• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 3,944 Views, 172 Comments

The Impact of Humans on Ponies - the koopanater

When a teenager wakes up in Equestria, he will learn how to live life with a problem every week

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Confused and spying


In the bright and beautiful world of Equestria, a noise is heard near the Everfree forest, A.K.A the place that is opposite to the land it resides in. Lying on the ground near said forest is a young boy around 15 or 16. This boy was average in height, a bit on the thin side, and had black, short hair. He was wearing a dull orange hoodie and some jeans. His name was Xavier, who soon started to wake up, revealing his brown eyes.

"Ugh, where the- HUH?!?" After opening his eyes, he realized he wasn't in his bed, or a bed in the first place. Jolting up, he soon understood why, looking around to see nothing but a field and a forest that he did not want to enter anytime soon. Panic soon enveloped him as he began to think about where he was, and how he got there.
"Ok, ok, calm down, think for a second Xavier!" He spoke out loud. "There has to be a reason as to why I'm here. Maybe I was kidnaped and dropped here, or I was dropped when I was being transported somewhere, or maybe-"

His thoughts were cut off as a shadow flew over him. Looking up, his question only increased as he saw what appeared to be a chariot being pulled by two winged horses.
"Ok, that is not the right answer! What was that!" He began to panic all over again, only to decide to follow along. As he was getting up, he saw a weird item next to him. It looked like a sword hilt but with what appeared to be a gear as the guard. He didn't know what it was, but he decided to pick it up and pocket it. With the weird thing in his possession, he followed the chariot to a town a distance away.

"Why, the heck, is this, town so, FAR?!?!"

Xavier was panting behind a building, having to rest and recharge. He hade to work hard to make sure that he did not lose the chariot. He soon recovered and looked around, before seeing that the entire town was filled with nothing but colorful horses. "What in the-? Why are there nothing but horses!? Did I miss something?" Looking around more, he soon saw two certain beings walking to a field. The first one was a purple horse with a horn. Her mane and tail seem to be a dark blue with a streak of purple and pink in it. The second seemed to be a lizard, though it was a lot larger than the one's he knew. It was also purple and green, and walking on two legs. His guesses were soon halted when he heard the purple horse talk, surprising him greatly.
"What? The horses talk? Since when? What even is this place?!" Xavier mumbled to himself. After a few moments of this, he decided to follow these two.

Keeping his distance was easy, as he was able to move quite quickly despite his stature. Following the two had lead to some interesting events that helped give him a few new details. It seemed that they were not horses, but ponies, the horned ones were unicorns, and the winged ones were pegasus. The pegasus were able to touch the clouds and the unicorns could make things float. He also saw ponies without either wings or a horn, but that was all he knew about them.

"This place is so interesting, I wonder how I got here?" Xavier was sitting behind the tree that the unicorn he deduced to be named "Twilight Sparkle" entered. Sitting back there, he was going over everything that went on over the day. "Man, How did I end up here? I haven't seen a single human yet, let alone a trace that they exist here." Groaning to himself, he pulled his legs to his chest.

His thoughts were interrupted yet again by the sound of a crowd leaving the house in the direction of town hall. Seeing this, Xavier dried the tear he was about to shed and followed along.

At town hall, Xavier was perched up on a higher level outside, looking into a window that was out of the general sight of the ponies. Looking in, he saw pretty much the entire town inside. It wasn't before long before a mare stepped onto the stage.

"Fillies and gentlecolts." she began to say. "As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!"

Outside, Xavier was going over what she was saying. "What does she mean, 'magic of the sunrise'? Don't they see it every day?" His attention returned to inside, to hear the ponies inside chattering quite nervously. "Huh, what happened? weren't they all so exited a moment ago?" His answer came as a white unicorn with a curled, purple mane came onto the upper stage.

"She's gone!"

With that phrase, the entire crowd went into a panic, with Xavier wondering who was gone. Suddenly, on the stage that the unicorn was on, a miasma that looked like liquid space was growing. Moments later, a figure appeared out of it, having a mane that seemed to have the same look of what it came out of. The figure was a pony with a dark blue coat, but one that was vastly different to the others. The figure stood taller than all the other ponies, with both wings and a horn. Her eyes were silted, like a serpent, and her teeth were comparable to a vampire's.

"Who the heck is that? Whoever they are, they don't look like they want a cake..." Xavier murmured to himself, as the new figure spoke with a voice of royalty mixed with night.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces."

"What did you do with our Princess?!" A rainbow maned pegasus yelled before getting her tail grabbed by a orange mare with a cowboy hat

"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" The stranger spoke, as a pink mare began to state of a bunch of very generic names before getting something shoved into her mouth by the orange mare.

"Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" The stranger soon started to wander to the white unicorn and a yellow pegasus on the stage, asking questions before someone spoke up, that being Twilight Sparkle.

"I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!"

Hearing this, the stranger, now identified as Nightmare Moon, seemed amused that someone knew her. "Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here." Twilight tried to answer, but soon got caught on her words. Seeing this, Nightmare Moon chuckled as she spoke. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last... forever?"

Her question was cut short as she looked forward and saw a certain human looking, as he hid. When she saw him, Xavier started to panic, repeating over in his head "Don't See Me!" as he hoped for the best. Of course, Nightmare had other plans. "Well well well, what do we have here?" She said with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Using her magic, she shot a blast at the window Xavier was near, destroying it and part of the wall, the part that he was leaning on. When this happened, Xavier realized it too late as he plummeted down onto the floor. When he recollected himself and tried to get up, he realized where he was, and looked up, seeing dozens of ponies looking at him. after a few moment, the silence was broken by him saying a single phrase.

"Welp, this is a bit awkward, isn't it?"

Author's Note:

Hello every creature, coming at you with a brand new story for your eyeballs. Now a few foot notes, I am not a professional writer in the slightest, so be kind and maybe give some critics if you want. Also if you end up liking this story, be patient with chapters, for my usual schedule is a bit... unpredictable, so chapters may not be consistent. Anywho... here's a bio for you

A teenager who tends to be awkward around those he doesn't know. Getting to know him and vise versa however will net you a loyal and willing friend. He may not admit it willingly, but he is actually an expert at building machines and devices out of random things. Whether it be building or repairing, Machine or electronic, he is the guy that can make it work.

With that out of the way, Koops out

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