• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,238 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...

Wouldn't Wanna be Buried in That.

After that test, Twilight was pretty shaken up. She wanted to see an SCP that was not.....lethal.

"What's wrong?" Cadance asked as she registered Twilight as a level 2 researcher.

"That changeling......I just saw him die of a heart attack." Twilight said quietly.

"Don't feel bad, Twilight. It wasn't your fault. How would you know that he would flip to a lethal page?"

"I just....I think that....it was my fault...."

"What!? Twilight, don't you think that! It wasn't your fault!" Cadance exclaimed.

"Why would the page "Cardiac Arrest" be in a disease book!? Everyone knows that those are cases of organ failures!" Twilight said, almost shouting.

"I don't know. But you did not make him choose that page." Cadance assured her.

".......Yeah." Twilight said quietly.

"Good. Now, put this on." Cadance handed her a researcher outfit. An orange tie and a white shirt and pants.

"We're going to SCP-895's next. Need to file a report." Shining said.

Hopefully this won't be too bad, Twilight thought.

On the way, Shining beckoned Rarity, and told Rainbow Dash and Applejack to stand guard. They both had assault rifles, and wore the standard gear that guards wear. The only thing missing was their helmet and visor.

They went to the Heavy Containment Zone, and soon reached another chamber. The sign beside the door read:


Object Class: Euclid


Beside this information was a picture of an ordinary coffin. It looked to be made of oak. It looked like something that could be made by an earth pony.

Shining entered his keycard, which read "Level 3". It was an orange colour.

They were lead into a room with a staircase that lead far down. A room beside them consisted of a security monitoring station. One of the monitors showed SCP-895. It stood motionless at the bottom. Why was it so abnormal? Twilight thought.

"If your wondering, SCP-895 cause hallucinations and disruptions in video. It can also cause severe psychological trauma and hysteria in most subjects. So, in short, if you see anything disturbing or strange through the camera feed, it's normal." Cadance said.

Wow, Twilight thought. That was simplified quickly.

"Is there anything inside of it?" Twilight asked.

"No." Shining said. "We sent a Mobile Task Force unit to retrieve it. They opened it, and their headsets bugged out."

"Geez. How was it discovered?"

"At the mortuary, security camera's had disruptions. We questioned the staff, and as it turns out, nobody knew who, when or how it was transferred. So we bag and tagged it, and know it's here." Shining said matter-of-factly.

"Interesting. No...marks or signage?"

"Nope. We checked that a loooong time ago."

"Can I see it?"

This question shocked them both Cadance and Shining.

"I don't think so, Twily." Shining said, being her protective big brother as always. "I don't want to give you a Class-A amnesiac."

"Um...okay...but why can't I just go down? Only cameras can affect me whilst looking at it."

"Well...." Shining said. He was a bit...overprotective of his sister.

"Pleeaasse?" Twilight asked extra little sister-like.

"Well, okay. But the second you feel strange, I'm calling it quits. Got it?"

"Got it."

Twilight went, alone, down to the object. It was a long, spiraling stairway.

When Twilight got to the bottom, she saw another guard. "Excuse me, would you step out for a minute? I'm conducting an experiment."

"Sorry miss, I can't do that." the guard said. "Someone has to be guarding this place at all times."

"Can't you make an exception?"

"Nope. 05's orders."

Twilight sighed, and started through.

The coffin loomed before her. It was nothing out of the order, just a normal, oak coffin.

The intercom started up. "Can you hear me, Twily?" her brothers voice sounded.

"Yeah. What now?"

"Okay, I should probably be seeing some strange stuff on the camera feed."


"Uh, oh. Here it co- Oh. Oh! OH!" her brother screamed over the intercom.

Twilight ran out of the room. "Are you okay?" she called out up the stairwell.

No answer.

"Sir?" the security guard called.

"I'm fine." his voice called back. "SCP-895's security feed affecting properties just happened. Caught me by surprise, is all."

"Okay... I think I'm ready to come up now. This thing scares me. And I'm not just saying that. I'm afraid of it." Twilight said.

"....Alright. Come on up."

Twilight head up the stairs. The metal clanged under her hooves as she walked.

"You okay?" her brother asked as he came out of the control room.

"Yeah. I'm fine." she said.

"Okay. Just-just take it easy, alright?" he told her.

"Got it." Twilight said.

"Want me to order you a coffee?"

"No thank you. I'll just have some tea."

"Okay. Oh, by the way, there's a Euclid-class SCP that I can show you."


"In the cafeteria."

Author's Note:

Here we go. A "famous" SCP is coming up. Can anyone guess?
I'll give you a hint.
Test: Something to Destroy 682.
Result: Boom.
SCP: SCP-294