• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight grunted as she finally removed the last piece of the borrowed armor. Placing it aside, the hulking woman now wore only a thin black lining that did little to hide her fatigue or impressive physique. Though her migraine was gone, as was the suppression field, her entire body still ached, and the hard stone slab she was sitting on didn't help.

The rest of her companions were in a similar state, the girls having shed all but their last layer of protection. Even Sunset Shimmer, who still had a foot-long spike sticking out of her arm, had been forced to disrobe and sit in decontamination along with the rest of them. Noone was very happy about being forced to stew in the small white room, but thankfully they weren’t in desperate need of medical assistance.

Sunset still needed help, but Twilight had been burning through the last of her magic by steadily casting a low grade healing spell on the girl. This kept the pain at bay and reduced the potential damage to a minimum, though Sunset Shimmer maintained a constant grimace. As a fresh surge of unpleasant acidic air was pumped into the room, its inhabitants let out a collective sigh of disappointment.

“How many cycles are they going to do?” Rainbow Dash muttered bitterly.

“We were pretty banged up. They are just making sure we aren't infested and that we didn't bring any spores with us,” Fluttershy murmured, glancing to Applejack.

Who had taken the most hits, yet had only welts and bruises to show from the desperate fight. All the damage she had received had certainly stacked up though, and she lay in a heap against the wall, one arm done up in a sling.

Twilight glanced towards her armor which sat in a pile in one corner, the sophisticated suit having taken only a few blows. Though Twilight was glad her life had not been in as much danger, she would have liked to take a few of those strikes. If for no other reason than to spare Applejack the agony the girl was currently experiencing.

“I’m surprised they didn't even let Sunset through,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “I mean, you’d think they’d fast track her at least.”

“They won’t risk it,” Sunset Shimmer stated grimly. “Even with my safety on the line, they couldn't compromise the base’s integrity. Besides, Twilight is helping quite a bit, so I’ll be fine.”

Applejack snorted. “Let’s just hope she doesn't help you like she helped Principal Celestia.”

“Pardon me, darling, but didn't you ‘help’ someone like that only a few minutes earlier?” Rarity pointed out.

Applejack grumbled, “That was different.”

“Yeah, the principal was the boss’ sister. We needed her,” Rainbow Dash earnestly announced.

“It wasn't our choice to make,” Sunset Shimmer cautioned. “It was hers.”

“Well, she should have made that decision after she had time to really consider her options,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“We’ve been over this, Rainbow. There was no time left,” Fluttershy remarked. “There are some people who can't be saved.”

“Would you have said the same thing if it were Pinkie down there?” Applejack pointed out.

Fluttershy winced. “N-no, I-”

“That wasn't fair and you know it,” Twilight interjected.

Applejack glared at the other woman for several long seconds before letting out a sigh. “Whatever. What's done is done, I suppose.”

“Still bites,” Rainbow Dash murmured. “We are supposed to be saving the people we care about, and all we came back with was the annoying Russian janitor.”

“He is a victim as much as the others are,” Rarity pointed out.

“And he will be helped just like the others,” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed and turned to the other former unicorn. “I have a question for you.”

The larger woman raised an eyebrow. “Go ahead.”

“How did you manage to keep the infestation at bay when I got hit?” Sunset Shimmer questioned.

Twilight frowned and stared down at the glossy white floor. “I’m not wholly certain, to be honest. I’ve never tried to control something so small before, so I may not have done the best job.”

“She isn't still contagious, is she?” Rarity inquired somewhat nervously.

Twilight quickly shook her head. “No. Nothing like that.”

“Well, that's a relief,” murmured the fashionista.

Twilight’s frown deepened as she remembered the clump of cells she couldn't seem to destroy. Though she hadn't spoken a word about it to the others, Twilight wasn't worried about them reactivating. For such a thing to occur, they would need someone as experienced with psionics and zerg biology as her, and there was only one other person who met that criteria.

Shaking her head, Twilight dismissed the worries plaguing her.

She would destroy the remaining cells or use them before they would go out on their next mission, she just needed to rest first.

Perhaps I could even… Twilight hummed to herself.

“You know, you didn't seem the most confident in your response…” Rainbow Dash pointed out in a slightly hushed tone.

Twilight blinked. “I was using bits and pieces of information I picked up from that first guy to figure out how to control it. Though even then it felt like I was just barely managing to stay ahead of the infection.”

“You are sure you got it all right?” Applejack stressed.

Twilight nodded. “Sunset Shimmer is not infectious. Nor is there a chance that she will become infested.”

Fluttershy frowned. “So long as you’re sure…”

“I am,” Twilight stated. “Though I did find something interesting while I was inspecting Sunset.”

“Oh, and what is that, darling?” Rarity inquired.

“Nothing bad, I hope,” Sunset Shimmer added.

“Not necessarily,” Twilight began. “You just have a rather primitive well of magic.”

“What, really?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Yes, though it is unconnected to any focal point like your hands or brain which is probably why you can't feel its presence,” Twilight answered.

“What's this well thingy anyway?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“It's a series of bundled nerves which collect and store mana,” Twilight explained. “These help us cast spells, provided there is a focus to pass through, like a horn.”

“And you think we might have these wells as well?” Fluttershy inferred.

Twilight blinked. “Uh, yes actually. It would explain your anomalous abilities.”

“Do you think it has to do with the geodes we absorbed?” Applejack remarked.

“I do,” Twilight replied. “I think they served as a catalyst for these wells to grow in the first place. After that they connected to you, but only in a very small way.”

“So, if I was connected fully, would I get my magic back?” Sunset Shimmer inquired in a hopeful tone.

“You might,” Twilight answered.

“What's the catch?” Applejack demanded.

“Yeah, this does seem a little suspicious,” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight frowned. “I would need to get my hands on a rather large amount of zerg spores which I would use to grow the proper organs.”

“You mean you’d have to infest us?” Rainbow Dash shouted, leaping off her seat.

“No, nothing like that. Think of it as…” Twilight trailed off momentarily. “Using the spores to create the necessary building blocks your body doesn't know how to make on its own.”

“Sounds a lot like infestation,” Applejack stated.

Twilight sighed. “It sort of is, but after I connected you to your source, I would destroy the rest of the infested cells, leaving you with no chance of ending up as the black queen’s pawn.”

The room fell silent, and Twilight could tell immediately that they were contemplating her suggestion. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were more disgusted than anything, and only seemed to think about it for a moment. Though Rarity seemed to seriously consider the possibilities for several long seconds she ultimately frowned and crossed her arms.

Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, seemed intrigued.

Twilight didn't need to be a mind reader to know that Sunset was thrilled by the prospect of getting her magic back. A fairly understandable response, given just how many years the former pony had devoted to studying the craft, only to have it all rendered useless because the mirror didn't know how to construct the necessary series of organs.

Sunset’s desire to have all that power returned to her when she needed it the most was no doubt a big motivator for the woman. Though Fluttershy didn't have that, Twilight assumed it was likely curiosity that captivated her. The studious girl had proved herself to be quite brilliant and was likely the only one who truly understood just how impactful magic truly was.

Yet even with that knowledge, Fluttershy seemed to have weighed the options and decided against it, as she quickly looked away, leaving only Sunset Shimmer interested in Twilight’s proposition, though the infested woman knew that might change in time.

“I’m afraid I am going to have to pass on that, darling,” Rarity stated. “As intriguing as it might be to use magic, I’m afraid the process would be a bit too… invasive.”

“It’s vile, is what it is,” Applejack added.

“Yeah, no offence, but how can we be sure you wouldn't control us like she would?” Rainbow Dash declared and jabbed a finger at Twilight.

“Simple. I will be leaving this world the second I get the chance to, and you can't come with me,” Twilight replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “What good would it do for me to make a pawn, only to get rid of them immediately?”

“Maybe you’re just saying that, and you actually plan to usurp that other Twilight the second you get the chance,” Applejack offered, her gaze narrowing.

Twilight bit back a growl that had begun to build in the back of her throat. “Look me in the eye and tell me I don't want to leave this place.”

Applejack leaned closer and looked into the other woman’s eyes, her features drawn tight in concentration. For several seconds no one said anything, merely watching as the two towering females glared at one another. Then with a grunt, Applejack sat back and let out a long breath.

“She's telling the truth,” Applejack remarked.

“Still… I’m afraid it is a little too creepy for me,” Rarity quickly stated.

“I, um, might be interested in that case,” Fluttershy whispered meekly.

“Fluttershy? Why would you want to let that creep to muck around in your head?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Watch your tone,” Twilight warned, her eyes flashed dangerously.

Fluttershy stood quickly, cutting off Rainbow Dash before she could offer a response. “I want to help more. You all know how to fight and use your abilities to save people, but mine are useless.”

“Hey now, that's not true. You tamed that zergling that one time,” Sunset Shimmer pointed out.

“They might be animalistic, but they lack the reason and empathy that other creatures do. I can't get through to them,” Fluttershy stated sadly, falling back to her seat. “That one time was just a fluke.”

“Your abilities are probably more psionic in nature,” Twilight offered. “I might be able to unlock those for you without anything… invasive.”

“Could you?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes lighting up.

“I can't promise anything, and I’m too exhausted to do it now, but I could try at least,” Twilight replied.

“Only if you let me sit in and watch,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“I don't need your permission, Rainbow,” Fluttershy retorted.

The athlete shrunk slightly, her shoulders falling slack. “R-right. Sorry, Fluttershy.”

“It's fine,” Twilight cautioned. “You can have anyone you like sit in with us, though they would need to be quiet.”

“Wait!” Rarity suddenly exclaimed and stood up from the bench. “Does this mean you could fix the infestation process in the other infested?”

Twilight blinked. “I am not sure. I don't think I would be able to alter a lot but, I should be able to remove their psychic imprint at least.”

“Psychic what now?” Applejack inquired, scratching her head.

“It makes them psionically active, but only just barely. This allows more dominant zerg organisms to control them,” Fluttershy explained. “It's why we can't let them out of the lower levels.”

“That means we would be able to let them go throughout the facility or even on missions,” Applejack muttered.

“I wouldn't go that far,” Sunset Shimmer cautioned, only to wince. “Twilight, would you mind helping me with my arm?”

The infested woman nodded. “Of course. Though I don't have much left at this point.”

Sunset Shimmer grimaced. “Just do it. We should be winding down from the last round by now anyway.”

“Hopefully we’ll be out of this place soon,” Applejack muttered as she leaned against the wall.

Twilight focused, pushing some of the last remnants of magic she had into her hand, forming another healing spell. Releasing it caused Sunset Shimmer to gain a little more color in her cheeks and her jaw to finally unclench.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Sunset Shimmer murmured.

“No problem. Just know that I’m officially spent at this point,” Twilight tiredly replied.

The vents hissed, and instead of more acrid air entering the space, the heavy steel door began to wur. A second later it opened to reveal a whole cadre of medics already equipped for surgery. Behind them were a pair of soldiers armed for battle, though neither seemed particularly alert.

“Sunset Shimmer. Please come with us,” stated the tallest of the doctors.

“Anyone else in need of treatment should follow us as well,” added another of the white-coated men.

“As for everyone but Twilight, you can go back to your bunks. Luna wishes to speak to the infested alone,” stated one of the soldiers.

“We aren't getting debriefed right away?” Rainbow Dash asked.

One of the black-armored soldiers shook their head. “The boss lady ain't that cruel. You all can rest and recuperate.”

“Except for me,” Twilight stated evenly.

“Except for you. There are urgent questions that need to be answered,” replied the other soldier.

“Come seek me out tomorrow. We can talk more then,” Sunset Shimmer stated before standing up and extending an arm. “I’m going to need a hand here.”

“Right away, ma’am,” exclaimed one of the doctors who quickly stepped up to support her.

The rest of the girls silently trotted out of the room without complaint, exhaustion weighing heavily on their shoulders. Not even Rainbow Dash offered a comment as she left, her features worn down by a heavy frown. Now relatively alone, Twilight looked up to find that the two soldiers were waiting patiently for her.

“I assume you are my escort,” Twilight remarked dryly.

“Think of us more like guides,” offered one of them.

“We wouldn't want you getting lost,” added the other.

Twilight snorted bitterly, abundantly aware of just how vulnerable she was in her current condition. Without her spells, psychic power, or even her armor Twilight had only her larger size. Which meant nothing, considering just how tired she now was.

“Lead the way,” Twilight muttered, gesturing to the door.

“Right, follow us.”

The elevator thunked into place, signalling that the small group had finally reached their destination. The doors parted a second later, revealing a surprisingly empty command center devoid of almost all personnel. Only Luna herself remained, the enigmatic woman standing before a window, her hands clasped tightly behind her back.

The many stations were empty, their screens dark, the only source of illumination being a single overhead light which stood above and behind Luna, casting the woman in deep shadow.

“You may wait at the bottom, gentlemen,” Luna remarked without looking away form the window. “Your services will not be needed.”

The pair shared a glance. “If you’re sure,” one of them exclaimed.

“I am,” Luna stated.

Twilight stepped forward, allowing the pair of guards to take the elevator back down and leaving her alone with the other female. The atmosphere immediately grew tense and weighed heavily on Twilight’s shoulders. She suddenly wished she had brought a weapon with her, though she got the feeling it wouldn't have done any good regardless.

“Come, stand next to me,” Luna exclaimed.

Twilight pushed the hesitation she felt down into the pit of her stomach, dismissing it as best as she could. With that done, she slowly crossed the room and took position next to the remarkably intimidating older woman.

“You wished to see me,” Twilight stated.

“I did,” Luna replied after a short pause. “I want to hear what exactly you found while on your last mission.”

“Anything specific you wish to know?” Twilight asked.

“Strategic information pertaining to the black queen and her subordinates,” Luna answered.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “They were experimenting on zerg soldiers attempting to breed more powerful variants. Though successful, the results were unpredictable and also uncontrollable.”

“Will we have to fight these chaos-spawned zerg in the future?” Luna inquired in a way that made it obvious that she knew the answer to that question.

“No. They are a wildcard which would only be used if desperate,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Our new guest. What exactly did you do to him?” Luna continued.

Twilight stiffened. “I removed the knowledge he had accumulated while in the black queen’s employ.”

“That wasn't all that you removed,” Luna added.

“It wasn't,” Twilight admitted. “I also excised the part of him that wanted to recreate his experiments no matter who was controlling him.”

“You neutered an asset,” Luna stated. “And then ensured that he would never be useful to us in the future.”

Twilight hesitated, clenching her fists tightly. “I did.”

The room was silent, with only the distant whir of a fan to break the quiet.

“I am supposed to detain you,” Luna nonchalantly remarked. “With lethal force, if necessary.”


“But my superiors are fools who do not understand how close to the edge of oblivion we now stand,” Luna continued. “Their orders mean nothing to me.”

“So will I be allowed to return to my world with your assistance as planned?” Twilight pressed.

This time it was Luna’s turn to hesitate, her already drawn features growing tenser still. “That is still up for consideration and will be decided by the end of this conversation.”

“What else do you want to know?” Twilight inquired.

“What did you learn about the infestation process?” Luna replied. “I have heard you had little time to study the facility, but given your unique perspective, I assume you learned something.”

“I did,” Twilight answered, her gaze drawn down to the busy hangar below them. “They need humans to serve as lieutenants and commanders ,meaning the black queen cannot breed psychically gifted zerg.”

“And?” Luna pressed.

“And that the process to unlock such potential takes time, a considerable amount of power, as well as careful monitoring,” Twilight answered. “It is unlikely that the batch of infested we found in the auditorium will be available to your enemy during the next conflict.”

“Your enemy?”

Twilight frowned. “I won't lie to you. I don't care what happens here.”

“Have you not become friends with the rest of Sunset’s squad?” Luna pointed out.

“They are friendly,” Twilight admitted. “But friends? I don't think so.”

The older woman hummed to herself. “Honesty is rare to come by and though I appreciate it, I would have liked if you sympathized more with our predicament.”

“It is a pitiable situation,” Twilight replied, “but it’s ultimately dwarfed by the problems facing my own world.”

Luna unclasped her hands and let them hang loosely at her sides. “It's hard to fathom that someone would want to kill everyone and everything. Or at least it would, if we had not faced something similar.”

Twilight laughed aloud. “You have faced nothing close to Nightmare Moon. She is a god beyond your non-magical understanding who could single-handedly lay waste to your planet.”

“Is that not equivalent to the black queen?” Luna asked, her question coming off as genuine for once.

“Not even close. While terrible, this version of myself needs minions, armies, and underhanded tactics. Nightmare Moon could annihilate your peoples and lay low your nations without need for assistance,” Twilight explained.

“That is… unfortunate indeed,” Luna admitted. “I had hoped that we could help one another.”

“Maybe once this is finished and the mirror could be rebuilt, but even then…” Twilight frowned. “The chance for strife between our worlds is great, and certain precautions would need to be put in place on both sides.”

“There are many who would find the existence of magic to be even more disturbing than when we found out that psychic powers were real,” Luna remarked.

Twilight nodded, watching as a soldier scrubbed the floors of the hangar below. “Our worlds are divided, our peoples divided and in conflict. It will be some time before either will be able to look to the other.”

Luna sighed. “Enough of the future, I have delayed this question long enough.”

She turned fully towards the younger woman, her gaze boring into Twilight. “Tell me what happened with my sister and don't leave out a single detail.”

Some instinct at the back of Twilight’s mind told her to run or give some half-hearted response that the other woman wanted to hear. That might only make things worse, however, and Twilight was determined to remain truthful until the end.

Even if it caused her problems in the long run.

“She had been infested and altered to an incredible extent. Worse still, her bodyguards were highly evolved zerglings capable of holding their own in single combat with Rainbow Dash and Applejack,” Twilight began.

“Is there a chance that these highly evolved zerg are being mass-produced?” Luna asked.

“No. At least I don't think so,” Twilight admitted. “They were only effective due to the cerebrate’s direct control and were a rare, inefficient variant of the base zergling.”

“So more like a specialized assassin rather than a replacement for the base zerg soldier?” Luna half-stated.

“Indeed,” Twilight agreed.

Luna hummed, stroking her chin absently. “The report indicated that you engaged in some manner of psychic combat. Is that true?”

“Sort of…” Twilight muttered. “I had intended to simply disrupt her control and create an opening for my comrades, but I put a bit too much strength into the attack.”

“Then you fell unconscious,” Luna remarked.

“My body became unresponsive, yes. Though my mind entered your sister’s head,” Twilight explained, shifting uncomfortably.

“What did you find?” Luna demanded, crossing her arms once more.

“That her mindscape was dominated by the zerg she was no doubt controlling. These imprints attempted to fight me off, but I managed to pierce what I believe was the last remnant of your sister’s true psyche,” Twilight continued. “Once there, I was able to speak with her and remove the black queen’s imprinted commands.”

“What did she say?” Luna demanded, and her jaw clenched tightly.

“She gave me the information we needed, and informed me of her desire to die,” Twilight reluctantly uttered.

“And then you killed my sister with her permission?” Luna half asked, half stated.

“I would have had to fight her guards as well as her, if I was to try and subdue her,” Twilight exclaimed.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Could you have done so?”

Twilight sighed. “At that point she would not have seen an attack coming, so yes, I could have used a sleep spell or the like on her.”

“You’re not making a good case for yourself,” Luna pointed out.

“I mean, even if I did manage to do so, we would have had to abandon some personnel in order to take Celestia with us and that's assuming we would even be able to move her,” Twilight exclaimed tiredly. “Best case scenario, we would have taken fifty to eighty percent casualties in that case.”

Luna looked down, her hands clenching and unclenching as she struggled for the right words.

“That does not change the fact that you killed my sister,” Luna remarked at length.

Twilight balled her fists. “I saw her mind. I knew that if I did not do so, she would have tried and would have been forced to endure incredible agony.”

The other woman sneered. “I’m just supposed to trust you on that?”

“Your sister did,” Twilight retorted.

For a moment the infested woman was absolutely certain that she was seconds from being shot, only for Luna’s shoulders to suddenly fall slack.

“Did she really always know I was working undercover in order to observe the mirror?” Luna whispered.

“Since the moment you returned from your mystery assignment and were suddenly interested in becoming her vice-principal,” Twilight answered.

Luna chuckled bitterly. “She would have made a better director than I.”

“A better agent maybe, but director? I don't think so,” Twilight replied.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Why do you say that?”

“Though brilliant and quite observant, I don't think she would have what it takes to make the hard choices. Though I admit I might be getting my Celestia mixed up with yours,” Twilight explained.

Luna let her arms fall to her sides. “Regardless. I only have a few questions left, starting with your thoughts on this super brain thing that was mentioned in the report.”

“The overmind,” Twilight muttered.

“So that's what it’s called,” Luna remarked.

“I am not sure what exactly this overmind thing is, but I know it's powerful. Incredibly so,” Twilight stressed.

“How do you know for sure?”

“It's an instinct… A part of me says to run, to flee this place as soon as possible and to take my chances finding my way back on my own,” Twilight shivered. “I’ve never felt such primal revulsion before. It's quite unpleasant.”

“And if completed, it would allow the black queen to win,” Luna assumed.

“Your planet would be conquered in a heartbeat. I don't know how I know this, but I just do,” Twilight stated.

Luna frowned. “Then our timetables have advanced significantly. Do you have the information on our target?”

Twilight nodded, raising her mutated arm and creating an illusionary copy of a large tower. “These cerebrates serve as generals as well as local commanders, meaning they have a considerable amount of information. Such as the complete layout of the black queen’s base as well as the location of the other cerebrates in the area.”

“Interesting,” Luna murmured as she inspected the illusion closely. “With their destruction, could we launch an assault on the tower proper?”

“I believe so,” Twilight replied, her illusion flickering. “Hrng, sorry about that. My abilities are spent for the moment.”

“Return here tomorrow morning so we can finalize our plans,” Luna commanded. “Until then, you are dismissed.”

“Thank you, commander,” Twilight exclaimed, bowing slightly.

“No, thank you,” Luna replied. “Without your assistance, my soldiers would be dead or worse, and we would be no closer to stopping the black queen.”

“Despite what I said before, I do genuinely hope that you are victorious,” Twilight stated.

“I feel the same about your own struggles,” Luna replied.

Twilight smiled. “Now, if that's everything…”

“Oh, and feel free to do your experiments on our infested population. Though I will be assigning Fluttershy as your observer,” Luna exclaimed, turning back to the window.

“You heard that?” Twilight questioned.

“I hear everything that happens in this facility,” Luna stated simply. “And yes, that is everything.”

“Err, thank you,” Twilight muttered, turning and walking away. For a mere human, Luna is surprisingly intimidating. I should be more careful around her.

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