• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 12

It was a good thing he was unconscious while going through the process of metamorphosis. Being awake for a few months while your body digests itself before being recreated would be a very disturbing experience. First his body released an enzyme designed to break down the majority of his body tissue, leaving only his major organs to float suspended inside the slurry. Then from the dissolved remnants of his larval body, his cells began the process of forming a new exoskeleton, legs and wings.

One of his untouched organs was his mind, left to dream and to remember.

He was sitting next to Chrysalis, who was resting on her throne. She was in the middle of teaching him about their main source of food and their species rivals, ponies.

“Ponies come in many colors, shapes and sizes,” she said to him. “First there are the pegasi. They have wings like us, but instead of being clear and membranous, theirs have skin, bones and feathers. While we can just easily rinse our wings clean with a little water, they have to spend time readjusting their feathers and removing old broken ones.”

Chrysalis buzzed her wings, lifting herself into the air briefly before landing on the floor. A circle of emerald flame arose from around her hooves and continued up her body until it reached past her horn. When it burnt away she was no longer a tall sleek black changeling but a shorter creature covered in a light grey-blue fur. Her dark cerulean mane was replaced with one of greyish opal and was done up in a large pink bow. She opened a pair of wings, spreading out the feathers for him to see.

“Pegasi tend to be show offs,” she explained while strutting around the room. “They like to be flashy and stand out. They have a strong resistance to the cold and are able to walk on clouds. Pegasi also have the ability to twist the weather to suit their own needs. They can create all types of rain and snow. Anything from a light drizzle to a terrible lightning storm or a dusting of snow to a raging blizzard.”

Another ring of green fire surrounded Chrysalis, replacing her pegasus disguise with one of a creature with a similar body structure. Instead of wings though, she had a straight horn that twisted out from the center of its forehead. This time her fur was an almost white grey, and her mane was a split tone of light magenta and white.

“Second are the unicorns,” she said while tossing her mane from her face. “Like us they also have horns and can channel magic through them. They have, over time, developed many magical spells; from simple tricks to teleportation. Unicorns can also use their magic to levitate and manipulate objects just like we can. Since many of them come from so-called ‘royal’ bloodlines, unicorns tend to act like they are better than other ponies.”
Once again flames of emerald flickered over Chrysalis, changing her into a pony lacking both horn and wings. Now her fur was light mint green and she had a yellow bandana with white flowers that covered the top of her pale reddish orange mane.

“Third are the earth ponies,” she went on. “While they lack the gift of flight or the ability to spell craft, they have greater strength and are very in tune with nature. They can coax plants to grow faster and help the soil replenish nutrients. Like our drones, earth ponies are hard workers; however they are often set in their ways and can be very stubborn.”

Chrysalis was about to change her shape again but the memory halted and faded away when he felt like he was moving. His body told him it wasn’t time to wake up yet so, once the motions stopped, his mind settled right back into dreaming.

Now he was in a beige room, looking ahead at white symbols written on a large green rectangle. A distorted voice was talking and some of the words were punctuated along with a loud crack. Moving shapes started to coalesce around him, becoming little thin creatures that sat at wooden desks. Though they had no muzzles he could tell each and every one was facing forward.

The voice was then given a body, larger than the rest and standing on its hind legs. A lump of black mane sat atop of its head while its ears stuck out from the sides as opposed to the top. One of its front legs had an extremely long growth that stuck out from a lump of a hoof and it would smack it against the symbols on the green rectangle as it talked.

“This will be on the test,” the creature repeated over and over again.

His visions turn downward to a book that lay open on a desk in front of him. A piece of paper slowly slid out from under the book’s cover with little black lined images drawn all over it. Then a yellow stick with a pointed black tip touched down on the paper and began to create a new picture.

“This will be on the test!” the creature suddenly shouted as it took three great strides toward him on its hind legs.

With a loud whoosh of air the creature brought down its long hoof growth, cracking it loudly against the book and paper. Everything around him began to shake about before the dream split apart like mist and curled in on itself.

He shifted inside the cocoon, extending out his stiff limbs and brushing away the remnants of sleep.

“Oh, oh, oh!” a chipper female voice excitedly exclaimed. “I think it’s getting ready to hatch!”

With his new sleek black hooves he pressed against the hardened strands of silk in front of him. His eyes clenched shut as the fibrous wall at his back stretched until the threads reached their breaking point and begun to split around his chitin. Then after one final push the rest of his body emerged.

Holding on to the outside of his cocoon, with his mane brushing against the side of his neck, he rested. A pair of little wrinkled wings extended from his back and began to straighten out as hemolymph was pumped through the veins. When he experimentally moved them, the wings created a small soft buzzing sound.

A slight grin crossed his muzzle and he inhaled deeply but the smile vanished when he didn’t recognize any of the new scents in the air. What he was breathing in was nothing like the tunnels of the hive that he was used to.

When he opened his eyes, instead of being surrounded by familiar stone walls with glowing lichen, he was in a square room with little yellow stars that dotted about the surface of flat light blue walls. Instead of hanging from the ceiling of a cavern, the cocoon he clung to was suspended from a hook of metal that branched out and curved up from a pole.

Nervously he turned his head around and stared at the strange collection of the rooms other occupants.

“Where’s my mom?” he asked with a small voice.

“Um… guys…” a light mint earth pony said, looking away from him, to a blue cat bird; then a pink pony bird, an orange lizard and lastly a large brown ball of hair with horns. “I think we better show this to Twilight.”

Author's Note:

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