• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter thirty four, Alpaca My Bags: Embattled Trails.

Author's Note:

I think I might have missed something in editing here...


“Just be careful Arizona, you do not take her lightly in a fight!” Velvet had started moving for the stream while giving the alpaca a wide birth. I’ll be done with this alpaca in no time and will join her in getting water.

Paprika charged towards me and I charged her as well, I threw my right hoof forward first and her head on that long neck swayed out of the way.

I quickly threw my left hoof for her head and she just swayed away and caught my leg to start snuggling it against her chest while nuzzling me affectionately.

I kicked off the ground with my rear legs while gripping some of her fur with my right hoof, I was going to kick her with both my rear legs. Only I was blasted backwards when her fur suddenly fluffed up and outwards.

The sudden blow sent me sprawling, before I knew it the alpaca pounced on me and was cuddling me against her tightly. I felt my bones creak under the pressure of her hug. At least I had felt them creaking until I felt myself launch upwards out of her confused hooves.

I flipped uncontrollably once in the air and before I could hit the ground I saw her face coming at mine while I was upside down. She kissed me on the nose while sliding her entire body underneath me.

I was launched again by her four hooves hitting me from below. I had managed to control my fall from the arc she had launched me in with a well-timed aerial somersault.

Hitting the ground hooves first and skidding a few feet, I was about to regain my balance when the alpaca was already upon me.

Her hooves grabbed my shoulders and she planted a huge kiss on me, shoving her large tongue deeply into my mouth. I pulled my face away from her sharply and stumbled backwards and away from her feeling a bit dazedly cross eyed.

She was pretty good at kissing, but darn it if it wasn’t embarrassing to be losing to her like this!

She was smiling at me as she bounced in place waiting for me to come at her, she then did something that made my blood boil.

She closed her eyes and started trotting in place while titling her face to the left and right slightly, she was taunting me!

I moved forward, only for her neck to shoot out stretching and twisting impossibly to hit me in the chest as she kissed me on the chin before retreating. This made me grunt as she had knocked the air out of my lungs while pushing me back.

Okay, I think I have a good read of her fighting style, entirely about keeping her opponent entirely off balance. Velvet’s fighting style was all about moving and striking swiftly, while also using her magic to supplement her movements to do some damage.

Kicking off the ground, I leaped high over Paprika’s back and came down towards her in an attempt to stomp down on her. Only I received a face full of her fluff spiking upwards into me, which launched me backwards.

I swore I could see her skin underneath all that fluff after it moved. When her fluff retracted the small cloth she wore over her back throughout all this was miraculously back in place.

She simply smiled happily at me, almost like she was smirking at me in a silent challenging with her happiness.

Getting up from being sprawled out on my back, I glared at Paprika. She stood in place with that bouncy enthusiasm of hers while continuing to give me that affectionate altruistic grin.

I charged forwards and then dropped into a slide as the alpaca tried to hip check me in an affectionate manner, she had missed my form going underneath her.

Paprika looked for me in the direction she intended to hit me and then looked between her legs questioningly.

Having gotten on the other side of her, coming out of my slide I put my all into hitting her with my right hoof as I kicked off the ground towards her.

She lifted her face from looking underneath herself to suddenly take my first real solid hit in this fight, I sent her sprawling and flopping away from me. Her eyes were still spinning in their sockets from the blow as she quickly got up.

Stumbling about a bit, within a second or two the alpaca was back to being all better and had her equilibrium again.

Her pupils turned into hearts once again as soon as she was able to focus on me and she was grinning up a storm as she moved towards me, what was up with her?

I moved in and threw a hoof strike forward and she neatly leaned out of the way and caught my leg to hold it in place over her left shoulder. I threw my right hoof forward and she caught that as well to hold on her other shoulder. She then tried to go for another kiss while she pinned my front legs.

I ducked my head under the attempt, confusing her when she missed catching my lips again.

I smirked as I rammed my horns up under the fur on her chest and then heaved her harshly into the air, she bounced and rolled several times before fluffing up to stop her tumbling.

She got back into a standing position and then came bounding towards me in several leaps, on the last leap she spun and her fur whipped around and off of her body leaving most of her hairless during the attack.

I avoided the several swings of the thick mass of fur that she could seemingly attach and detach from herself at will, until her aerial spin ended and she came down landing on all four hooves with her fur fully back in place.

I reached under my bandana and then tossed a rope around her neck, she smiled for some reason and waited calmly. Maybe she liked the rope?

The annoying alpaca, for whatever reason, squealed with glee as I pulled her towards me and attempted to lay into her with several blows.

I started by striking her across the left side of her face with my right hoof, both dazing her and sending her fluff flying from the right side of her face.

A left hoof straight to the chest blew off a large amount of fluff from her back as the shockwave of my blow went straight through her.

Paprika grunted in pain slightly, she seemed to have actually felt that one. I wasn’t holding back on her anymore, she was likely too insane to fight with anything less! I can now see why she scares Velvet as badly as she does, she was quite hard to hurt or fend off.

Trying to shoulder tackle her next, my blow landed solidly. Only I didn’t feel like I did anything with this one.

Paprika wavered and wobbled backwards with my blow in a rubbery manner, she then snapped forward with impressive force sending me tumbling a good forty or so feet back towards Velvet.

Each bounce along the ground caused me bruises and scrapes a plenty, I eventually came to a stop on my belly with my legs splayed out. I’m quite thankful we were fighting on grassy plains or else skidding along the ground on my stomach would have been more painful.

Did she just seriously hit me with the force of my own shoulder tackle like a bounce back punching bag?

No time to think, she was coming at me again and she looked… slightly worried for me? I wasn’t weak, this alpaca had no reason to be worried about me at all!

I growled as I got up and lunged towards her leading with my left hoof this time, she came to a stop and sat down.

I sent a flurry of blows at her and she matched my blows with her own thin hooves slapping against my larger ones with equal force. How in world is she matching me and is she… she is, she’s playing patty cake with my attempts to hit her!

Every three of my hoof strikes or so, Paprika would clap her hooves together childishly while smiling and continuing to block my storm of ferocious blows with her own hoof strikes.

I stopped throwing attacks and she planted her front hooves on the ground and swung her rear half around to sideways buck me in the face knocking me onto my back.

“You know, I’m almost somewhat happy about my fear of Paprika being vindicated like this. Given she’s almost as strong as you are even without all her fluffmancer abilities being taken into account.” Velvet idly commented from off to the side. “That patty cake session actually did hurt her somewhat. Her front legs look quite numb, are you sure you can take her down?”

“I said I will and I can, get off my back about this fluff butt!” It’s just that I’ve never faced an opponent that was so unpredictable before, needless to say I think I may even be slightly attracted to her. “I reckon she’s in for a wrecking!”

I charged forward and stopped abruptly as the alpaca lowered her head and tried to swing it upwards at me. Upon missing me, I grabbed her shoulders and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine.

I kissed her like she did me, making her stumble back looking horribly confused and even a bit mystified as I felt about all of this. After a moment she seemed to become rather ecstatic that I had even kissed her back, I silently admitted that I actually kind of liked this nuisance’s fighting style.

I then tried to slug her across the face only she ducked down and her head shot forward to roughly kiss my other leg forcefully making me fall into her swinging something up towards my face.

Getting struck in the chin knocked my head up a bit, I was allowed to come back down into a normal standing position. I blinked confusedly as she was now holding a bouquet of flowers out towards me.

I gave her a confused look and she slowly started to stick out her tongue. The flowers were forced into my hooves as she looked away from me shyly.

Eventually she turned back to me flicking her tongue in and out multiple times making a fluting noise.

“Meep-meep!” She cried out cheerily before backing up slowly with one eye closed and the other giving me a spine chilling seductive look.

She scrunched up and then suddenly lunged forward with her hooves wide open to give me a big hug and my reaction, given my current circumstances, was less than stellar.

I slapped her across the face with the flowers she just gave me and then threw an uppercut to her jaw that flipped her backwards to land on her butt.

While she was shaking off her failed attempt to wrap me in a big loving hug, I chose this moment to try and knock her out.

I slammed my hooves against the ground, causing it to rupture beneath me. Bunching my up all muscles, I launched head first into her with a mighty blow.

Having knocked Paprika into the air, my momentum carried me far past her where I skidded against the ground and kicked off back towards her coming towards me. Jumping, I slammed all four of my hooves against her as hard as I could.

Paprika plowed into the ground and created a decent sized trench, I sniffed loudly as I stared at her injured form laid out before me and Velvet in the grassy hills full of flowers.

“I knew you weren’t up to… what?” I watched as Paprika put a hoof against the ground and struggled to stand.

Despite how painful that last attack must have been from the sudden whiplash I just gave her, she stood up and kept grinning. Said grin looked slightly dimmer now, she reached into her fur and pulled out a… flower pot?

“Arizona, you have to move before she..!” Velvet had tried to warn me, only I received a flower pot to the face.

I couldn’t react to what happened next, it was all a blur. As Paprika was all over me with aggressive kisses, hugs, nuzzles and sensually debilitating strikes to rather sensitive spots that left me blushing. The blows were coming at me from all directions, how fast was this blond furred love freak of an alpaca?!

After weathering the storm of hyperactive affection, I groggily stood still and blinked while looking around for more incoming strikes of passion. I felt like I was just put through a blender of affection… I oddly kind of liked it.

Looking around I didn’t see a single sign of Paprika, but I did see a picnic basket beneath me. What was Velvet covering her head and cowering on the ground for?

A second later I found out when Paprika exploded from a picnic basket, that was logically too small for her to have fit inside of, and food went flying everywhere as I was knocked high into the air. I was struck by several pieces of picnic fixings before I started to come down.

I was too tired to break my fall this time. Flailing as I came down, I was going to hit the ground roughly and… landed on something really soft.

I felt the soft stuff slowly pull out from underneath me carefully, leaving me sitting on a picnic blanket. Did Paprika just catch me with her fur?

The blanket I was on came from the small cloth that had been on Paprika’s back. It had been stretched to the point that there was enough room for me and Velvet to sit on it comfortable. The food on the blanket looked pretty good.

Moderately battered, Paprika then turned a cheerful eyes to Velvet, I was pretty wiped by that affectionate assault and I didn’t feel like I could continue taking her on. I simply picked up a fresh looking apple on the blanket and bit into it.


“I’m going to be honest with you Paprika. I’m completely terrified of you, you horrify me and you ruined my life!” My screaming at Paprika made her do something I hadn’t seen her do before, I didn’t want to fight her after she had completely tired Arizona out. “I might even be able to say that I hate you for everything that you’ve done to me!”

A second before she looked happy as she approached me to unload her loving affection all over me, only she stopped and wilted at my scathing words.

She now approached me much more slowly, but the ever present smile was not as grand on her face.

“What, do you want to ruin my relationship with Arizona as well with your enthusiasm you horrid monster?” Much to my surprise she shook her head no.

She gently grabbed my right hoof and tugged me towards the picnic blanket, I didn’t think she could frown and her current level of smile was what would pass for frowning for her.

Upon sitting down together, she gently put her hooves on me and placed her forehead against mine to look me in the eyes.

Her pupils shifted into sad looking hearts.

I think I’ve misjudged her greatly.

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