• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,389 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

  • ...

Chapter 5: A Blazing Escape

Author's Note:

Like always, right click the dark blue text and open the link into a new window to play music that fits with the situation in the story and when light blue text pops up is the cue to close the music window.

Sorry for the delay with this one. I have a lot of life things that get in the way.

This chapter does get a little risque but nothing overblown. Just a fair warning

Hours earlier, back in the dark cave prison of Cragslane Cavern, it had been a few more hours to dawn on the outside, but due to the isolation, minimal light, and heavy shadows of the cavern, time seemed to slow to a dead crawl. Celestia had been continuing her story to her new human friend Friga Shatter-Shield. The story of how her sister and her came to be the co-rulers of Equestria. It had been many hours since she had started her story and the darkness of the cave kept her from knowing for certain what time of day it was. She had assumed it was night time, but she couldn’t be sure. Her calming story telling had relaxed both of their minds and kept them properly focused.

“And that’s how Equestria was established and how my sister and I ascended to the thrones of Equestria.”

“Incredible! Who’d ever thought I’d meet a princess? Or be the first Nord to come into contact with a new previously undiscovered race?”

“That makes two of us” Celestia lightly giggled. “I never thought that I’d discover many new races that I’ve never seen before. I just didn't expect I'd do it from the inside of a cell. Usually this only happens with royal ex-boyfriends from long ago.”

The two of them giggled at each other basking in a pleasant moment in spite of the dark situation that they were currently in.

Celestia quickly got up and leaned toward the bars of the cell and listened for any movement or sounds. Her big white ears moved around as if they were scanning the surrounding environment. The only thing she heard was one of the guards near the entrance of the cave talking to himself about a woman and a child not being his.

She then turned back to Friga with a determined look on her face. She kneeled down closely to Friga before whispering to her.

“What do you say we start figuring a way out of here? It will just be a short few more hours before my magic comes back to me, but I’d like to get you out of here before then.” Celestia said reassuringly.

“Wh-What? But we’re trapped in a cell! There’s no way to get out! And you just told me you can't use your magic for hours!,” Friga replied.

“Maybe not. This cave looks like it was mined out a very long time ago. There might be a loose part of the wall I can try to take apart and cause a controlled cave-in on one side,” she said while feeling each of the spots in the cell’s walls.

Friga watched Celestia with interest as she moved her hands around the various rocks on the walls and tugged at them as if looking for any loose stones. As she moved her hands along the stones, she felt a faint stream of air dancing across the fingertips of her left hand. She inspected the spot and discovered a decently sized crack in the hardened dirt and stone that made up the rock wall that reached to the other side. It was perfectly camouflaged among the many shadows of the old rock wall. The wall was too thick to penetrate normally without her alicorn strength and magic, but she was able to press her ear up to the crack with her sensitive equine ears in an attempt to listen in on any conversations.

All of a sudden, Celestia could faintly hear voices and movement bouncing off of the walls of the cave. She blocked out all other minute sounds around her to focus on the voices in the main portion of the cave.

The sound of rusty metal scraping against stone echoed off the walls of the cave accompanied by the sound of grunting men presumably moving whatever was making the noise.

“Where do we put these damn cages Hrolgar?”

“Put four of them outside, and get the other four in the back room. The other bandit tribes of the Rift we could contact will be arriving with their wolves at noon. I’m glad we made it past that Stormcloak patrol. Those brain dead little shits can’t see a fucking foot in front of their faces when its dark.”

“What are we gonna do with those women in the boss’s prison? I just heard about them from Throo’ng.”

“I’m gonna kill that damn chatterbox of an Orc one of these days. The boss is pitting them as prizes for the fights. Some lucky bastard soon will be getting their own personal toy to play with him and his dogs.” the deeper voice said before chuckling. “The nord woman is gonna be a consolation prize to the loser in the final match. She isn’t worth much. That foreign horse woman is the REAL prize.”

Celestia heard a gasp from behind her and turned her head to find Friga sobbing into her knees in the fetal position on her bed matt. Remembering her compassionate nature, Celestia rushed to Friga and wrapped her arms around her. Startled at first by her gesture, Friga reluctantly returned it while crying her eyes out into the fur on Celestia's chest.

“Am I never going to see my family again? Am I going to be just a breeding wench to some bandit?” Friga cried with a muffled sob.

Celestia gently stroked her back, trying to calm her down. As she felt a spot on her fur being soaked by Friga’s tears, she dug deep into her mind trying to find some semblance of a solution to her and Friga’s current crisis, but came up with nothing. There was nothing in their jail cell they could use, nothing but two bed mats, straw which lined the floor, and a single wooden bucket presumably for….them to do their personal business.

She looked outside the bars in the bandit chief’s room and saw various items of many shapes and sizes which could potentially help them escape. She saw a chest off to the right of the fireplace which was on the opposite end of the room right next to the doorway into the main part of the cave. She came to the conclusion that that was where they held the most valuable pieces of treasure that had presumably been stolen from their other victims. On the small table to the left of it was a small cloth bag, a couple of jewels, and a bottle of what she assumed to be some kind of alcoholic drink.

Another pair of small items on the table caught her eye right next to the jewels. They appeared to be tools of some kind, one looked like a dull butter knife with strips of cloth wrapped around the handle and the other upon further inspection, appeared to be a lockpick. Upon inspecting the large lock on the cell door, she found that the lock was an incredibly primitive one that could easily be tampered with. She finally had a method to which they could escape before the bandits returned.

“Friga, I think I have an idea.” Celestia whispered.

“Wh-what?” Friga asked as she stopped for a moment and looked up at Celestia.

“There’s a lockpick over on that table. If I can grab it with my magic, I can float it over here to get this door open.”

"I-I thought you said you couldn't?" she questioned.

"Before yes, but...let's just say I'm capable of things people among my race usually are not."

She then dedicated the next few hours to concentrating her steadily recovering magic on the lock pick in an attempt to levitate it over to her past the bars so they could escape their dark prison. Many times she could feel her magic coming back to her and could see the glow surround the lockpick for a few seconds and raise it up a few inches before the aura disappeared and fell back on to the wood table. Each time the process drained her physical energy and she was forced to rest for 30 minutes at a time in between attempts.

Finally, after hours of effort, she finally managed to get a solid glow on the lockpick as it slowly levitated off of the table and slowly, but surely moved over to Celestia as Friga looked on in anticipation.

All of a sudden, they could hear voices and footsteps coming towards them from across the cave.

“The many of the bandit groups couldn’t come unfortunately. Something about trouble with vampires. Three of of them are coming.” one gruff voice said.

“Idiots. Fine, three will suffice. More of a chance that we’ll keep the women to ourselves when we win.” a second slimy voice added.

There was a moment of silence from the voices with only the sound of dripping water and their footsteps coming through before they started taking again

“Has Idren’s newest shipment arrived yet from Riften?”

“It will arrive in time for the competition ahead of schedule”.


As the footsteps got closer, Celestia quickly levitated the lockpick over to her and stuffed it into a small pocket she had found on her dress. She quickly motioned Friga to lie down and pretend to be sleeping and she did the same as the bandits entered the room. As Celestia’s eyes were closed, she could hear the steps of the two bandits enter the room. Suddenly loud banging on the bars jolted the both of them awake.

“WAKE UP WHORES! Your...host has arrived.” the gruff voice roared.

Celestia and Friga sat up to meet their captors. The man who belonged to the gruff voice was a tall dark skinned man in steel plated armor with a small axe hanging at his side. His hair was dark, long and oily. The man to his right who the smooth voice belonged to made Celestia’s eyes widen in astonishment. It was a man with blue grey skin and blood red eyes that looked like freshly cut rubies. His armor was intricate and massive. Each silver plate of armor was carved with a complex design. The pauldrons resembled the head of a bear and a ring of fut encircled the collar of the suit.

“Amazing, seeing you in person just astounds me. The description my men gave me just doesn’t do you justice at all my dear.” the red eyed man said.

“Who are you? Where are we?” Celestia demanded.

“The where should not concern you my dear. You are in the presence of the Butcher. Now I may ask who are you? By your regalia we found on you, you must be someone of importance. Perhaps a lady, or a duchess, or maybe a princess?”

Celestia said nothing as she maintained a calm stoic stare in the face of her dangerous captor.

“Not in the mood to talk yet? That’s alright cause I think your new companion is ready to speak. I believe you are from the prestigious Shatter-Shield clan of Windhelm are you not? Two royals make for splendid prizes for my wolf fights. Pristine and desirable in beauty and profitability. Radaar, take Miss Shatter-Shield to the other room. We must prep her as the second place prize . The loser in the end must get something after all.”

Radaar chuckled as he went over to the chest, pulled out a key and used it to open the door to the cell. Celestia tensed in fear as he approached Friga with a savage, lustful look in his eyes. Celestia went through all of the options she had in her head, but found there weren’t many. Her god-like strength wasn’t back yet and her magic still needed time to regenerate. So she acted out of protective instinct and kicked Radaar in the crotch as hard as she could. Radaar held his crotch for a few seconds before falling and puking on the floor of the cell. Butcher stood there for a second with a stunned expression before giving a sigh and called more of his guards as he approached Celestia and grabbed her by the hair.

“I really wish you didn’t do that my dear,” he said as he punched Celestia in the stomach with an armored glove and kneed her in the chin causing her to be knocked out cold.

“Celestia...no” Friga quietly cried as she witnessed her protective friend slip into unconsciousness.

“Celestia is her name? Like the stars in the sky? A beautiful name. I’m much more glad that I didn’t damage her face. It would detract from her value.” Butcher said gleefully looking down at her.

Two bandits walked into the chamber silently as the Butcher stood over Celestia’s unconscious body.

“Bring Lady Shatter-shield into the back room. I think we need to break her will down before displaying her. No use in having a trophy that fights back. Don’t be too rough with her. Leave this one here though, she will be awake in time for the competition. I think the victor will enjoy winning such an exotic specimen.” Butcher said as he inspected her horn and multicolored hair.

Three hours later, Celestia awoke to find herself alone in the dark cell with no sign of Friga. The sounds of cheering, barking, and banging echoed throughout the entire cave.

The competition he spoke of must have begun, Celestia thought.

Celestia listened for any signs of Friga and faintly heard screaming coming from the passageway off to the right. It was barely discernible from the loud sounds coming from what she assumed to be the main chamber. Her concern skyrocketed to fear for her new friend.

She quickly checked the pocket of her dress and found that the rusty lockpick had remained.

He must have been more focused on my body than my clothes, she thought disgusted.

She took the rusty piece of metal and reached around the bars and the lock of the cell door to find the keyhole. She found the distinct shape of a keyhole with her right middle finger. Now all she needed was the other tool to help her escape. Luckily, it was still on the table on the other side of the room. Fearing the worst, but going for it anyway, she tried reaching out with her magic and found her basic telekinesis had come back to her as both her horn and the lockpicking tool glowed yellow and steadily arose.

“Hurry Celestia, hurry,” she urged herself.

She moved the tool past the bars and into her right hand. Poking the tools where she assumed the keyhole to be, she held the bigger tool still holding the lock open while moving the lockpick around the chamber, listening carefully. After a few turns, she felt the lockpick grab on to something. Being careful not to break her only hope of escape, she quickly, but carefully pushed towards her and pushed in opposite directions until she heard a click.

Pulling the tools out, she reached out with her new hand and pushed the cell door. To her delight, it swung wide open with a rusty creak that couldn’t have been heard by the bandits who were drowning out the noise with their roaring.

Without my magic I probably need some kind of weapon if I’m going to help Friga and get us out of here, she thought as her gaze fell upon the bronze chest in the Butcher's room.

She quickly went over to the chest and opened it, revealing a few familiar items. Her golden tiara and necklace had been carefully placed on top as the Butcher’s latest treasures. She picked up both in her magic, carefully inspecting them. Thankfully, they had not been damaged by her interdimensional trip, nor the bandits. Putting her crown down, she quickly strung her necklace around her neck with her magic before grabbing her crown and placing it on her head.

She also saw a few other items in the chest that could prove to be useful. A simple steel warhammer which appeared to be under some kind of enchantment as the handle felt hot to the touch, a very large bag of gold coins, three books with covers in different colors and different images on their front cover, a polished set of crude iron armor, and a large burlap satchel.

Raising her eyebrow at the selection of items for a moment, she quickly grabbed the satchel and stuffed the books and the coins into the sack, thinking they might help her find Luna in this new land wherever she was. She slung the sack across her shoulders and grabbed ahold of the hammer.

“No more fooling around, I gotta get Friga out of here.” she whispered as she carefully peaked around the corner looking for bandits that might notice her and silently ran in the opposite direction of the main chamber towards where she heard Friga.

In the first subchamber, Celestia came across three empty iron cages, presumably for the pit wolves she had heard about.

To her horror, she couldn’t hear Friga’s screams anymore. She ran into another chamber off to the left where she found a horrible sight.

Friga was completely naked on a mat by the wall with a bandit violating her. Her arms were bound to the wall by metal cuffs mounted to the wall of the cave. Due to her dead eyed expression, shallow breathing and tear stained face, she had most likely been there for a long time.

In that moment the sun monarch found herself feeling something she had not felt since ancient times: Hatred. Pure unbridled hatred.

A huge output of magical power flowed out of her body as she tightened her grip on the handle of the hammer and swung at the bandit with a loud roar of rage from her, causing his head to explode into a gooey crimson stain on the cave wall.

Celestia's rage momentarily subsided as she quickly dropped the hammer to tend to her friend, unlocking the cuffs to free her.

"Friga, FRIGA!, are you alright?!" Celestia asked knowing the obvious answer.

Friga's eyes became more responsive as they connected with Celestia's magenta orbs.

Celestia let tears fall from her face as she gently wrapped a nearby piece of cloth around her.

Taking a better look at her, Friga had been in terrible shape. Bruises and welts covered her body, parts of her hair had become matted and pulled out, blood seeped out of her lips.

“Can you walk?” Celestia asked.

“I…..I,” Friga stuttered out.

“I know my friend, I know, Celestia said as she gave Friga a quick hug before laying her hand on her shoulder.

“We can’t remain here. We have to get out of this place.”

“O-Okay,” Friga quietly replied as she slowly got up on her feet.

Celestia helped her up on to her feet and walked her over to a wooden chair where she sat her down.

“How are we ever going to escape? I can’t fight off dozens of men by myself.” Friga cried.

Celestia thought over their options for a few moments before she came to a grim conclusion.

“You won’t. I will.” Celestia replied.

Friga looked up at her with surprise and a hint of fear.

“My full magic may not be back yet, but that little nap Butcher forced me into was enough to regenerate a large amount of my magic. And with it, I am going to show these little fucking heathens why I was crowned ruler of Equestria.” Celestia replied with an angry sneer.

“Wh-What? How?”

“With this,” Celestia declared as she took an Iron helmet out of her sack and set it down with a solid clang on to a nearby wooden table.

All sound seemed to silence as the two of them stared into the shadowed eyeholes of the iron helmet....

The competition had been going on for three hours. The festivities had fully gotten underway with the sounds of merriment ringing throughout the cave. Three other bandit groups had arrived to join the festivities, he had been drinking the finest ale made by the Black Briar family and his prized pit wolf had been dominating the competition. He had been in ecstasy watching his wolf tear the others into pieces and then earning more gold to add to his pile. Sitting at the bar, he was able to see all of the competition.

“Let’s give the men a little bit of incentive to win shall we? I’m getting bored of winning so easily. Rodar! Tokar! bring that lovely white horse woman here. I think its time we raised the stakes.” The Butcher said gleefully as he called to two of his bandits surveying the event for trouble makers or cheaters.

The Dunmer bandits nodded as they walked into the passageway to fetch Celestia in his quarters.

“Barkeeper, a Honningbrew if you please,” Butcher said to the dark elf behind the counter cleaning a tankard. The barkeeper nodded as he pulled out a bottle with a yellow liquor inside and a label with a bee on it from the cupboard beneath.

Butcher took the bottle and poured the drink into a nearby goblet. He swirled the drink around as he inhaled its sweet aroma. Slowly bringing the silver goblet up to his lips, he was fully intending to savor every last drop of the heavenly drink. However, as he was about to take his first sip, he heard a deafening bang emanate throughout the entire cave, completely silencing every bandit at the festivities. He heard a scream from one of his bandits before a second bang which shook the goblet out of his loose grip. The sound of his goblet clattering against the rock and dirt floor of the cave was the only thing any of the bandits could hear in this deadly silence.

All of a sudden, they heard a loud metallic step coming from the dark passageway. Then another step, and another. All of the bandits pulled out their swords, ready to attack this unknown threat. Whatever was approaching, suddenly halted its advance. A lone bandit bravely approached the mouth of the passageway in attempt to meet and kill this new threat. Then from out of the dark, a pair of glowing yellow eyes appeared and stared back at him.

The guard was shaken, but tried to kill this creature with a single swing of his sword. The blade bounced off of the creature’s armor like it was nothing. Then after a few seconds of silence from the imposing figure, a dark metal glove reached for the bandit and pulled him into the darkness. The last thing they heard from him was his scream and the sickening crunch of broken bones.


Most of the bandits hesitated, but six of them charged into the passageway attempting to overwhelm this unknown adversary. The bandits on the outside heard multiple swords clashing against metal and then the breaking of rock.

The figure in the dark finally stepped out into the light, fully revealing what they were up against. It was an Iron armored monster with a set glowing yellow eyes and a darkened mouth. It appeared to have an extra horn sprouted out of the top of its head. It towered above them like a giant. The power emanating from it was palpable to everyone in the cave.

“ARCHERS!” Butcher bellowed.

Dozens of bandits carrying long bows from every side of the main chamber started firing arrows and fired at the giant figure in a massive barrage of arrows that kept being quickly strung and fired. The barrage of arrows lasted for a solid minute before The Butcher and the other bandit leaders in the cave held up their hands, signaling their groups to cease their firing.

The Butcher had expected this new threat to fall on to its face dead from the sheer force and amount of arrows that had been thrown at it. It had seemed dead on its feet with its head hanging down. However, what happened next he could have never expected in a million years. The figure lifted its head and uttered two deadly words.

“My turn,” was all they heard from the figure before it expelled monstrous jets of flame from both of its hands.

Dozens of bandits within range of the flames were instantly set ablaze. They screamed in agony trying to douse themselves. Each of them quickly dropped dead from the trauma of their burns. Other bandits who missed the flames ran screaming out of the cave in an attempt to avoid a fiery death. The wolves in the pit of the main chamber yelped and clawed at the gates of the arena trying to escape from the intense heat.

Two bandits ran up to the figure from the side trying to take it out at close range, but one of them was sent flying into the rock wall with a backhand from the figure. The other bandit narrowly managed to dodge the swing from the figure to have it accidentally embed its arm into the rock wall. Attempting to pierce through its armor at close range from a few feet away while it tried to unstick its arm, the bandit strung a steel arrow in his long bow and pulled back with all of his strength aiming at the figure’s neck. He released the arrow, only for it to miss by an inch, hitting against the neck shielding on the helmet and ricochet back at his killing him instantly.

The figure looked down at the fallen bandit for a moment and then finally managed to unstick its arm, continuing its advance on the other bandits.

The Butcher looked on in disbelief at the situation unfolding before him, many of his men were burning alive at the hands of this unknown adversary and he was not about to let all of his hard work be destroyed. He lifted his large steel double bladed battleaxe from its resting place against the bar’s counter and charges at his new adversary completely intending to eliminate his enemy right here and now.

He picked up his axe, and lunged at the figure taking a swing at the giants neck. The figure grabbed at the axe, but the force of the impact completely knocked off its helmet to reveal the face of the creature.

“Horse woman,” The Butcher uttered with rage.

“Yes, me.” she simply replied.

The now revealed Celestia grunted in pain trying to push away the axe that was aimed at her throat. Her vision was blurred from the impact of the axe hitting her head completely disorienting her senses. However, with a scream of rage she gave a mighty push and launched The Butcher ten feet away, giving her ample time to place her helmet back on.

“I knew you were valuable Celestia, but being an experienced mage as yourself triples your value. I’m going to savor having you as my obedient sex toy. And your precious Friga will be nothing for the rest of her tiny life but a broken whor-”

With a roar, Celestia fired at The Butcher with a blast of flame from her so fast that he wasn’t able to dodge. The impact launched him further and smashed him into the wall of the cave so hard that rock from the cave ceiling broke off and fell on to Butcher’s head, presumably crushing his skull. The only thing left of his head was a blood stained rock covered in gore.

"You should have looked for someone less hot," she coldly joked.

Looking at the cages containing the captive wolves, she ripped the door into the arena made of tree limbs off of its hinges with ease, releasing all of the trapped wolves inside. The wolves growled at her for a moment, before staring at her and running out of the cave to freedom.

She then turned back to the passageway, but heard Friga scream in horror at something. Fearing the worst, Celestia used her rage and adrenaline to propel her down the passageway to save Friga.

She made it to the passageway, only to find Friga on her back bleeding from her side with a bandit standing over her with a sword in his hand about to kill her with a final blow.

Celestia took out her hammer and swung at his head, completely knocking it off of his neck. The headless bandit fell to the ground with an audible thud. She then looked down at Friga and saw how serious her wound was.

“Friga FRIGA! Can you hear me?” Celestia cried.

Her eyes opened a little bit and she seemed to smile.

“Celestia? You’re alive.” she weakly replied.

“Yes, my friend and now we can finally get out of here. You are finally going back to your family.” Celestia said as she took the cloth of the bed matt and turned it into a makeshift tourniquet to stop her bleeding.

“I don’t think I’m going to last that long Celestia…” she weakly replied.

‘No, NO!! I will not allow you to die. Do you hear me?! I am getting you out of here.” Celestia declared as she picked up Friga and sprinted out of the passageway and towards the exit of the cave.

Running across the main chamber and towards the mouth of the cave, she could faintly see light from the outside. Unfortunately, her adrenaline was beginning to wear off as her vision began to get blurry again.

She toughed it out and finally made it to a wooden door that presumably lead to the outside world. Giving it a push with her back, the door swung wide open and allowed them passage outside.

The light of the day blinded her for a moment, but as her eyes adjusted, she could finally see the unknown landscape before her.

It was completely alien to her that much was certain, but bore a striking resemblance to many landscapes she had seen in Equestria. All around were tall redwood trees towering over her. Looking off to her left she could see for miles. On the horizon, she could barely make out what looked like a city made out of ancient stone.

“Maybe...someone there...can help you.” Celestia struggled to get out.

She saw a dirt trail down the hill and on to what looked like a cobblestone road at the bottom of the mountain. She used the last of her adrenaline to run down the trail, hoping that gravity would propel her to go faster and make it to the road more quickly. It did just that, but in doing so, she gave up all control of her movement. Halfway down the hill, she tripped on a rock and tumbled down the rest of the way. Attempting to absorb most of the damage, Celestia attempted to position her arms around Friga to act as shock absorbers. It didn’t work as well as she hoped. When they made it down to the bottom, Celestia hit the cobblestone road with an audible clang. Her helmet had been knocked off revealing the crown beneath. Luckily, Friga fell on to a soft bush nearby cushioning the impact.

Celestia’s vision was wavering even more with this latest impact. She could feel at least a dozen bones that had been broken from the fall. In the distance, she could make out an approaching group of people in matching armor. The color blue was distinctive from their uniforms as they came closer into sight.. They were marching distinctly in order, as if they were part of a military unit.

They must be from the city, she weakly thought.

As they got closer and closer, Celestia’s vision began to completely darken and blur even further. The last things she heard before she slipped into dark unconsciousness were the friendly voices of the soldiers. She didn’t know why at the time, but there was something sincere in their voices.

“By Talos..what is that?”

“It has a crown! She must be a member of royalty!”

“What is she though?”

“Let’s take her to Jarl Ulfric, perhaps he knows where she hails from.”

“Wait, look there!”

“Impossible! Its Lady Shatter-Shield! She isn’t dead!”

Next Time

"I can't believe it. You are Dragonborn."


"Dragon who and what now?"

"Shout for us!"

"You should at least buy me dinner first."

(punching sounds)

"Please, as they say, shut it Ky'ell."