• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,366 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight’s return to reality was a jumbled one, with the pony’s senses mixing together and leaving her confused as to what was going on around her. This bizarre synesthesia dominated her senses and left her with the strange ability to hear the blood on her tongue and taste the sound of quiet conversation happening nearby. Spike and someone else's thoughts also came to her sporadically, and became so jumbled with her own that she struggled to pick them apart.

Until a voice cut through the fog. “Twilight, can you hear me?” asked the familiar tone.

With hope surging inside her, the infested mare cracked open her eyes. “Cadance?” she asked.

“I’m afraid not,” said the voice, whose owner was slowly reforming into what looked like Silver Bulwark, only wrong somehow.

The pony’s eye which had been missing had regrown, but was now vastly different from her normal teal orb which rested next to it. To start, her new eye glowed with an intense orange light much like Twilight’s did, only even brighter still. Her face was also slightly off, as all of her mane was gone and a thick carapace covered the majority of her skull. Her horn was also fixed, but not perfectly, the cracks still evident in the structure, though the horn itself was straight at least.

Orange light spilled from the cracks in her horn and her jaw seemed slightly thicker, her mouth sporting a row of new, sharper teeth. Blinking, Twilight cleared the gunk from her gaze and realized that her bodyguard had been changed more than first anticipated. The carapace she had noticed before had several thick spikes coming out of it, resembling the top of the ultralisk. Only in miniature, staying glued to the pony’s head and not forming a crest like the monstrous zerg had sported.

Her forelegs were also much thicker, and ended with three-toed feet much like the ultralisk had. Stranger still was the fact that Twilight could hear her thoughts plain as day, their connection as strong and deep as the one Twilight shared with Spike. Focusing on that for a moment, she found that the other pony was healed, though her changes were deep.

Her body was denser, her skin now much harder and her body more built for combat than before. Twilight also knew instinctively that her bodyguard could extend long, bladed appendages from her forelegs if she felt like it. A scan of her own body told Twilight that she had not changed very much, the infested mare staying relatively the same, though she did feel a little tougher for some reason.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Spike pleaded. “I knew I should have taken her to the hospital.”

Looking around, Twilight realized she was in her old motel room, with Spike standing to her left, and Silver Bulwark nervously shuffling to her right. “Where is Cadance?” Twilight demanded.

Silver Bulwark winced and rubbed the back of her bony head. “We don't know. She was taken by that creature we saw earlier and hasn't been seen since.”

Spike nodded. “They sent hunters after her, but they lost it somewhere over the burning sea.”

Twilight frowned and sunk into the bed, the pony only now realizing just how badly she needed to use the washroom. “Help me up, please.”

Silver Bulwark leaned forward and assisted the pony as she crawled off the bed, Twilight standing on shaky hooves. After a moment of hesitation that nearly saw her topple to the ground, Twilight gathered her bearings and made a hasty trot towards the ensuite bathroom. After relieving herself and drinking a few gulps of water straight from the tap, she stumbled back into the bedroom, leaning heavily on the door jam.

“Status of the town?” Twilight asked, her features stern and stoney.

Spike and Silver looked at one another nervously. “Maybe you should lie down first before we start worrying about that?” Silver Bulwark offered.

Twilight grunted. “No time. If there are any more zerg holding out they are going to need me to track them down.”

Spike gestured to the bed. “At least lay down while I grab you something to eat.”

Twilight was about to argue only for her stomach to rumble audibly, reminding her that it had been empty for far too long. “Fine, but while you prepare the food, Silver Bulwark will fill me in on what's been happening while I was out,” Twilight concluded.

The mare nodded, and Spike quickly walked to the other side of the room and readied a hot plate. “Well as you might be able to tell, I’m alive,” Silver Bulwark began with a smirk.

“Though not without changes I see,” Twilight remarked, the infested mare awkwardly stumbling into the bed and sitting neatly back into the groove she had just gotten out of.

“Yeah well, it's better than dying, I’ll tell ya that much,” Silver Bulwark remarked with a shudder. “Boy was it close though, saw the light and everything.”

“How was it?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Weird,” Silver Bulwark muttered. “But hey, now I can see in the dark, my already hard head is even harder and I can do this.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow as Silver Bulwark lifted a forehoof and extended a nearly two foot long blade from her foreleg. “That sure is interesting. It looks a lot like the ultralisk’s natural weapons, only more… elegant for lack of a better word,” Twilight exclaimed, the pony a little shocked by the sight, even though she knew it was possible beforehand.

“Yeah,” Silver Bulwark agreed. “It's also really long, yet I can't even feel it when its retracted, and I hardly even notice it at all unless I focus on it.”

Twilight nodded, watching as the blade retracted into an unseen flap of skin just above the mare’s three-toed hoof. “I’m assuming Spike filled you in on what it means to be one of us.”

Silver Bulwark nodded. “Sure did and all in all this ain't so bad. Sure I mean having some young filly in my head isn't exactly how I thought I’d be spending my retirement, but hay, could be worse.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah, it certainly could be.” She sighed. “I’m glad you are okay, Silver. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you both.”

“Hey now, she isn't gone for sure, right?” Silver Bulwark offered, the mare placing a hoof on Twilight’s leg.

“No,” Twilight muttered sadly. “My tracking spell was based on isolating her life force and pointing me to it. Yet it completely failed before shattering. Meaning she's well and truly gone.”

Silver Bulwark’s frown deepened and she pounded a hoof into the bed. “Goddamn those arrogant pricks. When I get my hooves on them, I’ll skewer the bastards.”

“Well, I don't think they are out of the shadows yet,” Twilight cautioned. “Meaning we need to keep playing the game.”

The older mare sighed. “Since when did you get so patient?”

Twilight snorted. “Celestia has taught me much about how they operate and even with… all that's happened. I know the princess has a plan, and we should trust her.”

“Well said,” added Spike, who placed a small tray over Twilight’s lap before placing a bowl of soup on top. “It isn't much, but with Silver’s appearance we couldn't go far without causing a panic.”

“Right. I’ll have to craft an illusion before we go out again.” Twilight grabbed the spoon only to pause. “How long was I out for, exactly?”

“About two days,” Silver Bulwark announced.

Twilight frowned and looked down into her meal before reluctantly gulping down the first mouthful of the stuff, finding that it was a good mix of hearty vegetables. The food felt good in the pony’s dry mouth, and the deep yearning she felt in her stomach was also slowly being filled. Two days without food or water had done a number on her, but Twilight knew she had the strength to bounce back quickly.

“The train back to Canterlot is going to be leaving later today,” Spike warned. “We are going to have to figure out Silver Bulwark’s disguise quickly if we are going to have any hope of getting back to Canterlot before the new year.”

Twilight nodded and shoveled several more loads of soup into her mouth, the pony quickly gulping down her meal before setting the bowl aside. “Well at least we won't miss Hearth's Warming then, I guess,” Twilight remarked.

“Oh yeah, it's gonna be close though,” Silver Bulwark warned.

“No matter,” Twilight declared before pushing her way out of bed and standing tall. “Is everything packed and ready?”

Spike nodded. “When you are.”

“Please stand still for a moment, Bull. This may feel a little strange,” Twilight continued, turning to her guard, who remained motionless. “Now how are we going to do this?”

“You could give me back the flowing blonde mane of my youth.” Silver Bulwark fluttered her eyelashes at the other pony.

Who chuckled, only to stop and think about it. “Wait, did you even have a blonde mane at any point in your life?” Twilight asked.

Silver Bulwark smirked. “What do you think?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’m going to wrap your head in bandages and then use an illusion spell on your eye, spikes and feet. Don't let anyone see your blades, or the top of your head, for obvious reasons.”

With that being said the pony lit her horn, and quickly worked out the necessary formula to her improvised spell before casting it. Upon completion Silver Bulwark’s eyes were now an identical soft teal, and a visual inspection revealed that they, and the rest of the pony’s illusions were near perfect. Next she worked her own illusions before grabbing a small pile of bandages that Spike had at the ready and wrapping them around the guard’s head.

After that, she pulled her way out of bed and stood on steady hooves, her strength more or less returned to her at this point. “Alright, let’s go.”

Twilight’s frown deepened as she looked out over the devastation.

Homes had been reduced to rubble by fire or zerg attacks, and though the bodies had been cleaned up, a few blood splatters could still be seen here and there. What few ponies that walked the street seemed either haunted or carried a deep-seated rage in the pit of their bellies. A feeling that Twilight shared with them, though she kept her emotions buried deep inside of her at the moment.

Something that was oddly easy for the infested mare to do, as she found even the intense feeling of grief and loss to be strangely distant. Her analytical mind filled it away to deal with at a more opportune moment with all the ease of an emotionless automaton. That alone would normally make Twilight worry, but she was too relieved to really give that notion much consideration at the moment.

If the circumstances needed her to be cold, calculating, and detached, then so be it, Twilight thought to herself. After all, the world was no place for the weak, and she was many things, but never, ever weak.

The pony was pulled from her thoughts when she realized that a small cadre of militia ponies were staring at her and her group with a mix of awe and fear. Twilight recognized one of them from when she had brought down the first ultralisk, but the rest were fresh faces unmarred by conflict. Twilight didn't give them much mind though, as she had more important things to consider than the rumours that may be circulating about her.

Striding down the street, Twilight and her group turned down the main road only to stop when the true scale of the damage was visible. From this new vantage point they could see the majority of the town, as well as the train station which sat far below them. Everywhere they looked, ponies sprinted this way and that, some carrying supplies while others transported the wounded down to the base of the town.

Many, many buildings were destroyed, and had groups of earth ponies picking through the rubble, either in search of belongings or missing loved ones. Tents had been raised in nearly every empty space and Twilight noticed a particularly large group of them coming up on her right. As she neared it, the pony realized that it was likely an impromptu hospital, as ponies in white gowns moved this way and that, accompanied by many injured or dying ponies.

Twilight couldn't help but stop and stare at just how many ponies filled said tents, her gaze lingering on stretchers of wounded which were laid on the cold ground outside. For a moment Twilight felt the compulsion to help, to do something, but she knew there was little she could offer them. Her own healing magic was weak, and even if she had more parasites, she wasn't about to use them on some random pony.

“Over three hundred ponies have perished already, and thousands were injured,” Spike remarked sadly, the dragon stopping next to Twilight as they stared at the tent hospital.

The infested unicorn nodded slowly, before tearing her attention away from the tents. “We should go,” Twilight murmured.

“Hold on, someone’s coming,” Silver Bulwark interrupted, before pointing towards a stallion who was running at them, his eyes wide.

Twilight paused. “Hammer Smith?” she asked.

The stallion stumbled to a stop before the unicorn, his breathing harsh and ragged. “You remembered me. That's a surprise,” he exclaimed while panting.

Twilight pushed down the urge to blush and looked the male over, noting that although he sported over a dozen large, nasty bruises, he seemed relatively unharmed. “What do you need?” she demanded.

“Spike said you were leaving today, so I was hoping I could catch you. Someone wants to talk to you,” Hammer Smith announced with a small smile. “You are a hero by the way.”

Twilight snorted irritably. “Some hero I turned out to be.”

The male winced. “I’m sorry about Cadance. If it makes you feel any better, the commander promised to keep looking for her.”

“That's… nice of them,” Twilight admitted, before sighing. “Who wants to speak to me, exactly? I have a train to catch.”

“Through here,” he declared before turning and disappearing into one of the tents.

Twilight exchanged a glance with her companions before stepping forward, an unspoken command passing between them. Now alone, Twilight walked through the tent, noting that although the entire set up was very improvised, everything was clean and orderly at least. Rows of beds with cloth dividers lined both sides of the tent and at the far end she noticed Hammer Smith standing in the aisle, waiting for her.

Walking a little faster, Twilight began to ponder just who she was being led to, only to feel a familiar presence.

With a grin on her face Twilight turned the corner and shook her head. “Well, I’ll be damned. I was certain you had kicked the bucket,” remarked the infested mare.

The bandage-covered earth pony snickered. “Didn't you hear? I’m invincible,” she declared while raising a cast-clad limb.

Twilight smiled, her gaze lingering over the broken form of Steel Heart, the earth pony mare covered from nearly head to hoof in gauze, regular bandages and multiple casts. Beside her was an IV drip which had a clipboard hanging from it, though Twilight couldn't tell what it said from where she was standing.

“Though not as invincible as you,” added the stallion pointedly.

“I’ll say,” remarked Steel Heart. “You took quite the hit back there. I’m amazed you are not in a bed with a buncha doctors fussin’ over you every twenty minutes.”

Twilight shrugged. “I am pretty awesome. What can I say.”

The stallion chuckled. “It's good to see you are okay, Twilight. I know you probably won't be coming back this way anytime soon, but I just wanted to say that what you did the other day won't be forgotten anytime soon.”

“Hell no it ain't,” Steel Heart declared. “They are already calling you the Herald of Celestia. What with that pillar of flame coming out of nowhere and making everyone think the princess had arrived. Really gave everyone a kick in the pants and made ‘em fight harder thinkin’ she was here.”

Twilight blinked. “I think you are overstating my importance a little bit.”

Hammer Smith snorted. “If anything we are understating it. Noone could have taken down that big ugly zerg, nevermind give us the moral boost that came after we thought Celestia had come to save us.”

“You saved yourselves,” Twilight corrected.

“Only ‘cause we had a little help,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “But we ain't here to argue. I just wanted to thank ya for what you did before ya waved goodbye to our little town.”

“I doubt those namby pamby nobles would pin a medal on ya, but we would if we could,” added the stallion with a smile.

“Now that's going too far,” Twilight pointed out, a blush building at the edges of her cheeks.

Steel Heart scoffed. “Nonsense, why I wouldn't be surprised if next time you came out this way we do pin one on ya!”

Hammer Smith laughed. “I think she's blushing!”

Twilight grumbled and shot the earth ponies each a glare. “Well, if you are just going to tease me then I may never come back,” Twilight warned without any intention on following up said threat.

“What? And miss out on all this exciting country living?” Steel Heart asked.

Twilight shook her head. “It was nice to see you, Steel Heart.”

“It was good seeing you too, Twilight,” Steel Heart replied solemnly.

“Make sure those unicorns don't muck up the capital too much now,” added Hammer Smith.

“I won't,” exclaimed the infested mare before she turned and left, a smile on her face.

Walking back outside, Twilight was met with a smiling Silver Bulwark. “Well, that was sure nice of her,” exclaimed the guard.

“It was. It makes me wish I could stay out here and help them more,” Twilight replied sadly.

“I mean, can't we?” Spike asked hesitantly.

Twilight shook her head. “As nice as it would be, we can't leave everyone else behind.”

“But it wouldn't be hard to get grandpa to move here, and I bet Velvet wouldn't be hard to convince either,” Spike continued.

Sighing, Twilight placed a hoof on the dragon’s shoulder. “We can't, Spike. Even if my parents both moved, how would I continue my studies? Or help Celestia?”

Spike hung his head and frowned. “I guess. It's just… This place may be dangerous, but it's simple here, you know? Things make sense.”

“Having an enemy you can actually hit does feel pretty good,” Silver Bulwark added.

“You may change your mind after the great houses finally stop beating around the bush,” Twilight warned.

Silver Bulwark nodded knowingly. “True, though I sympathize with Spike. At least out here the difference between friend and enemy is a little more obvious.”

Twilight retracted her hoof and began to walk towards the train station, her companions falling in on either side of the infested pony. “I know what you mean, Spike, but don't worry. I have a feeling we’ll find our way back here at some point or another.”

“I guess,” Spike admitted. “I will miss their noodles though. They were great.”

“Augh, same,” Silver groaned. “I don't even understand how it can be so good. They can hardly grow anything yet it’s always fresh and always really good.”

Twilight shook her head and smiled. “I’m glad you two found something to bond over. Maybe when we get back I can ask Celestia if the kitchen could start making more of those raw men noodle dishes.”

“It’s ramen, and you really think so?” Spike corrected.

Twilight grinned. “I’m sure it wouldn't be that hard. Now come on. It's going to be a long train ride and I don't want to be late.”

Spike and Silver Bulwark both nodded, the two creatures following close behind Twilight as she trotted towards the station in the distance.

The train ride was indeed long, and rather boring, leaving Twilight with little to do but contemplate the most recent events. Guilt, anger, and bitterness took root in Twilight’s chest and it was only her companions’ presence and optimism that kept her from falling into a dark place. Cadance may be gone, Twilight thought to herself, but the infested mare could not rest, could not waste time wallowing in petty anger and grief.

After all, her sister’s killers were still at large, and Twilight was absolutely determined to see them dead at her hooves. Only then would she allow herself to break down and truly experience all the pain her death had wrought. To that end Twilight spent the majority of the time on the train contemplating how best to accomplish such a thing, though most of said plans were mere fantasizing and would help little.

Still, it made her feel at least a little better, that was until they got off the train and emerged into a brightly lit Canterlot street. Snow fell from what few puffy white clouds that loitered above the city, making Twilight remember that despite her brief vacation it was still winter. That wasn't what made her mood fall though, rather it was the papers she could see ponies walking around with that made her scowl in disgust.

Spike shook his head, and Silver frowned deeply, the guard hefting her backpack full of broken armor a little higher on her back in order to hide the disgusted face she made. Twilight was a little less tactful than that, and she growled audibly as she stomped in the direction of the castle. While she did this, she did her best to not look at the papers most unicorns read, but her gaze was inevitably drawn to their horrific headlines.

Princess of Love joins terrorist organization and dies after resisting lawful arrest, one newspaper read, while most others simply regurgitated the same headline with only minor changes. A cursory look into the mind of one reader confirmed Twilight’s assumption that the entire story was utter madness and made little real sense.

Stomping her way through the city, Twilight hoped her mentor had a plan to combat all this rampant disinformation. For if she didn't, Twilight wasn't sure if she would be able to stop herself from breaking a few choice heads.

Namely, whomever had written the original flimsy hit piece.

“Twilight, thank goodness you are back,” exclaimed the worried tone of Princess Celestia, who swooped in from behind the infested pony and picked her up by the barrel.

Twilight blinked, the pony shocked to suddenly find herself locked in a warm embrace just as she had neared the alicorn’s door. “Hello to you too, Princess.”

Celestia gave her student one last squeeze before depositing her back onto her own four hooves. “You have no idea how hard it was to not run off the second I heard what happened,” she proclaimed.

Twilight blinked, and looked up at the distraught alicorn, only now realizing how distressed she appeared to be. A casual observer would think nothing of Celestia’s appearance, as they would see only the same stalwart expression and cool exterior they always did, but Twilight was more adept than most. She had enough experience to see the small wrinkles visible on the mare’s brow, and the way her makeup was layered a little thicker than normal, hiding the dark rings that would have been visible under her eyes.

“I’m perfectly okay, as is Spike, and Silver Bulwark,” Twilight replied with a smile as she gestured to the pair.

Celestia’s frown deepened when her gaze fell over the bandaged and unarmored form of Twilight’s guard. “I wouldn't say that. It seems as though your personal guard is a little worse for wear.”

Silver Bulwark shrugged. “Eh, I’ve had worse.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to point out just how close the other pony had come to dying only a few days earlier. “It's a long story, and one I will tell as soon as we are in private.”

“I’m fine too though, thanks for asking,” Spike muttered.

“Of course I didn't forget about you,” Celestia replied, the alicorn scooping Spike up and giving the dragon a tight hug. “I didn't worry about you because I knew you were the responsible one.”

Spike smiled, and stuck out his tongue at his mother. “Hear that, Twilight? I’m the responsible one.”

The infested unicorn snorted. “The only thing you are responsible for is eating up half our budget at that noodle shop.”

“Well, sorry for enjoying the local cuisine and supporting an independent small business owner,” Spike replied, before sticking out his tongue.

Shaking her head, Twilight motioned towards the door near the end of the hall. “How about we continue this conversation somewhere more comfortable?”

“Of course,” Celestia replied. “And then I want to hear your personal account of all that occurred while you were on vacation.”

Twilight nodded. “I won’t leave out a thing, Your Majesty.”

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