• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,238 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...

Zombies aren't real! Right?

Before the test with SCP-008, Twilight went and retrieved 2 other Class-D's. One was a male pony, and the other was a female griffin.
They headed to the heavy containment zone. Twilight attempted to enter, but the door wouldn't accept her keycard. Shining later told her that Level 3's and up can access the Heavy Containment.

They reached it's chamber. The sign read:


Object Class: Euclid

Biological Hazard

"Stand here." Shining ordered the Class-D's. They stood at the door.
Him and Twilight went inside the observatory room. Shining pressed a button on the control panel. This caused the door to open.

Shining picked up the intercom.
"All Class-D personnel, enter the containment chamber." he said. D-9341 and, the girl griffin what Twilight had realized was D-2176, entered.
"Where's the other one?" Twilight asked. The other Class-D had not entered.
Shining picked up the intercom once again. "Subject D-8554, enter the containment chamber or you will be terminated." he said angrily.

Twilight could see D-8554, the pony, with a blue coat, with a blue mane, rolling his blue eyes outside.

"This is your last warning! You have 5 seconds to comply!" he yelled.

D-8554 chuckled.

Shining nodded towards the guard in the room.
"Shoot him once. If he doesn't comply, shoot him again. If he still disobeys, he will be designated for termination." he told the guard.

"Yes sir." the guard went out of the room. Twilight could hear faint yelling. Then, a *POP*.

Not long after, D-8554 walked into the chamber, clutching his arm from a bloody gunshot wound.

"Please approach SCP-008 for testing."

D-9341, D-2176, and D-8554 approached what seemed to be a pipe like object, with a built in plate in the middle. A type of gas rose from the plate.

"D-2176, please put one claw in the plate and touch SCP-008."

D-2176, with slight hesitation, placed her claw into the plate.

"How do you feel, D-2176?"

Shining placed the sound transmission on, so he could hear her answer.
"Uh...nothing...um...ugh..." D-2176 said weakly.
"You look sick. Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I..I feel...like throwing up..." she said with a cough. D-9341 and D-8554 looked at each other. They both backed away, sensing danger.

"I f-feel...like I'm...dying...*gak*..." D-2176 falls to the ground.
D-9341 and D-8554 slowly walk towards her corpse. D-9341 nudges her body with a push of his hole-ridden foot.

Shining whispers something to the guard. Shining hands his pistol to the guard. The guard nods and leaves the room. Shining opens the door.
The guard hands D-9341 Shining's pistol. He quickly hurries out before Shining closes the door again.


"Wha-" D-8554 says. "Did...did she just move?"

D-2176's corpse moves it's shoulder. Then, it get's up on it's knees. Twilight gets spots D-2176's face. It's almost...feral.

"Subject D-2176 is to be referred to as SCP-008-2 from now on." Shining says into the intercom.

D-2176...or, SCP-008-2....is standing up. She starts walking slowly towards D-9341 and D-8554. They both quickly run away to the corner of the room.

D-9341 takes out the pistol that was given to him earlier. He aims at SCP-008-2's chest. He yells at her to stay calm. Then, he fires.

SCP-008-2 staggers. But quickly resumes position and keeps on going to the Class-D's.

With SCP-008-2 closing in, and her brother remaining emotionless, Twilight had to do something. Anything.

With the least amount of thinking she's ever done in her life, Twilight did something drastic. Stupid, even.

She opened the door.

Shining noticed almost immediately. So did the Class-D's.

D-9341 dashed out of the room faster than Rainbow would. D-8554 was coming behind fast as well, but tripped on his way out.

Unfortunately, SCP-008-2 was already close enough. 008-2 leaped onto D-8554's body and started to eat him. D-8554 screamed and hollered.

Sickening crunches were heard as Shining immediately closed the door.

"Test over." Shining said. He opened the door to collect D-9341, who's eyes were as wide as pizzas. Poor changeling.

"I'll take him back to his cell." Shining told her. He seemed furious. That was understandable.

Before leaving, Twilight stayed to read SCP-008's file, which was lying on the table:

Item #: SCP-008

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-008 samples have been deemed Class V extreme biological hazards, and all related protocols apply. Incineration and irradiation measures will be deployed in the event of political or military action which may result in the facility being dismantled; a power failure; or zero communications from operatives or outside channels during any given eight hour period.

The quarantine period for operatives leaving the facility is four months. If a breach has occurred, incineration and irradiation measures shall be deployed. It should be the policy of all G2 sites to not prepare an evacuation procedure.

Description: SCP-008 is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future. Traits of the SCP-008 prion include:

-100% infectiousness.
-100% lethality.
-Transmission through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids.
-Not airborne or waterborne.
Symptoms of infection with SCP-008 manifest no more than three hours after exposure, and include:

-Flu-like symptoms with high fever, plus severe dementia in later stages.
-Coma onset approximately 20 hours after first symptoms appear and 12 hours after noticeable dementia. Coma onset will be considered onset of death.
-A period of sporadic cellular necrosis occurs which comes to resemble gangrene. Surviving tissue assumes its original function and is highly resilient.
-Red blood cells greatly increase oxygen storage capacity, resulting in slower blood flow and increased muscle endurance and strength.
-Nervous and muscular systems are unaffected by total organ failure for several hours.
-Metabolism may decrease to extremely low levels, allowing subject to survive for over 10 years without nutrition.
-High blood viscosity results in negligible blood flow from gunshot, puncture, and slashing injuries.
-Conditioned behavior, motor controls, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are damaged, and cognitive abilities are severely retarded and erratic. Animals experience excessive brain necrosis and are inactive.
-Subject can adapt to its damaged nervous systems but is limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on two legs, walking, biting, grabbing, and crawling. Subject will energetically move towards sights, sounds, and smells it associates with living humans. -Subject will attempt to ingest living individuals if physical contact is made.
-Neutralizing fully-infected subjects requires significant cranial trauma.

There is strong evidence to suggest SCP-008 itself did not form naturally in Equestria, since variants of similar complexity would have displaced much of the ecosystem. In 1959, a short collaborative effort with the UGSR to locate G2 sites and eliminate SCP-008 was negotiated following their discovery. The status of SCP-008 in Griffin custody since collaboration ended is unknown.

Addendum 008-1: SCP-500 has been found to be able to completely cure SCP-008 even in the advanced stages of the disease.

"Cadance," Twilight asked her, who was sipping a coffee in the cafeteria, which she would bet her life on was from SCP-294. "I just read the file on SCP-008. I was wondering..."

"What were you wondering?" Cadance asked her.

"Could you take me to SCP-500?"

Author's Note:

I gotta say, this was pretty brutal to write.
By the way, for the document on SCP-008, I just copied and pasted it from the wiki.
I'm allowed to do that, right? I don't wanna get sued or anything like that.
Also, USGR=The Union of Griffin Socialist Republics.