• Published 11th Jan 2018
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Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...

The Ghost Squadron Ensign

Appleloosa - Kitzu stepped off the train onto the platform of the old rustic station, her pack, back on her back. Cloudsdale wasn’t far away as they were in the area to provide rain for a parched land. Kitzu had also put her cloak, and flight suit in her backpack, keeping only the waistcoat on. Good thing too as it was hot out, the train had taken the better part of the day and it was now the hottest part of the afternoon. As to why she insisted on wearing it, that was the result of having it ingrained in her to be in uniform at all times. Kitzu was also back to being a pegasus which gathered an odd look from the conductor. She showed him the ticket that he’d punched.

“I’d have sworn you were a unicorn when you got on the train.” The conductor said looking her over.

“Maybe I’m an alicorn, and I’m just hiding my horn?” Kitzu teased. The conductor raised an eyebrow but said nothing more. Kitzu walked out to the end of the platform, stretched out her long wings, and with a swift downstroke soared up into the air.

“Ever seen anything prettier?” asked a pegasus near the conductor.

“I think she’s underage,” the conductor replied giving the stallion an odd look.

“I’m talking about the way she just took off, grabbed a thermal updraft, and away she went. Can’t say I’ve ever seen wings quite like that. Like a big bird of prey. Not typical pegasus wings, and a bit on the large size in comparison to her body.”

“She had saddlebags hidden under those wings with the royal crest on them.”

“Did she now?”

“Had a unicorn horn when she boarded. And a school cloak on from Canterlot. For the life of me, that’s all she had. - No idea where the pack and uniform came from.”

“I’ve lost her. - Did she now? Did she pick all that up on the train, or maybe she switched with some pone? One gets on, switch out along the way, another gets off? - Does sound kind of odd. Maybe you should report it? - That kind of looked like a Ghost Squadron uniform.”

“She said she was an alicorn.”

“Well, there you go, an alicorn impersonator. You just missed her luggage going on. Probably had a friend load up her luggage.”

“I suppose that must be it.”

“Probably does filly parties. Might be on her way to some sort of cosplay thing.”


“The epaulets and collar had crescent moons instead of a sun.”


High overhead Kitzu scanned the sky for Cloudsdale with the realization she’d made a mistake. She just knew that one was bound to come back and haunt her, but there was little point in worrying about it. She’d thought about transitioning after getting off the train, but that would mean walking about with her cloak on till she found a nice secluded spot to change. Given how small the community, that meant more walking than she wanted to do.

“Ha, there it is!” Kitzu exclaimed on spotting the city in the clouds. She was eager to be back. So eager she forgot herself and broke the sound barrier before she realized she was even going that fast. She backed off but was having trouble keeping her speed down. Slowing to enter Cloudsdale was perhaps the hardest thing she’d ever done. Even then she had pegasi yelling at her to slow down.

Finally - sure it’d only been a few minutes from the moment she’d spotted Cloudsdale, but the moment she arrived on Commander Magnus’s doorstep, it was as though those last few blocks through the city had taken forever. Kitzu knocked on the door, and when there was no answer she let herself in. Home sweet home. At least her home away from home when she was there.

No one was home, and Magnus’ volume of the shared diary was sitting on the kitchen table. Kitzu let out a sigh, she wondered what homecoming would be like when she was finally able to go home. I mean home, home, and would they even accept her? After all, they’d be losing a six-year-old and be presented with a teenager who was now a combat veteran. Seven years of her life that they would know nothing about without reading Twilight’s copy of their shared diary, and it would all have appeared to have happened in an instant.

Kitzu went to her room and undid the buckles that kept her pack, and saddlebags in place, dumped them on the floor, unbuttoned the waistcoat, and hung it up. She then got out her flight suit, cloak, and a few other clothing items, and hung them up. Everything needed to be cleaned, along with the camping gear she had. True she could have used the camping gear at the alicorn city, but she’d been too on edge.

“Oi, who are you?” Called a voice just as Kitzu was putting her cap on. “Who’s in here?”

“Mrs Gale, it’s me, Kitzu,” Kitzu called and then cautiously looked out the door. “Didn’t Magnus tell you I was on my way back?” Mrs Gale was an older mare who didn’t get out much, and the landlord of the apartment. She was also a snoop and a gossip.

“As I live and breath, Miss Nightfoal. - My you are looking prettier than ever, I hardly recognized you. - Oh and now that I think of it, he did mention you were on your way back. Didn’t think you’d be back so soon, what with coming in from the northwest coast.” Mrs Gale knew nothing of Kitzu’s ability to travel to other worlds. She certainly knew nothing of Kitzu’s new flying save for illicit glances at Magnus's diary.

“I just got in. - So where is he?”

“He volunteered to help build a thunderhead.”

“Well, in that case, I think I’ll go out and have a look.” Kitzu offered and picked up her goggles.

“Oh, you really shouldn't. Thunderheads can be really dangerous. And you can barely fly.” Mrs Gale seemed quite concerned at the prospect of Kitzumi flying anywhere near a thunderhead. Granted the old Kitzumi had a hard time just crossing the gaps between clouds in the city. Cloudsdale’s version of streets.

“Mrs Gale...” Kitzu said slowly spreading out one wing, and then the other. The tips pressed against the walls of the small room. Mrs Gale’s eyes widened.

“Oh, my stars? - Those wings.”

“I did tell Magnus my flight feathers came in,” Kitzu folded her wings back up.

“But I’ve never seen the like?”

“Cool, aren’t they.”

“They are predator wings.”

“I’m a fox pony. All fox pegasi have wings like this. - Anyway, I’m going to go find Magnus. Either way, I’ll be back later,” Kitzu offered, walked past Mrs Gale, and headed out the front door.

Mrs Gale watched as Kitzu put her goggles on, spread her wings, and just lifted up off the front porch. Just like that Kitzu was up and away and by the time Mrs Gale had trotted out to the porch, Kitzu was out of sight.


Kitzu now free of the pack and saddlebags couldn't resist doing a loop the moment she was high enough above the apartments, followed by climbing straight up as fast as she could, engaging the air shield, the magical afterburner, and popped up so high she could see the curvature of the planet on the flatlands below. Picking out the thunderhead they were working on was easy at that height, easier still to bypass all the speed restrictions around Cloudsdale. She took a nice leisurely glide, leisurely for her, over to where the factory clouds were presently puffing out small clouds, and then did a corkscrew maneuver around the lines of pegasus running the small puffs to the crew that was presently stacking them.

Thunderhead stacking was always an interesting task as the small clouds would be pushed from the bottom and forced up. The most dangerous job was the pegasus who flew up into it to get the air currents going. Once a good updraft got going, an unwary flier could find themselves being rocketed upwards to forty thousand horns. Most Pegasi stayed in the lower range going no higher than six-thousand-five-hundred to seven-thousand horns, so the rule was to break off once the air really got moving. Any pony going higher needed to get down fast before the cold and rarefied air did them in. Pegasi simply weren’t built for high altitude flight. At least not sustained high altitude flight. Not even the highest-flying bird could go as high as the top of a big supercell. Any ponies still in the cell were to get out as quickly as they could and be prepared to take their time getting back down. Provided of course they could get down to at least nine-thousand horns before the thin atmosphere got to them. The higher the pony went, the greater the chances they’d pass out before getting back to a safe altitude.

“Oi, quit screwing around!” Shouted a pegasus worker flying over to her. “You and all the other teenagers!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I was looking for Magnus.”

“Well, you are just going to have to wait, and do it at a safe distance.”

“Yes Sir,” Kitzu offered, put some distance between herself, the work being done, and then shot up into the sky. Just for fun, she decided to let herself stall, slip back, yaw to the right rotating on the vertical access until her head was pointing down at which point she decided to corkscrew towards the ground. After what looked like surely she’d be too dizzy to recover, she leveled off, gained speed, pulled straight up again, and turned rotating on the yaw axis again to point down, and then continue rotating in that manner as she descended. She did three rotations, then dove down to gain speed, followed by a loop, at the base of which she did a snap roll. This was followed by arching back up, another yaw flip, only this time she reversed her direction to go right back in the direction she’d come, arching back up again, a flip, and snap to go back in the direction from which she’d just come. All this she did without ever once having to rely on a magical boost.

Kitzu was just having fun. One moment she’d be doing a loop and the next tumbling through the air with wild abandon. Every so often she’d stop to have a look at the progress. She had the two-way radio so she could listen in on the coordinators in charge.

They were starting to pull ponies out. The storm was building itself now so Kitzu decided to go to a gathering point by a cloud machine. Seeing Commander Hurricane, Kitzu glided on over to him.

“Hi Commander, where’s that old man of mine?”

“Old man, who? - Miss Nightfoal, you’re back! - Sorry, but he hasn’t come out yet.”

“Oh?” Kitzu listened in on the radio chatter. Group leaders were calling in their headcounts. “Anyone got Flash Magnus in your group?” Kitzu called breaking in. A few moments later it was confirmed that Flash Magnus was unaccounted for and probably still in the cell. Kitzu lifted up her right hoof, produced a flame of foxfire, and studied the cell via a foxfire screen. Magnus was still in there along with some pony else.

“Miss Nightfoal, you can’t go in there!” Commander Hurricane called as Kitzu began moving towards the cell.

“Miss, don’t do it!” Called one of the coordinators on seeing her.

“Don’t stop me. - And I’m probably the only high altitude flier you’ve got,” Kitzu said over the two way, as she launched herself upwards with powerful strokes of her wings.

“Who was that!” The coordinator asked of Commander Hurricane.

“Ensign Nightfoal. She’s a fox pony.” He replied about the same time Kitzu formed her shield with a noticeable shimmer. “Wow, didn’t expect that?” A moment later there was a boom as Kitzu pushed herself forward with her magic, and broke the sound barrier.

“Did she just… while climbing?” The Coordinator asked.

“Fox ponies can use magic, she augments her flight, not sure how she’s doing it though?” Hurricane offered. “Astounding improvement from the last time I saw her a year ago.”

“Well, I hope for her sake she knows what she’s doing?” The Coordinator offered as two more coordinators joined them.

“What the buck, what the actual buck, who the buck was that!” Called another coordinator approaching.


Meanwhile, Kitzu Had circled around to get as close as she could to her targets. Magnus was after a pony in distress. Kitzu used her foxfire again, this time applied to her goggles to map out a route to him, set her wings to the delta position, and dove in. From there on she would be relying on her magic for propulsion.

The winds buffeted her, threatening to throw her off course, but her magic was telling her where to turn, and when. Sure it was a wild ride, but she was still in control. A moment later she sighted Magnus struggling against the currents. Kitzu threw one of her shield bubbles around him, and then looped, turned, dived, and climbed to get up next to him.

“Follow me, that’s an order!” Kitzu shouted over the roar of the winds. A moment later they were pummeled by hail, and if not for Kitzu’s shield, they might both have been in a bad way. Target number two wasn’t fairing so well.

Magnus tried to ignore her and made another attempt at the golden yellow pony with a magenta mane and tail he’d been after only to get swept away again.

Kitzu grabbed him with her magic to force him into close formation behind and to her left. She ignored his protests and used the eddies to her advantage. At first, it looked like they were going to lose sight of the other pony but a moment later they were right on them. Kitzu slammed a shield bubble around her target, pulled them in close, wrapped her forelegs around the pony, and let the currents take all three right to the top. Forty-thousand horns. She was now higher than she'd ever been before.

It seemed like no more than an instant, the three had gone from maelstrom to sublime stillness. Below lay a plain of white that seemed to stretch on forever, and above was the bluest sky she’d ever seen.

“Hold your horses!” Kitzu exclaimed into the two-way radio. “I’ve got them. - I'm Ensign Nightfoal. I’m a fox pony, I made shield bubbles with my fox magic. And I am not going back in for any pony else. - We’ll be down in a few minutes.” Behind her, Magnus was yelling, but she couldn’t hear a word. “Let the aid station know I’m bringing them a patient. Broken wing, and concussed from hail.” Kitzu shifted her position so she’d be side by side with Magnus, and then touched wingtip to wingtip. “Can you hear me now?”

“We’ll asphyxiate up here!”

“Not so long as I’m maintaining the shields around our bodies. It traps a layer of good air.”


“I told you I could fly at high altitude. Not the first time either. My limit seems to be about forty-five minutes to an hour, give or take. - I’ve no intention to stay up here any longer than necessary, it’s too cold, this pony you were trying to rescue is out cold, and has a broken wing. I’m splinting it with my magic.” Kitzu offered as they passed over the edge of the storm. The view from that altitude was breathtaking, and a tinge of regret hit her knowing she'd no time to enjoy it. From there they proceeded to switchback down with wide sweeping turns each time they changed directions.

“Wouldn't it be faster to just go straight?” Magnus asked.

“At the altitude we started at we’d end up going too fast and be unable to keep it under control if we were to try to go straight for the aid station. I could do it by myself, but I’d likely overshoot Cloudsdale, and break every window in the city doing it. - So who are we rescuing?”

“Little Scootaloo.”

“Remind me to tell her off when she’s awake.”

“You’re going to have to stand in line. - Glad to have you back.”

“Glad to be back.”

“So what was living under Nightmare Moon like?”

“Queen moon was stern, but no nightmare.” Kitzu offered. “Remember that I hit their world when they were so desperate for ponies to fight Sombra they were forcibly recruiting any pone who could fight. Young and old. Queen Moon, and Queen Shimmer were in a desperate war that they were losing. Sombra had been making gain after gain owing to his ability to use mind control. It was my little lamps that turned the tide in our favor. We were able to use them to counter Sombra’s magic.”

“So what happened to Princess Celestia?”

“According to eye witness accounts from the time, when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had their big knock down drag out fight, it was Princess Celestia who lost it. She was calling herself Eclipse. At the climax of the fight, Princess Celestia took the elements of harmony to banish Princess Luna, only when she activated the spell it backfired. Princess Celestia’s horn shattered, and lost both her magic and immortality. Accounts from the time suggest she was reduced to an invalid and she lived out a mortal life. As for raising and lowering the sun, Luna couldn't do it, the sun wouldn't respond to her. Fortunately the power to raise and lower the sun had transferred to another pony who became an alicorn shortly after.”

“What was it you said her name was again?”

“Princess Sunset Shimmer.”

“You don’t mean like our Shimmer?”

“Our Shimmer is old, but not that old. - I never had the opportunity to meet her so I don’t know if she was our Shimmer’s counterpart or not. Kitzu offered. “OK, we are low enough, I’m going to cut you loose.”

“Woow!” Magnus called out as he dipped out of formation. Kitzu also dropped the shields. “Now I know what it’s like to be put on a leash by an alicorn.”

“Just don’t tell any pone I’m an alicorn. All they need to know is I’m a fox pony, and what I just did is normal for flying foxes.”

“Is it, is it really?”

“The few flying foxes I’ve met all talk like it is. - There were a couple who liked to talk like they flew up thunderstorms all the time, although, I don’t think they’re as big in the northwest.”

“So how many times have you been that high?”

“Been in a few to shake pursuers. - This’ll be the first time I went all the way to the top.”

“First time?!” Magnus shouted.

“My normal cruising altitude is usually around ten to twelve thousand horns.”

“Twelve thousand horns!!”

“Well how else did you think I managed to get out to Thorn peak? - Any lower than eight thousand horns, and the curse of the forest will throw everything it’s got to pull a pony down. - There are ridge lines upwards of six thousand horns that throw black thorny vines at any pone that gets too close, and my lamps don’t seem to have much effect out there.”

“Oh ya, I’ve encountered that.” Magnus offered as a group of pegasus flew up to meet them.

“If you could direct us to the aid station?” Kitzu asked as they came along side.

“That was pretty darn gutsy. - Should have let Magnus handle it.” The lead pegasus scolded.

“I was floundering up there. She just knows how to navigate a big thunder cell.” Magnus informed them as they continued on towards the aid station.

“I used my fox magic to create air reservoirs, shield every pone from the hail, and feel my way through the eddies.” Kitzu offered. “It’s not something I’d recommend trying. - Not without protective clothing and an air reserve. - Wish I’d had my flight suit on. It’s cold up there even through my thick fur.”

“She’s not wrong about that. - Damn cold up there.” Magnus offered.

“Wait, how high did you go?”

“All the way to the flat top.” Magnus informed them.

“So that’s why the odd flight path. - Damn! - But that ain't normal?”

“Apparently it’s a fox pony thing.” Magnus offered as they approached the aid station.

“She’s got multiple contusions from the hail, and a broken right wing.” Kitzu shouted as they entered. “I’m going to assume she has a concussion as well. - I need a stretcher!” Kitzu hovered briefly while a gurney was brought out, and then gently lay little Scoots down. She pointed to were the break was. “The break is right there, I set it, but my magic will only hold so long, it’ll still need to be splinted.”

Kitzu dropped down to the deck as Scoots was wheeled away, and folded up her wings. “Of all the stupid things to do.” Kitzu also worried about impacting the time line, but Lady Aiko had told her to go with her heart if she found herself in a situation where some pone needed help. Aiko had explained that any thing she did would just be part of the time line so long as it didn't impact herself in a big way.

“Excuse me, we’ll need some pone to sign a release.” A unicorn in a white smock said approaching.

“I’ll sign it.” Magnus offered. “I’m her grandfather.”

“You don’t look like a grandfather.”

“He’s Commander Flash Magnus, he’s every pegasus's grandfather.” Offered Wind Rider having followed them in.

“Believe it or not her mother is a direct descendant of mine, and I have permission to sign for her in an emergency.” Magnus offered. “The filly’s name is Louise, nicknamed Little Scoots. Her mother is Dean Shimmer over at the flight school. - I can give her a call via the wireless.”

“I’m going to go sit in the waiting room. Any chance there’s an on site food vendor? I haven't had anything to eat since this morning, and used up quite a few calories out there.”

“Not so fast young filly.” Magnus said as he signed the form. Soon as he set the pen down he went over to Kitzu, and gave her a big bear hug. “Welcome back. Been a while.”

“Idiot.” Kitzu muttered as she leaned into him. “Food?”

“Afraid you’re out of luck. What did you have this morning?” Magnus asked.

“Stopped off at Ponyville this morning and had the Apple Family style breakfast at the Ponyville diner.”

“And your hungry?”

“Pulling your flank out of that thunder cell was hard work.”

“I had it under control.”

“No you didn’t.”

“OK, no I didn’t.”

“No offense Magnus, but isn’t she a bit young for you?” Wind Rider asked.

“It’s not like that!” Kitzu protested pulling away while blushing. “I’m just a little filly!”

“Honestly, I just look after her when she’s in town.” Magnus protested. “That’s just… wow.” He gave Rider a dirty look and got a smirk back in place.

“Say miss, how old are you anyway?” Asked one of the coordinators who’d followed them in.

“Six.” Kitzu replied, and headed for the waiting room.

“Six?” She was very mature for a six year-old leaving the mare to think maybe she ment sixteen.

“Inside joke. She’s actually somewhere around thirteen or fourteen. I kind of lost track.” Magnus explained his expression going to a smirk. “Anyway she kind of needed some support, and I was available. - I’d better go make that call now.”

--------------------⛅🏥 --------------------

Kitzu sat in the waiting room for what seemed the longest time looking at mare’s fashion magazines to try to stave off boredom, her goggles hanging from her neck. Rarity was in several of the magazines. Magnus was outside somewhere talking to ponies about his wild ride. She glanced up just as Sunset Shimmer entered, and went to the reception desk. Shimmer was asked to wait for a moment. Kitzu got up, and went over to Shimmer.

“Hi. She’s going to be alright,” Kitzu offered. Sunset Shimmer looked down at her. Kitzu had grown, but was still short compared to other ponies her relative age.

“Hi, are you one of Scoot’s friends?”

“I’m the friend who told her to go look you up. - Miss Nightfoal.”

“Oh right, the mysterious friend who blows through town every now and then. - How is it this is the first time I’ve met you?”

“I rescued Scoots.” Kitzu had actually been avoiding Sunset Shimmer.

“You did?”

“Sure did.” Offered a nurse. “I’m nurse Aerocare. - I’m to understand she flew into a big thunderhead to pull her friend out.”

“She did what? - Where is Scoots? - How is she?”

“Come this way. She’s awake now. And is it alright if the young miss comes too? Miss Scoots mentioned she was looking forward to seeing her. - Seems like they are good friends.”

“I’d like to see her. We were supposed to get together tonight,” Kitzu offered.

“Right, Magnus did mention he expected your return. Where is he right now?”

“Outside swapping stories with Wind Rider, I’d imagine.” Kitzu offered.

“Well then, lets go say hi to Scoots.” Shimmer offered as they followed nurse Aerocare.

“Hi Ms Shimmer… Kitzu, your back already,” Scoots said greeting them. She was sitting on the gurney she’d been laid out on earlier, her wing was wrapped up, and she had a neck brace.

“And a good thing too, that was a dumb stunt flying into that storm.” Kitzu scolded.

“Um, Kitzu?” Scoots said, not to sure what was going on.

“I’m to understand Miss Nightfoal was the pony who rescued you.” Nurse Aerocare informed Scootaloo. “Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. - Miss Nightfoal, setting a bone in flight is a very difficult thing to do.”

“Not like this was my first rodeo. I’ve been in combat,” Kitzu offered with the tone of someone who really doesn’t want to talk about it. “I’ve done emergency medical aid in flight before.”

“Kitzu?” Scoots asked. Shimmer just gave her an odd look.

“I got mixed up in a war,” Kitzu replied reluctantly. “That’s why I’ve been gone so long this time.”

“I guess that’s why you kept calling the clinic an aid station over the wireless,” Nurse Aerocare replied in a contemplative tone.

“Oh,” scoots said. “I knew Commander Magnus was awfully worried about you, but never knew why. - Or why you were gone so long.”

“After my flight feathers came in, I had to learn how to fly under some really harsh conditions. - I’m not the same as I was.”

“You’ll always be my friend, no matter what,” Scoots offered with a smile. Kitzu looked over to her, and smiled back.

“Scoots, you could have died, you and Magnus. He was trying to save you, but he can’t predict the winds like I can. I could have lost you both.”

“I guess I won’t need to yell at you then,” Shimmer offered. “Why’d you do such a foal thing in the first place?”

“It was a dare.”

“Scoots, the number of ponies capable of successfully navigating one of those big storms once it gets going is infinitesimally small,” Kitzu offered. “You either get sucked right to the top which can be upwards forty thousand horns, or pulled down the falls side where all the rain falls. - I have an advantage with my fox magic because it allows me to predict what’s going to happen. I can create an air bubble around myself in case I go over the altitude limit, and I can shield myself.” Kitzu dropped her had down, and in a quiet contemplative tone told Scoots, “You’re practically a sister, you and Magnus are like family, the only ponies who remember me and care what happens to me. You can’t begin to imagine what it’d be like if I lost you.”

“I can.” Magnus offered from the door.

“Ya, I suppose you can.” Kitzu offered while looking over towards the doorway.

“Well, what say we get straight to business here?” Nurse Aerocare offered taking advantage of that moment of awkward silence. “I’m going to release Louise into your care. She’s got a lot of bruises from the hail, and her wing will need to be splinted for at least a month.”

“A month?!” Scoots protested.

“Might take longer. Four to six weeks for a pony your age,” Nurse Aerocare cautioned. “Ms Shimmer, she also has whiplash and a mild concussion. She’s to take it easy for a while. You’ll need to keep a close watch on her as well. If she becomes lightheaded, severe headache, vomiting – get her to the horsepital as fast as you can. - Miss Louise, don’t make any sudden movements for the next two to three days. Just take it easy. It’ll help.”

“Understood.” Shimmer offered. Scoots just nodded her head the best she could.

“I’m also prescribing a mild pain killer for the wing that you can pick up at the pharmacist.”

“Thank you very much.” Shimmer offered, followed by nurse Aerocare excusing herself to go see another patient.

“Shimmer, why not take Kitzu in, as you offered.” Magnus offered.

“Now hang on here?” Kitzu protested.

“Just until Scoots is on the mend. Then we’ll discuss your future, and quite frankly, these forays into other worlds is what concerns me. - The next time you go, I might never see you again.”

“Other worlds? Is that what you’ve been hiding?!” Shimmer asked astounded.

“Now is a bad time.” Kitzu offered. “I’ll come to stay, but first I want to get my stuff, and secondly there’s a condition.”

“Which would be?” Shimmer asked.

“That you say nothing about my having been to other worlds.” Kitzu offered. “And I don’t wish to be brought to the attention of any pone in or connected to the royals. Not just yet.”

“And if I do?” Shimmer asked. “Not to mention certain ponies are already curious about who you are?” - Twilight for one.”

“I know you are Sunset Shimmer and not Sunrise Shimmer. Do you want to risk Princess Celestia finding out you are here? That is, I am under the impression you’ve been avoiding her?”

“Alright fine,” Shimmer replied feeling like she’d just experienced the tactical version of a sucker punch. Here was a filly she knew almost nothing about, who seemed to know far too much about her. As for Kitzu, Sunset using Sunrise had been a surprise, but not unexpected. It meant not having to explain her initials, or even her real name should any pone spot something with either on it. The first would be acknowledged, the latter as a mistake or jest.

Kitzu returned to Magnus’s apartment with him to retrieve her belongings only to find Mrs Gale had taken the liberty to wash and sort her belongings.

“Mrs Gale!? - I can take care of my own belongings!”

“So what is this contraption, and why do you have a reversible cloak from Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns?”

“That’s a tree tent, it sets up in a tree, and the cloak belonged to my sister who was a unicorn.” The last part an out and out lie. Well sort of, as she did have a sister who was a unicorn. “And my books, where are my books? Those are confidential eyes only material!”

“Confidential… pft.”

“For Celestia’s sake, Miss Kitzu is a military officer, you can’t just go through her things.” Magnus chastised entering the room.

“Where are my books? - Please tell me you didn’t open anything?”

“On the shelf. And don’t worry, I didn’t look at anything."

“My uniform is magic clean only.”

“Oh, dear.”

“Where is it, please tell me you didn’t put it in a washer? - And what did you do with my peytral? - Please tell me you didn’t touch the spare uniform as well?”

“I only washed what you’d been wearing, and I didn’t recognize the fabric so I hoof washed it. It’s on the clothesline drying, and what’s a peytral?”

“The chest plate thingy that looks like the one Princess Luna wears. It’s got enchantments on it! It’s dangerous if miss hoofed!”

“Oh, dear. Mr Nimbus next door said he would polish it.”

“Ack! - There's an anti-theft enchantment on it!" Kitzu exclaimed, and ran out the door. She found Mr Nimbus backed into a corner being threatened by the image of Nightmare Moon. Furniture had been tumbled over, and household goods scattered. Kitzu scanned for the peytral, trotted over to it, and picked it up. The image of Nightmare Moon vanished.

“Mr Nimbus.”

He mouthed the words 'what in Celestia'?

“It’s an illusion to deter would-be thieves,” Kitzu explained, turned, and walked out the door. She then went to retrieve her uniform next. The uniform didn’t look like it’d been damaged being washed, After all, it was supposed to be able to hold up to rugged conditions, be puncture, tear and cut resistant, but she was concerned about what being hung on a line might do to it. Unfortunately, the best way to keep it from either shrinking or stretching in strange ways was to put it on while wet. She’d simply have to fly around with it on. At least it was a hot day.

“Oh, are these souvenirs?” Mrs Gale asked holding one of Kitzu’s lanterns as she walked back into the apartment. Kitzu just gave her a dirty look. “I’m just asking?”

“It’s real, they are all real, and they are dangerous in the hooves of ponies that mess with things they shouldn't be touching,” Kitzu replied crossly. Truth be told they were only dangerous if deliberately misused by a magic-user, and almost guaranteed to burn out if they were.

“Dangerous?” Mrs Gale asked softly.

"Specifically if mishandled, otherwise they are safe enough. Just don't mess with any of my stuff." Kitzu took the lamp and put it on a shelf followed by putting the peytral on another shelf. She then put her uniform on and walked to the door.

“Don’t – touch – anything – else,” Kitzu growled, walked out the door, and off the ledge allowing herself to drop down to where the heat of the vast open plains below would dry out the uniform.

“Right off hoof, I’d say you really blew it,” Magnus informed her.

“Teenagers can be so touchy,” Mrs Gale offered. “And for that matter why does she have so much money and jewels?”

“Touchy?” Magnus asked picking up a large black lock blade knife with straps for strapping it to a leg emblazoned with the old skull and wing of the Shadow Bolts. He activated a release mechanism and produced a long wicked looking blade big enough to be considered a sizable dagger. “Damn.”

“Oh my!”

Kitzu put her goggles on shortly after dropping, angled down, spread her wings, and pulled out of her dive. From there she chose to just let her wings carry her on the warm air coming up off the hot land below. Soaring with wings fully extended was easy. All she had to do was just hang in the air, and let the wind do all the work.

“Oh ya, that feels much better,” Kitzu told herself a few moments later when she’d cleared the shadow of Cloudsdale. Her pace was slow and easy, and the sun felt so good. She didn’t want to get too far from Cloudsdale, and just flew in big lazy circles, letting the occasional updraft lift her higher. When she was satisfied her waistcoat was dry enough she unbuttoned it to let the airflow underneath.

“Excuse me?” Called an appaloosa pegasus coming up alongside. He was mostly golden with a black and white mane, tail, and what looked to be a cloud formation with a lightning bolt on his rump. Kitzu cast a glance at him, he looked to be high school age. She knew him, she knew that thunder strike cutie mark, but the pony she knew was gone.

“Landlady washed my uniform. I’m drying it.”

“I don’t want any trouble, but why is a flier from the Ghost Squadron in Cloudsdale? - Also you are freaking out the earth ponies down on the ground.”

“I’m what?” Kitzu asked glancing over at him.

“Freaking out the Earth ponies.”

“Seriously? - I’m just drying my uniform.”

“They think you are one of the big birds of prey they have around here.”

“Farmers,” Kitzu said as she rolled her eyes. “Maybe if I went lower so they can tell I’m a pony?” Kitzu offered and dropped into a dive.


Kitzu dove down to a small ranch to discover life playing out like it always does.

“Howdy stranger.” offered a big reddish stallion with a green mane.

“Hi. My name's Nightfoal. I’m a friend of Apple Bloom in Ponyville. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go bust some pony’s chops.”


“A certain pony up there told me you all were afraid of me because you thought I was a big old nasty bird of pray. - Naturally, I came down here to tell you, you don’t have to be afraid of me. - And now I feel like an idiot.”

“You’ll fit right in with the rest of Miss Apple Blooms friends then.” The pony offered. “Names Cinnamon, Apple Cinnamon.”

“Speaking of fitting in, if you could send word to Apple bloom let her know that Little Scoots did a darn foal thing, and has a broken wing.”

“Oh my gosh.” a mare said approaching. “What happened?”

“Flew into a thunderhead.”

“She did what?”

“That big one they just jump-started, flew in as every pone was getting out. - She’s OK, just won’t be doing any flying for a while. - OK, I kind of need to get going, I’m supposed to meet up with Scoots. Looks like I’m going to be moving in on her, and her mother.”

“Well, you take care,” Cinnamon offered.

“Goodbye,” Kitzu replied and flew up into the air.

“Ooo, right where he thinks.” The mare commented a few moments later. Cinnamon just cringed. “And I can see she’s a kind enough filly, she’s not going to just let him drop...”

“Spoke too soon.” Cinnamon offered just as Kitzu dropped the young stallion into the pig wallow. Kitzu hovered overhead just long enough to make sure he didn’t drown and then headed back up to Cloudsdale.

“Don’t give up son, I think she likes you.” Cinnamon offered as the young stallion lifted himself up out of the mud.

“She kicked me in the jewels, hit the nerves on my back to disable my wings, and dumped me in the mud! What makes you think she likes me?”

“Stuck around to make sure you didn’t drown.” Cinnamon offered with a grin.

“I’d hate to think what she’d do to me if she didn’t like me.”

“What say we get that pig mud off you before it hardens.”


Kitzu returned to the apartment to find Mrs Gale and Magnus attempting to repack her things. They weren’t having much luck, especially being they’d pulled out the outer shell for her uniform.

“Oh hey, your back,” Magnus said on seeing her.

“Everything has to be stacked in a specific order,” Kitzu offered punctuated with a sigh. There was also a spell that made the pack bigger on the inside, but a pony had to know how to activate the spell.

“Is this armor?” Magnus asked. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“My flight suit, along with the outer shell of my doublet is made from spider silk. Very tough material. - I’m sorry Mrs Gale, I was probably worried for nothing, it’s just that I’ve always been really careful about maintaining my gear. - It’s custom fit and worth a small fortune. - Those plates are the armor that goes over the top.”

“Oh, can you put it on and show us?” Mrs Gale asked.

“Another time, sorry. - I need to repack all this so I can get over to Dean Shimmer’s house. Scootaloo is probably wondering what’s become of me by now.”

“Oh dear, I’m sorry.” Mrs Gale offered.

“Listen, Mr Nimbus triggered the anti-theft charm on my peytral, why don’t you go see how he’s doing. He was kind of shook up.”

“Oh dear, I suppose I should.” Mrs Gale replied, and then left the apartment.

Kitzu let out a sigh, and began laying everything out using her levitation spell. “Want to see something cool?”

“And that would be?” Magnus asked.

“Watch this.” Kitzu offered, hovered into the air along with the armor. One by one the armor all went to the appropriate location buckling into place, complete with a helmet reminiscent of the one worn by Queen Moon. With the peytral finishing off the look, Kitzu looked quite formidable. Despite her small stature.

“Wow,” Magnus replied. “No earholes though? - Just sort of ridge-like section with a slight gap.”

“Covered flaps I can raise and lower,” Kitzu offered while popping out her ears to demonstrate, then popping them back in. “Let's face it, an exposed ear in hoof to hoof fighting is an invitation to lose an ear. Ear holes are also a terrible weakness in the armor that can be exploited. - Having my ears pinned back may not be the most comfortable thing, but beats the alternative.”

“What about when you outgrow it?”

“I suppose it’ll just be a souvenir then. - My cloak is already a bit tight in the shoulders.” Kitzu offered and began removing the armor. “Not like I can replace any of it. - Queen moon has given me orders not to return without permission, and gave me no way to contact her.”

“The war?”

“The war is over. And no, I don’t want to talk about it.” The room fell quiet for a moment or two, and then Kitzu started packing everything up. Her waistcoat and flight suit going into the pack last. The cap and goggles went into a saddlebag, and sunglasses came out.

“Well, I guess I just need my civvies.”

“I packed them up for you, want me to carry them?”

“Yes, thank you. - Any more, and I’ll sink through the clouds.”

“Didn’t you come in with all that stuff?” He had to laugh when Kitzu gave him a big smile. A short time later they were out the door, and on their way to the flight school where Shimmer lived.

“A tram, you want to take a tram?” Kitzu asked as they approached a tram station.

“I have no desire to lug your bags all the way there.” Magnus informed Kitzu. He’d two large suitcases. “How you managed to accumulate so much stuff when you are seldom here I don’t know.”

“I’ll try not to collect too much.” Kitzu offered. Her ears went down, and her head drooped. “Not too much longer, and I won’t have to hide anymore.” Magnus put a wing around her, and gave her a hug. The tram came, and they got on without saying a word. The tram was a small zeppelin with a gondola about the size of a mid sized bus pushed about by pegasi.

Kitzu sat quietly as she watched the cloud buildings go by. Kitzu always enjoyed how they got different colors by varying the density of the enchanted clouds. After all, pegasi could do magic, they just never really thought of it as magic, being all they were doing was packing clouds together. And yes, there was the ability to make solid objects hang in the clouds as though clouds were solid. “It’s nice to be able to look at the shops.” Kitzu offered after a while. “Downside is I can’t see the tops of the buildings.”

“You can see the tops of the buildings any time you want. - Speaking of buildings, tell me about the ruins you came across?”

“It was so quiet, peaceful, and yet I was on edge the whole time I was there. Didn’t even unpack any of my gear. Slept with my pack on and one eye open.”

“You’re not tired now?”

“Slept on the train. - I just felt safe on the train. - That and all that food I ate. - Apple Bloom saw me to the station.”

“Does she know?”

“I told her too much, and she figured it out.”

“So now what?”

“She’s going to keep my secret for now, and I get to put another friend back on my list.” Kitzu replied with a smile.

“What about Dean Shimmer. She’s been wanting to get you in her school.”

“I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. - I’m going to have to tell her something. - Pretty sure my education has been lacking academically, what with going back and forth. - As far as flight school goes I've surpassed what they teach at the high school.”

“I’m sure you’ll catch up. Academy then?”

“I wouldn't mind a deal similar to what big Scootaloo has.”

The two continued on in silence as the tram turned a corner and left the business district. A short time later they were passing through an upscale urban area, turned another corner which brought them to the front of the school.

“OK, we’re getting off here, come on.” Magnus announced as the tram pulled up to a stop. A few moments later they were standing on the walk out in front of the school, Magnus having nearly left Kitzu’s bags on the tram.

“Don’t tell me she lives at the school?” Kitzu asked.

“House is in back off to the right. - That’s as close as the tram will get us.”

“Alright, I guess… Lead on commander… or did you want me to take point?”

“You could just walk with me,” He offered as the two started walking again. It didn’t take too long, though walking did tend to make Kitzu antsy now. It wasn’t so much that she had to wait so long to be able to fly, it was just that flying was so much faster. A few minutes brought them around to the end of the building, a few more past the end, past some administration building until they finally came to the housing for the upper staff members. Shimmer hadn’t been there a long time, or perhaps she had, no pone was quite sure when she started but she had excelled in the ability to organize. Having studied under Princess Celestia her organizational skills were far and above what most pegasus were capable of, resulting in Shimmer quickly advancing right to the top of the leadership structure at the school. Sunset Shimmer, now known as the pegasus Sunrise Shimmer, was now the dean of the school, and had been provided with a fairly modest home.

“Not bad. Should we knock, or just walk in?” Kitzu offered as she walked up the steps.

“Both.” Magnus replied, rapped on a board specifically for that use, and opened the door. “Honey, I’m home!”

“Honey??” Kitzu asked astonished. “You’re joking, right? Right?”

“Sort of yes, sort of no.”

“Hi guys, what took you so long.” Scoots asked coming out to the entry hall to greet them.

“Mrs Gale got into my stuff, and washed my uniform. I had to put it on and fly around a bit to dry it. - Kind of need to lay it out, it’s still damp.”

“Why don’t I show you to your room then. - Shimmer is in her home office.”

“I’ll go say hi to Shimmer,” Magnus offered.

“Luggage?” Kitzu asked.

“Oh, right, right, I should probably help with that.”

“Come on,” Scoots offered, and showed them to an upstairs bedroom.

“This is nice,” Kitzu said as she entered the bedroom. “It’s a corner room part tower. - Do I really get all this to myself?” She asked as she put her pack on the floor, followed by her saddlebags and the straps that held everything together.

“What have you been staying in?” Magnus asked. “You weren’t exactly very open about where you were, and what you were doing.”

“A barracks when I was lucky enough to have a roof over my head. - I did have a decent sized room whenever I was in attendance to the queen, but most of the time I’d be bed down out in a tree or something like that. Whenever we were out in the field we always tried to bed down in places that could not be easily accessed, and could be defended such as the face of a cliff. There were times when we didn’t even get out our bed roles, and took turns sleeping. - Being nocturnal has a considerable disadvantage when your enemies are trying to find you while you are sleeping, and the light of day can betray you. Though it could be a blessing any time we could bivouac with day shift.”

“Sounds like you had it rough,” Scoots offered.

“Can I ask you a question?” Kitzu began as she headed for a wardrobe. “Why don’t you call Shimmer, mom? I mean she is technically your mom, and as far as the rest of Equestria knows, you are her daughter?”

Scoots went and sat on a sofa. Magnus set down Kitzu’s bags, and quietly excused himself, while Kitzu got her as yet still damp uniform out of her pack. Kitzu took the uniform over to the big windows, and laid it out on a rack devised of foxfire.

“Neat trick,” Scoots offered.

“Not going to answer my question?”

“She’s not my mom, OK?”

“Ooo touchy. - Listen, the only Luna I wasn’t able to call Muma, was Queen Moon. She always made sure to keep that distance from me, and I can kind of understand why.”

“But this isn’t even my world.”

“No, no it’s not. - It’s not really my world either,” We lost our world… and it’s my fault.”

“How could it be your fault?”

“I went back in time, and screwed everything up. - Buck it all, the original you is still in the human world attending Canterlot High from what Apple Bloom tells me. - Neither one of us should even exist.”

“Wait, does Apple Bloom know?”

“Yes, she figured it out, but that’s beside the point. - What I’m saying is that we just have to make do with the hand we’ve been dealt. - Just try opening up to her a little more. I mean, weren’t you the one who approached her in the first place. Take the plunge, and call her mom.” Kitzu got out her school cloak next, and laid it out on the bed.

“I did go to her, I wanted to know more about her. What with having no family of my own to speak of, when she offered to take me in I accepted. - Ever been tempted to stay in one of those other worlds?”

“I’d be lying if I said no,” Kitzu offered, opened up one of the bags Magnus brought over, and started putting things in the wardrobe. “I’d have a home with ponies that would be more than willing to take me in.” Kitzu paused for a moment. “Wouldn't be much different than when you came here, that is before the time lines smashed together. - If we hadn’t crossed paths, you’d probably still be telling yourself your memories were all some kind of fantasy cooked up by your subconscious.”

“It helped. A lot.” Scoots offered. “It’s nice to know that I’m not crazy.”

“And it’s nice to be remembered. It’s nice to not be alone. - Starting another life somewhere else where some of my own relatives aren’t even my relatives would be difficult. - The way I see it, all you have to do is just accept things as they are, and go with it. Me, I need to wait for history to repeat itself, and then try to convince my parents that I’m their foal.”

“And if they don’t accept you?” Scoots asked.

“I don’t know. I haven't really thought it out that far.”

“You could stay with me.” Shimmer offered from the doorway. “Rainbow Dash, and Twilight are already at odds, and if I’m to support you, and cut Twilight out of the picture I’d like some commitment from you.”

Kitzu’s ears went down. She then went to her saddlebags, and pulled out a book which she showed to Shimmer, and deposited it on a small writing desk. She then got out another book that looked nearly identical, and placed that with the first. A third book was retrieved followed by a forth, and finally a fifth. Each had her cutie mark on the cover, differing only by the addition of a number. Each had a short description added to the inside flap to identify the world. “The book I use to keep in touch with Magnus, the book I use to keep in touch with the world where Twilight is still a filly, oh and if any pone has mentioned a textbook left in Princess Luna’s personal library with dedications to a Miss Nova, that’s where it came from, the book where Twilight is a teen and Grand daughter of Princess Luna, the book where I have a counterpart my age, and finally the book my mother gave me so I could keep her up to date on what I’m doing. Of all the books, that last one, the one that is the most important, is the only one that hasn’t been responded to in nearly five years by my reckoning.” Kitzu dropped the camouflage hiding her horn, and then passed her number one book over to Shimmer via her magic. “Go on, read it. Being how you were eavesdropping, you might as well know everything. - That and being how I already know everything about you.” Kitzu hadn’t meant to be harsh, but her candid this is the way it is tone came across as harsh. She softened her tone, “Right now I’m just waiting to see if history repeats itself.”

“I see,” Shimmer replied. She knew what those books were, having one herself. Her tone sounded like she’d had the wind knocked out of her. Shimmer quietly went to the lounge by the window, sat down, and opened the book. The first entry was the word ‘test’ written in Twilight’s pen. This was followed by a list of bullet points detailing events starting with when Kitzu showed up in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters, along with each and every event deemed important by Twilight up to the point of starting the book along with dates and times. This was followed by a time travel spell that would allow the user a few moments to an hour to observe the past. Following that was everything a pony needed to build a time portal, and after that the logs were Kitzu was learning to control her ability to cross to other dimensions.

Kitzu sat down on the floor and leaned against the wardrobe. Magnus who’d been at the door went over to her and sat on the floor nearby. Kitzu had never once let him see that book. Not that he really needed to as he’d a good idea what was in it, so they just sat there, and waited while Shimmer read through the book.

Time dragged on, Scoots got up from the sofa she’d been on, and went over to Kitzu and sat down.

“Oh sweet Celestia.” Shimmer said very softly a short time later.

“Are you beginning to see the problem I have?” Kitzu asked. Shimmer didn’t say a thing, and just kept on reading. Kitzu then in a whisper asked if there was anything to eat?”

“Go on downstairs, I’ll stay here,” Magnus offered. “Not like I need to read that. I can guess at what’s in it.”

Kitzu got out one of her lamps, placed it on the desk, Magnus nodded that he understood, followed by Scoots, and Kitzu quietly getting up, and going down to the kitchen.


“Listen, you’ll have to be the pone to do all the reaching. Hurts when I try.”

“Ooo hey, fish!” Kitzu announced discovering a package of smoked smelts in a cloud cupboard. The cloud cupboards were ingenious places that had been devised to keep things cool where the true temperature of the cloud was allowed to just do its thing.

“Well that didn’t take you long.” Scoots said then laughed.

“Here, have some, eat the whole thing, bones and all.”

“Bones and all?”

“Yep. Calcium, it’ll help you heal up, that and you were never a hard core vegetarian anyway. - Face it, you and I aren’t like other ponies, and you used to love sushi.”

“I did? - Mom bought those for you as a treat.” Scoots replied taking a small plateful.

“You said mom.”

“Did I?” Maybe it’s just having you around that’s making the difference?”

“Maybe you are starting to remember? - Listen, our Shimmer had been in a really close relationship with your mom.”

“Wait, she was?”

“Her being here was part of why you came over. She and your big sister.”

“Big sister is pretty awesome. - OK, ya, I can see that. I mean what with the combination of factors what with discord and living in hiding because of fear of deportation. Coming here just made sense. - I recall I wasn’t able to show any kind of close relationship because Shimmer was attending High school for the umpteenth time, but people did think we might be sisters.”

“You are remembering.” Kitzu offered while nibbling on a little fish. “I never said anything about Discord, and you’ve recalled a good deal of your old life.”

“Oh. - You don’t mean this is his doing?”

“It’s a safe bet he had a talon in it. - After I shorted out his powers, Princess Luna got it into her head to banish him. - Though in hind sight it might have been better to just sit on him till he promised to behave himself. The lamps I authored negate his powers, the ghost lamps are proof that all that happened.”

“There are ghost lamps scattered all throughout Equestria.”

“The effect was reduced, but he wasn’t able to get rid of them. - What’s more is they’ll never age so long as they’re stuck like that.”

“Cool, say can you get down the oat bites?”

“Where are they at?”

“Top, second cupboard over.”

Kitzu got down a box that read molasses oat bites. She opened the box, tried a hoof full, and then passed them down to Scoots. “Not bad. - I need something more substantial then junk food though. - Did Shimmer have anything planned? Assuming of course I didn’t just torpedo everything by letting her see that book.”

“Is the book that bad?”

“They thought I was dead, Twilight started using it for a diary, and then at some point she just put it on the shelf and never looked at it again. - Naturally I started writing in it to let every pone know that I was indeed very much alive. My entries kind of devolved into status posts where I have no friends on my friends list. - Oh, hey, this looks interesting.”

“Friends list? - Wait, how do you know your messages are even being received by the other book?”

“Because, five years ago, right before we crossed paths, I had the opportunity to check. - Ooo, an orange. When I returned five years ago, I teleported directly to the Moon Viewing hall. At that point I was just going to sneak out being my encounter with my younger self a month prior had proven this was in deed the world I’d been born into. My plan was to just sit tight till time caught up with me. But then I saw them, the crystal lights hanging in the trees. They were ethereal in nature, but the very lights I’d hung up only a few months before by my reckoning. In reality I’d been gone more like two years. As I’d the opportunity, I went to Princess Luna’s library where Twilight kept her two way diaries, and sure enough it was right there and they matched word for word.”

“Well why didn’t you just confront some pony?”

“Because I was convinced, and still am to some degree, that any interaction with anyone who could effect my time line could prove disastrous.”

“You could stop yourself from going back in time.”

“I doubt that’s even possible. It’d be a paradox, and I’d have to be a doppelganger of myself to do it. If I could somehow stop myself from going back in time then I wouldn't have gone back in time in the first place to be able to stop myself. - I’d be some kind of anomaly. - And the same holds true for anyone I talk to. Once they know what happened, they’ll no longer be able to prevent it from happening because it’ll be like it already happened, and the past can’t be changed by the future.”

“Sorry, you lost me.” Scoots offered, and then took a bite of oats.

“Oh, and the you that you are right now wouldn't exist.”

“Wait, how’s that work?”

“You came over during the altered time line. The you that belongs to this time line didn’t, and lets keep in mind that so long as there is any kind of connection between dimensions the time lines will remain consistent.” “You’d never have known the joy of flying all on your own.”

“OK, whatever misgivings I might have had, it’s the flying part that makes it all worth while. I love to fly. It’s the greatest thing ever. - Kitzu...” Scoots went to a chair, and sat down, and rubbed her forehead. Kitzu stopped scrounging for food, and went over to Scoots.

“I might not be able to speed up your wing healing, but I think I can do something about that headache.” Kitzu pulled a chair up to her, sat down in it, and lit up her horn. “Do you trust me?” Kitzu leaned over, and nuzzled Scoots.

“What are you doing?”

“Shhh, just let it happen.”

“Are you purring? You’re purring. - Can ponies purr? - I can’t purr. - Why can’t…”

“You done?”

“Whatever it is you are doing, it seems to be working.” Scoots commented, and closed her eyes. “So how come you don’t call Princess Twilight mother, you always seem to refer to her and Princess Luna by title and name?” Kitzu’s purr stopped, and she sat back in her chair. “Did I just hit a land mine?”

“Sort of.” Kitzu offered, sat there for a moment, and let out a sigh. “The other worlds I’ve been visiting, not a one of the Twilight’s was my mother. Or even had a foal like me. Two were teens, and one was a little filly. - The habit of referring to someone as mother, mom, or muma, all dies away.”

“I see.”

“That’s part of why I think you should call Sunset mom. - By the way, how does your big sister feel about you showing up out of the blue like that?”

“She’s about as mystified as the rest. - Twilight and every pone back in Ponyville all assumed I was their Scootaloo being they’d all forgotten about my older half sister. - No pone seemed to be aware that there was two of us for some reason.”

“How’s her horn development?”

“She’s got a right proper horn. Main reason they sent her to the junior Wonderbolt academy was so she could have access to Princess Celestia’s school.”

“So on the surface she’s a cadet, but in actuality they are teaching her how to control her magic.”

“That’s about it.”

“I figured as much. Know what, I’m kind of jealous.” Kitzu stated. “Gets to hang out with Wonderbolts, and learn magic.”

“Any of the Wonderbolts ever been to the top of a thunder head?”

“Doubt it… oh no, they’re bound to make a big deal out of this.” Kitzu responded, got up from her chair and headed upstairs.

Kitzu arrived in the bedroom just as Shimmer was about to go looking for her, and found herself clenched in a tearful embrace.

“What have you been through? - What have you been through?” Shimmer asked. Shimmer was shaking, Kitzu hugged her back.

“It’s going to be alright, there’s a happy ending, I make it back.” Kitzu offered. Sunset’s distress had disarmed Kitzu’s emotional defenses.

“If only there was some way, let me talk to Twilight.” Shimmer asked.

“Princess Twilight… mom – already has all the information she needs to stop my going back in time.” Kitzu offered. “Something caused nearly every pone to forget everything. - Maybe it’s just kinder this way. - Are you going to be the pone who tells my mom that her six year old is going to be taken from her, and there’s nothing that can be done about it?”

“What about your diary?” Shimmer asked.

“At first I wanted my family to know I was alright.” Kitzu paused for a few moments. “Never occurred to me there’d be no reply. They’ve just put it up, some pone, sooner or later some pone is going to get it down, and see that I’m alright. After a while it got to be a habit. I’d write down where I was, and the highlight of my day. That I was alright. - It never crossed my mind that they’d completely forgotten about me.”

“There are a bunch of entries where you are anything but alright.”

“Serving Queen Moon,” Kitzu had dropped into a whisper. “I suppose once I’d retrieved my books I could have left any time I wanted, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave them when they were so desperate. I made lots of good friends.” Kitzu breathed in heavy, her breath ragged. “So many. They’re gone now. All my friends, all of them, and I've done some horrible things. - Why didn’t I just turn my back on them once I’d given them the tool they needed?” At that point all the emotions came boiling up to the top and manifested in a flood of tears. Kitzu is after all only a thirteen year old filly. “Why did I let myself get so attached to ponies I’d likely never see again anyway?” Kitzu said the last while burying her face in Shimmer’s chest while crying.

“I finally come back, and Scoots nearly got herself killed.” Kitzu added once she’d managed to gain control of her emotions. “Magnus is tough, I’m sure he’d have made it... - Ten months ago I’d have been helpless to do a thing. - And the storms… Sombra used them as weapons against the very land. Whole communities wiped from the face of Equestria.”

“How do you fight something like that?” Magnus asked having come up alongside Shimmer who was still embracing Kitzu.

“It’s all we could do to get ponies evacuated from the path of the storms. We found that we could isolate Sombra’s mind controlled ponies, and brake his hold with the enchantment of my lamps, but it was difficult. We ended up making thousands of them so we could distribute them. - One for every pony in Equestria to keep him from using his mind control on them.”

“And you beat him?” Sunset asked.

“We beat him. - Do you know what happens when a pony teleports while moving at a high rate of speed? Do you know what happens when that speed is mach one or mach two?” Kitzu asked with her head down. Shimmer held her back to try to look in her eyes. “They used me. - They used me as a weapon.” Queen Moon didn’t send me packing because I’m all torn up inside about losing so many friends, she sent me packing so I couldn't be used anymore.”

“Sweet Celestia.” Sunset whispered.

“I don’t get it?” Magnus asked.

“Have you ever been next to a unicorn when they teleported?” Shimmer asked.

“I have. There’s a rush of air.” Magnus replied as he mulled it over. “Oh don’t tell me?”

“The faster the spell caster is going, the greater the effect.” Sunset offered. “Never occurred to me the effect could be weaponized.”

“So then if Rainbow Dash could teleport at the moment of creating a rainboom...”

“The effect would be devastating.” Kitzu offered. “The rainboom, which is just a colorful sonic boom, is by itself enough to shatter glass in windows just by being too close to buildings.”

“Ummm, Kitzu?” Scoots asked approaching in the hall.

“We, kind of had a break down.” Shimmer explained. “Both of us.”

“I want to go home, but I can’t.” Kitzu said in a soft tone not really meant for the others. “Not just now… maybe soon, I’m not sure.”

“Kitzu, weren’t you worried about the media attention diving into that thunder cell is going to bring?” Scoots asked.

“Oh, I wouldn't worry too much.” Magnus offered. “They’ll be looking for a member of the Ghost squadron more likely. - What say we get cleaned up, and go to that welcome back party we had planned?”

“Ya, I suppose I probably need a bath, too.” Kitzu admitted, and let out a sigh.

“Sorry, no baths in Cloudsdale, just showers.” Scoots informed.

“Oh right.” Kitzu replied. “Leave it to Pegasi.”


A short time later we find a much cleaner, and considerably floofier Kitzu with her mane combed down instead of braided. However when she went to put on something nice she discovered that in the year she’d been gone she’d outgrown all her fancy clothes. Her present fluffed out state didn’t help either.

“You’re not seriously thinking of wearing that are you?” Shimmer asked as Kitzu got her peytral out.

“Watch this.” Kitzu offered casting a spell on the peytral. A moment later the modified pendent with two gems, one large, one small emerged from the peytral, it’s colors reversing from a light colored crescent moon and two stars with black background to that of the dark crescent and stars on a white background. Kitzu fastened it to a ribbon, and hung it from her neck. She then got a small hoof bag on a long strap, and hung that around her neck as well. “I’d feel absolutely naked without my pendant.”

“That’s not some powerful magic talisman is it?” Shimmer asked.

“Crystals will shatter if misused.” Kitzu offered. “Otherwise, kind of sort of. - It’s most dangerous feature is it could allow any being in possession the ability to bypass security measures at the palace. Queen moon set it so it should only work for me, but I’d still be iffy about losing it.”

“I see, well come on, we’ve time, lets go get you a new party outfit.” Sunset said, left Magnus to watch after Scoots who’d decided to lay down for a bit, and a few moments later were out the door.

“We taking the tram?” Kitzu asked as they walked down the path in front of the house.

“Be faster if we fly.”

“Oh good. Show me the way and I’ll play like I’m your little duckling.”

Sunset asked Kitzu if she was ready, turned to look only to discover that Kitzu had her wings stretched all the way out, legs tucked up under her, and hanging in the air nearly motionless. “Impressive, come on,” Shimmer offered, spread her wings, and a moment later the two were on their way.

A short time later they’d arrived outside a brand new dress shop in the retail district. This specific area had a lot of tourist oriented shops as well, along with walk ways that could be used by unicorns and earth ponies.

“How about this shop, looks brand new?” Sunset offered in front of one. The presence of a pegasus in royal guard uniform didn’t seem to phase her.

“Gossamer Wings,” Kitzu said looking at the name of the shop. The name rings a bell, but Kitzu ignores it unconcerned regarding the presence of a palace guard so accustomed as she was to having guards about. To her the presence of a palace guard was akin to being home. Together they enter.

“Welcome to Gossamer Wings,” Rarity said shortly after they entered.

“Aaaaa...” Kitzu said softly on recognizing Rarity's voice. It took her only a moment to zero in on Rarity.

“Lady Rarity, I had no idea you were in Cloudsdale?” Shimmer offered. The tone in her voice indicated she was genuine, and had truly been caught by surprise. There are two more palace guards in the front corners of the shop trying to be as invisible as a palace pegasus could. Both cast a glance at Kitzu, and then back at each other. They seemed to be trying to communicate through facial expressions as what to do next.

“Oh, Dean Shimmer.” Rarity replied recognizing Shimmer. “Darling, I’m so glad you could make it to our grand opening of our Cloudsdale branch. - What can we do for you today?”

“A party dress, nothing fancy though.” Shimmer informed Rarity.

“Anything for you.”

“Oh no, not for me, for our young Miss Nightfoal.” Shimmer corrected. “She only just arrived in Cloudsdale this afternoon, and needs a new outfit.”

“Good afternoon, Lady Rarity.” Kitzu offered punctuated with a polite bow. Kitzu was keeping an eye on the guards, who were doing likewise to her.

“My, aren’t we the polite young filly. - Well come along then. - Tell me, what sort of party was it?”

“Just an informal get together at a diner.” Sunset informed as Rarity directed them further into the store.

“A diner you say. - So is she one of your students?”

“Undecided as to whether or not I’ll be enrolling her. I’m looking after her while she’s in Cloudsdale.”

“I’m technically the ward of Lady Aiko of Fox Haven.” Kitzu offered. “A portion of my education requires traveling.” The two guards look at each other mouthing the name Lady Aiko.

“I’d imagine that must be rough on a pony of your age.” Rarity offered.

“Afraid I’ve outgrown all the outfits I left here last year.” Kitzu offered.

“Well how about a sun dress.” Rarity offered going to a rack, and pulling down a long white dress with different colored roses printed on it. The shoulders were covered, it had short sleeves, but it had a plunging v-neck in front. The dress was open on the bottom sweeping back with wavy edges. “Lets have you try this on.”

“It’s pretty.” Kitzu offered, they went behind a screen, and put it on her.

“It’s very pretty on you.” Shimmer offered as Kitzu stepped out from behind the screen.

“To tell the truth, I designed that for Princess Kitzumi.” Rarity offered. “I’ve no idea what I was thinking, she’s just a little filly, but it does seem to suit you quite well.”

“Managing your business, creating new designs, court functions, and Twilight’s school… I don’t know how you do it?” Shimmer offered.

“Perhaps you intended it for Miss Nova?” Kitzu offered.

“Oh, yes of course. You are about the same size, you’re a little smaller, though I think you've a considerably more muscular build.” Rarity offered. “I am slipping. - I’m afraid dear sweet Miss Nova is going to be rather upset with me, as I’d been promising her this very dress. I will just simply have to make her another dress.”

“So how is Miss Nova? I haven't seen her since I was just a little filly.”

“Spending the summer with Trixie of all ponies.” Rarity offered eyeing Kitzu’s pendant. “I believe they are due at the Apple Cinnamon ranch any time now.”

“Are they?” Kitzu asked as the bell for the door jingled.

“I’m on official business.” Called the voice of Rainbow Dash as she entered the shop.

“Is there something you need?” Rarity asked sounding a bit put out by Rainbow Dash’s presence.

“Gee, nice to see you too, Lady Rarity.” Dash offered.

“Hi Rainbow Dash.” Kitzu offered with a cheerful tone. “I’m back.” The two guards look back and forth, their expression going to annoyance.

“Did you dump a high school colt in a pig wallow?” Dash asked. “While dressed in a Ghost Squadron uniform?”

“It’s not a Ghost Squadron uniform, and yes I did.” Kitzu replied.

“Kitzu?” Shimmer asked astonished.

“Why?” Dash asked.

“Because he made a foal out of me… and because he’s identical to a colt I liked who went and got himself killed. - Did Magnus tell you the trouble I got myself into?”

Dash just looked at her for a moment. The room had grown silent. Dash went over to Kitzu, and gave her a hug.

“What? Trouble? Killed?” Rarity asked astonished. “Shimmer?”

“Our Miss Nightfoal has a talent for getting herself into trouble.” Shimmer offered. “Scoots as well.”

“I’ve already been by the house.” Dash offered. “Kitzu, you here to stay this time?”

“Now hold on one minute.” Rarity insisted “I demand to know what’s going on!”

“Our Miss Nightfoal here was traveling abroad, and got herself mixed up in a conflict a long ways away,” Dash informed Rarity. Or at least that’s the gist of it. “Afraid I can’t really tell you much about it. - I came back to Cloudsdale for two reasons, because Magnus had let me know Miss Nightfoal was on her way home, and I figured this would be the best place to catch her after having missed her at Ponyville, Shortly after arriving I heard that Scoots had gotten hurt because of doing something really stupid and went over to Shimmer’s house. I also wanted to drop in to wish you good luck with your shop. - I’m just lucky I caught up with Kitzu here.”

“How’d you find out about Scoots?” Kitzu asked.

“Ran into Apple Cinnamon at the station. He was sending a telegram, told me about his encounter with you, I reported in at the local Wonderbolt office where I was informed of your exploits, went straight to Magnus’ apartment, and then to Shimmer’s house. From there I followed you to the shopping district, saw the guard outside, and asked if he’d seen Dean Shimmer in the company of a fox filly. - Now do me a favor, don’t leave town till I can straiten things out.”

“Am I going to be in trouble?” Kitzu asked. “And I was kind of hoping to go see Nova.”

“I think I can straiten everything out, after all this is Equestria were all is forgiven. Isn’t that right Rarity?” Dash offered.

“You’re the one that said no to Twilight’s school, and won’t help her find that filly who seems to have access to the palace calling herself Kitzumi.”

“Rarity, my dream has always been to be a Wonderbolt. Being a Wonderbolt is a full-time job. I just couldn't do both. Maybe when I can’t be a Wonderbolt anymore I’ll teach. As nerve-wracking as it is to look after foals not my own, I’ll consider it as a second career. But you and Twilight have got to realize that I shouldn't have to give up my dreams to fulfill some pony else’s dream. That just isn’t fair to me. - And for that matter, how long do you think you’re going to get away with burning the candle at both ends?”

“Don’t change the subject.” Rarity protested. “Kitzumi?”

“If Princess Celestia hadn’t scared her away, you wouldn't have to ask about her,” Dash replied. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go talk to some ponies to let them know what’s going on concerning the little incident with a certain colt. - Kitzumi, what uniform were you wearing anyway?”

“I served the armies of Queen Moon of the Moon kingdom as an Ensign. I’m a Shadow Bolt.” Kitzu offered.

“I can’t tell anyone that!” Dash protested on hearing the words ‘Shadow Bolt’. The eyes on the two guards widened considerably. “Lest ways not the Shadowbolt part.”

“Fastest courier they ever had.”

“Fine, I guess I can tell them you are a courier from another country.”

“Moon kingdom. - On indefinite leave. - Best not to make anything up less I get caught on a lie.”

“Fine, I suppose I can say that much.” Dash relented. “Moon Kingdom courier on Indefinite leave?”

“Her majesty, Queen of the Moon Kingdom ordered me to go home, and never come back.”

“We can discuss the finer details later.” Shimmer offered. “But I think Moon Queen wanted Miss Nightfoal out of her kingdom for their own good, Her’s and Kitzu’s. It was her way of protecting Kitzu.”

“I’m dying to hear the details.” Dash offered. “Just one thing. You seriously went from barely being able to fly to the fastest?”

“Got my flight feathers.” Kitzu offered and extended a wing careful not to knock anything over. “Bet I could out fly Soarin now. He’s welcome to come to the party if he’s with you.” Kitzu folded her wing back up.

“Sweet. Maybe later we can go flying together,” Dash offered.

“We’ll be at the Dewdrop Inn in about an hour,” Shimmer offered.

“Not going to the Dive?” Dash asked with a wink.

“I’m not taking fillies to that dive, honestly Dash.” Shimmer scolded. Dash smiled. “Oh, one other thing...” Shimmer stepped up to whisper in Dash’s ear. “Get word to Cadet Scootaloo, and tell her that under no condition is she to attempt a teleport while flying.”

“No teleport… while flying?” Dash asked dropping into a whisper. “Don’t you have to be relatively stationary to teleport?”

“Kitzu can do it. I’m to understand the results can be devastating depending on the speed one is traveling. Scootaloo might be able to do it, if not now, some time in the near future. - Kitzu has had it rough, I just want to ease her back into being a filly if I can.”

“I see, I’ll do that. - Alright, see you at the Dewdrop in about an hour. - Oh, and Rarity, you can come too if you’d like.”

“But what about Kitzumi?” Rarity asked still not realizing that Miss Nightfoal was the same Kitzumi who’d been such a mystery.

“She’s the guest of honor.” Rainbow offered, waved, and walked back out the door.

“I’d like this dress.” Kitzu offered once Dash was gone. “How much is it?”

“For you, only seventy nine bits.” Rarity offered.

“Seventy nine?” Sunset asked.

“Darling, that’s the sale price.”

“It’s alright I’ve got that much on me.” Kitzu offered getting some money out of her bag. “It’ll just about clean me out though. Would you consider a gem as partial payment?”

“You don’t have to pay for it, I’ll cover the cost.” Sunset offered.

“I am a little curious about the gem.” Rarity offered. Kitzu got out a small gem and hoofed it over. It was a rather pleasant stone of pale pink that picked up the light every bit as well as the finest diamond. “Why it’s exquisite, but I can’t say for sure what manner of stone this is? - Where did you get this?”

“As I wasn’t going to be able to use the currency from the kingdom I was in, I was paid off in an assortment of gemstones.” Kitzu offered. “I gather it’s a semi-precious stone, but I’ve no idea what it or any of the others I have are worth.”

“Well, no need to worry about.” Rarity offered. “Nor could I take that in good conscious without knowing what it’s worth. I might overvalue, or undervalue it. Either way, one of us loses. Might be best to get them appraised.”


A short time later Dash has arrived at a local government building, she lands on the steps, and walks in. The floors are all tiled in the material that allows earth and unicorn ponies access, a number of whom are outside milling about on their way to or from offices. Dash ignores them, and heads for a side hall that leads to an office marked official access only. She enters, Soarin is waiting inside along with a number of other Wonderbolts.

“Well?” Soarin asked. “Are there Ghost Squadron fliers causing trouble? - I know you asked us to stand by while you checked it out, but I’m not too keen on sitting idle while there are members of the night wing causing trouble.”

“That all the welcome back I get?” Dash asked going up to him. “The pony in question is the very pony I came out here to see. And she’s no Ghost squadron flier. She’s barely in her teens. She’s the young filly who stays with Magnus now and then when she’s in Cloudsdale.”

“That isn’t the same filly Princess Twilight is so interested in, is she?” Soarin asked. “The one that all the palace guards seem to know about, but no pony seems to want to talk about?”

“The same.” Dash offered. “She got caught up in a… how do I explain this… she got drafted on one of her trips. I gather she has a uniform that is similar to the Ghost Squadron. Our Ensign Nightfoal is Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal. Princess Kitzumi’s older twin. Kind of how we’ve two Scootaloos.”

“Yes, we’ve discussed how she’s connected to little Scoots.” Soarin replied. “What was it she wanted, to be remembered? - And yet she goes out of her way to avoid us. Well, except you.”

“She trusts me, and I don’t want to betray her trust. Oh, and Soarin, you are invited to the party too, so you’ll get to meet her in about forty minutes from now. And no one else. We all know this filly is capable of defeating palace security. The last thing I want is for some pony to spook her. I gather she’s been through some heavy stuff in the past year, and the last thing we want to do is spook her. - I’ve advocated a hooves off approach these last five years for the simple reason that I honestly believe that if anything were to happen to her we’d all end up regretting it. A lot.”

“Apparently something did happen to her.” One of the other Wonderbolts pointed out.

“My understanding from Magnus is she can jump from one dimension to the next.” Dash explained. “Let’s not forget she can do magic as well as fly. - Also I need some pony to run an urgent message to the Canterlot Academy.”


Kitzu walks into the diner with Shimmer right behind her. Magnus, Scoots, and Wind Rider are already there.

“That was some impressive flying today,” Wind Rider offered as they approached. “How were you doing that?”

“I’m a fox pony, I can use magic,” Kitzu offered. Wind Rider had no idea Kitzu was an immature alicorn, and she liked it that way. Wind Rider just rolled his eyes having heard the same line many times before.

Kitzu and Shimmer sat down at the table, and were delighted when Rarity showed up.

“Aww, come on guys, you can have something too,” Kitzu called to Rarity’s three shadows. They declined saying they couldn’t. Kitzu went over to them, addressed them by name, and told them she wanted at least two of them bookending Rarity on account she looked like she was ready to fall asleep at any moment. They reluctantly agreed, nor was it entirely a ruse to get at least two of them to sit down.

Kitzu was about to sit down again when Dash and Soarin arrived. She gave Dash a hug, and offered a hoof bump to Soarin. Soarin seemed a bit hesitant and extended his hoof slowly. There'd been more strength in that bump than he'd expected. A moment later they sat down, and beckoned to the waitress to bring them menus.

“So, I hear you’re quite the flier,” Soarin commented looking at Kitzu past his menu which was presently upside down.

“I remember the hay burgers here were mighty nice.” Kitzu offered. “Ben a while since I had one.”

“She rescued me from that big thunderhead.” Scoots offered.

“All the way to the top,” Magnus informed them. “There’s a sublime beauty about the top of a flat top.”

“I didn’t think that was even possible?” Soarin asked. He was skeptical even after having heard eye witness accounts.

“It requires the proficient use of magic.” Kitzu offered. “Being a good flier isn’t enough on account of the air being so thin up there.” Kitzu held out a hoof, and produced a flame of foxfire. “I can project a screen onto my goggles, and use it to predict my best course through the storm. I can fly in pitch blackness, or a forest if need be, but that’s not what’s needed to go to the top of a flat top. That’s forty thousand horns give or take, or if you want that in hooves we are talking one hundred and sixty thousand hooves above sea level. Two things are needed at that altitude, protection from the cold to prevent hypothermia, and a supply of good sweet air. I can cast a shield spell, and pull it in tight. The shield provides protection, and traps air. - The sweet air is the air closest to sea level.”

“So in order to get that high?” Soarin asked.

“You need an updraft to get up there.” Shimmer offered. “I’ve done the math on it. - Some ponies can manage nine to ten thousand, but going any higher becomes problematic.”

“I can use a variation on a hover spell in the absence of an updraft, but even then I’ll top out at around twelve thousand.”

“A hover spell?” Soarin asked.

“That’s how she was overcoming her lack of proper flight feathers.” Dash offered. “Watching her fly was nerve wracking.”

“Just crossing the gaps in the clouds was a challenge for her.” Magnus offered.

“Speaking of young fliers pushing their limits, I’m putting together an impromptu rally at the school tomorrow to address today’s incident.” Shimmer began while looking Soarin in the eyes. “Any chance I can get the two of you to come. You and Dash?”

“We’d love to.” Dash offered.

“Um, Rainbow Dash,” Kitzu said, Kitzu had a far away sad look in her eyes. “I think you’ll need to be at the castle of the two sisters tomorrow.”

“Kitzumi?” Sunset asked.

“The arrival of Princess Skystar, on the same day as Thunderlane putting himself out of commission from over eating, and Aunt Rars opening a store in Cloudsdale.” Kitzu offered just as Rarity reached over and bumped the side of Kitzu’s horn.

“Aha, you’re hiding a horn!” Rarity proclaimed. “And to think you’ve been right under my muzzle.”

“A horn?” Wind Rider said under his breath.

“You think tonight’s the night?” Sunset asked unfazed by Rarity’s discovery.

“I’m not one hundred percent certain, or if it’ll even happen at all. But yes, tonight, or tomorrow should be about when I went back in time. - Rarity being in Cloudsdale was the missing piece."

“Oh my word, back in time? You’re saying you are our Kitzumi? Why didn’t you just say something?” Rarity asked. She was stunned, and not sure she could believe it, but Shimmer was presently acting like she’s known all along.

“I did. I told Princess Celestia exactly who I was, but she acted like I was an intruder to be dealt with accordingly. - Waitress, I’d like to order.”

“Wait, wait, what? I thought you were just from another dimension?” Dash asked.

“I did kind of give them the idea I was from another dimension, and maybe I am. I have been bouncing back and forth a bit. Another time line would be more accurate. Same one Scoots is from. A time loop if I want to be more precise. Also understand that if you were to take off now, and somehow prevent history from repeating, this Scoots will cease to exist. Along with who ever else is from that alternate time line.” Kitzu offered. “Still doesn’t excuse Princess Celestia for treating me like an intruder.”

“Explain?” Rarity asked sounding just a bit cross.

“From my point of view I was home.” Kitzu offered. “I went back in time. By interacting with the ponies there, a brand new time line was created. Later on the two time lines mashed together. Most ponies so far as I can tell only remember the original time line. The ghost lamps are a product of the altered time loop. - It’s all detailed in Twilight’s copy of our trans-dimensional diary. - When I got back, that day I took care of my younger counterpart, I was convinced I’d screw up my time line if I hung around, and Princess Celestia didn’t exactly give me any reason to stick around.”

“Are you ready to order?” The waitress asked approaching the table.

“I need to get to Ponyville.” Rarity said with a hint of desperation.

“You really should eat first.” Kitzu offered.

“How can you be so calm?” Rarity asked. She was quite perplexed at Kitzu’s live and let live attitude towards the situation.

“Because to her it’s history.” Dash offered. “Right, I’m not going to fly on an empty stomach. Waitress, I’ll have a hay burger, sweet potato fries, and an iced coffee.”

“Same for me, except I’ll have the strawberry malt.” Kitzu offered.

“But, but?” Rarity protested.

“You know as well as I do how well Twilight’s attempts at changing the outcome of events already set in time have gone.” Dash offered. “The best we can do at this point is to be there when it happens.”

“And somehow convince my mother I’m no longer a little filly.” Kitzu offered.

“You’re still a little filly in my book.” Magnus offered.

“My going from six years old to thirteen is going to be a shock to her.”

“You’re serious?!” Soarin asked astonished.

“But are you sure you are our Kitzumi?” One of the guards asked. “I mean, you are obviously the young alicorn that took care of our little Kitzumi, but are you the same pony as our little princess.”

“Obviously?” Rarity asked.

“It’s her cutie mark.” Offered the guard who’d chosen to remain standing. “There isn’t a pony in the palace who doesn’t know that cutie mark, and we are under orders from Princess Luna not to hinder her unless it’s absolutely necessary. - There is also a book in Princess Luna’s library with the same cutie mark. Odd thing about the book is the moment some pony tries to open it, they immediately think of something they need to do, put the book back up, and go do whatever it was that popped into their head. On top of that not one pone has asked why? - Miss Kitzumi, you came back about a month later, Identified yourself as Tsuki Nymn. You recognized Kalevan only he didn’t know who you were. Considering there is no Tsuki Nymn on staff, that’s not too surprising. Based on the description we figured Tsuki Nymn was the same pony as the young alicorn who’d identified herself as Kitzumi Silvermane from another world.”

“Wait, does Twilight know about this?” Rarity asked.

“Know about it, she was furious. - How she even knew I’d been in contact with her I’m a little hazy on yet.” Dash informed Rarity. “She kept pushing me till I was able to convince her that Kitzu needs to come back on her own when she was ready.”

“A search of the school’s records turned up a Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal, listed as Princess Luna’s adopted daughter.” The guard continued.

“It did?” Kitzu asked, her heart leaping in her chest.

“Aside from the guards, Princess Luna is the only pony who was told about the record. - Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia were intentionally left in the dark, and only know there is a doppelganger that showed up at the palace.” One of the guards sitting next to Rarity offered. “It was thought that since she didn't seem to be afraid of the guards, maybe we could talk her into coming in out of the cold if we’d a chance so we could try to work out who she is.”

“Luna had an adopted daughter?” Rarity asked astonished. “Why can’t I remember that?”

“So that’s why Princess Luna went along with Rainbow’s idea of a hands off approach.” Soarin commented. “Princess Celestia wasn’t too keen on the idea, but Princess Luna put her hoof down.”

“Kind of wish I’d known about that.” Kitzu replied with a wishful tone.

“And no one could remember?” Rarity asked.

“I did.” Magnus stated. There was an edge to his tone. “Star Swirl does too, or at least did. Not sure about the others from my time. - For what little good it did me. - Little Scoots here remembered, but no pone payed her much attention. - Might have helped if I’d have known about the school record.”

“So far as am I sure this is my world or not, baby kitzu’s thought’s were flooding into mine, and I remembered the encounter from when I was a baby. It was the strangest feeling of I’ve already been here and done this,” Kitzu explained. “I’ve met another version of myself in another dimension, but there was no overlap of thoughts like I experienced with my baby self. - I was also able to look at Twilight’s book. It appeared to be identical, though I can’t say why no pony else seems to be able to read it short of there is a spell...”

“Can’t or won’t?” Magnus asked.

“Twilight was using it as a diary towards the end of her entries. - I got caught in-between when the time lines mashed together. - It’s possible a certain individual wanted every pony to forget. You see, he was responsible for what happened at Fluttershy’s cabin. And while I can’t prove it, I think he mashed the timelines together just so...”

“He who, just so what?” Rarity asked still feeling a bit flustered.

“Perhaps everyone should order?” Kitzu offered.

“Yes, we should probably order.” Shimmer offered realizing they’d been openly discussing the matter with the waitress standing there. One by one each ordered something including the guard who’d been standing having decided to pull up an extra chair. It was going to be a long night.

“Who else but the master of deception and disharmony.” Kitzu offered in a hushed voice once the waitress had gone to put the orders in. “Princess Luna, and Twilight had taken him into the human world, and left him there destroying the portal on their return. He was marooned, powerless without his magic.”

“What you are suggesting is that individual from that time line somehow managed to free himself from the human world by restoring the time line.” Shimmer offered.

“That’s about it, except it’s impossible to set a time line back to the way it was, not completely, not once it’s been altered.” Kitzu replied. “That’s how we ended up with an extra Scootaloo. - I’m also not one hundred percent certain everything I remember will even happen. - Two timelines getting mashed together could easily have created a brand new time line built up of elements of both.” Kitzu was starting to sound exasperated at the prospect.

“Yep, you are definitely Twilight’s daughter.” Dash offered. “You going to come with us?”

“No.” Kitzu replied quietly.

“What do you mean no?” Rarity asked both concerned, and a little bit angry. “You’re sitting there telling me you are our Kitzumi, that you went back in time, and you are not going to go see your own mother?”

“I was in combat four days ago.” Kitzu replied firmly. Perhaps a bit too firm. Kitzu took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “I need time. - I know my mother well enough to know she’s going to go crazy. You know as well as I do that that as soon as she starts to collect herself, she’s going to make a list of every place I might be, and will insist on searching every conceivable location. I don’t want to be there for that. If I just walk in, having aged seven years with her remembering nothing of me, I’m not sure she’ll be able to accept me. - That and I’m not sure I want to be there while everything is going crazy. - I don’t want to be there when it happens. - I think it best I wait.”

“I suppose that’s a reasonable enough thing to do.” Shimmer offered.

“Reasonable?” Rarity asked. “Let’s not forget she’s been looking for her, even if she doesn't have a clue about the truth, she still wants to find this Kitzumi.”

“I’m not going to push her. - And she’s right about the lists.” Dash offered. “Kitzu, might be nice if you were somewhere nearby.”

“We’ll see.” Kitzu offered. “Let Twilight search in every conceivable location. For my own piece of mind as well.”

“Lets let Kitzu take it at her own pace.” Magnus offered.

“I just don’t want to be anywhere nearby when it happens.” Kitzu offered. “I’m scared. More scared then I ever was facing off against… against the shadow empire.” Kitzu had no desire to say Sombra’s name there in the diner. If that much was overheard it could cause a panic. “What happens if what ever it was that sent me back in time doesn’t just effect six year old me, but the me I am now?”

“You also have a duty to fulfill.” Magnus informed her while giving Wind Rider the signal to shut it.

“Duty?” Kitzu asked.

“If you ask me, you are being a coward.” Wind Rider quipped.

“What would you know?!” Kitzu retorted harshly. “Aren’t you the one who tried to frame Rainbow Dash because you were afraid she’d get credit for breaking your long distance speed record?”

“Not to mention never having the guts to commit to a relationship with any pone.” Magnus scolded.

“Or been in combat.” Kitzu continued. “I saw combat at the age of twelve. But that is nothing compared to being stuck between worlds in limbo. I lost everything when I went back in time. It only took moments to lose close to two years, and nearly every single soul I care about yet again. That world I just came from, I’m an Ensign there under a Queen Moon. All the friends I made, they all got killed. Getting rejected would be like losing everyone all over again.” Kitzu sat back in her seat, and let out a long sigh. “I’ll go in the morning. - Like I said, I don’t want to be there when it happens. If it happens.”

“But don’t you want to see Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“More then anything in the world.” Shimmer offered.

“Sunset?” Dash asked, calling Shimmer by her true first name.

“That damn book. - I’ve seen Kitzu’s copy.” Shimmer offered in a quiet tone. “I won’t push Kitzu because I honestly believe that if she had to face Twilight, and be rejected, I think it would break her. - Reading the diary nearly broke me.”

“Oh. I see,” Rarity offered quietly.

“Well I’m not going anywhere till after I’ve eaten, and then I’m going to go watch a magic show.” Kitzu declared. Her tone had softened considerably, and Shimmer gave her a hug with a wing. “So how was the grand opening of the new store?”

“Yes, tells us about your new store?” Shimmer prompted.

“Oh don’t get me started,” Rarity cautioned, followed by going through a list of all the insurmountable obstacles she’d somehow overcome. By the time the food arrived Rarity had come to the inescapable conclusion she could not continue teaching at Twilight’s school, and managing her business anymore. It really had been too much.

After the meal, Rarity gave every pony a hug good bye, made Kitzu promise to come up to Ponyville first thing in the morning, and departed along with her escort. Kitzu, Shimmer, Dash, Soarin with Scoots on his back, Magnus, and Wind Rider made their way down to the Cinnamon Apple ranch.

“That’s some impressive flying there.” Dash offered as they landed just beyond the front gate of the ranch residence where ponies were gathering for the show.

“I’ve had some good teachers.” Kitzu offered with a smile. Kitzu hadn’t simply glided on over either, being she’d felt like messing around a bit on the way she and Dash had been showing off a bit. Scoots was set down so she could walk on her own.

“That is so embarrassing.” Scoots said in regards to having to be given a ride.

“Think of it as a privilege.” Kitzu offered going over to her. “I mean, how many fillies can say they got a ride from Soarin of the Wonderbolts?”

“I think I’d want to be careful how I phrase that.” Wind Rider offered.

“Why do I even put up with having you hang around?” Dash asked.

“He’s friends with Magnus,” Kitzu offered. “And Magnus has been kind of short on friends.”

“Fair enough. Lets go find a place to watch the show,” Dash replied. Dash had to admit that Magnus had been unfairly treated.

Trixie’s wagon had been set up at one end of a barn with a temporary stage just inside. In front of the stage was an open area surrounded by chairs and benches for the show. A sizable crowd for such a small community had gathered as well.

“Wow, looks like we should have gotten here sooner,” Shimmer observed.

“Lamps!” Kitzu exclaimed looking about. She hadn’t noticed it at first, but the farmyard, and the inside of the barn had been festooned with fox lamps just like the one’s back in the fox village where Cirrus and her new family lived, only these weren’t ghosts lamps. Kitzu flew up to inspect one of the lights. “They are just like the ones I make.” Kitzu did a flip, and then dropped back to the ground to do a little dance in place. “It’s Nova’s work, I’m sure of it.” Nova remembered how to do the lamps, but did she remember Kitzu?

“Come on, lets go in, and find a place to sit.” Shimmer offered. All the seating up close had already been taken, so they went up to a loft overlooking the stage to wait in anticipation. Kitzu, and Scoots couldn't resist laying down in the hay, and looking down to see who all was there. A short time later, the barn had filled to capacity, Apple Cinnamon stepped up onto the stage, and welcomed everyone. The night was going to start with entertainment by the Great and Powerful Trixie and company, followed by music, and dancing.

Trixie was announced with much fan fair followed by Trixie appearing from a cloud of smoke. “It is I, the Great, and powerful Trixie, come to beguile, amaze, and hopefully entertain you!?” Trixie’s entrance was accentuated by confetti cannons going off. “Not to worry, there’s no fire. The new and improved Trixie does not burn barns down. So how’s that new barn? Here’s some flowers to say I’m sorry.” Trixie produced a bouquet of flowers. From there she went on to do some card tricks assisted by Nova Silvermane, Kitzu’s half sister followed by the three large rings trick. Kitzu clapped her hooves madly every time Nova entered the stage. From there they went to the cut and repair rope trick, followed by endless scarves, white doves from a handkerchief and finally the cut the filly into three parts trick. Nova emerges unscathed, there is more applause, confetti cannons go off followed by Trixie turning confetti into tea cups while Nova levitates the confetti printed tea cups, and passes them out to interested ponies in the audience.

“And now… and now.” Trixie called out. “For a very special treat, my assistant, Nova, will regale to you the story of the Princess of Hope, she who gave us the lights that drive away the darkness. - While illustrating her story with her magic.”

“Once upon a time...” Nova began as the band played a soft melody, “..there was a beautiful princess.”

“Here that, she says I’m beautiful.” Kitzu whispered to Scoots. Scoots stifled a laugh.

Nova talked about how she came to live in Canterlot, and met a princess. And while she talked her foxfire painted a picture of the spires of Canterlot, followed by two fillies playing in the palace gardens, and going to school together. Nova talked about the lamps being made, and about how Kitzu had gone on a visit to never return.

“She remembers.” Kitzu whispered as the ghostly image that represented Kitzu walked away from the one that represented Nova. The room grew quiet, the music stopped, the image of the princess of hope faded. Kitzu couldn't stand it. “That’s not how this story ends.” Kitzu whispered, and used her own foxfire to create another little princess.

Nova noticed her audience was still watching where the image of the princes had walked off too, looked, and saw it was still there. This confused her. Had the foxfire simply refused to dissipate? Nova watched as the foxfire formed into a ball, and then shot up into the air, and circled around a few times before transforming back into a pony, only now a fully realized alicorn. The little alicorn then flitted about the barn doing aerial acrobats. Nova was about to get mad figuring there was another fox pony having sport with her when the little alicorn touched off one of the lamps. To Nova’s bewilderment the light began glowing considerably brighter. One by one the lamps that had been hung up grew in intensity as the little alicorn flew about.

“What are you doing?” Trixie asked Nova as the little alicorn flew up to the top of the barn where a ghost lamp hung.

“I’m not doing it.” Nova said, and then took a step back when the ghost lamp responded. “I can’t do that… I can make new lights, but...”

“I think you’re freaking her out.” Scoots cautioned.

“I think you’re right. Time to drop down there and see what happens,” Kitzu offered, let the foxfire magic fade away, stood up, cast a glance to the others, said wish me luck, dropped the camouflage spell hiding her horn, and stepped off the edge of the loft.

Kitzu glided down to land in the middle of the dance floor, looked up at Nova, and asked if she would forgive her.

“That’s my dress!” Nova scolded her, ears going back in anger.

“They sold it to me at Lady Rarity’s new shop.” Kitzu offered her ears dropping. Not what Kitzu had expected, not at all. “I’m sorry, Rarity said she was going to make you a new one.”

“Honestly, I had to stand still for hours getting pins stuck in me for that dress, and they go and sell it to you.”

“I’ll give it back… it’s just, there are wing slits in it.”

“Wing slits. - I swear, Lady Rarity is loosing it. Why in Equestria would she put wing slits in a dress she had reserved for a unicorn. And you’ve got hay on it.”

“Aww come on!” Scoots shouted walking up to the dance floor. Scoots had climbed down the ladder. “Is that any way to treat your own sister?”

“Sister?” Nova asked confused. Her expression turned from confusion to annoyance. You know if I had a bit for every pony who claimed to be a half brother or sister I’d have a whole lot of bits. - You don’t even have the right pendant.”

“Fine then.” Kitzu replied, pulled off the dress with her magic, threw it at Nova, turned, and walked out.

“Wait, that cutie mark?” Nova said in a hushed tone.

“Oh stuff it!” Scoots scolded. “At least my sister had the decency to acknowledged me.” Scoots, turned, and followed after Kitzu. A moment later Dash, Shimmer, and Magnus dropped out of the loft, and followed after Kitzu.

Kitzu walked out into the barnyard, crouched down, and blasted into the air.

“Kitzu!” Scoots called.

“Should we go after her?” Rainbow asked from the door of the barn.

“I doubt even you can catch her… who was that?” Magnus said just as a high school aged colt took off into the sky after Kitzu, beating his wings for all he was worth.

“Good luck Thunder Strike!” Scoots called. “Ehh, he can’t hear me.”

“Is she really…?” asked a brown mare with a thorny rose cutie mark exiting the barn.

“Yes, yes, and possibly yes.” Shimmer offered. Inside Trixie could be heard wrapping up the magic portion of the show. “Yes they are sisters, yes she’s an alicorn. - I’m hoping this doesn’t discourage her too much.”

“Dean Shimmer?” Nova asked while approaching them a few moments later. The band could be heard warming up. “Trixie said I should go apologize.”

“Well if she come’s back down, you can apologize to her,” Shimmer offered.

“You never even gave her a chance, did you?” Dash asked.

“So where’s she at?” Nova asked.

“You see that bright star up there?” Scoots offered pointing up into the sky. “She’s lit herself up so we can see her.”

“Star, but the sun hasn’t even set yet?” Nova asked looking up, then back as Scootaloo. “Um, you’re Scootaloo aren’t you, where’s your horn?”

“I’m my little hornless sister.” Scoots offered with a sarcastic air.

“Sister… Oh right, you’ve a look alike sister, or rather you’re the sister. Same name even I hear.”

“Ya, I’m a product of a time loop apparently,” Scoots offered.

“Is she from where you came from then? - Her cutie mark looked familiar?” Nova knew that cutie mark, but how she knew it was presently escaping her. “OK, she looks familiar but the story I just told every pony was made up… at least I thought it was? - Look, I tell stories. I’m really good at it too.”

“She should look familiar and that story of yours isn’t as made up as you think,” Dash offered. “She was messing with you because she thought you remembered her. - As for that cutie mark, it belongs to the elder Kitzumi. Or I should say the older version of her. - She’s your sister, but she’s like Scoots here, a product of a time loop.”

Meanwhile high overhead Kitzu has her wings out to full extension, her magic lighting her up. Kitzu was disappointed, and angry. Kitzumi had thought that surely Nova had remembered. Apparently all Nova remembered was a legend. Kitzu let out a sigh as the cold air did it’s trick. She’d have to go back down sooner or later. Kitzu turned to look back and discovered a certain colt valiantly trying to climb up to her. His wings looked heavy, and he was desperately out of breath. Kitzu watched as he started to slip back, his eyes rolled up into his head having overexerted himself on the climb the thin atmosphere and his body’s demands for more oxygen taking a toll on him. And then he pitched backwards. “Oh buck! Striker, you idiot!” Kitzu dove down catching him with her magic. She quickly descended as safely as she could, bringing him back to the farm yard.

“Kitzu. What happened?” Shimmer called rushing to the two as they landed. Kitzu laid him out, and tilted his head back.

“Come on breath! Striker!” Kitzu shouted. “You idiot!” He took a breath, and opened his eyes.

“Dance with me?” He asked. “Names Thunder Strike.” Kitzu couldn't resist hugging him. “Is that a yes?”

“OK, sure. Why not.” Kitzu offered as she sat back. “Even if you do smell like a pig pen.”

“And who’s fault is that?” He asked with a smirk.

“What just happened?” Dash asked.

“Bone head here tried to power climb beyond his limit.” Kitzu explained. “He might have managed it if he’d have taken advantage of an updraft, but he tried to power all the way up.”

“I didn’t want to lose you.” Thunder Strike offered.

“Every bit as impulsive as my old squad leader.” Kitzu replied followed by zoning out along with her mane billowing and taking on an ethereal look that closely resembled the night sky save for the red and white streaks that ran through her mane. She was still glowing from the spell she’d cast earlier as well.

“Um, Miss?” Thunder Strike asked.

“Kitzumi?!” Magnus asked alarmed.

“No, don’t touch her, don’t any pony touch her!” Shimmer ordered. Kitzu was pulsing with power.

“What kind of magic is that?” Nova asked. “Are you serious about her being Kitzumi?”

As for Kitzumi, she’d suddenly found her astral self drawn to the solar model. At that moment she also came to the realization it was a cosmic clock that had been used as a control device. She could also feel Princess Celestia’s magic trying to set the sun, but for whatever reason she couldn't do it. Celestia was being blocked by the mechanism, and yet, the moment Kitzu asked why is Princess Celestia being blocked, and said let her have access to the sun, it was so.


“Tia?” Princess Luna said concerned. The two alicorns were presently standing out on Luna’s balcony at the top of her tower. Princess Celestia had been straining to lower the sun, but it simply would not budge, until...”

“I couldn't move it, it’s like there was a presence blocking me?” Celestia offered to Luna. Fortunately it wasn’t a formal occasion, and hadn’t been witnessed by any ponies. “Raise the moon.”

Luna looked at her sister, concern in her gaze, and an uneasy feeling washing over her. Luna had no trouble, but there was that presence. Kitzumi Nightfoal was back, and this time in the most unlikely of places.

Kitzu found herself shifting from the observatory to a dreamscape. She found herself standing as though on the top of a big thunder cloud flat top that stretched on forever. Above her a moonless night sky. “I am here,” Kitzu said on feeling Princess Luna’s presence probing for her. A few moments later Luna was standing a few paces away from her.

“Hi Muma.” Kitzu offered, breaking the silence. She dropped her head, her ears flopping down to the sides of her head.

“Kitzumi Nightfoal?”

“Hai. - That is, yes.”

“Were you blocking Princess Celestia somehow?”

“It’d be easier to just show you.” Kitzu offered. A moment later both were back in the observatory. “I had physical contact with this device last night. Somehow I seem to have accidentally blocked Princess Celestia. It’s fixed now, and I’m sorry. I never intended anything like that to happen. - I’m not even sure how it happened, or why?”

“This place...”

“It’s an alicorn city, and that’s the device used to regulate the heavens. Any time Princess Celestia touches the sun her magic flows through this device. Anytime you touch the moon, your magic flows through this device.” I suspect I could even move the clouds in the sky with it, and it is in the middle of the Everfree. - Thorn peak.”

“How did you get out here?” Luna asked.

“Cast a shield spell, pull it in tight to trap air. You’ll be able to use that air as a reserve at high altitude to sustain flight, and it provides insulation from the cold. Without it you risk overtaxing your body in the rarefied air. Catch an updraft, and propel yourself forward using your magic. - The trick is in slowing your heart rate down, or your body will use up the good air faster then your lungs can replace it. - You’ll need to be at least at ten thousand horns above sea level to safely pass over the forest, and when you get to feeling light headed it’s time to come down. - The peak is really high up too, so the air there isn’t going to be good enough for prolonged high altitude flight, and I can only stay up about an hour with my flight suit on. Shorter without. It can be mighty cold up there. To replenish my air reserve I dove down going as fast as I could while over the forest, recast my shield, and went right back up. - It is possible to go that high without the air reserve by using an updraft, but the pony doing it wouldn't be able to stay up there very long. - Do you think Celestia’s going to be mad at me?”

“You let me worry about Celestia. No harm done, so everything will be fine. - When are you coming back? - I’d like you to come home so we can get to the bottom of what’s happened with you.”

“Everything is in Twilight’s book, the diary with my cutie mark on it. If you take it into the moon-viewing hall you should be able to overcome the enchantment keeping ponies from reading it. I met Rarity today, and her escort mentioned the book. They indicated that there seems to be a spell on it. - I should get back, it sounds like they are getting panicky.”

“Where are you?” Luna was concerned. Why had Kitzu just sidestepped her question?

“At the Apple Cinnamon ranch near Appleloosa. Dash, Shimmer, Little Scoots, and Magnus are here. Wind Rider, and Soarin might be about too, but I lost track of them. - Oh and Nova Silvermane. She doesn’t seem to know me.” There was an upbeat to her tempo on mentioning Nova, which dropped to a somber tone on admitting that Nova couldn't remember her.

“We’ll fix this. Somehow, we’ll fix this.” Luna offered moments before Kitzu broke off the contact.

“Luna?” Celestia asked, the concern in her voice showing. “Why are you smiling at me?” Luna had a frown on her face during the time she was connected to the moon, but it switched to a smile on focusing on Celestia.

“You got locked out by a little filly.” Luna replied looking over at her sister. The fact that a little filly had figured out how to do something Celestia hadn’t been able to do in thousands of years, just tickled her.

“I what?”

“A filly.”

“A filly? - How can a filly possibly block me from the sun?”

“She discovered the location of the Cosmic clock that once regulated everything back in the hay-day of our ancestors.”

“Did she say where it is?”

“Middle of the Everfree on Thorn peak.” Luna replied. “Probably just as well that it’s so difficult to get there.”

“I thought it was impossible to get out there?”

“She found a way. - She’s resourceful, and seems to have a talent I don’t fully comprehend. I’m aware of her presence, but there will be times when it’s like she’s simply not on this planet. - I’m aware of a pony’s presence, and can locate any I’m acquainted with, but she’ll just vanish. - She can block me and is very good at avoiding me on the dreamscape. - This is the first time she’s surfaced in well over a year, and she let me find her this time. She wanted us to know why you hadn’t been able to set the sun.”

“Who is she anyway?” Celestia asked with concern.

“Lets find out,” Luna offered, turned from the balcony, and went back inside. She was momentarily followed by Celestia who was just a little confused, and a short walk later they’d arrived at Luna’s library.

“And here it is,” Luna said pulling the diary down from the shelf.

“That old book?”

“It’s her cutie mark. The one on the little filly you intimidated into running away. - The one you wanted arrested.”

“Oh we aren’t bringing this up again? - Personally I don’t know why she’s so important to you?”

“A filly who can come and go from the palace at will, who can avoid me in the dreamscape, who can gain access to that which is off limits to even us, and block you from accessing the sun?” Luna scolded. “On top of that Twilight has a dimensional diary with her cutie mark printed on the cover, and none of us seem to know why? - Yes, they are the same little pony.”

“Well then why don’t you just read it?”

“Did I mention that she’s listed as my adoptee in the school records?”

“She’s what? - Why wasn’t I informed about this? - Why did you never tell me?”

“The staff got curious after the second known incursion, and did a records search. This Kitzu isn’t one bit afraid of the guards, and even knows some of them by name. It was of interest to myself because she had one of my moon pendants, this despite all known pendants being accounted for. And the ones my Shadobolts had would be useless as they’d need to be recharged after a thousand years.”

“I would have liked to have known.”

“I haven't even told Twilight we had an adopted daughter who had the same name as her daughter. - I wanted to wait till I had more information.”

“Well why haven't you looked at the book? Open it.”

“Here.” Luna offered passing the book over to Celestia. She then took a few steps away. “Go on then, open it.”

“What silly game are we playing...” Celestia had barely cracked the cover, when she closed it up again, put it back on the shelf, and started walking away.

“Ti-a,” Luna called.

“What, I’m busy, I have to go...” Celestia stopped in her tracks.

“To go do what? There is absolutely nothing you need to do right at this moment, and yet you just remembered there was something you needed to do.”

“Why are you being so cryptic?”

“The book.”

“What about the book?”

“The moment you cracked it open, you got it into your head that there was something else that was more important.”

“I did not.”

“You did so. - No, no point in arguing about it. There is something funny going on with that book, like some pony doesn’t want us to read it.” Luna went back to the shelf, retrieved the diary again, and then headed for the stairs leading down to the Moon Viewing wing.

“Hang on, where are we going?” Celestia asked following after her. A short time later they were standing in the center of the Moon Viewing Hall. “Why here of all places?”

“Our mystery Miss Nightfoal seems to think we’ll be able to overcome the spell simply by being here.” Luna offered, and opened the front flap. This time she was not overcome by the desire to go do something else. “So far so good. - And this is most definitely Twilight’s pen. - Oh dear...”

“What’s it say?”

“Here.” Luna offered passing the diary over to Celestia. It didn’t take long.

“This, this… that Kitzumi Nightfoal is Twilight’s daughter? - She’s our Kitzu?”

“The same Kitzu who won’t warm up to you because you treat her like a subject instead of a niece. - Must you always be so distant?”

“I do not! - It’s not intentional, she just won’t warm up to me. - There’s no indication as to when she went back in time?”

“Number one rule of time travel, tell the past as little as possible,” Luna offered. “Still though… Did we put a spell on the book to keep ourselves from reading it? Why come here to break the effect of the spell, and why is she finally...”

“Discord!” Celestia shouted truly expecting him to simply pop in. No answer.

“You think he’s got a talon in this?” Luna asked. “Yes, of course, any time there is a reception in this room he either doesn’t show, or is on his best behavior. No antics at all. - Does it say anything about the ghost lights?”

“Lights, lights, lights… here’s something… oh my.” Celestia muttered as she flipped through the pages.

“What’s it say?” Luna asked taking a look at the book.

“It seams our little fox filly has declared war on Discord.”

“You don’t say?” Luna asked sounding rather delighted.

“This doesn’t concern you?” Celestia’s tone was that of concern and worry. “According to this, you marooned him on the human world.”

“Did I? It does concern me, but we already know she’s going to be alright, and Discord has had his powers diminished in the bargain.” Luna froze momentarily. “I’m going to Ponyville. Specifically to our old castle to where Twilight is.”

“What, now? - I thought you stayed behind to do night court?”

“All I’ll get is more complaints about Discord. - Kitzumi just gave us the key to figure out what is going on, and by what she told me, she’s coming out of hiding.”

“Why now?”

“Why indeed?” Luna offered. “Because she’s about to come full circle.”


Meanwhile back at the ranch.🤠

Moments after Kitzumi’s eyes refocused. “Miss Kitzu, are you alright, what was that!” Nova asked sounding frantic.

“What, ah, oh nothing.” Kitzu offered as her mane settled back down to its normal appearance.

“Nothing? - That wasn’t a nothing!” Dash exclaimed.

“Come on Striker, you still want to dance?” Kitzu asked as she stood up.

“Ya, sure. Um, it’s Thunder Strike though.” He offered getting up. “Hey, that’s OK, you can call me Striker if you want.”

“Excuse me, I’d kind of, that is, I was out of line back there.” Nova offered with her head down. “I’m sorry… Trixie kind of chewed me out. Um, do you want your dress back?”

“My dress?” Kitzu asked, a touch of anger still showing.

“It fits you better anyway.” Nova offered.

“I thought you remembered me,” Kitzu offered sounding disappointed.

“I’m sorry, I don’t.”

“You remembered the lights, and how to make them?”

“I um, someone told me how to make the lights, but I can’t really remember who, or when,” Nova offered. “That and your pendant is wrong.”

“It’s been modified to match my cutie mark.” Kitzu offered. Kitzu smiled.

“What?” Nova asked.

“You remembered the pendant. That means there are bits of me still in your head,” Kitzu offered. “What about the poem, bad as it may be?”

“Poem?” Shimmer asked.

“Though the day be bleak, and the night long, the light of hope shines on.” Kitzu recited. “Look to the sky and there you’ll see a shining star, one for you, one for me.” Kitzu smiled delighted in Nova’s shocked expression, and added, “If you should happen to see a shooting star, smile, because it just might be me.”

“OK, that last line is not part of the poem.” Nova protested. “Doesn’t even rhyme.”

“I just added it. True enough though. Not very original either, I mean it’s based on a line from a comic, what do you want?” Kitzu offered levitating the dress up, raring up, followed by slipping the dress back on. The dress was filthy by this point, but Kitzu cleaned it with a spell. She was also still glowing not having negated that spell. “I mean just look at me, and I can fly now.” She spread her wings, gave them a flap to push herself up into the air, did a loop, and then dropped back down on all fours again. “Light myself up, go zipping across the sky at a high altitude.”

“Ponies will think you’re a UFO.” Nova quipped.

“Come on Striker, the music is calling, and behave yourself, I’m still a minor,” Kitzu said giving Nova a dirty look for the UFO comment.

“Umm, Kitzu, you planning on turning the lights off?” Magnus called. Kitzu laughed, and negated the spell which was making herself glow like a lamp.

“That was definitely some alicorn magic,” Shimmer offered as the crowd hanging outside the barn parted to let Kitzu and Thunder Strike in.

“She’ll tell us when she’s ready,” Magnus offered. “I suspect it’s something she wants to keep confidential.”

“You ever see her do something like that before?” Soarin asked. Soarin had slipped out during the show to let the other Wonderbolts know where they were, and had returned just in time to see Kitzu bringing Thunder Strike back down to the ground.

“Nope, never. And if she wants to tell us she will. In her own good time,” Magnus supplied. “To the best of my knowledge she has never lied to me. If she doesn’t want to tell me something, she just doesn’t tell me.”

Inside the band had set up on the stage and ponies were square dancing, a dance Kitzu could actually do, and dove in the first chance she got. Poor Thunder Strike didn’t have a clue what was going on, and got turned around in the wrong direction numerous times. Nor did it take long for an aromatic wreath to be placed around his neck. “Much better.” Kitzu remarked as they continued the dance.

“How can you stand the smell?” Asked a young filly followed by laughter from several of the older fillies. Thunder Strike may have been hard on the nose, but he was easy on the eyes.

“It’s my penitence for dumping him in the pig wallow.” Kitzumi offered. This pronouncement was followed by shock, and then laughter.

The night continued on with Dash, Soarin, Shimmer, and Magnus joining in the dancing. Scoots had little choice but to sit out do to her broken wing.

“You hanging in there?” Brier Rose asked approaching Scoots. I hear you had a tangle with one of them big thunderstorms.”

“Ya… I’m OK,” Scoots offered.

“Liar,” Kitzu pronounced as she walked up to Scoots, the set having ended. “No point arguing, I can see it in your face.”

“It’s alright,” Scoots offered.

“No, as much as I’d love to stay longer, I think it’s about time to call it a night. - Especially being I’ve got to catch the train in the morning.”

“What, you’re leaving already?” Thunder Strike asked.

“Scoots is feeling that thundercloud, and I’ve got to be on the train to Ponyville in the morning. - I kind of promised, so I don’t have much choice,” Kitzu offered. “Although I wouldn't mind a crack at that cigar box the band has.”

“A what?” Scoots, and Thunder Strike asked.

“The box guitar.” Kitzu offered.

“Why don’t you go ask.” Scoots told her. “Look, I can hold out, and maybe they need a break?”

“Can’t hurt to ask.” Thunder Strike prompted.

“Alright, but then we take you home.” Kitzu replied, and walked over to the stage. She talked with them for a moment, and they agreed to let her have a go at it. Kitzu sat down on one of the chairs, and played a nice bluesy melody.
{Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENEnQy-yh18 }

“Are you really an alicorn?” Someone in the audience asked when she’d finished playing.

“What, alicorns can’t play three string blues?” Kitzu asked with a smile while levitating the instrument back to its owner. “Yes, I’ve a horn, can fly, and do magic. I’m also part fox pony. I started out as a pegasus who couldn't fly, with a button horn. So I guess I’m just a pegasus who grew a horn till some pony important says otherwise. - Now, I thank you all for the horsepitality, and would love to stay longer, but I’m going to have an early start tomorrow.”

“Kitzu?” Shimmer asked stepping forward. Kitzu made a motion with her head to remind her that Scoots wasn’t presently at her best. “Oh, right, yes you are going to have a rather early start tomorrow.” Kitzu opened her wings and with one sweep of her wings lifted effortlessly off the stage to glide over the tops of the crowd gathered. She dropped, and started walking out followed by Shimmer, Scoots, and Magnus. Dash, Thunder Strike, and Soarin followed a moment later.

“Hey, how do I get in touch with you?” Thunder Strike asked.

“You’ll have to relay letters via Dean Shimmer.” Kitzu offered. “At least until I’m settled somewhere.”

“Oh, OK.” Thunder Strike replied. “Are you really in the Ghost Squadron, or was that just a cosplay?”

“Foreign service. Ensign Kitzumi Nightfoal, Night Courier. Her majesty Queen Moon’s own.” Kitzu offered leaving off the last part. Her majesty Queen Moon’s own Shadow bolts.

“Say, do you need me to carry Scoots?” Soarin asked.

“That’s alright, I can manage.” Magnus offered sitting down to let Scoots climb up. “You two might want to head for Ponyville.”

“He’s probably right.” Dash offered.

“I should probably head home.” Thunder Strike offered.

“You coming with us then?” Kitzu asked.

“I’m sort of a local. I don’t actually live in Cloudsdale. And it’s summer break.” Thunder Strike informed. “At least for me it is. My parents didn’t want to pay for the summer session.”

“Talk to me about tuition assistance.” Shimmer offered. “It’s getting dark, are you going to be alright finding your way home? - Oh, and there is a safety seminar tomorrow at the school. I want every pegasus available to attend.”

“I’ll be fine. I can see well enough in the dark. - Safety seminar?”

“It’s because of Scoots. - Here, take this.” Kitzu said pulling a small fox lamp from her hoof bag. “May it keep you safe.”

“Thanks.” Thunder Strike replied, took hold of the small lamp, and flew up into the air. A few moments later he was lost to sight.

“Um, Kitzumi?” Nova called softly. “I’m sorry I can’t remember. I will see you again, won’t I? - Are you going to be alright?”

“Ya, you’ll see me again. Expect it.”

“Just don’t goof around with my stories.”

“Fix the ending.”

“At this point I’m a little hazy on how it ends.”

“Ya, you and me both. - Just one more rough part, but I’ll be sure to tell you all about it. - Listen, if you catch the last train north…”

“Train, right, I can do that.” Nova offered suddenly sounding more enthusiastic.

“Well don’t just stand there, get moving.” Trixie ordered, having approached unnoticed.

“Right! My things! I don’t need anything!” Nova exclaimed, and galloped down the lane that led to Appleloosa.

“Come on, lets get moving ourselves.” Dash announced, and took off momentarily followed by Soarin.

“We’ll need to let the local Wonderbolts know what’s going on.” Soarin called to Dash.

“Hey, princess. Good to see you again,” Trixie offered. “Ya, I remembered. Wasn’t any point in arguing the point when every pony thought you were gone for good. - Glad you’re back safe.” Kitzu grabbed Trixie, gave her a hug, and then leapt up into the air to do a mid air somersault. Or a forward flip if you like. Followed by shooting up into the darkening sky.

“Well see everyone again sometime soon.” Magnus offered, and lifted up into the air, followed by Shimmer who waged her wings to wave good bye.

Kitzu, and the others made their way back to Cloudsdale, as the last of the evening light bathes the clouds in reds and golds. “It seams at last I have found the golden city of Eldorado.” Kitzu announced.

“Ell what?” Magnus asked.

“Eldorado.” Scoots offered. “A fabled city of gold.”

“Gaily bedight

A gallant Knight,

In sunshine and in shadow,

Had journeyed long,

Singing a song,

In search of Eldorado.”

Sunset offered. “A poem by Edgar Allan Pone.”

“But he grew old,

This knight so bold,

And o’er his hart a shadow fell

As he found no spot of ground,

That looked like Eldorado.”

Kitzu added. “Mom made me memorize the poem, and if such a place ever existed, it would undoubtedly be a city in the clouds.” Kitzu offered, and then smiled, a most devious smile.

“You want to let us in on what’s going on in that head of yours?” Magnus asked.

“Only that I’ve likely found a place that might well fit the city of the legend. I found a city in the clouds, and turns to gold when the last rays of the sun hit it, and again when the first morning light strikes it.”

“Oh, right, that place,” Magnus commented with a grin.

“What place?” Shimmer and Scoots asked.

“Dean Shimmer, you didn’t get that far into the book?” Kitzu asked. “Towards the end of what’s been written. I found a city deep in the Everfree. - Afraid the only way to get to it is by prolonged high altitude flight. - I can show you my trick if you like?”

“Trick?” Shimmer asked.

“To be able to sustain high altitude flight for more then a few minutes, first cast a shield spell...” Kitzu demonstrated by forming a bubble around herself. “..and then bring it in tight.” She demonstrated further by pulling the bubble tight to her body to fit like a flight suit made of magical energy. “This traps air creating a layer of good air that can sustain me while at high altitude, and provides an extra layer of insulation. Next, either use an updraft, or use your magic to propel yourself. Once up at that altitude it’s best to use magic to push ourselves forward, as too much activity uses up our good air too fast. - Go on, give it a try.”

Shimmer thought about it for a moment, cast the shield spell, pushed herself forward using only her magic, and within moments had soared high into the sky with Kitzu hot on her tail.

“This is… this is incredibly liberating!” Shimmer shouted.

“It is, isn’t it.” Kitzu confirmed flying alongside of Shimmer. “Just be careful to keep it under control, it’s really easy to get going way too fast.”

“I bet.” Shimmer replied with a big smile.

“I’m going to get back to Magnus, and Scoots.” Kitzu offered, rolled to her left, and dove back down. Kitzu had caught site of a group of older high school colts slowly coming up behind Magnus and Scoots.

“Hey Scootaloo, is he yer daddy?” One of the colts jeered.

Kitzu whispered a fox incantation, and a moment later she was being followed by a dozen battle-ready pegasi and bat ponies flying in formation. They all had on the same gray and black uniform Kitzu owned.

As the boys laughed, Kitzu’s ghost flight glided up past them. Each was fashioned after hardened warriors, countenance fearsome to behold, their uniforms tattered, their armor battered, and being they were illusions, made not a sound. The colts took one look, and took off like Sombra himself was after them. Scoots looked on with eyes wide, and Magnus looked at the night ghosts not quite knowing what to think. A quick scan revealed Kitzu behind the flight.

The ghostly apparitions faded away, and Kitzu glided on over to Magnus and Scoots. “Like my ghost flight?”

“Oh, you’re going to be a hoot come nightmare night.” Magnus offered with a sarcastic air.

“This is so fun, why did it never occur to me to use magic to augment flight?” Shimmer exclaimed as she joined the trio. “What?”

“I just scared the pee out of some bullies with a fox illusion.” Kitzu offered. “You’ll love my shadow clone maneuver.” Kitzu inexplicably split into two ponies each diving away in different direction.

“Kitzu?” Shimmer called.

“I’m right here.” Kitzu offered. Kitzu had dropped back behind them. “I can’t tell you how many times that trick has saved my life.”

“You don’t have to run anymore. I want you to know that.” Shimmer offered as they approached the outskirts of Cloudsdale, and as they entered they were approached by members of the local law enforcement who asked them to set down on a cloud on the edge of the city.

“Please pardon the inconvenience. My name’s Flyday, Joe Flyday, and this is my partner Jack Smith. I need to know, have you seen any suspicious ponies?”

“Not a thing? - Why?” Shimmer asked.

“There was some high school colts giving us a hard time.” Kitzu offered. “Smith, any relation to Thaddeus Smith?”

“It’s a common name.” Smith offered.

“Not in Equestria.” Kitzu countered. “So he doesn’t know you?”


“Funny, I never pegged Thaddeus for not knowing Jack Smith.” Magnus offered with a smile.

“OK, you got me, the high school colts?”

“Afraid I must have missed them.” Shimmer offered

“Ya, I kind of freaked them out with one of my illusions.” Kitzu offered.

“Ha, you nearly had me going.” Magnuss offered, and then laughed.

“...” The officers just looked at them.

“Fox pony.” Kitzu offered. “I’m working on a prank for Nightmare night.”

“I see… Do us a favor, and don’t do it again.” Officer Flyday ordered.

“Can you do something for me? Don’t tell the colts they fell for a prank?” Kitzu asked plying a winning smile. “More fun that way.”

“Maybe we should have you come into the station, and make a report?” Smith suggested.

“You want me to come in now?” Kitzu asked.

“In the morning.” Smith offered.

“No can do, I have to get to Ponyville in the morning. - Lets just say it’s a matter above your pay grade. - Being I’m primarily nocturnal, it’d have to be now, or I’ve no idea when I can come in.”

“Princess stuff.” Shimmer offered. “We need her to go report to Princess Twilight Sparkle tomorrow.”

“For what it’s worth, a certain group of colts is claiming there is a ghost army out here.” Officer Friday explained. “Said we were being invaded.”

“Army?” Kitzu asked.

“Invaded?” Scoots asked, and then laughed.

“Hey, I’m good, but I’m not that good.” Kitzu informed the officers. “Sounds like some exaggerating going on.”

“Listen, officers...” Magnus began, his voice calm. “..even if there was an army out here, they haven't broken any laws. - What you got is a bunch of colts prone to extremes, making things up. - They got pranked. - Nothing more. No invasion, and no laws have been broken.”

“Alright, what is going on!?” Dash called as she and Soarin came down to join them. “We need to get going to Ponyville, and we are being told some horse shit about an invasion.”

“Officers, you wouldn't know about this?” Soarin asked. “Considering we’ve scrambled every available Wonderbolt in Cloudsdale, and no pony has seen a thing.”

“I’m so terribly sorry.” Kitzu offered. “I pranked some colts, and it seems to have gotten out of hoof.”

“You...” Soarin said looking at Kitzu.

“It was only a dozen ghosts.” Kitzu offered, her tone that of chagrin. “The fox pony equivalent of throwing a sheet over my head.”

Dash looked over at her, and started laughing. “A dozen ghost you say?” Dash asked once she’d stopped laughing.

“Well it was that or start busting heads for their rudeness.” Kitzu countered. There was an edge to her tone.

“They wanted to know if I was Scoots’ daddy. And I doubt they meant in the paternal way.” Magnus offered. Soarin face hoofed.

“For what it’s worth, I’m not apposed to the paternal thing.” Scoots offered.

“Whether or not our relationship is to advance to that stage is ultimately up to me to decide.” Shimmer offered.

“Oh?” Dash asked getting a great big grin.

“I see.” Kitzu commented also with a big grin.

“Officers can we go now?” Shimmer asked. Dash let out a snicker.

“I’d like to see this ghost squadron.” Soarin prompted.

“I’m kind of maxed out. Another time perhaps?” Kitzu asked not wanting the officers to see just how good her ghosts really were.

“If she says she’s maxed out, we shouldn't be pushing her.” Shimmer warned. “Push her beyond her limits, and you better be prepared to explain it to Princess Twilight.”

“She’s got a point.” Dash affirmed. “Twilight’s going to be in a right tizzy as is. - Shimmer, Magnus, go on and take the fillies home, and Soarin and I need to get going.”

“Now hang on?” Officer Flyday protested.

“Only thing you need to do is to pass the word that there is no invasion, just a bunch of colts who need to be escorted home.” Dash countered.

“Princess level stuff was it?” Smith asked.

“I’m Lady Aiko Okitsune’s apprentice.” Kitzu informed him. He lifted an eyebrow.

“Flyday, I think we just might be in over our pay-grade.” Smith whispered to his partner.

“And if I need to contact anyone?” Flyday asked.

“I’m Dean Shimmer, head of the Cloudsdale Flight School. - And the Wonderbolt captains are Captain Soarin, and Captain Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m retired Commander Flash Magnus.” Magnuss offered. “I teach at the school. The filly on my back with her wing in a sling, and her neck in a brace is Scoots, and the other filly is Ensign Nightfoal.”

“Also known as the Princess of hope, Queen of the sky, and Goddess of Thunder.” Kitzu added with a big grin.

“You’re pushing your luck there kido.” Dash said, while giving Kitzu a calculating look.

“Maybe, but we’ll have to save it for another time.” Kitzu offered. “Listen, if you like, I can put an enchantment on your goggles that’ll make it easier for you to see in the dark.”

“Oh hey, that would be great.” Dash replied offering up her goggles. A few moments later Kitzu had enchanted both goggles explaining that the enchantment would last about twelve hours.

“This is nice.” Soarin remarked putting his goggles back on.

“Come on Soarin, if we are to catch the last train to Ponyville we need to get going.” Dash announced, and then took off. Soarin followed a moment later.

“So um, are we good?” Magnus asked of the two officers. They admitted that they had no real reason to detain them further, and every pony was soon on their way.

When Kitzu, Magnus, Scoots, and Shimmer arrived at Shimmer’s home, Scoots was glad for some more pain killer, and went to bed shortly after. Magnus gave Shimmer a kiss good bye, and left for his apartment a short time later.

“So, you really thinking of marrying him?” Kitzu asked after Magnus had left.

“Well if he’d get around to asking me.” Shimmer offered with a smile. “What about you and that high school colt? - I noticed you kept calling him Striker, instead of his name.”

“Thunder Strike is a fairly common name. - In Queen Moon’s world he picked up the call sign of Striker, but that was a different world. - I keep having to remind myself he’s not my old squad leader. - He’s the same pony, but not the same pony.”

“Ya, I understand. Better then most I imagine. - When I made the decision to come back, I never thought I’d be so cut off. - I’ve made lots of new friends though.”


Rarity, arguing with Twilight had proven futile when she'd attempted to explain the situation. At the goading of Discord Twilight had insisted on searching every square inch of the castle, and when that proved fruitless, the search went out into the forest. When Princess Luna arrived, and explained what she’d discovered, Twilight came very close to calling off the search. Discord goaded her further. There was after all no way to be sure if their Kitzu was the same one in the book. Even Reynard’s ability to see past and future events via the foxfire was proving fruitless. All he could see was that Kitzu had taken a book from the library, gone to the royal thrones in the audience hall, sat down to read, and had somehow managed to teleport herself somewhere. He was unable to determine where. The search went on.


Shimmer found Kitzumi the next morning, not in the bed that had been provided, but curled up in her old worn bedroll up on top Scoots’ wardrobe. Kitzu had been unable to sleep in the bed, and felt more at ease while watching over Scoots. Kitzu had been up most of the night, first because she couldn't sleep in a big empty room in the clouds, and secondly because she’d spent the better part of the night using her magic to prevent Scoots from rolling over onto her broken wing. Breakfast looked much like it did on the morning of Kitzu’s arrival in the past with Kitzu being only slightly more responsive. After breakfast, Kitzumi packed her gear plus the new dress, and flew down to the station in Appleloosa accompanied by Magnus.

“I don’t need an escort, I’m just going to Ponyville,” Kitzu protested as they were buying her ticket. “Besides, you need to be at Dean Shimmer’s safety thing.”

“Alright, alright. If that wasn’t such a pressing matter, so help me...”

“I can take care of myself.”

“Fine, but I’m following after you just as soon as we are done knocking some sense into a bunch of foals,” Magnus declared. The two waited together for the train, and didn’t part until Kitzu was on the train headed north.

“Off to another gig?” The conductor asked when he came by to check her ticket.

“Gig?” Kitzu asked confused. “I’m just going to Ponyville. Unfinished business. - Any chance I can get you to wake me when we get there?”

“Sure thing, can do,” He replied with a smile. Kitzu watched him go, snuggled up into a corner, put on her cap, turned on her music, and went to sleep.


The next thing Kitzu knew she was being hurriedly rushed off the train, and made to line up with a bunch of other foals, most of whom looked to be a few years older then she was. Kitzu hazarded a look about, she knew the drill, somehow she’d ended up in a group of young recruits, but they were the most unlikely set of recruits she’d ever seen made up of bat ponies, and ponies likely mixed with bat pony. She couldn’t help but wonder if any of them were fox ponies.

“What are you looking at!” A large burly pony in a uniform not to dissimilar to her own demanded. He wore a heavy wool shirt, gray with black piping, with a bunch of stripes on his sleeves.

“Sargent, I’m looking at the recruits.” Kitzu offered projecting her voice, and snapping to attention. Kitzu was a little confused at first, thinking maybe she’d somehow gone back to Queen Moon’s world, but this pony, she knew him well. Boot Sargent Thruster. The fact that he was yelling in her face like that, inches from getting poked in the eye by Kitzu’s horn, proved he wasn’t that specific Sargent.

“Who the buck told you, you could look at anything? Who the buck do you think you are?!”

“Ensign Nightfoal, Night courier.”

“Ensign!? - Good Celestia, they’re getting younger every day.

“Sargent Thruster, I’m on my way to Ponyville.”

“Well too bad.”

“What?” Kitzu was baffled by his response. “With all do respect, Sargent, I’m not a recruit.”

“And the next train doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning.” Sargent Thruster informed her harshly. “You’ll stay with every pone else till told otherwise. You got that?”

“Yes Sargent.” Kitzu replied remembering to project. This was not what she wanted. Not at all, but she was presently at a loss as to what to do about it, short of making a dash for freedom.

“You!” Sargent Thruster shouted looking at a recruit further down the line. “What ever it was, don’t even think about it! - I am Sargent Thruster. - For the next six weeks I will tell you when to sleep, when to get up, when to eat, and what to think! - You will do nothing unless I tell you! - Do you hear me!?”

Sargent Thruster was replied by a number of feeble yes sirs, with one strong “Yes Sargent!” Coming out of Kitzu.

“Well at least one of you got it right. Try it again. And no, I am not a sir, I am a Sargent. - Do you hear me?! - I can’t hear you! - You’re all a bunch of princesses! Louder! - Why is it the only pony I can hear is the one with the smallest lungs? - You’re weak, the whole lot of you! But do not despair for I am going to make soldiers out of you. - Welcome, Princesses, to the home of the Night Fighters. Do everything I tell you, and you might even make it into the Ghost Squadron. - Now pick up your bags and move out! - Left face, at a trot, forward harch! - Your other left! Oh for the love of Faust, follow the little white filly with the black ears, at least she seams to know what the Faust she’s doing! Come on, come on… Move! Move! Move!”

It was all Kitzu could do to keep from smiling as she led the raw recruits. Every marching order Sargent Thruster gave she followed it to the letter letting him guide where they were going, and every moment between orders he berated the recruits along the way. A short time later they approached the arch of the front gate. Hollow Shades Garrison, home of the Night Fighters, the sign on top the gate read.

Well at least I know where I am, Kitzu said to herself as they entered the gate. They continued on, and past several buildings prior to making a turn to march down another road, and continued past more buildings. A short time later Sargent Thruster called halt, set them at ease, and went inside. Several of the recruits began to sit down on their bags.

“I wouldn't do that.” Kitzu said plenty loud enough to be heard by all. Her warning was disregarded. One even went so far as to cuss her out.

“Care to come over here, and say that?” Kitzu called.

“That the new recruits, what a bunch.” Asked a lieutenant as Sargent Thruster entered. She was a gray bat pony with a dark mane, petite, but very strong. “So help me, in my day...”

“You know that sounds really weird when coming out of your mouth,” Sargent Thruster offered. Lieutenant Mouse was perhaps one of the prettiest mares on the post, only the small bat pin on her collar gave any indication she wasn’t what she appeared to be. Her uniform presently consisted of a waist coat remarkably similar to Kitzumi’s with shoulder boards. On the shoulder boards were two vertical silver bars with a golden sun above the bars instead of a moon. It served to remind the night wing who they served. “Listen, I’ve a young filly out there identifying herself as...”

“Would you just look at those idiots, they are already sitting on their plots. Oh, sorry, you were saying?”

“By any chance do you know anything about an Ensign Nightfoal?”

“Nightfoal? - Which one is she?”

“The little one who’s actually standing at ease.” Sargent Thruster commented with a tone of disgust. “Oh now what’s he doing?” The two watched as one of the larger stallions broke rank, and trotted over to Kitzu while yelling obscenities. Kitzu remained in position right up until he was a pace away, at which point she unfolded her wings sweeping down, and shooting up into the air with blinding speed. A moment later she dove down striking the stallion's back with enough force to cause his legs and wings to splay out dropping him hard.

“Holy shit, that was a Death Strike!” Mouse shouted, followed by her and the Sargent dashing out to the troops.

“What in Tartarus is going on out here!” Sargent Thruster shouted. Stand at attention, on your hooves! - No pony told you you can sit on your plots!”

“Explain yourself!” Lieutenant Mouse demanded of Kitzumi.

“I am standing at attention per the Sargent's orders, Mam.” Kitzu replied in a deadpan tone while giving a quick salute with her right-wing. The lieutenant returned the salute.

“Please explain the stallion under you?” Lieutenant Mouse asked concerning the stallion Kitzu was presently standing on.

“He asked that I give him a massage.” Kitzu offered.

A massage? - He’s out cold!” Lieutenant Mouse pointed out.

“Yes mam, he found the massage very relaxing.” Kitzumi offered while somehow managing to keep a straight face.

“The Lieutenant here seems to think you just executed a Death Strike, whatever the buck that is.” Sargent Thruster asked as he walked up to her.

“Lieutenant Mouse is mistaken, Sargent. I executed a drop maneuver striking the nerves in the shoulders. Had I executed a Death Strike he wouldn't be breathing anymore being the death strike targets the vertebrae in the neck.”

“You ever kill another pony?” Sargent Thruster asked.

“I got mixed up in a war, Sargent. - Details are confidential.”

“Sweet Celestia. I think she has.” Lieutenant Mouse stated looking Kitzu in the eye. She closed in hoping to intimidate Kitzu in a stare down, and failed. Not just failed, but got a poke from an invisible horn to boot. “Oww. - Who are you?”

“I’m Princess Kitzumi Nova.” Her tone softened a bit knowing they’d not likely believe it. “I’ve been using Kitzumi Nightfoal.”

“You’re looking mighty mature for a six year old.” Mouse countered.

“And you’re looking mighty spry for the age of one-thousand-twenty-six years. Lieutenant Alice Mouse.” Kitzu had recognized the Lieutenant the moment she saw her knowing her from Princess Luna’s memories. She wasn’t one hundred percent certain this mare was indeed the Ensign from Luna’s memories, but the stunned look on Alice Mouse’s face indicated Kitzu was probably right. Then Ensign Mouse, had dove into the thick of the fight between Luna and Celestia in hopes of stopping it only to find herself advanced one thousand years into the future.

“Holy sheet,” Sargent Thruster said under his breath as Kitzu dropped the camouflage from her horn. “Sweet Celestia, we got ourselves an alicorn.”

Mouse took a step back.

“I was on my way to Ponyville, and somehow ended up here,” Kitzu offered. No point in telling them she’d over slept while on the train and missed her stop. Granted she had asked the conductor to wake her… she’d a mind to have words with that conductor the next time their paths crossed.

“Come with me,” Mouse said to Kitzu with ears laid back, and started walking away. Kitzu didn’t wait to make sure she meant her, picked up her kit and followed after her. Being Sargent Thruster said nothing to her, Kitzumi felt assured Lieutenant Mouse had indeed meant her. Lieutenant Mouse took Kitzu inside, and had her wait in an office. Kitzu sat down to wait. Outside Sargent Thruster could be heard berating the troops.

As for Lieutenant Mouse, she went into another office, picked up a phone, and dialed the palace.

Kitzu having nothing better to do while she waited decided to go into the dreamscape to see if she could contact Princess Luna. Kitzu was also completely unaware how that specific exercise effected her. As she went into the meditative state her eyes went all glassy, glowed, and then thanks to her link to the cosmic clock her mane began to billow out.

“She’s… You mean to tell me she really is who she says she is?” Mouse said into the phone receiver. “It’s not a clever prank? - Well how am I to know how she ended up here? - I see. Been through some serious stuff has she? - Her majesty Queen Moon? So as far as anyone knows she really did serve as an Ensign. Wow. How’s Princess Twilight taking it? - Oh dear… What about the search, is that still on then? I mean… she is, and they can’t convince her otherwise. That’s not good. I’d better inform the Wing commander, they are gearing up to cross the forest to help in the search. - Right, no need to take any unnecessary risks if we’ve got the filly every pony is looking for, and thanks for the info.” Mouse hung up, and went back out into the main office to discover a number of panicky ponies. “Um… what’s going on?” They pointed towards the office where she’d left Kitzu. Mouse looked in… “Yep, definitely an alicorn. - Princess… your highness? Miss Kitzumi? - Ensign Nightfoal!”

“Yes Mam.” Kitzu replied snapping out of her trance.

“Mind if I ask what you were doing just now?”


“Your eyes were glowing and your mane had gone all cosmic.”

“What? It did?” Kitzu glanced at her mane which still showed the signs of having gone all cosmic. “Oh wow. - I was trying to contact Princess Luna.”

“A moment.” Mouse offered, turned to the office workers. “It’s alright, just a young alicorn doing her thing.” She turned back to Kitzu. “We need to get you to see the Wing Commander.”

“Mind if I put my uniform on? Kind of feels a little awkward being on a military installation out of uniform.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

A short time later Ensign Nightfoal, and Lt Mouse exited the building to find the Sargent and his recruits were still there. Kitzu had her flight suit, waist coat, and peytral on. There was also a medical team reviving Kitzu’s victim.

“Um Lieutenant?” Sargent Thruster prompted.

“She’s legit. - We’re on our way over to Wing.”

“So, princess, might I ask what you did to him?”

“All I did was hit the nerve points, and force him down. - Why isn’t he on his hooves yet?”

“Why indeed?” Sargent Thruster mused. “Used to do that when I was a foal. Stings like the dickens. Although, let’s not forget you did knock him out. - I will have to admit it never occurred to me to actually use it as a take down maneuver. - I couldn't help but notice your uniform is a little different.”

“Word is she got mixed up in a war in another country.”

“I lost a lot of friends. Just want to go home now. - I was a fast courier. - More often then not it’d be myself and one other pony. After a while I started doing solo runs because no pony could keep up.”

“I see. Those of us who were in the service during the Storm King’s invasion… we nearly lost that one. - Worst disaster in Equestria’s history.”

“That’s one I seem to have missed.” Kitzu admitted. “Probably just as well I missed it, I’d have been useless at the time.”

“A lot of the Palace Guards were too, so don’t feel too bad.” Mouse retorted.

“Speaking of useless, I’d better get back to my recruit, and see if I can’t get him back on his hooves.”

“Well if he doesn’t he’ll have to go home with the indignity of having been flattened by a thirteen year old.” Kitzu offered.

“You’d send him home.” Mouse asked.

“In a heartbeat. Nor would I want him in my command. Not if he can’t shake off something like that.”

“May I remind you that you did knock him out?” Sargent Thruster offered.

“You think the Storm King’s troops would give him that much time to recover? Trust me, I’ve seen ponies take far worse, and get right back up. Get up or die was often the only choice we had. - The last thing I’d want in one of my units is a hot head who charges at the slightest provocation, and can’t get it back up when he’s been slapped down in the dirt.”

“You thinking of pressing charges? The lieutenant saw the whole thing.”

“Charges? That’d be letting him off easy.” Kitzu offered with a sly smile.

“Oh ya, she’s seen combat,” Sargent Thruster saluted, turned towards the recruits, and trotted back.

“Any pony ever do that nerve strike to you?” Mouse asked Kitzu.

“Lots of times in basic training. We’d do it to each other. I started out at the bottom of my class, so I got it a lot. We learned how to fight through the reflex action. I learned how to counter the strikes.”

“Well come on then.”

The two continued on while Sargent paced back and forth in front of his recruits. “Just to let you know, that little filly is, I’m told, the real deal.” He offered. “It seems some pony had the bright idea to weaponize an alicorn.”

“She’s...” Asked the pony being treated by the medical team.

“Yes, Francis. She’s the real deal. - Now, if you’d like to get up off your plot, and do as you are told, we just might put in a good word for you.”

A short time later Lt Mouse, and Ensign Nightfoal had arrived at a hangar for airships where a briefing was taking place. “An airship hangar, nice,” Kitzu commented as they walked up to where the briefing was being held.

“Well if the storm king can use airships, so can we.” Lt Mouse offered. “Come on, and I’ll introduce you.” Meanwhile up in front ponies could be heard arguing.

Attempting to cut strait through the Everfree forest is madness,” argued a familiar-sounding voice in a very frustrated tone. Mouse wasn’t the only night guard who’d been swept up into the thousand-year banishment.

“Is that Captain Hoofstrong?” Kitzu asked, and hurried up to the front. Lt Mouse was quick to catch up with her. Captain Hoofstrong was a large dark gray pegasus with a midnight blue mane and was of mixed bat pony heritage.

“It’s not like we are going through the forest, we are going over the forest. - And who let the little filly in here? Lt Mouse?” asked a Lt Commander Payne who’d been arguing with the Captain. The Lt Commander, a muddy brown pegasus with a mane that was only slightly darker, was up front where he’d been briefing the squadron on the mission.

“Lt Commander.” Lt Mouse replied. Meanwhile a map on a board up front had caught Kitzu’s eye.

“Excuse me, but would you happen to have airships capable of doing at least ten thousand horns?” Kitzu asked.

“Lt Mouse, be so kind as to remove this foal,” The Lt Commander requested.

“Why ten thousand?” Captain Hoofstrong asked Kitzu. He was honestly curious.

“The only way to pass through the exclusion zone safely, is to go over the elevation of the creatures that live there.” Kitzu explained. “That means maintaining an elevation of no less then ten thousand horns above sea level for the duration of the crossing, and if you’re going at a slow pace common to most airships, best be prepared for the creatures who can get up that high. The only safe way to cross is to maintain a speed that is equivalent to the speed of sound. At least that way you’re already passing while the nasties are still scrambling.”

“Lt Commander Payne, this young Ensign is Princess Kitzumi Nova.” Lt Mouse offered. “And a former Currier for a Queen Moon of the Moon Kingdom I’m told. - She’s the very pony every pone is looking for.”

“How the, wait what?” Several ponies echoed.

“I went back in time, couldn't get home.” Kitzu offered, and then added, “Alicorn pony problems. - In short, the ponies looking for me in, and around the palace of the sisters, aren’t going to find me because I’m not there to be found.”

“I’ve already been in contact with the palace, and they want us to see to it she gets to Ponyville safe.” Lt Mouse offered.

“Well then she can come with us.” Lt Commander Payne offered.

“Not on that rout.” Kitzu countered. “That path takes you into the exclusion zone.”

“It’s alright, I’ve got these lamps that I’m assured will keep all the monsters from us.” Lt Commander Payne offering holding up a good luck lamp he’d gotten from a local tourist shop. Not only did it have absolutely no light emanating from it, but it was a cheep knock off of the real things.

“Let me guess, you got one for every pony in the command?” Kitzu asked in a dry sort of tone one might use when they want to scold someone for their stupidity.

“Princess, or no, I’m not sure I like your tone.”

“Well I for one don’t blame her, that thing is a cheap piece of junk.” Captain Hoofstrong commented.

“I have it on good authority...” Lt Commander Payne began but stopped short when Kitzu reached out with her magic and crushed it. She then levitated her original three lamps out of her saddlebags and hovered them out in front for every pony to see.

“Not all will like me, some will even despise me, but it is I who stands against the dark. While the land sleeps, I will stand watch. Ever vigilant,” Kitzu recited.

Captain Hoofstrong, Lt Mouse, and at least one other, perhaps a few others whispered the words, Shadow Bolts ever faithful.”

“Until I see an official order countering the last one, we are set to take off in one hour. I’ve been waiting my entire career to be called into action...” Lt Commander Payne protested. “We will respond as ordered, and I’ve chosen the fastest route.”

“But I am Princess Kitzumi.” Kitzu reiterated quite at a loss as to how to reason with this major pain of an officer and sat on her haunches. Nor could that route possibly be construed as the fastest. "Short does not equal fast.”

“Sir I must protest.” Captain Hoofstrong pleaded. “And I am in full agreement with the young Ensign on this matter. Short does not equal fast.”

Kitzu meanwhile had noticed the telltale vibrating of one of her diaries. I can ask for advice, she thought pulling out the book that was vibrating. Her heart leapt on discovering which book. Book number one, her original diary, some pony had finally answered. Quickly she opened the book, found the message, Princess Celestia had written in the book: My dearest Kitzumi, I am so sorry for the way I have treated you, not just the last time, well the time you had to take care of your younger self. I should have listened to you but also because I’ve been keeping you at wing length ever since you were a baby. You were so precious, and yet I chose to distance myself…

Princess Celestia was going on, and on. In fact she was still writing. Kitzu quickly got out a never dry quill, and slashed a line across the page to get Princess Celestia to stop writing. I’m at the Hollow Shades Garrison. Kitzu wrote. Lt Commander Payne intends to take the squadron through the heart of the Everfree forest. He’s going to go into the exclusion zone around Mount Thorn and the Alicorn Citadel.

Kitzu waited a moment. Hopefully Princess Celestia understood what Kitzu meant by an exclusion zone.

On it. Princess Celestia wrote back a moment later.

Kitzu waited a few moments wondering what Princess Celestia was going to do.

“No, we are not using airships, they are two slow. It is my intention to demonstrate that we can mobilize, and arrive on location in a timely manner.” Lt Commander Payne stated.

“But sir, not even our best fliers can maintain an altitude of ten thousand horns for more then a few minutes.” Captain Hoofstrong protested. He knew about the citadel, his grand sire had told him tales about being a boy and going there, and how the forest encircled the city, and cut it off. He knew from experience that any being attempting to penetrate the forest to find the citadel would be forced back, or killed. The idea that there was an exclusion zone just made sense. Along with the idea that there was a safe altitude. Unfortunately, that safe altitude simply could not be maintained for very long. Certainly not long enough to get over the forest.

Kitzu retrieved her lamps, and was delighted at the sight of one of Princess Celestia’s message scrolls materializing right in front of the Lt Commander with a pop. It hovered for a moment, and dropped to the floor. The room grew deathly silent save for the scratching of Kitzu’s pen.

He’s staring at your letter like it’s a snake. Kitzu wrote in her book. She then waited quietly.

“Well aren’t you going to look at it?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“Oh my...” Lt Mouse whispered on noticing Kitzu’s book.

I kind of feel sorry for him, he’s so eager to please. Kitzu wrote. A moment later Princess Celestia had written back the words, a might bit too eager.

The Lt Commander slowly picked up the scroll, unrolled it, and went white as a linen sheet. Kitzu relayed this via her book, and Princess Celestia let Kitzu know that she had simply reminded the Lt Commander that he had standing orders not to attempt to penetrate the heart of the forest, nor skirt through it in any way. He was allowed only to duck in and out as needed to rescue a pony who’d wandered too close, and that meant going around the edge if need be. And he was to cancel his operation and provide Kitzumi with an escort via a safe route.

“The, um… the mission is canceled.” Lt Commander pain announced in a tone that was barely audible.

“Pardon?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“Canceled. The mission is canceled.” Lt Commander Payne repeated loud enough for all to hear.

“Oh? - You don’t say?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“Tell you what… new orders. Captain. Since you seem to like the little Miss so much, you can escort her back to Ponyville,” Lt Commander Payne ordered. “In fact, you can take your own flight.” He started to turn away but then stopped. His body froze in place for a moment, and then ever so slowly turned back around.

“No, I will prove to Princess Celestia I can do this!” Payne growled. “We are going, orders or no orders!”

Kitzu quickly scribbled something in her book, put it away and got out the lamps again. The fact that her crushing the cheep candle lamp had garnered so little reaction had been bothering her. She got up, and started walking towards the Lt Commander who’d begun to rant by this point. “You will not win this battle this day.” Kitzu said under her breath. She levitated her lamps up to the Lt Commander, and began rotating them around him in a counter clockwise rotation relative to the floor.

“Get those things away from me!” He shouted with rage.

“By the light of the silver moon, and the halls of the high heavenly Citadel I will stand against the deceiver and cast out his evil works.” Kitzu said in a strong clear voice while lighting up her horn. The crystals in her Petrel answered followed by the light of the lamps shining brighter then ever their circular motion making them take on the appearance of a mitsu tomoe. Payne began to scream with rage his face distorted. “Sun lights day. Dark night has fallen. Light the lamps.”

Kitzu presses forward speaking, “Harmony disrupted, return to the path, sweep away the obstacles and impurities. Sweep away the mists that cloud the mind and soul, and grant us purification and clarity.”

Payne had crumpled to the floor crying out in pain. Meanwhile Kitzu’s mane and tail had started going all cosmic while those gathered drew back in fear and confusion.

“Be free of the inflictive poisons that have possessed you!”

Payne let out one last yell, and lay back on the floor, the room silent. Kitzu waited a moment, and slowly walked up to him.

“Wow, I must have really tied one over last night.” Payne said, and then sat up. “Umm, what’s going on.” Kitzu smiled, and dropped her light show. She then retrieved her lanterns.

“Welcome back.” Kitzu offered. “You’d been possessed.”

“Oh so that’s why he was being a bigger pain then normal,” One of the ponies said just loud enough for their voice to carry to the front.

“You know, that sounds suspiciously like Ensign Loki.” Kitzu mused with a smile on her face. “Lt Commander, just how many of Princess Luna’s Shadow bolts do you have here?”

“There are seven of us.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “May I ask...”

“I’ve had access to Princess Luna’s… mementos of her life before Night Fall.” Kitzu offered. Luna’s memories to be exact, but she’d no desire to tell every pony there she’d been inside Princess Luna’s mind.”

“Mementos...” Captain Hoofstrong mused knowing there was no way Kitzu would be able to recognize a pony by the sound of their voice by mementos. Kitzu on the other hoof, pulled out her book, and jotted down a quick explanation of what had happened.

“Um, that book?” Lt Commander Payne asked.

“She’s been in direct contact with Princess Celestia nearly the whole time.” Lt Mouse offered.

“Oh… so what all did I do?” Lt Commander Payne asked rather sheepishly.

“Oh, ordered the Ghosts to cut through the heart of the Everfree, and even tried to countermand a direct order given by Princess Celestia.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. Payne let out a groan.

“And apparently spent a lot of money on nick knacks.” Kitzu offered. “Could be worse though.”

“How?” Payne asked.

“No one stopping you from taking the squadron on a suicide run into the Everfree.” Kitzu offered. She then passed one of her little lamps over to him. “This is one of my original prototypes. I’d like you to keep that on you at all times.”

“Oh I couldn't...”

“Afraid I’m going to have to insist.” Kitzu countered. “It’ll provide some protection from who ever it was who put that whammy on you. - Meanwhile you can get the real thing at Fox village, which shouldn't be to far from here. The functional part of the lamp is a fox pony spell, it has to be fox pony magic, and a crystal that amplifies the spell. - Without those two components, it’s just a nick knack for the shelf.”

“So what’s it do, I mean what’s it really do?” Payne asked.

“It negates negative forms of energy such as discordant magic.” Kitzu offered.

“Disc...” Payne whispered.

“Who else delights at creating chaos?” Kitzu offered. He didn’t change his ways, just his M-O.”

“Sweet Celestia.” Payne whispered sounding a bit like he’d just been punched in the gut.

“We just have to see to it she gets back to Ponyville safely.” Captain Hoofstrong offered.

“Well then, lets do that.” Lt Commander Payne offered. “Suggestions?”

“I for one wouldn't mind getting a bite to eat.” Kitzu prompted. “And then I know a way to get to Apple Valley and Ponyville without having to go all the way around the forest.”

“How’s that?” Lt Commander Payne asked.

The exclusion zone centers on Thorn peak, more or less.” Kitzu offered getting up. She went to the map board, and drew a large circle. She then drew two smaller circles, one around the palace of the two sisters, and one around Fox village that took big bites out of the big circle she’d drawn. “The tree of harmony protects the Palace, and Fox village has an abundance of ghost lamps. In fact it might not be a bad idea to double back to the village and pick up some lamps that actually work. - The border I’ve drawn is an estimate since the limits seem to fluctuate some, but as you can see, we can go north, then north west, then west to cross over to the Apple Valley. - Any good updrafts around here?”

“There’s a good updraft on the windward side of this ridge.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “What did you have in mind?”

Catch the updraft, let it do the work for us, go up to about nine thousand horns, and than set a shallow dive. - It’s the way I cover long distances without wearing myself out.” Kitzu offered. “Um, except I usually top out around twelve thousand, and can generate my own updraft with my magic.”

“Twelve thousand...” Mouse whispered.

“I can use magic.” Kitzu reminded. “It’s possible for an ordinary pegasus to get up that high if they ride on an updraft, but they won’t last long without a flight suit, and auxiliary air supply. - Now, how about some breakfast?”


As Kitzumi was escorted to the dining facility, and told of the Night wing and how their roots were from the Shadow Bolts of old, Princess Celestia leaned back in the office chair that had been brought in. A makeshift office had been set up for her right in the Moon hall being it was the only place they knew for a fact she could read that diary. It was also the only place in the palace in which she was sure that Discord had no sway.

“Princess Celestia… the lights.” A secretary whispered. The ghost lamps had all started glowing considerably brighter.

“Yes, I noticed that myself.” The lights had begun glowing brighter shortly after Kitzu’s reply concerning the exorcism she’d performed.

“They are responding to her perhaps.” Offered the secretary.

“That would seem the case.” Celestia mused. “I’m also beginning to appreciate Luna’s misgivings concerning Discord. - I fear he’s been playing us the whole time.”

Author's Note:

OK yes, this could have all been multiple chapters, and not just the one. I decided to go with it as one being the Ghost squadron AKA modern day Shadow Bolts keep getting mentioned, and then we finally get to see them towards the end of the Chapter. Up to this point I've tried to keep my chapters short for my own connivance and to make them easy reads. The longer it gets, the more editing is involved before I can post. And it would not surprise me in the least to come back some time later and find mistakes I missed on the first umpteen pass throughs.

The name Aerocare is the name of an air ambulance company. I was trying to think up a good name when I run across it and decided it'd be perfect.

Lieutenant Commander Payne. I'm using navel rank structure for the most part. For those of you who don't know, the navel rank of Lieutenant Commander translates to the Army rank of Major. That's right, he's a major pane.

Have attempted to edit using Grammarly. No go. Grammarly fails spectacularly do to the size of the file. I did go back through to look for stuff I know I'm screwing up on, such as switching then and than, or piece and peace. Most of what Grammarly highlights tends to be fairly minor stuff caused by my casual use of commas.