• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter forty-eight, Necessary Notification: Neighpon’s Star.

-Neighpon, Canter Dojo, destroyed street, Fortitude-

“You’re all in my territory… leave.” Ryu stated flatly, he didn’t seem particularly worried.

The large group of armed yakuza, the smaller group of unarmed thugs and the thirty or so large black feathered crow like visages that vaguely resembled parrots with wings didn’t seem all too worried about us either.

“What are you going to do if we don’t? We of the tengu mafia think it’s time for us to rise up.” The leader of this group seemed quite sure that he had the upper hoof or claw in this scenario. “First order of business is to destroy that unsightly orphanage, then we’ll place our headquarters right in that spot. So what are you going to do about it?”

“Dodgy, take care of the yakuza before they become a problem, they came here to mess with me and as such they are free game.” Ryu kept his eyes on the things known as tengu which were three feet larger than parrots were on average, he probably didn’t need to look back to see Dodgy’s feral grin. “Silk, you go with Blade, Fortitude and Skelly, all of you are to cut a path through the thugs and head towards the river. Don’t worry, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

“Just so you know, you just seriously pissed off Ryu.” Dodgy chuckled as he walked towards the slightly unnerved yakuza while waving back to the tengu with his right paw. “Good luck with hitting his berserker button and I’ll see you after the plastic surgery to tell you how stupid it was, even I’m not that crazy! So which Yakuza clan are you guys from and who should I send a message to about having so many idiots under their employ?”

Ryu hopped and stomped all four of his hooves against the street, a blue glow started up around him… which was unusual. Didn’t he always start out with an orange glow and then move to blue?

It was five seconds later that I found out why it was unusual, when Ryu fully ignited into a glowing white form with big wings of pure white flames. The heat he was giving off was starting to singe my fur, it was even powerful enough to begin melting the streets and the walls around him.

I don’t think Blade would have much trouble with helping him become a star, he already was one in a fairly literal manner. No Yak would be stupid enough to think they were strong enough to take ‘that’ on!

“You made a grave mistake threatening what is mine… you won’t be making another after today.” Ryu calmly stated, his form was covered in solid bright white flames with specks of blue flames where his eyes used to be, it hurt to even look at him.

I turned away and towards the thugs who all had their tails between their legs and were slowly backing away, old instincts I didn’t know I had kicked into high gear. Apparently I wasn’t the only one having an instinctive reaction, given Skelly, Blade and Silk also trampled the thugs in our efforts to escape Ryu.

“So beautiful….” Silk was looking back, her eyes were most likely watering from how painfully bright Ryu currently was. “Also more terrifying than I could ever be, I didn’t even know he could be that angry.”

“One day I’ll figure out how to fight him while he’s like that and it will be a glorious battle!” We turned to Dodgy who had two ponies pinned to the wall with his paws, while a third one wailed on him fruitlessly with a pair of tonfa. Dodgy kicked the guy in the face. “Stop that, it tickles! You guys go on ahead, you don’t need to see what is about to happen here.”

“My brother might be watching our boat, but if he isn’t then we might have problems with leaving in a timely manner.” I started to run in the direction of the river as the world exploded behind me, we slowed down and looked back to see one of the bipedal crow monsters beaks practically explode under the impact of hoof striking it.

One tengu swung his fan in Ryu’s directions and he went from a horrifying dragon shaped ball of bright fire, into an even larger dragon shaped ball of white fire.

The flying beings of the tengu mafia surrounding Ryu in the air just froze, whatever that one tengu just did with his fan made what was coming that much worse for them.

“Tengu are powerful beings, they control the skies and the air currents in a given region where they reside and their abilities are boosted by their fans. A pegasus would be hard pressed to beat them in a fight… as for Ryu-kun though…” Silk trailed off as we started hearing screams that abruptly cut off before they could get started as we left the area behind. As to whether it was coming from the ones dealing with Dodgy or Ryu, we couldn’t tell without being in Ryu’s currently terrifying presence. “I don’t think they have quite a good enough education to realize what using their powers over the wind on a being of fire would do, at least my children aren’t dumb enough to play with fire. Getting burned is not the worst that’ll happen to them by the time Ryu-kun is done, Dodgy was not… how do you say it… waxing poetic about them needing plastic surgery. Ryu-kun is quite kind and a fate worse than death, since he won’t kill them.”

Seeing Skelly and Blade look between one another, I think the sentiment was implicit in their gazes. Whoever Ryu attacks was going to wish they had perished. If someone hurt my brothers or someone I cared greatly about, I would do something quite similar.

“Have you seen this before?” I asked as we ran down a different street and ignored the large explosion in the sky, some beings stopped to stare at the sight whatever it was.

“No, but Dodgy described it to me once and that it was really hard to get him this mad, Ryu is such a gentle soul for someone who’s part of a crime syndicate. He’s never killed anyone, but he’s come pretty close quite a few times.” Silk was seeing it for the first time and didn’t seem to be scared of Ryu despite what was currently going on, she must truly love him. “Here I always thought I was the scary one in our relationship, because I have the kind of notoriety that comes with being a Jorogumo. I am now quite humbled by the reason why my boyfriend had little reason to fear me when we first met, I wasn’t exactly in a good place at the time…”

We were close to the bridge and I could see the boat from here, but my brother Flamberge was nowhere to be seen. We were about to cross the bridge when a familiar figure stopped us.

“Halt vile fiends, I just knew if I waited near the boat long enough that you’d appear before me and you bring the hideous spider monster too!” It was Dispel Grace the armored earth pony whose face we’ve never seen, but his gaudy armor and sword of overcompensation were quite familiar. “I see you are in league with a monstrous bat pony and… who is that vision of beauty? No matter she is obviously a part of your dark coven!”

Was he talking about Skelly? He obviously didn’t know who she really was and it wasn’t quite time for the sun to set.

Blade grabbed my attention with a waving hoof and gave me a curious look as she gestured to the armored figure in our way.

Skelly just glared at him, he did try to slay her soul out of existence and she obviously didn’t want to be slayed. Maybe she would want to be slain eventually in a manner that didn’t completely destroy her soul, but that was her choice and as her friend I would respect it whenever she decided to make it.

“He is with GODLESS despite having a god.” The armored stallion scoffed at my words and Blade immediately had a look of anger on her face. “We should not take him lightly, he is quite dangerous even if he isn’t too bright.”

“I said I’d get to that eventually by being holier than my god you heathen of a coven most dark as to conspire with skeletons and demonic hybrid ponies’ like that horrid spidery visage behind you!” He swung his sword outward and to the side with his right hoof. He clearly intended to block our path. “In any case I will be the holiest of holy ponies to help destroy all unsightly monsters like that one, along with every god in the world! GODLESS is the gathering ground for the power to do just that.”

After acquiring my attention again, Blade gave me a few gestures.

“Yes, he is very much a bigoted earth pony, he is also wanting to outright destroy Skelly’s soul.” I turned and moved forward in front of the girls. “I won’t let you do that to Skelly, because as the great goddess Sekhet has said many times, souls are sacred!”

“Not that of the monster behind you or any monster for that matter, they are a blight upon this world and I will cleanse them from it!” He raised his sword with both hooves and a light started building up the blade. “Not all souls deserve to continue on this mortal coil... and you are far too gone to convince otherwise. Have at thee!”

“Everyone move!” I lumbered to the left and rolled out of the way of the crescent of golden energy as it shot by me, everyone else easily avoided it and it sliced through three buildings before stopping.

“Don’t you realize that you could have hurt countless innocent people by doing that?!” Silk was shivering as she watched the buildings started to slowly fall inward and implode. “It’s a good thing it’s midday and the red light district doesn’t open until later this evening.”

“What cares a hollow hearted harlot like you?” Dispel was already charging up another attack, he has gotten a little faster since the last time I saw him. He was already in the midst of swinging it horizontally and aiming it for Silk on my right. Both Blade and Skelly had taken to the left side of the bridge. “Be gone from this world as I rend your soul to nothingness!”

Blade threw the knife in an effort to distract him, but it did nothing after bouncing off his armor. I didn’t have a way to do much to him and Skelly didn’t want to be too close to him with him giving off a golden glow like he currently was. He had become much more powerful over the last few days or so since I last saw him.

“No!” It was already too late for me to intercept him as the crescent beam flashed by me faster than before and straight towards Silk.

Five feet before it could hit Silk, a white corona blurred into existence and in the indistinct mass of white energy two hooves emerged to press against the deadly crescent. It was Ryu and his eyes were narrowed as he held his ground to protect Silk, he let out a scream and energy exploded from him in the direction of the bridge.

Dispel Grace almost didn’t avoid the beam of raw fire that ripped past him, turning back to Ryu I could see his fire dying down and he was gasping. He flopped to the ground and propped himself up on one shaky hoof.

“Ryu-kun!” Silk pulled Ryu into her embrace.

“I’m fine, just slightly drained… I don’t care who this guy is, he’s made an enemy of me and mine.” Ryu allowed himself to be held by Silk. “He will pay for attacking you Silk-chan!”

“Not if I destroy the both of you first!” Dispel was already building up to another beam. “Anybody who would protect a monster such as her will perish!”

“Silk-chan is not a monster, she is a person, one that I love very much.” Ryu was standing and he stood defiantly in front of Silk, I moved over to his side and stood with him as did both Skelly and Blade.

“Monster lovers the lot of you!” He swung the sword down for a vertical blast, only his sword stopped and the beam harmlessly fired straight up. “What the devilry?”

“Sorry honorable knight-san… it seems my fishing hook got caught up on your sword as I was casting my fishing line.” The pony behind Dispel had a quaint smile on her face, her pink robe and conical hat seemed fairly normal for a local. “Would you mind unhooking it please, so I can go about my business and you can go about yours?”

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that the fishing pole wielding mare did that on purpose. Dispel unhooked the hook from the edge of his sword.

“Thank you kindly dear stranger for your forgiveness.” The mare nodded to him and trotted off.

“Of course ma’am, it was only an accident.” Maybe that’s what it was supposed to look like. Dispel was already charging up again and we still had little in the way of dealing with the issue that he was blocking our path and he would stay near the boat making it impossible for us to leave.

“What happened to the tengu, the thugs and the yakuza?” I asked because we were not about to get by Dispel so easily and could avoid his attacks endlessly… but that would destroy a lot of Canter Dojo’s buildings.

“They won’t be able to eat food in any other way than through a straw.” Ryu still looked weak, but he had in fact blocked that attack with his raw fury and fire. Even though he was quite sapped he still had a burning desire to fight to protect us and Silk. “Dodgy is now hunting ninja with pompoms and a bright orange sweater… don’t ask...”

“If there aren’t any more interruptions…” Dispel actually looked behind himself to make sure the mare really wandered off. “Take this!”

Dispel swung his sword roughly, the next crescent beam came for us. We were going to dodge, but then something got in the way of it that made us freeze up.

“Incoming!” Flamberge shouted as he dropped down from the air in front of us barely lifting a large black oval shield with a completely smooth rounded surface, he planted it in the ground and braced himself behind it.

The crescent beam struck the shield and it didn’t look like any pressure was placed on Flamberge before the crescent reversed its direction and went flying back the way it came at twice the speed.

Dispel’s own attack struck him with a thunderous force and he was launched for the horizon.

“I will not rest until I destroy…!” Dispel screamed as he flew away into the clouds.

“Huh… neat.” Flamberge muttered. “Here’s your new shield, now let’s go!”

“What’s the hurry?” I picked up the shield and we followed my brother to the boat and those leaving boarded it quickly.

Casting off, we started to disappear when a grumpy looking golden three tailed fox leapt into the boat with us.

Author's Note:

If anyone hasn't noticed I've slowed down a lot, my recent birthday was great and I unfortunately became addicted to Dragon Quest Builders 2.

I also now have 'Bloodstained: ritual of the night' to contend with as well.

Rare Item Acquired via Cat and Hawk: Anti-magic shield, made of the same rare materials that the Storm Creatures have been seen using during their eventual attack on Canterlot.

Traveling Companion: Sweetcakes Crumble Tail of the Tail clan, annoyingly speaks in haiku and likes to make delicious neighpon sweets.

All this said... I'm going on hiatus for a while and I might not actually be able to finish the story within this year. I apologize for this interruption in a long winded story that does have an ending planned, getting to it will still be the problem.

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