• Published 28th May 2016
  • 7,759 Views, 619 Comments

Hùndùn - LoZLttP13

A powerful young Sorceress, her faithful apprentice, and her five new friends are tasked with preventing the return of the all-powerful God of Chaos.

  • ...

I-XIII. Scootaloo

Scootaloo panted as sweat rolled down her forehead and cheeks. She was lying naked on her bed with an open magazine over her belly and several others scattered on her bed around her.

The magazines surrounding Scootaloo's form bore such titles as Naughty Teen Girls, Steamy Fantasy Vixens, and Candy Shop. Each cover bore a color photograph of a naked young woman posing suggestively while giving a sultry look to the camera. The magazines' contents were much the same; beautiful, nude teenaged girls engaged in titillating poses, situations, and acts.

The magazine lying across Scootaloo's belly, however, stood apart from the others; there was no true nudity in it, and there was even a handful of men within its pages. Indeed, the magazine wasn't pornographic at all; it bore the title Equestria Sports. Beneath this title was the small, elegantly written subtitle, Swimsuit Edition.

There was a blonde, buxom girl in a white bikini on the magazine's front cover, as well as many more stunning models in revealing swimwear within the magazine proper, but Scootaloo didn't care about them. No, the reason this magazine was Scootaloo's most treasured possession was in its gallery of athletes.

When Scootaloo's euphoric high subsided, she swallowed, smiled, and held the sports magazine back above her face. Looking back at her was a full-page color photograph of Rainbow Dash, standing in the frothy waves of a warm, tropical beach. She was wearing a pair of short swim trunks, but no top; it was clutched in her right hand, with her left arm covering her unclothed breasts. Rainbow was gazing at the camera with her trademark flirtatious smirk.

"Rainbow...." Scootaloo moaned. How she wished that Rainbow was truly there, so that she could caress those cheeks and that slender, tanned, toned body....

Scootaloo sighed and rolled to her side, staring into the emptiness laying beside her. Scootaloo reached out, imagining Rainbow Dash looking affectionately back at her with those amazing magenta eyes....

After taking a large, disappointed breath, Scootaloo sat up. She gathered up her magazines and placed them back in her box before sliding them under her bed.

Scootaloo stretched, staring out the window. It was late at night; that way, her father wouldn't catch her using her magazines to masturbate. Once Scootaloo had finished stretching, she gathered up her pajamas and walked out into the hall. She was still naked, but she wasn't at all self-conscious; her dad was never awake at one o'clock in the morning, and Scootaloo highly doubted that any peeping toms were awake at this hour, either.

Once Scootaloo retrieved a towel from her house's towel rack, she went into the bathroom. She took a bath, unconcerned with awakening her father; Stephen was a heavy sleeper.

Once Scootaloo had washed her sweat and all other evidence of what she'd been doing away, she got dressed in her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and went to bed.

Scootaloo was awakened by a buzzing vibration from under her sheets. Scootaloo smiled, then got out of bed. She was deeply proud of herself for buying that alarm card; it woke her at midnight every night so that she'd have some guaranteed privacy, and again at seven every morning so that she wouldn't oversleep and raise suspicion from her father.

Scootaloo walked down the hall and down the stairs, then was greeted by the sight and smell of her father cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning, Dad!" Scootaloo called.

"Good morning, Honey!" Stephen greeted her. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great, Dad," Scootaloo replied. She always did; her nightly self-exhaustion always assured her a deep and restful sleep.

"That's great, Scoot!" Stephen replied as Scootaloo entered the kitchen. Stephen was frying some pancakes and eggs over their stove. "Take a seat, Honey; breakfast's almost done!" he said with a smile to her.

Scootaloo grinned. "Pancakes? Sweet!" she cried, jumping up onto a chair. After a few short minutes, Stephen slid the pancakes and eggs onto a plate before setting it before Scootaloo. "Thanks, Dad!" Scootaloo exclaimed, reaching for their glass syrup bottle.

Upon finishing her breakfast, Scootaloo went back to her room, where she got a pair of shorts and her orange basketball jersey. After she had changed into them, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and slid into her sneakers, she strapped her biking helmet on and picked up her scooter. She then ran down the stairs and out her house's front door, shouting, "Bye, dad!"

Scootaloo heard Stephen shout back at her, "Bye, Honey!" as she slammed the door. She scaled down the front steps, mounted her scooter, and began flapping her wings to propel her as she rode it towards the park.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom usually had to spend their summer mornings at home; Sweetie had to study with Rarity, and Apple Bloom had to tend her family farm with Big Mac and Applejack. This meant that Scootaloo usually had to spend the mornings of her summer vacation by herself, which was fine with her; on Sundays she studied kung fu under Rainbow, and on every other day she went to the skate park to train.

A few minutes after Scootaloo left her home, she reached Avalon's skate park. Located on the edge of Avalon's greater town park, the skate park was Scootaloo's favorite place in the world; not only did it have two sets of halfpipes, a bowl, and several rails and stairs, it also had a decent-sized free running obstacle course with a rock climbing wall and several other small structures to climb and jump across.

Scootaloo immediately turned onto the halfpipe, where she propelled herself high up one ramp before turning around and speeding towards the other. She flew off the opposite ramp's lip, becoming airborne for a few moments before she allowed herself to fall back towards the ground.

Upon Scootaloo's next jump, she executed a perfect backwards flip before rolling back down the ramp. Scootaloo then flapped her wings to give her a few more seconds of airtime as she spun her scooter beneath her, positioning it back under her feet just before she sped back down the ramp.

Scootaloo was an expert skater and free runner, but her specialty was scootering; it combined the speed and smoothness of skating with the sharp turns and accuracy running provided. Scootaloo was the only kid her age she knew who could perform even half of the tricks in her repertoire; her classmates were often awed by the death-defying stunts she could perform, and she impressed even Spike, who wasn't such a bad skater himself.

However, this wasn't good enough for her; Scootaloo wished desperately that she could fly, and could execute all the arial stunts that her idol Rainbow could. In Scootaloo's eyes, Rainbow was perfect. She was everything Scootaloo wished to be: beautiful, amazing, and immensely talented.

However, Scootaloo knew that she would never fly. The crippling disability in her small wings ensured it. Scootaloo had spent more than a few sleepless nights crying over the fact that she'd never be able to join Rainbow in touching the sky, and would often resentfully wish that she were anyone else.

Doing arial skating tricks was the closest Scootaloo would ever come to flying; thus, she treasured it beyond any other time in her life. Her deepest, most desperate wish was for Rainbow to coach her into defying the impossible to reach the heavens, then become her lover; Scootaloo would enter heaven in the embrace of an angel.

But, like flying, Scootaloo knew that this wasn't to be, either. She was left with only her dreams and fantasies to sate her ceaseless love for Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo scootered in the skate park for several hours; she was absolutely exhausted by the time the Sun had reached its apex and began crawling back down to the western horizon.

Panting and sweating profusely, Scootaloo allowed herself to jump into the air once more before she rolled down and rode her scooter back to her home.

Stephen was awaiting her, having prepared several bagels for her lunch. Once Scootaloo had eaten these, she thanked her dad before riding her scooter to Sweet Apple Acres.

As before, Scootaloo was the first Crusader to enter the barn and find Spike awaiting her. "Hey, Scoots!" Spike said as Scootaloo closed the barn door. "How are you doing?" he asked.

"Pretty good," Scootaloo replied.

"That's great," said Spike. "Hey, Scoots, do you think you could help me with putting the treehouse together today? It's safe to stand in now, and I'm going to be using a lot of energy in levitating the planks up, so I need someone to help me nail the boards in."

Scootaloo grinned. "Sure, Spike."

Once Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle arrived, Spike said to them, "Alright, girls- do you think you two could bring boards to the treehouse while Scootaloo and I work on it today?"

"Why?" said Sweetie, whose soft smile slightly faded.

"It'll just be fair that way," Spike replied. "I worked with you yesterday, Sweetie, so I think I should work with Scootaloo today and Apple Bloom tomorrow so that everyone has an equal share of work."

Sweetie sighed. "Alright...." she muttered.

"So," Spike said, picking up his bucket of nails, screws, and hammers, "shall we get going then, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo smirked. "I'm ready when you are."

"Great," Spike replied before turning to the other Crusaders. "Can you two bring a couple of those planks there?" he said, pointing at a pile of wall planks.

"Sure thing, Spike!" Apple Bloom said, then she and Sweetie lifted two of the planks up and balanced them over both of their shoulders. Spike and the Crusaders then went to the treehouse. Once they reached it, Spike asked Apple Bloom to retrieve her ladder again. Once it was propped against the half-completed clubhouse, Spike carried his bucket up into it and Scootaloo entered immediately after him.

Once they were inside, Spike levitated one of the planks in and said to Scootaloo, "Hammer that side in place, please."

"Right away, Spike," Scootaloo replied. She took a nail from the bucket, helped Spike position the wall board in place, then both of them hammered them to the corner posts.

Once they had settled into a rhythm of bringing wood up and nailing it in place, Scootaloo said, "So, what did you and Sweetie talk about yesterday?"

"Just what her life was like in Athens, and how she came to Avalon," Spike replied.

Scootaloo nodded. "Alright. That's cool."

As Spike selected another nail from his bucket, he said, "How's your training coming along?"

"It's going great," Scootaloo replied, smiling. "I was able to get a few more tricks down since we went skating last."

"That's awesome," Spike replied. "Honestly, I'm surprised your Mark isn't in skating, Scoots. You're insanely good."

Scootaloo frowned. "Yeah, it doesn't matter, though...."

"Why not?" Spike asked, puzzled.

Frowning at her small, orange wings, Scootaloo said, "What I really want to do is fly. I'll never get to, though."

"Why's that?"

"My wings are crippled. They'll never be strong enough to get me in the air."

"How do you know that?"

"The doctors told me," Scootaloo replied. She sighed. "My first memory is of waking up in a hospital bed. I had a lot of bandages and casts on, and I was in a lot of pain and felt really weak. The doctors asked me who I was and who my parents were, but I couldn't tell them; I didn't remember."

Spike's eyes widened. "You didn't know who your parents were?"

"Nope. Still don't," Scootaloo muttered.

Spike blinked and was silent for a moment. He began, "Isn't Stephen-?"

"No," Scootaloo interrupted him. "He adopted me."

With another sigh, Scootaloo said, "The doctors were hoping that I'd know who I was or who my parents were, since they couldn't find any records on me or them."

Spike looked a little worried. "So they... found you?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo replied. "Someone found me in an alley in Olympus, unconscious and laying in a pool of blood. They got an ambulance, and the paramedics thought that I had bled to death, because there was a lot of blood. But I was still barely alive, so they rushed me to the hospital.

"When I woke up, the doctors told me that I'd been in a coma, and that I was lucky to have survived. They told me that I had a lot of serious injuries, but that I'd recover from all of them- except for my wings."

Spike stared astonishedly at Scootaloo for a few moments before she continued, "They told me that both of them were very badly broken and that there was a lot of muscular damage, and so I'd almost certainly never fly again."

Tears welled in Scootaloo's eyes and one rolled down her cheek, but she immediately wiped it away. "While I was recovering, they kept trying to find my parents or any information on who I was, but they couldn't find anything. They thought that maybe my parents had been killed, because if all the blood I was found laying in was mine then there was no way I could've survived.

"The only thing they could find was a bracelet I was found wearing. It had beads that read 'Scootaloo,' so that's what they guessed my name was.

"Once I was better, they sent me to an orphanage in Asgard, because they thought I should be living with other Angels. I lived there until I was seven, then I came here to Avalon, then Stephen adopted me."

Spike nodded. "So, why did he adopt you?"

Scootaloo turned and gazed anxiously at Spike for a moment, then she said, "Uh, Spike... can I, um, ask you a question?"

Spike raised a brow. "Why?"

"I just need to know something," Scootaloo replied.

After a moment, Spike nodded. "Alright. Ask away," he said.

"So..." Scootaloo muttered, looking down, "Twilight's bi, isn't she?"

Spike blinked, then nodded. "Well, yeah...."

"And, um..." Scootaloo continued, beginning to flush, "If... uh... if she didn't want you to tell anyone, would you?"

Surprised, Spike was still for a moment before shaking his head. "No," he said.

Scootaloo took a deep breath. "Will... Will you promise to not tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?"

With a small smile, Spike recited, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Scootaloo made a small laugh, then said, "Okay. Well... Stephen adopted me because I'm gay."

Spike nodded. "Alright."

Scootaloo looked surprisedly at him. "You- you aren't surprised?" she asked.

Spike chuckled and shook his head. "No. I knew you were."

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "R-really?! How?!"

Spike nudged her shoulder. "It's not hard," he said. "We're pretty alike, you and I. We both like skating, we both like sports, and we both like girls. I've noticed you checking out our friends, too," he added with a smirk.

Scootaloo pushed Spike's shoulder, and he laughed. "And actually," he said, his smile slightly fading, "I don't know who my parents are, either."

Scootaloo's eyes widened surprisedly. "You don't?"

Spike shook his head. "Nope." He leaned against a wall as he continued, "My sister told me that we used to live with my dad, but our house was raided by guards when I was a baby. The guards took us away, and the next thing we knew, we were in the Olympus orphanage."

Scootaloo blinked. "What did they go after your dad for?"

"I have no idea," Spike replied. "Sunset didn't, either. We went looking for him, too, but we never found him. She also tried asking some guards who and where he was, but they told her they didn't know anything about him. She thought they were lying."

Scootaloo's mouth opened slightly. "Do... do you think so?" she asked.

Spike shrugged. "I don't know. But what I do know is that Sunset has never trusted guards after that."

Scootaloo was silent for a moment, then asked, "What was she like? Sunset, I mean."

Spike smiled. "She was the best sister ever. She was tough, and smart, and beautiful. She was always there to protect me."

"From what?"

"From bullies and jerks, things like that."

Scootaloo blinked. "W-what?" she asked surprisedly. "You were bullied?"


"What for?"

Spike rubbed his head. "Well, we were orphans, for one. But the other kids also said that our father was a criminal, and that was why were were taken away from him and why we weren't allowed to know anything about him. Some of them said he was a pimp, or that he was a terrorist, or a serial killer. But all of them said that our mom was definitely a hooker, or two different hookers."

Scootaloo gazed at Spike as he frowned into the air for a few moments. "Sunset always clocked 'em, though," he added with a smile.

Scootaloo laughed. "I wish I had a sister like that...."

"So anyway," Spike said, turning back to Scootaloo, "Why would Stephen adopt you because you're gay?"

"'Cause he is, too," Scootaloo replied. "Being a gay Angel in Asgard really blows, and Stephen knew it. He'd grown up in Asgard, too, so he knew how hard life was for me."

"How did you two meet?"

"Well, while I was living in the orphanage, the other kids were really, really awful to me. I mean, a lesbian Angel who can't fly? I might as well have had a target painted on my back.

"I was miserable, but our caretaker, Ms. Snowpeak, was really nice to me. She didn't treat me like shit for being gay or not being able to fly. She would also tell me stories about another gay Angel girl who had difficulty with flying who used to live there. She said that that Angel was treated even worse than I was, because she was really shy, but eventually she became friends with another lesbian Angel, then they moved to Avalon together to get away from them.

"The story really inspired me, so I decided I would move here, too. I knew that Avalon would be way better than Asgard, and I also wanted to meet the two Angel girls Ms. Snowpeak told me about."

Spike raised a brow. "Who are they?"

"I don't know," Scootaloo replied with a frown. "Ms. Snowpeak never told me their names."

"Why not?"

"Because she said that they didn't want everyone to know what they were." Scootaloo looked down ashamedly. "Not that I blame them..." she muttered. "I mean, you're my only friend who knows about this."

"Not even Sweetie or Apple Bloom know?"

"No...." Scootaloo whispered. Tears began welling in her eyes again. "If... if they knew-"

"Well, I think that Sweetie, at least, would be safe to tell," Spike interrupted her.

Scootaloo turned surprisedly to him. "W-what?"

"She wasn't bothered at all by knowing that Rarity's mentor was gay," Spike pointed out.

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "He was?" she asked surprisedly.


"How did you find out?"

"Oh, I just asked Sweetie why Rarity was allowed to have a male mentor. She didn't seem to think it was that important, though."

Scootaloo blinked, then smiled. So Sweetie probably wouldn't care. That, at least, was a great comfort to her.

"So anyway, back to your story," Spike said. "So, you decided to move here...?"

"Oh, yeah!" Scootaloo cried. "Once I decided to come to Avalon, I started saving up to move out. I looked for loose coins on the street, and I got really good at it." Scootaloo smirked as she rapped the side of the treehouse's wall with her knuckles. "Most of the money for this baby was mine."

Spike grinned.

Scootaloo continued, "So once I saved up enough, I bought a tent, some clothes, some food, and some other stuff. I left a note on my bed at the orphanage for Ms. Snowpeak so she wouldn't worry, then I snuck out."

"So you ran away?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. Then I broke a bit of cloud from the edge of the city and floated to the ground. I ran through the edge of the Everfree Forest, using a map to find my way to Avalon."

Scootaloo beamed as she continued, "Once I got here, I was absolutely blown away by how much better it was than Asgard. At first, some people were worried, because I was a runaway, but once they saw I could take care of myself they stopped worrying about me. I made some friends, I started going to school, and everyone was really nice.

"I lived in my tent in an alley for a long time, but then one day Stephen came up to me and asked me why I was there. I told him what I'd told everyone: I wanted a life of adventure, and didn't want to be tied down to one spot forever.

"He knew I wasn't telling the truth though. He asked me if I was alright, and he was so caring and kind that I realized I couldn't lie to him. I broke down and told him that I'd run away from home because I was bullied.

"I told him that I was bullied because I'm gay and can't fly. Then he smiled at me and told me that he was gay too, and he had moved away from Asgard to live in Avalon to escape bullying there, too.

"He said that I needed to go back to the orphanage. I told him there was no way in Tartarus I was going back, but he promised me that everything would be okay, and offered to take me back there himself. He was so comforting that I told him okay, so he walked with me back to Asgard.

"Once we got up Mt. Thunder and were walking through the city, I fell through a gap in the clouds. I was falling, so Stephen dived down and caught me before I hit the ground. He held my hand so I wouldn't fall again the rest of the way to the orphanage, and I've never felt so safe with someone before. I never wanted him to let go.

"When we reached the orphanage, Ms. Snowpeak was incredibly relieved. She told me that she had been really worried about me, and that she was glad I was alright. She thanked Stephen for bringing me back, then Stephen asked if she could talk alone with us.

"Once we were in a room by ourselves, Stephen told her that he would like to adopt me." Here Scootaloo smiled more broadly than Spike had ever seen her before. A tear streaked down her face as she continued, "It was the happiest moment of my life. I asked him if he really meant it, and he told me that he did. He said he wanted to be my dad."

A small, joyous whimper escaped Scootaloo's lips. "I told him yes, and I begged Ms. Snowpeak to let me do it. Ms. Snowpeak said that I would have to stay there for a few days, but if he cleared the processing then he would be allowed to adopt me.

"The kids were awful to me again for the week that I was there, but I didn't care. I was going to have a dad. I was going to have a home.

"Stephen was cleared, then he adopted me. He brought me here, and I've been living here ever since."

Spike sat silently for a few moments after Scootaloo had completed her story. "I'm so glad," he said softly. He wrapped an arm around Scootaloo and said, "You're pretty awesome, Scoots."

Scootaloo grinned at him. "You're an amazing friend, Spike...." she said.

"HEY!" Spike and Scootaloo jumped at the shout that came up from below them. They looked down, and saw Sweetie glaring up at them. "What are you two doing?!" she demanded.

"Uh... talking?" Scootaloo replied uncertainly.

Sweetie glowered at them. "Yeah, right," she growled.

Spike burst into laughter. "Oh! You thought we were-" he began.

"I knew it!" Sweetie cried. She furiously pointed at Spike as she shouted, "I knew that you were just a two-bit pick-up artist! You and all that claptrap about being nice and sensitive-"

"No, Sweetie!" Scootaloo cried, holding up her hands in protest. "I don't like Spike!"

Sweetie snorted derisively. "Yeah, likely story!"

"No, really!" Scootaloo cried. "I just like him as a friend! I promise!"

"Don't let him fool you, Scootaloo!" Sweetie replied. "He may say that he just wants to be your friend, but he's actually-"

"Even if he tried, he couldn't get me to like him!" Scootaloo interrupted her, a smile slowly forming over her face.

Sweetie gave a disbelieving look back to her. "Oh, really?"

"I'm serious!" Scootaloo cried. "Spike has never had a chance with me! I'm gay!"

Sweetie's expression immediately became one of pure shock. "W-wha-what?"

Scootaloo laughed, "Yeah! I am!"

Sweetie's mouth opened slightly. "B-but I... I... wha... huh?"

"Yeah, she was just telling me about it!" Spike shouted, a wide grin spread across his face. "You won't tell anyone, right, Sweetie?"

"I... I..." Sweetie stammered. After a moment, however, she shook her head. "N-no. Of course I won't," she said.

Scootaloo and Spike laughed again as Sweetie's face began to deeply flush with embarrassment.

After Scootaloo and Spike's laughter had faded, Sweetie said, still looking away from them, "Umm, your dad's here, Scootaloo. He says it's time to come home."

"Really?" Scootaloo said, standing up. She looked over at Spike. "But we-"

Spike shrugged. "We can always work on it more tomorrow. Go and get a good night's sleep, Scoots."

After a moment, Scootaloo nodded and smiled. "...Yeah, I will," she said. "Thanks for listening to me, by the way, Spike."

"Oh, not at all," Spike said, waving his hand dismissively.

"I feel like I've got a big weight off my chest now," Scootaloo said as she climbed back down the ladder.

"I'm glad," Spike replied before he followed her down.

Scootaloo found Stephen waiting at the gate, talking to Rarity. Sweetie was standing next to Rarity, idly playing with an apple in boredom. "Hi, Dad! Hi, Rarity!" Scootaloo called while waving to them.

Stephen looked over and beamed. "There she is!" he cried. "How did it go, Honey?"

"It went great, Dad," Scootaloo replied, returning his grin. "So, we going home?"

"Just about. Just let me finish my little talk with Rarity, okay, Sweetheart?"

Scootaloo groaned, "Fine...."

"So, anyway," Stephen said while turning back to Rarity, "How did the wedding practice go?"

Rarity enthusiastically replied, "Oh, it was sensational! One of the bridesmaids got some chocolate on her front, but Pinkie was able to take out the stain...."

As their caretakers continued conversing, Scootaloo leaned against the fence next to Sweetie Belle and said, "So, you're cool with it, huh?"

Sweetie gave a puzzled look to Scootaloo. "Cool about what?" she asked.

"That I'm gay," Scootaloo replied.

Looking a little surprised, Sweetie nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked.

Scootaloo rubbed her head and frowned as she replied, "Well... for one, while I was living in Asgard, the other girls would accuse me of watching them in the showers at gym class."

Sweetie blinked. "Well, were you?"

Scootaloo shrugged. "Not really. I mean, it's not like I didn't appreciate it, but I have my magazines for when I want to see naked girls."

Sweetie's eyes widened. "Huh?"

Flinching with sudden panic, Scootaloo hurriedly said, "Uh... nothing. Forget what I said."

"Magazines?" Sweetie asked. "What're you-"

"I meant to say something else," Scootaloo interrupted her.

"What were you trying to say?" Sweetie asked.

Scootaloo stammered, "Uh, um... I... I don't, uh... remember."

Sweetie raised a brow in suspicion, but before she could inquire further Scootaloo cleared her throat and said, "So, uh... you're not worried that I'm checking you out?"

Sweetie's expression became one of shock again. "You- are?!"

Scootaloo flinched and intensely blushed. "What? N-no! I mean, um- sometimes! No, wait! That's not what I, uh..."

Sweetie smiled at how rapidly Scootaloo was devolving in to panicked incoherence. "Hey, I don't care," she said kindly to Scootaloo. "So long as you don't watch me in the bath, you can check me out all you like."

Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief, then smiled back at Sweetie. "Alright. Well, I think you're really cute," she said.

Sweetie grinned. "Thanks! I'm flattered," she replied.

Scootaloo carefully watched Sweetie's expression for any sign of returned admiration, but to her disappointment, flattery seemed to be Sweetie's only reaction. Scootaloo didn't want to be anyone's girlfriend but Rainbow's, but she didn't at all mind the idea of having Sweetie Belle as a make-out buddy. Scootaloo also noted with a smirk that Sweetie was also very compelling as a potential sexual partner.

With a derisive scoff, Scootaloo thought to herself, Yeah, I might as well try to nail Ms. Cheerilee; it isn't any more ridiculous.

Stephen finished, "... course I'm going to be there! My, this is looking like it's going to be a wedding they'll talk about for years!"

"Oh, I know," Rarity replied. "I quite look forward to it, as well."

Rarity then placed her hand over Sweetie's shoulder, saying, "Come, Sweetie, it's time to go home."

"I think we'd better get going, too," Stephen said to Scootaloo.

Sweetie waved as she walked away from them, crying, "Bye, Scootaloo! Bye, Stephen!"

"Bye, Sweetheart!" Stephen called as he waved back.

"Bye, Sweetie!" cried Scootaloo. "See you tomorrow!"

As Stephen walked with Scootaloo back to their home, Scootaloo said, "Hey, Dad, guess what?"


"I came out to Spike and Sweetie today!"

Stephen gasped joyously. "You did?" he said.

Scootaloo nodded, smiling. "Yeah."

"Oh, you are so brave, Scootaloo!" Stephen cried, holding her close to him. "I'm so proud of you! And from the looks of it, they were completely accepting, huh?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed, laughing.