• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,580 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Faith & Shadows (Edited)

Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun; 6:00pm

After High Paladin Shining Might returned with his forces, he stormed into his office and for the last few hours the only noise inside was the shattering of wood and glass. His lieutenants, Paladins Swift Slice and Pristine were sent immediately to the medical ward; Pristine was currently stepping out of her medical room, limping through the empty halls of the medical ward of the Grand Cathedral.

The Grand Cathedral was stationed just some distance near Canterlot Castle, having been built at the western side of the mountain, the building itself being almost twice the size of Canterlot Castle, maybe more. Pristine had some glances by the paladins and knights that weren’t present during the Ponyville operation, many giving curious looks while others sneered at her failure… what they didn’t know is what she failed at.

Pristine was simmering from the inside, wanting any chance to take her vengeance against that stallion who dare dishonored and humiliated her. Once I get my chance, I’ll wipe out him and that worthless town.

Not paying attention to where she was trotting, she bumped into somepony… somepony big, looking up with a glare it weakened after staring up at Paladin Stone Ridge, a massive stallion who wielded a giant war-hammer and a scar over his right eye. On his back was a small unicorn mare, his partner, Sister Twinkle, a silly grin plastered on her face.

“Heya Prissy, what ya doing?” asked Twinkle. Ridge grunted with one eye looking down at Pristine and the various cuts cress-crossed over her body, but he seemed to be focusing on the wound over her eye.

“...What happened?”

This surprised Pristine having the stoic silent Ridge speak, especially about what happened to her; many of the paladins wouldn’t give a damn of what happened to another fellow paladin, especially if they failed their objective for their glorious sun. Standing back up, she ignored Twinkle and focused on Ridge, putting together her thoughts before speaking.

“We were sent with High Paladin Might, to search for any evidence of corruption within a small town called Ponyville. The second we began our mission… we were attacked,” said Pristine. Ridge began paying close attention at the mention of an attack, but continued to let Pristine speak. “One of our groups encountered a local that took down every member of that squad, it took all forty knights and even myself to fight against him… and this was before he gotten his hooves on a weapon. Suddenly this wave of energy swept toward all my knights and as I fought with him one-on-one… I was struck down immediately, in a blink of an eye, I found myself coated in various cuts and wounds…”

Ridge looked down at Pristine before snorting and moving forward. “I see… is there plans of a retaliation?”

“No, but it might have to do with the princess coming to see us soon.”

Ridge paused and turned around to face Pristine. “Which one?”

“The solar one, her highness came to Ponyville and reprimanded us for disturbing the peace… High Paladin Might is having a fit in his office, if you were to go there now...”

“Hmmmm… now why would she go to such a place like that?”

“Oh oh, I bet it has to do with her student living there now!” Both paladins looked at the hyperactive Twinkle as she continued to speak. “Don’t you hear the news, Twilight Sparkle – Princess Celestia’s student – is living in Ponyville, so it wouldn’t surprise me if her student called her down about the mess you guys were causing.”


“Are you referring to her highness or our organization?” asked Twinkle, cheekily. Pristine sputtered at that and looked away in shame, before glaring back angrily.

“We do what we must...”

Ridge watched the two before another figure stepped forward, turning around the corner was Paladin Swift Slice and he seemed… less agitated than Pristine even though his injuries were far worse. He had a cast around his neck from having his head twisted in the wrong direction, but as he approached the trio, he went up to Pristine suddenly. “Paladin Pristine… High Paladin Might wants to see you...”

The sudden sensation of terror fell upon Pristine, but she bottled it up as she slowly made her way to the High Paladin’s office without question. As she left, Swift watched her leave before facing the other two with an emotionless look. “So, what did Might wanted her for?”

“None of your concern sister… though I also have news for you two; all paladins and priestesses are to meet in the armory in two hours… It appears that High Priest Grail wishes to tell us something… of importance.”

“Even the ones who’re injured and still away?”

“Them too, all current operations are being canceled or postponed for later; I will meet you two there shortly… and… don’t tell anypony about Pristine’s future whereabouts from now on… to us… she is a nopony.” With that said, Swift Slice left, leaving the stoic stallion and jumpy small mare to their devices.

“...Well that was creepy… Alright Ridgy let’s go get some grub! Imma hungry!” Nodding, Ridge made his way to the cafeteria, forgetting about his earlier conversation with Pristine – orders or not, Pristine was dead to him now.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 6:45pm

Princess Celestia and Luna made their way through Canterlot Castle, as they were preparing to confront the High Priest of the Holy Sun, even though bringing Luna wouldn’t help, it was best she finally met the leaders of the Holy Sun. With them was a contingency of twenty Royal Guard and ten Lunar Guard. Leading them was Captain Shining Armor of the Canterlot branch of the Royal Guard and beside him was also Captain Lun of the Canterlot branch of the Lunar Guard.

“Princess, what exactly are we going to the Holy Sun’s base for, I heard about the commotion in Ponyville from some of the other guards but not much details… Did something happen to Twilight?” asked Shining.

“Do not fret Captain Armor, your sister is safe but we still must speak to the High Priest about keeping better control of his knights,” said Luna.

“Of course your highness.”

As they continued trotting down the halls, they finally reached the main gates that led outside to Canterlot Castle. After some moments of making their way to the Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, they found themselves before the massive pillars and doors to the Holy Sun’s base. Standing guard were several knights who were wide-eyed at seeing their goddess standing before them, only one of the knights managed to shake out of their stupor to respond.

“Your grace, what brings you here to our domain.”

“I wish to speak to your high priest… he has a few things he must answer for,” said Celestia. The knights looked at one another, before the one that spoke signaled one of the knights to get the high priest.

“He will come shortly, but you mustn’t wait out here, please come inside and we’ll get you something to drink your grace.” At that moment, the giant gates of the Grand Cathedral opened to let Celestia’s entourage to enter, but as Luna followed behind, many of the knights gave her hidden glares, even toward the Lunar Guard too.

I see after centuries after my banishment, they still hold that hateful doctrine of theirs toward myself and my Lunar Guard… arrogant fools.

Once inside they waited in a giant indoor courtyard with a fountain in the middle and several benches and gardens with various paths beside them. “How long shall we wait for High Priest Grail?” asked Celestia.

“He will come in a moments notice your grace, so please wait while I get somepony to go prepare some tea and snacks for you.” Leaving, both princesses and their guards were alone in the courtyard, awaiting for the arrival of the high priest.

“At least they didn’t make a commotion about Princess Luna or my guard,” said Lun.

“Their silence speaks volumes about what has occurred in Ponyville… they know something happened and that we’re here to right their wrongs,” said Luna. “Keep a keen sight of your surroundings, for we entered a dragon’s den.”

Grand Cathedral, Outside Shining Might’s Office; 7:00pm

Pristine was standing before Might’s office, with only one clear thought in her head that screamed trouble. What could Might want, I know that failure isn’t an option but Swift himself wasn’t exactly useful as instead of assisting me, he told me to go and find the disturbance while he went to find the High Paladin. I may have been in service to the Church for four years and been a paladin for only half of those years, but I deserve as much respect as he does, I’m no simple knight or squire.

Calming down before she entered the office, she knocked her hoof against the door and awaited permission to enter. “You may enter,” said Might, his voice muffled from the door. Entering the room, when Pristine entered inside she expected Shining Might, but what she didn’t expect was High Priest Grail standing beside Might in his office.

“Hi-High Priest Grail! What are you doing here my liege?!”

“Do not mine me paladin, I was simply here to speak to Might about some things.”

Even though it made sense that the high priest would speak to Might… she felt that there was another reason he was here. She couldn’t think quickly enough before her thought process was interrupted by Might’s voice.

“I did not call you to ask questions, now Paladin Pristine… I wish to speak to you about the Ponyville operation.”

Pristine gulped before she stood rigid to listen to Might’s recalling of that operation. “As you must know, we – the Church of the Holy Sun – do not accept failure… sadly that could not be stopped during what has occurred recently. After some thought it was decided that the blame had to be directed to somepony.” Pristine listened and knew that Might was thinking of that damn of a stallion in Ponyville and awaited for the order to have him captured and tortured within the Church’s dungeons.

...Is what she thought.

“Which is why… you are being discharged; Paladin Pristine, you are hereby banished from the Church of the Holy Sun and all its assets. Return your armor and equipment to the armory, take all your belongings and leave the premises.”

Pristine still showed her rigid stance, but it slowly faltered as she couldn’t believe the words coming from Shining Might. She was to be exiled from the Church and to take the blame for an operation that wasn’t hers, while her record was flawless and yes she did nothing worthwhile for the Church, to imagine her to be used as a scapegoat of all things was inexcusable.

Unable to respond to what’s happening, Might stood there gazing at Pristine with an indifferent look while Grail didn’t show any interest whatsoever. With her head downcast with a look of utter defeat, she nodded in understanding and slowly left, trying her best to hide the tears streaming down her face.

As she left, Might watched her leave before a disgruntled sigh came from him. “I did not see why you had me exile one of my best paladins,” said Might. “While the blame could have been placed on the knights or that damn stallion.”

“We both know that blaming our subordinates wouldn’t made a difference and that Pristine herself was the only choice to make perfect face. Once reporters come, tell them that the Ponyville operation was made by her and for her incompetence, acted irrationally.”

“We both know that operation was under my direct command… but nevertheless, what is done is done. Now then, I believe you have a certain goddess to meet...”

Grail noticed the bitterness in his voice, asking him why he was like this. “What is the matter Might, for somepony to be faithful to our objective and her holiness, I thought you be giddy meeting her?”

“…I’d rather not be near her and face her wrath again after Ponyville… I like to repent alone in my office a little longer before having to face her after this shame...”

Nodding in understanding, Grail exited the office, now leaving Might alone in the office. That stallion… he will burn in Tartarus for this dishonor.

After Grail left, he arrived at the indoor courtyard and met Princess Celestia and Luna, who were with their respective guards. The princesses spotted the high priest, approaching him with their regal stances; both groups bowed to one another before speaking. “Welcome my holiness and guests to our home, I’d humbly ask why you grace us with your presence, but I believe I already know,” said Grail.

“Indeed, it appears that Shining Might has caused another ruckus, but he has gone too far this time. Attacking citizens without provocation and nearly harming one of the Elements of Harmony, there is no big enough punishment to give to him that I’d consider within my power… but I think a simple warning, compensation to pay for repairs in Ponyville and to its citizens as well as some further surveillance of the Church will be happening from now on. I decree that all operations outside of Canterlot involving the Holy Sun are canceled, whether it be simple trade deals or militaristic operations… so I suggest you recall all of your paladins, knights and workers back here from now on until further notice.”

Accepting these terms, High Priest Grail bowed but before he would let Celestia continue speaking he spoke first. “I accept these terms but there is something else I’d like to know of this… ‘obstacle’ that somehow fended off nearly forty knights by himself with little assistance. I heard from the reports that he single-hoofedly defeated all the knights sent to Ponyville, as well as the two paladins that came with Shining Might and best him himself without any problems. While it is not best to judge, but I’d think you would of done something about that… predicament.”

While Celestia did not wish to speak about Eclipse, Grail had a point that he should know of the one responsible for beating his knights to submission at the very least. “...He is a stallion that recently moved to Ponyville, apparently having come from outside of Equestria. He is technically only a recent addition to Equestria’s ever-expanding populace… he goes by the name of Eclipse Light, but that is as far as I will tell or explain to you.”

“I see...” Eclipse Light… what an ironic name, one who has the word ‘Light’ in his name, but the word ‘Eclipse’ – that which covers our glorious sun or bathes the moon in blood red… truly a name of a very interesting pony. “Thank you for gifting me with this information, I will immediately send messages to all our current operations to return to the Grand Cathedral.”

“If that is all, we shall leave,” said Luna.

Watching both princesses exit his sight, they went back to Canterlot Castle, but as they left a random priest approached the High Priest, whispering in his ear even though the two royalties have left already. “High Priest Grail, there is a problem over by our knights at Manehattan. We haven’t received any reports from them the last two days… if all of our forces do not return as her radiance has requested...”

“Do not fret… there are certain… ‘operations’ which her highness does not know exist, the ones that are public knowledge will cease and return, but the remaining few will continue as they were ordered whilst hiding their presence. As for the knights in Manehattan, send a small contingency of priests with a knight or two. Her majesty said no more militaristic operations, so tell her or her guards that the priests are simply there to retrieve something that the Church has left in Manehattan.”

“I... I’ll see to what will be down high priest… there is also the issue with Pala- I mean… with the exiled, Pristine?”

“Has she not been told to leave yet?”

“No, she has… I was wondering if we should keep a close eye on her, even though she has only been here for four years she knows some secrets about the Church… would it not be best to execute her?”

“No… but do keep an eye on her, her usefulness is best with her alive than dead… She may not know it but...”

Her time to redeem herself will come, but for now it is best we have her not have any connections with us from now on. I have plans that will change this nation and soon… the world.

Across the vast sea of nothing – The Void; Time: Non-existent

Absolute nothing wasn’t a good enough description to describe what the Void was; it was a place between the folds of worlds, a path across multiple realms, a sea full of endless possibilities and chances. From multiverse to multiverse it stretches far and wide like the ever expanding vastness of progress, it held secrets that were both unknown and ancient to many.

It was also home to entities of shadow and void-energy, these floating clouds of pure black were known as Shadowlings… their origin is as shrouded as their name. They wander from realm to realm, residing within the darkness but never revealing themselves to the inhabitants of the realms they wander into.

The Void was a dangerous place to any average dweller as those who dare venture beyond the barriers of their world will end with their very lives to forfeit. Only rare chosen have the chance or power to cross to mysterious plane and even then it would be tasking on the mind to make it through without a proper guide.

It was here… did ‘he’ called it home and it was here did ‘he’ have business with someone.

Opening his eyes, Eclipse gaze wandered throughout the ever vast black emptiness of the Void, below him was no surface yet he felt ground. Above was the same with no sky or clouds, no stars or celestial bodies to gaze upon… emptiness reigned supreme here and it forever would. The only details was the darkness, an eerie shadowy fog that wished to consume you and the echoing of its hidden denizens.

In the distance, the desolate destroyed remains of various structures and objects could be seen scattered like pebbles on a road. With his evaluation of his surroundings done, he continued further on the invisible path he stood upon, heading to an unknown destination.

A place like this would make any mortal shake in fear and terror… though Eclipse seemed to be preoccupied on his own thoughts. The Void… it has been… years? Decades? I lost count ever since that incident, but still though it is good to be back. I wonder how the ‘rest’ are doing…

So busy with his thoughts, did he not notice something glimmering in the distance that was getting closer and closer to him.

Well, almost.

Tilting his head to the side did he dodge the object before a massive explosion was detonated behind him. Not even looking back at the explosion, he dodged several more objects flying toward him with ease. Embedded below him were several serrated throwing knives, with a purple glow coming from the blades.

“Well shite, I thought I’d get you with those, welp time for plan B.” Looking up, Eclispe spotted just inches close to him was a figure that was going for a drop kick right at him. Time slowed and with a step to the side, Eclipse reached forward and grabbed the figure’s leg and tossed him behind Eclipse. The figure was sent flying before he did a roll and skid to a stop behind Eclipse.

Both Eclipse and his assailant stood some distance away from each other, facing the other direction, they stood like this until both vanished. A loud boom was sounded as several sparks and flashes appeared across the previously dark and silent space, now littered with flickering lights and the sounds of various attacks being flung at the two fighters.

Soon the battle ended with both Eclipse and his opponent facing one another, surrounded by broken pieces of black stone before said black stone reformed and vanished, repairing the damaged ground from their duel. They gazed at one another before they stood slack once more with Eclipse calmly returning to his four-legged stance, with the other figure slouching forward… before bending backward with his head facing upward and one of his hands slapping against his forehead.

“GAHWHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! THE FUCK IS WITH THAT LOOK OF YOURS!?” Eclipse wasn’t bothered by the sudden expletives from this being, as he was one of his subordinates.

“You know why I am like this, now what are you doing here Poison and where are the others?” asked Eclipse, calmly.

The figure that stood before Eclipse was one of his commanders; known to all – or at the very least by those that know the existence of the Void and other realms – as one of the four members of the Four Horseman of the Forgotten Elements; Poison of Famine.

He was crude, crazy, reckless… and somewhat of a complete ass… but he did his job and that was most important in the eyes of his peers. He handled things with a less subtle touch, but what he lacked in subtlety or required a certain level of patience, he was best handled with situations that required… mass-execution. He wasn’t called Famine for nothing though, wherever he went all were effected by the slow approaching sensation of disease and he was indeed one with the cruelest sense of humor.

He often let his opponents left breathing, before letting them live within bare inches of their lives as they were slowly killed by his aura of venom that would kill you in moments. He wore a very strange outfit, a mix of a black suit with silver stripes that made a cress-cross pattern, gray pants with black military boots and a purple tie that fit with his suit, he even sported a green fedora too; his face though was scarred with one of his eyes non-functional while various smaller scars were spread out like a canvas.

His dark green eye gave off a sense of danger and a promise of a painful and slow death… he wasn’t some mere being… he was an animal loose from it’s cage. An animal with intelligence, as he wasn’t some moron which made him much more deadly. He equipped himself with various knives under his coat, but on his back was a weapon wrapped in some sort of filthy brown rags, the only signs of the weapon was some sort of handle wrapped in coal-black wrappings.

His main weapons however was what was wrapped in his hands, a pair of black-spiked fisticuffs which had the symbol of a jade skull surrounded within a silver gear.

Poison was reckless indeed, so much so that he would attack the one he serves… though I believe he does so because he just wants to see his master fight and want him to show off his true power to be unleashed – he loves fighting strong opponents, whether they be ally or foe.

“They’re coming, though I think they’ll probably wait for you the rest of the way… by the way, where’s the bloody pipsqueak? Thought I felt two enter the Void, but only found you here.”

“Luella is… occupied with something else, I told her to find ‘him’.”

“Ah, the new guy… right right, welp let’s get going, you are the big man after all… Or should I call you big pony?” Even though Eclipse didn’t laugh he simply continued his way down the path. “Oh come on, at least give me a response… I bet Soul would laugh.”

As the two made their way further down the path of nothing, they soon came upon something different. Amongst the vast bleak darkness was a simple object, it was very out of place for a place that was to be complete nothingness. Stood in the darkness, surrounded in a strange white glow was a wooden door with a bronze-colored door handle.

Reaching for the door, Eclipse opened it and entering inside, followed by Poison, the door closing by itself with a click. Now inside, Eclipse found himself in another place within the same darkness, but this time there was natural light within the space. Looking up was a sky lit with a sun, but instead of a normal light, it was the color of an ebony-like blue, spouting dark blue flames; the land was shrouded in a blue tint with endless grassy plains as far as the eye could see.

On a dirt path led to an obsidian table with ten seats made of the same obsidian stone, one of the seats was shattered leaving a pile of black stone. Standing around the table were four other figures, each of the figures wore different outfits than Poison but as they spotted Eclipse approach, they all knelt down and bowed before Eclipse.

“Our liege has returned, it has been too long since your absence. When we heard that you were in battle we would of immediately assisted you… but you made the choice to fight alone, so when we heard your sudden disappearance...”

The figure that spoke stood up before gazing at Eclipse with the same look as Eclipse – a bland bored calm gaze. “But it is fortuitous you have made it safely from your battle, when we got word that you were safe in some unknown realm we were ready to send forces to bring you safely back… but...”

Eclipse seemed to raise his hoof, bringing silence to the speaker once more, after he silenced everyone he continued to speak. “At the time of my disappearance, the damage done to me was severe but not permanent. To be certain my enemies didn’t find me I had to disappear – both from others and myself – which was why I purposely vanished in the deepest depths of the Void into the realm I was currently residing in… but my recovery is still necessary.”

The others listened intently, especially one that stood to the left of the table. “Well my lord, might I ask what you plan exactly?”

“...I have plans for the coming future, but that time isn’t now so I must keep my presence unknown to other forces… I’m thinking of taking a sabbatical for now.”

This brought varying reactions but the biggest was probably coming from Poison who laughed. “HA! You, taking a break? That’s fucking A-class hilarious! Ahhhh I thought today be boring and back to business but this, ohhhh I gotta see how this will end!” shouted Poison. He was shortly silenced when the one who was previously speaking gazed at him, the message clear in his eyes. Poison ignored the death glare but continued speaking. “Okay but seriously, what exactly is the problem, how come you ain’t back to your usual self?”

“The problem is worse than you think, my powers haven’t changed… but it’s less that and more of my physical form… or rather my old one… It Is still damaged from the battle and it could take years possibly centuries for it to return back to its previous state… But I found something interesting about the realm I found myself in, the natural aura energy is much more purer in other realms I know of. What would of taken centuries would be just shortened to a few years, which is why I am taking a short break in this realm in order to return to my full power-”

“How bad is it?”

Everyone, even Eclipse looked at the one who spoke, a figure in a black robe and cloak that stood to the left of the table. “Your physical form… how bad is it?”

Silence continued to reign, but instead of simply answering, he showed it; slowly he was shrouded in black flames before a figure shrouded in black fire and shadows seemed to shimmer before them, but what was noticeable was the large white slash across the mid-section. It leaked of energy and seemed to be a scar across the black fiery entity, but soon the figure vanished replaced by Eclipse Light once more.

“That was the result of a void-weapon… But with that finally explained, I’d like to explain a few things while I am presently absent. You all will be in charge of the various realms to watch over and oversee, report anything that needs my attention… and also, the Void Legion will be led by our newest member.”

All those present nodded, so with business concluded Eclipse made his way to leave but before he did, the one who asked about what sort of plans he had, asked another question. “Also, another thing my lord but… how exactly do you fight in that new body of yours?”

“...It is… interesting to pretend to be mortal around others… it has been too long since I’ve lived among them… too long...” With that, he soon exited through the same door he came from, returning to the vast emptiness of the Void.

Now with their master gone, they looked at the one who was in command when he wasn’t here. “So… now what the hell do we do? Boss is going to take a break while we’re busy handling the paperwork,” said Poison.

“What part of paperwork are you thinking that involves the kind of work our lord does? I swear you get more absurd each passing day.”

“Oh shut your gob you bloody tin-can.”

“Call me that again and I’ll slit your throat with your own hands.”

“Try it, I dare ya to see my thoughts.”

Poison glared at the one who spoke before the two returned to their devices. After the meeting was now concluded, all five individuals soon left one by one through black swirling vortexes, leading them to their previous destinations.

Soon the obsidian table was left bare and alone, the only thing to be heard was the calming wind, being blown through the grass with a gentle breeze.

Somewhere else – ???

A feminine figure moved through the metal hallways, the echoing of her footsteps was the only sound to be heard. She was unfamiliar with this place, but she had come to see the one who made this… thing. Entering another room, she found herself on a black wide empty surface, the metal highway reached as far as a city, maybe farther even.

Standing in the middle of the metal surface was a lone armored figure, his ethereal cape blowing from an unseen wind. Approaching him, she stood before him from his side, he was gazing upward at the starlit sky; unbothered by the fact he stood in space with zero oxygen nearby… though the fact he wore a suit was possibly why he could breath… or was it.

“So… you’re the one that the master has found to be our newest member.” The figure didn’t speak, continuing to gaze upward at the various stars with an unflinching gaze. “Well I came to tell you that your first mission is to oversee our forces and continue your current position. He also wanted me to notify you that from now on that you take orders from his second-in-command. If you have any questions, simply ask me with this.”

The girl handed him a black crystal, glowing a black light; the armored entity faced her with red-piercing eyes, before reaching down and grasping the crystal with clawed gauntlets. After grabbing it, the crystal vanished into pixels of data, before the figure continued to gaze at the starlit skies of infinite space.

With her job done, the girl turned around and continued to walk away and vanishing into a swirling black vortex. The armored figure stood resolute, now alone, his gaze unblinking toward the stars; he stood there with a cold gaze, unfeeling and emotionless. He wielded an interesting weapon, a double-handed katana that was as long as it’s wielder.

He slowly turned, returning through two metal doors that slid to the sides before closing, pressurizing as they prepared to leave from a single command from the artificial intelligence manning the vessel. A loud hum could be heard, before the metal surface was revealed to be a landing platform of a giant structure the size of a country. It was lined with turrets equipped with weaponry beyond understanding, engines capable of exerting power and energy enough to melt away stone.

A giant cannon was placed on top, capable of firing its payload with deadly efficiency while several larger turrets that fired rounds accelerated similarly like gauss rifles. The giant spaceship was similar in design like a battle cruiser but with varying differences, it hummed in empty space before a loud noise was heard as the ship was preparing to warp toward it’s next destination. Within moments the ship floated there in space mightily before vanishing another second, leaving behind empty space as the shock-wave spread forth from the now vanished floating fortress of a ship.

The armored entity sat in a command chair, gazing at the coordinates he was to go to next, his red gaze staring at where he was heading to next. “...I enforce and protect the Void and serve the Maker, that this realm and all realms will be shrouded in my ebony grip. This, I swear...”

Soon the giant vessel reappeared, suddenly exiting void-travel in front of several unknown vessels, apparently appearing in a middle of a battle. Communication chatter appeared on his screen of various unknown languages, understanding the voices as clear as ice… all of them demanded who he was and for him to surrender… He didn’t come for peace… he came for war.

With a slight raise of his armored gauntlet, he tapped a single button… the sound of energy blasts, high velocity rounds and a giant void cannon firing was heard… as well as the screams of the dying. The armored entity sat there watching the mass eradication of possibly thousands… uncaring, unfeeling… He had no soul for he was just suit of armor, with one directive in mind.

“Protect the Void – defend order in the multiverse. Death to all… and be wiped from existence.” The distant explosion of the other space vessels became farther and farther as he gazed coldly, watching the number of deaths as numbers. The attack was less of an attack and more of as pest control, but it might as well have been… beings who try to defy and reach further than they think… only to be put back to their place.

All that remained was the wrecks of floating dead vessels, the thousands of bodies that littered space. The behemoth of the ebony vessel stood there like an unwavering titan, ready to proceed to it’s next destination – it’s next target of annihilation. With the engines flaring to light, they grew louder and louder, before a soundless boom echoed… and vanished, returning to the Void to hunt once more.

Author's Note:

MY LORD... did I had fun writing this chapter, mostly because I was revealing a lot of characters and future plot-twists. To be honest, I wasn't certain if I should of revealed these characters so soon, but the heck with, I was starting fresh and with a new blank canvas for story ideas, but as well go for the unorthodox route.

So Grail has secret plans, Pristine and Might got grudges with a certain ebony stallion while something is going on in Manehattan. Other-worldly forces are in a move and it appears a new player has entered the board in this vast game of strange powers... and out of all of this...

Where the heck was Luella, and what was she doing?

(Still waiting for suggestions on names or bios for the Ponyville Guard; only need two earth ponies, one pegsus, one unicorn and three thestrals left.)

Thoughts: Pristine
Shining Might
Eclipse Light

Narration/Dialogue: Grail