• Published 10th Sep 2019
  • 447 Views, 23 Comments

The End of Time - Leondude

The last and most epic tale in The Captain Goodking Saga is here! In an effort to stop the maniacal Kronos, Doctor Whooves recruits many of Equestria's heroes (and Captain Goodking, of course) to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Welcome to Korriban

Laeyoon quickly got to his feet and pulled Goodking to his side, dragging him by one of his horns and to the door of his ship, which then fell off.

"Oh fantastic," Laeyoon muttered to himself.

Laeyoon then crawled out of the ship with Goodking in tow. He then turned towards the Sith that was staring at him and Goodking.

"How did a miserable cur such as yourself manage to make it as a Sith warrior?" the Sith said snobbishly.

"Easy, I killed Overseer Tremel and any acolytes that wished to best me. Or was it the other way around? It's amazing what time and a few concussions can do to your memory."

"Ah, so you're that Dathomirian scum Baras had for an apprenti-"

But before the Sith could say another word, he felt a tight grip at his neck. He then noticed that Laeyoon's arm was held up in a position that made it look like he was holding something.

"I would agree with that 'Dathomirian scum' comment," Laeyoon said in a serene tone. "However, my formerly sour attitude towards the Nightsisters changed when they sent me to this place to unleash my true potential as a Sith. Also, I really despise speciesism so if you could keep insulting my race to a bare minimum, that would be nice."

He then let go of the Sith he was choking and walked off, still holding onto one of Captain Goodking's horns and dragging him off with it.

"So, what's the deal with that guy?" Goodking asked.

"I'm guessing he's an overseer. It's not uncommon for overseers in the academy to not have a good opinion of those who aren't human or Sith pureblood. Ironically, I met an overseer who was, for all intents and purposes, an elitist snob, and yet he would rather let me pass than a human acolyte whose only crime is being of mixed blood."

"Then what happened?"

"I killed him under the orders of my former master and for the hell of it," Laeyoon said.

"Man! And I thought I was evil. But you, you're on a different level!"


Laeyoon then turned towards his ship, which now looked like a smoking wreck covered in soot and desert sands. He felt tempted to crush the horn he was dragging Goodking along with into dust, but decided against it, feeling it would be wiser to get a shock collar on him first. He threw Goodking headfirst into the ground before sitting down and waiting for his crew, provided they are conscious, to walk out of the ship. While waiting, he let out some wind from his digestive area, with the resulting belch not going unnoticed by his captive.

"Mmph mmph mmphmmph?"


Captain Goodking pulled his head out from the ground and faced Laeyoon. "I said 'where's your manners?'."

"I'm guessing that's another thing that 'Redemption Class' has taught you."

"Kinda. It's common sense that it's pretty gross to burp and fart and not say 'excuse me' after that! Everything else, like 'please' and 'thank you' I did learn at the class."

Laeyoon sighed and then continued waiting. While waiting, a thought occurred to him.

"Might I ask why you haven't attempted to kick my arse again?" Laeyoon asked Goodking.

"I'm still a little space-sick."

"Now that you mention it, the trip here has made me a little queasy as well."

Laeyoon then let out another burp before grunting from an uncomfortable feeling.

"You know what?" Laeyoon said to Goodking "Since I've got nothing better to do, how about I give you a tour of Korriban. And if anyone asks, just say you're a lasat that wanted to be a wookie."

"I have no idea what those things are but sure," Goodking said.

Meanwhile, the rest of our heroes were busy sitting in their open cell, with Twilight tending to Rainbow Dash's wounds. Suddenly, Luna walked up to Twilight.

"If I may be so bold, might I bring Doctor Whooves with me to look for somewhere to hide? Or better yet, something to help us escape?"

"Uh...what do you need Whooves for?" Twilight asked. "Just asking for safety reasons."

"Well, since Kronos and him are from the same period of time, I assume he would be familiar with the workings of most of the technology on this ship."

Twilight turned to Whooves, who was busy observing the magic absorption rings.

"What about you, Doctor Whooves?" she said.

"Depends. Can I bring my companion with me?"

Whooves pointed to Derpy, who was staring at a wall looking wall-eyed.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Twilight asked.

"While I won't deny she's a bit...clumsy...but I can assure you she's more of a danger to other ponies, which in this context is a good thing. Right, Muffins?"

Derpy then turned towards Whooves and nodded.

"Muffins?" Luna asked, perplexed by the fact that Derpy responded to the name "Muffins".

"She doesn't really like her birth name" Whooves replied, "Given her voice and eye condition, she thinks that if ponies knew her actual name, they would think she's a bit..."

"Mentally challenged?" Luna asked insensitively.

"I was going to say ditzy. So we call her Muffins."

"Why Muffins?"

"I like muffins!" Derpy replied cheerfully as she turned her head towards Luna.

"That said," Whooves continued "She doesn't seem to mind being called Ditzy Doo. Maybe it's because it sounds like Daring Do and because she has a shapeshifting daughter named Dinky Doo.

Luna looked at Derpy before looking back at Whooves.

"What?" Whooves said.

"I think her dad was a changeling." Derpy said to Luna.

"When was your daughter conceived?" Luna asked.

"Uh...I think it was on the Winter Wrap-Up after you stopped being bad."

"As in the same year I was free from the darkness within me?"


"So, before the wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor and the resulting changeling invasion?"

"I guess so?"

"In other words, before the changelings realized they can share their love?"

"Maybe?" Derpy went back to looking at the walls.

Luna just stared at Derpy in confusion. How is it that this clumsy, cross-eyed pegasus managed to have a child with a changeling, let alone a pre-metamorphosed one? But she shook her head and put on a serious expression.

"Look, we're running out of time. Are you coming or not?"

"Doc?" Derpy asked Whooves while turning her head towards him.

"I'd prefer to keep you out of harm's way, but if that incident with the flower pot, anvil, hay cart and piano are anything to go by, I'd say you are harm's way."

"How did you know about that?!" Derpy asked.

"Your former boss told me about it when you were trying to move those things from Cloudsdale."

"Wait," Twilight interrupted. "That was you who dropped those things on my head?!"

"Uh..." Derpy replied nervously before blushing and giving a sheepish grin.

Author's Note:

Call-backs aplenty. :twilightsmile:

BTW, Luna is still possessed by Sanies.