• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 08

Chrysalis appeared to be very pleased this morning. She had some extra pep in her step when she collected him from the nursery and cantered out into the tunnels of the hive. Traveling beside her, Phasmid had to awkwardly switch back and forth between a trot and a gallop just to keep up with her long legged stride. After a quick voyage down a few corridors she reached the entrance to a massive chamber.

Holes of varying sizes were scattered along the towering dusk blue walls which had been smoothed down, almost to a shine. Some stalactites and stalagmites had been specifically chosen to be joined together by changeling resin to form grand pillars. Others had been removed all together, leaving only a smoothed down sediment ring as a reminder. He had to tilt his head all the way back just to look up at the vaulted ceiling.

Long stalked fluorescent mushrooms dotted the chamber while the same kind of luminescent lichen from the nursery was encouraged to grow along the pillars. Both plants worked together to cast the room in a pleasant aquamarine light that revealed shining gemstones embedded sporadically throughout the walls.

Opposite the chambers entrance, against the back wall, arose a grand throne. Made of dark emerald green resin, the shape tapered up from the floor before fanning out to create a plateau to sit on. The back of the throne flared out like a jagged maple leaf and bore multiple holes of varying sizes. After taking a moment to survey the beauty of the room Chrysalis flew straight up to the throne.

While he didn’t think she would let him fall, he still gripped tightly to her mane as the room passed by in a blur. On buzzing wings she came to a stop over the seat, turned in midair and descended to her hooves. Next to the throne stood over a dozen changelings and each one gave her a respectful bow. One of them came forward and spoke to her and while he still couldn’t grasp everything they said, he could understand enough to have rough idea.

“I know it’s not the same but we tried our best to recreate your throne,” the changeling humbly said. “Unfortunately we don’t know how to replicate the magic nullifying properties against non-changelings like the old one had.”

“It would take over two hundred years for me to reproduce that throne,” Chrysalis said while sitting down upon her new throne and caressing her hoof over the surface. “But for now this one will do very nicely.”

When he looked at the gathered crowd he found many of them looking up at him. Shyly he backed away to hide behind Chrysalis’s head. While having one or two changelings watching him never troubled him before, a multitude of them suddenly made him feel nervous. Eventually the changelings broke up into groups and flew off down different tunnels leaving the two of them alone.

Letting out a tranquil sigh, Chrysalis let her muscles loosen up as she laid down luxuriously onto the throne. Carefully he crawled down her long mane, letting himself drop with a plop over the last few inches, before resting next to her. He could sense the feeling of contentment radiate from her and it caused him to feel at peace as well. Resting against the warmth of her side, he closed his eyes and relaxed. Unfortunately the sound of approaching hoof steps interrupted the quiet moment.

A skinny changeling approached the throne, carrying a cardboard box in her magic. She bowed to Chrysalis before lowering the package to the floor. The top had already been removed and inside was a multitude of colorful objects.

“Mosquito, what have you appropriated for me this time?” asked Chrysalis while she adjusted herself into a seated position.

“I tricked a pony to give a delivery over to me,” Mosquito said, her wings buzzing excitedly as she spoke. “It was going to that big mansion.”

Chrysalis chuckled as her horn glowed and one at a time each item was levitated from the crate. First a parade of small stuffed animals floated past the throne, each one inspected briefly before being dropped into a pile on the floor. Next came a few shiny baubles, most of them glittering stones held together on yellow or white metal. Last to be removed was a strange shaped pink rectangular box with even smaller little black and white rectangles that all lined up in a long row.

“We can’t do much with the toys,” Chrysalis said, “but we should be able to sell the jewelry. Give the valuables to Leech, he can pawn them off in Las Pegasus. Stick the toys in with the rest of the pony junk we’ve collected for now.”

“As you wish my queen,” Mosquito said and began to return everything into the box.

“Wait, let me hold on to this one,” Chrysalis interrupted as she snatched up the pink rectangular box in her magic and placed it down in front of him.

Something was oddly familiar about the thing and his eyes studied the object as he crawled up to it. He lifted one of his little legs over a white rectangle and brought down his hoof. From the item came a musical note that echoed through the room.

He cried out as it broke his mind.

Suddenly he was thrown back, color and sound blurring together and twisting his stomach. When he jolted to a stop, before him was a much larger version of the object. This one was polished black with many more of the little rectangles.

No they are called keys. Something told him. They make music.

Two bizarre long and pale appendages reached for the keys. At the end they were flat like a crushed hoof and split into outstretched sticks. The little sticks hovered over the keys before bending oddly to press them down. The action created a broken melody.

No, that’s wrong, try it again. A distorted voice said.

Without his input his vision turned and looked up. Looming next to him was a tall gangly creature. Its face only a smudge of color with the barest hint of features but somehow he knew it was looking down at him.

His consciousness violently recoiled at the vision of the other worldly horror and he found himself held protectively against Chrysalis’s neck, just under her chin. She was rocking him gently and trying to whisper words of comfort as he shook from terror in her hooves.

Mosquito was flying side to side in the air, babbling an apology and completely confused about why the toy had frightened him so badly.

On the floor, in the center of a scorch mark, were the charred remains of the pink box. Its keys and internal workings were scattered far across the cavern. Smoke wafted from Phasmid’s horn as an angry green glow faded from it.

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