• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Old Foes

“Augh, that was gross,” Rainbow Dash complained while wiping a goo-covered hand down the side of her leg.

Applejack bitterly gathered the congealed mass of alien blood from her helmet and wiped it off on the fleshy wall. “I can't believe that thing exploded after we killed it,” she remarked.

“At least it didn't get in your mouth,” Twilight countered, conjuring a small orb of water above her head, which cleansed the majority of the goo from her body.

“We’re just lucky it wasn't acidic or something awful like that,” Rarity exclaimed, pulling a cloth out of somewhere and using it to wipe down Fluttershy’s visor.

The medic sighed. “Thank you, Rarity. Though I’m surprised you made it out of that unschated.”

The fashionista chuckled. “Oh, I always just assume it's going to explode into a fountain of gore, and conjured a shield for myself at the last second.”

“And you didn't think of doin’ the same for the rest of us?” Applejack asked.

“Well, there wasn't enough time, you see- eek! How dare you!” Rarity shouted a second after Rainbow Dash slapped a goo-covered hand against the other girl’s backside.

“Next time think of someone other than yourself,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Cut it out,” Sunset Shimmer interrupted. “Twilight, how much further do we have?”

“Not far. There is only a single relatively narrow hallway left between us and the house,” Twilight replied. “But I’m sensing a lot of zerg in the immediate area.”

“Numbers?” Sunset replied, taking the offered cloth from Rarity.

“Hundreds?” Twilight answered with a shrug. “The hall itself isn't very large, so it seems likely that there are several other passageways extending off it.”

“Good, that means we should be able to handle it. How's everyone doing with ammo?” Sunset Shimmer inquired.

“Not bad, though something tells me if Twilight wasn't here, we woulda been up shit creek already,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“No kiddin’. That trick of yours with the portal thingy is really useful,” Applejack added.

“It's a pocket dimension, and I’m glad I could help, but I think you’re down to just under half at this point,” Twilight remarked.

“Well, we should be over halfway there, isn't that right?” Rarity offered.

Twilight nodded. “Provided this elevator of theirs is still in use.”

“I’m sure it is,” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed. “Now then. Let's get moving. I don't want to linger for a moment longer than necessary.”

“Right, I’m on it,” Applejack remarked, taking her place at the head of the group.

The rest of the black-armored soldiers quickly fell into line behind her, with Twilight in the back and Fluttershy in front of her. Rarity and Sunset walked side by side while Rainbow Dash was close on Applejack’s heels, ready to attack at a moment’s notice. Together the group creeped down the hall, steps heavy but determined, their bodies weighed down by the constant fighting.

Save for Twilight herself, who seemed unbothered by all the combat, the towering infested woman remaining confident. Still, even she wasn't completely unaffected by it, and she could tell that her reserves were beginning to dwindle. She had more than enough to see the job done, though she worried what would happen if she was drawn into a protracted fight.

Approaching the circular orifice exit, the group stopped for a moment with Applejack looking back to Sunset. The squad leader nodded, raising her weapon while the rest of the group got into ready positions. With a wave of Twilight’s hand, the barrier parted, allowing the group to surge into the next room, though they didn't get far.

Rather than the wide open space Twilight had expected, the room was shaped like a funnel, with space expanding further in. Where it rose up a set of stairs, atop of which rested several fortified positions absolutely filled with striped zerg. Standing tall behind a short wall of what looked like hardened bone, the creatures seemed to be waiting for the group.

Dozens upon dozens of hydralisks all looked down on the small cadre of invaders, their numbers bolstered by several groups of infested humans. Twilight could see that just behind them were a pack of ultralisks who had a small horde of mutalisks flying above them. It was an army of considerable size, who held the perfect position and for a moment neither party made a sound.

Then a cry went out, and hundreds of organic daggers rained down on them, only to bounce off a hastily erected series of gem barriers. The cover didn't last long, though thankfully both Twilight and Sunset were able to create their own shields before that happened.

“Run!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

As one, the group turned only to find that their exit was gone, swallowed by a wall of flesh and bone. Without a direction, they faltered, and Twilight could sense a palpable feeling of utter panic run through her friends.

“Keep that shield up, I’ll handle this!” Twilight shouted.

She didn't wait for a response and merely stood up, her hand glowing brightly with gathered mana. Selecting one of the bunkers of hydralisks at random, Twilight pointed at a spot just above their heads, her fingers flashing a bright gold. A second later, a small, baseball-sized orb of fire appeared in the air, the miniature sun flaring angrily into existence.

It burst, shooting superheated plasma in all directions and incinerating those closest to it. Those not caught in its immediate area of effect but foolish enough to gaze upon it found themselves blinded by the sun’s explosion. Surprisingly, the line of striped zerg held despite this show of magical expertise, though the rain of spines slowed slightly.

Sunset Shimmer grunted and fell to one knee, her magic waning as her barrier continued to be pelted. Moving to assist, Rarity raised her hands and focused, bringing forth a single enormous gem the second she felt Sunset begin to falter, allowing the fire mage to take a brief, but much needed breather before once again switching off with her friend not long after.

Twilight hadn't been sitting idle however, and she raised her mutated arm far above her head, pulling the very darkness from the room. Then, when she had seemingly gathered all that was required, she threw the black orb at another cluster of foes. There it splattered like a water balloon, its many drops breaking off into strange creatures which grew a horrifying number of appendages.

These strange, otherworldly creatures became larger as they moved, becoming everything from a towering centipede to a mass of human arms. Each one of which attacked the closest zerg lifeform, clawing, biting, and devouring them with a terrifying efficiency. Now assaulted by a small horde, the zerg line finally faltered, their attention split.

Twilight wasn't about to let it end at that and, with a scream of indignation, extended her arms high into the air, conjuring a storm of psionic lightning that devastated one of the few remaining pockets of organized zerg resistance. Falling to one knee, Twilight breathed heavily, her body taxed considerably from the rapid expenditure of power.

This body is not used to channelling so many high level spells, Twilight thought to herself.

“Holy crap, Twilight. That was amazing!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I don't suppose you have any more awesome spells by chance? It seems like they have nearly recovered,” Fluttershy nervously pointed out.

“Give me a moment,” Twilight replied between breaths.

“Allow me,” Sunset Shimmer offered, her hand glowing brightly.

“I’ll cover us, darling,” Rarity added.

Sunset Shimmer said nothing as she kneeled down and carved a rune into the floor with an armored finger. Once complete, she slammed her hand into the center and, in the same motion, rose to a stand and splayed her fingers towards her enemy. Each spot she pointed at was suddenly bathed in an eruption of fire that burst from the very ground beneath their feet.

Dozens of zerg screeched as their bodies were turned to ash under the intense heat of Sunset’s attacks. The gouts of flames even went so high into the air that numerous mutalisks plummeted to the ground, their wings or bodies in tatters. This flurry of flames came at the exact right moment too, as the enemy zerg had just finished cutting down Twilight’s shadow spawn.

The moment of relief wouldn't last long, however.

A fresh wave of zerg reinforcements flowed in from behind the line as the ultralisks were unleashed at the small group. Two of the great lumbering beasts traveled close to the walls of the large room, allowing their allies to continue firing at the girls.

Seeing this, Twilight reached out with her mind, and focused herself completely on the ultralisk to the right. Crushing its meagre will, Twilight hastily erected a barrier within its mind before turning it around and sending it back the way it came. Still enraged, but with a new set of targets, the beast tore into its former allies, crushing defences and scything through hydralisks.

The other creature didn't stop its charge for a second, merely extending its great limbs and readying itself for the attack. With both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight focusing elsewhere, it fell on the only true humans of the group to pick up the slack.

And they were not found wanting.

Fluttershy unleashed a trio of flash bangs at the creature’s face, blinding it, but not stopping it. Rainbow Dash sprinted between its legs, dropping grenades as she went. The ensuing cacophony of explosions was enough to make it stumble, giving Applejack the chance to leap at its head.

The farm girl’s powerful legs sent her flying, weapon barking twice before being discarded in mid-air. The bursts of pellets weren't enough to crack the ultralisk’s natural armor, though they pierced the chitinous exterior. Which was exactly what Applejack planned, as her fist followed a second later, the armored limb breaking through the alien’s flesh.

The blow was strong enough to shatter concrete, as well as the zerg’s skull, killing it before it even had a chance to open its eyes. The beast still had a significant amount of weight behind it however, and it slid to a stop only a few feet from the rest of the group. Who all sprinted over to the downed zerg, using its bulk as cover from its still living allies.

“What was all that?” Rarity asked, her chest heaving from exertion.

“I thought you said the room was small? This is a gosh-darned arena!” Applejack shouted as she reloaded her shotgun.

“It was!” Twilight exclaimed. “He must have fake memories of this place.”

“It doesn't matter now,” Sunset Shimmer interrupted. “Girls, I want you to focus on anything that gets close while Twilight and I deal with the groups at the back.”

“Ya better hurry ‘cause it looks like they brought friends!” Fluttershy pointed out, jabbing a finger over their cover.

Sure enough, the medic was correct, as a wave of hydralisks had taken position behind the fleshy battlements. Above their heads swarmed numerous winged creatures including a horde of pustule-covered bats the size of a pony. These much smaller creatures seemed to lack any manner of weapon and swooped directly at the group, heedless of danger.

“What the heck…” Twilight muttered, only to have her unspoken question answered when one of the tiny creatures was shot, and exploded violently. “Oh no.”

Drawing forth as much power as her body could handle, Twilight thrust her open palm up at the oncoming horde of winged zerg. Numerous bolts of electricity leapt from her hand, seeking out the nearest foe to turn to dust. The small bat-like creatures released a brief scream before exploding, their payload detonating prematurely due to the shock.

Though she couldn't deal with them all, Twilight was happy to see the remaining flying zerg had been shot down by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Only Rarity continued to rest, while Applejack remained on the defensive, shooting down fliers or lobbing grenades. Sunset was the only one who was capable of continuing their assault on the enemy fortifications directly.

A trio of fireballs blew apart what little organic cover remained and gouged deep wounds in the very ground they fought on. She followed this up by a burst of magma she called forth from the aether, downing several mutalisks and killing numerous ground-bound zerg. Twilight joined her immediately after, adding a powerful bolt of lightning to the mix which bounced from one enemy to the next, killing many.

Yet even with the ground littered with corpses, still more came, pouring out from behind the zerg line. Spinning glaives shot down from the sky as the odd suicide bat impacted the dead ultralisk, sending gore high into the air. Spines flew overhead and were joined by the sporadic burst of gunfire aimed at them by the few remaining infested.

This won't last, Twilight realized. There are too many of the damned things, and even if we win, we’ll be too exhausted to fight the black queen.

“I’m out!” Rainbow Dash shouted, falling back behind the ultralisk’s decimated skull.

“Me too!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Mana’s low. We are going to need an out, and quick!” Sunset Shimmer shouted, popping over cover just long enough to shoot down a mutalisk that had gotten too close.

“Cover me. I’ve got a plan!” Twilight shouted, her hand glowing brightly.

“You’ve got it, darling!” Rarity replied, raising a shield.

Together the small group jumped out and leveled their weapons, ready to cut down any zerg present. Only to find that the horde had stopped and were now standing, floating or flying in place while not taking any offensive actions. Twilight let her hand fall back down and looked around curiously, seeking out any infested humans.

Sure enough, a slimmer, former human wearing the ratty remains of a lab coat was slithering confidently towards them. Following Twilight’s focus, the group leveled their weapons at the infested human, though none fired. They merely stood staring as the four-armed infested moved up to their line with a calm, cool expression.

Though she had no visible weapons whatsoever, the infested felt dangerous to Twilight for some reason, and she couldn't help but stare. The striped scientist’s heavily modified body left little remnants of her former humanity, as her legs had been replaced with a hydralisk tail. Not only that, but her two upper hands had too many digits, each one of which ended in a sharp, yet dexterous claw. Her smaller, three-taloned hands that grew from her torso were clenched tightly together while her glowing orange gaze fixated on Twilight.

“Greetings, invaders,” she announced in a garbled, alien tone that made it seem as though she was unfamiliar with speaking out loud. “You have put up quite the fight, and my mistress wishes to parlay, if at all possible.”

“Like we’d chat with that genocidal nutjob,” Rainbow Dash muttered bitterly.

Twilight glared at the smaller woman, immediately causing her to take a step back. “We will do what we must to achieve our goals,” Twilight reprimanded.

“Let's hear her out,” Fluttershy encouraged.

“Much as I hate to say this, I agree with Flutters. As fun as it would be to slaughter aliens all day, we got bigger fish to fry,” Applejack remarked.

“No funny business though,” Sunset Shimmer declared, jabbing a finger at the infested scientist.

“Our curiosity is piqued,” exclaimed the infested woman, whose mandibles clacked audibly together. “You have no need to fear us.”

“Yeah, no need,” Rarity bitterly remarked as she kicked a dead mutalisk.

“That was… regrettable,” offered the infested, who absently ran a claw down the colored stripes painted on her neck. “This one bears so much of a resemblance to the black queen that someone panicked.”

“Well, whoever it was, y'all should fire that guy,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“I’m fairly certain Sunset here already did that,” replied the striped zerg with an awkward, bubbling chuckle.

“Yes, well… They didn't give us many options,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

“No, he did not, and I must say it is intriguing to finally see real, tangible magic,” the striped infested stated. “Does it all work instantaneously like that?”

“Yes,” Twilight quickly answered. “This world lacks the necessary mana crystals that make runes and other effects possible.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded after a moment of hesitation. “Furthermore, this planet has a weak manosphere and its ley lines are deep.”

“Fascinating,” exclaimed the infested scientist in a reverent tone. “But come, before we get too distracted.”

“Where are we going, exactly?” Fluttershy asked.

“Somewhere more… comfortable,” answered the striped creature.

“It will be fine,” Twilight declared.

“If you say so,” Applejack murmured in an unconvinced tone.

“Lead the way,” Sunset Shimmer offered.

The scientist nodded and began to slither further up the hill, with the small group of invaders following close behind her. As they walked, the zerg before them parted, giving them a wide, though not respectful distance. Hydralisks hissed, ultralisks stomped, and mutalisks cried angrily over their heads, thirsty for blood.

Only held at bay by their infested handlers, the striped creatures remained back, allowing Twilight to inspect them curiously. Though seemingly without number, upon reaching the top of the hill, Twilight realized that they were anything but endless. Dozens waited on the other side of the hill, their formations remaining tight as they waited for the next shoe to drop.

Numbering only about another eighty or so, Twilight quickly surmised that although her friends might have won, it would have been difficult. Most concerning were the small horde of ultralisks which had been assembled on the field behind the hill. Larger than most, these enhanced creatures seemed to have an extra layer of metal armor bolted to their exteriors.

Ignoring the amalgamations of flesh and steel, Twilight looked forward to where numerous smaller structures were visible. These buildings dotted the cavernous space at random, their ranks broken up by the occasional support column that held up the ceiling. Some were identical to the ones Twilight had seen outside, like the fungus cannons and the green pools, but there were others she didn't recognize.

One strange zerg structure looked almost like a webbed hand rising from the creep. Another pulsating green structure had a pair of ultralisks guarding its entrance. Strangest of the bunch was an odd gaping maw lined with teeth and containing a glowing green interior.

Twilight wasn't sure what this tunnel or canal was intended to do, but she sensed what felt like magic coming from it.

“Here we are,” offered the striped zerg, who had stopped before a familiar house.

“Woah,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“Woah indeed. I would have assumed it would have been more… odious by now,” Rarity murmured in a disgusted tone.

Before them stood the house Twilight had seen in the infested soldier’s memories, complete with a yard of green grass. It was a strange shift from all the fleshy buildings and towers of undulating muscle structure that made up nearly everything else. Like a time capsule, the building was a single oasis of normality amidst a very alien desert.

“Just more evidence of the false monarch’s weakness,” murmured the infested scientist in a disgusted tone. “Come. We will speak inside.”

“Will we be meeting your mistress in person?” Sunset asked.

“‘Cause that would be just great,” Applejack added with a snicker, her hand settling over the butt of her shotgun.

“In a manner of speaking, you will,” answered the striped zerg. “Answers will be given soon.”

Twilight ignored the dirty looks being sent their host’s way and merely observed her surroundings. The house was oddly normal and even well-lit, the building somehow having power despite the strange neighborhood it was now a part of. After passing through the front door, Twilight found that it was still quite average, with a row of pictures along the stairs to her right.

Beside that was a hallway that went back into a kitchen while to the left was a wide open living room. There she saw a pair of couches and a well-loved recliner that sat around a simple coffee table. The entire space felt cozy, warm almost, yet there was a tense atmosphere that hung over everything.

“Please, have a seat,” encouraged the striped zerg.

“I’ll stand, thank you,” Twilight replied. “I don't think this furniture could take my weight.”

“Suit yourself,” Applejack remarked, flopping down into an open seat.

“This is exactly how I remember it,” Rarity mused, inspecting the paintings along the wall of the living room.

“The false queen kept this place hidden from the rest of the swarm. Containing her parents like pets inside a cage,” the scientist explained. “Now they are my mistress’ property.”

“So that's how you’ve been able to build down here,” Sunset Shimmer reasoned. “You’ve been keeping Velvet and Night Light as hostages.”

“How mean,” Fluttershy exclaimed, crossing her armored arms over her chest.

The infested scientist laughed her strange, gurgling laugh. “They have not come to any harm and continue to live comfortably. In fact, their accommodations have not changed under our occupation.”

“That still doesn't make it right,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“It's not a matter of right. It's a matter of what one is willing to do to survive,” the scientist exclaimed.

“We’re straying from the point here,” Twilight declared.

“Right, of course. Allow me a moment to summon her,” offered their host, who closed her eyes and rested a pair of claws against her temples.

“So, what are you thinking? Hologram or possession?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Definitely possession. Starlight never did respect personal boundaries,” Sunset Shimmer replied.

“She had such tiny, grabby little hands,” Rarity added in disgust.

“And here I thought you enjoyed your check-ups with me,” stated an amused voice.

Twilight looked over to find that the scientist had fallen into the recliner, a smug look on her mutated face. Though she mostly looked the same as before, now her eyes glowed with a faint teal light, and she carried a more confident aura.

“Starlight Glimmer, I presume,” Twilight offered, extending a hand.

“Yes, and you are our mystery doppelganger we saw. How curious,” Starlight replied, taking the offered limb and shaking it firmly. “And to think Sunset’s little stories weren't all make-believe after all.”

“Let's skip the chitchat. How'd you survive that explosion?” Applejack demanded, jabbing a finger at the possessed infested.

“The overmind gave me a gift, one that allowed me to escape the destruction of my base unscathed,” Starlight Glimmer replied. “No need to worry, though. The pretender queen knows not of my little tunnels.”

“That mouth thing,” Twilight reasoned. “That's how you got out.”

“You aren't wrong, though your description could use work,” Starlight replied with a shrug.

“How did-” Rainbow Dash began.

“That's quite enough questions from the peanut gallery,” Starlight interrupted. “There are words that must be shared with your leader.”

Rainbow Dash seemed ready to lash out at the infested, but was stopped when Applejack placed a hand on her shoulder.

“You’re lucky you’re not here in person. Otherwise you’d be a green smear on the wall,” Rainbow Dash muttered angrily.

“I assure you, it was not luck that ensured I was not here in person,” Starlight Glimmer deadpanned.

Twilight stepped forward. “I’ve come for the detector, and they are here for the elevator. Give us both, and we will leave in peace.”

“Oh, and what does the leader of your little group think?” Starlight Glimmer retorted, glancing over to Sunset.

Who sighed. “Twilight is right. We aren't here for you. At least not yet.”

“Curious,” Starlight murmured. “What are you willing to offer in return for safe passage and one of my most prized possessions?”

“What do you want?” Twilight demanded.

The infested smiled and rose from her chair. “I want the same gift you gave our little Sunset Shimmer here. Magic.”

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