• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,562 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Righteous Fury (Edited)

The next day – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 10:30am

After repairs were done at Ponyville from yesterday’s incident with the rampaging Ursa Minor, everything returned back to normal as a relative calmness came back to the town and the townsfolk. Twilight was enjoying a cup of tea while reading a book, Spike was busy playing a game of checkers with Trixie; the showmare decided to stay in Ponyville and live at Twilight’s, the main reason she was staying was due to her carriage having been smashed by the Ursa during its rampage. Right now she decided to do some simple odd jobs and show some of her illusions and tricks to anypony willing to watch, the town also slowly gotten used to the mare and while some find her personality… a little difficult to handle, they were alright with her living in Ponyville.

It was Trixie’s turn to move her piece as she was black while Spike was red, the winner being Trixie so far. “Hmmmm, how about… this,” said Trixie. Moving one of the black pieces, which took down another of Spike’s checker pieces, leaving him with one and her with four… four that were on a particular pattern.

Seeing this, Spike grinned and made his move, taking out all four of Trixie’s checker pieces. “And, I win,” said Spike, triumphantly.

Trixie was shocked at having been easily defeated by Spike, Twilight had taken a glance at their game and chuckled at Spike’s victorious grin. “Tha-that’s impossible, you must had cheated!”

“What no I didn’t, you should have been paying attention to your own pieces then!?”

The two began to bicker back at one another, when they heard some noise outside; it sounded like a bunch of ponies marching through the town in a synchronized motion, when realizing that to Twilight’s memory that she’s only ever heard this once in her life back at Canterlot. “No… no no no, what are they doing here!?” shouted Twilight.

“Twilight?” asked both Spike and Trixie. The lavender unicorn didn’t answer and instead dropped her book and ran outside and what she saw confirmed her suspicions. Marching through Ponyville from the train station was at least forty-eight armored ponies with three ponies leading the march. One of the three ponies at the head of the group shouted an order to halt which resulted all the ponies to stop.

“Attention!” At that signal, all the ponies faced directly Twilight’s library flawlessly, the three ponies in the lead trotted up to Twilight, when Trixie and Spike finally came out to find out what was happening, but were as equally shocked. While Twilight didn’t recognize the two that followed the lead pony, she definitely knew who the pony leading these ponies was.

“Shining Might,” said Twilight, with disdain.

“Ah, her holiness’ student, it is an honor to meet you Twilight Sparkle, I did not know you were living here now and if I did, I’d properly bring my personal honor guard, but sadly we aren’t here on personal visits,” said Might, grinning.

“What are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Of course of course, with you being the recently new Element bearer of Magic, it must be strange to find members of the Church of the Holy Sun here. You see, I have heard news of the recent rampage of an Ursa Minor and as my duty to defend Equestria and its citizens from such vile creatures, I’d thought I come to make certain the beast was dealt with.”

“There’s no need, the creature has returned back to the Everfree Forest and the only reason it came to Ponyville was because two colts agitated the creature.”

“While I’m certain what you say is the truth, but I must make it certain that no future threats like that happen again,” said Might. Might faced the pony to his left who did the church’s signature salute, placing their right forehoof onto their chest while gazing at the sky. “Paladin Swift Slice, I want you and Paladin Pristine to split the forty-eight knights into squads of eight knights, with both of you commanding three squads each. Have them scour this town and the surrounding area near the Everfree, find any clues of possible threats to Equestria and the royalty.”

“Yes High Paladin Might, sir!” shouted Swift, facing the knights. “You heard him, I want squads of eight knights to cover this settlement and find signs of dangerous objects or creatures, pronto!”

And like that, the once detailed and organized ponies began splitting up into six groups, each group having eight ponies with the two paladins monitoring the squads. Twilight gazed at Might who smiled back, which she returned an angry gaze. “You can’t do this, you may say you’re doing this for Equestria, but your just doing this for your own sick reasons! Once I report this to Princess Celestia of what you are doing-”

“That is, if we are doing anything wrong, which we are not, a creature from the Everfree Forest wanders into this town and the only proof you have is from two foals… you really think that’s enough to convince me that it was just an accident? For all we know, that beast could have been forced or ordered to attack here, so unless I find evidence of otherwise or find clues of manipulation on that creature… you can’t tell us to evict the premises.” Even though Might was still smiling at Twilight, she knew behind that smile was a merciless stallion who would do anything for his own goals. “Well, I must take my leave Twilight Sparkle, it was nice meeting you for the first time and I hope to be seeing you at the gala.”

With that Shining Might left Twilight and was soon followed by the two paladins who flanked his sides; watching him leave and go to a corner around town, Twilight quickly faced Spike with a serious look. “Spike, write a letter to the princess about what’s happening here, I need to tell the girls what’s going on. For now stay inside until you get a response message from her, alright?”

Spike nodded, heading back inside with Trixie following him, the door to the library closing. Twilight faced the direction of town where most of her friends would be, heading first to Sugarcube Corner.

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:45am

Since it was a weekend right now, Eclipse wasn’t going to open his shop today and instead went back to his training with the dummy; Fluttershy was there and had invited Rarity for a little picnic, the two mares watching Eclipse train vigilantly.

Eclipse right now was doing some practiced movements and strikes, nothing over the top, but looked impressive from those watching. It was during his training when an audible pop was heard and Twilight and the other girls appeared in front of Eclipse’s home; now gaining the attention of Eclipse and the girls, he put his sword away into a scabbard that was left leaning by the wall of the storage building.

“Twilight dear, what’s wrong?” asked Rarity.

“We need to get to Ponyville!” said Twilight.

“Some good for nothing stallion and his cronies are causin some trouble back in town, using the excuse of that Ursa to go and snoop around! They’re going into ponies’ homes and shuffling through their personal belongings!”

“Yeah, so we’re going to go there and beat the ever loving snot out of them!” Rainbow pumped her hoof up, joined by Pinkie who pulled out an armed and ready party cannon. Fluttershy though didn’t think it was a smart idea to retaliate back, which of course Rarity and Twilight agreed with her, though while she didn’t say she disagreed, it was clear on her worried look.

“We shouldn’t get ourselves in trouble, but we should make sure everypony else is fine. I sent a letter to Princess Celestia to come here and do something to stop them,” said Twilight.

“Can’t we… ask them to stop and leave?” Twilight approached Fluttershy, placing a hoof on her withers, giving the shy mare a shake of her head.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, but the pony leading these ponies isn’t somepony that can be persuaded with words.”

“Then how about I try talking to this pony?” Everypony looked at Eclipse, who had his sword sheathed in his scabbard, before hoofing the sheathed sword to Fluttershy; the butterscotch mare held onto the weapon, watching Eclipse heading to town. “I want to see what kind of pony this… What’s his name by the way?”

“He’s called High Paladin Shining Might, one of the leaders of the Church of the Holy Sun, he’s responsible with monster hunts, cultist activity, and anything that can be considered a threat to Equestria and Princess Celestia. They’ve been around as long as Celestia began ruling Equestria, but only became ‘official’ five centuries ago. I don’t know much about them other than that he is the one that most of the public see, so their reputation isn’t that great.”

Eclipse nodded in thanks before heading to town. “Thank you Twilight, I’ll be seeing you girls later… its time I get to meet this High Paladin,” said Eclipse. Due to facing away from the girls, they didn’t see Eclipse’s visage shift to one of neutral expression, then to a calm determination.

After sending the letter to Princess Celestia, Spike and Trixie decided to try and make sure everypony was alright, but soon came to a problem. As they were helping ponies, a squad of armored ponies, wearing white steel with gold, each wielding various weapons and crossbows; the squad of eight ponies saw Spike and things escalated quickly.

“DRAGON, CATCH IT!” Immediately Spike’s eyes widened and before he knew it, one of the ponies wielded a crossbow and fired a modified bolt which released a net, trapping not just Spike but Trixie and the ponies they were trying to help.

“Hey, what gives!” shouted Spike.

“Get Trixie out of here, or Trixie will-”

“Shut it! You, send a message to Paladin Swift, tell him we found a young dragon here and he was conspiring with some of the townsfolk!”

“What!?” Spike was completely gobsmacked, did these guys had any idea who he was and while they weren’t directly under Princess Celestia’s commands, they should at least know who he is. “I’m Twilight Sparkle’s assistant, Spike, if you don’t get me out, she and Princess Celestia will get real upset!”

At the mention of the princess, the ponies glared at Spike, one of them pulling out a sword and pointing it at the trapped Spike. “Still your tongue drake or I’ll slice it off for you!” Spike gulped at the close proximity of the sword, but with all that was happening and the adrenaline coursing through him, he was on a roll.

“Do anything to me and you’ll regret it,” said Spike, bravely.

“Why you little piece of...” As Spike watched the sword rise up, something came rushing at the unsuspecting pony; before anyone knew it, Eclipse rushed forth and headbutted the stallion, causing him to skid across the ground as his weapon clattered right in front of Spike.

The other armored ponies took a step back, eyes widened at one of their own easily taken down. “Knight down, knight down, take down that stall-” The knight who was shouting was unable to finish his sentence as Eclipse quickly did a spin jump and sent his rearleg to crash against the side of his armored head, which did nothing to protect him as it caved in slightly. The stallion went limp, with spittle dripping from his open mouth, left unconscious from the powerful strike.

The other knights look down at another of their own taken down, before glaring angrily at the one responsible; Eclipse ignoring the angry knights, turned to face Spike and tossed the net off them. “Spike, get these ponies and Trixie somewhere safe, head toward the town hall, the girls should be there and tell them to avoid these zealots, alright,” said Eclipse. Before Spike could talk, he quickly pointed at an oncoming attack from a stallion wielding a mace.

Eclipse dodged the mace without even looking before throwing a hoof strike into the pony’s gut, causing the stallion to barf and kneel down. Gesturing for Spike to go, he followed Eclipse’s commands and guided the ponies with Trixie away. Now alone with five of the paladins, one of their own on the ground from the hit he took that managed to been felt through armor; Eclipse gazed at each of them, one wielded a crossbow and was a pegasus, meaning he took the chance to fly up, three were earth ponies, two wielded swords while the third wielded a short spear, and the last one was a unicorn who prepared a spell and levitate a flail.

Each one of these so called knights, slowly surrounded him with the unicorn taking the back and the pegasus taking position to fire bolts at Eclipse from the roof of a building. “Look, either you put those weapons down or I’m going have to put all of you down,” said Eclipse. “So I suggest you listen before-”

“Do not listen to this infidel, show him the might of the Holy Sun and her holiness, Princess Celestia – Goddess of the Sun! He shall pay for interfering in things he doesn’t understand!” Eclipse sighed, then gazed at the ponies or rather at the unicorn in particular.

“I don’t like it when someone interrupts me, so your first,” said Eclipse, pointing at the unicorn. “Then the one with the spear, then the left one and finally the right… And you… well, we’ll see whether you run or not.”

Taking this chance, the one wielding the sword on the right charged but as he brought his sword down, Eclipse vanished. “What the, where did he go!?” shouted the unicorn knight. The knights frantically looked around, but the unicorn felt a tap on his withers, looking to see what touched him, he came to face a hoof slamming into his face, before he was grabbed by the head and tossed into an already shattered window. The others faced the source of the noise to find Eclipse already having dealt with their ally, twisting his neck for audible cracks to be heard, then glancing at them next.

“So… Who’s next?” asked Eclipse, giving out a sadistic grin.

The girls managed to reach town hall, already seeing the knights causing a ruckus, by entering ponies homes and breaking items, but so far nopony gotten hurt. “Why these... I’m gonna teach these ponies what happens when you mess with my hometown!”

“Wait, we can’t do anything or else they’ll retaliate back! I may be Princess Celestia’s apprentice but even I can’t stop them, we need to make sure everypony is alright and wait for the princess.”

At that exact moment, Spike came running in with Trixie and several of the townsfolk, once they met up with Twilight and the girls, Twilight told everypony to head to Sweet Apple Acres or Eclipse’s Property and wait until things calm down. The townsfolk obliged and headed to either location while some went to tell other ponies of the news; Twilight looked at Spike and noticed some bruises, while not too bad, were still noticed by the mare.

“Spike! What happened, who did this!?” asked Twilight.

“I’m fine, but if you’re wondering, those so called knights of the Church of the Holy Sun threw a net over me, Trixie and some of the townsfolk we were trying to help. They didn’t even know I was your assistant and threatened me with a sword, we were lucky that Eclipse was nearby and stopped them,” said Spike.

“AND HE’S LEFT WITH DEALING WITH THOSE RUFFIANS! Twilight, we need to help Eclipse and stop this madness, even though a lady like myself shouldn’t get myself involve in these sort of things, I can’t just stand here and let these… uncouth, barbaric, ponies to go around and ruin my home and the homes of everypony else!”

“You said it Rare, let’s go and kick these ponies flanks!”

“Yeah, let’s teach these meanies what happens when you mess with a pony from Ponyville!”

While the girls were ready and willing to fight, leaving Twilight inching closer and closer to agree, they soon had to stop their ideas of fighting when they heard something; at first it felt like something was whizzing through the air and before they knew it, something crashed some distance near the town hall. Laid in a small crater was a partially bleeding and dazed pegasus knight, which luckily the blood seemed to come from a cut on his head and he didn’t seem too badly injured from his crash.

Skidding into the scene whilst dodging several bolts and spells fired at him was Eclipse, until a literal horde of knights came charging at Eclipse from different directions. After dealing with the ones he was facing, the pegasus that Eclipse threatened earlier attempted to run but got taken down by Eclipse from a thrown rock which collided with his head. While he was taken out, the remaining other knights heard the commotion and came running after him, forcing him to find an open area to fight them all off.

Now surrounded from all sides by the remaining forty knights, twenty earth ponies, ten unicorns, and ten pegasi, all surrounding him with the earth ponies the first to approach the cornered Eclipse. The girls watched from the distance, but the first to react was Fluttershy who nearly charged forward to save her friend. “Eclipse!” Quickly, Twilight and soon the others followed her example to stop the now worried Fluttershy and while she was just a pegasus, she nearly toppled the others over from her sheer will alone.

“Flutters, calm down, I know I want to beat these tools as much as you, but Eclipse can handle himself,” said Rainbow.

“Since when did you worried so much about him Dash?” asked Applejack.

“Shut up, if he can deal with an Ursa and not flinch, then what can forty armed ponies can do to him?”

“They can surround him and force him to submission real quick,” said Spike, factually.

“SPIKE!” shouted everypony except Fluttershy.

“Okay okay, yeesh.”

Twilight was the one to calm Fluttershy, who was hyperventilating now, but her breathing slowed down enough for her to stop her pursuit of charging into a literal wall of metal and flesh. “Fluttershy, calm down… I know seeing Eclipse surrounded and in that kind of situation would make anyone of us panic.”

“Not me.” Twilight glared at Rainbow, who simply shrugged and looked at the fight that would happen soon.

“Eclipse… is tougher than anyone of us could imagine, heck we all saw how he fought with that sword of his, so there’s no need to worry.” Fluttershy looked at Twilight then at where she assumed Eclipse to be, but slowly she gave a soft nod before leaning her head against Rarity, who calmed the worried mare.

“Don’t worry dear, Eclipse will make sure these ponies are given a proper lesson in manners and etiquette… though I hope he doesn’t try to break any of their bones,” said Rarity.

“I hope he breaks all the bones!” shouted Pinkie. A horrified look was given by everyone, which Pinkie gave a confused look. “What, I meant figuratively, you know like breaking a leg.”

“Trixie promises not to get on your bad side… ever.”

(Fight Music)

Eclipse found he was surrounded, unarmed and outnumbered, facing against some semi-trained opponents, wearing some semi-decent armor. Just like the old days. Soon a pony approached forward, this one wearing some pretty interesting armor and wore a helm with two ornate feathered wings similar to a valkyrie. The pony removed their helm to reveal themselves to be a mare pegasus; what fur color he could see was teal, while her mane was beige with orange that made two lines through her mane that reached the back of her neck.

“In the name of the Church of the Holy Sun and her holiness herself, Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, I Paladin Pristine of the 2nd Platoon, hereby order you to halt and surrender yourself in suspicion of a possible threat to Equestria and her holiness!” shouted Pristine. “We shall restrain you with these manacles and chains once capture is done and a thorough search of your belongings and lodging will be done until we find anything of interest!”

Eclipse didn’t respond, he didn’t speak, but the only gesture he gave was a simple one; posing into his fighting stance, standing tall on both rear-legs, he positioned both his forelegs to his sides and gave an intense glare in return. While not fazing Pristine, the other knights took a few steps back, but after another glare by the mare they took positions, while some ponies approached with raised weapons aimed at the stallion.

“Knights, cease this fool,” said Pristine.

The knights approached, but as they gotten closer, Eclipse took in a deep inhale, his breathing going from a steady pattern to a slow inhale and exhale. Keeping his gaze on Pristine, just as one of the knights was approaching from behind, he sidestepped him before throwing a right hoof strike, which dazed the knight. After seeing one of their own attacked stirred the others to charge, but were soon stunned as Eclipse lunged forth and unleashed a flurry of blows toward the knights he lunged toward. Each strike did a fatal blow to them, causing them to fall to the ground with pained expressions; Eclipse dodged an oncoming sword with ease before smashing the wielder of the weapon with a roundhouse kick.

Next he back-flipped behind more knights and did a leg sweep that tumbled the knights to the ground, then spotted an oncoming bolt fired at him before dodging said bolt. Looking at the one responsible for firing said weapon, more oncoming bolts and spells were fired at him, dodging them with ease with a simple movement of his head or sidestepping those aimed at his body.

Soon the ground was littered with bolts and marks of used spells, Eclipse soon faced the line of unicorns and pegasi that fired said projectiles, before kicking the ground below him, flinging himself toward the firing squad. Seeing the stallion rushing right for them, caused a panic amongst the unicorns, but before they could retreat Eclipse reached them as he uppercut one of them and proceedied to incapacitate the others.

The pegasi dive-bombed Eclipse which he backed away until the cloud of dust cleared, soon one pegasus came rushing with wing-blades, using the weapons with practiced ease, however Eclipse still managed to dodge said weapons. Each swipe from the pegasus’s wings nearly reached Eclipse, but each were easily dodged; seeing his attacks not hitting, the pegasus charged forth and sent a powerful gust of wind, the wind while strong enough to push back some nearby knights, didn’t move Eclipse.

Seeing him unfazed by the gust of wind, Eclipse took advantage of the pony’s shock and struck him on the muzzle, sending a stream of blood down his mouth. Another hit was struck across his face as he came skidding across the ground to stop before Pristine. Seeing one of the very knights that she personally trained angered her immensely, she soon approached with an interesting weapon that was strapped to her tail, the weapon was a whip-like weapon with spikes across it and with one flick of her tail the weapon came crashing to the ground with the end having a spear tip that created a deep protrusion in the ground.

“It seems we’ve underestimated you… but I won’t, so it’s best you surrender now while you have the chance,” said Pristine, lowering her form.

Eclipse took a ready stance, showing no sign of retreat or intimidated at the slightest, this spurring Pristine to charge forth sending out a whiplash of spikes. The attack came as suddenly and as quick as its owner, Eclipse maneuvered around the attack, but the whip came back and nearly shredded his back, having to roll to avoid it. Once the whip was back on Pristine’s side, she sent another attack, relentlessly whipping at Eclipse without pause or slowing down, while Eclipse dodged, he needed a way to counter back, but without a weapon that may be impossible.

Seeing no other choices possible, Eclipse looked around until he saw the girls some distance away, watching the fight. “GIRLS! MY WEAPON, PASS ME MY WEAPON!” shouted Eclipse, catching Pristine off-guard.

The girls glanced up to see Eclipse waving over to them, before dodging a strike from a whip, Fluttershy quickly looked up but stopped from making a step forward. Looking down at the sword she carried in her hooves, she wasn’t sure if she should give it to Eclipse and while these ponies were harming Eclipse, giving the weapon to him… wouldn’t it make the situation worse. I want to help him, but somepony could get really hurt if I give him his sword. I already know what he can do with it… but what if he would hurt somepony…

Fluttershy soon felt two hooves around her withers, looking up to find Twilight looking at her with a gentle smile. “Fluttershy, I know you don’t want to hurt anypony, but these ponies will if we don’t do something. I know Eclipse… might hurt somepony, but he knows that worse things will happen… let me get the sword to Eclipse and I’ll promise everything will be alright,” said Twilight, reassuring Fluttershy.

She looked down and examined the sheathed sword, before with a troubled sigh, gave it to Twilight, once giving it to her, she looked up at her. “Please… I don’t want anypony to get hurt… but I don’t want Eclipse to get hurt either...”

Twilight nodded, then teleported as close as she could, at least a meter outside of the perimeter that the knights made. Eclipse had just dodged another whip strike, when he heard Twilight’s voice over the dozens of knights still standing. “ECLIPSE! CATCH!” shouted Twilight. Using all her magic she could, Twilight flung the weapon toward Eclipse, catching the sword he unsheathed and pointed the sword upward.

Seeing the weapon, Pristine charged forth, turning to yell at the remaining knights. “Knights, charge and take him down, but I want his head!” shouted Pristine.

As Eclipse grasped his sword and stood back on both rear-hooves, he brought his sword just an inch from his snout, before doing a circular slash sending forth a wave of ebony energy. The wave knocked back everypony, either blown back to the ground or into any nearby objects like walls, benches, or trees. Pristine slowly began to get back up, until she and a few others were the only ones standing, but barely; looking toward where Eclipse was, he saw him with the sword as he casually spun it around his leg before gripping it with the other hoof to do the same thing.

Eclipse gazed down at the ebony blade of the sword, tightening his grip on the handle before staring forward at Pristine. “I will say this once… Stop while you can, because I won’t hold back with what I’m about to do,” said Eclipse.

“I shall never surrender, for I am a paladin of the Church of the Holy Sun, for I praise and follow her holiness herself! Face judgment and be happy that you fought one of our warriors and die honorably! YAAAAAARRRH!” Pristine charged forth sending forth her whip right at Eclipse; seeing the attack, Eclipse brought forth his weapon and with one single swipe, the whip and air around Pristine and Eclipse began to tremble.

Just as Pristine passed Eclipse, both stood tall, but sheathing his weapon away, Eclipse began to trot away on all fours. “I warned you, be glad I did not hit anything vital...” As he began to leave, Pristine took one look at him… before her weapon shattered into scraps, with several cuts crisscrossed all over her body, a trail of blood dripping from a cut above one of her eyes. Soon she was brought to a kneeling position, coughing up blood that splattered the ground, taking one final look at the one who easily defeated her.


Eclipse didn’t answer, continuing to trot by the remaining knights still standing, moving out of his way out of a mix of fear and awe, soon Pristine fainted as she was left in a heap on a small pool of her own blood. Reaching toward the others, he was soon stopped by another paladin and a unicorn who wore armor that was giving out a light or ambiance similar to aura, who still held a smile even though he stood in the middle of the battle’s aftermath.

“So, you are the one responsible for all of… this,” said Might, who gestured to the surrounding area.

Eclipse took a look of his surroundings and while the fight he had with the knights was bad, the more notable or damaged areas was the town itself while the fight only had several holes or small craters made mostly by the knights than Eclipse. “Are you referring to the fight your followers caused, or the ransacking of this town,” said Eclipse, sarcastically.

This didn’t seem to offend Might, though Eclipse could sense small ripples of red aura, meaning that his comment did get some sort of reaction, however the one to respond wasn’t Might but rather the one beside him. “YOU DARE BLAME THIS MESS ON THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SUN! YOU WHO HAVE PULLED OUT AND USED A WEAPON AGAINST ONE OF OUR OWN, NOT TO MENTION TO BE AIDED BY SOMEPONY FROM THIS TOWN! WE SHALL BURN YOU AND THOSE WHO LIVE HERE FOR THIS INSULT!” shouted Swift, ready to strike.

“Still yourself Swift Slice, while I… find his tone of voice unacceptable, we did indeed caused this mess, however it appears our labors has gained fruit. You, what is your name and where did you gain this sword, I have never seen such fine craftsmanship, if you tell us where such a weapon was forged and where you gained said training, maybe we may forget this… incident,” said Might, smiling. “I am High Paladin Shining Might of the Church of the Holy Sun and here is my right-hoof stallion, Paladin Swift Slice!”

The others watched with their own worried looks while Eclipse looked impassively, before gazing at said sheathed sword and back at Might. “This weapon… you do not deserve of its origins and the knowledge behind it,” said Eclipse.

Now that… what hit the nail on the proverbial coffin; Might calm smile shifted to one of rage as he gave out a snarl and stomped both his front hooves with enough force to create small cracks to spread on the ground, his glare enough to shatter stone. “YOU DARE! You dare talk back to me in such a way; I can bring you, your family, your home and this entire town and everypony who lives here to burn by fire and worse! Or I could just take everything from you, keep you caged for your entire life, until you are given the forgiveness of the sun and her holiness, so either you bow down peasant and wallow for forgiveness and just maybe… I might forgive you.”

His anger was still present in his eyes, but he held an arrogant smirk, believing his words was enough to convince this nopony and even not he used a persuasive spell while he was speaking to convince any weak-willed fool. This pony is pudding between my hooves.

Eclipse was quiet, no, he was beyond quiet as everything near him didn’t utter a single noise, like all sound died around him. The girls and Spike watched with abated breaths, not daring to breath or make a single noise, the nearby knights also watched with equal silence, leaving the breathing of Might and Swift the only heard noise. Finding the silence to continue, Might took this chance to speak again with another angry growl. “Well, speak you,” shouted Might. “Pathetic!” The ground around Eclipse seem to shimmer and darken. “Worthless!” His fur bristled as an unseen wind blew through his mane and tail with powerful strokes. “Weakling!”

That and everything this stallion said would been enough for Eclipse to just wipe him out, this town and half of Equestria into nothing… if it weren’t for one pony to stand up for her friend. “How, dare you!” screamed Fluttershy. Having enough she flew right up to Might’s snout and gave her the Stare, and while this caused him to take a step back, he held strong, albeit barely.

“You can destroy everypony’s homes and threaten us, but you will never, ever harm and insult my friend! Go back wherever you came from, take those that came with you and never come ba-”

“SILENCE; I SHALL NOT BE TALKED BACK BY SOME WENCH!” This spooked Fluttershy and before she knew it, Might fired a blast of magic that while not harmful, the knockback was enough to make her crash into the ground. “I shall teach you and many to come a lesson they will never, forget!” Might prepared to unleash a powerful spell that would harm but not kill anypony but due to his anger the spell was stronger than it was meant to be. He fired said spell, the nearby ponies shouted in surprise, some of the girls trying to reach for their friend; Twilight watched and she could teleport Fluttershy out of the way, but the suddenness of her confronting Might and his sudden blast of magic was too quick.

I-I won’t be able to reach her!

However she wouldn’t need to, as the spell was reaching her, she felt something… push her or rather, lifted her aside, until she came to the hooves of Rainbow and Applejack, being the ones to react first but finding a spooked Fluttershy tumbling into their hooves.

A massive cloud of dust appeared as the spell hit something, once the dust began to clear, standing in the middle of a decently large crater was Eclipse, who stood on a piece of the ground that still remained but barely. The shock came to everyone full force, but before Might could react… he felt something snap, looking down to realize his horn… was snapped off; the feeling of having his horn snapped off created a backlash toward him, causing him to release his breakfast all over the ground.

He wouldn’t be able to take any further respite before he felt something kicked him to the ground and stomp onto his throat. He was left gazing at the fuming Eclipse who gazed down with eyes that bore the embodiment of wrath, his teeth showed that they weren’t the natural kind found for a herbivorous race, but ones made to rend flesh. Eclipse was still simmering from the blast of the spell as smoke rose from his form, but he was unfazed and unharmed; Swift charged with his blade but soon it was turned to dust from a single strike of Eclipse’s hoof, which destroyed the sword and crashed against Swift’s head until it twisted into an irregular position, painful but not a killing blow, most likely having a cast around his neck for a couple of weeks or month.

This all happened so fluidly and quickly that nopony even realized Eclipse got from where he was to being on top of Might, the stallion himself struggling under the pressure around his throat. “You… bastard,” said Might, barely able to speak. Might would be silenced once more by Eclipse adding further pressure onto the hoof on the throat of the crippled unicorn.

Eclipse lowered himself near Might’s ear, making sure the pony was kept pinned to the ground, once he was just an inch from his ear, he spoke in a cold and empty voice that bore no rage nor sympathy. “I can simply end you here and now and whether somebody cares for your worthless existence won’t matter because by the time I’m done with you… nobody will have the capacity to remember whatever legacy you’ll leave behind. Leave now with your subordinates and if you ever put one hoof back here… I’ll do more than leave broken bodies and unconscious ponies.”

While it could sound like a threat it wasn’t, it was Eclipse promising a fate worse than even death; his pride being on the line, Might responded the best way possible, so after Eclipse took his hoof off of him, he got up, glanced at the injured Swift Slice before facing some knights still standing.

“You, send a message from the church to send some priests to heal and help bring the wounded back to Canterlot… we’re leaving,” said Might. The pony sneered at Eclipse but quickly left with an injured and unconscious Swift being lifted onto his back, before grabbing his torn horn on the ground, gazing at it with a sad look before it changed to one of anger. Soon the remaining knights carried or tried waking up those who only had minor injuries, soon all fifty-one members of the church heading back to the train station.

The knights with the paladins soon left, leaving Eclipse, the girls and Spike remaining near the town hall; soon they approached Eclipse who stood still with his sword sheathed that hung loosely around his barrel. The first to approach him was Fluttershy, but before she could approach the group stop to gaze at Eclipse, who gave his simple neutral look, had something trailing down his snout as a small stream of blood dripped down one of his nostrils, unnoticed by him.

“Eclipse, your bleeding!” said Fluttershy. Soon the others gasped at Eclipse sudden nosebleed and as he checked to confirm this, his vision slowly gotten blurry as well his mind began to fog over.

It seems… I’ve overworked myself… “Well… that’s a problem,” said Eclipse. Like that, he promptly fell unconscious but was soon stop mid-fall by Fluttershy who wrapped a wing around him. Barely able to hear, his senses soon dulled, the last things he heard were the voices of those around him ebb away.

“Rainbow call a doctor, quickly! Everything is going to be okay Eclipse, help’s comin-” Soon Twilight’s voice was gone, replaced by the blissful silence of nothing.

Nearby – Ponyville; 11:25am

From the distance, watching the group that surrounded Eclipse’s unconscious form, was Luella; the bear cub had watched the fight and his master confronting the so called high paladin, before said paladin and his group left soon afterwards. His master while fell and caught by Fluttershy did cause panic amongst the group wasn’t something to worry about for the small creature, as she knew the reason why he fainted was not due to exhaustion, injuries, or the like… it was because he was still recovering from a previous incident from his past before coming to Ponyville.

An incident that only he and Luella knew… an incident that would remind the cub to better care for her master. Seeing him defenseless and alone troubled her, not wanting the same incident from before to repeat; soon the cub bear followed the group who carried Eclipse to Ponyville General Hospital, nopony capable of comprehending her thoughts about her real relationship with Eclipse Light.

Author's Note:

The first official action-focused chapter of the story is out and the end result is revealed; I'm also thinking of bringing out the days of Eclipse Light's first few weeks at Ponyville before the story began.

Thoughts: Eclipse Light
Shining Might
Twilight Sparkle