• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,711 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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41 - Investigation

Equestria Fire Department

Official Inquire: 1025-12-A Transcript and Witness Interviews (TWI)
Interviewing Officer: <Redacted by order of crown> *#*all Transcripts of IO removed
Status: Top Secret by order of Crown

Crash’s Point-of-View

“The Chief’s shout had me moving before I felt him grab me. He was strong, far stronger than I was. I felt him throw me with all his might. At the same time, I heard the crack of wood giving way.”

“Keeping my wits, I slid on my side, my magic holding the little filly pinned in the bubble shield on my back. However, this afforded me a front row seat to what came next. Plaster dust and wood crashed down, before a beam smashed into the middle of the Chief’s back. All I could do was watch as his eyes went wide in pain. Then he started to fall…”

“There was nothing I could do as I saw it drive him down to the floor. The weak wood under him gave way, and I watched as he crashed out of sight, the big beam following him down into the fire. “

“I had to move, I had to get help, I had to…”

Discord’s Point-of-View

“Isn’t it odd how you ponies think you need to understand everything that happens in your world? Isn’t the wonder and mystery enough for any of you?” Discord waved his lion paw in the air.

“I suppose in this case it is justified. So, as I was saying, the sound of cracking wood was heard even over the roar of the fire and the hoses spewing water onto the blaze. In truth, I almost broke my vow to the powers that be. However, well... that is what you are here for.”

He cleared his throat.


Outside, the sound meant only one thing. The house was coming down. All teams backed away, but kept the water pumping. Ice already had Sterling on the litter and was pulling him back with his wife clinging on, both looking at the house in horror.

Bull shouted at the house. “Come on, Chief, MOVE!”

Then, the roof caved in with a huge spire of embers and smoke rushing out into the air. Even that could not outdo the scream.

It was Pinkie Pie, her mouth open, and a unholy scream of pure rage and anguish came out of the pink party pony. Her eyes lit up white as the moon, and from her chest poured pink light. Some split off and slammed into Twilight who was to her right, then Rarity to her left.

Like the party pony, their eyes went white, and light the color of their cutie marks shot out from their chests as if from their very hearts. Rainbow Dash’s seemed to rise up, wings spread wide, as it too took her. The light raced across the road, where it again struck two of the remaining Elements of Harmony.

Fluttershy, who was holding a pink filly, tried to console Diamond. The butter-yellow pegasus' head shot up and her light joined the rest.

Last was the proud apple mare, locked holding the midpoint of a hose backing her brother up. Her chest lit up as the rest, and her magic raced out.

All of this happened so fast. It wasn't any wonder no one had seen Kevin, running at full speed. He had left his post at the pump controls the moment the sound of wood cracking had filled the air, wings buzzing as he headed for the home, trying to get to his Chief and his team mate. Backdraft and two others trying to stop him, was just yards from the front door, when the light hit him.

In a glow that blinded almost all watching for a fraction of a second, he grew. A changeling proved his love for others, that he was not just a love eater. Never before had any drone had such power fill him. Even Queen Chrysalis could not have hoped to match such strength.

So fate moved a pawn in its game, a black, carapace covered pawn. For that moment in time, the pawn, that most simple of pieces on the board, became the mighty knight.

Kevin’s body arched and he grew, shifting into a shape no changeling should ever be able to reach. Up into the air he stretched, neck elongating, mouth and face stretching, huge black membrane wings spread out, nearly twice the width of the house before it. Green balefire leaked from around its fangs, and it roared.

Huge powerful front claws ripped into the house. Wood snapped, and glass shattered. For Kevin, in that moment, powered by the very Elements of Harmony was given the most terrible of forms. He had taken on the form of an elder dragon.

Spike, clinging to Sweetie Belle who had let out a terrified scream at the sound of the house starting to collapse, could only watch on with amazement, for what should not be, was.

The dragon's form ripped the house asunder, the front of it like snapping a toothpick for the huge creature. All around, ponies could not say a thing. None screamed, none ran, all sat in shock.


“Now, let me make this clear. I was not shocked by the form little Kevin had taken, nor the fact the Elements had been brought in play. I was simply amazed that... Back to my story, yes?”


Out of the house, held in the carapace scaled dragons claw, lay a dark brown pony. Even as the creature turned and lay him down on the ground, ponies were in motion, their shock broken.

The six, the saviors of Equestria time and time again, ceased their glow. Their eyes returned to normal and all six hit the ground in a slump as if passing out.

Kevin, in that same time, returned to his normal form, nearly two stories up. He fell, however out of nowhere, Thunderlane caught him, inches from the ground, rolling to absorb the impact with his back and wings. The Pegasus's legs around the unconscious changeling to hold him safe to his barrel.

While everypony rushed to help the girls and assist as they could with Rescue, Sterling Silver saw an ash and ember-covered angel step from the fire, just as the rest of the building started to collapse. Flames and smoke billowed out around the pony. Bore on his back, a gray little filly who coughed and hacked as she was brought over and quickly laid on the stallions lower half.

Nearby, Bull lifted his ears, hearing something that made him frown.


“What was that, my dear pony? Oh well. I guess he heard me say something. What was it? Well, I said…”

Discord took a sip of tea from a cup that simply appeared out of thin air.

“And they told me to not meddle anymore.”

Pinkie Pie's Point-of-View

“Well, of course I remember, silly. I was watching the fire ponies do their job, and pondering what kind of cake I should make for the ‘congratulations on saving Silver Spoon’ party when the sound caught my ear. Then I was like..." She gasped. "Because it suddenly hit me. Somepony was going to break a Pinkie promise! Well, that is just the worst thing you can do, because you can lose a friend forever if you do that.”

She paused to take a breath.

“I... don’t really remember much after that. I remember waking up on the ground, and I remember seeing the emergency wagon rush off, and them air lift Chi—”

Suddenly her once-poofy mane flattened some. “I don’t want to talk about that anymore, okay?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle Point-of-View

“No, I am sorry. There is just nothing else any of us can add. We have all gone over it a thousand times. From the moment Pinkie screamed, to when we woke up. None of us remember a thing.”

She frowned some at that.

“The Elements have never done that before. I spoke at length with many scholars already, and this was a first. I really have no theory yet as to why.”

She tilted her head some.

“But that doesn’t mean I won’t have one soon. I am going to work on this as much as I can. We need to understand the Elements better.”

Inquire note: All remaining interview notes taken <Redacted by order of crown>

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Inquire Closed

Determination: Closed
Findings: <Redacted by order of crown>

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