• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,704 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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38 - It's the small things

Rescue glanced up from the inventory of the drug box on hearing a few ponies talk, seeing Pip and Diamond walking up the driveway of the station side by side. He could not help but smile at that. They looked just right together.

Summer was here, and as he watched them approach, it was with a little sadness too, for they were growing up. Three years ago, they had lost a friend, and three years ago the pony responsible had paid a price for that crime. It had changed things immensely. The generation in front of him had been forced to grow up a little faster than they should have.

He called out, seeing them in their Explorer uniforms. He did so not as a father, but as Chief. “Good morning, Junior Chief, Junior Captain.”

Both looked up, and both smiled. It was still good to see the big draft stallion even if Pip saw him every day, and Diamond almost the same. The truth of the matter is, over the last three years, they had spent more and more time at each other's side.

“Good morning, Chief! Reporting for duty. What is on our docket for the day?” The pink filly spoke with a smile on her face.

She wasn’t the same little foal he met five years ago when he moved to this town. She was confident, strong, and life had started to turn her into a mare. She had a small growth spurt, bigger now, not as big as a full-grown mare, but one could start to see where she would be in a few short years.

Turning his head to look at the Trottingham-born paint pony, he too had grown, now shoulder-to-shoulder with the filly next to him. Pip had filled out some, while both Ailan and Rescue had watched it happen. He was going to be shorter than most stallions by an inch or two, however, he made up for it in bulk, not fat, but muscle. Already at his age he could out-pull most adult unicorns, and Rescue had no doubt at all when he reached full adulthood. He would be able to keep up with all but the biggest draft stallions in strength and stamina.

“Dia, I need you to help Ice this morning with the stock inventory. Pip, dishes need to be done, then do a bed check. Once you have that done, harness up.”

He grinned a bit, knowing Pip’s favorite thing in the world to do, while it was work, was also his joy. Even before he said it, he could see the colt’s eyes light up.

“I need to you take the hauling wagon down to the farmer's market. Do the shopping for the week, and stop in at the train station, there is a delivery of new hoses waiting on the loading dock.”

Pip’s smile almost ate his whole face up. “Yes, sir!” and he was gone, up the stairs to start his work. Diamond looked over to where he had run, then back up at the tall draft stallion before her.

“He won’t say it out loud, Chief, but when you trust him to do things like this alone, it means a lot to him.”

Rescue offered a wise smile to the very observant pink filly. “I know, Dia, and I also know he and you, heck, all of the Explorers are growing up far too fast,” his ears wilted some.

She shook her head as she walked past him heading for the little office under the stairs. “You and my father sound the same. Oh, daddy would like me to remind you, it is your turn to bring snacks tonight for the poker game.”

Rolling his eyes, he gave a nod back. “A pony forgets one time, one time, and it's a lifetime of nagging,” but his tone was good-natured. The poker game had started a few years ago, a thing to get some friends together. Now, it was a once-a-month regular. It was Applejack, Big Mac, Filthy Rich, Bon Bon, Ice, and himself. Once or twice a year, others would drift in and out, but that was the core group that played. Never for bits, always just for fun.

Life in Ponyville isn't so bad, he thought to himself as he turned back to the brown drug box and closed it up. He needed to take the rescue wagon over to Mercy this morning and restock on a few things. Turning to walk over to slip his harness on, he took note of a walleyed-grey pegasus mare coming in for a landing, wincing as she slammed down like she always did.

“Good morning, Chief!” she said with a smile as warm and genuine as any could be. She always greeted him with her head turned slightly right so she could focus on him. Some more foolish pony that met her took this as a sign of her not being all-together smart. However, he knew better, she was perhaps one of the smarter ponies he'd ever met, for she had figured out how to be happy in life, something so few ever completely solve.

“Good morning, Mrs. Hooves, how are you?”

Walking out to the driveway to meet her, Rescue watched her turn her head and tug out a stack of letters tied with a single string together and offer it out to him. Once her mouth was clear, she spoke again.

“Doing great! Thank you, Chief. Time and I wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful dresser you and Ailan got my Muffin for her birthday. It fit in her room just perfect and looks great in there!”

He chuckled, setting the stack of letters to balance on his back. “Mrs. Hooves, nothing to it. We've got a new one, and Applejack thought with a bit of work refinishing it, it would make a great gift.”

She gave a nod. “Well, we are still thankful to all of you for it. Making ends meet on a mailpony salary and what Time brings in, when you have a filly growing up faster than you can keep up, it's not easy.”

Her ears perked. “Oh! By the way, Jim over at the train station asked me to remind you there is a shipment of things on the dock waiting for you!”

With a smile and a nod of his head, he replied. “I just gave Pip his duty for the day, including picking that all up.”

She perked and then lowered her ears a bit. “Can you believe they are all going to be starting tenth grade when summer ends?”

He exhaled softly and shook his head, glancing back into the building. “No, it just seems time is flying by, and I wish I could make it slow down.”

She gave a little sound in her throat almost like a giggle. “You and me both, Chief. Oh, see you at the game tonight?”

He turned and looked. “Gracing us with your presence, Mrs. Hooves? I will have to hide the snacks then,” his grin warm and friendly.

She snorted. “Like that worked last time,” before she took off to continue her route.

Rescue laughed lightly, grabbing up the stack of mail and back into the station.


Pip smirked as he watched Rumble get locked into a headlock by Scootaloo.

“What are you going to do now!?” she said as everypony else sitting around Sugarcube Corner laughed. The warm, light laugh of the pink filly next to him made the paint’s heart beat faster. It seemed lately just her voice did that to him, he had no clue why.

“Okay, okay, Scoots, I give, yes, I love you!”

This of course had every filly there give a little ‘D'awww’ sound and most the colts snicker. Scootaloo let the other pegasus go and hugged him tight, but no pony could miss the the blush on her cheeks.


The pegasus colt tucked his head down and nuzzled the top of the purple-maned filly. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

Diamond looked around. “Anyone see where Silver went?”

Dinky looked up from where she was sitting, with a few of the other school ponies. “I saw her go outside,” she gestured toward the door.

Diamond blinked. It was unlike Silver to slip out without saying goodbye. She got up and poked Pipsqueak with her hoof. “Come on.”

Sweetie Belle, currently half laying across a bench with her head resting on Spike’s leg, lifted her head. “Ooh, going to smooch more?”

Spike chuckled as did several others. Spike had grown as well, he was now almost eye-to-eye with Twilight. He was strong, but still the kind and loving drake. He had his arm around the white unicorn.

Diamond blushed and gave a little snort. “No... maybe.”

Pips ears lifted up at the last part, of course he got that goofy grin any colt in love gets. This in turn made a few of the other colts laugh lightly.

Walking outside with her coltfriend at her side, Diamond looked around a bit. “Where could she—” pausing. Pip heard it, too. Voices around the corner of the building. It sounded like Silver and... someone else?

Both poked their heads around the corner. Diamond, however, was not prepared for what she saw. The gray filly was locked in a rather deep and clearly pretty serious kiss... with Apple Bloom! Pip, on the other hoof, just stayed there, nothing to say other than a little noise in his throat.

“S-Silver?” the pink earth pony said. This had the effect of the two fillies shoving away from each other, both sputtering and almost as a duet blurted out

“I-it's not what you think!”

Not one of the four said another word, instead simply stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. It was Diamond who did something first, looking behind them, she made sure no one was coming, and then shoved Pip into the alley and slipped in behind him. She could see her best friends both blushing hard, looking... ashamed.

“Dia, it's not what you think you saw. I mean, okay, perhaps it is, I—”

Diamond cut Silver off with a hoof lifted up. She tilted her head some.

“Just...tell me, how long have you two been seeing each other?” sounding more upset by the secret than seeing two fillies kiss.

Apple Bloom gave a exhale. “About a year now. Just happened, we was doing homework one night, an' got ta talking and well...”

Pip put a hoof on Diamond’s leg. “Are you angry at them?”

All three went silent watching the pink filly, before she said. “No. Well, kind of, because, we are all friends. I am a little hurt you couldn’t tell us.”

Silver spoke up. “Diamond, we can’t risk Applejack hearing about it. I mean, sure, she is okay with Bon Bon and Lyra, but—”

Pip spoke up. “Applejack would never think a bad thought, she would be happy you two found each other. She might lecture you about going slow and stuff. Heck, she did with us and we are not even her foals.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Ain’t like that, but if Applejack found out, then Granny would know and, well, you know how she is about that.”

All of them frowned slightly, Diamond pondered a bit then spoke up.

“Okay, we keep it a secret... for now. However, you two have to come clean sooner or later. I think you should talk to Rescue or Bon Bon first and let them help you.”

She paused and then gave a soft smile looking at her two best friends. “Do... you two really love each other?”

Watching them look at each other's faces, they both smiled very lightly and looked back at the paint colt and pink earth pony. Silver said in a very sure voice tone.

“We do, Dia, we really do.”

Diamond smiled just a bit. “Cool, we can double-date for the prom!” Silver letting out a giggle at that and soon the two besties were gabbing back and forth. Apple Bloom moved over to where Pipsqueak was, both watching them.

“Ah got a bad feeling 'bout this.”

Pip nodded in turn. “So do I, Apple Bloom, so do I.”

Author's Note:

And so, Arc 4 starts

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