• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,704 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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50 - Summoned

It was quite odd being summoned to the castle of Friendship directly after school. That is exactly what the message had said to do. All five friends had got to talking on the walk there from the school.

“What do you think this is about, Di?” Rumble asked as he walked, one wing over Scootaloo’s barrel and back.

The pink filly shrugged. “No clue, but had to be important. I mean, it was a Royal guard that brought the message from what I heard. The school administrator told me that has never happened before.”

Pipsqueak shoulder-bumped Lily, being the only one among the Explorers walking that was even remotely close to her size.

“Hey, so what happened when you told your parents and Crunch’s parents you were dating?”

Lily tucked her ears, cheeks beginning to heat up visibly. Giving a cough, she muttered something neither of them could pick up.

Diamond Tiara glanced over. “Oh, come on, Lily!”

The dark pink filly gave a tilt of her head and said a bit louder. “They spent all night talking about grandfoals together.”

All of the others burst into a lighthearted laughter, Scootaloo recovering a bit. “Mom said if I don't make her a grandmother before she is eighty, she is going to ground me for life, no matter how old I am.”

Everyone burst into laughter again, all but one colt. Rumble just looked at his fillyfriend with a bright, warm blush on his cheeks.


Arriving at the towering crystal structure that dominated Ponyville's average height, the five were guided in down the hall by two of Twilight's Friendship guards. After many years without protection, she had formed her own guard with their own unique armor and colors.

Walking into the gathering room where the six thrones sat, each took note of some oddities. Their parents were there, even the two Wonderbolts in uniform still. Scootaloo lifted an eyebrow as she saw along with the six Elements of Harmony, there was AB standing with Applejack, Silver right at the bow-wearing filly's side.

Standing next to Rarity was Sweetie Belle, Spike at her other side with his claws resting on her back. She did smile a bit, seeing her unicorn friend with the bright blue gemstone around her neck on a chain. Spike had recently proposed to her, just weeks prior. The rules under the condition it be allowed, were set by Rarity, Twilight, and Sweetie's parents. They must wait until they graduated from school.

“What's going on?” Diamond spoke up, one eyebrow lifted as she looked from her father, to the Chief standing next to him, and back to her father's warm smile.

It was Twilight who stepped forward and spoke. The alicorn had grown a bit taller over the years since her ascension. Still not quite as big as Cadence, but taller than her friends now.

“Royal mail was delivered for each of you, protocol says it must be opened here.”

Held in purple magic, five envelopes floated out. Three had a red wax seal holding the flap closed, one floated to Lily, Diamond, and Scootaloo in turn. Two however were different, they bore a golden wax seal, with the mark of Luna herself pressed into it. They floated to Pip and Rumble, the two colts taking hold of them. Each and every envelope carried the emblem of the Canterlot Fire Academy on the front.

Exchanging glances with each other now, Rumble spoke first, staring at the envelope held in his hoof. “So, um... Wow, how do you want to do this?”

Diamond looked over at the pegasus colt, and back to her own envelope. “How about you open yours first, Pip, then Rumble, then—”

Scootaloo spoke up with a kind of tremor in her voice “I... I want to go last.”

Diamond looked over at one of her best friends and gave a bit of a nod. “Okay, then Lily, then me, then Scoots.”

They all nodded, and Pipsqueak turned it over in his hoof. Sitting down gently, he ran his hoof edge along the fold to break the golden seal. Opening it out and looking at it, his ears laid back.

“From Her Royal Princess Luna. You are...” he paused to read it over again, “You are hereby notified of acceptance to the Canterlot Fire Officer Training Academy for the Fall start, on completion and graduation from high school.”

His smile grew wider. “Should you master this task, and graduate with honors. You are hereby granted a guaranteed spot as a probationary firefighter in Ponyville Fire Station No. 1”

The paint pony giddily leaped in the air. “Yes!” holding it out to show Rumble, then the others. “No way I am going to mess this one up!”

A lot of smiles were to be had, and one stocky dark brown stallion had the widest one as he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his husband. They watched as Pip held up the letter. “Dad, look! I made it, I made it!”

Rescue and Ailan both gave a nod, Rescue spoke for them. “We are proud of you, son.”

Pip then blinked as some words sunk in, and he looked at the paper again. Looking over at Diamond, then up at his two fathers, and then back at the paper once more. His mouth moved a bit. “Officer training…” he again looked over the page, reading it again and again. His head lifted up and once more he looked at his fathers.

“Dad, w-what does this mean?”

Rescue exchanged looks with Ailan and then smiled. This time it was the soft spoken, large winged pegasus stallion that spoke.

“It means, Pip, you are going to school not only to train as a firefighter, but, to be trained as an officer.”

Pip just sat down on his plot again with a thud. Mouth moving but not saying anything, eyes glassed over some.

Thunderlane peered over at his brother as he started to rip open his letter. Watching the young pegasus’ lips move. “Royal Princess…. Fall start, proba—” his mouth closed and his head shot up. “No way! Pip, I got the same posting if I get honors!”

He paused and looked it over again. “Oh man, I don’t get to go to officer school,” although he didn’t appear to be too upset. “Guess you get to have the long study nights and dealing with morons like me.”

The two best friends banged hooves and grinned. “Best. Day. Ever!” they said together much to the laughter of many in the room watching on. Pip, however, brought them down a notch.

“Rumdum, dude, we are going to have to study hard. We have to make honor roll no matter what now.”

Rumble slugged his friend in the shoulder. “Whatever, Squeaker, we can do it,” earning him a returning gentle punch in the shoulder back, before they started to laugh again.

Diamond rolled her eyes at the pet names. “Idiots,” but said with a smile on her face. She looked now to Lily. “Your turn.”

The large filly sat down with a slow and careful motion. Lifting her hoof up and doing as the two before her had, slitting the wax seal. Unfolding the letter she was quiet as her eyes looked it over, reading it to herself. Her ears pinned back some, and a mix of joy and sadness came to her face.

“I was accepted,” then she added, cutting off the congratulations and making her parents' smiles fall some. “But... I won’t be going.”

Her father and mother blinked, and then her mother spoke. “Lily, why would you say that?”

Everyone looking at her with confusion as she folded the letter as neatly as she could.

“We can’t afford it, I overheard you and dad talking about the costs. It's okay, I will just stay here and join the volunteer squad, perhaps in a few years if I work hard then I can go.”

“You will do no such thing, young filly!” came a voice from the side of the room. The colts and fillies turned to look. There stood Archer's mother and father, the two older ponies walked over and joined the rest of the adults.

“You will go to the Academy, and you will do good.”

Tugging a scroll from her bag, she unrolled it. Clearing her throat and getting a nudge from her husband, she exhaled and began to read.

“The Archer Scholarship is awarded once every two years to the filly or colt who exemplifies what it means to be a first responder, be it firefighter, paramedic, or law enforcement officer.”

Sniffling once, she continued, the confused look on everyone's face. Well, really, only five fillies and colts.

“This year's recipient, and our first, Lily Longsocks has showed such strength of character. Showing bravery beyond her years in charging head long into a uncontrolled forest fire, along with her teammate Pipsqueak Sunstreak. She gave hoof to saving ten young lives along with the ten mares and stallions they were working with.”

She looked up at the stunned filly.

“Due to a large donation from several large contributors who have asked to remain nameless, It is my joy to award you this year's scholarship in honor of my daughter.”

Rolling up the scroll she held it out, a light purple magic caught it up and carried it over, where she took it out of the air, still speechless. Looking at it, to the mare, to her parents, back to the mare, back to her friends. She looked back once more to her parents as tears welled up in her eyes.

“M... Mom, Dad, I am going to the Fire Academy!”

Pride and happiness showed on the two smaller ponies faces as they watched their daughter's face, tears racing down her cheeks before she got tackle-hugged by the other four standing with her.

As they watched on Lily’s father leaned over. “Thank you... for making this happen,” looking at Rescue.

The big stallion shook his head and gave a nod to Rarity. “Thank her,” he whispered in return.

Once the hugs and water works were finished with, Lily sniffed heavily and wiped her eyes with a hoof. They all turned and looked at Diamond, who held her envelope in her hoof.

The pink filly slid her hoof edge like the ones before her, breaking the wax seal. Unfolding it and not reading out loud at first, she kept her eyes rolling over the words, reading it three times before she dared speak. Her lip trembled a bit and she whispered in a tone that made it clear she was holding back waterworks.

“P-Pip, I... I am going to officer training, too.”

Pipsqueak was at her side and they looked into each others eyes. No one else existed in that moment, before a paint pony leaned in, and pressed his lips to the pink fillies lips. A kiss that was filled with the very true essence of love, all around them could see it. However, both Rescue and Mr. Rich cleared their throats. It was Rescue who spoke up, much to the chuckles of many of the mares standing around.

“Okay, you two, I think that is enough.”

Breaking the kiss both blushed furiously hot, causing more chuckles and not a few light laughs from all around. However, Pip pressed his side to Diamond’s side and looked up at everyone, then turning his head to look at Scootaloo.

“Your turn, Scoot.”

All eyes turned to watch the small winged pegasus slit the wax as four before her had. As she opened the letter, a small slip of paper fluttered down to land near her hoof. She started to read the letter, much like Diamond had, quietly and to herself.

Suddenly, her ears went flat, and her face fell. This came as a surprise to many, and a few started to move forward, one such was the rainbow-maned mare who had adopted her so many years ago.

“I... didn’t get into the EMT program.”

She said in a sad tone, before her grin tugged at her face and she started to beam in a bright smile.

“I made the Paramedic program!”

Everypony groaned at her bluff, Dash gave a little mutter. “Damn, kid,” but it was a happy tone. Taking a step back to again sit next to her husband and fellow Wonderbolt. Twilight, of course, gave a small snort and shook her head, glancing over at her friend.

“Just like some of the pranks you use to pull.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Yeah, 'til Pinkie pulled that prank with all of you on me and taught me a lesson, speaking of...”

Everyone could see Pinkie now. Her whole body vibrating, her mane and tail as puffy as can be, eyes locked on the five facing the group. However, she had not exploded... yet.

Rumble sauntered over to Scootaloo, and suddenly things got taken down a notch in the room.

“O... oh, Rumdumb, this... this means almost a year apart. I mean, once we are out of Academy, I will have to do a intern rotation at a hospital, you will be here in Ponyville doing your probationary period.”

His ears laid back and he pushed his face into the orange pegasus’ muzzle lightly. “We will make it work, Scoot. I can catch the train every weekend, or something.”

Pinkie Pie was the one to mutter, in a voice that sounded like she was straining to hold in every bit of joy she had. “Look, under your hoof!”

Everyone turned to look, even the ones that had known what was going on seemed a little surprised. Scootaloo lifted her hoof and saw the slip of paper, picking it up.

“What is—” she read it, then again.

Twilight gave a little huff. “What does it say?” glancing at Pinkie who seemed to know what it said going by her face.

The tangerine, purple-maned filly gulped and then suddenly let out a loud whoop. Leaping into the air with that high pitch buzzing of her wings, the smaller-than-average filly did a triple-hoof kick loop before landing right back where she started with a thud, all much to the surprise of everyone, especially Rumble.

“It's from Doctor Mercy,” she cleared her throat and read out loud.

“Miss Scootaloo, after having been approached by a concerned citizen. It was brought to my attention you were to enter the Paramedic program. We here at Ponyville Mercy Hospital believe it is high time we have a locally trained Paramedic and EMT crew.”

She sniffled some and continued.

“So, in accordance with that, this note is to let you know that upon graduation from the Academy, with honors I must insist. You will spend your internship here, as a member of the Mercy Hospital crew. We look forward to seeing you then. Yours, Doctor Mercy Heart.”

That was it. Pinkie Pie had held it in long enough, perhaps too long. As Rumble and Scoot grabbed each other in a embrace, she exploded! Almost quite literally the reality defying earth pony leapt into the air and went off with a huge kaboom.

Confetti and streamers shot into the room in a massive cloud of color. Much to the amusement of her friends and everyone else watching on.

Applejack leaned over and said in a half whisper to Twilight, who stood next to her. “You think that Pink...”

Suddenly, Pinkie was there, in both of their faces and grinning widely. “No spoilers!” and stuffed a single cupcake each into both their open, surprised maws.

Spinning to look at the five friends hugging and showing each other their letters. “Now we get to party!”

It was, as Pinkie Pie parties go, one to be remembered for a long time.

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