• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 7,390 Views, 348 Comments

Two Sisters and a Dragonborn - Spettro138

When The Royal Sisters are transported to a country at war, they must find its hero if they ever want to get home and stop the madness of the daedra.

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Intermission: The Second Chaos

It all seemed so perfect when the new day began for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Celestia's sun was shining brightly overhead, the birds were chirping their melodies of peace and happiness all throughout the small country town of Ponyville. Ponies young and old were going about their daily lives like nothing in the world could ever be wrong. To add to all of that, this was supposed to be a very special day for Twilight. This was supposed to be the day that she celebrated her Royal coronation that had happened only a few months ago. She wanted more than anything to celebrate this momentous day with her beloved family that she had made in Ponyville. The many ponies and the dragon near and dear to her heart that helped her become Princess. Instead, she faces down a mad deity, with titanic magical power that stole her new alicorn sisters alongside her friends, bearing the Elements of Harmony once again.

The royal throne room of the Two Sisters of Canterlot Castle was in shambles. The floor was cracked and coming apart and the columns on either side were barely holding up the wall above them. The once beautiful tapestries of gold and gleaming blue and white representing the sun and moon adorning the walls were shredded were falling apart at their seams. Parts of the rugs had been scorched from the blazing twister that had engulfed the two sisters not a few moments ago. Even the stained glass windows depicting the great accomplishments of the Two Sisters and the Mane Six adorning each side of the hall were shattered, barely holding together and turning into millions of pieces.

The mad deity in question bore a perpetual disturbing smile as he gazes deeply into the eyes of the ponies standing before him.

"Now my dear. Would you be so kind as to provide me with more entertainment than those stuffy rulers were able to?" the mad being respectfully requested.

"Oh, andquicklytellmewheremybrotherinmadnessisbeforeIfuckingimpaleyoualloncandycanesandmushroompatches," he rapidly ranted.

"Wh-who are you? What are you?" Twilight asked terrified.

"And what demented horror designed YOUR clothes?" Rarity cried dramatically.

"Oh, my apologies. Manners before madness. Or is it madness before Manners? Anywho, I suppose introductions are in order. I am Sheogorath, Daedric prince of madness. ...and other things. ThatIamnottalkingabout."

"She-ogo-rath?" Pinkie clumsily pronounced.

"Ex-actacaly" Sheogorath cheerfully replied before his personality took a polar reversal. "Now please actually tell me where Discord is, I wish to know why this realm isn't filled with chocolate rain, candy clouds and paper mache mountains yet."

"I'm afraid to break it to ya bub, but that guy knocked off all that weird stuff a while ago," Rainbow snapped. "Like six months, a while ago."

"He's our friend now," Fluttershy forced out. "I stopped him from being bad."

"OH REALLY???" Sheogorath questioned madly with the same ear to ear grin.

"Yeah! He's still really fun though. Like that one time where he turned my tail into a plaid sweater when I tried to explain my twitchy tail to him, or that time when he shrunk me after saying funny stuff like Charlie Sheen, Ben Vereen, turn her into the size of a lima bean or something like that!" Pinkie rambled. You remind me of him! Do you know him? Are you brothers? Were you friends in college? Did you go to parties together? I like parties. I'm the best part planner in Ponyville! I'm a Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Hey, that's a tongue twister! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Pretty Pink Pony Party Planner! Did you steal that pretty scroll from a deity with a dragon head that can control time? Can you make chocolate rain like him? Can ya? Can ya? Can ya? Can ya!?!"

"PINKIE! NOT NOW!" Twilight and Rainbow yelled in unison.

"Pinkie, please save talking to him until afterwards please?.....if its not too much trouble anyway." Fluttershy meekly suggested.

"I won't ask you again, WHERE ARE THEY!!!!?!?! WHERE ARE CELESTIA AND LUNA?!!?!!?" Twilight roared.

Twilight then noticed that Sheogorath wasn't paying much attention to them at all as if he was not concerned with anything that they did. He seemed to be having a disturbing sultry gaze that she followed and found that it was being cast upon Pinkie and Fluttershy. Out of nowhere, the man gave them a loud exaggerated yawn.

"BORING!!!!! You aren't even worth turning into talking crackers that I can eat my cheese on," Sheogorath said tiredly. "I think I'll just banish the four of you to parts unknown, while I take two of you for brides."

"Not a chance! Let's power up girls!" Twilight exclaimed.

As the six of them began to activate their respective elements, Sheogorath maintained his mad grin and gave a whistle. Time seemed to slow all around the girls to a crawl as they tried to take Sheogorath out. The mad deity himself seemed to be unaffected by whatever he had just done as Twilight could swear that she could hear dissonant orchestral music being played in the background. With a wave of his staff, he pulled Twilight in closer as his grin became even more and more disturbing as she got closer to him. When she was within inches of him, she could hear him whisper under his breath about how similar she looked like one of the princesses. Before Twilight could even register how scared she was of the man, Sheogorath began to sing a demented song as he pranced around the throne room.

There's something about you I know
Something from the past like a wind that blows
More than just a mere resemblance you bear
To that stupid white princess, who could compare?

"What are you talking about Sheogorath?" Twilight struggled to ask through the painful time freezing they were put under. "I h-have a connection to Celestia?"

What? You don't know?
Oh, how painful it will be
To know someone as wonderful as she
Could lie to you all your weak little life
Oh well, who cares? I sure don't!

Princess Twilight, yes now I will see
But not as you know her
Read my lips and come to grips
With reality

With another wave of his staff, he dragged the others to his side and suspended them in the air, helpless to do anything as they saw Twilight being tortured. Sheogorath skipped around and sadistically began to shock Twilight with unusual magical blue lightning. The rest of the girls felt their hearts breaking as they saw their beloved friend screaming in agony.

"Leave her along you bucking slimeball!" Rainbow growled.

"If you keep harming her like that, I bucking swear, I'll break every bone in your body like it was glass!" Applejack roared.

Yes, meet a blast from your past
Whose lies were too good to last
Say "hello" to your precious Princess Twilight!

With each lyric, he used his staff to blast away pieces of Twilight, including her Element which flew out of the castle and into the royal maze. He then did the same to Twilight's horn and wings and they disappeared from her body without a trace. Leaving her to look like a mere Earth Pony.

"Twilight! NO!" the girls cried with despair.

"Don't give up sugar cube! We believe in ya!" Applejack tried to encourage.

So, Sparkle turns out to be a flop
Just a stupid royal con, need I go on?
Take it from me!

To add insult to injury, he dropped her out of his time freezing spell, making her crash to the ground with a painful splat. He then picked her up with his magic and hung her upside down only a few inches in front of him and began violently slapping her.

Her personality flaws
Give me adequate cause
To send her packing on a one-way trip

With that, he pointed to one of the towers in Canterlot Castle and sent Twilight flying into it. Conjuring a group of living ropes, he tied up Twilight as to not let her escape.

So her prospects take a terminal dip
Her assets frozen, the venue chosen
Is the ends of the earth, whoopee!

Swinging his staff like a club, he made the tower break off of the castle and rocket far away into the Frozen North. One after another, he began to swing his wooden staff in random directions, blasting off one of the girls after the other until the rest of them were gone. Before Twilight's tower disappeared into the distance, Sheogorath faked a goodbye by mockingly waving his hand at her.

Farewell and So Long
Ex-Princess Twilight!

With only Pinkie and Fluttershy left, he began wildly cackling in a way that even frightened Pinkie Pie considerably. His shadow began to grow larger and larger, until it engulfed them. The only thing they felt they could do left was huddle up against a nearby wall and embrace each other, vainly trying to protect the other. Soon, everything went black as they slipped into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness.

Five hours later....

In the distant Frozen North, the only thing that most ponies could ever hear, see, or feel was the brutal, painful, unrelenting
wind. It punished anypony harshly that dared to enter its domain without any sort of protection. Every second of every day, the wind always bit and nipped at every living thing, hoping to turn it into its newest victim. For centuries, this wind has claimed the lives of countless ponies, including the life of an evil King who once vainly attempted to control it for his own purposes. This sub freezing night however, only one out of millions dared to enter this wasteland to brave the whipping, knawing wind of the North.

Through the cold wind and the black of the night, a brilliant blue light began to shine through slowly but surely revealing three lone figures through the snow. These figures slowly pushed their way through the perpetual blizzard of the wasteland, attempting to complete their objective. They had been out in this unforgiving landscape for hours now, attempting to complete their difficult objective. The middle figure wrapped from head to hoof in a long thick scarf stopped for a moment, and with a raise of his hoof, he commanded his companions to halt and scan their immediate surroundings. They did so for at least fifteen minutes, using their magical lights to search for whatever it was that they were looking for. The one that appeared to be leading them, used the brilliant blue glow of his horn to scan every single inch of his surroundings, sometimes scanning areas that he had already been to.

Soon though, one of the figure's opinions gave a big heavy sigh as he approached the frantic pony.

"We haven't seen any sign of her your highness, its too dark to see a single thing," he said tiredly. "Maybe....Maybe we should turn back."

The figure violently turned to his companion and savagely punched him in the jaw before he could react.

"I need you to follow orders, not question me," he barked. "I don't care how long it takes, I AM NOT LEAVING HER OUT HERE TO DIE!!!"

The third figure ran in between the two of them attempting to deescalate the situation.

"Forgive him your majesty, he meant no disrespect, and neither do I assure you." he said as calmly as he could muster. "But he may be right on one thing: We are going to die alone out here if we keep doing this much longer."

The middle figure was tense for a moment until he too let out a long sigh that sounded tired and ragged. He adjusted his winter goggles back on to his eyes as his frost covered mane whipped against them, knocking them out of place slightly.

"Very well, I'm going to try one more thing and if it doesn't work, we might have to wait until morning. And pray with all of our might to the Creator that she is still alive by then."

He pointed his horn to the sky and began charging it. It steadily glowed brighter and brighter until he blasted off a brilliant flare into the frosty night sky. The bright blue flare traveled higher and higher, until it exploded and illuminated their surroundings for miles.

The trio searched their immediate surroundings as quickly as they possibly could before the light went out. The leader of the small group scanned the horizon, until his eyes landed upon a giant unusual shape far off in the distance.

"Men!" he barked. "I found something! Due northwest about two miles."

The other two turned towards where he was looking and saw exactly what he was looking at.

"What is it sir?" one of the other ponies asked quizzically.

"I don't know, but I have an aching suspicion and an educated hunch. Come on. Let's go!"

The trio pushed on for another half hour, using their horns to light their way. Even after the light went out, the dark shape in the distance, slowly but surely grew larger and larger as they closed in on their destination, hoping beyond hope that whoever they were looking for lied there waiting for her rescue. Their legs began to grow fatigued as the depth of the snow crunching beneath their hooves grew deeper and deeper, threatening to swallow them completely. Soon enough, they were close enough to the shape to make out just how large it was. The middle figure seemed to know exactly what it was on sight as he stopped for a moment, before running off into a breakneck sprint towards one of its sides.

"Sir wait!" one of the figures companions yelled.

The side he ran up to began to narrow off and reveal a spire sticking out of the side of the shape. This spire was already buried in a few inches of snow as it slowly started to be engulfed. Soon the other ponies ran up to him as they huffed and puffed from running so hard.

"Sir, do you know what this is?" one of them asked.

"I was suspicious before, but after seeing it myself, I knew instantly what this was. I used to guard this place after all."

His two companions looked at each other with confusion as their leader ignited his horn once again and began heating up the snow around a certain spot, attempting to melt it.

"What do you mean sir? What is this?"

"Its the southwest guest tower of Canterlot Castle," he simply stated. "Dame Gleaming Shield was sitting outside her villa near the western border of the city when she saw it rocketing past."


"After the letter we got a few hours ago from the guards there, I knew I had to respond, but the tracks mysteriously froze over, making the train impossible to use for military transport in this weather."

After melting a certain amount of the snow, the leader colt saw one of the windows leading into the tower. He cleared away a bit more of the snow with his front hooves until he was sure that he cleared enough. Then, he turned around and bucked against the glass with his two hind legs, shattering it instantly and allowing him to crawl through. His companions followed suit and crawled through the opening, being careful not to touch any broken glass.

Once inside, the colt once again ignited his horn and scanned the ice covered room carefully for any sign of life. His companions joined in as they used their lights to search the room for whatever it was that they were looking for. They noticed how chaotic the room had become after it was knocked over. Pieces of furniture were thrown about all over the place, shards of the walls had broken off, allowing the cold wind of the wasteland outside to creep in, flower pots that once adorned the room were smashed, their soil splattered all over the room.

The leader's light soon came upon the bed which had fallen from its previous spot down to the wall that they were currently standing on, thanks to the tower's now overturned position. Closing in on it, he saw a figure that appeared to be strapped to the bed with ropes and chains.

He dashed the rest of the way and found what appeared upon first glance to be a earth pony mare lying there motionless. When he inspected more closely, he saw that he recognized the pony underneath all of the ice and frost that had crusted over her mane.

"OVER HERE! I FOUND HER!" the leader barked.

The others rushed over as they saw the mare and began helping their leader release her.

With a quick blast from their horns, they destroyed the mare's bindings as the leader then pulled her in close and listened to her heartbeat. Through all of the whipping wind just outside the overturned tower, he could faintly hear the slow beating of the mare's heart, desperately trying to keep the pony it occupies alive as long as it possibly can.

"She's alive, but barely! We need to get her back to the city now! Sergeant Top Spin, Lieutenant Ice Blaster, commence with an emergency group teleportation! We have a member of royalty who needs medical attention immediately!"

"At once Emperor Armor!"

The colt's two companions stood close to him as their horns began to glow brighter and brighter as they started to enact the spell. The colt pulled the mare in closer to his body, attempting to use his body heat to warm her core temperature back to normal.

"Hold on Twily, I got you. I always got you," he choked out. "I nearly lost you once to that witch Chrysalis. I'm sure as hell not going to lose you to any storm."

The other two colts horns glowed brighter and brighter until they completed the spell and zapped their group away from their current location and off to the nearby Crystal Empire.

Back on The Throat of the World....

During their training, the Two Sisters suddenly collapsed as they were struck out of nowhere with a strange and ominous feeling.

"Did you feel that sister?" Luna asked. "There was a sudden aura of evil and malcontent that blew right through my body and pierced right into my heart.

"Yes, and it didn't feel good at all." she replied grimly. "I have an extremely bad feeling that something terrible is happening back in Equestria. We must conclude our training as soon as we can so we can restart our search for a way home. Once I get home and gain all of my magic back, I swear to the Creator that I'm not going to stop until I use my sun to melt Sheogorath's fucking face off of his body.

"Save some of him for me sister, I have plans of my own for that little insect," she growled as she stared into a nearby mirror, revealing a set of cat like irises for a moment.

"For Sheogorath, the Nightmare has already begun."

Author's Note:

I hope you like this one. Something that gives the story a bit more tension and raises the stakes a bit. I'll give a cookie to anyone who picks out the Disney villain reference I made here. XD