• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,944 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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The Return of Harmony

Twilight, Xavier, Jasmine, and Cali all looked worried. They all were tricked by Discord and failed to find the Elements of Harmony. Now they lost Rainbow, had four unbearable ponies, and a spirit of chaos laughing at them due to him winning.

"And what are you laughing at?!" Pinkie asked angrily.

"Ho, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in eons!" Discord responded, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well, quit it!" Pinkie screamed at him. "You better think before you laugh at the Pink..." Pinkie looked back for a moment to think. "...Ie Pie!"

"Oh, yeah?" Fluttershy questioned, evilly smiling at Pinkie Pie. "Well, ha ha ha."

"Quit it!" Pinkie replied angrily.

"No. Ha ha ha." Fluttershy continued to laugh flakily, causing Pinkie to get angrier.

"QUIT IT!" Pinkie yelled. If it wasn't for Cali getting in their way, the two may have began to fight.

"Alright you two, calm it! Aren't we allies?!"

"Cali's right." Twilight agreed with a serious expression. "We're supposed to be a team! Not enemies!"

"Maybe we should." Applejack suggested, but the group knew she was lying. "I mean, she did suggest that we share the diamond nine ways." She said as she poked the boulder that Rarity was possessive over. At least, until Rarity delivered a powerful kick to Applejack.

"Try it, punk. He's mine. All mine!" Rarity yelled aggressively, and soon she was chasing Applejack, kicking wildly.

"Wait, no!" Jasmine called out worried. "We just said we're friends! Please Rarity!" Jasmine then began to chase Rarity in hopes to stop her.

"Girls, why are you all acting like this?" Twilight asked concernedly as she watched the chaos happen between her friends. "We need to stick together."

"It's just too entertaining." A voice caught the attention of Twilight and Xavier, and looking over the two saw him on a couch eating popcorn as if they were a show for him to watch.

"Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair." Twilight glared at him.

"I'm not playing fair?" Discord asked sarcastically as he tossed the popcorn and got up. "Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?"

"How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?" Twilight questioned. At this assumption, Xavier raised his hand and tried to get her attention, but Discord beat him to it.

"Oh, wait, did you?..." Discord soon began laughing again. "How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?" Twilight was immediately confused at what he said, so she thought he was lying. That's when Xavier managed to get her attention.

"Twilight, I think he's saying some truth." Twilight's confusion turned to him now.

"Well, at least somebody is paying attention." Discord smirked. "As much as I would like to stick around and watch you figure it all out, I have some chaos to wreak. Maybe the magic of friendship can help you." Discord chortled before snapping his fingers, teleporting away.

"Grr, Think, Twilight, think!" Twilight thought to herself, since she had no idea what Discord was going on about.

"Hey Twi?" Twilight looked over to Xavier. "I've been thinking about Discord's ever since we were separated, and I might have some thoughts." Twilight looked at him with interest. "For one, the first part 'Twists and turns are my master plan,' does mean the labyrinth, that much I can assure. But then the second part, 'Then find the Elements back where you began.', that part gets to me. If the Elements were here, would they be at the end or the beginning?"

"Mmm, you have a point there..." Twilight admitted.

"That got me thinking, maybe the Elements are somewhere else." The two looked at each other for a bit, the only noise being the constant argument coming from the rest of the group. After a bit however, the two had lightbulbs go off in their heads.

"Ponyville!" The two said out loud simultaneously.

"'Back where you began', of course. He meant where the elements were first learned about!" Twilight concluded.

"Yeah, but how will we get there?" Xavier questioned, concerned that it was too late. "For that matter-"

"Don't worry, I got this." Twilight then charged her magic for a bit before releasing it. When she did, the group was teleported to the outskirts of Ponyville. Seeing the scenery change, the group was taken for a loop.

"Huh, where are we?" Jasmine asked.

"Outside of Ponyville." Twilight responded. "If the Elements are here, we can't waste any time. Now come on, if we get to the library, I'm sure we can get a hint as to where they are-" She was interrupted when she was trampled by a bunch of the long-legged animals from before, leaving her dazed.

"Good boy, Angel! Mama's sou proud!" Fluttershy commented in a cruel way.

"Oh jeez, you okay Sparkle?" Cali asked as she went over to help her up, but when she did the light from the sun quickly disappeared as the darkness of night quickly took its place, leaving the group in practical darkness.

"Huh, what happened?" Jasmine asked, squinting. "It's so dark now..."

"Well, I can see just fine." Applejack lied, since no one could see. As she was trying to look around, she managed to slip on something and slide into the other ponies. "Erm, I meant to do that." At that moment, the sun came back out, revealing what happened.

"Huh, the roads are soap?" Xaiver questioned. "Did Discord do this?"

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The group became alarmed when they heard the voice of Discord, the guy in question skating on the soap road like ice. "This is the new and improved Ponyville, and these are only my first of changes."

"First changes?" Xavier asked. Discord teleported over to him and picked him up.

"Picture it. The chaos capital of the world." He explained with pride, and raised him to look. Unfortunately, the sun went down again and made it too dark to see.

"Well I can't. It's too dark." Xavier deadpanned, to which Discord realized he was right.

"Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day." Discord said as he dropped Xavier onto the soap road, leaving him slimy from the soap. "Or not." He then hopped like a ballerina and teleported away, leaving the sane ones of the group to worry about the future.

"Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world?" Twilight questioned. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

"Don't worry, you won't." Fluttershy said as she skated by on the soapy road, ruining her mood. While Twilight was worried about the town and Discord, the humans were more concerned about how Twilight and the girls were acting towards each other.

Some Walking Later

After some tense walking through the town, the group finally managed to get to the library. The timing couldn't have been more perfect too, since it looked like Twilight was at her limit.

"Okay, we're here." Twilight said exasperated. "Everyone please, please, please just go inside, please?"

"I absolutely refuse." Applejack said as she entered the library. While Twilight was too annoyed to notice, the humans did notice something very off-putting. That was that Applejack's colors looked like they faded even more.

"With pleasure." Fluttershy said, but not before stomping the flowers that were growing in the garden. As she was, her color also drained further.

"I hate libraries!" Pinkie said as she entered, her color fading as well. As the three humans watched with worry and Twilight with annoyance, they realized that Rarity wasn't going in yet as she was preoccupied with her "gem".

"Pleeeease, we gotta hurry!" Twilight begged.

"Forget it, Twilight. I know what you're up to." Rarity said, subspinous of her. "The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!"

"What? You named it?" Cali asked in disbelief, the other two just as confused and weirded out.

"Well, it's not going to work." Rarity then proceeded to pet the rock, her color draining as well. Twilight and the others stood for a bit before Twilight came to a conclusion.

"You're not going in without him, are you?" Rarity huffed and shook her head. Twilight growled and picked up the boulder. "Fine!" As Twilight struggled to get it in, the humans decided to go inside to wait for her. When they entered the library, they saw Spike inside, sleeping on the floor peacefully with a mop and bucket nearby.

"Huh, I guess he fell asleep when working." Xavier commented. As they were looking at him, they noticed Fluttershy flying close to him. When she reached for the bucket next to him, they immediately knew what she was doing. "GAH! FLUTTERSHY, NO!" The three ran over to her to try and stop her, but they were too late as Fluttershy poured the contents of the bucket onto him, waking him up and scaring him. When he looked up, he was confused.

"AH! Why did you do that, Fluttershy?!" Spike asked angrily.

"Cause you just looked so peaceful." Fluttershy returned, an evil smirk on her face.

"I...uh..." Spike looked at her with confusion while he squeezed his tail to get the water out of him. "...Huh?" Suddenly, a large crash could be heard by the entrance, and when Spike and the humans looked over, they saw that Twilight pretty much smashed the boulder inside, putting a large hole into the wall.

"Careful, Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed. "You'll ruin his beautiful finish."

"Oh, for the love of..." Twilight grunted. Spike looked at the girls and started to have questions.

"Hey, what's going on?" Spike asked the humans. "Why does everybody look so...gray?" The three of them looked uncertain, all three not knowing how to explain.

"Don't ask. I need you to help me find something." Twilight said. "I need to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she'll regret!" Twilight's anger, while justified, was very unsettling to the humans.

"The Elements of Harmony? Oh, I know exactly where that book is." Spike then went over to a ladder and looked for a bit before pulling out a book. "Found it!" As he was about to start climbing down, the bucket Fluttershy had hit the ladder, shaking it and making Spike lose balance enough for him to drop the book.

"Hah!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she grabbed the book out of the sky.

"F-Fluttershy. Please give us the book." Xavier asked worriedly.

"Keep away!" Fluttershy shouted in a sing-song voice as she threw the book over to Applejack, who caught the book on her nose and began balancing it with a mischievous expression.

"Applejack, give me that book!" Twilight demanded.

"I don't have any book." Applejack answered as she threw it. The tossed book flew over to Pinkie, who bounced the book off her flank without hesitation.

"Pinkie!" Twilight scolded. The bounced book was sent to Fluttershy, who tossed it back over to Applejack. It would have become a viscous cycle if it wasn't for Jasmine creating a tornado in her hand.

"Sorry Fluttershy." With a toss, she launched the whirlwind at Fluttershy, who managed to get dazed enough for the book to hit her head instead of landing in her hooves. As the book fell, Xavier ran over to catch it.

"I got it." As he was about to grab it however, a blue aura appeared around it and it floated away, right to Rarity.

"Mine!" She shouted in glee.

"Hey, we need that!" Twilight yelled as she gave chase. "Do you even know what you just stole?"

"No, but if you want it, I want it!" Rarity replied with an evil smile as she ran off. Rarity running away with the book was the last straw for Twilight as she gritted her teeth.

"Give me that book!" Twilight screamed as she began chasing after Rarity. As she was chasing her, Twilight didn't notice that Fluttershy was reaching to grab Rarity. What the two didn't notice however was a whip flying over and grabbing the book out of Rarity's grasp. The whip brought the book to Cali, who put it under her arm and held her whip like a lion tamer would.

"Alright, back it up!" She exclaimed. "Do anything else and I won't hold back!" The ponies were put off enough by Cali's display to not continue to advance, giving the others enough time to go over to her. When Twilight got there, Cali handed the book over to her carefully, just in case the others tried anything.

"A bit excessive there, Cali." Xavier commented.

"Hey, they weren't stopping, it had to be done." Cali replied as she looked at the book that was on the floor for Twilight to read. When Twilight opened it however, the four were shocked to see what was inside.

"The Elements!" Xavier exclaimed. Inside of the book was not paper pages, but instead a container that had all six of the elements inside of it, all as polished as the day they were found.

"They were here all along!" Twilight said in disbelief.

"So these are the Elements of Harmony, huh." Cali said, admiring the relics.

"They're so pretty." Jasmine commented. "And you can use them to defeat Discord, right?"

"They can, but-" Xavier began to say something, though his tone portrayed worry, Twilight took the book and wen to show the others.

""See everypony? We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!" Twilight announced with a smile. Unfortunately, her excitement soon turned sour when she saw her friends not caring. "You don't even care, do you?"

"No!" They all exclaimed in unison.

Twilight sighed in frustration. "I never thought it would happen. My friends...have turned into complete jerks!"

"T-Twilight! You don't mean that, right?" Xavier asked in worry and shock.

"Whatever!" Twilight yelled as she took each element into her magic and sent them to their respective bearer. "Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! And big crown thingy!" She placed the tiara on herself. "Come on everypony, let's go!" She began walking towards the door until Xavier stopped her.

"Wait, Twilight. We're missing somepony!"

"Nope." Twilight shook her head. "We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, the brute. That just about covers it."

"But what about Rainbow?" Xavier asked with a tense smile, as if to try and reduce the tension. And it looked like it did when Twilight hesitated. At least until the last element was slapped onto his neck.

"Congratulations, Xavier, you're the new Rainbow Dash. Now let's go!" Xavier's brain began to fumble for a bit before he responded.

"What?! But why!? I don't even have any magic!?"

"Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash." Twilight deadpanned. "Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!" This declaration got the most excitement out of the ponies as they happily ran over to the entrance, three of them at least since Rarity was pushing her boulder. "MOVE!!" Twilight yelled as she took the boulder into her magic and tossed it out, putting another hole in the wall. As they were getting ready, the three humans were all worried about the outcome.

"I don't like this." Cali said in a serious manner. "If Sparke is serious, they won't talk anymore. But she can't be, right?"

"I don't know, Cali." Xavier admitted. "As much as I want to say she's just stressed, she's also just started learning about friendship. I don't know the outcome, but we should follow along for now." The three nodded hesitantly and went outside. When they did, they saw that Discord arrived.

"Well well well, I see you've finally found the Elements of Harmony." Discord smirked. "How terrifying!"

"Discord! We've figured out your lame riddle." Twilight responded aggressively. "You're in for it now!"

"I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate." Discord said mockingly as he put on some sunglasses. "I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies. Fire when ready." He said as he made a circle around his chest, making a target appear.

"Formation, now!" Twilight shouted angrily.

"Eh." The others replied, shrugging without a care.

"Twilight, I don't think-" Xavier was about to warn her, but Twilight interrupted.

"No time! Now get over here Rainbow Dash!" Xavier sighed and walked over to the others.

"Well, I might as well try. Here goes nothing..." Xavier thought to himself as the group began to activate their elements. After a moment, the ponies began to rise up and glow, all of them with a brilliant white aura. As Jasmine and Cali watched from a distance, the magic fizzled out and ended, dropping the girls to the ground.

"What's going on? Why didn't it work?" Twilight questioned.

"Mine's working." Applejack lied. "There must be something wrong with yours."

"I hate the Elements of Harmony!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing it into the ground.

"Hmph!" Fluttershy threw her necklace away as well. "Garbage."

Rarity immediately rushed over to Fluttershy's necklace when it landed on the floor. "MINE!"

"Sorry Twilight." Xavier said as he took the Element of Loyalty off his neck and began to walk over to her. "I tried to use it but I guess-" As he was walking, he was tripped by Fluttershy.

"Oops. Sorry...Rainbow Crash!" She said mockingly.

"Brave, everypony, bravo!" Discord clapped his hands as he walked towards them. "Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestria drools." He began to laugh maniacally as he took off on one of the soap roads, presumably to spread more chaos.

"Ugh! It's all your fault it didn't work!" Pinkie announced angrily.

"Who are you even talking to?" Cali asked.

"Any of you! All of you! I'm outta here!" Pinkie shouted before bouncing away.

"Huh? Hey wait!"

"I'm out of here!" Fluttershy added as she took her leave as well.

"I better go, too. I've got new better friends waiting for me at the farm." Applejack said as she walked out. Rarity was as well, pushing her boulder away from the group.

"Girls, wait!" Jasmine pleaded. "But-"

"F-F-FINE!" Twilight yelled. "Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs...enemies..." Twilight lowered her head, and to the three humans shock and fear, turned grey like the others.

"T-Twilight?" Xavier asked worriedly as he reached out to her.

"Leave me alone." She said upset. "I don't need friends, so leave me alone." She began to walk away, her head hung low, leaving the three humans.

"W-what happened." Jasmine questioned.

"Discord's plan." Xavier said with a dark expression. "Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began. He wanted us to go to the maze. There, he could mess with the others one at a time and destroy them from the inside. He planned this all out, and now his plan has finished. The elements are useless now."

"So... We lost?" Cali asked, her confidence wavering. Xavier clenched his fists at this question.

"No, not yet." The two girls looked at him confused. "I'm not giving up, not on the mission or my friends." Xavier answered with a serious look. "Friendship has been tough for me, I'll admit it. But ever since I've come to Equestria, everypony has been kind to me, a species not from this world. And those six ponies have been there the most for me, so I won't ever give up on them. I will find a way to bring them back to us, and I'll keep them safe." Xavier's will and determination was inspiring, enough to get the other two to feel a bit better.

"I want to help too." Jasmine said. "I'll do anything you say!"

"Me too." Cali said as she wrapped her arm around Jasmine's shoulders, a smirk on her. "I still need to pay you back after all." Xavier smiled softly at their willingness, and he began to lay out the information.

"Okay, so we have the elements with us at least. The only thing that's a problem is that the girls are all under Discord's influence."

"Well, can we even get them out of it?" Cali asked.

"I don't know. Hmm..."

"Maybe we can convince them?" Xavier and Cali looked over at Jasmine with curiosity. "Well, Discord might have convinced the others to act like this through tricks, and that convinced Twilight that friendship was worthless. He even tried to convince us to work with him. So maybe we can convince them to work with us?" The two looked at her with wide eyes. "I-it's not exactly the best plan, sorry."

"No no Jasmine, you're actually on to something here." Xavier commented. "If we can convince them that friendship is something they are willing to fight for and not fight over, we can get our friends back and the Elements to work again."

"Yeah, but how exactly do we do that?" Cali asked.

"Hmm..." Xavier began to think for a moment, not knowing how or where to start. The three paused however when they heard a burp from the direction of the library. When they looked over, they saw Spike in the hole that the boulder made, reading a scroll that was presumably sent by the princess. As they stared, Spike took notice at them, and it was just a staring match for a moment. After the moment passed, the three humans all lit up.

"That's it!" They all yelled out, lightbulbs going off.

"Twilight has been sending friendship lessons to the princess all this time." Xavier began.

"Yeah, and if we tell her to send a few over..." Jasmine continued.

"We can get Twilight to read them and convince her." Cali finished. The three nodded and went over to Spike, who was pretty confused at the current events.

"Kid, we need you to send a letter to the princess." Cali told him, the others getting a scroll and pen. "It's important."

"Um, sure." Spike agreed, though he was unsure of everything. As he was, Jasmine and Xavier came over with a scroll and pen. Opening it, Xavier began to write.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry for the informality of this letter, but it is urgent. You see, Discord's riddle didn't mean what we thought, and now the girls are under his spell. They're acting like opposites of themselves, and it's causing the Elements not to work and they are now pretty much enemies. We have a plan however, if we can remind them about their friendship from before, we can disable the spells they're under. To do this, we need you to send over some of the lessons that Twilight's been writing to you. Please hurry, we need them soon.

Once he finished the letter with his signature, he rolled it up and passed it to Spike. "Alright Spike, your turn." Spike took the letter into his grasp and ignited it, sending it to the princess in a cloud of smoke. "Alright, now we just wait for the princess to get the message."

"How long will that take?" Jasime asked.

"I... I'm not sure." Xavier admitted with a shrug, getting a look of disbelief from Jasmine and a facepalm from Cali. As Xavier was looking sheepishly at them, Spike let out a burp, sending a scroll to the floor. Xavier reached for it and opened it up, revealing that it was the lesson that Twilight wrote when him and the girls got the tickets. "Hey, it's one of the lessons. That was fast."

"Good, I was worried that we would wait too long." Cali said with a glare, Xavier rubbing the back of his head. As he was, Spike burped again, releasing another scroll. As Xavier reached to look at the contents, Spike burped a third time, sending a third scroll to the floor. While Spike was releasing scrolls, Jasmine made a comment.

"I hope this is painless for Spike."

An Hour Later

"So how many lessons did Sparkle write before we came, Xavier?"

"I didn't realize this many."

For the entire hour, Spike has been doing nothing but burp out lesson after lesson, and it was taking a toll on him. It was so much that the three humans took him upstairs to rest him onto his bed and try to wait it out to no avail, because now there was just a pile of scrolls on the floor.

"Are you sure this is going to work, bud?" Cali asked, becoming doubtful.

"I'm not sure honestly..." Xavier admitted. "But it's our only shot at bringing the girls back, so let's keep our hopes up, alright?"

"*sigh* I trust you." At that moment, they heard the door to the library close, and after a bit, Twilight came upstairs, still just as grey as when she left.

"And what are you three still doing here?" Twilight asked, not very impressed or happy. The three humans looked a bit nervous.

"Erm, well-"

"I don't really care, just leave." Twilight demanded as she levitated a suitcase to her bed. "I'm not in the mood for you." Seeing the suitcase and Twilight levitating some things into it immediately got the humans to worry.

"Wait, what are you doing, Sparkle?" Cali asked.

"I'm moving back to Canterlot. There's nothing here for me." Worry was immediately replaced with panic as the three humans scrambled for a response.

"What!?" Jasmine exclaimed, the first one to recover enough to say something. "But we need you!"

"No you don't." Twilight said. "And I don't need you, so leave."

"No, we won't." Twilight looked up from her packing to Xavier, who was standing strong despite the circumstances. "I won't let you leave yet."

"Just stop, I have nothing here for me." Twilight said glaring. "My so-called friends abandoned me for stupid reasons and this place is practically psychotic. I'm moving back to Canterlot to stay with my books, like I should have from the start."

"Well, I still remember the times we had, and I don't want to lose my first friend." Twilight was about to say something, but stopped when he said, 'first friend'. "Before I met you and the others, I would have never made a friend. I would have just stayed cooped up in a room with some scrap metal and say that it was all I needed. But after staying here in Ponyville with you and the others, I feel better than I've ever felt in years. I don't want to lose it all over one single fight."

"It wasn't just a 'simple' fight." Twilight retorted.

"Yes, it was. None of you are in your right minds and have forgotten the friendships we had." Xavier took a second to reach into the pile of friendship lessons to pull one out. "But I haven't, and I'm not about to let them become sad memories. So please, just take a moment and read this over." Xavier handed the scroll to Twilight, who took it in her magic and opened it. When she did, she was surprised at what it was.

"This is one of the letters I've sent to the princess." Twilight said surprised as she looked at it, this scroll was from when the dragon created the giant smoke cloud.

"All of them are." Xavier said as he gestured to the pile. "Please, try and remember." Twilight's signature curiosity came in as she began to read the scroll. Once she finished, she began to rean the others. As she was, the three humans were in a happy shock to see Twilight's colors begin to come back. It all ended when she was finishing one of the scrolls.

"Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing
And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through.
The best thing to do is stay true to yourself.
Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them."

Once she finished the scroll, the final piece of grey on her left her, leaving her the vibrant shade of lavender that she was before, and looking up she had a tear fall down her face.

"I get it now." Twilight said with a smile. Seeing it, the three humans were ecstatic to see.

"Twilight!" The three said out happily.

"Thank you guys for this. I'm sorry about how I've been acting." Twilight apologized.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault." Xavier said. "In fact, this was all planned." Twilight looked at him curiously. "Discord knew that the friendship between you and the others were too strong for him to deal with, so he kept you from seeing it."

"Hmm, that is a valid point..." Twilight thought out loud. "Well, now that we know Discord's game, let's turn the tables."

"How?" Cali asked. "No offence, but we kinda did the scroll thing on a hunch. You might have been freed, but the others may not be keen on reading those things."

"Don't worry about that." Twilight said confidently. "I have just the spell for that. Now come on." Twilight then ran to her door. "Let's go stop Discord." The three humans looked at each other and smiled, determined to finish the fight. So with Twilight back, the four left the library to save the others and stop Discord.

The group collectively decided to start with Applejack. Remembering what she said, the group decided that she would be at Sweet Apple Acers. Running to the farm, they all were in worried awe at seeing the state of it. Everything was in disarray, with things flying and floating about. They group didn't harp on it for too long, since they saw Applejack eating an apple.

"AJ, there you are." Cali yelled out as they walked over to her.

"Well I'm glad to see ya too." Applejack responded in full sarcasm. "Where you guys when I needed ya? Discord won because of ya!"

"I mean, she lost because of you too." Cali mentioned.

"Nope, I was the only one who was even fighting him." Applejack said as she stood up onto her back legs, swinging her front like she was punching. At least before she fell over onto her face, a bola wrapped around her legs. When she landed, the group turned to Cali.

"Was that necessary?!" Xavier asked in a shout.

"She was getting on my nerves with the lying, alright." Cali huffed as she crossed her arms. "Do what you were planning Sparkle." Twilight, after a second of hesitation, nodded and went over to Applejack who was struggling with the bola.

"Snap out of it. This isn't you! You're not a liar." Twilight said as she charged her horn and put it on Applejack's forehead. When she did, Applejack froze with wide eyes, even after Twilight backed up.

"What did you do?" Xavier asked. Before Twilight answered however, the group saw that Applejack's colors began to return to her.

"Memory spell." Twilight simply said as the last bit of color returned to Applejack. Once she was fully colored, Applejack stood up and realized who was in front of her.

"Twilight! Xavier! Jamine! Cali! It's great to see you!" Applejack exclaimed, looking a bit down. "I saw a vision of us feuding and fighting! I couldn't face the truth, so I started telling lies. Can you all ever forgive me?" She explained sadly, putting her hat to her chest.

"Don't worry about it, we'll forgive ya...." Cali said with a smirk. "As long as you help us finish the job." Applejack took a second to look at her before smiling, putting het hat back on.

"Can do, partner." She said confidently. With Applejack back with them, they set their sights on the one who would give the most trouble, Fluttershy. Running over to the cottage, the group took a second to go over something.

"I don't think Fluttershy is going to stay still, so we'll have to restrain her." Xavier explained. "Cali, Applejack, can you do that?" The two in question looked at each other and nodded.

"I think we can." The group didn't take long to reach the cottage, and after both Cali and Applejack got out their whip and lasso respectively, Jasmine opened the door carefully. When they did, they were relieved to see that Fluttershy had her back turned, but also shocked to see that she was tormenting some animals.

"I can't look." Jasmine said as she turned away. Cali and Applejack took initiative and ran in, aiming their tools at Fluttershy's wings and legs. Fluttershy didn't have any time to react to them as Applejack's lasso wrapped around her legs and Cali's whip tugged onto her wings. As the two pulled her over, Fluttershy became outraged.

"Why you! Let me go!" She began to struggle, but fortunately for the group and not so much for her she still had her lack of strength, no amount of meanness could give her strength to rip out of the ropes around her. Once Fluttershy was close enough to the group, Twilight quickly put her horn onto her forehead, activating the spell and having Fluttershy remember the good memories that they had. After a bit, her colors returned as well, and she looked around to see her friends.

"Twilight! Everyone!" Fluttershy said alarmed. "I just had the worst dream." It was then she realized that she was tied up. "Um, why am I tied up?"

"It wasn't exactly a dream." Jasmine mentioned as Applejack and Cali untied Fluttershy. "You we're under a spell that made you act mean, and it allowed Discord to break your connection with the Elements."

"Oh dear." Fluttershy worried.

"But don't worry, we broke you and Applejack and now we can get the others." Jasmine reassured. "So, are you okay with helping?"

"I-I am." Fluttershy said. With Fluttershy with them, they were one step closer to reassembling the elements. As they left the cottage, they head back to town to find Rarity, believing to be at the boutique. When they arrived and opened the door, they were creeped out when they saw that the pony they were looking for was practically worshiping the boulder that she had.

"Erm, Rarity? What are you doing?" Xavier asked uncomfortably.

"What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm giving Tom the attention he deserves. Now back off!!" Rarity exclaimed with aggression. The group looked at each other, trying to figure out how to get to her.

"Hey Cali, can you...?"

"Already on it." Cali said as she took her whip and snapped it, grabbing the back leg of Rarity and pulling, bringing Rarity over unexpectedly, leaving her dazed. "Sparkle?" Twilight took the message and went over to her, charging her magic.

"What do you think you're doing? Get away from my gem! Get away-!" She was cut off when Twilight touched her forehead, sending the memories into her head. Once it was done and Rarity got her colors back, she stood up and looked at the boulder. After a moment of staring, she went over to it and began to push it outside, where she gave one last shove to let it just roll away. "...Let us never speak of this again." Rarity spoke up, embarrassed and ashamed of her actions.

"Glad to see you too, Rarity." Xavier said, happy to know she was back and not obsessing over a rock.

"Yeah, sorry about how I was acting." Rarity apologized. "So...what did I missed?"

"We'll explain along the way." Xavier said. "We still need to find Pinkie and Rainbow. Let's go." Xavier said as he led the charge to find the others, Rarity trusting them and following. As they were traveling and explaining to Rarity the situation, they made it to their next destination, Sugar Cube Corner. When they got there however, they saw that Pinkie was talking to the bunch of things she made when she had her party very upset. While most of the group were confused at what she was doing, Cali knew exactly what was happening.

"Great, I've been replaced by the turnips again." Cali said facepalming. As the group was about to ask what she meant, Cali wasted no time in pulling her whip out and snaps it, snagging Pinkie and dragging her over. "Sparke, please hit her with that spell before I lose it." Cali lightly demanded as Pinkie struggled in the whip's tie. Twilight, not taking any chances with Cali's temper, put her horn onto Pinkie's head. Once the spell was over and Pinkie was pink again, she sat there for a bit before giggling uncontrollably.

"I can't believe it!" Pinkie said in between her giggles. "I turned grey! How funny!" As Pinkie was laughing, the group regrouped.

"Alright, now that we have Pinkie, all we need is Rainbow." Twilight said. "Where would she be?"

"Well, if the trend is continuing, I would say she's home." Xavier said. "Let's go." The group moved out (after calming Pinkie down) to Rainbow's home. Once they got there, they had Jasmine and Fluttershy go and look for her. After a bit of time went by however, the two came out looking worried.

"Uh? She's not here." Fluttershy said worried.

"*sigh* well that's a bust." Xavier said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements." Twilight said worried.

"She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her." Applejack claimed.

"Yeah, we will, 'cause she's right there!" Pinkie said happily as she pointed to the sky. When they looked at what she was pointing at, they saw that it was Rainbow Dash lying on a cloud, not a care in the world.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight yelled out.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" She asked in a not-so-caring tone.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!" Twilight yelled.

"That's nice." She replied bluntly.

"Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, Loyalty!"

"Pfft! Loyalty, schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome!" Rainbow said, not caring about the situation or them. When she finished and lied deeper into her cloud, Xavier had a sad face on him.

"How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?" Rarity wondered.

"The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond." Applejack said in a smug grin. Rarity looked at her, fuming with anger,

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that again!"

"Time for Plan B." Twilight said, getting the attention of the others, curious at what her plan was.

A Little While Later

Twilight's plan was simple, use a hot air balloon to get to her level to cast the spell on her. Now they were just above the sleeping Rainbow, with everyone except for Fluttershy and Jasmine in the basket, the outliers fly/floating outside of it.

"Okay, Fluttershy and Jasmine, you grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down. Applejack will lower me down from this rope so I can cast the memory spell on her." Twilight whispered her plan.

"Got it!" Fluttershy said with a salute from her and Jasmine as they went down to Rainbow. When Fluttershy and Jasmine were in position, the two were about to hold her down, at least until Fluttershy gently shook her awake.

"Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?" Fluttershy asked, getting many groans from the others, even Jasmine.

"Nice try! Ponyville's your problem, not mine." Rainbow said as she latched onto the cloud she was on and flew away. When she did, a rope was extended to Fluttershy.

"Come on, Fluttershy, we've got to catch her." Twilight said as Fluttershy took the rope into her mouth "Hyah!" It was then a chase after Rainbow. "Applejack!" Twilight tossed a rope to Applejack who was on the top of the balloon. With a bit of spinning, Applejack tossed the rope at Rainbow, successfully latching onto her. It was then that Xavier noticed that the rope wasn't secure, and it was beginning to ravel out of the balloon. Taking no chances, he grabbed on the rope in hopes of stopping it. Unfortunately for him, the pull was too much for him and, while he held onto the rope, he was launched out of the balloon, now just hanging on as Rainbow struggled to keep going.

"Xavier!" Twilight panicked. "Can't you grab him Cali?!"

"He's too far!" Cali said, panic in her voice as well. "Besides, he's moving too much to get a good shot!" As they were panicking over the situation, Xavier decided to try and get through to Rainbow.

"Rainbow, please! Come back to us!" Xavier pleaded.


"Because you're our friend, my friend!"

"Well I don't care for you or your problems! In fact, I don't care for you!" This is when Xavier's face darkened.

"And here I thought you and I were friends." Xavier said, his tone dark. "Two who would never leave each other. I never wanted to connect to anyone, but you were the first to break that idea. I was actually happy for once in my life, and you were one of the reasons. But if you mean those things, I don't want to have someone leave me again. So, you win, I'll leave you alone, see ya." Once he finished, he did the unthinkable.

He let go of the rope.

The group was in shock at what he did and were scared at the outcome. As Twilight was telling Fluttershy to let go and save him, Xavier was simply falling with no flailing, for he didn't care about landing. As he was rapidly approaching the ground, he was thinking about the times he had with the others, as if Twilight cast her spell on him. About a story above the ground however, he stopped suddenly. It took him a few moments to register he wasn't falling, but rather softly descending, but when he did, he looked up to see that Rainbow was holding onto the leg of his pants, her colors from her coat to her mane was restored.

"And here I thought I was reckless." Rainbow said, muffled through her clamped teeth. Xavier gave a small smile.

"Sorry about the dramatics, but I knew you wouldn't let your best friend die like that." Xavier said, happy to know that Rainbow was still in there. Rainbow rolled her eyes and let go of him, fortunately he was only a few inches from the ground, so all he got was a bump on the head. As Xavier was sitting up and recovering, Rainbow flew next to him.

"Yeah well, next time don't do something like that. I swear, you like to get into dangerous situations."

"I could say the same thing to you." Xavier smirked. As they were talking, they heard a light thud, and looking up they saw that the balloon landed, the girls looking at the two worried and confused. As they were looking, Xavier smiled and reached into his hoodie's pocket, pulling out the Element of Loyalty and putting it onto Rainbow's neck.

"I think it's time to end this."

Once Xavier calmed down the group's worry about him, he told them that it was time to end the fight once and for all. It didn't take long for them to start looking for Discord himself. Fortunately, it was easy since there was a large amount of chaos going on near him. When they found him, they saw that he was sitting on a throne he presumably created, sipping on a glass of chocolate milk. As the group approached him, Xavier held his arm out in front of Jasmine and Cali, stopping them from getting closer.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Cali asked.

"We shouldn't get closer, this is not our territory." Xavier explained. "Last time I saw the Elements in action, I was almost blinded. Any closer I could have been hurt, so we should just watch from a distance." After a moment of staring, Cali sighed.

"Fine, but they'd better be okay."

"They will be, trust me." Xavier said with a calming smile as he looked back over to the scene.

"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing." Discord said, oblivious to what was coming.

"Not as wonderful as friendship." Twilight said, getting his attention.

"Oh, this again?" He said amused. He then drake the last of the milk and tossed the glass away, the glass exploding.

"That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long." Applejack yelled out.

"Oh, Applejack. Don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar." Using his magic, he began to make the Elements float over to him, and in turn the girls. "Will you ever learn?" Twilight took an initiative and teleported over to them, crating a bubble around them that blocked Discord's magic and floated them down. When they landed, the ground around them was changed from the checkerboard floor to regular grass.
"I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord!" Twilight yelled out, confident and ready "We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!" The girls around her gave their agreements, though Discord could think less.
"Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here." Discord said as he leaned further into his throne, confident and cocky that he already won. However, this little action had sealed his fate.
"All right, ladies, let's show him what friendship can do!" Twilight said as she and the girl got ready to take him-

"Wait-wait-wait!" A voice called out as Pinkie was taking one last drink of chocolate milk, the entire group looking at her with disapproval and annoyance. Once she was done and got back to the group, the group was finally ready to take Discord down. The girls tapped into their elements once again, this time something was different. When the Elements were activated, instead of a white light that surrounded them, many beams of light shaped like each element shot out from them like lasers. It didn't take long for Discord to notice too, and he was actually worried.

"Huh. What's this?" He questioned. When he finally realized what was happening, he got his bearings and realized what would happen. "Oh dear, stop that right now!" Discord then went on the offensive, taking one of the cotton candy clouds and began to "fluff" it like a pillow, creating a magical charge from it, and the humans saw it. When they looked in worry if they would finish in time, Xaiver saw a tipped over trash can, and getting another dumb idea, he ran to it.

"What the- Xaiver wait!" Cali yelled out as Jasmine panicked even more, but Xavier couldn't care less, he was focused on keeping his friends safe from harm like he said he would. Reaching it, he quickly grabbed the lid of the trach can and ran over to the middle of the two sides. Right as he got there, Discord clapped the cloud he was holding, sending a bolt of magical lightning forward. As the bolt flew, Xavier raised the lid up like a shield, ready to intercept it, and he did as the bolt slammed the lid. The blast was powerful, powerful enough to knock many off-balance, but Xavier held his ground well, and while the lid of the can was burnt and partially melted, both Xavier and the girls were okay. It was good timing too as the girls were in the air, this time a pink glow was surrounding them as their eyes all glowed white. After a small delay, a large rainbow beam shot into the sky, creating an arch before falling right onto Discord who was panicking.

The beam hit him hard, all the Discord could do was flinch and brace for impact. As the magical light surrounded him, his body began to turn to stone once again. He struggled hard as if to try and escape the powerful spell, but to no avail as he continued to turn to stone. And with one last "NOOOOOOO", his final part, the head, turned to stone, turning him back into the statue he was before. Once he was encased, the large rainbow beam separated, creating a dome around Ponyville before bursting, turning everything that was once impacted by Discord back to normal. As the girls landed onto the grassy ground, they all smiled to each other as Xavier smiled at them, happy to know that they were safe, and the human girls looked at Xavier and the others and sighed.

"Welp, I guess you can do both, huh."

The Next Day

Once again, the group was inside of the castle in Canterlot. This time however, instead of an urgent emergency, it was for a celebratory announcement as the nine, ponies and humans alike, stood in front of a double door that swung open, revealing the throne room with dozens of ponies and the Princess in front of her throne. The group walked forward, letting it all sink in before they stopped in front of the Princess.

"We are gathered here today to once again the heroism of these nine friends who put an end to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from Eternal Chaos!" The crowd cheered at Celestia's announcement, flooding the room with cheers of happiness and congratulations. After a few moments, Celestia used her magic to move away a cloth that was hiding a stain glass window, one that displayed the final confrontation of Discord. It was a top view of the scene, where the six ponies were in a position behind Xavier, the human in question holding up an object that would be interpreted as a shield (Even though it was the least optimal thing to use as one) and the human girls were behind them as if they were supporting. As they looked at it in awe, the crowed gave one last hurrah, giving the heroes time to soak it in as they looked at the crowd, proud of their achievement.

Later, In Xavier's Home

After the ceremony was done and the party finished, the heroes decided to go home to rest. When they did, the three humans remembered the mess that was made by the golem from before, much of the produce now slightly soft.

"Well, I guess I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow." Xavier sighed. "Assuming that there are shops with produce still around."

"You seriously are thinking about that when we just stopped a literal spirit of chaos?!" Cali asked.

"Yeah, I might have gotten used to it after all of the life-threatening events I've been through."

"Well I feel like I'm going to collapse, that was exhausting."

"Yeah, it was pretty tiring." Jasmine admitted.

"Yep, that was me after the first few, but I got used to it." Xavier shrugged as he grabbed a trash bag to collect the bad fruits and veggies. As he was however, Cali remembered something.

"Oh, hey I wanted to ask you something about the Elements."

"Shoot." Xavier said, okay with a question.

"So you and the princess said that those things represent an aspect of harmony, right?"


"And that the girls are connected to them, and no one else can use them, right?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Well, it just that when the girls were using the elements when they were that spell, there was one light that came from you guys that wasn't white." Cali admitted.

"Oh, I saw that too."

"Well, it was probably Twilight since she wasn't under the spell yet." Xavier reasoned, but Cali and Jasmine shook their heads.

"No actually, it didn't come form her." This got Xavier's attention as he stopped picking up produce and looked at them.


"It looked like it came from you, and it was red." Cali said, confusing Xavier more than Pinkie did. "It was slight, but it was there."

"But, that's Rainbow's element. No one should be able to get a reaction out of it, much less a human." Xavier thought out loud.

"Well we saw it, and it did happen." The three humans looked at each other in confusion and wonder, confused at why there was a light around Xavier.

"What is happening here?"

Author's Note:

The second part of Discord's return has been finished.
So this chapter would have been finished sooner, but I got sick in the middle of it, and it stunk. It took a few days to recover, but now I'm mostly okay, just a slight sniffle and cough. But now that I'm done, Imma take a nap now
Koops out!

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