• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,238 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

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Cadance's Notes

After Twilight had taken a well-deserved break(with the help of SCP-294), Twilight was ready to continue her exploration of this facility. She suddenly remembered she forgot her clipboard in SCP-178's observatory room.

She headed back to the chamber and picked up her clipboard. But something caught her eye.

Cadance's notebook lay on the table. Seems like she forgot it when she helped Twilight with "removing" the specs.

I guess I'll just take a peek at her notes, Twilight thought.

Twilight picked it up and began to read:

Name: Dr. Cadance with Dr. Sparkle assisting.

Date: 4/23/2015

Procedure: Class-D test subjects are to be placed in containment chamber and are to be instructed to put on SCP-178. Subject is to report what they observe, and then they will hand it over to the other Class-D to wear. Second subject is to report what they see, and hand it back over to Subject 1, when then, they will attempt to interact/speak with them.

Subject D-1325 is a 26 year old male grey-coated pony of Las Pegasus descent. Subject was incarcerated for an attempted murder charge. Subject has no abnormal mental or physical health properties. Subject has a large tattoo of a black streak of fire on the left side of his face. D-1325 is referred to as "Subject 1".

Subject D-7096 is a 21 year-old female changeling of Axlarian descent. Subject has no mental or physical abnormalities, although the subject has a red left eye and a right green eye. Subject was incarcerated for multiple fraud charges to the North Axlarian Chess Organization(NACO). Subject is referred to as "Subject 2".

Subject 1, D-1325 and Subject 2, D-7096 are placed in testing chamber and Subject 1 is instructed to put on SCP-178 by Dr. Sparkle. Subjects are not told of SCP-178's true nature.

Subject 1 states unpleasantness towards testing. Subject persuaded by Dr. Sparkle to put SCP-178 on. Subject 1 refuses and states that the test is a "stupid social experiment". Dr. Sparkle attempts to persuade Subject 1 for the third time to put on SCP-178.

Subject insults Dr. Sparkle and Dr. Sparkle reminds Subject 1 that uncooperative behavior are grounds for terminated. Subject 2 persuades Subject 1 to follow instructions. Subject 1 gives a look of repulse, but puts on SCP-178.

Upon putting on SCP-178, Subject expresses fear and looks towards D-7096, who is in front of the observatory room. Subject 1 shouts "Holy [EXPLETIVE]! Oh god, it's right behind you!" Subject 1 points behind Subject 2, who reports that there is nothing present behind subject. Subject 1 expresses disbelief towards Subject 2.

Dr. Sparkle instructs Subject 1 to describe what they see. Subject reports entity as "hideous", and has "too many eyes". Dr. Sparkle instructs Subject 1 to remove SCP-178. Subject complies with instructions.

Dr. Sparkle instructs Subject 2 to put on SCP-178. Subject 2 hesitantly puts on SCP-178. Subject 2 reacts much the same way as Subject 1. Subject 1, however does not see the entity in the same location as Subject 1 reported. Subject 2 acts nervously and informs Dr. Sparkle that the entity is behind her. Dr. Sparkle expresses fear and turns around to look. Dr. Sparkle reports nothing is there. Subject 2 disagrees.

Dr. Sparkle instructs Subject 2 to describe what they see. Subject 2 describes the entity as a being with multiple eyes and a smooth head. Subject 2 also describes the entity as a victim of a "really badly botched plastic surgery job".

Dr. Sparkle asks if they can attempt to speak with the entity. Subject 1 volunteers. Subject 1 walks over to where they reported the entity last. Subject asks, "Hey. Weird thing. What's up with your face."

Almost immediately, cuts and lacerations start appearing on the Subject's torso. Subject dies of critical wounds after 4 seconds of being attacked. Subject 2 expresses fear and runs for the door. Subject attempts to open the door from inside the chamber, which is impossible, as the door control system is in the observatory room.

Subject expresses extreme fear and screams "No! Get away!" Subject begins receiving multiple cuts and lacerations on their left leg. Dr. Sparkle expresses a look of remorse and opens the door to the chamber. Subject 2 is apprehended by a guard and taken to the medical ward. Subject 1's corpse is sent for an autopsy.

Subject 1 was treated of her injuries and is currently being given psychological evaluation.

That was crazy! At least we know that these entities given off by SCP-178 are easily angered. We will definitely need more testing to confirm that these things are harmful to those who wear it. But one thing bothers me: how come when Subject 2 put on the glasses, they did not report seeing the same entity in the location that Subject 1 saw the entity? Perhaps whoever puts them on, they perceive the entities in their own way. Definitely more research needed.
-Dr. Cadance

Note: Subject D-7096 is not to be terminated, due to her co-operation with research and security staff. She will be administered Class-D amnesiac and will be sent to the public, by the order of Dr. Cadance.