• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,851 Views, 5 Comments

Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...


“Will you be leaving us soon?” Princess Luna asked Kitzumi. The two were sitting on Luna’s balcony looking out over Canterlot, the lights of the city looking every bit the starscape.

“The Doctor says my magic is right up there with fillies my age. So yes, I’d like to try for home. - Soon.”

“You are always welcome to stay.”

“I know, and you’ve all been so kind to me. - And that hover charm works great. Almost like flying with my own wing power. - Even if it is only good for a short duration of flight. - If it doesn’t work out, I mean if I can’t find my way home for some reason?”

“You’re not going to get stuck in between are you?”

“Oh no. I can tell when I have a good jump. - I’m just worried they may not be where I left them.”


“Two worlds existing within the same dimension, each just enough out of phase with the other that no one is aware of it. If Discord’s meddling caused a shift in the frequency of either world, I’d have to figure out what the new frequency is before I can find them again.” Kitzu thought about it for a moment. “The timelines of both worlds were supposed to converge at some point leaving just the one, but I’ve no way of knowing if that’s really going to happen or not? They might just split and become two separate dimensions. - Granted if I could get back to the world I was actually born in… At the right time. I’d be home. I could make friends again. - If I can never go back, it’d be like I died in my birth world. The same goes for the alternate timeline. What with everything that’s been written… I think they’ve given up on me. The last few entries looked more like Twilight was using the book as a personal diary.”

“You miss them though, your mothers in both timelines and the friends you made in the world you were living in don’t you?”

“Ya. I do miss them. That’s why I don’t want to stay here. - Sure all the same ponies are here, but every pony is different. That or they haven't even been born yet. You understand don’t you?”

“I understand better than you think. I lost my world. I can never go back.”

Kitzu looked at Luna wondering what it’d be like, waking up one day to find every pony she’d known was gone? Well, this Luna did have Celestia, and Night Light, but… she’d missed out on watching him grow up. To her, he’d gone from being a foal to an adult stallion overnight. But then maybe Kitzu did know? There’d been no reply to the diary, and there was every indication the enchantment still held on both the book and the moon amulet.

“Come on then, there’s a going-away party waiting for you.” Luna offered.

“A party?”

“It’s a surprise party, so try to act surprised.”

“But you’re telling me?”

“I don’t want you getting too surprised, and teleporting all the way to Ponyville.” Luna gave her a wink. Kitzu had, after all, told Luna about all her misadventures, and now that her power was back up to normal levels she’d best be careful.


The party had been a blast, and Kitzu found herself walking away with another enchanted diary. They all wanted her to let them know she was safe, and how she was doing when she got there. She stayed two more days, and her total time there had been close to two months. She was eager to try for home, and yet hesitant to leave the safe haven she’d landed in. That evening she went out onto the patio, that area in the center of the keep made the connection for home, and completed the jump. Little had change save her small ensemble of onlookers were now gone. Kitzu wondered if there’d been any flash as had been reported during the Changeling crisis? She got out the book they’d given her and wrote down that she’d made it. She’d let them know if it was the right place just as soon as she knew herself.

Kitzu looked about but saw no one. This courtyard was in the center of the keep above the night court. No pony set hoof here without an invite, and while there were no guards watching the court, they weren’t far off. There was also an intruder detection spell that would alert security if any unicorns should manage to teleport in. Kitzu’s IDs and moon pendant would identify her as a member of the family. Kitzu turned around to have another look, and instead of going straight into the apartments of the Night Wing, she decided she’d have a look at the greenhouse.

Kitzu entered, and walked through noting the changes. Some plants were the same, some were always the same, others were different. Some were older, some new. Kitzu was about to go back out when something caught her eye. There under a bench, she found a small plush toy. She tenderly picked it up, sat on the bench, and held it close. Something her father had given her, just an ordinary common red fox plush toy. It’d been one of her favorites. Seeing it was dirty from being on the tile, Kitzu cleaned it with her magic and then decided to head straight up to her floor. The last messages to her in her diary had been about Twilight and Luna’s foals, and to Kitzu it just made sense that they’d end up giving their little Kitzumi the same toy. It was just history repeating.

Kizu went up the stairs in the greenhouse and opened the door to Luna’s private lounge at the base of the watchtower that sat on top of the big tower. Nothing looked out of place. Everything Kitzu expected to see was there to include a few items that one would expect to see in a home with babies. No one was about though. From there Kitzu decided to go see if there was anyone in the apartments.

“Hello, I’m back,” Kitzu called going through the arch to the back rooms. “Any pony here?” No one answered. Kitzu slowly walked on back. Luna’s room looked messier than it normally would have, but nothing Kitzu would have thought to be out of the ordinary. She continued on to her room. It was full of baby stuff. Kitzu entered unable to resist the lure of the crib. I used to sleep in this, Kitzu told herself as she approached. She looked in only to discover she still was.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so cute!” Kitzu said barely able to keep her voice down as she looked at the tiny pegasus in the crib.

“Uwwwaaa.” Baby Kitzu replied back as she woke up. “Aaaaaaa.”

“It’s alright. I’m you… That smell… hang on!” Kitzu rushed out into the corridor. “Hello, anyone?! Dirty diaper! Anyone? No one.” Kitzu turned around. “I’m a big girl now, I can change my own diaper.”

Kizu ventured back in, looked about, and then retrieved baby Kitzu from her crib with her magic. “Up we go, you little stinker you.”


“Yes, I know. No one likes having a dirty diaper and no way to do anything about it. - Come on then, to the changing table. - Right then let's get you set here… off with the old… Ewww.” Kitzu levitated the dirty diaper away from her selves and started looking about wondering what to do with it just as two guards entered.

“Alright who are you, and eeewww, get that away from me!” One of the guards said screeching to a halt. The other nearly crashed into the first.

“Look out, she has a chemical weapon of mass destruction.”

“You wouldn't happen to be the foal sitter?” the first guard asked.

“Member of the family.” Kizu offered, pushing a wing out from under her cloak. “Why don’t I put my stuff somewhere...” Kitzu used her magic to take her cloak and saddlebags, and place them on a chair, careful not to mix the diaper with them. “Do you know… ah, there!” On spotting the receptacle for dirty diapers, she popped the lid, dropped the diaper in, and shut the lid. She then gathered up some wipes and proceeded to wipe down her baby self who’d patiently been waiting.

“Sorry, I’m only eight.” Kitzu offered. “Can I gather you’ve no idea where our foal sitter is? What about our nanny? We do have a nanny, don’t we? - Why were we left all by our self?” Kitzu placed the wipes in a second receptacle. She then retrieved the baby powder and powdered her baby bun. A small cloud of dust erupted followed by both fillies having a giggling fit.

“Why don’t we go see if we can find some pony.” One of the guards offered.

“Wait!” Kitzu called.


“Would either of you know how to put a diaper on?”

“I can.” Offered the guard who’d compared the dirty diaper to a WMD, and walked over. A few moments later the guard had a fresh new diaper on baby Kitzu. “There we go.”

“Thank you.” Kitzu offered while baby Kitzu cooed happily. At least for a moment.

“Ahh!” Baby Kitzu shouted looking at big Kitzu. The two touched noses.

“Ah, you’re hungry,” Kitzumi exclaimed. She wasn’t entirely sure how she knew, she just did.

“I, um… I can call down to the kitchens.” The guard offered.

“See if you can find out where our foal sitter is. Otherwise, I think I know where I might find something...” Kitzu offered, hoisted baby Kitzu onto her back, and headed out into the corridor.

“Who is she?” The first guard whispered to the second.

“No idea, but she’s an alicorn, and has one of Princess Luna’s moon medallions. - Maybe she’s an apprentice no pony knows about? - I’ll keep an eye on her, and you see if you can find out what’s going on.”

Kitzu for her part just ignored the two guards and headed for the kitchenette that was attached to the lounge. Sure enough, bottles of milk along with plenty of other goodies. “Ooo, little fishies!” Kitzu helped herself to a mouthful of the cooked fish. She then pulled out a bottle of milk and took a sip.

“Gah!” Baby Kitzu protested.

“Fresh Luna.” Filly Kitzu announced.

“Aaaa aaaa!”

“Hang on, I have to warm it.”

“Body temperature. You think you can manage it?” The second guard asked.

“I can use my magic.” Kitzu offered. She held the bottle in her magic, the color of her magic shifting as she warmed it, and then took another sip.

“Gah gah aaa!!”

“Alright, alright,” Kitzu said, went over to a large chair, lifted baby Kitzu into the air, sat down, cuddled baby in her wings, and let her have at the bottle.

“So, um if I may ask… who are you?”

Kitzu looked at him bewildered. “Corporal Forge, you don’t know who I am? - Luna’s Nova?”

“No, I’m afraid not.”

“Oh, dear. - Well, that’s problematic.”

“Are you perhaps an apprentice that Princess Luna has been keeping under wraps?”

“I’m afraid I’m from another dimension, and I’ve missed my mark it would seem. That or there is something else going on here."

“I see.” He replied just as Celestia came dashing in.

“The baby, they’ve forgotten...” Celestia said, and then stopped in her tracks at the site of an eight-year-old alicorn Kitzu bottle feeding baby pegasus Kitzu. “Oh my? - Miss Pudding is off sick, and someone dropped the ball. But it seems everything is fine… who?”

“I’m Kitzumi.” Kitzu offered, wondering why this scene seemed so familiar to her.

“I thought you were Luna’s Nova?” Corporal Forge asked.

“Kitzumi Nova Silvermane. - The guards would say Luna’s Nova to distinguish me from Nova Silvermane.” Kitzu was feeling a bit unsure of the situation. Why did all this seem so familiar? Had she gone home? That is to say, her original home. Was she presently crossing her own timeline? How long could she stay here, and how many ponies could she interact with before it triggered another split? Would it be worth it? One thing was sure, no matter how much she wanted to, she could not tell them any more about herself than what she could manage.

“She said she was from another dimension.” Corporal Forge offered.

“I am aware of a Nova Silvermane.” Celestia offered. “She’s around ten or eleven I believe. “Prince Reynard wants to adopt her.” Celestia slowly approached Kitzu who wrapped her wings tighter around her younger self. “How did you get here?” Celestia asked.

“Teleported. - I can teleport across dimensions.” Kitzu had to fight that thing that made her so nervous of Celestia. Why was she so afraid of this Celestia? Sure, she knew all of Celestia’s secrets, but she should be over that… baby Kitzu had stopped sucking and was snuggling in as tight as she could go. That fear of Celestia… was she doing it to herself or was she experiencing her younger self’s emotional state?

“Can you now?” Celestia said taking another step closer while giving Kitzu an accusatory stare. Kitzu was beginning to feel like she was being stalked.

“Princess Celestia, maybe you might not want to press her.” Corporal Forge suggested.

“Corporal… take her please,” Kitzu said softly. Kitzu had decided her best course of action was to get away, but she couldn't do that holding her younger self.

“Are you alright?” the corporal asked.

“No, I’m not.”

The corporal took baby Kitzu who clung to big Kitzu. Once separated, big Kitzu got up and started backing away.

“Now where do you think...” Princess Celestia began while closing the gap further, but Kitzu teleported away. The loud crack caused baby Kitzu to start crying. A moment later another crack could be heard coming from the apartments. “How is she even able to teleport in here?” Celestia said trotting towards where the sound had come from.

“Her things are gone.” Corporal Forge offered when they arrived at the nursery. “She’s gone. - She knew who I was. Wasn’t one bit concerned, begging your pardon, until you arrived.”

“But how?”

“She’s a pendant like the ones Princess Luna gives to trusted confidants.” He offered. “It would likely render all security protocols ineffective against her.”


As for Kitzu, she’d teleported straight to the nursery, quickly snatched up her things, teleported to the base of the tower where she was sure to have a few moments alone. If this was home, or first home rather than her second home or at least a nearby dimension she couldn't harm couldn't be too much of a jump. The frequencies had indeed shifted, but Kitzu was going to try anywhere convinced as she was that she could not stay here without adversely affecting her own future. She felt for a contact, found one, and jumped.

Once more there was little to tell if the jump had worked or not. When it came right down to it, the interdimensional jump made less noise than a standard teleport in that there was more of an exchange of atmosphere. Kitzu looked about, and then doubled back to the tower, and opened the heavy door with her amulet. Inside was pretty much empty, though it looked to have been kept reasonably clean for some reason. She went in, closed the door behind her, and went in past the guard room, passed by offices, and found a bedroom with a mattress. It was also quite dark in there, dusty, and the only light available was a soft blue glow from her lantern pendant. She dropped her belongings on the bed, draped her cloak over a chair… she froze momentarily as something tumbled out. It was a plush toy. In her haste to get away, she’d accidentally stolen her own toy. Well, not so much stolen as taken it from her younger self. Kitzu remembered now, the precious toy had gone missing. Then fuss over who she’d thought was a really cool foal sitter.

Kitzu let out a sigh. She got out one of her lamps from her bag to better light the room, placed it on a desk, picked up the toy, climbed onto the bed, and curled up into a ball while snuggling the toy. She lay there for a while, sat up, and retrieved her book from where Night Light had been Luna’s son.

A bit of a problem, right home, wrong year. Kitzu wrote, followed with: For reason’s I’m not sure of, I ended up in my original birth home instead of the altered timeline. I was afraid I might contaminate the timeline if I stayed, so teleported to the next nearest world. I’ll check out where I am after I’ve had a nap. Two jumps seem to have worn me out more than it should have so I’ll need to be extra careful. Thank you ever so much for your kindness, and hospitality.

Kitzu then put that book back and retrieved her original diary. In it, she wrote: I’m in the back bedroom, the bottom floor of Luna’s tower. If by any chance I’m in the right world, please come down, and find me.

Kitzu let out another sigh. There had been no replies to the book. She decided she’d curl up with her plush toy, and take a nap. A nap that was dearly needed as she soon fell fast asleep.

How long Kitzu had slept, she couldn't be sure. She was on no clock at the moment and got up when hunger forced her to wake up. The first thing she checked was her diaries. One book urged her to come back as soon as she felt able, and the other had nothing. She wrote a quick note saying she was fine and would need a bit of time to recover her magic energy before risking another jump. She then pulled out the box lunch. It’d been packed fresh, just in case she needed it. She needed it. When she’d finished she used the facilities available in the barracks, followed by gathering up her belongings and poked her head out the tower base door. She pulled out her original diary and added that she was going to go out and explore.

“Wonder if it’s ever occurred to any pony to keep an eye on this door,” Kitzu said to herself as the door closed behind her. It was late morning, the path was familiar, and yet there was that feeling of the unknown, as she’d no idea what this world had in store for her. She put the diary away, rustled her wings to adjust her cloak, and started down the path at a casual walk. A short time later she found her way to the school commons. Plenty of ponies were about, a few looked at her with mild curiosity, but aside from that, her presence was vastly ignored.

Spotting a newspaper, Kitzu went over to the table it was sitting on, sat on a chair, and started glancing through the articles. Everything seemed quite mundane to her. About the only thing of any interest to her was an article about Lady Rarity opening a dress shop in Canterlot.

“Miss Kitzumi Silvermane!” Shouted an adult mare headed straight for her. Kitzu froze in place. Kitzumi had the interesting sensation of both delight, and dread at the same time. She was both known, and in some kind of trouble by the sound of the mare’s scolding tone.

“Um, hello,” Kitzu said looking in the direction of the mare. “Starshine?”

“Miss Twinkle if you don’t mind.” The mare corrected sternly. “You are coming with me right this instant. Of all the stunts you’ve ever played… Well, don’t just sit there, move!”

“Yes, mam,” Kitzu replied scrambling to her hooves. “I am yours to command.” Starshine being an adult instead of a senior-class filly was a bit of a surprise. Starshine began to walk away looking back only so as to make sure Kitzu was indeed following her. “So, um, how long have you been a teacher?”

“Don’t get smart with me young filly.”

“Yes, mam, I mean no, mam, I mean… sorry.” Well, this was going to prove to be awkward Kitzu thought as she was lead to the school administration offices, and delivered to the outer office of Princess Celestia. She couldn't help but wonder if she was in her own future. There was that hope that she’d make it back to her rightful place and time.

“Sit!” “Honestly if you’d just apply yourself in your studies instead of practical jokes.” She then turned to the secretary to inform them that Miss Kitzu had been delivered, as requested. The secretary then pressed an intercom to announce Kitzu’s arrival.

Kitzu sat wondering how long it’d be? She knew the old make em wait, game, but she’d never actually been the recipient of it at the school before. After she’d been there for a while she got out a diary and wrote that she was in detention, but hadn’t found out why yet.

“Put that away right this instant.”

“Yes, mam.” Kitzu offered just as a unicorn double was being brought in by another member of the faculty. Kitzu added a quick line – I’m beside myself ;) ;)and put the diary away. The filly was identical save for the lack of wings and cutie mark.

“Your Highness… there are two of them.” The secretary said into the intercom. A moment later Celestia had poked her head out the door of her office.

“Oh my, so there are,” Celestia said bemused. “So which one of you tie-dyed Prince Blueblood?”

“Tie-dyed?” Our Kitzumi asked astonished.

“Yes, cast a spell to make his coat multi-colored.” Celestia offered, looking at our Kitzu. She was likely the first to notice Kitzu was presently wearing a Palace Guest Pass. “Why are you wearing a cloak, and what do you have under it? And for that matter how is it you have one of Princess Luna’s amulets.”

“School bags, wings, and it’s my amulet.”

“Wings?!” the unicorn Kitzu scoffed and laughed. Celestia turned her attention to her.

“And if you’d bother applying yourself instead of insisting on finding new and ever more interesting ways to get into trouble, maybe you might earn a set of wings yourself someday.” Celestia looked back over to our Kitzu. “Wings you said? And it’s your amulet?”

“I wear the cloak so as not to gather too much attention when out and about. My bags are under the cloak so my wings don’t get pinned.” Kitzu offered and extended a wing. She held it there, lifting up her cloak, and then folded her wings back. “As long as I’ve got this opportunity, I’m kind of stranded till I can recharge. Any chance some pony might be willing to put me up for a while? - My trip here was kind of unplanned.”

“I think we could arrange something. I’m sure you must know who I am?” Celestia offered.

“Of course. You’re Princess Celestia. In my home, I’m the Princess of Hope.” Kitzu offered. “Otherwise I’m known as Princess Luna Nova.” Kitzu decided she’d best prevaricate a bit while in the presence of her counterpart. The last thing she wanted was for this Kitzumi to know that she was her counterpart and an alicorn princess.

“Princess Nova...” Celestia began in a tone that suggested she was choosing her words carefully. “..can I trust you?”

“At my present power levels, it would be foalish of me to do anything stupid.” Kitzu offered. “When I came here I was hoping I’d be able to locate certain ponies. - Teleported in, from quite some distance away, but find I am in the wrong place. - I intend to move on as soon as I can, but I’ll need a bit of time to recharge.” Kitzu desperately wanted to use the foxfire to do a reading on these ponies to better access the situation but didn’t dare.

“That’s not a yes,” Celestia said dryly.

“Trust us as well as your own sister, but have a care what sorts of things you ask of us, dear Tia,” Kitzu replied crossly. She was taking a gamble, one in which immediately rankled the secretary, and two instructors. Kitzu had matched Luna’s we are not pleased tone perfectly.

Celestia held up a hoof to stay the others. “Luna, my office.” Celestia turned and went back into her office. Kitzu got up and followed. The door shut behind the two.

“I’m from another dimension.” Kitzu offered.

“That much I gathered.” Celestia stated, turning her back to Kitzu to look out a window. “Are we sisters?”

“I’d be more of a niece. - And please forgive my rudeness.” Kitzu made a polite bow.

Celestia turned around to look at Kitzu.

“And the counterpart to that filly out there it would seem,” Kitzu added.

“Her parents are Ambassador Reynard Silvermane, and Lady Merope Pleiades.”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle and Prince Reynard’s foal, twice adopted by Princess Luna now. - I had a mishap.”

“What sort of mishap?”

“When I was around five or six I got a hold of a book about time travel and inter-dimensional travel. I recited a snippet of a spell and propelled myself into the past. Presumably my dimension. When I interacted with others it created a brand new timeline. Again I’m assuming I hadn’t simply slipped into a different dimension, though the evidence suggested two timelines within the same dimension. My teleportation skills are, shall we say, at or near savant levels. I can teleport across dimensional barriers.”

“Is that how you came to be here?”

“It’s a bit more complicated. I was practicing my skill, using a portal as a means to get home if I overexerted myself. For reasons…” Kitzu hesitated as to what to say. “It was Discord. That much I know. He did something at his end, and my end collapsed while I was in transit. If not for my teleportation skills I’d probably still be stuck between being driven mad.”

“You came here?”

“I ended up in another dimension right in the middle of a changeling invasion.” Kitzu offered. “I spent about two months recovering and tried for home. I actually made it, but it was the unaltered timeline, and I was still in the past. Rather than risk altering my own future, I felt for what seemed to be the closest dimension to me, and came here.”


“Yesterday, fairly late. Right around sunset. I holed up in a quiet corner, and being I was worn out from two jumps nearly back to back I went to sleep. I only decided to have a look about a few hours ago.”

“How long do you think you’ll need?”

“At least a month.”

“A month?”

Kitzu got out the plush toy. “That’s when my plushie came back.” Kitzu smiled.

Celestia looked at her for a moment, and then returned the smile. “Grabbed it did you? - At least now I know what that anomalous reading in the security net was. - Any suggestions on how to motivate our Kitzumi?”

“Have Twilight teach her.” Kitzu offered with a grin. Princess Celestia’s face flashed a wide range of emotions settling on a stunned expression for a moment, then breaking into a grin.

“You poor filly,” Celestia said after a bit of contemplation.

“I knew all the basic theory of magic by the time I was four. - I suspect they were a bit careless with me because, well, I don’t think they knew I could actually do magic. I was born a pegasus with a button horn, and I couldn't fly.”

“But you can now.”

“Still haven't a proper set of flight feathers. - The last Princess Luna who looked after me taught me a spell I can use to compensate. I won’t win any races, and it only lasts so long as I can keep the spell going. - It’s for emergencies.”

Princess Celestia went to her desk and pressed a button on an intercom. “Please let Captain Golden Bough know I’ve discovered the cause of his anomaly. Seems we have a special guest. Hang on...” Kitzu had levitated her diary from home over to Celestia’s desk and opened it to the page where she’d stepped into the portal. Kitzu then went to a chair and sat down.

Celestia knew Twilight’s writing as well as her own. She looked at what had been written there, sat in her chair, at her desk, and began to read. When she’d finished she looked up at Kitzu visibly distressed. “Did you have to show me?”

“I thought you should know,” Kitzu replied. “I wanted you to know I’m telling the truth.”

“If I had any doubts, they’re gone now.” Celestia offered. She pressed the button on the intercom. “Tell the captain our guest is a pony I need to look after, and is to be considered an honored guest, and member of my family.” Celestia looked back to Kitzu. “I recognize the pen of each and every pony who’ve written in your book, and I’m familiar with this type of book. We’ll give you all the time and support you need.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you not trust me?”

“Forgive me, but you… I’ve never been comfortable around my Aunt Tia. I’m not entirely sure why, though it may be of my own doing. - Also, I should probably keep my distance from my counterpart. Just in case… I’ve inherited a certain talent from Princess Luna, and there is a possibility that if I’m in close proximity to my counterpart for any length of time they might, in essence, be able to pick my thoughts and vice-versa. - She may have similar talents, and I know some dangerous spells I wouldn't want to share unwittingly.”

“Blueblood wants her suspended.”

“If she has half the talent I have, that would be a shame. - That and if your Blueblood is anything like mine, he probably had it coming. In fact, I’ve yet to meet a Blueblood that wasn’t full of horse.”

“I see,” Celestia replied with a deadpan expression. “Impress me.”

“The stone I’m wearing is a harmony stone. I made it.” Kitzu offered. Kitzu wasn’t being entirely truthful, but there’d be no way Princess Celestia would be able to tell otherwise short of powering the stone to its maximum. “Here, let me show you the basic concept.” Kitzu then started drawing diagrams and equations in mid-air using her foxfire to create a visual heads up display while explaining the process. The mix of mathematical and Neighponies characters made Celestia’s head swim.

“Alright, that’s enough, I’m impressed,” Celestia stated just as a mandala formed in front of Kitzu. Kitzu looked at Celestia for a moment, and let the energy vanish. Kitzu smiled – she’d also done a reading on Celestia. Aside from a few variations, there was little difference between this world and her own. “Tell you what, why don’t I escort you over to the palace, and get you set up with a proper place to stay. Can’t have you sleeping in that old barracks.”

“And my counterpart?”

“Well just let her stew for a while.” Celestia offered. “Being the daughter of an ambassador makes it problematic if I were to suspend her.” Celestia got up and passed Kitzu’s book back to her. “I’ll just have to think of something creative. - Come on then.”

Kitzu put her book away, got up, and followed after Princess Celestia as she opened the door.

“Have Miss Kitzumi do remedial lessons for the remainder of the day. And no, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook young filly.” Celestia instructed, thought for a moment. “When she’s finished detention see to it she is escorted home.”

“Escorted?!” Unicorn Kitzumi exclaimed.

“You’ll get used to it.” Kitzu offered.

“Now, it seems Miss Luna Nova here is a distant relative so I’ll be looking after her personally.” Celestia motioned for Kitzu to follow her. The two left the faculty area, down a hall, and outside where they soon passed the commons. Ponies inside watched curiously as they went by.

“So what do you think of our Canterlot?” Celestia offered as they walked along a path that led to the royal apartments and gardens.

“Far as I can tell it’s exactly the same as where I grew up.” Kitzu offered. “It’s so much like home it makes me a little sad. - Even a lot of the ponies are the same… only older. Every pony got older. - I was friends with Starshine, she was only a couple of years ahead of me in school.”

“Something tells me you’ll be able to relate with Princess Luna a lot better now.”

“She’s kind of my second, third, and fourth mom.”

“Ordinarily I’d say you are too young to be that cynical.”

“We headed for the front door?”

“I want ponies to see us.”

“Um… Oh-kay.” Kitzu replied. She was of the opinion that it’d be better than her presence not be advertised. Celestia was up to something. “I’m not exactly at my best right now.”

“A night and better part of the morning spent in an old guard barracks will do that.” Celestia offered, as they turned towards the doors of the outer entrance to the Keep. She said nothing to the guards as she passed, she didn’t have to, they all knew who she had in tow. Or at least they thought they did.

Once inside the residence, Princess Celestia called for Twilight. Kitzu was made to sit on the floor.

“Yes? Oh my, whoever have you drug in? She’s filthy.” Twilight said.

“A project for you and my dear Luna.” Celestia offered. “I know you two are thinking about adopting, so I thought I’d offer you this little alicorn.”

“Alicorn?” Twilight asked astonished.

“She’ll answer to Luna Nova. - Miss Luna Nova will be staying with us for the foreseeable future. She was discovered in the academy library. They mistook her for Kitzumi Silvermane. - They are nearly identical.”

“Was she?” If ever there was a filly who needed straitening out it was that one.

“Speaking of which, would you be willing to teach her? Take on Miss Silvermane as an apprentice?”

“What about Miss Nova, or should I call her princess Nova?” Twilight asked.

“By all means, take her under your wing. Though I suspect you’ll find she’s at a different level. - Might be best to keep them apart as well.”

“Very well,” Twilight replied with a curious look to Kitzu.

“It’s alright if you call me Nova.” Kitzu offered. “Might get confusing if you call me Luna.”

“Well, come along then.” Twilight offered.

Kitzu followed along as though minding her very own mother. Granted it was difficult to know the difference. Of the Twilight’s Kitzu had meet who were of the same age if they were to be placed side by side, would she be able to tell the difference? Kitzu’s mother did have those extra pretty wings.

It didn’t take long to reach the night wing, even less time to find a bath. “So you do have a set of wings under that old cloak,” Twilight said as Kitzu removed her cloak, and hung it on a peg.


“It’s an outdated school cloak. - It’s in good condition, but it’s been seven years since this style was last made.” “The saddlebags are nice… how did you get a hold of saddlebags with the Canterlot royal crest on them?” Twilight lifted the bags off Kitzu’s withers.

“Please don’t.” Kitzu requested seeing Twilight was about to open the flap on one of the bags.

“Why what’s in there?”

“Your worst nightmare.”

“Low marks in school is it?” Twilight teased.

“Ya, something like that.”

“So how do you feel about baths, and when was the last time you had one?”

“Two days ago, and hate them.”

“Hate them?”

“Thick fur takes a while to get dry.”

“I see. Well, I think I know a good spell I could try teaching you.”

“I’m sure,” Kitzu muttered knowing full well what spell Twilight was talking about. It was affectionately known as the fox goes floof spell. The bags were put up on a shelf, along with Kitzu’s ID badge she’d had on that stated her name as Luna Nova Silvermane, and the two went into the bathing room where small stools waited for them. Kitzu had insisted on keeping her moon pendant, and lamp charm on. Twilight got the water going, undid Kitzu’s braid, and when she was satisfied with the temperature, she dumped a bucket of water on Kitzu’s head. Most of the water rolled right off.

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked after having dumped the fifth bucket of water. Kitzu had been muttering what sounded like an incantation.

“Saying my purification spell.” Kitzu offered.

“Um, kay,” Twilight replied. She didn’t have a clue what Kitzu meant but was satisfied she was finally wet enough to start scrubbing. “According to your identification card, you are a member of the Silvermane family.”

“I am, just not the local Silvermanes.”

Twilight started working the shampoo into Kitzu’s mane. “You don’t seem to mind a shampoo.”

“It’s just that it’s so much work. - My moms used to levitate me, and turn me upside down to get me into the tub.”

“I bet you were a hoof-full.”

“Didn’t really struggle all that much once I got caught. - Last time I had to be turned upside down Muna dislodged me from the ceiling by using the royal… the royal voice.” Kitzu’s voice volume dropped noticeably.

“Are you alright?” This filly referring to a Muna, and royal voice was causing all kinds of bells to ring in Twilight’s head.

“Ya, it’s just that it’s been a while since I’ve been home, I mean really home.” Kitzu offered. Kitzu let out a surprised cry as Twilight dumped a bucket of cold water on her. “Mom?!”

“What? - Did you just call me mom?”

“Ah, hey, what’s with the cold water?!”

“No feeling down allowed.”

“Ya. OK.”

“So did your mother dump cold water on you when you were feeling down?”

“Um, ya. Reflex on my part.”

“Oh? - Here, let’s scrub that ear.”

Thump thump thump went Kitzu’s hind leg on the side being scrubbed.

“Don’t stop.” Kitzu pleaded. Twilight laughed and gave that spot behind the ear another scrub.


A short time later one floof monster is presented to Princess Luna.

“What on Equestria have you got there?” Luna asked dumbfounded by the sight.

“One of my new projects,” Twilight replied to Luna. “She’ll be staying with us for a while. Celestia wanted us to take care of her. - Somewhere under all that floof is a little filly called Luna Nova.”

“Tell me, little miss, do you think you can take living with me?” Luna asked. She expected Kitzu to do what most foals did, and that was to hide behind the closest safe mare. That’s what she expected. To her astonishment, as well as Twilight’s, Kitzu trotted over to Luna, maneuvered so she’d have Luna between her, and Twilight, and snuggled up to her.

“Muna, please don’t let Twilight use the Floof spell on me again.”

Author's Note:

Well it looks like Kitzu has found her home, the one she was born in, but she's a might bit too early. Celestia from Kitzu's birth home seems to have been a bit dense as well. Perhaps she thought Kitzumi might break, and confess who she really was? As for Celestia in the new world, Kitzu was just a little concerned that "special guest" meant I've someone who needs to be put in a cell until we can get to the bottom of who they really are. At this point Kitzu felt it was in her best interest to lay her best card on the table, and hope for the best. As for new world Twilight, Kitzu has decided it might be kindest if Twilight doesn't know who Kitzu really is. Wonder how long that'll last?

I also cut this one down in length a bit. There's a lot more that can go into this, but I decided to save it for another chapter.