• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,944 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Troublesome Guests Pt.2

We return to the alter where the confrontation ended, Xavier standing in the center of the room with regret in his eyes.

"Twilight, please stay strong for just a bit longer." He sighed, his face steeling with resolve. "I'll try to get everyone back to you." He left the room, determined to make things right. Once he reached the doors, he picked up the pace, hopeful to reach everyone before they reached the princess. Fortunately he did, and it looked like he wasn't the only one trying to change minds.

"Girls, Twilight is only trying to look out for her brother." Jasmine pleaded, clearly concerned.

"Same goes to you Princess. Wouldn't you be concerned as well?" Zenix added, his face irritated.

"A good sister wouldn't try to rain on their brother's wedding." Applejack said, disappointment in her voice.

"I will admit that she isn't completely in the right..." Flint began. "But she really was just looking out for you all."

"Yeah, and look at what she did." Rainbow growled, Xavier finally catching up to them. "She caused a princess to cry her eyes out for doing her best."

"Hey, see things from her perspective-"

"And why bother." Xavier was cut off by Shining Armor's growl. "All she's done since coming here is complain, mane up excuses and yell at me and Cadence. She's better of not coming."

"Wait, that's a bit harsh to say."

"And why not!? She's the one who ruined the mood." Rainbow asked, clearly irritated as well. "In fact, she never was happy with us being the bridesmaids!"

"That's because it was so sudden!" Zenix called out, growing even more irritated. "C'mon, isn't even a little weird that she called the old bridesmaids out so late into the wedding?"

"You heard Shining Armor, she found out that they only wanted to be in a royal wedding." Rarity said.

"Yeah, like you're any better?!"


"Everyone, just calm down." Flint shouted getting in between everyone. "Listen, Twilight's made mistakes before, but right now we should think about everything. After all, she is important to us all."

"She's the one who-"

"You're not making any sense right now." Flint said. "All of you are hopped up on the good vibes of the wedding and aren't thinking about the feeling of Twilight."

"She never thought of ours." Rainbow stated.

"She was." Xavier said angrily. "She's been doing all of this for everyone."

"And this is the same song and dance she gets into every time." Rarity stated. "She's always blown things out of proportion and makes an even bigger mess. And this time she's taken things too far."

"Well maybe she's truly means it!" Xavier shouted. "She's our friend, think about her for a-"

"Just shut it already!" Shining Armor screamed at Xavier, getting into his face. "I don't care about anything involving her. So shut up and let her regret her actions. She's the one who's trying to ruin MY wedding."

"Watch it, bud." Xavier glared. "She's your sister. You should at least be considerate of her-"

"I have no sister." The room went silent, the growl from Shining doing that.

"T-take that back." There was a pregnant silence, but it was broken by a shaky voice.

"And why should-" Shining turned angrily at the voice, but paused briefly as he say that it was Zenix. What caused him to pause and everyone else to was how he was acting. He was cowering in fear behind Flint, eyes filled with fear.

"Just do it if you know what's good for you."

"What are you talking about?" Shining turned back to face Xavier, but when he looked he felt a strange aura. But before he could question it, the room gasped in shock at the next series of actions. Before anyone could react, an arm reached out to grab the unicorn's horn. In a swift action, his head was dragged down and directly into a knee. Before anyone could even recognize what happened, A left hook was sent directly into his cheek and sent him to the floor. That's when everyone realized what happened, and walking towards the dazed unicorn was Xavier, his face dark.

"Xavier!?" Rainbow was the first to think, flying over to him. She was cut off though, quite literally as a flash just grazed her and chopped off a clump of hair off her rainbow mane.

"Listen up you sorry excuse for a ####### knight captain." What came out of Xavier's mouth as he pointed his sword to Shining was a voice that was unique in that instance. It wasn't disapproving, it wasn't angry, it wasn't sad. It was practically venomous acid pointed at the unicorn. "I don't give two shits about what you say, do, or act, but Twilight is your sister first and foremost." Shining tried to raise his head to respond, but the blade thrusted right next to him and hit the floor. "Family is not something you can just discard if they don't agree with you, especially when they are doing it for you. You've shown your priorities though. You'd all rather give your time to some bitchy princess over the pony you've gotten to know more." His glare shifted slightly to look at the girls, all of them slightly shaking at his gaze. When he gazed over, Xavier saw something however and sneered. "That was your only chance, and you're never getting another. Hope the wedding falls apart without Twilight." Xavier stood up and walked away, never putting away his sword. No one moved, the only movement was from the humans as they backed away. Once he turned the corner, he began to jog as if to catch up to someone. That was his plan though as he saw a pink princess. "Stop. NOW!"

"What?" Cadenza wondered, turning to Xavier annoyed. "What do you want?" Before she could react, Xavier pointed his sword at her. "What are you-"

"I'm going to ask this once, what are you after?"

"What makes you think-"

"Don't play dumb. You're clearly fine after such a confrontation." Xavier noted, gesturing to her posture and eyes. "I was suspicious at first, but now I'm sure of it. You're hiding something and are trying to get something out of this wedding. So what are you after?" The princess looked at him, moments passed between them. At least, until she gave a toothy grin.

"Well, seems like I've been found out." She said evilly. "Well done, but you won't change much."

"And what makes you say that?" Magic began to swirl around Cadenza and rise. As it did Xavier's spiteful glare began to shift into confusion and then fear as she changed into something he wished wasn't real. In the end, he blacked out, but as he did he heard one last sentence.

"Don't worry, you'll never have to worry about them again."

"...vire!? Xavier!?"

"Huh, what?" When Xavier opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was pitch black darkness. All round him was dark walls and crystals, the only light being a purple light emanating from, "Twilight? Wait, where are we!?"

"I don't know. When I teleported away the princess found me and-"

"Princess... GAH THE PRINCESS!!" Xavier shot up onto his feet and began to dance around. "Why'd the princess have to be a damn bug pony thing!?"


"Okay listen, I may have confronted the princess in private. But she suddenly changed into some crazy bug pony thing and- eyurg I'm shaking just thinking about it."

"So Cadenza is actually evil!?"

"I really am impress you were able to see through my act out of the others." Suddenly one of the crystals on the walls lit up with 'Cadenza's' face, shocking the two and causing Xavier to fall onto his rear. "Welcome to the old caves underneath Canterlot, once a home to greedy unicorns who wanted a taste of the gems that laid within. And now your prison. And don't bother calling for help. No one's going to come because of how you two have acted, not like they could even find you." The imposter's face was everywhere, terrifying the two captives. "Most have forgotten these caves have even existed. The perfect place to hold those who would get in the way of my plans."

"Plans? What plans?" Twilight questioned, the image of 'Cadenza' positioning itself on one large crystal.

"The plans I have for your brother, of course." Upon this sentence, Twilight's face flashed with anger and her horn glowed even brighter.

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!" The imposter gave a mock face of surprise before gleaming a evil smirk.

"Only way to stop me is to catch me!" With a sinister laugh, the image of 'Cadenza' began to flash everywhere. Twilight wasn't moved and took a shot at an image, but it was reflected and it bounced around the room. Right before being intercepted by Xavier's sword. Xavier turned back with a shaky but determined gaze, and the duo nodded to each other before going on the attack, Twilight blasting any images on the walls and Xavier slashing at any on the ground. It all culminated to one final blast onto the walls, lighting up the room with dim but noticeable light. And in the hole Twilight blasted was another pony, one that was very familiar to them. The very princess who locked them away, though she seemed much more disheveled than before and looked confused. The duo's eyes narrowed however and were ready to pounce, but the alicorn became terrified.

"No! Wait!" She pleaded, trying to scoot away only to be tackled by Twilight and stood on so she didn't leave, Xavier catching up and raising his sword. "Please! Don't hurt me!" She pleaded yet again, but when she looked at what was on her, her eyes lit up. "Twilight, it's me!" The two paused, though Twilight's gaze didn't let up. Xavier however began to look her over. "Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter.

"Likely story!"

"Actually, her story might have some merit." Xavier said, lowering his sword to his side. "Something is different with her."


"Well yeah."


"Because I never shuddered when seeing her." He shrugged. "Now that I know that the Cadenza scheming is a... Eurg... bug pony, it makes a lot of sense as to why I acted the way when we first met. I'm not getting that same feeling from her."

"The humans right, that one's a species known as a changling." Cadance said, squirming her way out of Twilight's grasp. "They can change their appearance at will and took my place."

"Wait, you know what I am?"

"Of course. Celestia told me all about your kind." Cadance explained, her adrenaline finally settling. "And she told me that the first one she met was a young male who was skilled with machines and swordsmanship. I'm guessing that's you."

"Erm, yeah." Xavier rubbed the back of his head. "Name's Xavier-"

"Why are you acting like this?!" Twilight demanded. "How can we be sure she's not some illusion?"

"I don't know. But I imagine that you two have something that can be used to connect." Xavier glanced to Cadance, who knew what he was going for.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves…” Cadance then began to do the very same dance that Twilight did when she saw the imposter, Twilight lowering her guard and widening her eyes.

“And do a little shake!” They finished together, the two making eye contact before Twilight smiled and leapt at Cadence, but now with a great big hug. “You remember me!”

“Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?” Cadance said with a tearful smile, happy to finally see somepony friendly.

"Well that's sorted, but now we've got another problem princes Mi Amore-"

"Just call me Cadence." Xavier was going back into seriousness, but was interrupted by a kind gesture by the princess. He paused, but gave a hearty smile.

"You princess really are cut from the same cloth." He sighed with a playful shake of his head. "So princess Cadance, We now have to find our way out of here. After all, everyone's in danger."

"You're right." Twilight nodded. "But where do we go."

"...This way." Cadance said, trotting in one direction.

"You sure it's that way?"

"Yes, I know of it." Xavier and Twilight looked at each other, but gave their own nods in response.

"Right, let's get going." With Cadance found, the duo now trio ran into the depths of the caverns, knowing that they had to hurry.

Meanwhile, Night

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, sorry for how I acted."

Up on the surface, the humans were at a loss since the confrontation. The current task was to tell the others what happened, but Zenix was still shaking, so Flint was the one to tell the humans while Jasmine calmed him down. Currently, the two were sitting in an area of the garden that allowed anyone to gaze out into the world.

"It's no problem, it was quite scary." Jasmine said with a forced smile, Zenix noticed and sighed.

"You have no idea, girlie." Zenix said. "You remember the story about Xavier's family, yeah?" Jasmine nodded. "Well there's another part to it that I've held off on telling because I didn't want to reveal it. I was honestly hoping that it would go to our graves." Zenix looked around before standing up and walking to the railing, leaning out. "It happened a few months after the incident. We took Xavier to a party to get him out of the house. While there we witnessed a man take his anger out on their family and say that they were dead to them. We didn't think much of it as, to be frank, he was someone our family was thinking of investigating. But later that night, we all saw the man in the garden. He was on the ground, passed out from the amount of damages he took." Zenix shuddered. "Broken bones and a concussion, yet the worst part was when the man recovered, he looked terrified. But that's before I learned who did it."


"I learned this from a real piece of work, but I learned it was Xaiver." Zenix said, a gasp coming from Jasmine. "She said that he continuously hammered the idea to not downplay family like he did while he attacked, only leaving the moment he went unconscious. I never confronted him, no one did because the only one who saw it was our connection. And she told me." Zenix paused, looking back to the incident. "I ended up drawing my own conclusion, that while he believes he failed in his family, he wants to make sure no one else has to endure a terrible family life. And seeing someone treat family like they are simply something to discard when they get in the way or as tools sets him off."

"B-but why-"

"Did he attack in that instance rather than when it happened?" The merchant asked. "It's because of the situation. Not only did everyone basically disown Twilight, but he was much stronger than he was back then. He's spiteful, but he's not crazy..." Zenix pushed himself off of the railing and onto the floor. "I'm such a failure of a friend."


"Ever since I came here, I've cause him trouble. And even for a brief moment I saw him as a monster. The only thing I am is a greedy coward. I don't got magic like you or the girls, and I'm not a fighter like many of you. And I'm beat in smarts by him and Twilight. Wonder if I could leave and just be forgotten."

"NO!" Suddenly, Zenix was brought up to a sitting position and was shook by Jasmine. "Ever since you've gotten here, you've looked out for him in your own way. Even if you can't fight, you can help him every step of the way. Just please, don't leave him like his family did." Zenix's eyes went wide, realizing what he was doing. After a moment, he grew a toothy smile.

"Heh, I guess you can keep him." He said, confusing Jasmine. "You're the only person that can finally bring a downer like him out of his funk and finally smile genuinely." Jasmine began to blush at the notion, but smiled and nodded before getting up. But as the two were getting up...

"You have to get out!"

Suddenly, a desperate voice could be heard, causing Zenix to open his eyes. When he did however, the darkness never left, almost as if he went blind. Keyword being almost, as when Zenix rose, he could make out the iconic glows of fires that were nearby, but even those glows were limited and small. This wasn't regular darkness, it was advanced.

"NO, I'm not leaving without them!" Zenix suddenly heard another voice, but he couldn't tell where it was coming from, so all he could do was look around in hopes of seeing something.

"I'm sorry son, but we can't. You are the only one that can leave without attracting attention." As Zenix listened, he began to feel a sense of familiarity with the voice, but couldn't quite place it. "They are already caught in the thick of it. I will try to get them out, but you are the only one who can leave in one piece." Suddenly, a flaming board landed next to Zenix, making him realize that this was a burning building, and it was coming down fast.

"Please! I can't go without them!"

"I'm sorry..." As more and more rubble fell down, smoke began to cloud up, causing Zenix to enter a coughing fit. "Make sure you fight, and make your family proud."


When Zenix opened his eyes again, he saw all the other humans running over to him and Jasmine. He gave an unnoticeable glance around, questioning what happened.

"Sorry we're late to get here." Huston apologized.

"Flint caught us up on what happened." Cali added. "Did he really attack the captain like that?"

"...Yeah, he did." Zenix answered, hiding his shock quickly. "Wish I could tell you why he did."

"Gang, this isn't good." Alex said, getting in the middle of everyone. "Both Twilight an' Xavier are practically enemies ta the weddin' now, and all we've done is gather some useless info."

"Not quite." Zenix pointed out, waling past Alex with a waggling finger. "We did learn a few things out of it. For starters, the magic that the princess' been using on Shining."

"Now that I think about it, it is a bit vague." Jasmine noted. "We don't know what the spell is."

"Exactly." Zenix said with a point to Jasmine. "For all we know it could be a mind control spell that headaches signal that it needs to be recast."

"Okay, that does make sense." Cali agreed. "But what else did we learn?"

"It comes from Cadenza, her tears." Zenix answered. "More precisely, the type. The ones she shed were genuine crocodile tears."

"So she's fakin' it?"

"Seen it all the time in my line of work."

"So we can be sure she's not doing this completely for love." Flint concluded.

"Exactly. But we still can't rush things." Zenix said. "After all, we'll just end up in the same situation as Twilight." As everyone was talking, Alex was leaning on the railing of the balcony. He looked back for a second, but he did a double take and went for a better look.

"Ay, get over 'ere!" Alex demanded with a slightly hushed voice. The other humans walked over curious and looked at what the athlete was looking at, but they were shocked to see Cadenza walking around underneath them sneakily.

"Wait, why is she out this late?" Cali wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't know." Zenix added. "But we can use this."

"You want to follow her?" Flint asked.

"The best way to confirm something is to get it from the source." He said with an evil smile. "Come on." The humans all made a dash to follow, slowing down and hiding when they saw her stand in a secluded area of the city. That's when they saw something terrible.

"I must say mister Joe, your wares are quite delicious."

Meanwhile their only pony ally was waiting in the meeting place they agreed on, Joe's Donuts. He was waiting around, only to decide to order a pastry.

"Why thanks." Donut Joe thanked. "It's mu pleasure to serve ponies like you.

"Hmm, they aren't here yet..." Fancy Pants mused, looking at the clock.

"Eh, they'll be here eventually." Joe said as he went into the backroom. Once he did however, the door burst open.

"WE'VE GOT A MASSIVE PROBLEM!!!!" Fancy Pants practically fell out of his seat and Joe peaked his head out in shock, only to see that it was the humans. All of them looking like they saw a ghost.

"Huh, everypony? What happened." Fancy Pants asked as he recovered.

"Ta princess! She's a damn shapeshifta!" Alex screamed.


"We saw it." Alex began as he walked up to his noble friend. "The princess turned inta some... Bug pony thing."

"She also talked about a plan." Zenix added, his usual demeanor falling apart. "She said that once the marriage is finalized, she would rule Equestria for her and her subjects."

"You can't be serious."

"Oh we are!" Cali confirmed, sitting down to try to calm down. "The worst part though, we heard her say she got rid of anyone who would get in her way. Which means-"

"She got rid of Twilight and Xavier?!"

"You guessed it." Huston confirmed.

"In that case, we must tell everypony." Fancy Pants declared.

"It's no use." Flint said. "Twilight already confronted her, and now her own friends and teacher are against her."


"Yeah, and Xavier isn't in a better position with them." Zenix added. "If we told them what we say, they'd just think we were against them and get outed as well."

"So, what now?" Fancy Pants asked, but he got no response. The room was silent, unable to find an answer and in a state of hopelessness.

"Xavier can figure it out."

"Huh?" Everyone turned to the voice, Jasmine who was clenching her fists.

"I know Xavier can push past this."

"Listen lass, ay know he's a great guy, but-"

"But nothing!" Jasmine screamed, shutting up Alex in an instant. "He's always managed to push past everything he's been through for his friends, so he'll fight for all of us! I know he can bring everything back in line for us! He always has!" Jasmine's cries put something into everyone, and they all lifted their heads.

"You really are a hopeless optimist." Zenix sighed, but ended up cackling in the end. "But I guess it beats being hopeless period."

"Ay guess ay can get behind 'at!" Alex nodded, everyone else giving their agreements.

"So let's sum up." Huston began. "Right now, the only ones we can truly trust are in this room."

"Am I included." Everyone turned to Donut Joe who was listening the whole time.

"Oh, right. Sorry for the ruckus Joe." Cali apologized. "Listen, you don't have to get involved in something you're not a part of. If anything, you can bunker down and hide, just don't tell anyone about this."

"...Not like I need to be told twice." The pony said, walking back to the back. "Just kame sure you save Twilight and Xavier. Those two are good folks."

"You got it."

"So back on topic, the biggest foe we have is time."

"And why's that?" Fancy Pants asked. "Wouldn't it be the imposter?"

"She is our enemy, but remember what she's after." Zenix explained. "Once she and Shining Armor say their 'I do's, she'll have won. Meaning that's the absolute deadline."

"Yes, and unfortunately no one is on our side." Flint added. "Telling anyone will cause just ostracize us."

"Gah, this is so confusing!" Cali groaned. "I know that our only objective is to buy time for Xavier, but what are we going to do when we can't even attack directly!?"

"Directly?" Jasmine began to muse. "Wedding... That's it!" Everyone looked at her with confusion, but Jasmine had a base of attack, a plan that would help them.

Morning, 'Cadenza's' room

It was almost time for the wedding, and everything was falling in place for the imposter. She smiled wickedly at the mirror, looking at the wedding dress she was wearing.

"It's almost time..."

This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

Meanwhile however, the real Cadence was running amongst the crystal caverns with Xavier and Twilight close behind. The two friends were determined to conclude the tale, but the princess looked desperate.

This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake
With all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all…

I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say

That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together
The truth is I don't care for him at all

No I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine

As the imposter sung her desires, she trashed the room and danced about. She came to a stop at a mannequin, pretending to care until she used her magic to send the outfit's hat into the air and blasted it, turning it to green ash. She looked into the mirror yet again, a deranged look in her eye.

We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope, I'll be lying if I say

"I don't fear that I may lose him
To one who wants to use him
Not care for, love, and cherish him each day"

For I oh so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon

Picking up the pace, those in the caves made serious ground in hopes of getting out. They stopped when they saw a minecart, the princess not hesitating to try and free the vehicle to little success. She sang her please as she tried, reaching her allies as they gave smile and ran to help. With a hefty push, the minecart was sent down the rails with speed, but the end was broken and sent them into the sky. They were safe though, as Twilight grasped onto the gliding princess and Xavier was able to use his grappling hook to cling onto one of the stalactites on the celling. But when they landed, they looked up in fear as they knew they were running out of time. They were right, as 'Cadenza' was already walking down the aisle

Finally the moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride

Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
Shining Armor will be...

...mine, all mine. Ahahaha

"C'mon, where is the exit!?"

After they landed, they ended up not knowing where they were going. Cadence looked a bit downtrodden, Twilight was looking around quickly, but Xavier was very obviously shaking a bit, and even in her sad mood, Cadence noticed.

"Are you okay, Xavier?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I'm fine." Xavier stammered, though his voice wavered and mouth formed a twitchy and nervous smile. "I mean, it's not like I have to inevitably fight a giant bug pony taller than me that has magic, creepy legs, crooked horn, black scales, glowing green eyes-"

"You're afraid of bugs, aren't you?" Cadence guess, to which Xavier began to sweat bullets. "Looks like it."

"Listen princess! Can you blame me for not liking them!? They're just so... aaahhhaa!"

"Listen, I'm not going to scold you for being afraid." Cadence comforted. "After all, I'm afraid too."

"Ah-... You are?"

"Yeah, after all, I could lose the ponies I love." Cadence gave a sad smile. "But I'm going to press forward. After all, everyone is counting on us." Xavier stared at her, speechless at what she said.

"There!" The two turned to Twilight, who was pointing to a bright light upwards. She used her magic to teleport up close, but as they walked up to the light, three pony shaped figures walked out, eyes glowing green and aggressively

"You're not going anywhere."


Things were "peaceful" once "Cadenza" reached the alter, and the wedding was running smoothly. This of course was a problem, and the humans all knew the stakes.

"You ready?" Huston whispered to Zenix, to which the merchant nodded.

"All we have to do is stall." Cali commented, subtly raising a thumb to Fancy Pants who was is the audience, his monocle giving a shine.

"But, if we end up gettin' her busted before they get 'ere, then that'll do." Alex mentioned, giving a shrug.

"But don't get greedy." Flint warned. "We cannot screw this up."

"Once chance, we can do it!" Jasmine finished, a determined look on her face.

"Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you–"

"HOLD THE WEDDING!" Zenix shouted, raising his hand. "I OBJECT TO THIS!" The audience gasped at his statement, and everyone on the alter began to grow irritated.

"What!?" "Cadenza" screamed, being the most irritated out of everypony.

"You heard me. I object." Zenix walked up to the aisle, all eyes on him.

"What are you doing?!" Applejack asked with a glare.

"Sorry, but I can't agree to such a union when the bride barely knows the first thing about love."



"Can you sit back down?!" Rarity demanded.

"Hey, just stating my opinion. Why don't you change my mind on this and show me that you really are in love with the guy?"

"Grrr." "Cadenza" growled. "Why should I tell a scheming bit-pincher like you?" She glanced over to Shining Armor, who looked a bit out of it, and sick with a strange tint in his eyes.

"Guards, take him away." He said, two guards walking up to take him away.

"Now hold on." Fancy Pants called out, making his move. "I don't think a single pony giving their opinion and asking a question warrants arrest."

"Yep, so you're going to listen to me." Zenix walked forward, unafraid of the guards. "What is it that makes Shining Armor such a desirable man- stallion to you?"

"Why you-"

"Now I get it!" Despite "Cadenza's" attitude, Rainbow and the others still didn't see the issue, the one mentioned flying up and into the aisle. "Twilight or Xavier must have put you up to this! Why can't you guys just be happy for them-"

"Big talk comin' from someone who betrays her friends." Alex growled, walking up and getting the crowd nervous, realizing they would see his anger again.


"Ye heard me. Out of everyone ta side with, ye side with a stranger." Alex growled, standing next to Zenix. "All ye cared about since comin' 'ere was this damn weddin' ta the point ye ditched yer best friend."

"But I didn't-"

"Don't play stupid, lass. You turned yer back on Twilight when all she was doin' was lookin' out fer her family. A loyal friend choses her friends, not glory. Isn't that what ye told Xavier once?" The words managed to sink in, and once they did they hit her heart hard.

"That's enough, Alex." Applejack joined in. "Is it wrong ta ask for a happy weddin'?"

"You don't have any room to talk, AJ." Cali stepped into the ring, her own anger setting in. "Out of everypony here, I though you'd be the one to join Twilight first. After all, Cadenza lied right in your face and you didn't even notice because you were in lala land. And then she tossed the fritters you worked so hard on into the can right in front of you!" Cali was clearly irritated, and the audience were even more nervous. "She lied right in front of your face, and yet you call out Twilight for saying what she saw. Some double standards, cowgirl." Once again, the words hit hard, and Applejack simply stared forward.

"Why are you doing this?!" It was Rarity's turn. "The princess was stressed over everything, and now you're ruining all her hard work."

"Like she did to you?" Huston called out, him too stepping up. "I was there Rarity, she didn't even compliment your work. All she did was demand with no gratefulness in her voice."

"You too Huston? You should know it's an honor to work on such a lovely occasion."

"You say that like I don't have an equally important job." Huston retorted. "And yet you didn't say a thing when she criticized my speed. You out of all ponies should know that crafts like dresses and paintings take time, and you didn't even say anything. And I though you were someone who respected my work." Huston closed his eyes and shook his head in disappointment. "Not only that, you chose to side with the popularity over your friends again. Have you not learned a single lesson?"

"Enough!" As the words hit Rarity, the one to step into the ring was none other than the sun princess, her wings unfurling as the tension rose yet again. "I do not understand why you are all are acting this way, but I won't allow you-"

"Princess, with all due respect, please shut it." Everypony gasped when Flint spoke up. "I may not have met you until yesterday, but I've heard you are a kind and compassionate ruler and teacher. Yet all I saw from you was anything but." Flint looked Celestia dead in the eye, never flinching. "A real teacher would ask for the reasoning and think about why her student would act like that. And knowing Ms. Twilight, while she does jump to conclusions, she is also thorough in her research. Something you seem to disregard when it comes to somepony who's cleaned up your messes. Its a shock to know she's made it this far with your teachings." Celestia looked shocked at what Flint said, as no one has ever spoke to her like that.

"Everything about this is wrong!" Jasmine finally shouted, joining her human friends. "Why did you all leave Twilight for a stranger?! You all are so caught up in the wedding that you can't even see the signs!" All of Twilight's friends were finally getting it, and all looked with sorrow.

"ENOUGH!!!" Suddenly, "Cadenza" erupted with rage. "YOU WILL NOT GET IN THE WAY OF MY WEDDING!"

"You really aren't getting it." Zenix walked forward, right up to the stairs and put his foot up to lean on. "You and your groom made the wrong enemy, and now you're dealing with the human willpower. So why don't you show your true colors already."

"W-... What?!"

"You heard me, we know." Zenix finally confessed. "We saw and heard it all. We know what you did to our friends and the real Cadenza, so you've made enemies with-"

The room went silent. The room practically moved in slow motion when Zenix was cut off. For the only sight that everyone's shocked faces happened to see was Zenix flying across the room due to a green blast of magic shot at his chest. Zenix's expression was shocked as well, but he didn't register what happened until he hit the door. At least, he would have if it wasn't opened already thanks to a desperate human, so he slammed into him.

"GYAH!!!" Falling a decent distance away, Xavier recovered and looked at what hit him. "Z-ZENIX?! ZENIX!!!" Xavier picked himself up and checked his old friend over, noticing the burned cloth on his chest.

"Heh, you made it." Zenix groaned with a pained smile. "We stalled for you, get to work." Zenix went unconscious, and Xavier's eyes glazed over with rage. He ran back into the cathedral and raised his sword.

"Okay you pest, you've gone too far!" He shouted, Twilight joining him.

"Guys!" Their friends cheering, though it was worried because of what happened.

"GAH! Why do you have to be so possessive!?" "Cadenza" growled, everyone looking at her. "Uhh... *sniff* Why does she have to ruin my special day?" No one bought her crocodile tears

"Because it's not your day!" Xavier gave his won growl, before stepping to the side.

"It’s mine!” The real Cadence announced as the spotlight hit her, everyone gasping at the reveal.

“What?! But how did you get past my bridesmaids?!” "Cadenza" demanded.

"Funny story." Xavier said with a serious face. "Always keep a bouquet around when attacked by bridesmaids."

"Doesn’t matter. My perfect day is gonna come true and I won’t let any of you get in my way!”

"I-I don't understand. How can there be two of 'em?" Applejack asked, clearly confused.

"Because that one's an imposter!" Alex pointed with his bat, him and the other humans pulling out their weapons. "She captures the real one an' our friends."

"And the reason she looks like me is because she's a changeling." Cadence explained. "She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them." The imposter finally realized she was busted, so she growled and engulfed herself in her magic one last time. As she changed, everyone panicked as they saw her true form. A bug pony like Xavier described, tall as Celestial and wicked glare. Her scaly body black and legs and horn covered in crooked holes. Her mane silky like webs and wings of a decayed beetle. All centralized in a glare from green eyes.

"...You'll pay for everything you've done, insect." Xavier declared, his will staying strong as he stared at the shapeshifting invader.

Author's Note:

Guys, I'm starting to really feel the power. It's growing

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