• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,715 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 8: Party Planning

“Discord, this is so amazing. I never knew your magic could do things like this,” a smiling Fluttershy remarked as she walked through her garden and gazed at the sight of the flowers swaying in a dance and the vegetable plants juggling their different pieces of produce and the grass flickering all different colors in the breeze and her bird bath shooting up streams of water in various animal shapes. Farther along near her animal pens, the chickens were out doing a cancan line together and pecking the ground between kicks, her songbirds were warbling a chaotic yet beautiful song, and her flying squirrels and other assorted little mammals were all playing on a little levitating Ferris Wheel Discord had set up for them that spun in all different directions and even rose up and down at times but never dropped a single rider.

Discord, meanwhile, was lazing about on his stomach atop a fluffy pink cotton candy cloud just above all of the chaos, munching a bit of the cloud’s fluff and grinning, a sort of hazed if proud look in his eyes. “I’m very glad you like it, Fluttershy. Do you think fun little things like this will be good for the Gala and for showing other ponies that chaos can be just as helpful and enjoyable to others as it is to me?”

Fluttershy nodded, catching in her mouth and eating a cherry tomato which a juggling plant had just tossed to her. “I think things like this will be a wonderful surprise for everyone from you, Discord, at the Gala or anytime. I’ve never seen you make such fun and friendly chaos. I know everyone will love it.”

Discord chuckled to himself. “Good. I just want to impress Celestia.” He swallowed and casually (if quickly) went on, “I mean, you know…Celestia and everypony else.” He glanced down a little, his smile growing a touch sheepish.

“Are you going to be doing this much magic all night long?” Fluttershy asked, flying up to observe closer her little animals enjoying the floating Ferris Wheel. “It would be very nice and entertaining, but it also might get a little tiring for you. Plus you’d want to make sure to have enough time to focus on Princess Celestia.” Fluttershy turned back to Discord and smiled a little more.

Discord smiled back at her but shook his head. “Oh, don’t worry, I probably won’t even use magic during the Gala unless I’m pressed or the right situation presents itself. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy making myself even more of a star attraction at this thing than I’m already going to be, but I’m really starting to look forward to just having a relaxing, enjoyable evening with my friends. I’m just doing so much magic now because I…guess I’m just feeling in a magical mood this morning, is all.” He chuckled to himself again, a far away look in his eye.

Fluttershy turned and flew over to him, smiling in interest. “Well, that’s good to hear. Have you been sleeping better, Discord?”

“Well…” Discord glanced to the side, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly again, “Let’s just say that I’ve been getting more comfortable with my sleeping habits.”

“And your dreams are better?” Fluttershy asked kindly, sitting down on the lawn and looking up at him, her tone still full of its usual sincerity and caring.

Discord swallowed, blushing just a little. “In a manner of speaking.” He let out a breath and a special grin couldn’t help coming to his features. “It’s more than just dreams or sleeping though. I…well…” He glanced down at her, then rested his head on his paw. “If I tell you something, will you keep it just between us, dear Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course, Discord. You have my word as your friend.”

Discord smiled more and then turned on his pink cloud to gaze up (conveniently, at the sun). “I’ve stumbled upon the most deliciously chaotic thought since yesterday. It’s so surreal, so insane, so utterly outrageous that it’s just…tickling me. Hmm…” He chuckled, his cloud suddenly sprouting little feathers to tickle his sides. He snapped, making them disappear. “I feel like I could make the most absurd and delightful magic all day long and never get tired or bored.” He tilted his head back to look at Fluttershy upside down with a big smile. “Is there anything you want, Fluttershy, anything you need? However insane or simple it is, just say the word and I promise to snap it up and with flair. I feel like I’m bursting with magic.” He snapped his fingers, making his head burst open like a party balloon for a moment with streamers and confetti and a squee sound. Then with a flash of magic, his head magically reappeared and he was grinning down at her all the more..

Fluttershy’s smile grew and she laughed a little at his trick. “Discord, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so happy. Oh, but…I don’t need anything else. All of this has been so much and wonderful. But, could I ask, what was your chaotic thought that made you so happy?” She raised an eyebrow in interest.

Discord blinked, picking his head back up to hide it from her a little as he blushed. “Oh it’s…it’s nothing.” He turned on his stomach again, looking down to play with the surface of his cloud with his claw. “I mean, it’s something, of course. But it’s just…a little too chaotic to share.” He sighed and added in a mumble, “I don’t even think you would believe me if I told you.”

Fluttershy frowned a little but then smiled in understanding. “Of course I would believe you, Discord. But if it’s something private, I understand. I’m just glad you found such a happy thought for yourself. You deserve it after everything you’ve been through lately from Tirek to the rumors now about you and Celestia at the Gala.”

Discord cleared his throat. “Erm, yes, well...thank you, Fluttershy.” He smiled again and then lowered his cloud a little to bring them at eye level with one another. “And…Fluttershy, you know I’d share my thought with you, but I’m never going to explain the chaos of it quite right, I think. But the feeling it gives me is pure fascination and pleasure, you know, and I’m glad I could make that fascination and pleasure into something useful and amusing for you, and that I could have a chance to try out some pony pleasing magic.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “I know you’d share with me, Discord. And I’m glad everything’s worked out so well for you today. Oh!” Suddenly from inside a teakettle started whistling one of Fluttershy’s favorite tunes (courtesy of a little enchantment from Discord, of course). She looked to Discord. “I guess the tea and croissants are all ready for breakfast. Should we go inside now and eat, Discord?”

Discord nodded, snapping his fingers and removing his pleasant chaos from the garden and animal pens for the moment. “Yes, let’s Fluttershy, I’m simply famished. I haven’t eaten anything since my lunch yesterday with Celestia.” He snapped his fingers again, making his cloud disappear and landing on the ground.

Fluttershy blinked and smiled more. “You had lunch with Princess Celestia yesterday?”

Discord’s eyes went wide and he froze in mid step. “I…um…well, um…yes.” He cleared his throat, fighting back the urge to blush. “We just kind of stumbled upon each other and decided to have a picnic on the castle grounds. I-It was a late lunch though, and afterwards I felt so tired that I went right to sleep and didn’t wake up until before coming here.” He shrugged, letting out a breath and proceeding to walk toward the cottage.

Fluttershy followed after him. “That sounds very nice, Discord. I think it’s so good that you and Princess Celestia are spending some time together. You seem like you could be such good friends if you got to know each other more.”

Discord looked down, considering and giving a small shrug. “You know…I think so too. We actually had fun together yesterday. Heh…” He rolled his eyes to the side, grinning. “How absurd is that, right?”

Fluttershy just shrugged though. “I don’t think it’s absurd at all, Discord. Sometimes the most unlikely of people can become the best of friends.” She looked down shyly. “That’s how it felt when you and I became friends, but now I can’t imagine not having you around.” She glanced up at him affectionately, hiding a little behind her hair.

Discord just smiled back at her warmly. “And I can’t imagine not having you around either, my dear Fluttershy. And I never want to.” He glanced downward and away, his smile growing a little. “Still though, I think Celestia and I can’t help but have a…slightly more complicated relationship. And it’s not helping that I’m possibly overthinking things too much.” He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as the pair paused in front of Fluttershy’s back door. “I just want her to be happy with me. I-I mean, you know, happy regarding me, not happy together in a situation with me. I mean…you know what I’m saying.” He shrugged and smiled a little sheepishly again at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled warmly up at him, doing her best not to laugh a little as she flew up and opened the door for them. “I think it’s very kind of you to value Princess Celestia’s opinion of yourself so highly. And I’m sure she couldn’t help but be happy with all the progress you’ve made and how much you care about being a good friend to her and making good chaos for her party.”

Discord’s smile threatened to beam for a moment, but he managed to cover it up by scoffing and waving Fluttershy off. “Oh, pfft, yeah, like I value Celestia’s opinion, let alone her opinion of me that much. I just…don’t see any reason not to have her ‘escort plan’ go off without a hitch, and so I want to do a good job of being a good companion to her.” He walked inside after Fluttershy, closing the door behind them. “Speaking of which, I’d really like to call you and the girls together sometime soon for some Gala pointers since you’re all experienced attendees. I really don’t do formal parties much, so any information you ladies could give me on the details of this dance would be helpful. I’d just like to know how to show Celestia a good time from a mare’s perspective, that’s all.” They were in the kitchen now, and Discord took a seat at the kitchen table while at the same time using his magic to make the cutlery and dishes all dance over and set themselves up properly upon the table around the platter of rainbow-colored croissants at the center.

Fluttershy nodded, taking the teakettle in hoof and walking it over to the table. “Of course, Discord. The girls and I would be happy to discuss all of the formal aspects of the Gala with you. Just come by one of our meetings at Twilight’s castle whenever you’re ready, and we can do it there.”

Discord nodded, already munching away on a croissant as he leaned back in his chair. “Wonderful. I’ll appreciate that very much, Fluttershy.” He raised an eyebrow as his little friend poured them both some tea. “You girls are planning to keep up the regular afternoon meetings at Twilight’s castle for a while yet, I’m guessing?”

Fluttershy nodded, taking her seat (and a croissant for herself as well). “Oh yes. There’s just so much to talk about with Twilight’s castle and trying to figure out what she should do now as a princess and trying to understand the Rainbow Power. I think for now we have to have meetings like these…even if sometimes we do waste time a little talking about other things.” She smiled a little sheepishly.

Discord smiled a little more. “Oh, don’t confine yourself to only orderly conversation—it’s dreadfully boring. And I’m glad to hear you’ll all be keeping up with your regular visits to Twilight’s castle. After everything that’s happened and changed lately, I think it means more to our newest little princess than she can say to have the constant of you girls always being at her side.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I understand. And we like being there for Twilight. And…Twilight likes having you around too, Discord, really.” Fluttershy’s smile grew considerably, though she glanced down as though hiding a little secret. “Um…I’m sure she’ll think of a way to show you how much your friendship means to us soon.”

“You’re talking about whatever she’s doing to the throne room, aren’t you, Fluttershy?” Discord couldn’t help grinning a little.

Fluttershy shrugged, looking down more, her voice going very quiet. “Um…maybe…but I’m not supposed to say.” She smiled more to herself though in a happy, all-knowing kind of way. “You should just know that you’re very special to everyone, Discord.”

Discord smiled more and glanced down. “Yes, well…everyone’s becoming pretty special to me as well.”

Fluttershy smiled and looked to Discord fully again. “So, you’re having your first meeting with Rarity later today about your tuxedo, right?”

Discord nodded, rolling his eyes to the side. “Yes, but don’t remind me.” He raised an eyebrow. “Do you think I’ll look completely ridiculous all dressed up by her for the Gala?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Discord, Rarity might not agree with this, but it doesn’t matter how you look—just that you show up and act nice and be the best guest you can be. That’s what matters.”

Discord sighed but nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” He finished his croissant with a satisfied swallow and smile. “Though honestly I’m in such a brilliant mood today that she could poke me and prod me and use me as dress dummy from now until the Gala and I don’t think I’d mind in the lightest.”

Fluttershy laughed. “Discord, I’m sure it’ll be all right. Rarity is very good at what she does.”

Discord sighed and shrugged, still smiling away. “If you say so, Fluttershy, if you say so.”

The pony and the draconequus then proceeded to enjoy the rest of their breakfast and morning together pleasantly.

Later Discord, in need of releasing some of the magical chaos bubbling up inside of him today, left Fluttershy to her tasks for the morning and found himself careening through the open air on a particularly exhilarating flight over Ponyville and the surrounding countryside. He was smiling to himself and musing the whole time, still finding such interest in the strange yet wonderful new chaotic thought that had crossed his mind ever since his ‘date’ with Celestia yesterday and his subsequent dream about a much more intimate outing with her.

“I could actually fall in love with somebody. And it could make me happy! And it could be fun!” He chuckled to himself, doing a twist in the air. “Yes, maybe that’s it—these dreams have nothing to do directly with Celestia at all but just with a new discovery of something I might want now in my life. Love. I could really have that…And it might not have to be stifling or boring or confining as long as I found it with the right person and under the right circumstances. After all, that’s what I used to think friendship was like, but I know so much better now.” He considered, flying on his back. “I’m so much happier these days, so much calmer, so much freer…maybe I could find a special somepon—er, someone. Someone to talk to and be intimate and close with and to really court. It all seemed so nice in my dream with Celestia.” He chuckled to himself. “Oh it was enough of a shock to find that I could make friends and that friendship could make me happy, but this…Oh how chaotic—an in love master of chaos!”

Discord did a loop in the air, just for the fun of it. “Hmm…” his voice lowered a little, “And imagine the sweet extra chaos of it all if the person I fell for did turn out to be Celestia.” He rolled is eyes with a grin, blushing a little. “Of course it won’t turn out to be her. Even I’m not that insane. The princess of the sun, the most perfect mare in Equestria, and me, the sarcastic ne’er-do-well—I think the ponies would revolt. And she really is too orderly for me.” He sighed to himself. “Almost maddeningly orderly, really…” A funny little smile quirked to the side on his face but then quickly went away as he blinked and cleared his throat and continued on in his thoughts. “Oh come now, Discord, don’t get carried away. You’ve discovered that you might like to be in love, and that’s a big thing. Just take it easy, one step at a time. And if the right person comes along…someone a little unusual who can like all of your chaos just as much as you do…then you’ll know. But for now just be glad that your life has turned out this pleasant and that you’ve ended up in such a good place after everything.”

Discord thought some more to himself, diving through the clouds as his mind wandered. “But you know, for now at least, a few more little ‘date’ outings with Celestia might not be such a bad idea if the opportunity presents itself. It would sort of be like practice for courting. I could get my hoof and claw wet, rediscover some of my old charm, get used to being around eligible ladies my own age again. That thousand years in stone couldn’t help but make me a bit rusty after all.” He sighed but then smiled to himself again. “It’s perfect, planning to spend time with Celestia like that. On top of giving me some dating practice, I’ll also get a chance to see if dating is what I really want, and I’ll be able to further cement my friendship with her at the same time. And if she really does turn out to like me in a special way, well, I’ll still let her down gently of course but in the meantime who am I to deny her the thrill of my company for a while?” He nodded to himself. “A brilliant plan as usual, Discord. I amaze myself every time.” He grinned, a daring look coming to his eyes. “And now, since I’m not due at Rarity’s for a bit, I think I’ll fly as fast and as far as I can over all of Equestria just for fun and because I can and because ever since I found friends I’ve felt light as a feather inside and now that I might have found love in me I feel light as the air itself today! Ta ta, Ponyville, I’ll see you soon!” And with that and a wave to the town below, he rocketed off into the distance, leaving behind his familiar surroundings for now for some chaotic fun.

“It’s great that Princess Celestia wanted to see you too, Pinkie Pie. It’s nice to have company on a trip to Canterlot.” Twilight smiled as she and Pinkie headed down one of the main avenues of Canterlot toward Princess Celestia and Luna’s castle on this sunny afternoon.

“Absolutely! Company on a trip is always better than going alone!” Pinkie Pie nodded with a big smile. “And I’m so happy the Princess wants my advice on the party planning! Twilight, I promise you, for your first Gala as a princess, I’ll do everything I can to make this really and truly the best night ever!” Pinkie grinned widely in excitement.

Twilight smiled a touch nervously. “Oh, Pinkie, that’s really nice of you but please don’t go to too much trouble. I just want the night to go smoothly, that’s all.” She looked forward, swallowing. “I’m already a little nervous about so many of the guests looking forward to seeing me, and about helping Princess Luna and Princess Celestia with the hoofshakes. And it’s not helping me feel any less nervous that I’m wearing my crown which is making everypony stare at me all because Celestia wants to try a full dress rehearsal of the hoofshakes.” Twilight kept her eyes forward to the castle, hoping not to further encourage the attention she already couldn’t help attracting. “I’m just glad the party’s going to be organized as in advance as it is. That’ll make me a bit calmer about things.”

“Aw, Twilight,” Pinkie put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder as they trotted along. “Don’t worry about things too much. You’ll do fine being a big deal the party. And shaking hooves is no big deal—I do it all the time, even to total strangers. Watch!” She zipped forward and grabbed a surprised mare’s hoof to shake it. “Howdy do?!” Then she zipped over to a stallion with a top hat and monocle and shook his hoof. “Pleasure to meet you!” Then she zipped over to a young filly and shook her hoof as well. “I hope you’re having a Pinkie-tastic day!” Then she zipped back over to Twilight to keep walking with her. “See, nothing to it. It’s fun saying hello to new ponies like that. And as for worrying about people noticing you too much now in your crown, if you want I could pull out one of my party canons or my one pony band or even my clown costume right now if it would make you feel better. Then people would be staring at me instead of you.” Her smile picked up on one side and her eyes shone with sincerity.

Twilight smiled sincerely (and gratefully) back to her. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie. But that’s all right.” She let out a breath and did her best to hold her head high. “I’m a princess, nothing is going to change that. And I just need to get used to attracting attention.” Her smile grew. “I’m just glad I have you and our friends to keep treating me like a normal pony even if everyone else wants to treat me like I’m something special.”

Pinkie smiled widely again and laughed. “Silly Twilight, of course you’re special! You’re the princess of friendship, duh! No one would know what to do without you—you bring us all closer together.” She shrugged. “Now come on!” They were right near the castle gates, and Pinkie inhaled deeply. “I smell cakes…and pies…and goodies! Ooo maybe Princess Celestia has some catering samples we could try!” She licked her lips. “Let’s go!” And with that she started to bounce forward right through the gates and up to the castle doors.

Twilight just looked after her, smiling warmly. “Thanks, Pinkie,” she whispered softly. Then she shook her head trotted after her friend, calling out, “Right behind you!”

The girls entered throne room soon enough.

A guard cleared his throat. “Announcing the Princess Twilight Sparkle and Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie!”

Twilight and Pinkie stood together in the reception area, and right above them seated in her throne sat Princess Celestia.

Pinkie bowed deeply to the princess. Twilight just stood there awkwardly for a moment rubbing a leg with her hoof and then gave her a small wave. However much she did not want the princess bowing to her, she felt it would take a long time to lose the compulsive urge to bow to the princess herself, especially in the throne room of all places.

Princess Celestia smiled down at them both. Then she cleared her throat and addressed the guard. “Thank you. You may leave us now. We have much to discuss. Oh, and please make sure my sister is coming.” The guard glanced to the side just a touch nervously, a fact which Celestia did not fail to notice. She smiled more and added, “If she really isn’t out of bed yet, don’t trouble yourself to rouse her. Princess Twilight and Pinkie Pie and I will go wake her ourselves unless anyone else wishes to attempt it for us first.”

The guard smiled, letting out a sigh of relief and giving Celestia a salute. “Er, yes, Princess, thank you, Princess.” Then he glanced at the girls, giving a nod of his head to Pinkie and a full bow to Twilight. “Miss Pie…Princess Twilight Sparkle.” And then he was off.

Celestia just smiled and shook her head as she descended from her throne. She looked to the girls again. “Luna will be joining us as I told you in my letter, Twilight. But I’m afraid she’s been a little cranky lately since she keeps having to get woken up during the day for more Gala planning. She’s started making lightning flash and thunder crack whenever any of the guards or maids goes to rouse. I’m afraid I’m running out of people to do it for me.” She laughed warmly to herself as she came to stand before Twilight and Pinkie Pie.

Twilight nodded. “I can understand how the sudden change in her schedule could make Princess Luna upset. I just wish we didn’t have to inconvenience her so much. I know this is her first Gala in a while, so it must be important to her to be as much a part of it as possible. But she has so much else to do each night that trying to help plan the party during the day must be very exhausting for her.” She furrowed her brow in concern. “If there’s anything I could do to make things easier for her, I’d be more than happy to try. We could even have a meeting at night if you wouldn’t mind, Princess Celestia.” She smiled a little at the idea.

Celestia’s smile brightened considerably at the suggestion. “You know, Twilight, I think that is an excellent idea. A night meeting—it might be fun. And perhaps to make it convenient for everypony, you could just stay over here at the castle for the night with us.”

Twilight’s gaze went very wide. “You mean…like a…sleepover?” Stars practically glistened in her eyes.

Celestia tilted her head to the side at this interesting response, then smiled more and nodded. “Oh, yes, I suppose that’s what it would be like. Hmm…” she brought a hoof to her chin in thought, “Luna and I used to have those all the time when we were younger. It might be fun to try it again. As long as you’d be up for it, Twilight.” She lowered her hoof, awaiting Twilight’s reply (which she had a very good feeling would be in the affirmative).

Indeed, Twilight’s jaw fell open a little and then a big beaming smile came to her face. “Oh yes, yes, yes!” Twilight proceeded to bounce up and down in the air. “I had my first sleepover a few months ago with Rarity and Apple Jack, and even though it didn’t turn out quite like the books said it should, it still all worked out in the end and it was so much fun! And now to have one with you and Princess Luna, I, I, I, I—” Twilight blinked a couple of times, stopped bouncing, suddenly recalled that she wasn’t a filly anymore but a full grown mare princess, and then she took a breath, held out her hoof in front of herself in a calming gesture and managed to get her enthusiasm under control a little. “I mean…I, um…I would be honored to come for a nightly meeting for Princess Luna’s convenience and to stay over a-as long as you’re offering, Princess Celestia.” She looked down sheepishly, blushing a little.

Princess Celestia smiled very much and leaned down to her former most faithful student. “Princess Luna is the expert at slumber parties. I’m sure you’ll be able to learn a lot from her about them. And I’m sure she’d be honored to share with you.”

Twilight couldn’t help blinking and then looking up and beaming a little again.

Meanwhile, a grinning Pinkie Pie just trotted in place in excitement. “Wow, you get to have a princess sleepover party, Twilight! And it’s a party planning party! You’re so lucky—you’ll have to tell me all about it when you get back!”

Twilight smiled at her friend and nodded. “Of course, Pinkie. In fact…” her eyes lit up a little again, “Once our princess sleepover and the Gala are done, why don’t we all have a sleepover in my castle? It would probably be a really nice way to unwind after everything. And the throne room would be done by then. We could have it in there.”

Pinkie nodded. “Definitely! It could be like your pre-housewarming party before the actual house-warming party that Discord promised to crash at your castle and make into a chaos party.” Pinkie clapped her front hooves together.

Celestia blinked and smiled more, tilting her head to the side in interest. “You’re having a housewarming party at Twilight’s castle, and Discord promised to crash it?” She had to laugh warmly. “Well, I think having a sleepover right after that is a wonderful way to set things up, Pinkie. And I’m sure Discord will make a wonderful time for you all, especially after he sees Twilight’s surprise for him in the throne room.” She glanced at Twilight. “I hope Luna and I can stop by your housewarming party to see how things go with Discord.”

Twilight nodded, smiling more. “Of course, Princess Celestia. I’d love for you two to come.”

Just then there was a crack of lightning outside, causing all three mares to blink. Celestia smiled. “And that sounds like Luna. Someone must have been brave enough to try knocking on her door. Come on, let’s go get her before she causes any more thunderclouds for the weather pegasi to tend to.” She chuckled and walked toward the doors to the throne room, the girls following in her wake. “Pinkie Pie,” Celestia glanced over her shoulder as they headed down the hallway, “Princess Luna is looking forward to seeing you very much. I think she has some particular ideas for the party that she wants to run by you.”

Pinkie smiled, bouncing along in her usual way. “Great! The more ideas the better! Don’t worry, Princess Celestia, I’ll put all of my party planning skills to work to make this the best Gala possible.” She nodded enthusiastically.

“I’m sure you will, Pinkie Pie.” Celestia smiled more. “Oh and I have a rather specific cake order for Sugar Cube Corner for Gala night, if the Cakes will be able to handle it of course. The kitchen staff here will make the other desserts, but the Cakes always do make the best, well…cakes.” Celestia chuckled.

“Sure thing!” Pinkie beamed. “The Cakes’ll be so honored! They’ll make it perfect, and I’ll help!” Pinkie gestured to herself proudly.

“I’m sure it’ll be delicious, Pinkie, and thank you,” Celestia replied with a nod. Then she looked forward as the group turned a corner and Celestia opened a large door. The three ponies found themselves in the dining hall now where Princess Luna sat at one end of a long table, looking a little bleary-eyed and sipping from a mug.

“Glad to see you’re awake, Luna.” Celestia approached her sister. “I hope you weren’t too harsh on the guards.”

Luna just sighed, finishing another sip of what was in her mug, a bit of a dry look on her features. “It was the Captain of the Guard this time actually who dared to try waking me. And I couldn’t help the lightning bolt, sister. It was a reflex. I have been most tired lately.” She shrugged. “But I’m feeling better after this lovely coffee.” She took in a deep inhale above the mug and then smiled to herself. “Saddle Arabian blend, dark roast, finely ground, fully caffeinated. There could be nothing more delectable.”

Pinkie’s eyes focused in on the coffee and went very wide. She took a step forward.

Twilight frowned and scowled just a little and then held out a hoof right in front of Pinkie to block her from progressing toward the coffee.

Celestia just smiled more to her sister and nodded. “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself now and feeling ready for our afternoon of Gala planning. Twilight and Pinkie have arrived, so we can begin.”

Luna smiled over at the girls, finishing the final sip of her coffee and putting down her mug. “Twilight and Pinkamena! Excellent. I am looking forward to our party planning very much.” She stood up from the table and approached the girls (Pinkie bowed to her and Twilight gave another awkward wave and resisted the slight compulsion to bow once more).

“I am too, Princess Luna.” Twilight assured her with a smile. “And I think it’s a great idea to rehearse the hoofshakes and how we’re going to rotate them—this way everything can go as smoothly as possible on Gala night.”

Luna nodded, smiling as well. “I agree, Twilight Sparkle. But first you can help Celestia and I meet with the staff about the details of decorating and catering and which of the castle guards and staff will be working the Gala directly.”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded. “Whatever I can do to help.”

Celestia smiled at Pinkie Pie. “And we would like your advice too, Pinkie Pie, throughout all of this. I think your party planning skills would add just the right amount of flair to the Gala this year.”

Pinkie nodded. “Absolutely! Flair’s my middle name!” She gave a little salute. “And besides considering all the destruction we caused last year, I figure I owe you the best party possible this year.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie.” She sighed, glancing toward a window (that happened to face the direction of the statue garden, as Luna noted to herself). “Actually, speaking of flair and Discord earlier, I was hoping he could join us as well for some party planning. But he doesn’t seem to be anywhere nearby today, so I wasn’t able to contact him.” She sighed again, but then turned and smiled normally at everyone once more. “But I’m sure the four of us will do a lovely job all on our own.”

Her three companions all smiled and nodded confidently to her.

“And you don’t have to worry about Discord, Princess Celestia,” Twilight assured, stepping forward. “I think he had plans with Fluttershy this morning, but by now he should be off getting his measurements taken by Rarity for his Gala tuxedo.”

Celestia’s smile brightened a little, and she looked to Twilight. “Oh, I see. Well, that’s excellent—I’m really looking forward to seeing what Rarity designs for him.” She smiled a little more to herself (Luna noticed this as well) and cleared her throat and addressed everyone again. “Shall we head to the ballroom now to start?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure. Let’s go.” She started heading in that direction, Princess Celestia following alongside her.

Pinkie started heading off after them too, beginning to bounce away, but was stopped by Princess Luna putting a hoof on her shoulder. Luna smiled and called out to her sister and Twilight. “You two go on ahead. We shall catch up!”

Twilight glanced behind her and raised an eyebrow but Celestia just smiled after her sister and called back to her. “All right, Luna. We’ll see you in a little bit.” Then the two princesses exited the dining room, the door closing behind them.

Luna removed her hoof from Pinkie Pie’s shoulder and came in front of the little pink pony, trying to maintain a very serious and royal air for the moment. “Pinkamena, we will all be going over the party planning together shortly, but first I would like to discuss a matter in private with you for a moment.”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow, looking up at Luna and still smiling away. “Sure. What?”

Luna raised an eyebrow in return. “First can I trust you to keep a secret?”

Pinkie Pie considered, a hoof to her chin. “Well, normally I tend to talk a whole lot and to a whole lot of ponies, sometimes my friends and sometimes people I kind of know and sometimes people I don’t know at all and sometimes to ponies I just imagine, and then if I’ve had too much sugar or I’m just feeling extra peppy I ramble on and on and on, so sometimes things can spill out of me before I even realize it, so normally most of what other ponies tell me gets shared with other ponies too.” She took in a deep breath to continue. “But if I Pinkie Pie Promise another pony not to share a secret, then nothing will get that secret out of me no matter what!” She smiled at Luna. “So, yup, if you want me to keep a secret, I can totally guarantee it. But we just have to do the Pinkie Pie Promise over it first, okay?” She held out her hoof to the Princess.

A confused Luna just nodded and tentatively held up her hoof in return. “Erm…all right. How does one Pinkie Pie promise exactly?”

Luna’s eyes went wide as Pinkie suddenly made their hooves do several small gestures and finally bump together. Then Pinkie grinned and cleared her throat. “I promise to never, ever, ever, never reveal the secret that Princess Luna wants to tell me to anypony else! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” She put her hoof in her eye and winked.

Luna just blinked, taking in the odd ritual that had just occurred. But then she looked down at their hooves and looked up again and smiled. “Ah, I see, it’s kind of like a blood oath but sealed with a promise—or rather a cupcake—instead of a wound. Yes, very well.”

Luna touched her hoof to her eye, and then her smile picked up on one side and she lowered her hoof and began to explain herself to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkamena, I am normally taken very seriously by our subjects, which I do enjoy in a way as long as they do not fear me, as you well know.” Luna cleared her throat, going on. “But this Gala is a chance for me to really mingle with the other ponies while they are awake during a large portion of the night. So I want to be as personable and familiar as possible. I even want to be entertaining if I can in a way. And also…I’m concerned that my sister and Discord’s appearance will attract a lot of attention which might make them both uncomfortable, so I would like to find a way to distract from that situation, possibly by making use of some of the more modern traditions of partygoing. And I believe you are just the little pony to help me…if you’re willing.” She smiled hopefully. “I know you are already taking time to help us plan the Gala itself in advance, and that you will have much work to do with the Cake Family regarding any dessert preparations my sister may request. But if you could also find some time to help me by explaining modern parties to me and advising me on how to mingle in a fun way and even possibly teaching me a few modern dance steps, I would appreciate it very much. However, if you cannot assist me for whatever reason, please just say the word and there will be no hard feelings.” Luna took a deep breath and awaited Pinkie’s reply.

“Are you kidding?” Pinkie’s smile grew practically to bursting as her eyes went wide and she jumped up in the air. “The chance to help Princess Luna make a surprise splash at the Grand Galloping Gala?! Count me in! No one’ll ever see it coming. I love it!”

Luna’s eyes lit up. “Oh thank you, dear Pinkie!” She instantly put an arm around the pink pony, hugging her quite tightly (and strongly) for a moment (Pinkie’s eyes bugged out but the smile never left her face) and then releasing her. “I am very excited that you are willing to help me! I have some ideas of my own, of course, so I thought we might begin there and see where your expertise will take us. Perhaps you could pop by the castle every now and again before the Gala and we could have a secret meeting of sorts?” Luna lowered her voice and glanced away sheepishly. “I know it might seem odd of me to want to keep such preparations only between us, but…I would just rather keep my lack of confidence in my abilities to mingle at such a large affair to myself.” She smiled normally, looking back to Pinkie. “And besides, I want to surprise my sister by showing her just how good I can be at making friends at our party.”

Pinkie just nodded and winked as enthusiastically as ever. “Sure thing, Princess Luna. I understand completely. Ooo and now tell me what your ideas have been for how to party—you know, a lot of the best parties get thrown at night, and you’re ruler of the night, so I bet you have a really good instinct for what will go over well.”

Luna’s grin picked up on one side. “Well, I don’t have the entire situation mapped out but…I’ve heard you’re an expert at doing the Pony Pokie, yes? Let’s start there…”

The Princess and Pinkie continued talking in low voices as they left the dining room now and journeyed to the ballroom to join Celestia and Twilight, their plans for these next few weeks leading up to the Gala slowly forming.

While Gala party planning was going on in Canterlot, Discord had finished his fun little chaos flight and now finally found himself standing in front of Carousel Boutique. He sighed, gazing at ornate structure. “A little gaudy for my tastes, but it just screams Rarity.” He glanced at the door and pouted a little to himself. “Am I really going through with this? Being looked over and measured and potentially having to model?” He twirled his beard around some of his fingers, gazing up. “Still, I do like being the center of attention…and I do like showing off…and I did promise Rarity.” He sighed. “Oh fine, let’s do this. Other than the fact that I’m sure our little ‘element of being a perfectionist’ has everything painfully organized to a tee in there, how bad could it be?”

He headed for the door, rapped once with his paw, and then opened it wide with a smile. “Afternoon, Rarity, I’m here for our…Oh.” Discord blinked and then grinned distinctly. “Rarity, I love what you’ve done with the place.” He had imagined perfectly ordered rows of dress dummies, sewing machines lined up at ninety degree angles, neat stacks of fabric all color coated, spools of thread organized into (dare he think it?!) symmetrical pyramids, and Rarity, poised and confident, standing right at the center of it all just waiting for him to enter.

Instead, he saw dress dummies scattered throughout the room, one sewing machine enchanted with magic and frantically working away while the other one seemed to be clogged with a badly snagged thread, fabric scattered in different piles here and there, and Rarity, her sewing glasses on and a tape measure strung over her back, using her magic to search through a large bin of assorted spools of thread, clearly seeking a certain color among the many random ones the bin held.

Rarity blinked at the sound of Discord’s voice and then turned to him, adjusting her glasses and setting aside the bin for now. “Oh Discord, so wonderful to see you.” She glanced around, smiling sheepishly. “Yes, well, as for the boutique, normally it’s quite well organized but around Gala time I do have a lot of work to do and then things sort of…end up organized but in my own special way. There’s a method to the madness though, trust me.” Her smile brightened.

Discord chuckled and floated up and around the room a little. “Oh, don’t ruin the effect by swearing there’s a pattern behind it. This is some lovely chaos—I never knew you had it in you. Normally you’re almost as poised and perfect as Celestia.”

Rarity smiled proudly at the comparison, regardless of how Discord might have meant it to disparage order, but shrugged. “Well, this may be a business that needs to be run with some order, Discord, but essentially I’m an artist. And when I’m at my most creative, my business makes a sort of chaos all its own, I suppose.” She smiled more. “Now, Discord, shall we get started then?” She magically held up her tape measure and made a large footstool appear at her side, then called out across the room. “Spike!”

Spike dashed in with a quill and parchment in his hands. “I’m ready, Rarity. Hey, Discord!”

Discord sighed as he took his place on the footstool, but smiled and gave a small wave to the baby dragon in greeting. “Hello, Spike. Still helping out Rarity, I see.”

Spike smiled a little sheepishly and glanced to he side. “Oh, well, yeah…as long as Rarity needs me, I’m here.”

Rarity smiled at Spike and gave him a little pat on the head with her hoof. “I know, and that’s why he’s the best assistant there ever was. Aren’t you, Spike?”

Spike grinned more and waved her off. “Oh, well...I don’t know about that.”

Rarity laughed. “Oh don’t be modest, Spike. You’ve been a great help to me.” She glanced to Discord, pushing her sewing glasses up on her nose. “Now, Discord, I’ll start taking measurements and Spike will be recording them. Since so many of your measurements will vary, that should make this process go much faster.” And with that she used her magic to raise the tape measure and begin. “Hmm…you know, I must say, Discord, I’m really looking forward to the challenge of designing for you. There’s no symmetry to a draconequus—each part of you has a different measurement and proportion. Yet I’ll have to make sure your tuxedo still bears a perfectly tailored look.” She smiled. “But I know it’ll come together, and especially once I have more ideas for Princess Celestia set and ready to go.” She smiled more up at him. “I think you two will make a charming couple for the evening.”

Discord rolled his eyes to the side (and tried very hard not to blush). “Yes, well, I’m sure we’ll certainly be a central attraction. But I don’t want everyone thinking of us as a ‘couple’—I mean, two friends can go to this thing together, you know.”

Rarity nodded. “Oh of course I know.” She glanced to Spike. “Spike and I are going together this year actually. He’s going to be my own little escort.”

Spike blinked and blushed a little but then nodded. “Oh, um…yeah.” He smiled. “We’re going together too, Discord…you know, as friends.”

Discord tilted his head to the side. “Really? Hmm…well, then at least I won’t be the only person I know there going with someone for the evening.” Discord smiled…then he glanced to the side and finally added as casually as possible. “So…are you making Celestia a full dress or just some accessories, Rarity, or…”

“Oh, I haven’t decided yet and neither has the princess,” Rarity explained. “For now I’ve just been doing some preliminary sketches, working on a few samples. I know she’s very busy, so I told her to just send me a letter through Spike whenever she’s ready to progress things in the design process. But I assure you, Discord, you’ll walk into the ballroom with the most beautiful mare of the evening on your arm.”

“Well, one of the most beautiful,” Spike couldn’t help but add shyly, smiling and blushing more, suddenly finding his measurement writing a very interesting task.

Discord blinked at the unexpected suaveness (yet total sincerity) of the line.

Rarity beamed a little and then stopped her measuring to turn to Spike. “Oh, Spikey Wikey!” She nuzzled him with a giggle. “Aren’t you just the sweetest escort a lady could ask for?”

Spike chuckled sheepishly, waving her off. “Aw, well…I try.” He cleared his throat, grinning and looking down.

Rarity giggled and went back to measuring. “Anyway, Discord, Celestia will look beautiful and you will look very handsome, and I’m sure this will be one of the best nights ever!”

Discord just shrugged. “Yes, yes, I’m sure we’ll all just be glorious…you know, provided of course the gentry doesn’t run me out of the place with pitchforks and lit torches.” He rolled his eyes.

Rarity sighed. “Oh now, Discord, you just ignore those pesky naysayers and their awful rumors. Regardless of the past, you’re our friend now, and that’s all that matters. And as for Celestia, not only is it just a silly insult to think you’d ever do anything to hurt her personally but it’s just as much of an insult to Celestia to think she’d ever be taken in so foolishly. She’s the smartest, wisest, most experienced mare in Equestria. She knows how to handle herself around a gentleman, and I can’t believe anyone would question her ability to recognize when a friend is true let alone when a suitor is true.” She shook her head. “Well, don’t you worry about a thing, Discord—even if there are some rude guests, all of your friends will be there to support you.” She smiled and nodded firmly.

Discord took in this little speech with a great deal of interest. Come to think of it… ‘Those rumors really do kind of insult Celestia just as much as they insult me, don’t they? She knows people better than they know themselves half the time. It would be one thing if she had feelings for me and we just pursued them at the Gala, but it would be completely out of character for her to suddenly let me dupe her romantically and with such a silly plan as buttering her up for a dance to get in her good graces and then breaking her heart just for the fun of it.’ Discord actually pouted a little. “Yes, well…” he added aloud to Rarity, clearing his throat, “I’ll appreciate your help, but let’s make sure we’re all there to support Celestia too just as much as me. You know…she works so hard at things like this Gala, and who are other people to give her a hard time about it?” He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged.

Spike just looked up at him with a blink and wide eyes. Rarity looked up at him with pleasant surprise and did her best to keep back a giggle.

Discord rolled his eyes to the side. “Okay, look, I know that sounds odd coming from me since I always used to give her a hard time and since I was a villain. But really…when she goes and organizes this whole party for the kingdom and the response is to start gossiping about her…well…it’s just poor form is all.” He scoffed, gesturing to himself with his paw. “I mean, when I have to be the one suggesting corrections to pony etiquette, you know the situation’s bad, right?” He shrugged again, grinning casually.

A small giggle escaped Rarity, but she didn’t say a word as she nodded. “Right. Well, um…I’m sure it’ll help Celestia having such a champion of her virtues as you at her side for the evening.”

Discord sighed, glancing away. “It’s not a date, Rarity…”

“Oh of course not, it’s whatever you want it to be.” Rarity winked and then finished a measurement and finally put the tape measure away. “And that’s all, Discord—I have your measurements. See, quite painless.”

Discord blinked and then got down from the stool. “Yes, well, I suppose it was at that. So I’m free to go then?” He smiled.

Rarity smiled but shook her head. “No, no, not quite yet. Now, of course I’m sure you have dozens and dozens of suggestions and instructions and ideas for your tuxedo that you’ll want to share with me. Spike?” Spike dashed away and then came back with a scroll about as big around as he was which he opened and put his quill too. Rarity turned to Discord, braced herself, then let out a breath. “Fire away.”

Discord just blinked though. “But you’re the designer, Rarity, not me. I don’t know anything about fashion…I mean other than the fact that I always make every outfit look fabulous.” He grinned and chuckled. “Just do whatever you think is best.”

Rarity, however, shook her head. “Oh no, no, Discord…I’ve made that mistake before, and especially about Gala outfits. You tell me to do my best, I do my best, then you come back to look at the outfit and it turns out you already had something completely imagined out in your head that I didn’t capture at all—there aren’t enough bells, and the shoes aren’t enough like galoshes, and why don’t I add streamers, and it’s not haute couture, and it needs to be twenty percent cooler…” She sighed, a dry look coming to her features.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side as did one of is eyebrows. “I’m usually too lazy to read between the lines but…I’m guessing you’re referencing something involving the rest of the girls. What, did you make dresses for them last year and then have to alter them a bit or something?”

“I had to redesign them…from scratch…four times,” Rarity explained dryly. “Every time I showed them a dress, they had a million ideas for how to change it. I ended up having to make them absolutely ghastly outfits until they finally went back to my original dress designs.”

Discord blinked. “Are you serious?”

Rarity sighed and shrugged. “Clientele can be picky, Discord. It happens.”

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes. “Oh Rarity, that is just ridiculous.” He waved her off. “And I don’t have any preferences. Just surprise me.”

Rarity sighed, looking a little worn for a moment. “Discord, please…”

“I’m serious.” And he did look down at her quite seriously. “You’re the designer, this is your profession, your passion, your area of expertise. If I wanted something from my own head, I’d just snap it up. But I want something from you. Now, you know what you’re doing, right, or so Celestia assures me at least?”

Rarity blinked but nodded. “Celestia said…I, er…well, yes.”

“And you know me pretty well at this point, right?” Discord grinned.

“Yes,” Rarity nodded again.

Discord smiled more. “And you already have some ideas probably, and this is your business so of course you’re motivated to make sure I’ll look my best in one of your designs and especially at the social event of the season, right?”

Rarity blinked and nodded. “Yes and yes…”

Discord shrugged. “So what’s the problem? You just ply your little pony trade, and I’ll be happy with the results, Rarity. It’d just be plain rude of me to tell you how to do what your cutie mark says you’re meant to do. It’d be like you asking me for some chaos and then dictating to me exactly what you wanted—or worse, asking me to make my chaos more orderly like your pony princesses did a thousand years ago when I first met them. So just do your best, my little element of generosity.” He glanced around the boutique again. “If you can work in this degree of chaos, I have faith in you to meet my needs.”

When Discord glanced back to the pony and dragon before him he saw Spike smiling up at him with a touch of surprise and Rarity looking practically elated. “Why Discord…I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much for your faith in my abilities.” A determined look came to her features. “I promise I won’t let you down. You and Celestia will look just brilliant this year. Subtle yet elegant, fashion forward yet a hint traditional, demure yet eye-catching…” Stars were practically in her eyes. “I can see it now!” She looked to Spike. “Oh Spike, get me some parchment pieces and my pastels. I have ideas, so many ideas!” She zipped over to the fabric to gather some swatches.

Discord blinked, watching her get to it. “Wow, she’s really into this fashion and design thing, isn’t she?”

Spike sighed just a touch dreamily. “Yeah, isn’t it great? She’s so passionate.”

Discord just raised an eyebrow and then looked down at the baby dragon with a grin.

Spike’s gaze drifted back to Discord, and then he blinked at the look he was getting and blushed a little. “What?”

Discord just kept grinning at him.


“Nothing, I didn’t say a word.” Discord chuckled to himself. ‘Oh Spike, already falling prey to the charms of mares.’ He almost shook his head at the idea. “Well then,” he cleared his throat to address Rarity, “I’ll just be off. I’m in a particularly good mood today, so I’d like to spread a little more chaos, do a little more thinking, and then maybe take a nice nap. Thanks again for the tuxedo, Rarity, and it was nice seeing you Spike. When you get home, tell Twilight I’ll be around to bother her again soon enough. Probably during some time that’s a combination of when she least expects it and when it’s the most inconvenient.” He chuckled.

Spike just sighed and rolled his eyes, though he smiled. “I’ll give her some warning, Discord.”

“Good, I love when people can feel my chaos looming over their lives and waiting to strike.” Discord chuckled more and headed for the door, calling back over his shoulder. “So then I’m completely free from having to do anything else about this tuxedo until the Gala when I can come pick it up?”

Rarity paused in her sketching for a moment to look back over to Discord. “Oh, not quite, Discord! Remember, I mentioned wanting to do a full, final fitting with you and Princess Celestia? So, I’ll put together your tuxedo and her ensemble over the next few weeks, and then a little before the Gala I’ll invite you both here to try on your new outfits so that we can see how they look and how you look as a couple, and so that I’ll have time to make any final adjustments before the big night of course.”

Discord paused right at the door and blushed (though he was facing away from the room so luckily no one could notice.) ‘Discord, it’s just going to be the two of you together wearing outfits you’re going to be wearing together on the Gala night anyway. Why are you blushing? That’s randomly chaotic, even for you. Just because you’re going to the Gala as a couple and dressing up as a couple doesn’t mean that you’re really becoming a…’ He shook off the thought. “Oh, er…” he called back, “Right, right, the duo fitting. Well, um, just tell me when I have to be here and I’ll be here. Ta ta, Rarity and Spike.” And with that Discord opened the door of the boutique but then snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of light instead of walking outside.

Spike just watched Discord go with an eyebrow raised. “Huh…if I didn’t know better, I’d think he sounded nervous about coming here with Celestia,” he mumbled to himself, scratching his head. But then he smiled a little and shook his head, gathering up some thread spools and pins for Rarity in his arms (he knew from experience that if she was in a designing mode, she would be needing them soon enough). “But what am I saying—he’s Discord. He doesn’t get nervous about anything.” Spike sighed, still mumbling as he headed across the room to join Rarity. “I wish I could be that confident about going to the Gala with a beautiful mare…as ‘friends’.” Spike pouted to himself at the word and his voice lowered to a whisper. “Please let her see I can be more than a friend one day…please!” He took a breath as he reached Rarity and smiled up at her, resting the pins and thread on the floor beside her as she used her magic to continue sketching out designs. “Here you go, Rarity. Can I get anything else for you?”

Rarity smiled down at him. “Thank you, Spike. And, yes, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, can you get me my book with Celestia’s Gala outfit sketches in it? I think it’ll be helpful if I keep her and Discord’s notes side by side while I work.” She beamed as she used her magic to go back to her designing. “Oh I’m so excited! This Gala will be the crowning achievement of my career!”

“I hope it’s a great night for you, Rarity. In every way possible.” Spike smiled over his shoulder as he retrieved the sketchbook and brought it to her.

“It will be Spike.” Rarity smiled softly at him, magically taking the book and setting it aside. “And especially because I’ll have you to share the night with.”

Spike blushed and beamed. “Aw, Rarity…”

Rarity laughed warmly. “Spike, once I’m done getting down all of my ideas for Discord’s tuxedo…would you want to help me with some design ideas for Twilight?”

Spike blinked and nodded, his eyes lighting up a little. “Yeah, that’d be great! I’d love to be a part of making her outfit for the night!”

Rarity smiled brightly and nodded. “Then you shall be, Spikey Wikey, as soon as we’re done here.”

And with that the two friends went about working together happily and productively for the rest of the afternoon

Later on, close to evening after Twilight and Pinkie had gone home and the party planning was done for the day, Celestia entered her bedroom with a sigh. She proceeded to straighten a few things up around the space, smiling to herself. “This Gala really will be a lot of fun for everypony, myself and Luna included. Hmm…” she magically reorganized a few items on her dresser, “Perhaps next year we can even coordinate things so that Cadence can attend. It would be so nice to have all four of us together for a night.” She nodded to herself and then magically drew the curtains and also lit a few lamps around the room. “It’s certainly nice not to be the only princess anymore at least.” Something soft and sincere came into Celestia’s gaze.

Then Celestia sighed, and her magic focused on making sure her sheets and blankets were tucked in and her pillows were fluffed. “Hmm, and Luna wonders why I insist on cleaning my room and making my bed myself. She likes being waited on a little. But I have guards and staff trying to do things for me all day. It’s nice to have a small place of my own to take care of things in when each day is done.” She took a step back, admiring her work, and then trotted over to the other side of her bed where she made a broom appear and enchanted it to do some light sweeping up over the floor.

While the broom went about its business, Celestia rearranged a few notebooks and quills in the drawer of her other nightstand. Then she closed the drawer and her gaze went up.

There on the top of the nightstand in a simple crystal vase sat the bouquet of flowers Discord had given her after the defeat of Tirek, arranged nicely and sitting in just a bit of water. The flowers (and they were perfectly real—not silk or crystal or lace or anything) had shone not one sign of fading since Discord had given them to her—a trick which she still hadn’t figured out. They just remained perfectly as they were, smelling fragrant and glowing with color.

Celestia smiled at the sight of them and used her magic to add just a little more water to the vase. “They probably don’t even need water. I should ask Discord. Still, they look nicer this way I think.” She used her magic to gently gather them, not that their arrangement needed any refreshing. “It was just kind of him to put so much thought into them.” She sighed. “It’s a shame I couldn’t find him to ask him to help us with the Gala planning today though—he’d probably do an excellent job with the floral arrangements actually.” She chuckled softly.

Celestia finished with the flowers and then sat down for a moment upon the rug by her fire. She let out a sigh in her privacy and thought to herself as she gazed at the fire’s gentle glow. ‘Maybe I am a little happier than I imagined I’d be now that he’s reformed for good. I don’t know why everypony is surprised by that though. I just…I like him very much. He makes me laugh.’ She smiled to herself. Then she let out a breath, her smile fading a touch. ‘I just hope he likes me. Not only does he seem to be harboring some guilt about his mistake with Tirek that’s making him a little reluctant about opening up, but there’s the statue situation still between us as well.’ She looked down a little more. ‘He was so angry with me when he first escaped…and, even though I know he doesn’t mean them seriously, he does still make jokes sometimes about his imprisonment.’ She blushed a little—those little jokes, however innocent, couldn’t help but make her feel a little embarrassed and perhaps just a touch guilty. ‘I just don’t want him always to think of me first and foremost as the person who left him a statue for a thousand years.’ She smiled a little again. ‘I want him to think of me as a friend. I want us to start over fresh if he’s willing. I think we’ll come to like each other very much if we can just work through and get beyond the past gradually.’

Celestia smile grew and her eyes went over to the flowers again. She spoke softly aloud to herself again. “At least it’s a good sign for our friendship that he gave me these. Hmm…between Discord doing that at the opening of Twilight’s castle and me inviting him as my escort to the Gala, no wonder some of the ponies are getting carried away with rumors.” She shook her had at the silliness. “Still…it really was kind of him to bother. I haven’t gotten flowers from anyone in centuries…” She came forward and gently inhaled the scent of the flowers smiling more. Her voice lowered further. “If we were much younger, maybe just for a moment I might wonder if…” She blushed lightly and then let out a breath, her voice resuming its former volume. “Oh what am I saying? Celestia, really, enough. Now you’re just letting Luna get to you. So Discord has turned out to be charming in his own quirky but sweet way. There’s no need for you to get carried away by that.” She stood up and shook her head to herself. “Letting yourself get this flustered by having a close gentleman friend.” She sighed. “No wonder Luna keeps teasing you.”

Celestia turned and headed back toward her bedroom door now. “Speaking of which, I should probably make sure she’s awake again for the night. The Gala planning really did go on longer than I expected it to this afternoon. I almost want to ask her if she’d like some help with the moonrise for the evening.” She opened the door and headed down the hall, pausing in front of the next door and knocking with her hoof. “Luna? I just want to make sure you’re awake for moonrise. It’s supposed to start soon.”

A very dramatic yawn was heard from the other side of the door which then magically opened to reveal Luna sitting up on her bed, rubbing one of her eyes. “Yes, sister I am awake. Party planning I might be late for or doze off a little during, but I would never allow my sleepiness to make me neglect the rising of my moon and the start of my nightly responsibilities.” She smiled a little at her sister but then yawned again. “Of course that does not mean I do not wish I could neglect them just a little for the sake of returning to my rest. I cannot wait until this Gala is over and I can go back to sleeping normally, Celestia.” Luna got off the bed and stretched a little. “How much more planning shall I be needed for, do you think, sister?”

Celestia smiled. “Not much more. We got through quite a bit today, and the staff is familiar with the usual Gala routine each year. Perhaps just a few more meetings before the actual event.” Her smile grew. “Actually, when I explained to Twilight about how helping with the Gala this year was disrupting your sleep cycle, she had a wonderful idea—she suggested a night meeting for us.”

Luna’s eyes lit up. “A night meeting? Oh yes, yes, yes, let us please do that, Celestia!” She came forward to her sister. “Anything to give me a full day’s sleep. How kind of Twilight Sparkle to make such a suggestion.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, I thought so too. And I told her as long as she would be coming by during the night that she should spend the remainder of the night after our meeting sleeping here. She got very excited by the idea. She suggested it would be like a slumber party. I think she really likes those.” Celestia’s eyes lowered a little all-knowingly, and her grin grew.

Luna’s eyes went wide for a moment. But then they too took on an all-knowing look as well complete with a distinct grin. “A slumber party…” She put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm…yes, why not? It’s been ages since I exercised that particular talent of mine.” She strode forward proudly out of her room. “I shall need ten gallons of fizzy cider, half a dozen down filled satin pillows, full access to the kitchen staff, and a phonograph the size of a griffin. And a fondue pot. And possibly a fog machine.” She paused, grinning all the more to herself, her eyes narrowing. “This will be good. I guarantee it.”

Celestia came up beside her, closing the door behind them. “I have no doubt.” Her grin picked up on one side. “Maybe not quite as fun as the ones we used to have in our forest castle with the trap doors and secret passes and fake torture chambers, but still I’m sure you’ll come up with something brilliant.”

“Hmm, don’t I always,” Luna announced a touch proudly, bringing a hoof to her chest.

Both sisters shared a warm laugh.

Then Celestia couldn’t help yawning. “Luna, I know it doesn’t make sense since I’ve been getting uninterrupted sleep, but I’m rather tired. I’ve already set the sun to lowering so the moon can rise whenever you’re ready. I think I might just take a hot bath and then turn in early.”

Luna nodded. “Certainly, sister. You get to bed. I’ve always needed less sleep than you anyway. Have pleasant dreams.”

Celestia nodded to her in return. “And you have a pleasant night, sister. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

The two sisters gave each other slight bows and then departed on their separate ways.

Celestia reentered her bedroom and closed her door behind herself. She immediately opened the door on the other side of the room leading to the large bathroom she shared with Luna and magically set the water to running. Then Celestia went over to her dresser and magically removed her yoke, shoes and crown, and as she did so she couldn’t help but yawn again. “I think I’m just a little stressed from worrying about how Twilight will like the Gala and how Luna will like the Gala and especially how Discord will like the Gala. But I know everything will be fine. I just have to take a deep breath and let it all be fine. At least now that the girls don’t mind being themselves and with my sister’s unique sense of humor and with Pinkie Pie’s assistance and Discord’s presence, this year’s Gala won’t be able to help but be lively for everypony. And after those dangerous few days with Tirek on the loose, I think a lively party is just what we all need.”

Celestia opened a drawer in her armoire and magically removed a very large towel which she laid over her back. “And a Gala where I’m not the center of attention for once and where I actually have a companion for the evening who treats me like I’m a normal pony is just what I need.” She smiled to herself. “I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to talking and mingling and dancing as much as possible. And maybe Discord will even give me flowers again.” She briefly glanced behind her at the perfect flowers on her nightstand. Then she shook her head and looked forward, a soft smile coming to her features. She entered her bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Celestia went about her final bedtime preparations until she was finally tucked in and slumbering until dawn.

Meanwhile, Luna spent her night taking care of her usual duties but also happily planning Twilight Sparkle’s ‘first princess sleepover’ and going over her private Gala plans to discuss further with Pinkie Pie soon.

Earlier that afternoon, once she had returned home for the day and as long as Discord wasn’t around and as long as she didn’t have plans with her friends for the evening and as long as Spike was off with Rarity again probably until sunset, Twilight Sparkle had decided to turn in for a small late day nap.

“A lot more goes into the Gala than I ever realized,” Twilight mumbled to herself, eyes hazed in exhaustion as she curled up on her makeshift crystal bed in her mostly empty crystal bedroom. “So much organizing, so much planning…I don’t know how Princess Celestia used to do it all on her own. And I only got a taste of everything it involves.” She let out a deep sigh. “But I guess having the staff helps. And speaking of a staff…” she glanced at a piece of parchment on the bed beside her. “It was nice of Princess Luna to make me up a list of all of the positions I would have to fill here around the castle.” Twilight frowned a little. “I don’t know how I’ll ever get used to having so many people living here though.” She yawned. “I’ll just have to…to keep my bedroom and…and maybe my library sectioned off just for me. “ Twilight closed her eyes. “I just want to be a good Princess. I hope I’m becoming one…and…” another yawn escaped her, “I hope Luna feels better with more sleep…and I hope Discord’s all right. I’m surprised he didn’t come here after his fitting with Rarity. He’s been stopping by so much after all.” Twilight shrugged and yawned once more. “Oh well…Hmm…” She chuckled to herself. “Maybe he went off somewhere to dream about…Princess Celestia…”

Another chuckle followed by another yawn escaped Twilight, and then she dozed off. She woke up late in the day for a small dinner and dessert with Spike, and then retired to bed again to get as much rest as possible as her first princess Gala (as well as her first princess sleepover) drew nearer.

Author's Note:

I just wanted to thank everyone for their reviews/faves/watches so far, it all means a lot to me :)

Also, I know this story is unfolding a little 'gradually', but I promise that there really aren't any superfluous scenes--each one is important for something later :raritywink: When the gala does get here, I promise several chapters, wacky shenanigans, chaotic misunderstandings, and awkward awkwardness ^w^ But until then, I want Discord to spend a little time with each of the main people in his life, growing a little from their presences and his experiences with them.

Also, as of the next chapter, we get a new complication (I wanted to add a 'sad' tag to this story, but it won't let me...because 'comedy' and 'sad' are conflicting tags lol? As a former nerdy English major, I'd like to debate that point but I'll accept it for now). Anyway, not all of Discord's dreams are going to be about Celestia...and the closer he gets to his friends, the guiltier he feels about the Tirek thing (especially since he won't just talk about it and get some closure). Prepare for nightmares, prepare for Luna (nothing too traumatic since this is still romantic comedy, but hopefully enough to bring about some serious feels). Just wanted to prepare everyone for the slight shift in tone (don't worry though, still tons of romantic comedy outweighing the feels, I promise ;) ). I really hope you all enjoy how this fic plays out, and thank you again for your readership :twilightsmile:

On a lighter note...SEASON FIVE PREMIERE TOMORROW! :raritystarry: I'll be at the Bronies NYC meet up party tomorrow evening for that! I hope all of our minds end up as sufficiently blown as I'm sure they'll be! :trollestia:

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