• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,389 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Ustengrav

Author's Note:

here we are. Sorry for the delay on this one. I hope you guys like it. the other fics I have been doing have been keeping me really busy, but I hope to be able to do a lot more work on this fic.

The element of surprise had been lost on them in this hold as Celestia and Luna's unique appearances caused them to be spot almost immediately by the locals. Apparently these citizens have had trouble with foreign visitors or outsiders causing trouble many times in the past and the Sisters' appearance may have set the villagers off. They were surrounded in a matter of seconds by a crowd of angry frightened rioters, forcing them to pull out their swords in an attempt to intimidate their would be aggressors. They knew that these people didn't know any better, but that didn't make things any easier for the party as they examined all of their options. Celestia tried looking for a peaceful way out, but there didn't seem to be any as the frightened citizens tried rushing them.

"Daedra! Daedra! We found Daedra!"

One of the rioters grabbed Luna by the wrists and tried dragging her away. Katia just grabbed on to Celestia and started shaking like a leaf, trying to feel as protected as possible.



All of a sudden, an angry voice rang out over the sea of people.


The crowd stopped as they turned towards the entrance to the long house where a tall guard in a fur tunic looked down at them with a disappointed face.

"What is the meaning of all of this?" the guard asked.

"We found a pair of daedra and their thralls. We must burn them before they bring more of their unholy brethren to attack us!" one of the villagers cried.

The guard looked towards the middle of the crowd where Luna, Celestia, Katia, and Ky'ell were as he raised his eyebrows at them. As his eyes met Celestia's, a gentle smile graced his face.

"How do you know these....beautiful creatures are Daedra?" he calmly asked the crowd.


As the citizens started the riot back up again, he gave them a signal to allow the group to come forward.

Katia kept her axe held out and her magic at the ready in the event that they might need to claw their way out of a group of angry people.

"I would appreciate if you limit the cat puns author please!" Katia whispered to the unseen writer.

Celestia kept her grip on her shield and her sword, should she have need to use them again on this crowd, no matter how much she hated that option. She made sure the others stayed close as Ky'ell stood alongside her, enforcing their strength in front. Walking through the angry crowd slowly, she made it to the stairs where she was well within whispering distance of him.

"Now milady, I have to ask," the guard asked under his breath. "What are you and what is your business in these parts?"

Celestia let out a sigh of relief as she discreetly smiled back at the guard. She hated to do it to this charming man, but she would have to stick to the story that they had stuck with in an attempt to keep their cover in this hostile realm.

"My sister and I are from the island continent of Equestria far east of Tamriel. We came here by accident, but we made it our mission to visit the capitol in each province to start diplomatic relations." she whispered back. "Jarl Balgruf, Jarl Ulfric and Justicar Felarof have allowed us to pass through.

"Well I'm glad to see that the world has not lost its beauty, especially with its people that keep popping up."

She felt herself blush slightly as she attempted to get his help to defuse the situation.

"Can you help us out here? We are in a little bit of a pickle," she said sheepishly.

"All in good time milady, but first allow me a little bit of fun," he chuckled.

Celestia began to sweat as she understood what he was insinuating. Luna began to giggle as she figured out where this whole ridiculous situation was going. She saw this entire scenario somewhere, but she couldn't remember where exactly.

"How do you know these ladies are Daedra?" he asked the crowd.

"SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT!" one man exclaimed.

"A newt? Really?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

".....I got better. BURN HER ANYWAY!"

The crowd roared back up again as the housecarl held up his hand to get them to quiet down.

"There are ways of telling if they are daedra."


"What do we do with daedra?"


"And what burns apart from daedra?" he asked as he tried to keep himself from laughing.


".....Wood!" one of the rioters said.

"Good! So, why do daedra burn?"

The crowd went silent as their easily fooled minds tried to turn and work. The guard was clearly impressed with how stupid he was making them look.

".....Cause they're made of wood?" one of the rioters offered.

"Good! Now how do we tell if they, are made of wood?"

"Build a bridge out of her!" one of the children cried.

"Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?"

The villagers went quiet again as they tried their hands at using their brains again. Celestia and Katia were also beginning to giggle themselves at how the situation was turning out.

"Does wood sink in water? the guard posed to the people.

"No! It floats! Throw them into the river!"


"What also floats in water?"

"Braids? Apples? Very small rocks? Cider? Gravy? Cherries? Lead?"

"A Duck?"

"Now I know I've heard this somewhere before," Luna whispered to Celestia.

"How about stupid and easily frightened villagers who don't know when to cease their idiocy against foreign diplomats?" another guard growled as he stepped out of the longhouse.

It was a large man wearing what Ky'ell had previously described as Imperial Officer armor. His red accents and shining steel armor seemed to do the trick of scaring the citizens as he pulled out his sword to punctuate his point. They all grumbled and muttered amongst themselves as they went their separate ways and went about their business.

The guard came down the steps and approached Celestia. He suspiciously looked her up and down before pounding his chest plate in a salute to her. His gruff and ragged tanned face softened slightly as he greeted them.

"A pleasure miladies. I am Legate Taurinus Dulius of the Imperial Legion. I am in charge of the Imperial forces here in Hjaalmarch," he stated.

Celestia and Luna curtsied to the man.

"I am Princess Celestia Solaris and this is my sister Princess Luna Solaris. We come on a diplo-"

"Yes, I heard all of that while my associate Gorm here was having fun with these crowds." Taurinus interrupted. "These people are so gullible. I have seen Daedra in my time, and I have fought a number of them. You look like none of them. Plus, you would be attacking everything in sight if you were."

Taurinus sheathed his sword back into his scabbard when he was sure that they were not an immediate threat to him.

"Has it always been like this Legate Dulius?" Luna asked respectfully.

"Increasingly as of late, yes Lady Luna," he started. "There's been a number of incidents involving a group of vampires close by, but with the war efforts, our forces have been spread a little thin. A search for these vampires would take up too much man power."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other then at Katia and Ky'ell who shrugged.

"We could dispose of these vampires once we are finished with out primary quest." Celestia offered.

"No, no, I could never ask royalty to do that for us," he replied trying to dismiss the idea.

"Nonsense, you helped us, its only natural that we find a way to help you in return," Luna insisted. "We would have done so even if you hadn't helped us."

"You hardly know us. One might think that you people were trying to get something out of us by showing us this much kindness in a world like the one we live in."

"Well it is a bit cliche to say, but simply just because its what we do," Celestia replied. "Plus, to quote an old well dressed friend of mine used to say, "Am I people? Do I even look like people?"

He was silent for a moment, staring into their eyes before putting a smile on his face.

"Truly, you are virtuous milady. If you are able to help and rid us of these pests, we would be forever grateful."

After they were given directions to the ruins north of town, they carefully made their way through the swamp lands, ignoring the putrid stench it was creating as best as they could. As they waded through the thick soupy water, their feet squished through the disgusting unknown substances sitting beneath the water. Katia flinched with every step clearly not enjoying the muck, scum, mold and disgusting ooze that was sticking to her robes. Ky'ell didn't seem to mind too much, he marched onwards at the front of the group towards their first destination. Luna pocketed a few dozen deep purple flowers along the way Katia identified as Nightshade and Death Bells. Apparently they were coveted for their use in poisons for weapons. They continued their tromp through the soupy swamp waters for another two miles until the ruins of Ustengrav finally fell within their sight.

Its entrance laid on an island right in the middle of the swamp. The large stone mound jutted out of the earth just barely visible from a few miles away. When they got close enough to it, small tents were able to be seen on the fog covered edge of the island. Ky'ell didn't want to take any chances now that he had three people to protect as opposed to only one which was hard enough. He signaled to the girls to stay low and stay quiet as they approached the shoreline of the island. Thankfully, he found that most of the bandits there were sound asleep. Ky'ell and Celestia were the first to step out of the water as they carefully inched their armored boots onto soft patches of mud and sand to cushion the impact of their steps. Luna and Katia didn't have as much issues as the others had considering Luna wore leather boots and Katia went barefoot.

Unfortunately, the tule fog proved to make things on the ground difficult to see as it reached up at least two feet from the ground and was as thick and viscous as pea soup. Katia did her best by staying close behind her mentor as they inched away from the tents, but her foot caught on an unseen tree root as she tripped and fell into the gooey wet mud with a shrill "eeeep!" Her face impacted into the mud with a splort as it splattered everyone in the group.

Everyone tensed up as they prepared for one of the bandits to wake up. After a few seconds of silence and a lot of loud snoring, Celestia carefully stepped over to help Katia back up on to her feet.

"Please watch where you are stepping a little more carefully next time," Celestia whispered nervously as she pulled the Khajiit up. "I'll be sure to find someone who can make you a pair of shoes here."

"Sorry, I'm a little clumsy with my walking," Katia replied.

"Just pick your feet up and you should be fine."

"Its a wonder that these bandits haven't woken up yet," Katia thought out loud.

Ky'ell bent over and took a deep breath in through his nose as if he was sniffing the air.

"Hoooo! That's probably why!" he softly exclaimed with a stunned face.

"Why? What's wrong?" Luna asked curiously.

"These guys have been hitting the Skooma. It dulls everything and knocks you out for a few hours once you've downed a whole bottle. These guys must have an entire supply of the stuff somewhere. Dad would never let the caravan have any. One of his guys tried smuggling it behind his back and he ended up getting dangled off a cliff."

"Well that's good for us then right?"

"Right up until it wears off, yeah. So we had better hurry up.

The group slipped their way past the tent without being seen or heard and climbed up and down a flight of steps towards the creaky rusted doorway into the large crypt. The main door was blocked by an outer gate which Luna was forced to smother with her magic just to keep its loud creaking from waking the bandits. As it opened, they went through the door and stepped into the ancient burial grounds of Ustengrav.

The first sight they came into was a dank, dark passageway barely illuminated by torchlight. The walls were moist and covered in moss, mold, and various vines. A thin layer of mist floated in the tunnels like a morning fog during the fall. Walking down into a larger room, they found a commotion of sorts. A small group of conjurers and necromancers were having a hard time fighting off what looked to be a group of angry Draugr. One was throwing a frostbite spell at a draugr with a battleaxe while the other conjured up a familiar in the shape of a dog.

As soon as they stepped into the light, one of the conjurers sensed them and thought they were enemies. He tried pulling out a dagger as he rushed Luna while his familiar went after Ky'ell. Both were killed easily with a quick stroke as their attention turned towards the three Draugr who were advancing upon them now that their primary target was no longer present. A quick coordinated attack from Ky'ell and Luna took it out quickly as the Nord staggered it with a bash to the face with the pommel of his sword and Luna sliced it in half with her own sword.

"There's a bunch of wizards and witches in these tombs!" Katia exclaimed. "Should we find a way to get them out of here?"

Celestia kneeled down to one of the mages that they had killed and ignited her horn as she scanned his magical aura. One her hand was over his chest, her face turned into one of disgust and disappointment.

"No." she replied coldy. "These mages have already started to give their hearts over to dark magic. Luna and I for a long time have had a clear law about practicing dark magic to the extent these people do. I teach to never use it unless absolutely necessary under extreme circumstances."

"Unless we find someone who hasn't given themselves over yet, I'm afraid we are going to have to dispose of the mages here, no matter how much I hate it. We haven't had to kill this much since the Wild Era before our reign." Luna added. "This world has unfortunately proven too savage for us to provide the usual mercy."

"Just remember to do that only to people who truly deserve to die," Ky'ell urged. "You two are pretty nice, and I would hate to see that change."

As they went down to another room, they found another group of dark mages fighting with the Draugr who occupied the tomb. Waiting until they whittled down each other, Celestia ignited her horn and threw the remaining Draugr across the room with her magic, killing them as their evil blue eyes went dark. Luna out of habit, reluctantly went through each of the dead bodies and Draugr carcasses to find poisons, arrows, and gold coins and other supplies they might be able to use.

Further down they went down each chamber into the darkness of Ustengrav, each step seeming to echo louder than the last. They went through what appeared to be an ancient mead hall as they disposed of the Draugr who were guarding that particular room. Luna and Katia did their best to pocket any treasures that they came across or search the dead Draugr for any weapons. Katia in particular took a liking to a one handed Ancient Nord axe she had taken from a Restless Draugr. Its handle was covered in moss and mold, but its blade looked as sharp as it did the first day it was forged. She used a handkerchief to polish the black blade and clean the oil and dirt that had crusted on to it.

Soon the group walked into a cavernous part of the ancient crypt. It was a massive chamber that was over 300 feet deep. A large hole in the ceiling leading out to the surface allowed for a small group of trees and grass to grow in this otherwise inhospitable place. Moonlight shone through the hole, illuminating the entire chamber in a white glow. A thin layer of fog hovering over a stream into the cavern acted like snow as it reflected the light of the moons of Skyrim. Luna's face brightened up after seeing such a beautiful sight created by this world's moons, as if they had seen her sadness and tried all that they could to cheer her up. Celestia saw this and hugged her reassuringly.

"You will see your moon again Luna, that I can promise you," Celestia said as she stroked her sister's hair.

A stone path off to the side led them safely back down on to the next floor where they found a group of pitiful looking skeleton guards. Celestia trying to be as tactful as possible, found this as an opportunity for Katia to gain more strength on her own. Katia was unsure to say the least.

"Do I have to do this?" the Khajiit whined.

"Oh come now Katia. Father took us out to fight pony skeleton thralls when we were but five years of age to begin our fighting lessons," Luna proudly stated. "I am sure you can dispatch these weaklings easily."

"Don't worry, I'll be right here watching you. You will be just fine," Celestia said confidently.

"Just don't bury them in sand or anything once you're done," Ky'ell giggled.

"THAT IS AN OFFENSIVE STEREOTYPE!" Katia exclaimed as she shook Ky'ell by the neck. "HOW DID THAT EVEN GET STARTED!?"

"Well Mom did it," Ky'ell replied defensively.

Needless to say, the trio struggled to not laugh out loud at the scene before them. Katia waving her axe wildly and angrily as she hacked away at the five skeletons coming at her. One of the skeleton's clumsily tried swinging it's sword at her, causing her to shriek and duck as it hit a pillar instead. She accidentally tripped it by sticking out her leg causing it to smash into pieces once it fell to the ground. Practicing her Aetherial telekinesis on another skeleton, she reached out to the spell matrix as she visualized it internally and saw the shape of the skeleton in the darkness.

As it strung its bow, the skeleton prepared to fire at her, now that she stood out in the open. Before it could do so however, Katia opened her eyes revealing them to be glowing a bright blue. The hostile skeleton thrall levitated into the air and then was thrown across the cavern and fell to pieces. Another she took out with a throw from a fireball that missed at first but met its mark after bouncing off everything in the room.

The last two skeletons saw this and then began fighting each other as one punched the other causing its head to spin. The other grabbed the first one's arm and pulled it off until they started chasing each other around the room doing juvenile things to each other. The party saw this as a perfect opportunity to slip away as they found another path alongside the wall that lead down to the bottom of the cavern.

As they descended, Luna and Ky'ell began to hear a familiar chanting over the sound of the rushing waterfall that crashed down at the bottom. It was faint, but as they turned a corner, they found word wall covered in Dragon Claw script.

"That looks like that same language we saw back up at High Hrothgar." Celestia mused. "I wonder what it says?"

Just like back at Bleak Falls Barrow, one word out of the whole wall stood out from the others as it glowed a ghostly blue only visible to Luna and K'yell's own eyes. The chanting grew louder and louder until the light turned into a rushing blue wind and blew right into their very bodies. The internal chanting seemed to turn into a sound of praise as she had learned the true meaning and power behind the word.

"Feim," she said quietly. "Fade..."

"Luna are you alright?" Celestia asked with concern. "I felt something powerful come out of that wall. Something ancient and fearsome."

"It is alright Sister," Luna replied. "I believe it is one of the "Word Walls" as Ky'ell called them, we are destined to find."

"The first one felt really cold. And for a Nord that's sayin something," the man rambled. It was covered in pretty scratches, but I was too busy diggin into the chest that was left behind there. I wanted to find some pretty treasures, not stare at some dusty old wall."

"Well, what word did you learn this time?" Katia asked curiously.

"FEIM!" he shouted accidentally as the Thu'um blew from his mouth and started to do something strange to his body.

"What in Oblivion?"

Ky'ell's body began to turn transparent and ghostly as the power of the shout fully enveloped himself. He looked at his arms and began to panic. Luna was beginning to panic herself after seeing her friend start undergoing a potentially dangerous process.

"Ky'ell! Are you alright?" she asked concerned.

"I think I'm alright. I just feel a little funny that's all."

After examining himself, he found out something astonishing. He couldnt feel anything at all.

"I think I'm numb!" he exclaimed as he poked himself. "Try hitting me! I want to see if I can feel stuff."

"You....want me to hit you?" Luna asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, just try hitting me in the gut or something."

She obliged his request as she went for a feined strike against him. When her fist should have made contact, it bounced right off as if it was deflected into a different direction. Everyone became immediately confused.

"What?" all the girls exclaimed simultaneously.

"Try again!"

This time Celestia came up as she tried smashing Ky'ell with her shield. When the shield should have made contact, she was deflected just as Luna was. Ky'ell unfortunately was becoming too cocky for his own good as he had Celestia try to hit him again this time with a kick. Celestia got into position as she let loose with a solid front kick. Unfortunately, the Thu'um's effects were wearing off as Ky'ell began to become tangible once again. Celestia saw what was about to happen, but was too late to stop it as her leg made contact with his nether regions.

Ky'ell was surprised. The bad kind of surprised.

The Nord went flying and hit the nearest wall and slid down it with his face completely red and contorted in pure pain as his eyes started watering. He tried to speak but no words came, just short little squeak sounds. Luna shot over when she realized what happened, and immediately rushed over to the man worriedly.

"Art thou well?" She askded with concern. He still couldn't speak, Ky'ell just whined in a high pitched tone with tears running down his cheeks. Luna's ears drooped down and she moved her face closer to the man's and nuzzled his cheek affectionately.

"My balls..." he squeaked with a sniff, more tears running down his eyes. Luna put her hoof to his mouth and shushed the man.

"Sh...sh...we know...we know..." She said In a motherlike tone....a tone that disappeared completely when she looked back at Celestia. Katia's eyes were pinpricks as she looked on at the situation before her.

"Of all the places you could have bucked him it had to be THAT spot Sister?" She scolded. Celestia just stood there with a nervous smile and drooping ears.

"It was an accident I swear!" she said timidly.

"You really should learn to control your strength a lot better Sister!" the blue mare said with venom, as she nuzzled Ky'ell's cheek.

Celestia sighed and berated herself as she ignited her horn and used a basic healing spell to relieve K'yell of his excessive pain. She waited a few seconds until Ky'ell began to pick himself back up on to his feet.

"I CAN FEEL THEM AGAIN! I'm so happy I could kiss you! But I won't...because that would be weird...so thanks and stuff!"
he beamed with a laugh. Celestia and Luna started to giggle as he started skipping around the chamber like a fairy.

Looking over to a pedestal on the side of the room, he found a tan colored potion bottle as he skipped on over to it and took it off of the stone pedestal. Upon examining it, he punched the air as he cried victoriously to the ceiling.

"What has gotten thou so excited other than your miraculous recovery my friend?" Luna asked rolling her eyes with a small smile on her face.

"Beserker potion," he simply replied as he tossed the bottle to Celestia who caught it. "Powerful stuff. It enchants and enhances the strength of people who primarily use two-handed weapons. Powerful stuff. you ought to keep that stuff on hand."

Now that their Nord companion had recovered, they continued their way up another path into a different chamber of the crypt. There was a strange set up of doors, mechanisms and stone markers depicting different images in a row. Stepping on a hidden pressure plate in front of one of them caused one of the three doors to open as they walked by. With each pressure plate tripped, everything seemed alright, until Luna noticed that the gates seemed to be on a timer as they began to close. Without reacting, she grabbed the others and Ky'ell and her rocketed past the doors with their Whirlwind Sprint shouts.

On the other side, they came into a narrow rocky chamber filled with pressure plates that covered the floor. Inching towards them, Katia reached one of her feet out as she tried pressing the plate down. As soon as she applied a bit of weight into her step, the plate shifted and triggered a mechanism that expelled a stream of flames that spewed from the floor.

"The entire passageway is booby trapped!" Celestia exclaimed.

"You said trap," Ky'ell giggled.

Ignoring the man, Celestia pulled the man up on to her back as Luna picked Katia up on to hers.

"What are you doing?" Katia asked nervously.

"We may need more time until our wings are usable once again, but thankfully our jumping has not been diminished. We will simply have to jump on to the little islands of stone that are not covered in these pressure plates." Luna explained.

Just as she explained, the sisters reared their legs up against the ground and aimed as they forcefully pushed up their legs like pistons and launched to the first island of stone in the passageway. They continued to do so avoiding contact with the pressure plates for a hundred feet as Luna and Celestia struggled greatly to keep their balance. Celestia once tried holding herself up against the wall of the passageway to rest from carrying so much weight. However, instead of just stone, she found herself grabbing a familiar white, sticky substance that stuck to her fur like bubble gum.

"Oh no," Katia said quietly with a terrified tone as her pupils shrunk.

"Spider webs. And I have a feeling we are going to find their occupants very close by. Let's just keep moving and keep our eyes open." Luna instructed.

Just as they predicted, the group turned a corner and came across a swarm of medium sized Frostbite Spiders that had made their web in the antechamber. The spiders knew to stay away from the floors as doing so would risk burning themselves. They had already begun the process of laying their eggs, and it wouldnt be long before they hatched, bringing even more of the wretched creatures into the world.

Luna signaled to them that she would try to sneak up on them as she jumped to the other side, doing her best to stick to the shadows, like a princess of the night should.

She circled around as she tried to stay away from the webs in an effort to not get stuck to the webs. Meanwhile, Celestia took out her warhammer and quickly stepped behind a stalactite. When the spiders turned their backs, the group took the advantage and ambushed the spiders as they went in weapons swinging, so to speak. Katia took the opportunity to practice her basic flame spell as she aimed for one of the smaller spiders. Upon contact, the spider screeched in pain as it tried to scamper away from its attacker. The Frostbite Spiders were relatively weak, allowing the party to finish them off with ease.

"Well that was over a little too quickly," Ky'ell said disappointed.

"I think its better if we don't have to fight scary stuff at all don't you think?" Katia asked frantically.

"Oh, what's the fun in that?"

"For a thousand years Ky'ell, my Sister and I albeit apart from one another, lived very peacefully without having to use violence and it was nice...if a little bit dull." Celestia replied. "It would be nice if we didnt have to inflict harm on anything ever again."

"If we can get out of this mad, savage world and back to Equestria that is," Luna added dryly.

At the end of the antechamber, there was a giant metal gate blocking their way. Just past it, they were able to see the main chamber of Ustengrav where their prize: the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller was supposed to be.

"There we go," Luna cooed as she looked around for a mechanism to open the gates.

Luckily, there was one hidden in the darkness of the grimy stones as Luna gave it a solid tug as the chain was pulled down, activating the gears hidden just inside the walls. The gears and cogs clicked, bumped, turned, and whirred as the dual gates were pulled upwards, opening their path forward.

The party stepped into the main chamber, which was a narrow stone path leading right up to the altar. On either sides of the pathway were pools of water that had lied still and silent for thousands of years. When K'yell stepped out on to the pathway, stone serpents rose out of the water as if they were heralding the Nord's entrance into the chamber. As they closed in on the altar, they began to notice something strange about it. The stone arm that should have been holding the fabled horn of Jurgen Windcaller was instead carrying what looked like a sheet of paper. Ky'ell getting a nervous feeling, picked up the paper and began reading it aloud.


I need to speak with you. Urgently.

Rent the attic room at the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood and I will meet you.

A Friend

"AHH DAMN IT!" Katia roared as she kicked pots and stomped the ground.

Luna fainted as she fell to the ground while Celestia felt her eye start twitching.

Next Time: Tensions at Riverwood and a New Quest