• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,759 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

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I-VI. Twilight's Mission Begins

“I’ll go dismiss the mercenaries I sent to occupy your town,” Luna said with an apologetic smile to Twilight and her companions. “By the way, Twilight, you used a Teleportation Ritual to escape with your friends, did you not?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Would you mind telling me where the Circle is? I can return you all to town quickly with it.”

Twilight smiled. “Of course. It’s in the Golden Oak Library, at the eastern edge of Avalon.”

Luna nodded. “Very well. Sister, I will give you a signal when the Ritual is ready.”

“Thank you, Luna,” Celestia said, then Luna flew off.

Twilight, her companions, and Celestia exited the castle ruins and watched the sky. It was a beautiful, sweet red dawn in the Olympian mountains in the eastern horizon, and they all gazed enraptured at it as they awaited Luna’s signal.

In less than half an hour, a blue aurora spread through the sky, and upon seeing it Celestia said, “Alright. Gather around, please.”

The young mortals all obeyed, and Celestia’s Marks glowed for a moment before she snapped, then there was a pink flash and they all vanished.

They materialized over the coal-drawn Ritual Circle in the Golden Oak Library, where Luna and Matilda were waiting for them. Matilda bowed to Celestia with a, “Your Highness.”

Celestia gave a smiling nod to her, then turned to Twilight. “I suggest that you and your friends rest,” she said. “You have my eternal gratitude, my faithful student.”

Twilight blushed and bowed to Celestia. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

Celestia turned to Spike and the rest of Twilight’s other friends. “Thank you all. If ever I can do anything to repay you all, only ask.”

“Not at all, Your Majesty!” Applejack said as she took off her hat and she and the others knelt and bowed their heads to her.

Celestia turned back to Twilight. “My sister and I will return tomorrow morning, and then the Summer Sun Celebration will begin in earnest. I will see you again then, dear Twilight.”

With that, she snapped her fingers, and with a pink flash she and Luna vanished.

Twilight turned to her friends, her eyes tiredly blinking. “Let’s all get some sleep,” she said.

“Yeah,” Pinkie said, yawning. “We need to get some rest for the BIG party tomorrow.”

“See ya’ll later,” Applejack said, turning and waving at them.

“Until tomorrow, darlings,” Rarity added, following after Applejack.

The others said their farewells as well, then they all exited the library. Twilight and Spike followed Pinkie back to the Sugar Shack and Inn, and upon entering the shop Pinkie was immediately embraced by the Cakes and Bon-Bon, who expressed great relief that she, Spike, and Twilight were still alive and safe. Twilight and Spike followed Pinkie upstairs, and when they reached the doors to their rooms Pinkie said, “Well, good night. Except it’s not night anymore, it’s morning, so good morning, I guess.”

As Pinkie giggled, Twilight stepped forward and embraced her. “Thank you so much, Pinkie. For everything,” she whispered.

Twilight stepped away from Pinkie, who was grinning enormously. “You’re welcome,” Pinkie answered. “Sleep well!”

“You too, Pinkie,” Spike said, then they all entered their rooms. Twilight wearily kicked off her shoes and climbed into her blankets, and as she closed her eyes she hummed blissfully at the unimaginably welcome feeling of the warm, soft bed she immediately fell into a peaceful sleep in.

Spike shook Twilight awake just before the dawn. “Get up, Twilight!” he said excitedly.

Twilight sat up, yawning and stretching. She hadn’t slept so deeply in a while. Spike nodded towards a chair in the corner of the room, where Twilight’s pink party dress was laid with her high-laced pink boots standing beneath them. “Rarity sent it back up. Get dressed, and come down.”

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight said, then as Spike left her room she locked the door behind him and changed into her dress.

When Twilight went down to the shop, all of her other friends and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were there, wearing Rarity’s party dresses, and Pinkie was serving muffins to everyone. “Hey, Twilight!” Pinkie called to her with a wave.

“Hi, Pinkie,” Twilight said, waving and smiling back at her.

Pinkie walked over to the Crusaders and handed them some muffins before walking to Twilight. The Crusaders were listening attentively to Rainbow as she energetically relayed to them, “… and then Nightmare hit the other pillars, and the entire place was coming down! I flew right out of there, and Nightmare came right after me, but just after I turned a corner Rarity made a barrier that Nightmare ran headfirst right into!”

The Crusaders laughed, then Scootaloo said, “That’s awesome, Dash! What happened next?”

Rainbow smirked at Twilight, then said, “Then this little lady here and Spike freed Celestia from her chains, then Celestia had this epic duel with Nightmare! It was so sweet! There was light and fire and both of them were moving as fast as lightning!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turned to Spike. “You really Unsealed Princess Celestia?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Spike laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. “Actually, Twilight did most of the work.”

“That’s amazin’!” Apple Bloom cried. “Ah can’t believe it, Sweetie! Our big sisters and their friends saved Princess Celestia!”

“I wish that I was there….” Sweetie muttered.

“Yeah, me too,” Scootaloo said. “Maybe one of us could’ve gotten our Mark in rescuing!”

“So what happened next, Rainbow?” Apple Bloom said.

With a fierce smile, Scootaloo said, “So did Celestia kick Nightmare’s butt and throw her back down into Tartarus?”

“No,” Rainbow replied. “She convinced Nightmare to rejoin her, and now she’s the Princess of Equestria again.”

The Crusaders all gasped, “What?!”

“So Nightmare’s our Princess again?” Apple Bloom said.

Rainbow nodded. “Yep. And she’s calling herself Luna again. She’s not a Sealed God anymore.”

“Why did she decide to stop fighting Celestia?” Scootaloo asked.

“Because we offered to be her friends,” Twilight interjected. With a smile, she added, “We proved to her that she doesn’t have to rule us with fear. She was just lonely; we mortals shouldn’t have been so awful to her before she was Sealed.”

“It’s sort of like how the other kids treat you guys, even though you’re awesome the way you are,” Rainbow said, rubbing Scootaloo’s head.

“We all just need to be a little kinder,” Fluttershy quietly added with a soft smile.

Twilight and her friends talked and laughed for a few more minutes before going out into the town square. When all of the townspeople had gathered around, Mayor Meyer stepped out from the town hall’s highest balcony and shouted, “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to introduce- in earnest- our High Princess Celestia!”

The crowd applauded, and fireworks whistled and burst in the sky. As the people’s attention was drawn skyward, they gasped wondrously as a golden chariot flew in from the east and circled overhead. It was pulled by two alicorns, one dark blue and one white, and riding it were Celestia and Luna, standing side-by-side in magnificent, colorful, elegant, flowing dresses.

As the chariot descended, the crowd parted and backed away to allow it a space to land. As it came to a stop, the mortals stared at Luna and murmured among themselves. They grew silent, however, when the guards blew a regal fanfare and their captain cried, “Hear, hear, the words of the Princesses Celestia and Luna!”

There was silence for a moment. “Welcome!” Celestia cried, throwing her arms out with an enormous smile. “Welcome, my dear subjects, to our thousandth Festival of the Summer Sun Celebration!”

The crowd cheered and applauded, and once their clamor subsided Celestia continued, “On this day, we celebrate a millennium of peace; an age of harmony and friendship that began one thousand years ago!”

The crowd cheered again, but Celestia’s smile faded as she continued, “However, a great price was paid for that peace. The races unified to face an enemy that they had created with their own fear and hatred. The war that they fought was great and tragic, and many lost those they loved to it. My own greatest sorrow was losing Luna, my beloved sister.”

Celestia smiled again. “But nonetheless, you have learned from these tragedies and have grown better and wiser than you were before. Because of the kindness and friendship that you found, I am unutterably delighted to say that my sister Luna, Princess of Equestria, has returned home!”

The crowd cheered again, then Luna spoke. “Fair subjects,” she said, “I regret eternally the woe and hardship I have caused you. I did not see the virtue and hope you all had, and from this ignorance I made a most grievous error. But I can see now- that Celestia was right, and that it was wise of the Gods to make her High Princess of the World. I now make a most solemn oath to you all: I, Luna, Goddess of the Moon and Princess of Equestria, hereby swear to forever rule as fairly and wisely as I am able; to honor your rights and freedoms; to also defend them with every sliver of my strength; and aid you to the best of my ability in realizing your dreams and living a joyful life!”

The crowd cheered as loudly as they could as banners bearing the Princesses’ Coats of Arms were unfurled from the windows. The crowed roared, “LONG LIVE PRINCESS CELESTIA!! LONG LIVE PRINCESS LUNA!!

Luna closed her eyes and smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Twilight stepped up to the alicorns, who neighed happily at her approach. “Hi, Vega. Hi, Ganymede,” she said.

She held the head of Ganymede, Luna’s blue stallion. As she stroked his mane, she saw that he seemed happier than she’d ever seen him before. “Are you happy Luna’s back home, boy?” she whispered to him.

Ganymede tossed his head and cheerfully neighed as his horn glowed blue. Twilight giggled, then turned to Vega. “Your mate hasn’t been this happy for a thousand years, has he?”

Vega snorted as she shook her head.

“Thank you for bringing Ganymede’s master back, Twilight,” Celestia said down to her. “We cannot thank you enough.”

Celestia took hold of the chariot’s leather reins. “We will see you at home, my faithful student.”

The alicorns affectionately nuzzled Twilight, then spread their wings. Twilight stepped back with the rest of the townspeople, then Celestia urged the immortal horses forward and they took to the air, flying into the western horizon.

Everyone had an amazing time at the Celebration. Throughout the day energetic music of fiddles and guitars filled the air, and there was plenty of food and drink to go around.

Twilight and her friends spent a great deal of time dancing. Rainbow was one of her partners, and while they swayed with the music Rainbow laughed that Twilight was adorably bad at it. As the day drew on Scootaloo hurled a water balloon at Sweetie Belle, beginning a long water fight (in which a great deal of magic was used) that raged down many of Avalon’s streets. They then played Football in the park, and though Rainbow’s team won it was only by four to two; though Rainbow had Spike on her side, Twilight’s team had Applejack and Scootaloo, who weren’t bad players themselves.

They ate cakes, pies, and sweets, and attended poetry competitions and some of the plays performed on the wooden stages. They played many more games, and they danced some more in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack’s family. It was a long and very merry day, and Twilight, Spike, and their friends all returned to bed very tired but veryhappy.

The next day, however, Twilight and Spike had to pack up to return home. As Twilight folded her clothes and stacked her books, she lamented over only being among her new friends so briefly, and having to leave them so soon.

Twilight was zipping the last of her suitcases closed when Spike rapped his knuckles on her door. “You ready?” he said.

“Yeah,” Twilight said. “I’ll be out in a second.”

Once she had stacked all of her luggage, Twilight exited her room and followed Spike down the stairs. All of their new friends, including the Crusaders, were waiting for them at the bottom. “Hi, Twilight. Hi, Spike,” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

Twilight smiled back at them. “Hey, girls,” she said softly.

“You want some help with those?” Rainbow said, pointing at Twilight’s bags.

“Yes, thank you, Rainbow,” Twilight replied.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie helped Twilight carry her bags out of the shop, while Rarity, Fluttershy, and the Crusaders helped Spike with his. There was a large carriage waiting outside for them, and once Twilight and Spike’s bags were stacked on it they all entered it and closed the door as the coachman drove them to the train station.

Everyone was silent on the way to the station, and Twilight spent the ride gazing at the shops and town houses that passed by. After a few short minutes, the carriage stopped and the driver said, “We’re here.”

Twilight sighed, then opened the door. She and her friends climbed out, then pulled the bags and suitcases past the station’s glass doors.

There was an Olympus-bound train waiting for them, and Twilight’s friends helped her and Spike load their bags onto it. Once their luggage was all on, Spike and Twilight turned back to their new friends, and they all stared quietly at each other for a few moments.

“Will… will ya’ll come and visit us?” Apple Bloom said, pouting with the beginnings of tears welling in her eyes.

Spike smiled at her. “Yeah. We’ll come visit you guys,” he said.

“When?” Sweetie Belle said.

Spike shrugged. “In a couple months, maybe?”

Scootaloo ran forward and embraced him. “You two are so cool!” she cried, grinning.

Spike hugged Scootaloo back, then the other Crusaders went to him and embraced him as well. The older girls joined the group hug, as well, then they all looked expectantly up at Twilight, who stood a meter away from them. “Come on, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted.

After a moment of hesitation, Twilight smiled, stepped forward, and hugged them, as well. “I’ll miss you all so much,” she whispered, and when she stood back they saw that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Rarity sniffled, pulled a handkerchief from her pocket, and dabbed it at her eyes. “It was amazing to meet you, Darlings,” she said.

All aboard for Olympus!” a conductor cried. “All aboard for Olympus!

Twilight swallowed and wiped her cheeks. “Thank you all so much. For everything,” she murmured tremblingly.

Spike and Twilight climbed up onto the train, and Applejack shouted, “Don’t be strangers, ya’ll hear?!” as the train began rolling away. They all waved vigorously at each other until they could no longer see each other.

Twilight silently gazed out of the window throughout the entire ride back to Olympus. When the train pulled back into the mountaintop city’s station, Twilight and Spike exited to find that Shining, Cadance, Twilight’s parents, and Spike’s three old friends were all waiting for them.

As Spike greeted his friends, Twilight was embraced by her parents, brother, and former mentor. “Thank Celestia you’re safe…!” her mother cried.

“My aunt told us everything you did!” Cadance said.

“You rescued Princess Celestia,” Shining said, grinning proudly at her. “You’re absolutely amazing, Twily.”

Twilight smiled at her family. “Thanks,” she said.

Cadance, Spike’s friends, and Twilight’s family helped load their luggage onto a carriage before Spike’s friends walked home and Twilight and Spike returned to the castle with Cadance and Twilight’s family.

Celestia and Luna didn’t return for six more days, during which time Spike got both the Steam party and the nighttime pool party he’d been promised. Though Twilight had a great time at them and was glad to be home, she found herself often sitting melancholically alone in Camelot’s library and her room, reminiscing about the days she’d spent in Avalon with her new friends. For the first time in her life, she was aware of how lonely she felt; though she still had Cadance, Shining, and Spike, she could spend only a little time with her brother and former mentor, as Shining’s days were spent mostly attending to his duties as Captain of the Guard and Cadance’s were largely devoted to studying economics, Magic, law, ethics, and diplomacy to prepare to rule the island kingdom of Eden that Celestia was preparing for her. And though Twilight spent a great deal of time with Spike, she now realized that as much as she enjoyed it, she saw that they shared only a limited number of common interests and found herself desiring the company of others who shared some with her that Spike didn’t.

Twilight waited for most of the remainder of Celestia’s absence by reading and contemplating the friendships she had formed in Avalon. When the day at last came for the Princesses’ return, Twilight went into the castle stables to await the golden chariot’s arrival.

It was about seven o’clock in the afternoon when Vega and Ganymede pulled Celestia and Luna into the castle stables, and both Goddesses smiled down at Twilight upon seeing her.

“Hello, Princesses,” Twilight said, kneeling to them.

“A thousand greetings, fair Twilight,” Luna said, disembarking from her chariot. She unhitched Ganymede and continued as she led him to his stall, “I think I shall go about Camelot and Olympus and see what has changed in my absence. I will return soon, Sister.”

Celestia nodded, then turned to Twilight as Luna closed the stall’s wooden gate and exited the stable. “Hello, my faithful student. Are you well?”

Twilight nodded with a small smile. “I am, Your Highness.”

Celestia’s brow furrowed concernedly. “Are you alright, Twilight? You seem sad.”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. I’m… I’m alright.”

Celestia was silent for a moment, then made a small, kind smile. “Come, let us go to my chambers. We can speak there.”

Twilight grinned. “Thank you, Princess,” she said gratefully.

Celestia led Twilight through the castle to the tower in which the Royal Bedchamber was. When they entered Celestia’s bedroom, Twilight was greeted by a comfortingly familiar sight: inside a circular, violet chamber with a small fireplace was an enormous set of glass doors opening onto a large balcony overlooking the east horizon; a massive, circular bed blanketed by silk and bearing many plush, soft pillows; and a stand by the bed upon which stood a perch with a large, unspeakably beautiful bird with feathers as scarlet as fire and golden as the sun that was sleeping with its head tucked under its wing.

“Hello, Philomena,” Celestia said, holding out her hand.

The phoenix awoke, then trilled happily as she flapped to Celestia’s hand and stood upon her finger. Philomena nuzzled Celestia’s cheek, then hopped to her shoulder as Celestia walked to the foot of the bed and sat on it. Twilight likewise sat on a cushion at Celestia’s foot, where she had spent countless hours listening to Celestia and Cadance as they taught her the laws of Magic and the intricacies of spellcasting, alchemy, and Rituals. She had begun sitting on the floor when she was first apprenticed so that she could write and read on the ground, and though she was welcome to sit on Celestia’s bed with her she remained on the cushion due to the affinity she had grown for it.

As Twilight looked up at her mentor, Celestia said, “What is the matter, dear Twilight?”

“Can I ask you a question first?” Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded. “Of course.”

“Why did you seal Luna with only Etherial Iron shackles?”

Celestia smiled. “In truth, it was because I wanted her to be released,” she said.

Twilight’s eyes widened surprisedly. “W-what? You wanted Luna to be Unsealed…?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. I wanted to be reunited with her, and I wished to make a way for me to know if any mortal Beings had both the knowledge and willingness to release one of the Sealed Gods. Because I wanted my sister to return, and also because she was the least dangerous of the Sealed Gods, I decided to make her prison the lightest.”

“Luna’s the least dangerous?”

“Yes. The order the Sealed Gods are bound is not by the amount of power they have, but by the danger they pose to you mortals. Of the Gods in Tartarus, Luna was the least malicious, and would have been the fairest, kindest, and wisest ruler if she had successfully managed to completely usurp me. The only tyranny she would have enforced is that you mortals would no longer have had the freedom to speak ill of her, which is a small injustice when compared to those that the other Sealed Gods would bring.

“I actually planned on releasing Luna on the eve of the Celebration myself, but I waited to see if any others would attempt to do it before me. I did not expect anyone to, which is why I was unprepared for Luna’s arrival at Camelot.”

Twilight blinked. “Why did you want to release her now?”

Celestia stroked Philomena as she silently thought for a few moments. She then said, “Because I believed that the world had changed enough that she could find her way again. It seems my guess was correct; as you’ve seen, all she really needed was a little kindness and friendship.”

Twilight looked down. “Yes. And… and you were right about me, too. You were right that I also needed friends.”

Celestia nodded. “I’m glad you made them, dear Twilight.”

“But….” Twilight said, gazing out of the tall glass doors to the balcony, “I already miss them. Just when I realized how much they mean to me, I had to say goodbye to them….”

“So you are filled with sorrow at having to leave them,” Celestia replied in understanding.

“Yes,” Twilight said.

Celestia stroked Philomena again, humming as she thought for a few moments. At last she said, “Twilight, would you like to return to them?”

Twilight gave a shocked gaze to Celestia. “What?”

“I need a trusted servant to be stationed in Avalon for me,” Celestia said, kindly smiling. “I thought that perhaps you would like the task.”

Twilight gasped elatedly, but then a sudden realization caused her smile to fade. “Wh- why do you need to send someone to Avalon?” she asked quietly.

Celestia frowned gravely as she continued to stroke Philomena. “You have witnessed a group of mortals succeed in Unsealing Luna. I thought- and hoped– that none would have the knowledge, ability, or desire to, but it seems that someone did. It is as I feared. When Luna and I returned after the Festival, the other Gods and I immediately tasked our servants with searching for this organization, but we have yet to find them.”

Twilight sat absolutely still, staring fearfully at Celestia. Celestia stood up and walked to the glass doors, continuing, “There are Beings who are both willing and able to free at least one Sealed God, and they may desire to Unseal more.”

“Even… Discord…?” Twilight whispered tremblingly.

Perhaps,” Celestia replied, her voice foreboding and grim.

Twilight’s heart pounded more quickly as she gasped, placed her hands over her mouth, and trembled with great horror. Discord’s return was something from her deepest and darkest nightmares; only with the combined might of every other God was the Lord of Chaos defeated eons ago, and even then they were still so outmatched that his defeat was nothing short of a miracle. If the sadistic, mad King of the World returned, he would make the Earth a Hell and bring it into an age of chaos and despair that would last until the very end of time. It would take another miracle for even the tiniest hope of defeating him again, but even then the chance would be unimaginably bleak.

Twilight made a terrified whimper. Celestia smiled comfortingly at her, however, and reassured her, “Don’t worry, dear Twilight; it is extremely unlikely that anyone could succeed in releasing Discord even if they tried. Perhaps this organization doesn’t even want to Unseal Discord; perhaps they only wish to make an ally of anyone of the Sealed Gods, or perhaps they even simply wished to release only Luna, and have no intentions to attempt to release another.”

Celestia expression once again turned serious. “Nonetheless, the possibility remains that they do, and as long as they remain free we must search for them and ensure they do not succeed again.”

Twilight anxiously took a deep breath, then said as a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead, “So you want me to go to Avalon and watch for them?”

Celestia nodded, smiling. “That is correct.”

“But…” Twilight said, looking down, “I didn’t even stop them from Unsealing Luna….”

Finding them was, alone, far beyond what most others could achieve,” Celestia replied. “You must also remember that you and Spike succeeded in breaking a spell that she cast. I have complete faith that this task lies within your ability, my faithful student. However, this mission is yours only if you choose to accept it.”

Twilight thought for a moment, then nodded. “I do, Princess.”

“Once again, only Spike may know of this mission. If you accept it, you must also continue to protect and tutor him. You two will live in Avalon for three years, until you both complete your studies, after which I will station another there and your mission will be considered completed. You must be prepared for tremendous danger, and to devote yourself completely to this task. What I ask is no small thing, Twilight; your very life could be laid down performing it. Do not choose lightly. Do you still accept it?”

Twilight looked down, thinking very hard for a few moments. However, she at last looked up and nodded determinedly at Celestia. “I accept, Your Highness.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well.” She went to her bed and sat back down on it, then said, “Due to the secret nature of this mission, you must have an ordinary occupation to mask your involvement in it, preferably one that can aid you in performing it. Do you know of anything that might be suitable?”

“Hmm,” Twilight said, then she smilingly gasped and snapped. “I’ve got it! Their librarian, Matilda, said that she’s retiring in a year and that they don’t have anyone to fill in after her!”

Celestia smiled. “Yes, that would do very well. It’s a logical profession for you, it’s discreet, and it will also allow you to better research for your task and continue your studies. Shall I command an early retirement for the current librarian?”

“Only if she wants to,” Twilight replied.

Celestia nodded. “Very well. I will write her a letter immediately. Go and begin preparing.”

“Yes, Princess! Thank you!” Twilight cried, jumping up. She ran to the door, but before she exited she skidded to a stop and turned back to Celestia, adding, “Oh, and can you ask her not to tell my friends?” She grinned. “I want to keep it a surprise.”

Celestia smiled back, then nodded. “Very well. Farewell, Twilight.”

Twilight excitedly ran down the hall, but slowed to a stop as she made a realization: she was about to leave her family for three years. She wouldn’t see her parents, brother, or even Cadance until Spike graduated from his apprenticeship and she was nineteen. Did she really want to leave them for that long?

Twilight leaned against one of the walls, and took several minutes to think it over. Ultimately, she still decided that she would go; after all, most Elves left home when they were eleven, and Olympus wouldn’t be far away. Celestia needed her to perform this mission, and she could always visit Cadance, Shining, and her family. Besides, her own studies of Magic weren’t yet complete, and she’d be better able to continue pursuing them and strengthening her Soul by living independently and fostering her new friendships than by staying in Camelot.

Her course decided, Twilight walked the rest of the way to Spike’s room. When she knocked on his door, she heard Spike cry, “Just a minute!”

She heard some rustling, then the door opened and Spike smiled at her. “Oh! Hey, Twilight!”

“Hey, Spike,” Twilight replied. “May I come in?”

“Sure,” Spike said, stepping aside.

Twilight walked in, then sat on Spike’s disorderly bed. “Come sit, Spike,” she said, patting the mattress beside herself. “I have something to tell you.”

Spike nodded, then sat next to Twilight. “What is it?” he said.

Twilight smiled, then said, “We’re going to move to Avalon.”

Spike’s eyes widened. “R-really…?!”

“Yep,” Twilight said. “We’re going to live and work at the Golden Oak Library.”

Spike grinned, then pumped his fist, shouting, “Yes!”

“We’d better start packing everything up,” Twilight said, standing.

As she was walking towards the door, however, Spike said, “Wait- why are we moving there?”

Twilight turned back to him. “Celestia still hasn’t caught the ones responsible for unsealing Luna. We have to make sure they don’t release any more Sealed Gods.”

Spike stared at her. “Really? We’re gonna be field agents for Celestia?”

“Yep,” Twilight said. “But once again, you can’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t,” Spike said. As he knelt down and pulled a suitcase from beneath his bed, he smiled and added, “This is gonna be awesome. A secret espionage mission for Princess Celestia.”

Twilight smiled back. “Hurry up, then we’ll go have dinner,” she said, then she walked into her own room.

Once Spike and Twilight had finished packing, they went to the dining hall to eat with Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining, Twilight’s parents, and the rest of the Royal Court. Cadance and Twilight’s family were all excited and proud to learn of Twilight’s mission from Celestia, but they also expressed great sorrow at her leaving.

“I’m gonna miss you a lot, Twily,” Shining said, softly smiling at Twilight, who sat beside him.

“Don’t worry; I’ll come visit you,” Twilight replied.

“You’d better come on Hearth’s Warming, at least,” Shining said, rubbing her head.

“I hope your mission goes well,” Cadance said.

Luna chuckled, folding her arms. “You’ll do excellently, no doubt.”

“Please make sure you’re both safe, Twilight,” Velvet said.

“I will, Mom.” Twilight replied, taking a bite of her salad. She grinned. “Thanks, everyone.”

The next day, Twilight was accompanied by her family, Cadance, and Celestia as she and Spike piled their luggage onto a large carriage and they drove into the city.

They stopped at the homes of Spike’s three friends, where he invited them to come see him off. All three accepted, so each entered the carriage when it stopped for them and then they all drove to the train station and made their farewells to each other along the way.

Once they had gotten off, Spike gave a goodbye hug to each of his friends and then he and Twilight hugged and said goodbye to Cadance, Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and Shining.

Celestia was the last to embrace both of them, and after she had hugged Spike she held Twilight and said to her, “Best of luck, and may you return home safely.”

“Goodbye, Celestia,” Twilight said, then she stepped onto the train’s car. Once she and Spike had entered their compartment, tears welled in Twilight’s eyes as she waved goodbye to the Princesses and her family.

When Twilight and Spike arrived at Avalon’s station, there were movers waiting outside to bring their things to the library. Twilight and Spike helped them move their bags and boxes onto moving-carts waiting on the street, then entered a coach cab that drove them to the library.

When Twilight and Spike stepped past the library’s door, they found Matilda standing there, smilingly waiting for them. “Welcome back, Twilight,” she said.

Twilight grinned. “Hi, Matilda! Are you excited about retiring?”

“Oh, yes,” Matilda chuckled. “As much as I’ve enjoyed running this library, it’s time I rested and enjoyed myself a little.”

Twilight and Spike went upstairs to the bedroom, where they found that Matilda’s bed, books, and other belongings had been removed and that two brand-new beds had been moved in. Matilda walked up behind them and said, “Celestia also sent some gold for you to buy your own bedding.”

“Thank you, Matilda,” Twilight replied with a grateful smile.

Twilight and Spike assisted the movers in bringing their belongings into the library, then they filled the bookshelves in their room with their own books and magazines and filled the oak dresser with their clothes (Twilight got the upper drawers and Spike got the lower). Spike also set a glass display cabinet in one of the corners, then took all of his Steam figurines, battle mats, and dice, and arranged them carefully upon its shelves.

“Now that we both share one room,” Twilight said to Spike as she was folding her socks, “you’ll have to start keeping it clean and making your bed every day.”

Spike waved his hand dismissively. “Sure, whatever,” he said.

Once they had arranged all of their belongings in their room, Twilight said, “Let’s go see our friends now, shall we?”

Spike nodded, grinning. “Yeah,” he said.

They walked down the streets to Town Square, where they entered the Sugar Shack and Inn. They found Applejack, Rainbow, and Fluttershy sitting around one table and the Cutie Mark Crusaders eating ice cream around another while Pinkie frosted a cake behind the counter, and all of them were conversing. When the bell signaled Spike and Twilight’s entrance, however, Pinkie looked up and gasped elatedly upon seeing them. “Twilight? Spike?”

The other girls turned to them, and gasped as well. Twilight smiled. “Hello, everyone.”

Twilight and Spike’s new friends all ran to them and embraced them. When they had all laughingly backed away, Rainbow said, “What are you guys doing here?”

“We’re moving in,” Twilight replied. “I’m going to be Avalon’s new librarian.”

“You are?!” Pinkie cried excitedly. “You’re gonna live here?!”

“Yep,” Twilight said.

“I’m gonna go tell Rarity!” Sweetie Belle cried, running out the door. Rainbow snickered. “Our new librarian, huh? I should’ve guessed. Of course a nerd like you would decide to do that.”

“Wait a second,” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes. “Why did ya’ll decide to move here?”

Twilight hesitated for a fraction of a second, then with a tinge of nervousness laughed, “I just wanted to be with you girls, that’s all! Except for Spike and Princess Cadance, I’ve never really had friends before….”

“You haven’t?!” Pinkie said. “Oh, that’s so sad! You must be so lonely!”

Twilight shrugged. “Yes, I guess I am a little.”

The door opened, and in the doorframe stood Rarity. She gasped, smiled, then ran forward and embraced Twilight and Spike. “Spike! Twilight! You’re back!” she cried joyfully.

As Sweetie Belle came back into the shop, Twilight nodded. “Yep. I’m gonna be Avalon’s librarian.”

Rarity stood back, stunned. “You’re a librarian?” she said.

Twilight nodded. “Yep. As part of my training to become a Court Magician, I had to get certification as one so that I can handle all the books.”

Rarity smiled. “That’s simply wonderful, darling! How long are you going to be here?”

“Three years,” Twilight replied.

Rarity beamed. “Truly, Twilight? Three years? Oh, this is simply marvelous! I look forward enormously to spending them with you two!”

Twilight smiled back, nodding. “Yeah. I do, too.”