• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter fifty nine, Times will change: Back to the past.

-Canterlot, Hayburger outdoor seating, Fluttershy-

I really wanted to celebrate with the other girls, but I was particularly worried about Fizzle. She wasn’t happy about how she was possibly, maybe… completely responsible for what happened to the Storm King.

It was at least nice to see Ms. Kurilian La Perm again.

“I know this is going to sound odd mom, but what happened around Airship Mauled during Tirek, Discord and Chrysalis running amok? Honestly, I think Discord still is…” Well Fizzle wasn’t wrong, but Discord wasn’t exactly evil. He was more… chaotic neutral to coin an alignment from Ogres and Oubliettes. “Heard Sombra didn’t even get out of the Crystal Empire to do any real damage, you hear lots of things when you're a wanderer. Stayed in a town for a while doing research and found out there was nothing I could do about my horn from that. I’m just going to accept that it’s busted and be who I am.”

Yes, Discord was running around and yes he was still causing messes, but I think he, she or even at times 'it', was actually learning to clean up their messes. I really liked Discord, technically he didn’t have a set gender and could do feathered wings like a griffon…

I didn’t say anything as I wanted to hear about what happened at Airship Mauled during those times too.

“I will always accept you Fizzle, never doubt that for a moment. I’d have to be struck deaf and idiotic to turn one of my daughters away… even Jade if she does come back.” Clearing her throat Kuril pulled a pouch out from under her cloak and robes, she also pulled out a pointy hat and placed it on her head with a jaunty angle. “As for what happened with those three, well illusion powder would help with the visuals.”

I saw the barest glimpse of the large number of pockets that were lining the inside of her robe, probably lined with numerous vials of strange stuff. I remember that she had short range teleportation potions and potions of delayed instant wall… which is an oxymoron, but still applicable to what it does. What else could she have made in the time that I’ve missed?

“Always making catty remarks mom.” Fizzle said with a small smile.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s start with order of intrigue… first up Discord.” Kuril poured a little powder into the center of the table and it coalesced into Discord and Kuril facing one another. “That day things were weird in many place, yet Airship Mauled seemed to be completely untouched like a bubble. He still visited our fair town and I met him personally.”

“What did he do?” I was almost afraid to hear what Discord had done to Kuril and the others that lived there. Discord did respond to being male more often than not, he’d also accept being called an anything and declined being called a 'nothing'.

“That’s just it, I asked him why he was there and he just looked at his surroundings and muttered something about things being chaotic enough already. He just left afterwards.” Did Kuril just say that Discord left, without causing chaos? That doesn’t sound like him at all. I watched as Discord turn from the image of Kuril and turned into a cloud of dust. “It was rather curious how he acted, because he didn’t do a single thing to us when he could have. He was causing problems as far and wide as Appleloosa and Manehattan. Ponyville was the center of the main chaotic mess until certain ponies turned him back to stone. Nowadays he is curiously keeping to himself and doing a bunch of small things on the side according to Veles.”

“That’s actually really odd and I’d like to think that I know him pretty well by now.” I’ve gotten to know Discord very well and back then… he wouldn’t have just ignored one place for being too chaotic. He would have made things even more chaotic.

I flapped my wings nervously as the two of them and the two Storm Creatures now standing behind Fizzle’s seat stared at me.

“Who are those two fellows with you Fizzle and why aren’t they sitting with us to share in the meal? Come, sit with us you two!” It’s a little surprising that anyone could warm up to them, but Kuril making the offer seemed to surprise the two Storm Creatures. “You haven’t introduced them to me yet! I hope you’ve been taking good care of my daughter while she’s been gallivanting around as the most recent evil to plague Equestria, I hear it’s all the rage these days to go evil and then get friendship out of the whole deal. I’m kind of upset that my daughter didn’t get hit with a pure rainbow enema of friendship, I kind of want a refund for that as my daughter didn’t get the full experience from the exchange.”

I started giggling about it into my hooves. One of the Storm Creatures made several noises and chuckled, the other one slapped him in the back of the head. My face was a little red from what he said.

“These two fluffy guys are Pique and Niche, they are my personal bodyguards now I guess and… friends. They were the main two Storm Creatures of my personal unit.” The two regarding Fizzle for a bit and then nodded to her while grunting excitedly as they sat with us. “I have a lot of friends among the Storm Creatures, but these two would have to be the closest to me the entire time I was under the Storm King’s claws. They were also the least likely to kill me on the Storm King’s orders.”

One of the Storm Creatures held up a single digit in a jovial and quite friendly manner. The other nodded and bowed his head towards Fizzle and said something that sounded like he would do anything for Fizzle after she saved his life.

“They are fairly competent and I can say that they are also a little silly. Now that I think about it, I think I surrounded myself with imbeciles on purpose… but, darn it, I loved having them around for the journey to this day! It reminded me so much of home and the idiots that I used to know who set out into the world.” Fizzle actually smiled at them. The smile on her face looked pained, but it was there at least. “My goodness have I missed smiling for reasons other than pain and suffering. So what happened with the other two mom and can we get another two orders of hays fries and two mega sized ‘From Tartartus with Love’ specials here? I think these two would appreciate a taste of crazy.”


I carefully nodded and was a little uneasy around the two Storm Creatures with dyed hair and tails, but money was money. The invasion was over with and the sweet looking Pegasus and kindly feeling Abyssinian seemed okay with them.

If an Abyssinian was okay with them after what happened to Abyssinia and the capital of Panthera, then I could certainly think they were okay too and get some food for them.

A little kindness here wouldn’t hurt.


“Back to our topic of discussion. What happened with Tirek was just as interesting given Discord was leading him around, but I think you’d rather want me to focus on Chrysalis.” A pinch of illusion powder and we saw a regular loveless changeling with holes and a group of colorful changelings with various mariachi instruments. “Chrysalis has never bothered us, however one of her drones named Kevin did drop by frequently. After the Canterlot Invasion he did so literally. He fell out of the air looking quite mangled and asked for some medical help, he knew things would go poorly and he still went along with it. He’s one of the few changelings that isn’t a colorful that we accepted in town, mostly because he could go colorful anytime he wants to. He was just being too stubborn about sticking with the hive, even after what Chrysalis pulled. Also our old friends, The Shapeshifting Siesta, paid a visit to him after they showed up worried about how we felt about Canterlot being invaded. We told them not to worry and that they were still welcome in Airship Mauled, no one we cared about was hurt aside from Kevin and a few others. They soon visited the hospital to cheer Kevin up.”

On the table there were five changelings playing noiseless mariachi instruments, with them was a shrew wearing a dancer’s uniform and playing a tambourine. It took me a moment to remember her name, but it seemed that Merriami was still with the group and she was standing next to her lover as she shook her hips in rhythm with the music.

I’ve only seen her once, but she looked to be quite happy from Kuril’s recollections.

“I’ve heard that Changelings have become far more colorful recently, I bet even Kevin gave in immediately when the entire hive swapped over to being friendly changelings. If not, then I bet he at least got the process started.” As Kuril spoke the image changed to Kevin covering his head with a pillow while snuggled up in a hospital bed. Soon a familiar Diamond Dog came into the room and started ushering the noisy looking changelings, and shrew, out in a grumpy manner. “Got to love Kevin, he’s a good changeling and nobody has ever said anything bad about him. His business acumen when it came to acquiring love legally was spot on. He’s probably out of a job now, I wonder what he’s been up to these days?”

I don’t remember her very well, but Dr. Zen Bones looked to be doing good if that’s Kuril’s recent memories of her.

“So that’s all that came of Chrysalis’s Canterlot invasion, but I heard Tirek got every pony in Equestria.” Turning to Fizzle as she gave her mother a questioning gaze, I too was curious to hear how they dealt with Discord teleporting Tirek around before Tirek drained him.

“That… was about as eventful as the first time Discord visited us, only far tenser than you’d think it would be. We actually got prior warning as to where he would exactly be appearing from and at what time in a letter, which most likely came from Discord himself given how crazily written it was.” Wait did Kuril just say they were warned, why would Discord warn them of Tirek ahead of time? I mean, he didn’t even warn me ahead of time about his betrayal. “It was like Discord was protecting us from Tirek specifically, I’d almost say he was afraid of something. So Tirek did get the magic of almost every pony in equestria, with exceptions like the ones living in Airship Mauled.”

I’ve forgiven Discord for that, but I certainly haven’t forgotten what he did. The illusion dust showed Kuril walking to the edge of a forest and two Thestral ponies flew overhead and dropped a large amounts of what could only be illusion dust. It was a minute later that Discord and Tirek appeared, Discord started acting silly and Tirek looked around before shouting at Discord about something.

“So we avoided trouble that day… except for the 'Puks'.” The scene rotated until everything disappeared and then the scene rotated back into view, the wall of illusion dust made Kuril and everything behind it invisible. The fact that the illusion dust could create the effect of a one way mirror and could even rotate the image it produced was amazing. “We’ve outlawed saying their names on threat of fines and we’re going to just simply call them 'Puks'. The extra law on top of that is that nobody is to mention any kind of historical style of 'Puks' that there might be either. No one appreciated the cave versions one bit.”

“Wait, there are cave versions of Pukwu…” A sharp look towards Fizzle from Kuril makes her freeze up and finish with just one word. “Puks?”

“Puks.” Nodded Kuril sagely and with a near frown on her face.

“Pukw… 'puks' aren’t that bad.” I tried at least, but then Kuril and Fizzle stared at me for a long moment. I now remembered how often Airship Mauled got attacked by them. I also remembered the entire Sugar Cube Corner incident. “Okay, so maybe they are a little… aggressive.”

“Excuse me, but what are two ladies like you doing here, especially with a lady as nice and beautiful as you?” Turning to see Capper. The male Abyssinian was approaching our table with wariness, considering he just ran a paw over the tuft of thick fur on his head. “I mean having lunch with miss dark, evil and broody seems a little unusual don’t you think?”

“Did you ever stop to think that I might have a good reason for being the way I am?” One could see Fizzle was slightly upset. Both Pique and Niche seemed ready to punch Capper if she commanded it. I don’t think she will, but the intent was there. “It’s like how you’re a conman and a thief and I’m calling you out for it, especially when you told me to go the wrong way. I knew where they were going already.”

“Wait, if you knew… but why…” Capper looked a little shocked when Fizzle smiled at him without showing teeth. “You stalled on purpose!”

“Yes.” Fizzle just continued to eat her food while Kuril petted her. “I had to at least give them enough time to make contact with the sea ponies, I only specifically captured Princess Twilight Sparkle there.”

Fizzle would know about sea ponies, yet she never used the sea pony SOS song that Jade taught us. If I had remembered it, I might have sung it before we got flushed into the sea.

“Young man, don’t pretend to know any of my daughter's motivations! Also I’m quite sorry, but you’re far too young for me, though I appreciate the compliments to my appearance as a queen slowly becoming an elder.” Kuril giggled and pulled a vial out of her robe and tossed it between his feet, where it shattered harmlessly on the ground. “Let that be a warning to you, I don’t want you upsetting or harassing my daughter! You will swiftly apologize for being rude.”

“Wait… you’re what?!” Capper seemed little surprised to hear that Fizzle was Kuril’s daughter, I simply nodded when he looked in my direction.

“I was never a part of the Abyssinian invasion force, I joined his forces a while after that and as the Storm Creatures will tell you…” Stopping to take a mouthful of food, Fizzle chewed slowly and swallowed. She stared Capper down while glancing at the fluids between his feet begin to bubble every now and then. “I was definitely not happy about what happened at all. I will admit that I was actually responsible for the sacking of Mount Aris. Unlike what happened to Abyssinia, I let people escape from that assault and fought only those who fought back.”

Capper looked at the fluids on the ground because Fizzle was staring at them, then turned to Kuril.

“Uh, what’s with the liquid?” As curiosity was a thing for Abyssinians, Capper just had to ask.

A small wall sprang up between his legs, but it stopped before actually hitting him.

“I apologize.” Squeaked Capper immediately.

Author's Note:

Mysteries abound as far as Discord is concerned. Next page, Lunch ends with both Fizzle and Kuril having things to do.

Kuril has to go find Blade Bright to see what state she's in and Fizzle has to settle things in Canterlot. Fizzle will then go about her business helping make up for everything the Storm King ever did even if she wasn't at fault for some of them.

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