• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 447 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

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Chapter 20 - Battle Royale

Kronos and Laeyoon, along with a few acolytes they picked up from the Sith Academy under the pretence of "extra credit", levitated the Seal of Beauty into a chamber within the control room of the Entropy and sealed the chamber shut. The seal tried to do what it did the last time to escape but with no luck, as the chamber used its magic against it and zapped it unconscious. Kronos then turned towards a monitor that showed Twilight and her friends making their way towards them.

"Oh look, our prisoners are free from their shackles," Kronos said while looking at Laeyoon in a troll-ish manner, "Would you care to explain why that is?"

"You missed one," Laeyoon deadpanned.

"Did I? Oh, how clumsy of me."

"I would have been capable of imprisoning them but I didn't have my spare lightsaber at the time and Jaesa was wounded. I could take them on now but my crew are still on the ship."

Kronos then charged up some magic and, in a blinding light, managed to teleported Broonmark, Jaesa, Pierce and Vette next to him.

"You were saying?"

"Uh...thanks?" Laeyoon then turned towards Jaesa and Pierce. "I trust you two are better now."

"Show me who to kill," Jaesa said with enthusiasm.

"Let's hit 'em hard!" Pierce responded with more enthusiasm.

"Good," Laeyoon said before addressing his other party members, "Oh, and if you're wondering what happened, Kronos teleported you guys here. Hopefully, you weren't doing anything that required your immediate attention."

"I was thinking of watching the HoloNews but sure, I'll go with the whole 'getting teleported out of nowhere' thing," Vette deadpanned.

"Quite the tongue on this one," Kronos commented. "I can see why you like her".

Laeyoon glared at Kronos while gesturing to Jaesa and placing a finger on his mouth.

"Shh, not around Jaesa! She'll murder Vette when she gets the chance!" Laeyoon forcefully whispers to Kronos.

"Enough talk. When do we kill?" Broonmark said in the Talz language.

"I agree with Broonmark," Laeyoon announced, "Less chatting, more killing."

And with that, Laeyoon immediately walked out the door with his companions in tow. Now all they had to do was figure out where the hell those pesky little ponies are. But luckily for them, they did not have to look far. After wandering through corridor after corridor, they came across a familiar group of ponies, big and small. Along with the ponies he is supposed to kill, two of Kronos' guards were standing on each side of the corridor holding a spear each. Perhaps when Laeyoon is done, he could thank the guards for not stealing his kills. He also noticed Rainbow Dash had gotten better from the stab wound Laeyoon inflicted on her earlier. He then faced Princess Twilight dead on.

"Ah, we meet again at last!" Laeyoon said to the group. "When me and my companions left you, we were but learners. But now, we are masters!"

Laeyoon channelled Dark Side energies to increase his physical strength ever so slightly. He then injected a stim into his leg that increased his presence in the Force. He could feel the awesome power of the dark side surging through him, ready to tear the little ponies before him into nothing. He grabbed his lightsaber, ignited it and lunged at his opponents while letting out an eldritch battlecry. His attack was blocked by a spear taken from one of the guards. Noticing a purple aura around the spear and Twilight's horn, he made the connection that Twilight was the one that took the guards spear with her magic.

"Hmm," Laeyoon said while examining the spear "I did not know those things were lightsaber-proof. Gotta give Kronos credit where credit is due."

During the clash, Laeyoon tried to push Twilight back with the Force, but it pushed him back instead. Rather than fall flat on his arse, he braced himself and slid backwards on his feet, leaving a trail on the translucent ground. He looked behind him and turned around to notice Broonmark and Jaesa pointing their weapons at Vette, Pierce pointing his gun at Broonmark, and Vette pointing her gun at Jaesa.

"What are you idiots doing?!" Laeyoon asked with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Twi'lek says aliens too cute to be threat," Broonmark said in his native language. "We disagree".

"Broonmark, it's bad enough that humans in the empire use the A-word," Laeyoon said.

"Apologies. Habit we picked up from traitor Quinn."

"Yeah, I'll be having words with him next time I see him, along with my hands around his throat."

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash interrupted Laeyoon and Broonmark's conversation, "You can understand that thing?!"

"Thing?!" Laeyoon and Broonmark shouted in unison, with Broonmark saying it in his native tongue.

"First of all," Laeyoon started off, "Calling a sentient a 'thing' is probably even worse than calling them an alien. Second of all, you have to know different languages when you're a Sith Lord, you know."

"Like that time you called Quinn an asshole in Huttese?" Vette asked.

Laeyoon then looked at Vette, surprised she heard him say that since he did it under his breath. "It's kind of like that but that's not the point. The point is why are you trying to defend our enemies?"

"It was more of a funny comment that Broonmark and Jaesa took seriously. You know what my humour's like."

"Of course. That's what I find so attractive about you, well, apart from the physical stuff.” Laeyoon turned to Pierce. “And what about you, Pierce?"

"He was going to chop her head off," Pierce responded.

Laeyoon shrugged. "Fair enough."

Laeyoon deactivated his lightsaber, placed it back on his belt, and clapped his hands to get his allies' attention. "Right then, break it up, you lot. If this turns out to be a relatively easy kill for us as a group, we owe Vette an apology. But if this turns out to be quite the challenge, then um...ah, kriff it. Let's dance!"

Everyone immediately got into a fighting position, except for Pinkie Pie, who spontaneously pulled out a guitar and a pick from thin air. He started playing a catchy rhythm as everyone glared at their respective opponents. And as Laeyoon charged at Twilight again, but with his allies following suit this time, Pinkie let out an "Ah-ah, ah!", which she later repeated as Twilight and Laeyoon clashed weapons again. When the conflict really heated up, she started singing about how she and the others come from a land of ice and snow, from the midnight sun, where hot springs flow.

Rainbow Dash flew at her opponents and pushed them back by spinning at a high velocity before zooming around and giving Pierce and Broonmark multiple punches and kicks to every part of their bodies, mostly in their faces. She was then stopped in her tracks by Jaesa force-choking her, slamming her head multiple times into the wall until she fell unconscious. Jaesa unleashed devastating force-storms that struck Luna, Starlight, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, but they all deflected it with a collectively created magic shield. She then charged towards Luna and tried to strike her down with her lightsaber, but Luna managed to block it by creating a magical construct that looked like a glowing blue sword. Pierce aimed his blaster at Pinkie Pie but was knocked out cold by Starlight, who was using whatever combat spells she could use to her advantage, mainly one that could pause time at temporary intervals. Starlight then used the same spell Luna was using to block an attack from Broonmark.

Meanwhile, after parrying some of Laeyoon's lightsaber attacks, Twilight's walked back while holding the spear, with Laeyoon walking towards her with a predatory smile before swinging his lightsaber even more before their respective weapons were locked in a power struggle. While struggling against Twilight's weapon, he looked towards the two guards that were standing there, with one of them holding a juice box and slurping it while watching the fight unfolding before them.

"A little help would be nice!" Laeyoon shouted.

"Just wait for our boss to show up!" one of the guards bluntly replied.

Author's Note:

When Laeyoon was duelling Twilight, I may have taken inspiration from this scene: