• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 447 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 29 - Everyone Died. The End.

Kronos scoured across the Entropy, trying to find the escaped Starlight Glimmer. As he did so, he encountered Sanies, who was still in possession of Luna's body.

"Ah, Kronos," Sanies said, his voice mixed in with Luna's "I have good news and bad news."

Kronos rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "What's the bad news?"

"Doctor Whooves and his companions have escaped," Sanies replied.

"Oh," Kronos said before shrugging, "Well, that's not bad news at all."

Sanies tilted Luna's head, "It isn't?"

"No, because chances are they will be looking for the seals," Kronos replied, "And when they do find one, me and my forces can ambush them and take the seal for ourselves."

"Interesting," Sanies stated, "And that brings us to the good news."

"Which is?" Kronos asked.

"I have been looking through the memories of this vessel and I might know of a place where you could find the Seal of Wealth," Sanies replied.

Kronos smirked at what he just heard, "Ooh, do tell."

Suddenly, a portal appeared right next to them. And from the portal emerged a dragon that looked eerily identical to the draconic form Sanies once had but with one noticeable difference. He was wearing a gauntlet made of gold that had a bunch of seal flippers glued to them.

"That won't be necessary," the other Sanies said to his counterpart.

"Uh...who are you?" Kronos asked.

"I believe he's from the future," Sanies dryly replied.

"You are correct, my past self," the other Sanies said as he laid his gauntlet to the hooves his past self was in possession of, "I've come back here to give you a gift."

"A gauntlet?" Sanies asked.

"Not just any gauntlet," the future Sanies replied, "But one that contains the power of the Seals of the Planets. It took a lot of backstabbing and I had it fashioned out of this big mechanical warlord that called himself Megatron."

Sanies gave a wry chuckle, "Megatron? And I thought I had an ego. Anyway, I appreciate the gesture but there is one small problem."

"What's that?" the future Sanies asked.

Sanies raised Luna's hoof up in the air, "I don't have any hands at the moment."

"Not to worry," the future Sanies said as he put his gauntlet back on, "You can use mine."

And without a moment's hesitation, Sanies left Luna's body and transferred his essence into his future self. And after a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Feels good to be back," Sanies as he raised the claw that had the gauntlet on, "And now it's time to do something I've been meaning to do ever since I heard of these Seals of Power."

With a snap of his claw, Sanies, Kronos, and the entire ship they were on turned to dust.

Meanwhile, in Princess Eris' casino, Discord, Captain Goodking, and Sacanas sat around one of the craps tables having a laugh about their past misdeeds.

"No matter how hard I tried to show her how unkind her friends have been and that she should be the same," Discord said "She refused to stop being kind herself and was so accepting of her flaws. And then I was like 'Oh, for goodness sake! You've been kind for too long, time to be cruel!'."

The three ex-villains let out a shared hearty laugh at Discord's anecdote.

"I heard this story before but sweet Celestia, it never gets old," Sacanas said "You know, it's amazing how quick she was to forgive you considering you messed around with her head."

"If you think that was bad, you should have seen what Starlight Glimmer did to her and her friends," Discord said while letting out another joyful chuckle.

"Hey, I got a fun idea!" Sacanas said "Let's see which one of us has the worst deeds on our rapsheet. The winner gets a million bits from the Seal of Wealth to spend on the slot machines."

"Oh, that's going to be a doozy," Discord said while stroking his beard. "After all, I turned Equestria into a world of chaos, Goodking enslaved most of Equestria and turned the princesses into stone, and you lead an alien invasion."

Discord leaned in close towards Sacanas, his eyes glowing red and a nasty scowl written on his face.

"I haven't forgiven you for kidnapping Fluttershy, by the way," Discord growled.

"Meh, I wouldn't blame you," Sacanas said with a shrug "Since that you're the oldest of us bunch, you go first."

"Sure thing," Discord said jovially "After I got bored being a part of King Vorak's royal court, in which I used to act as a jester, I travelled to Equestria to have a bit of fun. Problem was my idea of fun was different from everypony else's at the time, so I got turned into stone for my troubles. Centuries later, I got freed from my stony imprisonment and played a game with my friends, though they were my enemies at the time, that involved going through this maze and, if they reach the centre of the maze without being corrupted by moi, they win and I don't turn Equestria chaotic like I did the last time. As you can guess, they lost. Then suddenly, they shook off their corruption and used the elements to imprison me again. Luckily for me, because of the Cerberus incident where a bunch of inmates from Tartarus, including Vorak's son, Lord Tirek, had escaped, Celestia tasked Fluttershy and her friends with convincing me to change my ways. As you can see, I did change my ways but only for Fluttershy's sake. I knew that Celestia and everypony else was using me so when I encountered Tirek, he convinced me to abandon my friends and have a bit of fun. It was only after he betrayed me that I realized what I had done and what I lost. And that's when I decided to use my powers for good and help others turn over a new leaf."

"Let's see," Sacanas said while holding out a hoof "You turned Equestria into a chaotic Tartarus-hole twice, corrupted your future friends and then sold them out to Tirek after you apparently mended your ways. That's pretty evil, my friend. Okay, my turn."

Sacanas inhaled deeply.

"I made two magical artefacts, one that can take away magic and the other that can grant its user the power of an alicorn. I trained an ambitious and very bad dragon on how to use magic that I specialized in, which was mind-control, petrification, and magic absorption, then I helped Kronos find the Seals of the Planets by orchestrating an alien invasion to act as a distraction for Celestia, her pupil and her friends, and I had my draconic apprentice trap Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights in a dream world."

"That's it?" Goodking asked.

"Well, I also turned the Pony of Shadows into my own personal attack dog," Sacanas said "Anyway, your turn."

"Well, I used to be called The Storm King. Actually, I went through several different rebrands before that one but I forgot what the other ones were. I have conquered a lot of lands before setting my sights on Equestria, enslaved a lot of cute little ponies, started a storm that nearly destroyed Equestria, came back to life and went through another rebrand, with was The Magic King, stole everypony's magic and helping Sacanas' bad dragon buddy in destroying the world. Then I got turned into a chicken for some reason and then turned back to normal to beat up someone stealing my shtick. And that's when I became Captain Goodking."

As Goodking finished his story, Discord and Sacanas just stared at him.

"Wow, and I thought I used to be evil," Sacanas said "What do you think, Discord?"

"I think we have a winner," Discord replied.

"Sweet!" Goodking said, "Well, maybe not that sweet but as long as I'm trying to be the shepherd despite once being the tyranny of evil men, I'm good to go."

As Goodking jumped off of his seat to walk over to the Seal of Wealth to collect his winnings, Sacanas looked towards Discord.

"Discord?" Sacanas asked.

"Yeah?" Discord replied.

Sacanas raised one of his hooves, which slowly turned to dust, "I don't feel so good."

Discord looked at his own claw and realized that had turned to dust as well. Suddenly, the rest of both Discord and Sacanas turned to dust and blew away.

"Guys, do you know where the Seal of Wealth is?" Goodking asked.

Goodking returned to his seat to find Sacanas and Discord had disappeared.

"Guys?" Goodking asked.

Suddenly, Goodking felt a stabbing pain in his legs. As he looked down, he noticed they and the rest of his body were slowly turning to dust.

"Oh, boy."

Author's Note:

Holy Moley, it's been more than a year since I last updated this fic? Well, I better finish it considering it's my longest fic so far (beating Old Mare Luna out by four chapters).

You ever play a tabletop RPG and the campaign just goes totally off the rails, whether it be to bad luck, incompetence on the players' part, and/or everyone just felt like being a dick to the GM?

Well, this ending is kind of like that except it's the GM that derailed the campaign due to the lack of fucks given by other players (with only one or two being invested in it) when compared to his other campaigns and just decides to get a petrol can, pour some petrol on the game board, light a match, and watch the fucker burn before moving on with his life. :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 2 )

You ever play a tabletop RPG and the campaign just goes totally off the rails, whether it be to bad luck, incompetence on the players' part, and/or everyone just felt like being a dick to the GM?

Well, this ending is kind of like that except it's the GM that derailed the campaign due to the lack of fucks given by other players (with only one or two being invested in it) when compared to his other campaigns and just decides to get a petrol can, pour some petrol on the game board, light a match, and watch the fucker burn before moving on with his life. :pinkiecrazy:

Actually, there's a trope different to Off The Rails that's exactly what you described:


Minus the pyromania. :pinkiesmile:

Trust me, this will not be the last time I'll pull an ending like that this week. :rainbowlaugh:

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