pipp galloped after her sister.

"And I'll keep an eye on you!" Hitch said sternly to Sunset and Sunny. "The both of you!"

Sometimes later, after gathering all of their essentials, the six ponies have gathered, beneath a large rock formation that stretched overheard, to serve as the campsite's roof.

Zipp had finished setting up a circle of stones, with Izzy stacking up the firewoods to form a pyramid shape.

"Alright, Sunset!" Izzy chirped. "Work your magic!"

Sunset was about to comply, when she noticed one member of their party was missing.

"Hey, where's our esteemed sheriff of Maretime Bay?" Sunset asked. "Isn't he joining?"

"No thank you," Hitch called out, revealing he had set up camp, several hooves away. "I"m good, right where I am," With that, Hitch went back to rubbing sticks together, attempting to lit up a campfire of his own.

"If you say so," Sunset Shimmer was about to use her magic, when she noticed Sunny clicking her hooves together. "Sunny?"

"Oh! Sorry," Sunny apologized. "I...I thought you might need some help."

"No, it's okay," Sunset replied. "Just...what was that?"

"Oh. It's just a trick my dad once showed me, when he and I went camping together."

"A camping trick, eh?" Curious, Sunset walked over, asking, "How do you do it?"

"Well, you click your hooves together like this, to make a spark," To demonstrate, Sunny clicked her hooves together, as if they were flints, creating sparks that ignited a fire.

Taking over, Zipp Storm flapped her wings to blow on the fire, making it come to life.

"Oh, yeah!" Izzy exclaimed. "Nailed it!"

"Way to go, kid," Sunset smiled, playfully nudging Sunny's shoulder.

"Thanks," Sunny smiled. "But I'm sure your fire spell would've been more impressive."

“Maybe," Sunset replied. “But honestly, I still have a lot to learn, like how to start a fire with your hooves?”

“Come on, stupid stick,” Hitch grunted, still struggling to start a fire of his own.

“You need some backup, sheriff?” Zipp asked.

“No! Thank you,” Hitch declined. “I've got it. Come on... If only I had a match...” At last, he had sparked a fire, “Hah!”

Unfortunately, his triumph was short lived, when the fire died out.

“OH!” Hitch moaned in frustration.

“Oh, well, that was sad to watch,” Zipp chuckled. “Come on, don't be a hero, dude. Come get warm.”

But Hitch was still reluctant, and continued struggling to make his fire.

Turning to Sunny, Sunset beckoned the young mare to her friend.

“You go and talk to him,” Sunset encouraged. “Something tells me this is ‘Sunny’ job.”

“Ok,” Sunny got up and left to talk to Hitch Trailblazer, leaving Sunset alone with the other three mares.

“So, about this Rarity,” Pipp began. “Just how beautiful are her dresses?”

“From what Twilight told me,” Sunset began. “Her dresses are a sight to behold! She’s an artist to fashion. The dresses she makes just speaks your heart and soul, from the inside out!”

Even though the Rarity she personally knew is human, and not the pony-counterpart she was referring to, deep down, Sunset knew they are the same.

“Fascinating,” Pipp Petals commented.

“So, these dresses Rarity makes,” Izzy began. “She makes them to match the sparkles of every pony?”

“Sparkles?” Pipp asked.

“Yeah, sparkles!” Izzy began to lecture. “It’s that special light inside of every pony, that shows your feeling! And the happier you get, the brighter it shines!”

Izzy pointed to Sunset, “Sunset Shimmer’s sparkle is green. But it glows red the more passionate she gets!” Izzy then turned to Pipp, “And your sparkle is aquamarine.”

“My sparkle is aquamarine?” Pipp gasped. “That's, like, my sixth favorite color!”

“Your sixth favorite color?” Sunset asked. “What are the other five then, pray tell?”

“Well, my natural pink is one,” Pipp began. “The violet color in my hair is second. The green colors of my eyes are third. And the colors in Zipp’s wings are the fourth and fifth.”

“The colors in my wings?” Zipp asked, looking surprised. “You actually liked them?”

“Of course, Zipp!” Pipp replied. “Didn’t mother ever tell you that you have the most beautiful wings any pegasi have ever seen? Even I envied them! All I ever wanted was to see you flapping them more often!”

Touched, Zipp looked down and sadly frowned, “I wanted to. But only when I’m flying for real! For real, do you understand?” Zipp explained to her sister. “Pipp, I…I’m sorry for everything, back at Zephyr Heights. And I never meant for you to lose your fans, or to get mom arrested. But I was done living a lie! I wanted all of us to be able to fly for real. Not having to rely on wires, or smoke, or mirror tricks to put on a show, or to hide the truth.”

“But still, what if this doesn’t work?” Pipp asked. “What if this whole, crystal quest, is just another dead end? We’ve already lost mom. I…I don’t want to lose you too! You’re the only family I have left!”

Zipp looked down, in worry, and in sympathy, for her sister. She had a look of worry. Her sister was right. Both she and Pipp had been branded as runaway outlaws.

If they become unsuccessful in their attempt to bring back magic, then what will become of them? Where will they go? How will they live? They have nothing left to lose, but each other.

“Well,” Zipp began. “If we fail, then…”

“You could come and live with me,” Sunset offered.

“Ooh! Me too!” Izzy bounced.

“No way!” Pipp exclaimed in surprise.

“What my sister’s really saying was, really?” Zipp clarified. “You would do that, for us?”

“Yep!” Izzy chirped.

“But, why?” Pipp asked.

Sunset leaned in closer to whisper, “Because Fluttershy would’ve done the same.”

“Who’s Fluttershy?” Zipp asked.

“A really shy, but very kind…pegasus,” Sunset remembered, once, during Spring Break, after their cruise ship had crashed, both she and her human friends found a portal to Equestria. Once they went through, the Fluttershy she knew had transformed into a pegasus.

“Wow,” Sunny smiled, rejoining the group with a reluctant Hitch. “You really are a friend of Twilight!”

Sunset Shimmer nodded in response, feeling happy to be held in such high regard, but also saddened for the mention of her friends.

“So, Sunny,” Sunset began. “What’s the next course of action?”

“So I think we should set off at first light,” Sunny replied. “Last stop, Bridlewood,” At that moment, Sunny noticed Izzy looking rather saddened. "What's wrong Izzy?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, why so blue?" Sunset joked. "Hehe, see what I did there? I asked, why so blue? Because she's...she's..." Seeing that her joke wasn't that good, Sunset cleared her throat and asked, "What's the matter kid?"

Looking up, Izzy began, "It's just that...being with you ponies has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I guess I just don't want our adventure to end."

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but nod in sympathy with Izzy. Before coming back, the fiery unicorn was looking forward to seeing Twilight again. Instead, she came back to find Equestria, once again, divided, and her friends...gone.

"But, Izzy, you'll get your magic," Sunny said to Izzy. “And you can perform all kinds of spells, like Sunset can!”

Izzy smiled lightly, but not wholeheartedly at the notion.

“Wouldn’t that be awesome, Sunset?” Sunny asked. “Then you won’t have to feel lonely again, and Equestria can be exactly like the way you remembered it!”

“I don’t know about that,” Sunset shook her head. “Getting the magic back is one thing, but…can every pony learn to get along, by then? Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, in harmony. And…what of the other sentient magical creatures? Like dragons, griffons, and changelings. Will they come back?”

“Hold on, back up,” Hitch began. “It’s one thing to believe that earth ponies can be friends with unicorns and pegasi again. But dragons? As in giant, fire-breathing, reptiles that would swoop down, steal your treasures, and burn your home to the ground? Are you serious?”

“Dragons aren’t all bad,” Sunset replied. “If you know Twilight, then you would know about her faithful friend, Spike the dragon.”

“Twilight Sparkle was friends with a dragon?!” Zipp asked.

“She’s not just his friend,” Sunset confirmed. “She was his family.”

“My dad once told me about that,” Sunny added. “But he wasn’t so sure on the full details, so…tell us what it was like, Sunset!” She asked, eager to listen intently on the story.

Scratching her head, Sunset sighed as she recalls, “From what Twilight had told me, once. She was applying to join Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But she had to pass an entrance exam — hatching a dragon’s egg. Which she did.”

“Twilight hatched a baby dragon’s egg?” Sunny chuckled in amusement, imagining the said Princess of Friendship sitting on the egg, like a chicken. “How does that even look?”

“How should I know?” Sunset asked, rhetorically. “I wasn’t even there.”

“So, what happened to the baby dragon?” Izzy asked.

“Well, after Twilight hatched the little guy, she and her family adopted him and named him Spike. Since then, they grew up to be brother and sister, and eventually, when Spike grew up into a full grown dragon, he—“

“Became a greedy rampaging dragon and burned down the town, until he was slain?” Hitch guessed.

“No,” Sunset denied. “He became the friendship ambassador of all creatures, and Twilight’s trusted advisor.”

“Wow!” Sunny and the rest of the girls gasped in amazement.

“That’s unbelievable!” Sunny commented.

“I’ll say,” Zipp smirked. “A dragon and a pony? Though, come to think of it, sometimes I have dreams that I was flying with griffons.”

Feeling her resolved renewed even more, Sunny Starscout’s smiled the brightest smile she could muster, which Izzy noticed.

“Ooh! Somepony’s sparkles are getting brighter~” Izzy pointed.

“This is a lot to take in,” Sunny smiled. “If we can restore the magic to Equestria, then not only will ponies be friends again, but then there’s hope for all the other creatures!”

“Hmm, wishful thinking there, Sunny,” Hitch said, while Sunset had a look of doubt.

"I'm no Princess Twilight," Sunset began. "But as a...a Guardian of Friendship, I'm just guessing. Maybe the magic is gone, because the friendship is gone."

Sunny looked at Sunset, with a questionable look, “But…didn’t Princess Twilight wrote the book that Friendship is Magic? Aren’t friendship and magic the same thing?”

“Depends on how you look at it,” Sunset replied. “But, knowing Twilight, she would say that…the magic doesn’t make the friendship. Friendship makes the magic.”

“But then, what about this crystal?” Sunny asked, holding up the pegasus crystal. “Are you telling us now that we don’t need it?”

“That’s not what I said, Sunny,” Sunset replied. “I’m just saying that, there’s probably more to this mystery than some magic gemstones being separated. I just can’t seem to put my hoof on it,” The fiery unicorn felt herself even more lost, thinking to herself, ‘I wish Twilight was here with all the answers. Or even Princess Celestia.’

“We’ll figure it all out, Sunset,” Sunny promised. “I know we will.”

Still, Sunset was unsure.

"Can I ask you a question?" Hitch asked to both Sunset and Izzy. "Why did you came to Maretime Bay?"

"For the record, she dragged me along," Sunset said.

"I always wanted to visit," Izzy began. "When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern. It had a message inside,” Reaching into her mane, Izzy pulled out the worn out piece of paper. “It says I have friends in Maretime Bay!"

Upon seeing the message, Sunny was in shock, which didn't go unnoticed for Sunset.

"What? Why are you looking at..." Upon coming to an epiphany, Sunset followed Sunny's gaze to the old paper, then back to the awestruck mare. "No...way..."

"It was you!" Izzy exclaimed, sharing Sunset's realization.

Sunny nodded as she took the drawing and explained, “I made it with my dad. We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We'll do our part. Hoof to heart.”

The ponies all exchanged looks, then back at Sunny, feeling more inspired to make both the young mare and her late father’s wish come true. Though, to Sunset, for a brief moment, she could’ve swore she saw Twilight Sparkle in Sunny’s place.

“Your dad sounded like a smart guy,” Sunset smirked. “I wish I could’ve met him.”

Sunny smiled at Sunset, before she realized, “Y’know, Sunset. If I might ask, where’ve you been all this time?”

“I told you I was out of town,” Sunset replied.

“You’ve told me that, already. But what I’m asking was, where did you go? How did you not know what happened to Equestria? And how is it that you still have your magic?”

“Yeah. How?” Izzy asked.

“I’d like to hear this,” Zipp said as she got comfy.

“Count me in,” Pipp added.

“Yup,” Hitch added.

Hesitant, Sunset Shimmer answered, “I’ve been someplace far away.”

“How far?” Izzy asked.

“Very far.”

“We’re listening,” Zipp persisted.

Seeing no way out, Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath and answered, “Would you believe me if I say that I’ve been living almost my whole life, in an alternate world, where there’s little to no magic? And instead of ponies, we become…creatures called humans.”

The five younger ponies looked on in disbelief.

“So, long story short, back when I was a student of Princess Celestia, I found this magic mirror. Surprise, it’s a portal to another world. I went through the portal and landed in a world of humans. And I’ve lived my whole life there, until I decided to come back here to lay my friend, Princess Twilight a visit.”

“And honestly l, I don’t know how it works, or how it could have a connection with your current magic crisis. But magic works differently in that other world I came back from, and I’ve got a magic geode to prove it.”

Once Sunset Shimmer was done with her story, she looked up to see the look of shocks and disbelief, written in the five young ponies’ faces.

Pipp was the first to break the silence, “Fine. Don’t tell us,” She crossed her hooves.

“Make that double for me,” Hitch added.

“Me three!” Izzy joined in.

Only Sunny seemed to believe what Sunset had sound, “Awesome!” Sunny exclaimed, with a dumbstruck Zipp finally nodding in agreement.

“You expect us to believe, you came from another world?” Hitch asked. “I don’t believe it.”

“You know what, Sheriff?” Sunset frowned. “Believe what you want. This ain’t the first time I’ve been wrongfully accused of lying.”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Sunny began, breaking up the tension. “Look, it doesn’t matter how, or where Sunset’s been all this time, okay? What matters is we’re together now! And we’re gonna work together to restore the magic, and make Equestria better than ever. Right?”

Izzy and Pipp both turned to look at each other and held hooves together, before the latter turned to Sunset.

“Hey, listen,” Pipp began. “I…Thank you. Y’know, for saving me, back in Zephyr Heights,” She bowed her head gratefully.

“No problem,” Sunset smiled.

Zipp and Sunny turned to exchange looks, glad to see that the former’s sister was finally coming around.

“Hey, um...” Hitch spoke up. “I want to do my part.”

Sunny smiled even more brighter, at what her childhood friend just said.

“What have we got to lose, right?” Hitch asked, to the mares’ joy.

“Welcome to the party, Sheriff,” Sunset welcomed the stallion.

“WHOO!” Zipp Storm whooped.

“All right!” Izzy and Pipp cheered.

"I have to admit,” Hitch began. “A unicorn forest. Does sound kind of magical.”

"Here’s hoping it’s no Everfree Forest,” Sunset commented.

“What’s the Everfree Forest?” Sunny asked.

“One of the most dangerous and treacherous place to ever exist in Equestria,” Sunset explained, narrating in a scary voice. “You could say, that the forest has a mind of its own. The plants grow on their own. The animals fend for themselves. And the weathers are unpredictable.”

The five younger ponies all trembled in fright as Sunset Shimmer continued her storytelling.

“And the worst part is, it’s home to the most dangerous beasts you’ll ever see. Manticores, cockatrice, cragadiles, hydras, and last, but not least, timberwolves!”

“Manticores?” Hitch asked.

“Cockatrice?” Sunny repeated.

“Cragadile?” Zipp exclaimed.

“Hydras?” Pipp whimpered.

“And timberwolves?” Izzy finished. “Oh my!”

“Oh yes,” Sunset concluded. “Some say, that if you’re not careful, and you go camping in that forest, then you may never come out.”

Then, to break the mood, Sunset casually concluded, “Pretty sure Twilight once told me about a friendly zebra who lived there. Well, good night!”

“Whew! I’m bushed,” Sunny said in agreement, as she laid her head on the ground. “Goodnight!”

“Sleep tight,” Zipp replied.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” Izzy added.

With that, the ponies all hit the hay, resting up for a big day tomorrow.

Zipp rested her head on a patch of grass, with Pipp putting her head on her sister’s back. Hitch rested his head on a boulder, for a pillow. Izzy and Sunny both fell asleep together, against the rock wall, close to where Sunset was sleeping.

Minutes before sleep took over, Sunset was awoken to a voice.

“Hey, Sunset?” Sunny whispered. “Are you awake?”

“…Yes,” Sunset replied.

“I…I still have a lot of gazillion questions,” Sunny whispered excitedly. “Is it true? You’re from another world? What is it like over there?”

“…It’s home.”

“But…isn’t this your home too?”

“…It was.”

“But…then, how…”

“Look, kid. I’m tired to tell anymore stories, right now,” Sunset yawned. “So…could you maybe hold your questions, until tomorrow morning? I need some rest.”

“Oh, okay,” Sunny replied. “Sorry for disturbing you then,” Still, Sunny was a little too excited to fall asleep. “Can I just ask one more question for the night?”

“Fire away,” Sunset groaned.

“Why did you come back to Equestria, now?” Sunny asked.

Sunset Shimmer felt a sharp pang shooting through her chest, and suddenly, she felt a troubling feeling in her throat, as if she’s choke on a lump of some sort.

“Twilight…” Sunset muttered.

“Sunset?” Sunny asked.

“The reason I came back…was because I wanted to pay Twilight a visit,” Sunset replied. “It’s true. While we do live in separate worlds, Twilight and I have been keeping each other in touch via magic journals. Or we used to, until…she suddenly stopped.”

“Years have passed, and I haven’t had a response from Twilight,” Wiping a tear, Sunset continued. “So I came back to see her again. But instead, I came back to find Equestria…divided. The magic gone, with Twilight, and everything, and every pony I knew.”

“Oh, Sunset,” Sunny frowned in sympathy for the fiery unicorn. “I’m…I’m sorry. I…it must’ve been hard on you, wasn’t it?”

“More than you can imagine,” Sunset sighed. “This isn’t like the Equestria I remember. Or the Equestria Twilight had promised it would be. I wish I knew what had happened. It almost makes me feel like I shouldn’t have ever come back…”

Sunny looked in shock, “But I’m glad you came back,” Sunny said. “I never met any pony as special as you! Meeting you is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And I’m glad you’re here!”

Still, Sunset was deeply saddened, and unsure. She looked up, into the night sky, looking at the stars, and the moon, the was once controlled by Princess Luna.

Years ago, when Twilight ascended the throne and became Supreme Ruler of Equestria, Sunset received words that Princess Celestia and Luna, have retired. Meaning the cycle of the sun and moon, are given to Twilight.

But then, of Twilight is gone, and Equestria has lost its magic, then how could the sun and moon, possibly, continue?

Could it be, that somehow, through some magic, or a defiance in the natural laws of this world, the sun and the moon have come to move on their own, without pony intervention?

Could that explain the weathers? Without the pegasi, and their magic, have the weathers somehow obtained their own natural course?

Can Sunset do the same and move on with her life? Will the mystery of Twilight and Equestria’s loss of magic go unanswered? Only time will tell.