• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,759 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

II-IX. Twilight's Madness

Twilight anxiously paced over the Golden Oak Library's floor, holding her chin and frowning in concentration. It was Saturday evening, and she and Spike were wrapping up their work for the week so that they could take tomorrow off.

However, something was missing. Twilight was certain that there was something important, something that she needed to do, but just couldn't remember.

Spike sat at the library's writing-desk, quill in hand, turned towards Twilight as he awaited her instructions.

After Twilight had changed directions about half a dozen times in her nervous trek across the hollowed oak tree's diameter, she looked to Spike and said, "We've taken inventory?"

"Yep," Spike replied, nodding at a checked item on his list.

"Hmm," Twilight said, continuing her walk. "We've done this week's book repairs?"


"Shipped our trades with other libraries?"


"Mailed all the overdue notices?"

Spike smirked. "Rainbow delivered them personally," he said with an air of complete confidence.

Twilight nodded, then kept walking. "Maybe we needed to chop some firewood...?" she softly suggested to herself.

Spike shook his head. "Already took care of that last week, remember, Twi?"

Spike placed his quill back down, rolled his parchment up, and closed his inkwell, adding as he did so, "Relax, Twilight. We've already gone over the list like three times. Maybe you're just overthinking things; but even if you did forget something, I'm sure it'll come back to you eventually."

Twilight shook her head. "No...." she insisted. "It was really important, and I need to do it...!"

Spike sighed wearily. "It's gonna be fine, Twi," he assured her. "If it's really that important, I'm sure we can do it tomorrow."

Twilight softly nodded, but she still couldn't shake her anxiety. This elusive and critical task, whatever it was, was definitely urgent; Twilight had the feeling that it might not be able to wait until tomorrow....

Then it hit her. Twilight gasped, spun around, and cried to Spike, "Have we sent intel to Celestia yet?!"

Spike blinked, then realization dawned upon him. "Aah," he said. "You're right; we did forget about that."

There was a moment of panic within Twilight. How could she have forgotten? It was why she and Spike were there running the library in Avalon in the first place. Celestia's mission. That was the all-important duty she had neglected to attend to that week.

Twilight's first and foremost job was to collect as much field intelligence regarding the potential activity of radical cults to Dark Gods for the High Princess as she could possibly find. She mentally berated herself for somehow letting her field assignment slip away from the forefront of her consciousness, and accusingly demanded of herself that she explain how it happened.

To be fair, Twilight thought, it had been a crazy week. Not only had she and Spike had to change out their wardrobes and furnishings around their home to prepare it for the rest of the autumn, but they also had had to tutor the Cutie Mark Crusaders, having promised to aid them in their educational struggles (particularly since they were still recovering from a recent highly traumatic event). In addition, Twilight had personally advised Mayor Meyer in recommending and sending requests for children's psychological councilors from Olympus and Athens so that the mental and emotional damage Scorpan had caused them could be effectively treated. To top all this off, since most of their friends now believed that they were a couple, Spike and Twilight were forced to continue playing the role of secret, illicit lovers for them, which was made even more difficult by the fact that they also had to continue keeping their acted romance a secret from everyone who didn't know; particularly Applejack. Twilight and Spike strongly suspected that, at best, Applejack would not take the knowledge of their extremely illegal and taboo pretend presumably sexual relationship well, especially considering the fact that Spike was still underage. Twilight gave Applejack better-than-even odds of immediately reporting her to law enforcement in the event she found out about it.

And Twilight had to do all this, of course, while continuing to run the Golden Oak Library.

Honestly, Twilight was beginning to grow extremely sick of this whole charade. She was quite honest by nature, and it was ridiculously exhausting to have to lie to her friends all the time, and to make up reasons for the odd behavior she and Spike displayed. If you tell the truth, Celestia had once said to her, you don't have to remember anything. One of the best proverbs she's ever written, Twilight thought. And that was saying something.

But the absolute worst part about this whole thing was undoubtedly the unending theatrical act that was her counterfeit romance with Spike. It wasn't even an entire month since Twilight's apprentice had been struck with the (admittedly brilliant) idea of telling their friends that they were engaged in a courtship of forbidden love, and she had already decided that she had indulged in quite more than enough playing the part.

It wasn't because Twilight was disgusted or repelled by Spike. Quite the opposite, actually. The problem wasn't that she was repulsed every time she had to shove her tongue down his throat or allow him to stroke her thighs in front of their friends, because she wasn't; indeed, the problem was that she liked it. In fact, she liked it far too much.

Twilight was enduring the astonishingly paradoxical agony of being tortured by pleasure. Even before they began masquerading as a couple, it took an enormous amount of self-control for Twilight not to give Spike any response whenever he made an advance at her; giving him an inch would only encourage him further, which would only make her more likely to give in and indulge him. Twilight also didn't have it in her heart to chew Spike out for so flippantly suggesting that they commit a felonious crime together; after all, she would have gladly ignored the laws against student-teacher fraternization during her own tenure as Cadance's apprentice. The only reason that, as Cadance's apprentice, Twilight didn't attempt to forge a romance with her mentor and former babysitter, was that Shining was Cadence's boyfriend. Twilight couldn't live with herself if she had facilitated and aided her brother's lover in betraying him.

In Twilight's eyes, were Shining not taken into account, she could have become Cadance's lover without putting any weight on her own conscience whatsoever- at least at the time. However, with the positions reversed between herself and Spike, Twilight could no longer break that law and truthfully say she was still at peace with herself; after all, when Twilight was Cadance's apprentice, it was only Twilight who was underage. If the two of them had engaged in sexual activity while studying together, Twilight would not have been considered a criminal; she would have been considered a victim. Twilight would have fiercely defended Cadance in the event their hypothetical illicit affair came to light, and insisted that it would have been entirely consensual on her own part. Now, however, Twilight was deeply ashamed of having seriously entertained such an idea, and was extremely glad that she didn't go through with it; if she had, it would have likely caused Cadance a great amount of stress, regardless of whether or not Twilight's feelings were returned by her. It would have potentially forever ruined their entire relationship, as Cadance would have been forced to reject and push her away like Twilight was afraid she would soon be forced to do to Spike.

The worst part about this, however, was that Twilight was forced to bear this burden entirely on her own. She had no one she could confide her deeply repressed intense carnal desire for Spike in; she couldn't tell Spike, obviously, since he would certainly immediately attempt to seduce her, and have a significant chance at succeeding. She couldn't tell her friends, since they already believed they were illegally intimate, and exposing this as a lie would increase the pressure on her to reveal the truth of her mission from Celestia.

Twilight considered writing to Cadance and Shining about it, but immediately abandoned the idea when she realized this would mean confessing her feelings to Cadance and straining their relationships with Shining and each other. She considered telling Celestia, but decided against it almost as quickly when she realized that Celestia might then remove Spike from her tutelage to defend him from potential endangerment. She considered telling Luna, but immediately realized that the utterly uninhibited Moon Goddess would definitely encourage her to act on it and not worry about the potential ethical violations or adverse consequences that might come of it.

Twilight didn't think she'd ever been so constantly stressed out before in her life. She could handle stress, but not this much. Honestly, the fact that she hadn't made a report to Celestia that week was just one too many of the things on her mind. It was the final straw on the camel's back, and the camel's knees were beginning to slowly buckle beneath the weight.

Twilight's eye faintly twitched, causing Spike to wince with anxiety. "Uh... are you alright, Twilight?" he said concernedly.

Twilight swallowed. "We..." she muttered, "... we haven't... sent a report... this week...?"

Spike slid off of his chair and placed a comforting hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Twi, it's alright," he said reassuringly. "I mean, we can't decide when we'll find more intel, right? Why don't we just write a letter to Celestia explaining that this week's report might be a little late?"

Twilight's eyes widened, then she turned abruptly on Spike, who flinched away slightly from her hysterical expression. "Our report might be late?!" she cried. "Spike, our report can't be late! We have to help Celestia with her mission! We have to give her something!"

"And we will," Spike said with a soft, soothing tone. "But it's not the end of the world if we can't get a report to Celestia on time this once, right?"

"It very well might be the end of the world, Spike!" Twilight shouted, tightly gripping her head between her palms with panic. "The dark Gods are getting unsealed, Spike! Do you know what this means?!"

"Of course I do," Spike replied, raising his voice a little. "But we've been alright so far, right? Besides, like Celestia said, she-"

"Celestia said we have to stop whoever's doing this!" Twilight cried. "What if they unseal another God, Spike?! What if they make an ally of that God, Spike?!"

"I'm sure Celestia can stop them," Spike said, trying desperately to remain calm. "She's beaten them before, and she can beat them again."

"We almost didn't beat Scorpan, Spike!" Twilight retorted. "And the other five Sealed Gods will only be even smarter and stronger than him! We have no idea what they'll do! What if Celestia can't beat them?! What if they join the cult that unsealed them to release more dark Gods?!"

"Twilight-!" Spike shouted in a frail attempt to interrupt her.

Twilight's pupils were the size of pinpricks and she was shaking with terror. "They might overthrow Celestia! They might unseal Discord!! And if they unseal Discord, then all is lost! Our forsaken world will be engulfed in FLAMES!! Civilization as we know it will DIE, and ALL BEINGS WILL LIVE IN ENDLESS TORMENT UNTIL THE VERY END OF TIME!!"

Tears welled in Twilight's eyes as she curled up, toppled to the floor, and began sobbing and whimpering while continuing to tremble.

With deep concern and worry for his friend, Spike knelt down and gently stroked Twilight's cheek, wiping away some of her tears with his palm. "Twilight, please...!" he anxiously pleaded. "Please calm down, Twi! You're gonna go into serious shock or something! You've got to calm. Down!"

Twilight made a few small, shallow gasps, gazing up from her tightly-gripped legs at spike with wide, bloodshot eyes.

Spike gently lifted Twilight into an upright sitting position, wiped some more of her tears away, then pulled her into a gentle, comforting embrace. "It's alright, Twi..." he whispered, slowly stroking her back beneath her hair. "You're safe... it's gonna be alright...."

Twilight sniffed, was still for a moment, then tremblingly sighed as she closed her eyes and returned Spike's embrace.

After consolingly holding Twilight for a few moments, Spike stood up, helped Twilight onto her feet, then suggested cheerfully, "I think we should call it a day. Why don't you take a bath, Twi? That should help you relax a little."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, that... that sounds like a good idea, Spike...." she muttered feebly.

Spike gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, then scaled up the stairs to their bedroom. "I'll be reading. Take as long as you like!" he called back before closing the door.

Twilight gazed at the shut bedroom door for a few moments. Spike really was rather amazing. She couldn't be any luckier to have him as an apprentice, really.

Once Twilight had drawn herself a hot bath in the library's bathroom, she locked the door before stripping down and placing her clothes in the room's woven wicker laundry bin. However, before she stepped into the tub, she went to the latched carrying-case that held her makeup kit. After flipping its steel latches open, she unfolded the top and gazed inside.

Spike found it a little odd that Twilight had an entire large makeup kit; after all, though she was a girl and occasionally wore it, such occasions were few and far between. He wouldn't have been surprised to see such a case under the ownership of Rarity, Fluttershy, or even perhaps Pinkie Pie; those three girls were fashion-conscious and knew how to dress and make themselves up formally. However, unlike them, Twilight didn't seem to much care about improving her appearance; though she was undeniably very pretty, any of the days that she wasn't wearing her usual sneakers, t-shirt, jeans, and miniskirt were few and far between. Wearing makeup was even rarer for her, being reserved only for very formal events such as Rainbow Dash's recent accolade, weddings, and the like. By all accounts, Twilight shouldn't need an entire case of makeup, considering how infrequently and minimally she used it.

In the end, though, Spike decided that girls and their makeup was just something he'd never get before promptly forgetting about it. He never guessed that his puzzlement at Twilight's case was entirely correct.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight channeled Ether into two of the screws in the bottom of the case, causing them to faintly glow violet as they twisted themselves out. She then telekinetically lifted out the case's false bottom, revealing a secret compartment. Lying within it, resting in a bed of insulating foam, was a highly-detailed and realistic hand-blown glass dildo.

Twilight didn't use this often; she was usually content to pleasure herself manually. However, when her desire to indulge in an accurate recreation of one of her fantasies reached its peak, she would call upon this marble-like glass toy towards that end.

Now was one of those times.

Twilight stepped into the hot water of her tub, sat down, then laid her legs outward as she wearily leaned back against the tub's head. She closed her eyes as she gently lowered her right hand and toy beneath the bathwater's surface, conjuring up an image of her young apprentice.

Twilight was weighed down by no small amount of guilt over this; after all, not only was Spike her student, but he was also barely twelve years old. Furthermore, he looked still younger than that, which only made Twilight's shame at her attraction to him all the more intense. As brilliant and wise beyond his years as he was, Spike was still a child. How could Twilight possibly justify harboring such a deep carnal desire for him, even knowing that she'd been discouraged from entering a mixed-gender apprenticeship in the first place for this very reason?

However, as much as she beat herself up over it, Twilight had to admit that it at least made sense that she found Spike so desirable; after all, he was very attractive. Not only did he have an inherently adorable size and build, but he was also extremely handsome. This was not just a result of his maddeningly good-looking face and sweet, enormous green eyes; his slender little body was also surprisingly toned and muscular, which made him a nearly impossible-to-resist treat for the eyes whenever he removed his shirt. Twilight entirely blamed Sunset for this; after all, she had worked very hard to stay in shape and retain her supermodel figure, which drove her to very intense self-exertion as she trained for school athletics at the Olympus Magic Academy. Because Sunset and Spike had been nearly-inseparable, Spike had joined Sunset in all of the workouts of her training routine, firmly entrenching within himself a habit of daily exercise that he continued even to that day. The only mortal girl that Twilight could think of who could rival Sunset's beauty was Fluttershy; because of her, Twilight was sure that the little brother following in her footsteps would likewise grow to rival even Shining Armor.

Especially after hearing of Sunset's descriptions of him, Twilight was sure that Spike looked just like his dad. Prometheus had been painted by his daughter as being extraordinarily handsome, to the point that he might well have been able to seduce even the likes of Goddesses and other men. Twilight could already see Spike himself beginning to make true to these claims; she had observed others' reactions to him, and had seen that even Fluttershy seemed to have a mild crush on him, and that Applejack was uncomfortable around him in a way that she didn't seem to be around any other men.

No matter how guilty she felt about it, Twilight couldn't deny that the idea of defiling her bed while holding Spike in her arms was absolutely blissful. She imagined just that; she pictured that the pressure between her legs was Spike himself as she clamped her left hand over her own mouth to muffle her shuddering whimpers and moaning screams.

When she was finished, Twilight slumped down further into the water, submerging herself until only her face and ears were still surfaced. She then draped both of her arms over the tubs' edges, letting them dangle loosely at her sides.

"I really need to get laid...." Twilight muttered, frowning up at the ceiling.

After a minute or so of still relaxation and deep, heavy breathing, Twilight sat up, magically heated her bath back up a bit, then soaped herself down and washed her hair. Once she'd rinsed herself off, Twilight dried herself, put on her pajamas, then took a long drink of water at the bathroom's sink before washing and replacing her dildo in her makeup case's secret compartment. She hid it so that Spike wouldn't accidentally stumble upon it; though she doubted it would happen, Twilight didn't dare to imagine what Spike would do if he did....

Once Twilight brushed her teeth, she exited the bathroom to find Spike lounging on one of the library's armchairs while reading the newest volume of Clockmoon. "Your turn, Spike," Twilight said. She then muttered while scaling up the stairs to their bedroom, "I'm gonna go to bed. 'Night."

"'Night," Spike replied with a brief, smiling glance in Twilight's direction before returning his attention to his comic.

Twilight's cheek and the palms of her hands were pressed up against something cold and smooth. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw that she was lying against a polished white marble floor.

Confused, Twilight sat up, looking around at her surroundings. She soon recognized it; it was Camelot's throne room, and she had been sleeping on the stone floor before one of Celestia's beautiful stained-glass windows.

"How'd I end up here?" Twilight muttered tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. She could have sworn that she had just been at the Golden Oak Library in Avalon....

Twilight looked towards the hall's end, where she saw the two thrones of Equestria's princesses; Celestia's elegant golden seat, as well as Luna's stern iron chair. From behind them, however, Twilight could see the recognizable celestial patterns in the High Princess's multi-colored hair, flowing freely as they always did.

"Celestia...?" Twilight muttered as she stood up onto her feet. "Your Highness...?"

Celestia didn't respond, however. Growing a bit concerned, Twilight cautiously stepped closer to the regal thrones.

"Princess? What... what is going on?" Twilight said, her voice nearly breaking a few times.

Still, silence.

When Twilight reached the throne, she stopped. She wasn't sure why; after all, Celestia was surely standing just behind it, but a strange, terrible sense of dread and foreboding had suddenly overtaken Twilight.

Tightly closing her eyes and clenching her hands into fists, Twilight took a few deep breaths, opened her eyes, and placed her hands over the throne's edge. She slowly, slowly peeked around it, tremendously fearful at what she would see....

However, she soon saw Celestia's ear, as well as the side of her cheek. With a relieved sigh, Twilight stepped out completely, saying, "Thank goodness. Hello, Your Highness, there's-"

However, Twilight froze as she saw: it was just Celestia's head. On a pike.

The fractured seconds of Twilight's paralyzed terror felt like an eternity. Celestia's head was severed roughly from her body, as though as someone had ripped it off. The pike it was mounted on had been thrust into the stone floor, leaving rubble and splitting a large crack in its wake. But worst of all, blood was slowly dripping from the High Princess's head down the shaft and onto the floor, creating a small puddle at its foot.

Once Twilight regained her mobility, she let out a shriek of horror before running to the head's front. It would have been disturbing enough to see her mentor's eyes dull and her mouth agape with lifelessness, but even that wasn't as horrible as what she saw: Celestia's eyes were wide, frantic, and gazing fearfully at Twilight, and her mouth was sloppily sewn shut, as though she were desperately trying to shout at her to run, but was unable to.

Before Twilight could say another word, however, a sound rang across the hall. It was low and soft, but chillingly cruel and menacing; it was the sadistic laughter of a moderately-aged man.

After the voice had chuckled in its terrible glee for a few moments, it began to speak. "My dear, dear Twilight...." it said.

"W-who are you?!" Twilight cried. "How... how do you know my name?!"

"Whatever do you mean?" the voice replied in false confusion. "It's only natural that I would know your name, is it not? After all, you are an extension of me...."

Twilight held her head and turned away, scrunching her eyes closed. "N-...no!" she cried. "No, that...! That can't be true-!"

"Oh, but you know it to be true, poor little Elf...." the voice continued. "As unpleasant as it might be to realize, you are no different from any other Being."

Twilight's eyes widened. Though she had been covering her ears to block out that cruel, horrible voice, she still heard it perfectly clearly. "Are you saying...?" she began, lowering her hands again. "... Are you saying that... that all Beings are a part of you...?"

"Naturally," the voice laughed. "Not only all Beings, but all things are merely a piece of my own will and power..."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Twilight cried.

"Make sense?" the voice said, once again faking shock. "Oh, but what fun is there in making sense?"

The voice burst into laughter once again, and Twilight turned fearfully back to face the hall. "Who are you?!" she shouted angrily. "Show yourself!"

"I'm afraid I can't, darling," the voice replied. "Can you see something that is both everywhere and nowhere?"

"Shut up!" Twilight shouted. "I know you're here! What have you done to the Princess?!"

"Why, nothing," the voice replied with a tone of mock offense. "I haven't laid a finger on her...."

"Liar!" Twilight barked. "You sewed her mouth shut!"

"Ah, but you are mistaken...." the voice said. "Of course, to someone like me, not only have I done as you say, but I am now doing it. Time is, after all, an illusion. But as far as you are concerned, it is not that I have done it.

"No. It's that in time, I will do it."

A force that Twilight could not see or detect suddenly jerked her from her position, causing her to scream in surprise as an invisible entity dragged her down the hall. It then suddenly stopped about halfway down, then turned her forcefully towards one of the windows: a depiction of a Human, an Angel, and an Elf screaming in agony as they were dangled over a blazing fire from marionette puppet strings. The crossed wooden handles were being gripped by a black, winged humanoid silhouette; an image that all Beings knew since childhood; a nightmarish man-shaped darkness with a blood-red right eye, a flame-golden left eye, and an unnaturally wide, crescent-shaped, fanged smile....

The eyes of the stained glass depiction of Discord, the God of Chaos and Lord of the Cosmos, looked up to gaze at Twilight.