• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 50

Not long after Weevil’s return with the bundles of tasty figs another changeling, named Timema, arrived with a healthy supply of love energy. Perhaps sensing an upcoming meal, the previously tranquil larva that had been covering Pupa started hissing loudly while they squirmed their way over to the older changelings. Free to move around once again, the nymph shakily climbed to her hooves and limped about in a circle in an attempt to ‘wake up’ her sleeping leg.

Once the sensation of pins and needles began to wane, Pupa trotted over to the caretaker sisters as the two inhaled ribbons of pink vapor from Timema. After they had absorbed enough energy for their task, Lacewing and Katydid began feeding the larva small pink regurgitated globules created from a mixture of figs and love.

“Can I feed them too?” squeaked Pupa.

“Don’t worry, we can handle it ourselves your highness,” Lacewing said to the nymph.

“Also you’re too young to feed them,” added Katydid.

“Yes, you should be saving your energy,” agreed Lacewing.

The nymph pouted and released a slightly over dramatic sigh.

“But if you really want to help,” Katydid said with a smile while motioning to a patch of green, “you could make sure the larvae use the moss after they’ve eaten.”

“Alright,” Pupa chirped.

One of the still chewing grubs was lifted up into the air in the nymph’s magic and carefully placed in the center of a moss clump. It was so focused on its meal that it didn’t even react at being relocated and only looked around in confusion after it had swallowed. The next one however decided mid aerial transport to release its cargo.

“Eww,” said the nymph, hopping back to avoid the mess. “What do I do? It’s really smelly…”

“Use a patch of moss to wipe it up,” instructed Katydid.

“So gross,” Pupa complained as she placed the larvae down.

“Well you did want to help,” chuckled Lacewing with good humor.

“And others had to clean up after your own messes when you were still a larva,” reminded Katydid. “Think of it as a kind of reparation.”

“I don’t remember missing the moss when I was a larva,” insisted the nymph.

Katydid opened her mouth but paused and looked at her sister.

“She’s right,” said Lacewing as she helped shepherd the now fully fed larva onto the beds of moss.

“You’re right,” admitted the caretaker as she tapped her hoof against her chin in thought while looking up, “I don’t recall you having any accidents.”

Pupa adapted a smug look while keeping secret her minor morning faux pas from earlier in the week.

“You’ll still need to clean that up, if you want to help,” said Katydid, mirroring the nymphs smirk.

Crinkling her snout, Pupa levitated an unoccupied moss ball and used it to absorb the waste. Once she completed the task, she tossed the makeshift sponge across the room where it landed atop a large stone and adhered to its surface.

“Okay, now what?” the nymph asked the sisters.

“Well, there isn’t too much to do now,” said Lacewing, “they’ll just wander around for a bit.”

“Until they remember you’re here,” continued Katydid, “then they’ll climb all over you again.”

The nymph’s ears folded back and she looked down nervously at the larva as they milled about. Then, as if being prompted by some omnipotent otherworldly being, roughly a dozen of the grubs stopped their exploring and turned their attention back to Pupa. Not wishing to be rendered immobile again so soon after gaining her freedom, the nymph backed away to hide behind Lacewing.

“What do you mean you lost track of him?!” Chrysalis’s voice shouted from above.

“Moms back!” squeaked the nymph as she scampered over to the wall and then straight up it.

“Wait your highness,” Lacewing called out a warning to the nymph, “it might be best not to interrupt her right now!”

Quickly reaching the opening to the upper chamber, Pupa peered over the lip and spotted her parent standing by the exit to the outside. Her teeth clenched and bared, she was glaring down at another changeling.

“I’m sorry my queen,” the changeling said while showing no fear of the apparently fuming queen. “I tracked him to Galloping Gorge. From there he fled to Neighagra Falls and took a ride on a zeppelin that disembarked in Baltimare. Unfortunately I lost his trail once I reached the harbor; I believe he took to the sea to mask his scent.”

Chrysalis ground her teeth together and started to frantically look around the cave. Her eyes zoned in on a stalagmite and she fired a lance of angry green magic from her horn to engulf the formation. Rapidly the stone began to glow red and flow down over itself like hot wax. Chrysalis ended her assault after only a few seconds and Pupa could feel a great heat radiating all the way from the other side of the cavern.

“He could pop up anywhere along the coast now…” hissed the queen before snorting a blast of air from her nostrils. “Parasites infest his carapace!”

“Again, I apologize for the outcome my queen,” Said the changeling.

“Vespa, no,” sighed Chrysalis, “you did well in tracking him as far as you did. Go take a rest.”

“As you wish your highness,” the changeling said, bowed and headed back outside.

The changeling queen turned away and began to silently watch as the melted stone cooled and lost its glow.

“Mom,” chirped Pupa, drawing her mother’s attention.

Once spotted, Chrysalis scooped her up and embraced her against her carapace.

“I helped watch the larva,” Pupa said, her voice muffled by the hug.

“Did you now?” smiled her mother as she lowered her daughter onto the floor.

“Yes,” nodded the nymph. “Every single one of them clung onto me.”

“That’s wonderful,” Chrysalis said, pride in her tone.

“And then Weevil brought back figs and I got to try one and they are so good,” Pupa babbled excitedly while she trotted in a circle around her mother. “Then Timema came and Lacewing and Katydid got to feed on the love she collected and they were able to feed the larva and I got to help keep them on the moss so they didn’t make a mess but then one did it anyway and it smelled reeeeeally bad and I had to clean it up because I said I wanted to help and then you came back.”

“Sounds like you’ve had a busy morning,” chuckled the changeling queen as she removed a tan satchel from her back. “I found something while I was out that made me think of you.”

“Really?” blinked the nymph, stopping mid-step.

Chrysalis used her magic to open the flap of the unremarkable looking pack and levitated out a chocolate furred plush toy. Pupa’s eyes widened when she recognized what it was.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, hopping up and down with wings buzzing. “It’s a ferret!”

Like a striking mantis, Pupa’s front legs shot out and plucked the plush from the air and she squeezed it against her chest.

“Thank you so much,” she said happily, pressing her cheek into its muzzle.

“I’m glad you like it,” Chrysalis smiled again and ran a hoof across her daughter’s mane. “Now then, I need to distribute love to the returning scouts. Do you want to come with me while I do that?”

Pupa turned to stare at the dark hole in the floor and the faint hissing sound emanating from it.

“It’s okay if I go with you?” she asked.

“Of course,” her mother answered. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“They like having me around,” Pupa said. “Lacewing and Katydid said I keep them contented.”

“The larva are very important for the hive,” said Chrysalis, “but to run a hive the queen can’t spend all her time with them; that’s why we have caretakers like Lacewing and Katydid. However it's certainly not a problem if you wish to stay and continue watching over the larva.”

Squeezing the plush a little tighter, the nymph began to unconsciously rock it back and forth as she thought to herself.

“I kinda like how I keep them happy,” admitted Pupa, “but it’s kinda boring too, is it bad I feel that way..?”

“Not at all,” Chrysalis said with an understanding smirk, “especially for someling as young and full of energy as you.”

“I think I’ll stay with them,” said the nymph after a long pause. “I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” her mother said as she leaned over and nuzzled Pupa’s cheek. “I’m honestly very proud of your decision.”

“Really?” squeaked the nymph.

“Absolutely,” whispered Chrysalis, “in fact, I’m going to leave you in charge of keeping the larva happy while I work with the others to build the new hive.”

“Really?!” Pupa balked.

“Yes,” smirked her mother, “but don’t worry, Katydid and Lacewing will be right beside you to help, isn’t that right girls?”

“Er, yes my queen!” said Katydid, her voice sounding like it was just beyond the hole to the nursery.

“Of course we will your highness,” agreed Lacewing.

“See? Then once the hive begins to settle down, I'll be able to play some games with you,” Chrysalis said, sitting up to her full height again, “and we can continue your magic lessons.”

“Promise?” Pupa asked, looking over the top of the plush toys head and up at the older changeling.

“Pupa, I want to promise you,” her mother said before pausing to let out a helpless sigh. “But every time I’ve made you a promise somethings happened to get in the way. I want you to know I’m going to do my best to make sure I can keep my word this time, okay?”

“Will you teach me how to do that too?” the nymph asked, pointing a hoof at the malformed lump of warm stone.

“Eventually,” grinned Chrysalis.

“Okay,” said the nymph, punctuating it with a single nod of her head.

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