• Published 11th Jan 2018
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Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

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Chapter 1: One wrong step.

Kitzumi’s adventures began some months after the wedding of Twilight, Luna, and Reynard. Having the ability to jump back and forth across the dimensional barrier had its drawback, that being the possibility of getting stuck in a hostile world. Or just simply being separated from those who loved and cared about her yet again. Twilight had no desire to be separated from Kitzumi in such a way, not if what had been said by her future self had indeed been her future self. Losing her daughter twice would be more than she could bear. The moon pendant did at least give them a way to track her, but Twilight wasn’t going to be happy about it till Kitzu could manage to get back home on her own. The first few months after the wedding saw Twilight teaching Kitzu everything she knew about inter-dimensional travel along with everything she could glean out of Star Swirl’s old notes. Normally such a course of study would be well beyond what a foal of Kitzu’s age would have been capable of, but that was her special talent after all. Kitzu took to the study like a pegasus treading water. What she didn’t seem to manage too well was the course on fox magic, that Reynard insisted she learns. Not just how to manipulate the magic for basic tasks, but how to use it for the humanification spell. Being descended from magic-wielding foxes from the human world meant becoming a fox on returning. Kitzu had to be ready just in case. The downside was that few fox ponies under the age of one hundred ever mastered the spell. Kitzumi was just ninety-two years too young. Reynard would not be deterred and endeavored to drill the basic spell into Kitzu's head. She didn't have to understand it, just memorize it. Her one success in using fox magic had been a clever idea of using a crystal from the grotto of the Tree of Harmony to boost a warding spell that could dispel negative energy such as discordant magic. Discord was less than impressed. Applejack declared them downright useful in that the crystals would light up, and could be used to light up the insides of cupboards and closets.

Kitzu’s first planned jump was from the world where she’d had her misadventure following the foalnapping incident. She started by traversing through the mirror to the other world with her school cloak on and headed downstairs to discover Princess Luna berating her apprentice. “I’m terribly sorry for intruding.” Kitzu offered awkwardly; she has her cloak on, and a pair of saddlebags under it so as not to pin her wings.

“Oh, Miss Kitzu. You’ve come for a visit?” Luna asked.

“Practicing a spell. One that will get me home again if I should find myself in another world unintentionally. Again.” Kitzu offered. That word 'again', didn't need any explanation for Princess Luna. “I was just going to use the Moon viewing hall if that’s alright? - Mom seems to think that’ll be the best place to make a jump from.”

“Well then, go right ahead.” Luna offered as her apprentice looked on with jaw agape.

Kitzu thanked her, gave the colt a smile, and then continued to the Moon hall. From there she set the magic lines of force she needed using the trees as her focus, took a breath, prayed to Inari, and jumped.

Kitzumi found herself standing in the moon-viewing hall. Well, it was a moon-viewing hall, just not the one she'd expected. The hall looks like no one’s been there in a long time. Kitzu gets out a small book and quill. In the book she writes out, [Jump successful. Wrong world. Doesn’t look like any pony has been here in a while though.]

A moment later a response appears [We’ve got your position. Luna’s coming through the portal to have a look.]

Kitzu trots through the doorway leading to the guest rooms and discovers the windows have all been shuttered on the courtyard side. She then goes back to the big windows looking out from the big hall. The windows are dirty, but there are ponies down below going about their daily lives. How utterly odd? Kitzu thought to herself and then headed for the stairs going up.

Upstairs on the next level was the same as below, showing no signs of habitation, with the courtyard windows shuttered. Kitzu peered out through a crack between the shutters for a moment.

“I don’t get it?” Luna said coming down from the attic stairs. “According to Twilight, they should be on the same time frame as us? - You don’t suppose...”

“That you were never freed from the moon?” Kitzu asked retreating from the window. “Mind if I do some snooping?”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Luna asked. “I mean, you didn’t exactly get that jump right.”

“Looks like there are ponies in the palace, so popping out into any of the passages might be a mistake, but if I go down to the base of the tower I should be able to blend with the ponies in the lower royal apartments without any ponies noticing.”

“Not sure I like that idea.” Luna offered sternly. “Twilight would like it even less.”

“Don’t you want to know?” Kitzu prompted. “Besides, now that I can do a controlled inter-dimensional jump, if I get into trouble I can’t handle, I’ll just pop right back home.”

“You hit the wrong target.”

“I can come right back here in a flash, and use the mirror.”

“Alright, fine, but be careful. Try not to bring any attention to yourself either.”

“I’ve got a school cloak on, I’ll blend right in. - Meanwhile, why not set up a little surprise for the ponies who live here. - We can provide them with a Discord safe zone. Or at the very least give me a safe landing zone.” Kitzu offered.

“You mean if you can manage to hit the same place twice. - Just be careful.” Luna called as Kitzu headed for the stairs back down.

A few moments later Kitzu was peering into the inky darkness that was the shaft of the tower. From her saddlebag, she pulled a small lamp with a crystal in it using a hover charm and held it before her, and stepped gingerly into the darkness. On spotting a lamp alcove she placed her lamp there and then got out another to continue on. The lamp was illuminated with a harmony crystal from the castle, and she’d a mind to light up the whole tower in the future. Meanwhile, that one would assure her a point of reference if she needed it.

Kitzu had been down that way before, but couldn't figure out why it was so dark till she came to a window. It too had been shuttered from the outside. It wasn’t like any pony could get through save perhaps the smallest of bat ponies, though it did keep birds out. Kitzu continued on hoping she wasn’t going to find some grizzly remains at the base where the old Shadow Bolts quarters and bat pony guardhouse was located.

Finding the guardhouse just as empty and dusty as above proved to be something of a relief. Well, not completely empty as it had the appearance of having been vacated in a hurry, just no grisly remains. The idea that some enterprising individual had attempted to teleport in had crossed her mind. One wrong step would result in a nasty fall. As for the door, the door could only be opened with an amulet similar to her own. Or her amulet, as her amulet seemed to be a master key of sorts. Except – Kitzu’s first attempt at opening the door proved fruitless. She thought about it for a moment, and then tried a lubrication spell on the hinges as well as the mechanical parts within. Her second attempt worked.

Kitzu peeked through the crack watching for any sign of activity while putting her lamp away, and on seeing none, slipped out, and closed the door. Fortunately, the area was for service access, and with no access to the palace, thanks to the locked door. No pony ever went there save to store large items out of sight. Kitzu’s keen hearing picked up the sound of a group of colts harassing a filly. Now if there was one thing she could not abide it was anyone being poorly treated. Kitzu made do haste down the lane and turned a corner to discover a very petite wingless filly Twilight Sparkle with her books scattered. To make matters worse any time she tried to pick one up, the colts would wrench it away with their magic to send it skittering across the ground followed by cruel laughter.

Kitzu forgetting all about not doing anything that might bring attention to herself, dove in right next to Twilight, and ordered the colts to leave her alone.

“Ya, what are you going to do about it?” One of the colts asked in a sneering tone not realizing Kitzu had just come from a place where there was no access. At least no access by anyone other than Princess Luna and her personal guard.

“You want a piece of me, well do you?” Kitzu growled bearing her teeth, hooves planted firmly. She slowly lifted her right front hoof while lighting up her horn. The colts watched as all the books levitated, watched just for a moment, turned, and ran.

“Thank you.” Filly Twilight offered.

“Your name wouldn't be Twilight Sparkle, would it? - Princess Celestia’s prize student?”

“Yes, and not for long. I’m going to be late, again. - They are all jealous and determined to get me kicked out if they can. - And no, I can’t tell any pony, it’d be their word against mine.”

“Then I’m going to help you.” Kitzu offered, stuffing some of the books back in Twilight’s bag, and carrying the remainder with her magic. Kitzu looked back in the direction she’d come. No, she couldn't take this Twilight that way. That would require explanations she didn’t want to give. Not to mention that Luna was likely up there keeping a watchful eye on her. That and the climb – oh sweet Celestia that climb. “Come on then, follow me, I’ll take you on a short cut.”

“A short cut?” Twilight asked following after Kitzu. “Do I know you? You seem oddly familiar.”

“Luna Nova.” Kitzu offered giving Twilight the name the guards back home used to refer to her when they didn’t want anyone who might be listening in to know which Nova they were referring to. Luna’s Nova as opposed to Reynard’s Nova. Kitzu went down the passage a short distance following the direction the colts had gone, turned a corner of the path that came to what looked to be a blind end with a locked door. Granted this, as most of the doors, were no match for Kitzu as just the presence of her amulet was enough to spring the lock. She opened the door, and a moment later they were in a passage that led to the backs of the lower royal apartments where some of the higher-ups in the noble ranks were lucky enough to have accommodations they could use while the government was in session.

“I’ve never been this way.”

“Don’t try it on your own either. - Not without an access key.”

“You have an access key?”

“I can get into anything.”

“That’s not the most reassuring thing. We won’t get in trouble will we?”

“Not likely. - That, and you’ve little to lose, and everything to gain.” Kitzu turned a corner down another hall that brought them to the main kitchens.

“Hang on, what are you two doing here?” A member of the kitchen staff called on seeing them.

“Sorry Mrs Baker, but Miss Twilight is late for her session with Princess Celestia,” Kitzu called. Kitzu glanced at the cook, gave her a smile, and continued on glad that she could pick out familiar faces. Mrs Baker was nearing retirement in her palace, but still, some pony Kitzu knew. Granted the fact that every pony Kitzu knew was quite a bit younger than in her Canterlot did bother her. At the moment she would just have to go with the flow and check her calculations later. A short time later Kitzu and Twilight arrived at the elevator that went up to the keep.

“I know I’m not supposed to come this way, but Miss Twilight is going to be late,” Kitzu said flashing her ID badge. The door to the elevator opened, the two fillies entered, the door closed, and away they went. When they reached the top Kitzu led Twilight out of the elevator past two guards who were, to say the least, mildly amused by the present situation.

“Hi, guys.” Kitzu offered. “Come on Twilight, this way.”

“Hang on, I recognize Miss Twilight, but who’s that with her?” One of the guards asked as they watch Kitzu and Twilight vanish around a corner.

“Um, guys, who was that, with Miss Twilight?” The other guard asks with his horn lit up. “No, she wasn’t Princess Cadence. Mane, tail, and color are all wrong. “Royal ID? OK, we have a problem. Someone find out if there is a royal we haven't been told about.”

“And here we are. The back door.” Kitzu offered a few moments later.

“And you are?” One of the guards out in the hall outside the door asked.

“You know who I am?” Twilight asked stunned.

“Miss Twilight was late on account of some colts harassing her.” Kitzu offered.

“Don’t tell them!” Twilight said.

“Twilight, you have to say something.” Kitzu protested. “And if you don’t, then I will.”

“Alright Miss Twilight, I know who you are, and if some pony is giving you a bad time you do have to speak up. Who’s your new friend.”

“Her name’s Luna. - I know I’m not supposed to come this way, but...”

“Aren’t you going to let her in?” Kitzu asked.

“And what about you?” A guard asked.

“I don’t need to see Auntie Tia,” Kitzu replied, and then cringed.

“So you are someone’s filly. - Who?”

Kitzu looked at the guards for a moment thinking. “Princess Luna’s filly. - I’m Princess Luna’s Nova.”

“Oh, that’s it, you’d said Luna’s Nova, I thought you said, Luna Nova.” Twilight offered with a smile. “I’m sorry. - I guess I should have known who you were.”

At this point, the guards were getting just a little flustered, opened the door, and then insisted that both fillies enter. “Um, alright, but I really don’t need to,” Kitzu said following Twilight in. A moment later they’d been escorted to where Princess Celestia is.

“I’m so sorry I’m late.” Twilight said apologetically, but before any more could be said, Kitzu blurted out ‘Spiky’, and went straight to a crib in which rested a baby dragon. Kitzu couldn't resist lifting up the baby Spike and cuddling him.

“He’s so cute at this age,” Kitzu said completely forgetting to be cautious about what she says.

“Um, who?” Celestia asked.

“Mom, I think he wants you?” Kitzu said going to twilight, and sure enough, Spike wanted to be held by Twilight.

“She said her mother is a Princess Luna.” The guard offered.

“He doesn't look too good. His color is off.” Kitzu commented to Twilight.

“We can’t seem to come up with a formula that meets his dietary needs that he wants to eat,” Twilight replied having completely forgotten all else.

“Alright then, it looks like I’m going to have to save you again.” Kitzu offered, went straight to the door that led to the patio, out onto the patio, and teleported in what had to be the most flamboyant teleportation spell Celestia had ever seen.

“Who did you say she is?” Celestia asked watching the spiraling magic vortexes subside.

“Princess Luna’s daughter.”

“Princess Luna...” Celestia said as she tried to think. Not one of the Luna’s she knew could possibly have a daughter who’d match the likeness… Princess Luna. The filly had said that spike – he’s so cute at this age is what she’d said. At this age.

“I’m terribly sorry.” The guard offered. “We’ll keep an eye out for her.”

“Yes, do that,” Celestia replied. “Just see to it she’s not harmed, and she’s to be treated as a member of the family till we know otherwise.”

As for Kitzu she’d jumped the dimensional boundary back to her world, did it right this time, and went straight to her Aunt Tia, Also known as Princess Celestia, and told her everything.

“On the one hand, I don’t approve.” Celestia scolded, and then summoned staff to fetch everything she’d need to make up some formula. “On the other hand, I can’t sit and do nothing.”

Kitzu went back to the other world, this time via the mirror portal, it being dialed into the appropriate world, went downstairs, opened a door to the patio, opened the shutter, crossed unnoticed, and then returned to a rather frustrated looking Twilight, and Princess Celestia.

“I’m back,” Kitzu announced, got a baby bottle out of her saddlebag, and popped it into Baby Spike’s mouth. It only took a moment for spike’s eye’s to light up and start sucking greedily at the bottle.

“He likes it?! Hey Spiky?” Twilight said delightedly. “Thank you ever so much. How did you know.”

“My Aunt Tia raised a little dragon just like Spike.” Kitzu offered lifting her wings to get at a second prepared bottle and containers of dry mix all of which she placed on a nearby table. Twilight now in her own little world completely missed the fact that Kitzu also had wings. Celestia did not.

“You’re Aunt Tia?” Celestia asked as Kitzu got out a scroll.

“Here, she wanted you to have a copy of the recipe.”

Celestia took the scroll and glanced at it as Kitzu headed for the door. “Wait.” There was a look of surprise on Celestia’s face. “Don’t go yet.”

“I’m not going to have to make a dash for it am I? - I really shouldn't have gotten involved.”

“It’s alright, come sit, I just want to talk. With my little niece. - Take your cloak off.”

“I suppose it’s OK. - I gather you saw my wings then?” Kitzu replied lifting her cloak off and draping it over a cloak rack by the door. She sat down and took the saddlebag off. “I know,” Kitzu said getting out her extra lamp, and placed it on the table. “It uses fox magic. - With a bunch of these, you will be able to nerf Discord.”

“Nerf?” Celestia asked as she rang a bell.

“It’s a harmony crystal used to augment a fox spell that negates discordant magic. - Not a harmony stone, but a crystal that was created by the three of harmony. We've got a whole castle that was created by the tree." Kitzu explained. “He’ll never truly reform. - We’ve already learned that the hard way, but with enough of these scattered throughout Equestria he’ll be no more powerful than an ordinary pony.”

“But would he be happy?”

“I’m sorry, but Discord’s happiness brings unhappiness to every pony around him. - That’s not entirely true, it’s his extremes to be true. He’s like a child who can have anything he wants any time he wants, and if he’s a mind to pull the wings off a pegasus to amuse himself... - No different than a bug to him. - At least we have the ability to level the playing field.”

“I see,” Celestia replied as a servant entered. “Would you like some tea?”

“I am found of Sencha Green from the high mountain pickings.” Kitzu offered, ignoring the odd look the servant was giving her.”

“This is my niece who's come to visit,” Celestia explained. “Please bring us a pot of tea, and...”

“Auntie!” Cadence called rushing in. “I’ve heard that Twilight was taken by a horrible monster!”

“Is she talking about me or Spike?” Kitzu asked. Cadence froze in her tracks looking at Kitzu.

“The tea please, and three cups. - Oh, and a juice for Twilight,” Celestia said to the servant who made a polite bow and left the room. “Cadence, do sit somewhere.” Cadence hesitated a moment and then found a place to sit while never once taking her eyes off Kitzu. A moment later the Captain of the royal guard entered.

“Your Highness, there seems to have been a rather disturbing report concerning Miss Twilight and a certain pony she had been with. And I see our mystery guest is back. - You’ve found something the little dragon likes as well. That’s good. - Might I ask if we’ve figured out who she is? - This mini-corn you’ve got here?”

“Captain Butler, it turns out she’s my niece come a long way to visit.” Celestia offered. “From another world, one might say.”

“Will she be staying long? - There was a report of a monster in the palace, and we’ve enacted lock down proceedings.”

“Oh I shouldn't stay too long, but perhaps another time.” Kitzu offered. “I really shouldn't stay too long,” Kitzu asked what the day’s date was only to be given the same date of her own world’s present date. “How curious?”

“Is something wrong?” Celestia asked.

“There is something bothering me. Several somethings making up one big something.” Kitzu replied. “I’m wondering why the shutters, why the rooms across the courtyard haven't been kept clean, and if I dare ask… Nightmare Moon?”

“You don’t already know?” Celestia asked.

“Did you think I was from the future? - While it’s true that my Nightmare Moon was banished, and returned with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna being reunited, your events don’t line up with our events. - Forgive me but my origin has more to do with Star Swirl the Bearded’s work on portals, and we are all one big happy all be it a slightly dysfunctional family,” Kitzu explained. “Our calendars have the same date, yet you seem to be lagging behind by quite a bit?” Kitzu cast a glance at Twilight to see if she showed any signs of having paid attention, but true to form was still lost in her own little world. “Miss Twilight, one bottle at a time, burp him after each, and make sure there is at least the length of a grown pony behind you.” Kitzu offered, repeating the instructions she’d been given. Twilight had already started in on the second prepared bottle.

“Oh, alright,” Twilight responded.

“So what are you the advanced scout?” Cadence asked.

“I was practicing a teleportation spell.” Kitzu offered. “Dear Caddy.” Cadence bristled at being called Caddy. Especially being this interloper seemed to know she didn’t like being called Caddy. “I have the ability to jump dimensions, and I’m learning how to control it.”

“You didn’t come through via a mirror?” Celestia asked.

“Well, the last trip I did.” Kitzu offered, looking at Captain Butler who’d been looking across the courtyard. “I left the door open, didn’t I?”

“She has an amulet identical to one my sister has. She’d have no trouble getting in, and out of the moon wing.” Celestia informed the stallion.

“I’d already done two jumps, and the mirror is so I have an emergency route home. - And I don’t wear myself out. Not really sure what my limit is yet.” Kitzu explained. “Could it be that you simply can’t get into the moon wing?”

“Locked out ever since my sister and I fought. - That much I gather is the same as in your world. - You came back because of Spike?” Celestia offered. “You took a big risk.”

“My Spike is sort of a big brother slash uncle.” Kitzu offered. “I couldn't turn my back on your Spike. - That and I can jump from anywhere.” Just as she said this Spike let out a belch that rocked the room. Kitzu and Cadence’s wings shot out followed by every pony turning to look.

“I’m so terribly sorry.” Twilight offered, blushing. She had Spike over her shoulder, and everything behind her showed signs of having been scorched.

“What have you been feeding him?” Kitzu asked, doing her best to stifle a laugh.

“What was that just now?!” asked a pair of panicky alicorns at the patio door. Their appearance had seemed rather sudden, every pony having been distracted by Spike’s propulsion. They look upon the Captain’s face professed a perfunctory postulation that perhaps he’d just as well been peeking upon a pair of prancing pachyderms performing perfect pirouettes.

Suddenly Alicorns just wasn’t supposed to happen.

“Spike belched.” Kitzu offered as though what was happening around her was an everyday occurrence. And perhaps to some degree, for her it was. “Princess Celestia, meet my two moms, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight.” Kitzu’s demeanor was that of a teenager mildly annoyed by the actions of her parents. Celestia looked at Luna, a tear forming in her eye, she got up, went to Luna, and embraced her. Luna returned the embrace as she was at a loss as to what else she could do.

“Wait? What? Wait? What?” Cadence said looking back and forth from twilight to Twilight.

“Don’t look at me I don’t know who they are?” Chibi Twilie responded still holding Spike. The idea that she could be looking at an adult version of herself simply wasn’t going to register. Never mind they looked nearly identical right down to the cutie mark, the only difference being age and a pair of wings the younger Twilight lacked.

“Princess Celestia?!” the captain asked alarmed, but not quite sure what to do about the present situation.

“Captain, my mother’s are exact doubles of Princess Celestia’s sisters.” Kitzu offered, hoping her explanation would connect with what the Captain already knew of mirror worlds. “And on better terms... - Let's just give them a moment.”

“Oh, right.” The captain said as Celestia let go of Luna, looked at Princess Twilight for a moment, and then Celestia glomped her. Princess Twilight let out a startled squeak not accustomed to such shows of affection from her own Princess Celestia.

“Will you just look at the two of you,” Celestia said backing away from Princess Twilight. “It’s been so long.” She gave Luna another hug. “And you...” Celestia said turning back to Princess Twilight. “Just look at you.” She cast a glance to her student Twilight, and then back to Princess Twilight. “Are you… pregnant?” The last she whispered.

“Both of us.” Luna offered in a whisper. “Trust your Twilight, help her achieve what she needs, and good things will happen.” Celestia then invited the two in, asked what beverage they’d like, and rang for the servant again while chibi Twilie found a comfortable chair for her and Spike.

“A small pot of coffee, two cups, cream, and an assortment of sandwiches,” Celestia said to the awestruck maid. For years the maid had only known Princess Celestia. Just the one true alicorn princess. Celestia was after all very much liken to a deity. Cadence’s appearance had been something of a shock, but then ponies had explained her away by saying she wasn’t a true Alicorn. Not an immortal deity like Princess Celestia. Suddenly there’s another small alicorn in the palace, who seemed to have heralded the arrival of two fully grown Alicorns. It was too much, and the good Captain found himself scrambling to catch the maid as she fainted dead away.

It was the timely arrival of that world’s Miss Raspberry Pudding that saved the day. After all, seeing the occasional alicorn wasn’t a huge shock to her as there were a few living among the fox pony communities set apart from the rest of Equestria.

“Thank you miss Pudding,” Luna said on getting her coffee.

“You’re welcome, mam,” Pudding replied as she took a step back from the table to await further orders, and then realized the visitors knew her name even though she hadn’t been introduced. “If I may be so bold as to ask, have we met”?

“We’re visiting from another dimension,” Luna explained. “Your counterpart works for me.”

“I understand.” Pudding replied.

“Hang on, Miss Pudding, does that mean you know about portals?” Celestia asked.

“She’s a fox type.” Luna offered. “Same as our husband. - They originated from a world dominated by humans.”

“Husband? - I’m not married. - You’re married to someone from our community?” Pudding asked surprised.

“Prince Reynard Silvermane.” Princess Twilight offered.

“Well, then my condolences.” Pudding replied with just a hint of a smile.

“I think between the two of us we can keep him roped in.” Luna offered with a wink.

“Now hang on, what?” Celestia asked.

“Our Reynard is two-hundred-thirty-eight. - Fox ponies live much longer than regular ponies.” Princess Twilight offered. “He’s a catch, but he’s got a reputation.”

“Two hundred...” Celestia repeated.

“Miss Pudding is worth keeping. She’ll be around a long time.” Luna offered.

“You nearly fired ours.” Kitzu pointed out.

“Yes, but then you begged to have her back,” Luna replied. “I will have to admit that having someone on staff that’s going to be around a long time has its appeal. - Therefore I’m willing to overlook the occasional error in judgment.”

“Our Kitzu is not one to be spooked.” Princess Twilight offered. “Let's just say we’ve yet to determine her teleport range.”

“I’m in no hurry to find out either,” Luna replied. “I’d be too afraid we’d lose her.”

“How far have you teleported?” Cadence asked Kitzu.

“Furthest was from the palace to the castle of the two sisters.” Kitzu offered. “Everfree forest just shy of Ponyville. - Though the jump kind of left me feeling a bit drained. I got sick too, but I’d been caught out in the rain.”

“Wow.” Chibi Twilight said from her large plush chair. Spike was curled up with her while she enjoyed a cup of juice and a sandwich.

“Miss Pudding may I see your teeth?” Celestia asked. “If that’s not too much of an imposition?”

“Tia?” Luna asked confused wondering why Celestia would ask such a thing?

“I want to see if she has the same type of teeth you, and miss Nova have,” Celestia explained. “Twilight’s teeth have a slightly jagged profile, but nowhere near as pronounced as yours.” Both Twilight’s clamped their mouths shut owing to feeling subconscious about their teeth. “The ears are larger, especially at the base, and the frame is smaller.”

“I’ll show you my teeth.” Pudding said with a sigh. She leaned forward and held her mouth open.

“Princess Celestia, I must protest this.” The captain offered. He’d been standing by along with a couple of guards dressed as Foot-stallions. Pony equivalent of a footman who serves a large household.

“It’s alright Miss Pudding,” Celestia said making a gesture that Pudding should return to her place.

“Tia?” Luna asked.

“Lulu,” Celestia replied and smiled. “Sorry, that was out of line wasn’t it.”

“I have the palace in lockdown because a certain little foxicorn bared her teeth at some colts.” Captain Butler offered.

“Kitzu?!” Princess Twilight scolded.

“They were harassing little Twilie, and scattering her books all over,” Kitzu said in her defense. Princess Twilight’s ears went back at the thought of books being ill-treated an expression which chibi Twilight mimicked.

“Are we still in lockdown?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, mam. - I wasn’t quite sure how I should proceed given the present circumstances though I have at least managed to put the pieces together.”

“Well let the ministers, and government officials go about their daily routine.” Celestia offered. “I’m going to cancel all my appointments and no one comes or goes from the keep. Unless you have a tour group downstairs. You may show them out. - And get a couple of real foot stallions to replace those two. - You aren’t fooling anyone, and they are vastly outmatched.”

“Yes, Mam.” Captain Butler replied and left taking the two guards with him.

“Considering what you put up with from that stallion I’m surprised you never married him?” Luna offered.

“Because if I did he’d try to boss me around even more.” Celestia offered with a grin. “Is he…?”

“Our Captain Butler is still bossing us around.” Luna offered. “He’s retired, but we let him stay in an advisory position,” Luna replied.

“I gather that means your Celestia is rather attached to him then.” Celestia offered. “Luna, I was wondering if your father might have been a fox pony?”

“Even if he had been, he’d be long gone,” Luna replied softly. “I barely remember mother, and I’m to understand that the life expectancy of a fox pony is no more than a thousand years. - Why this speculation?”

“I remember him. - Your father.” Celestia offered. “I can’t remember my own father only that he’d gone to war and never returned. - Shortly after my mother and I went into hiding their relationship went well past what I thought was appropriate. We had a handful of servants, a group of elders, and your father among them. I seemed to be the only pony who was uncomfortable with their relationship. Granted it’d been some time since I’d seen my father, and I was never told why. - Your father was an earth pony, though by his appearance I suspected he was part bat pony. - What mother ever saw in him I don’t know.”

“What was he like?” Luna asked.

“Very much like yourself.” Celestia offered. “I’m afraid I never gave him much of a chance though. - I’d gone from living the life of a princess to living the life of a simple country filly in a secluded spot, and I confess I harbored a great deal of animosity and resentment towards him. A resentment that I’m afraid was passed on to my dear sister Luna. - I also had my pride - Pride that I’ve allowed to cloud my judgment on more than one occasion. - When the adults around us all vanished, and we were forced to fend for ourselves never knowing what had become of Mother, or any pony else, I vowed I’d take care of you. - That is to say, my Luna.”

“Your Luna, did she marry?” Twilight asked.

“She wanted to, but I was against it.” Celestia offered. “I felt vindicated when the Stallion in question went mad. - We were forced to fight him. It was horrible, and my dear sweet Luna secluded herself afterward.”

“Could it be you did not know why?” Luna asked. “I fear your history has played out the same as mine, but I must confess I’d been touched by the same madness that destroyed the stallion I would call husband and father of my colt.”

“Father?!” Celestia said shocked. “You had a colt by him? - What have I done?” Celestia’s voice dropped to quiet regret. “I didn’t know. - I was so obsessed with bringing back my sister from her seclusion that I never stopped to ask myself why she’d secluded herself. I’d reasoned that my sister was jealous of me, and this is what I’ve told my little ponies is what drove you, her, that is my Luna to madness.”

“I told myself my sister was trying to take my colt from me,” Luna replied her tone full of regret. “I’d named him Nachtlicht Nightfoal.”

“I know that name.” Little Twilight announced. She’d been enraptured by the conversation her mind desperately wanting to fill in the gaps that were being intentionally left out of the conversation, when a snippet of information remembered, popped into her head. “It’s part of our family history. A Nachtlicht Nightfoal became the first Sparkle when he changed his name to Night Light Sparkle.”

“That’s right. I’d completely forgotten.” Princess Twilight said as though hit with an epiphany. “Kitzu, you knew, didn’t you?”

“Yes, and I said it wasn’t my secret to give because I figured that if you weren’t going to talk about it yourself then it wasn’t my place to say anything.” Kitzu offered.

“Kitzu?” Celestia asked.

“Princess Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Silvermane.” Kitzu offered with a smile and a curtsy from her chair.

“She’s a habit of not telling ponies her name.” Princess Twilight offered. “The guards call her Luna’s Nova rather than refer to her by her first given name. - It’s for security reasons. They call me Book Horse. - It used to be a taunt, but now it’s a badge of honor.”

Meanwhile, chibi Twilight’s face had lit up in inspired revelation. “You-you're me.”

“And she finally figured it out.” Cadence commented dryly.

“Am I going to be just like you when I grow up?!” Twilie asked awestruck.

“There are no guarantees,” Princess Twilight offered. “You will have to study very hard, and face many difficulties that will seem insurmountable at the time. - And most important you will need good friends to support you because you can’t do it all on your own. - A lesson that took me a while to learn.”

“I think we should get back,” Luna offered in a soft contemplative tone. “Thank you very much for the tea.” “And I suspect you’ll be able to get into the moon wing now.”

“I should probably get it cleaned.” Celestia offered.

“I’ll trust Miss Pudding to keep an eye out for anything that shouldn't be touched,” Luna offered.

“I will see to the detail personally,” Pudding offered.

“Is it alright for me to come to visit now and then?” Kitzu asked.

“Well it’d be alright by me, but I think you need to ask your mothers first,” Celestia replied.

Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight both agreed that it’d be alright, after all, there was the matter of the gift they wanted to present Celestia with which would take a bit of time to set up. After all elaborate charms of protection did take a bit of time if they were to be done right. The group walked over to the moon wing a short time later, little Twilight carrying Spike, said their goodbyes, and then Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, and Kitzu climbed the stairs to the room in the attic where the wardrobe was. That night Luna went to go talk to her sister, just the two of them.

“Tia...” Luna began. “When you went to the castle, our old castle to retrieve me, had you known I had a foal?”

Celestia looked at Luna not sure what to say at first.

“No. - I had no idea. - I only tried to take him to force you out of seclusion. - I am so…?” Celestia stopped talking as Luna embraced her. “In hindsight I know it was a really stupid thing – I just wanted you to come back.”

“The world we visited today, the Celestia there had no idea.”

“But how then could you know that her Luna had a foal?”


“What’s Twilight have to do with it?”

“Nachtlicht was the first Sparkle,” Luna whispered. “He changed his name to Night Light Sparkle to hide from you. - That’s why Twilight’s father avoids the palace.”

“Because he knows the truth of my sin.”

“Twilight has had the pieces all along, but never put them together.” Luna offered, backing away from the embrace. “Kitzu knows too, and I dare say it has a good deal to do with why she has taken so long to warm up to you. - Tia.” Luna whispered leaning against her sister.




Luna let out a small heartfelt sigh. “I’m so sorry.”

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” Celestia offered. “I made a horrible decision. Deprived you of your family when I should have been supporting you.”

“And I’ve allowed it to be a barrier between us. - Yes, you hurt me when I needed your support the most, but I have to let it go. - I can’t truly go forward till I do.”

“Want to sneak off, I know this great all-night diner?”

“Sounds like fun, let’s go.”

Author's Note:

This first chapter was fun to write, even more fun to edit. A good deal of the editing was necessary do to absolute teetotal word salad. I’d had a cold. I blame the drugs. Aside from that I think it turned out quite good despite having to delete a chunk, and rewrite several parts. I did leave one bit of total word salad just because. You’ll know when you see it. For those who don’t know, or haven't figured it out, my writing style is rather haphazard. I formulate an idea in my head, and just start writing while hoping I stay on track. One large section of this got junked because I’d gone off on a tangent, and found I’d written myself into a dead end with no way out. What can I say, it’s fan fiction, and I’d like to enjoy it without a lot of rewrites, and I want to share it without first waiting till it’s complete and having had umpteen rewrites of the entire thing. Heaven/Celestia/Inari Sama knows how many continuity errors have cropped up since I started in April 2017. I promise I will do my best to find all the typos and wrong words, and to make it as readable as possible. It’s not always easy either. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Reads months after having posted. Sees mistakes. Fixes mistakes. Introduces new mistakes that won't be found until several months have passed. XD