• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,708 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 6: Sustained Silent Denial...er 'Reading'.

A couple of evenings later, just before sunset, Princess Celestia stood out in the statue garden looking down into the small gulley where Discord had taken to napping these days. He was there as usual (the guards had been keeping tabs on him for her each night), fast asleep, curled up on the ground under a soft blanket and nestled against a cozy pillow, snoring lightly and smiling.

Celestia smiled down at him.

Then a voice broke her thoughts.

“Sister, what are you doing out here?” Luna asked softly, coming down from the sky to land beside Celestia.

Celestia shrugged and glanced at her sister. “Oh, nothing, Luna. I just wanted to check up on Discord, and then I got to watching him and thinking.” She looked back to the slumbering draconequus, and a bit of her smile fell. “I told you he said he's been a little anxious lately…and his dreams are bothering him…and he's still returning to this bad place from his past secretly. I'm just worried.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “That…he'll do something villainous?” She genuinely wasn't sure where her sister was going with her concern.

“No.” Celestia shook her head. “Of course not. He wouldn't, not anymore. I can feel it.” She sighed. “I'm just worried that he's a little traumatized by everything he's been through lately. I especially think the events of a few weeks ago caused him great pain.” She glanced at her sister. “We almost got into a fight when I mentioned Tirek, you know.”

Luna blinked. “A fight?”

Celestia nodded. “He's very defensive. He doesn't want to talk about Tirek at all. He says he just wants to put it behind him, pretend it never happened.” Her gaze went back to Discord. “I'm just worried that it's been weighing on him, the guilt about his betrayal.” She sighed again. “I almost wish I could go into dreams just to take a peek…”

“Would you like me to?” Luna offered.

Celestia shook her head though. “No, thank you, Luna. Discord told me he likes his privacy and that he wants to fix his problem on his own. Besides,” she smiled a little again, “he doesn't seem to be in any distress. If he was having some sort of nightmare, then of course you should check on him. But he seems very fine right now.” Discord smiled more and chuckled in his sleep. Celestia chuckled too. “Maybe he's just not used to having such happy dreams now that he's fully reformed.”

Luna just watched Discord with a raised eyebrow. “Yes, I suppose that's an option.” She considered, putting a hoof to her chin. “Still though, as long as I have him here, perhaps I should at least meditate and try to get a clear reading on his emotional state as he dreams. It may help me understand his psyche better should any nightly issues arise from his subconscious. Though by doing so, I might accidentally awaken him.”

Celestia smiled but shook her head. “I really think we should leave him to his rest, Luna. Besides,” she gave her sister a little nudge, smiling more, “don't get ahead of yourself. The moon isn't due to rise for five more minutes. You're not on duty to check in on the land of dreams just yet.” She winked and laughed.

Luna smiled, rolling her eyes. “Very funny, sister.” She sighed. “But, yes, I believe you're right. Though I will keep in mind his expressed concerns, for now let us leave Discord in peace.” She turned to go. “You can gaze at him while he slumbers next time,” Luna added over her shoulder as she started to walk away, trying not to giggle.

Celestia sighed deeply and rolled her eyes, following after her sister. “I was not 'gazing' at him, Luna.” Her eyes went a little half lidded in warmth and her grin picked up on one side. “Though you have to admit, it's sort of sweet and cute to see him sleeping all curled up like that with a big smile on his face.”

Luna just looked at her sister, her eyes a little lowered, smirking just a bit, an eyebrow raised.

Celestia glanced to her sister and raised an eyebrow as well. “What?”

Luna just raised her eyebrow a little bit more, her smirk deepening.

“What??” Celestia repeated, looking quite confused now.

“You know, come to think of it…” Luna brought a hoof to her chin, “you were awfully eager to have Discord freed and reformed, sister…and you do still have those flowers he gave you sitting in a vase in your room right by your bed…and you have been smiling around him a lot more now.” Luna lowered her hoof and looked forward, smiling more to herself and glancing to Celestia out of the corner of her eye. “Are you certain you don't have the smallest crush on him? Just a little attraction-the princess to the rogue?”

“Who, Discord?” Celestia shook her head, laughing to herself. “Luna, come on, saying that was funny the first time, but please be serious. If Discord hears you and starts thinking you believe the rumors going around too, it's only going to make him even more nervous about the Gala.”

“I'm not talking about the Gala rumors,” Luna corrected, looking to her sister, her tone becoming earnest. “Those are some dramatic fabrication about you falling hopelessly in love and Discord breaking your heart. I'm being serious, Celestia. You do seem rather preoccupied…and rather charmed by him these days.”

Celestia's eyes went a little wide. “Luna…” She let out a deep breath. “All that's going on is I like him very much this way-reformed, happy, humorous. He's fun. And I think he'll make the Gala fun. And I think he'll make me have fun at the Gala.” She smiled a little more. “He's like you-he doesn't treat me like I'm perfect. He treats me like I'm just a normal pony. And it's nice.” Her smile wavered a little. “But I don't really feel romantically for him. Perhaps I have a certain kind of personal admiration in me for him, but…that's all.” She looked to her sister, her usual, gentle, poised smile returning. “Honestly, if I can just feel assured that he likes me and values our friendship as much as I do by the time the Gala's done, I'll be completely happy with our relationship.”

Luna took in all of this information with interest. Then she smiled and nodded. “I think I understand, sister. And you do make a good point-Discord might indeed be an excellent close companion for you to have. You always take your responsibilities so seriously-you do deserve someone to have some fun with.” Luna's smile and tone warmed, and she added, “And speaking of taking things so seriously, please don't worry over Discord too much, Celestia. He knows that you're here for him-that all of us are-and he's strong and resourceful. Even if he's having troubles now, he'll be fine. It's…It's not easy to come back from a large mistake, especially when you're a central figure of society.” She blushed just a little and looked down. “But it gets better and easier in time, and especially with friends.” Luna sighed, her smile returning. She gazed up at the sky and then looked to Celestia again. “We should go complete our final task together for the evening. You have to officially place the sun below the horizon, and I have to bring the moon to its first position and let stars shine.”

Celestia nodded. “Let's go, sister.” She spread her wings and flew up. Luna followed her.

Once they got up in the air, side by side, the sisters summoned their magic and proceeded with their roles in the completion of the sunset and moonrise.

Celestia smiled a little at one point. “Luna…”

“Yes, sister?” Luna glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.

Celestia sighed, still focusing her gaze on the sun. “Please don't read too much into it, but…I'll admit, in a very small way, that certain personal admiration I have for Discord can almost feel like a sort of young attraction if I think about it too much. He's just…different than how I thought he would be when reformed, and I sort of find it nice. It's just a little thing though, nothing I would ever pursue. He's just a nice gentleman, the first new one whose close company I've enjoyed in a while, and I really do just want to be friends with him. That's all.”

They were almost done, so Luna's gaze could drift entirely over to her sister now (Celestia, meanwhile, continued to focus very specifically on the sun, though she was smiling softly and blushing just a little now). Luna smiled softly too. “Of course, sister. Thank you for sharing with me. I think that's…well…I think that's….”

“Very odd and disturbing?” Celestia supplied a touch dryly, blushing a little more.

Luna smiled more and shook her head. “I think it's…rather sweet and cute actually. And I'm sure some others would too. But I promise to keep this confidence just between us.”

“Thank you, sister,” Celestia replied with a smile and a nod.

“You're welcome, sister,” Luna replied with a smile and a nod as well.

Now finally the sun was fully set and the moon was fully risen.

Celestia yawned in midair. She looked to her sister with a sleepy smile. “Goodnight, Luna. I'll see you at breakfast and then that early Gala planning meeting we've scheduled.”

Luna smiled brightly in return. “Goodnight, Celestia. I am looking forward to my first meeting regarding the Gala. And of course as usual I'll see you in the morning for pastries and the juice of oranges.”

Celestia laughed softly to herself and then flew away toward the castle.

Luna, alone now, seriously considered returning to Discord to try and get a sense of his dreams (that were apparently troubling him but could cause him to smile at the same time?), but then decided against it. “He'll be fine for now. That much I can tell. And if he did directly tell Celestia he wants privacy for his dreams, then I must not violate his wishes. But I will make a point of physically checking up on him at least once each night as long as he stays in the statue garden, and keeping myself on alert for any major emotional changes he may experience when away from Canterlot. And perhaps I'll spend more time with him if he chooses to visit the castle itself anytime soon. I would like to make some observations of him and my sister together anyway.” She sighed to herself, flying off into the sky to start her nightly duties. “Perhaps the whole concept of the two of them having a close relationship isn't as farfetched or inappropriate as I once thought, even if it's just a close relationship as good friends.” Luna mused over things more as she saw to her chores for the evening.

Some time after midnight, Discord was lying awake in his grassy valley of the statue garden. He had arranged a few colorful pillows for himself to sit up on, and he was just sipping tea and smiling in contentment. He had woken up only a few moments ago. He gazed up at the crescent moon overhead and sighed. “That was the most delightful dream I have ever had in all the years of my existence.” He smiled more at saying the words. “I was young and Celestia was young and Luna was young and Twilight and Fluttershy and all of our friends-all still fillies. And we were playing hide and seek and running in the grass and playing pranks, all as little friends.” A faraway look came to his eyes. “I haven't been young in ages. I barely even remember…though I know I didn't have any friends. And I still don't have a clue where I came from…” He sighed, his smile fading for a moment. But then he took another sip of tea and it returned. “Celestia played with me the most. I tricked her and then pounced on her in the grass, and she laughed and laughed.” He considered. “I always wanted to get a laugh out of her. Luna too, but…Luna's got a better sense of humor, and Celestia always seemed like a tough nut to crack. But these days, at least, she laughs at my jokes, and I do like it.” Discord smiled more at the thought.

But then the master of chaos sighed deeply and snapped away his teacup. He sat up more, his brow furrowing. “Strange though that what woke me up from my dream almost felt like the start of a nightmare. I remember the dream was going along nicely, and then everything got colder…and duller…and then there was something dark behind me, something I didn't like.” Something about remembering this strange end to his otherwise perfectly happy dream couldn't help but make Discord shiver a little, though he let out a deep breath and did his best to move past the experience. “Ah, well, everyone almost has a nightmare from time to time, right? The point is, it didn't progress far enough to catch Luna's attention even though I slept quite a ways into her duty shift, and truly that's what's most important.”

Discord grinned triumphantly to himself. “In fact, perhaps my innocent little 'fillies' dream means I'm done with those rather intense ones about 'you-know-who'.” Discord paused for a moment and blinked. Then he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “ 'You-know-who'? Discord, I know you got used to talking to yourself and only yourself in your head during that stone imprisonment, so it's bad enough that you've taken to having full on out loud conversations with yourself these days, but really, just use her name. Celestia. You dream of Celestia. You can't exactly embarrass yourself by admitting that to yourself, now can you?” Discord chuckled. But then he sighed again and put his claw to his chin. “Still though, my innocent little dream really could have easily been a fluke, and those 'never ever EVER going to happen in real life' Celestia dreams might come back.”

Discord reclined back on his pillows once more, snapping to make a familiar large book in a familiar magical bubble appear at his side. “I'll have to start reading Starswirl's book. Maybe there's a way I can keep my dreams just like they were last night, minus the nightmare part of course-fun and kind and about my friends…even Celestia.” His grin picked up a little on one side as he looked to the stars. “All right, fine I admit it-whatever my thoughts on those 'other' dreams I was having about her, I do like Celestia as a friend much more than I ever expected to. She really is nice, and she doesn't seem to hate me at all.” He frowned a little. “I shouldn't have snapped at her about the Tirek thing the other day. But even despite my stubbornness, she just wants to help me and make sure I'm happy.”

Discord sighed and considered, twirling his beard around one of his paw fingers. “Who knows, maybe she does have a little crush on me. She does seem awfully concerned with making sure I like her, that we're on good terms, after all.” He blushed a little and admitted something to himself. “If she felt that way about me, I don't think I would be disgusted or even amused anymore…I think I would be flattered. Really and truly.” He chuckled. “Of course, I'll never admit that to anyone ever. But still, being cared for by her as a friend feels so nice that I can't imagine how good being cared for by her as more than a friend would feel. I'd almost like to know though, even if I don't feel the same way about her. So I guess when I dream it's like I'm trying to imagine that situation even though I almost can't.” He raised an eyebrow. “That makes sense, right?”

Discord pondered his own odd question for a moment, but then blinked and smirked a little to himself. “Okay, not only have I started asking myself questions that I expect the answers to, but I'm worrying about 'making sense.' I could definitely use a little more sleep.” He yawned, then snapped away his book. “The night's over halfway through anyway, and I'm sure Luna's busy, so I shouldn't have to worry about her too much. I'll get started on Starswirl's book first thing in the morning. And then I'll go create some chaos somewhere for fun-that'll get me back to my usual impish self. And then I can visit Fluttershy for a little Gala chaos practice.” Letting out a content sigh, Discord curled up on his side and pulled up his blanket a little more. “But for now,” he yawned again, his eyes closed, “maybe if I'm lucky my mind will wander to another nice dream or two.”

A few moments later, Discord was snoring. A few moments after that, he was smiling and blushing in his sleep. “Celestia, if you felt that way about me, you should have just said…Only you would confess love in a library. Hmm…only you would…kiss me…” A shuddery sigh left him and he blushed more. “Kiss me.”

Suddenly, Discord's breath caught in his throat. His eyes popped open wide, and he instantly sat bolt upright, clutching at his chest and breathing heavily. “I…I…Oh, look, none of this means anything! It's all just from nerves about the Gala and my suspicions about Celestia, and either way I can't help liking things in dreams.” He blushed all the more, then scowled and shook his head. “Oh, I just want this to stop! Not just these dreams but all of these new feelings lately-friendship and care and worry and fear and hope and love and happiness-they're creating a chaos in me that's even challenging to my skills. I just need a break.” He lay back down again, curling up into an even tighter ball underneath his covers. His voice softened. “It doesn't help though that I like all of those feelings, I really, truly do…” Discord frowned a little, his eyelids drooping. “Maybe if I hadn't spent so long filled with selfishness and hate, I'd be used to feeling good by now.” He let out a deep breath, closing his eyes. “How could I have almost given up all that good for Tirek? And Celestia and Twilight and Fluttershy can't understand why I don't want to talk about it: it's because there's one other new feeling I've discovered recently-shame. And I just can't bear to face it. I can't.”

Discord lay quietly after that for a while, falling deeper into a restless sleep as the moon gently shifted in its course over the sky and the night went on. Discord had no dreams during his little nap, and he woke up only an hour after sunrise to start going about his plans for his day, all the while avoiding the many distressing thoughts that had briefly occupied his mind during the dead of night.

The morning was bright and lovely in Ponyville just as it was in Canterlot, and Twilight Sparkle had just woken up from another night's rest in her new castle home.

She yawned, walking down the hall, her hair not yet brushed and her demeanor still a bit groggy. “The next thing I need to get for this place is more furniture-particularly a real bed.” She kinked her neck to the side, grimacing a little. “Trying to sleep on a crystal floor covered with blankets and pillows isn't easy.” Another yawn escaped her. “Oh well…at least I was able to sleep in a little late today since I didn't have to worry about getting breakfast together right away for Spike-that note he left taped to my horn said Rarity was expecting him first thing today and that he'd get some jewels to snack on there. I guess they really must be working hard on her designs for the Gala.” Twilight sighed, glancing back at her wings. “I just hope I end up looking okay-it's going to feel so weird trying to wear a dress in these things.” She shook her head, turning a corner to walk down another hallway. “But at least I have the morning to myself. I think I'll magically make myself some tea and oat cakes, and wrap myself up in a warm blanket, and go read in the library for a little bit.” Smiling at the idea, Twilight made a blanket appear over her back and moved forward a little faster to the library entrance. She magically opened the door wide and stepped inside, another yawn escaping her and her eyes blinking few times in a touch of residual sleepiness.

Then Twilight's eyes went wide and she started back in surprise.

There before her was a certain unexpected (if familiar at this point) guest seated at the long work table at the center of the room with a large book in his hands and black rimmed reading glasses on his eyes. Discord, as the intruder turned out to be of course, just sighed, glancing up from the page he was on. “Don't you ever knock, Twilight Sparkle? I mean, I know it's your castle, but still politeness is politeness after all.” He chuckled softly and then shook his head and glanced down at the book again.

“Discord, what are you doing here?!” Twilight asked, finally coming out of shock enough to find her words.

“Well,” Discord shrugged, still gazing at his book and turning a page, “I needed a quiet place to read, and I'm bored with being outside, and this castle is sort of the new public library, at least as far as I'm concerned. So of course I decided to break in about half an hour ago and make myself confortable.” Discord glanced back up at Twilight again, his grin picking up on one side and his tone taking on just a touch of playful sarcasm. “Oh dear-is it a problem to unceremoniously intrude upon the personal space of your friends at an annoyingly early hour?” He chuckled warmly.

Twilight sighed (tried not to encourage him by laughing along) and brought a hoof up to her temple. “It's not a problem, it's just…early. And a little warning would be nice in the future,” she explained as diplomatically as possible, smiling at him.

Discord grinned a little more. “Yes, well, I was going to say, you do look a little unkempt, Princess. Not the best state for receiving guests in.” He chuckled again. “Though personally I think 'Twilight in the Morning' would make an excellent portrait to use for if Celestia starts wanting to put you on any of the money.” He snapped his fingers, making a large gold coin appear in the air bearing an etching of Twilight looking groggy and disheveled. “See?” He grinned widely.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Very funny, Discord.” She magically made her blanket disappear, then magically made a hairbrush appear that started combing through her mane. “Well, as long as you're here, are you reading anything interesting?” She smiled more, taking a few steps forward to try and read the title of the book in his hands. “Something from the list I gave you?”

Discord smiled and nodded, snapping to make the large gold coin disappear and holding up his book a little. “It's that Nightly Musings book you recommended. And I must say, I see why you and Celestia like this Starswirl character so much. My tastes in literature tend toward the surreal and just plain kooky, and this guy had to be some kind of eccentric pony judging from half the remarks and advice he put in here. I'm just finishing up chapter six and I'll be moving on to chapter five next.” He flipped a page (going, as Twilight now noticed, from right to left instead of left to right). “And refreshingly enough, it's almost like he intended for this thing to be read in unconventional ways.”

Twilight's eyes went wide and she almost started back in shock! “Wait, you're reading it backwards?? But, but, but…Discord, you can't read a book back to front the first time around! It…It'll spoil the ending and be confusing and it won't make any-”

“Sense?” Discord glanced up at her again, raising an eyebrow. “Twilight, work with me a little please, hmm?” He rolled his eyes with a grin.

Twilight just let out a deep sigh, making her brush disappear and holding up a hoof as she tried to explain her point much more calmly this time around. “Discord, I'm just saying…books sort of have to be dealt with in an orderly way. There's no getting around it.”

Discord just chuckled though, shaking his head. “Oh you really do still have a lot to learn, Twilight Sparkle. Books are far from orderly-try writing one someday and you'll see.” He glanced down at the book once more and turned another page in the wrong direction. “But either way, of course back to front is the better way of reading than front to back. You get a much more amusing and thorough picture of things. And it keeps your mind sharp and even lets it wander into places you'd never think about otherwise.” He held his head high, speaking with a touch of pride in his tone now. “Next I might read it front to back just to see how that boring orderliness looks, but then perhaps I'll read it one random chapter at a time or even upside down if the mood strikes me.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow again. “And since when do you know so much about books?” Her tone was much more sincere than sarcastic.

Discord scoffed, rolling his eyes at her. “Well, you know, Twilight, in my centuries of existence I have gotten so bored that I've taken to reading from time to time. Just because I'm chaotic doesn't mean I'm ignorant. Besides, like I told you…this subject matter is an interest of mine at the moment.” His eyes went back to the book pages. “And I also may have sort of a 'personal' stake in this new pursuit of mine-or at least my beauty sleep does. Even chaos needs regular rest, you know.”

Twilight hesitated for a moment at this new information, but then approached until she was right before the table he was reading at. She raised an eyebrow. “Is something you're dreaming about bothering you, Discord?” She smiled a little. “If it'll help, I've read some of the other books on dream interpretation already-you could tell me what your dreams are about, and I could try to help you understand them so that you could sleep better.” Her smile brightened.

Discord just sighed deeply in response however, flipping another page in the wrong direction and noticeably sinking down in his chair. “Hmm…what my dreams are about, Twilight Sparkle, is above your pay grade. Let's just leave it at that.” He did smile a little though and manage to add politely enough, “But I do appreciate the offer.”

Twilight just looked even more confused now. “Okay, then…. Well, are you at least finding the answers you're looking for about dreams?”

“More than I bargained for, actually,” Discord replied, sitting up normally again and lowering his book once more. “And speaking of which, I'd like to get back to my 'studies.' Would you mind giving me a little quiet, Twilight? And maybe bringing by a few slices of hay bacon or something if you're making breakfast anyway? For your favorite house guest-please?” Discord smiled at her very endearingly over the top of his book. “Just trying to give you more constructive things to do with your time, Princess.” He winked.

Twilight sighed and smiled back at him before heading back toward the library exit. “Of course, Discord. I want to finish getting ready for the day first, but then I'll prepare us something to eat. And after breakfast, I might join you for some quiet reading myself. But I promise to not to bother you.” Twilight paused in the doorway now, glancing back over her shoulder and raising an eyebrow. She just couldn't help the question. “And...you actually do read books upside down, Discord? Really?”

Discord nodded, resting his elbows on the table and grinning. “Oh yes. But, for you, I'd just start with backwards and then progress from there, Twilight. Believe me, even you aren't ready for upside down reading yet.”

Twilight's eyelids lowered a little, but she couldn't help smiling and adding, “And just out of curiosity…do you really need those glasses?”

Discord shrugged. “Oh, probably not, but they make me feel distinguished.” Then he snapped his fingers and a bubble pipe appeared in his tail, which he took a few puffs from. “This does too.”

Twilight smiled more to herself and shook her head. Then she turned and left the library.

Alone again now, Discord flipped another page in his book the wrong way, turning his attention back to Starswirl's words once more. “Hmm…so, boiling down all of Starswirl's amusing little insights and hidden messages and practically chaotic spells for nighttime visions and convoluted theories, my dreams are either an indirect symbolic expression of something entirely unrelated to their content that I want badly…or they're a direct symbol of something I want very, very, very, very badly. Ugh…great. So either I'm madly in love with Celestia or I just want a puppy or a hug or something.” He sighed deeply, flipping another page and resting his chin on his paw. “I'm going to have a lot of deep, private, awkward, soul-searching thinking to avoid doing when I'm finished here, aren't I?” He shook his head at the idea and continued perusing his book.

Twilight returned shortly all ready for the day and with some muffins (and a little hay bacon too) and tea which she and Discord shared. And Twilight tried her best to resist the urge, as long as Discord remained with her, to read her book starting with the back instead of the front, not wanting to give him the satisfaction despite her great curiosity about his suggestion.

“Spike, will you hand me that amber thread? I want to make the stitching in the samples I'm sending to Princess Celestia is as bright as sunny and possible while still coordinating well with the richer colors I'm planning for Discord's tuxedo, and I think the amber will do the trick.” Rarity, closely observing some gold fabric through her sewing glasses and magically stitching a seam, couldn't help beaming and giggling yet again. “Oh I still can't believe I'm designing for a draconequus and for Celestia herself!”

Spike, dashing across the showroom of Carousel Boutique to hand her the requested spool of thread on this lovely early afternoon, smiled up at Rarity. “I know, it's such an honor Rarity. I'm really glad Princess Celestia said yes. I'm sure you'll make something just beautiful for her and Discord and for Twilight too! And I'm sure you'll do a great job sprucing up the dresses for the rest of the girls, of course!” He beamed.

Rarity laughed warmly and nodded, magically taking the thread from him. “Oh, well, thank you, Spike. I'll do my best. Luckily, my plans for my dress and for the girls' dresses are pretty basic-I just want to add some rainbow accents to them. I thought it might be comforting after that nasty ordeal with Tirek for the pony elite to see that while we girls have certainly grown and been through many trials over the last year, something about us will always stay the same. Stability will be the key theme for this Gala, Spike, I guarantee it.” Rarity winked down at her little helper.

Spike nodded, holding up a tape measure for her to consult as she magically made note of a few numbers. “I think that's a great idea, Rarity. And besides, it'd be a shame only to use those dresses you made last year once, especially since you put so much hard work into them.”

“Oh, thank you, Spikey Wikey.” Rarity beamed and gave her little helper a gentle nuzzle on the head before walking over to another dress dummy to look over a new yoke she was designing for the sun princess. “Of course though, even if I'll be saving myself a great deal of work on those dresses, Twilight's outfit will be a little trickier-she wants me just to adjust her dress to fit her new wings and height, but I feel like she needs so much more, being a princess now and everything. I'll have to do some fast brainstorming so that she can have plenty of time to consider some different ideas.” Rarity smiled to herself, standing back to admire the yoke (it was gold with a large diamond in the middle that Spike couldn't help licking his lips at). “But the real challenge and priority will naturally be Celestia and Discord's ensembles. It really will take all of my skill to make them just perfect. Hmm…” Rarity considered and then magically replaced the diamond in the yoke with a large amber crystal instead.

Appearing a little more satisfied with her work, Rarity sighed and went on. “After all, Spike, Princess Celestia is a pure-blooded alicorn-I don't have a single dress dummy in here that even comes close to her measurements for height or wingspan. I'll have to approximate everything for the samples I'll send her and then make sure I get her true measurements right away so that I can start work on her outfit immediately. And the same goes for Discord.” She smiled down at Spike. “You've been so helpful to me, of course, letting me try smaller versions of tuxedos on you. But I'll need Discord himself here to get the true dimensions of his shape. Luckily, though, he said he would stop by this weekend, so I'll have plenty of time after that to start actually sewing his tuxedo together. And then when everything's close to done, I'll have him and Celestia come in for a final fitting together so that we can see both of their complete outfits in action! Oh won't that be positively romantic-the two of them together preparing for their big night!” She put a hand to her heart, sighing dreamily. “Speaking of which,” she glanced at Spike and magically made a footstool appear at her side, “If you wouldn't mind climbing back on the pedestal here, Spikey Wikey, I'd like to try a few more things on you to get ideas for a few more sketches for Discord.”

“Sure thing, Rarity.” Spike nodded and climbed up on the pedestal. Rarity magically made a top hat come to sit upon his head and then held up a few bowties to try the effect of each of them.

Spike just smiled and tried not to blush at being the center of so much of her attention. Then he cleared his throat and took a deep breath, glancing down and putting his arms behind his back. “So…Rarity…do you really think that the Gala is going to be like a…like a date for Celestia and Discord?”

Rarity smiled, magically drawing on her sketchpad. “Oh, it has all of the earmarks of a date, Spike. Trust me, a girl knows these things. But of course those awful rumors about Celestia falling for Discord and Discord leading her on and then breaking her heart don't have an ounce of truth to them. Our Princess is far too accomplished and strong of a woman to behave so ridiculously, and Discord may be a former villain but I've never seen him show disrespect for a lady. I believe he'll make an excellent escort.” She sighed, a dry look coming to her features as she put down her sketchpad for a moment to magically examine some swatches of fabric. “Much better than my Gala escort last year, at any rate…” she mumbled to herself.

Spike nodded, then wrung his claws together just a little. “So then, you don't think it's weird…a pony going on a date with a drago-a draconequus? You think it's romantic?”

Rarity smiled at him, magically removing his top hat and adding some cuffs with cufflinks to his wrists for a moment. “Spike, a lady and a gentleman, long time acquaintances, are going to spend a lovely evening together at the most formal event of the year. They'll talk and share and grow closer…and if the stars align just right perhaps they might even start to fall in love. It's very romantic, Spike, not weird at all. And it doesn't matter one bit if Discord and Celestia are a little different, even if others might have trouble accepting the situation-all that matters is that they enjoy each other's company as good friends and as anything more if that situation ever came to pass.”

Spike gazed up at her, his eyes half lidded in affection. “Rarity, that's so…well, generous of you to give them so much support as a couple for the dance.”

Rarity smiled and laughed warmly. “Yes, well, as long as two people are happy, why not be happy for them, hmm?” She winked.

Spike smiled more to himself. “Yeah, that makes sense.” He took a deep breath and considered while Rarity tried a different pair cufflinks on him and took down some more notes. “So, Rarity…you're going to the Gala this year just by yourself then I guess?”

Rarity blinked and looked at him with a smile. “Of course not, Spike. The girls and I are all going together, and with you as well. It'll be fun to spend time together, just like you suggested we do last year in the first place.”

Spike smiled sheepishly, shuffling his feet. “Oh, no, I meant…well…you're not going with an escort this year?”

Rarity sighed, that dry look returning to her features as she magically held up a few spools of thread to compare colors. “Ugh, no, not after last year's fiasco with Prince Blueblood. I've had my fill of spoiled stallions, I'm afraid.”

Spike blinked at this statement, considered, but then smiled again. “Rarity?”

She smiled again, putting aside her spools of thread. “Yes, Spike?”

A determined (if somewhat bashful) look came to Spike's features. “I want to ask you something. But I'm not sure how you'll take it. So I just want you to know, if the answer's not what I want it to be, it's okay. Really. I just…” he smiled a little and shrugged, “I just want you to be happy.”

Rarity smiled more at him with interest and nodded. “Oh Spike, thank you. And what did you want to ask me?”

The baby dragon took a deep breath. “I…I was wondering if you'd let me be your escort to the Gala…or if you'd be my escort…just as friends? I-I guess most ponies just take other ponies to the Gala, but if Celestia and Discord are going this year…and since you had such a disappointing time with an escort last year…I just thought it'd be nice if we went together, and I could do my best to be the kind of escort you deserve-the best kind for the best unicorn I know.” He bit his lip, smiling a little sheepishly. “You used to be sort of tied with Twilight as the best unicorn I knew, but now that she's an alicorn, you're the best unicorn, no question ever!” He looked into her eyes. “So…what do you say, Rarity? And it's okay if your answer's no, I'll understand.”

Rarity was just watching him with wide eyes…and those eyes were glistening a little. “Oh Spike, I don't know what to say…”

Spike let out a small sigh, smiling a little more and adding, “I know I'm not a prince, but for a pony as special as you, I'd try to be as close to one as possible.”

Rarity gave a small gasp. “Oh…Oh Spikey Wikey, aren't you so sweet!” She beamed down at him, finally wiping a tear from her eye with her hoof. “After a request like that, how could I refuse? Of course you can be my escort. I'd be honored. First agreeing to help me with my designing and now asking me so nicely to the Gala-you're such a sweet gentleman, Spike!” And with that she wrapped her hoof around him from the side in a tight hug.

Spike's eyes went wide and then he sighed dreamily, melting in her grasp. “I…I…Oh, you said yes. Great.” He was completely gone, visions of romance dancing before his eyes.

Rarity giggled, pulling back. “Of course you know this means I have to design you a new tuxedo so that you can coordinate with my dress. Oh, what a cute picture we'll make together, Spike!” She pinched is cheek with her hoof.

Spike blushed a little, glancing away awkwardly. “Oh…yeah. Cute.” He sighed but then smiled at her again. “Well, anyway, thank you for saying yes, Rarity. I promise, you won't be disappointed.” He clapped his claws together.

“I could never be disappointed with you, Spike,” Rarity assured back with a soft voice and kind gaze.

Spike just smiled and blushed more, looking down.

Rarity laughed warmly. “All right, well, now that that's settled, let me finish these sketches, and then I think you've earned a little break and some lunch. I've put together a little buffet of amethyst and emeralds and just a few sapphires since you always seem to like them best. It's all right in the corner in that chest.” She gestured over her shoulder. “Feel free to eat as much as you want, Spike-you've earned it. Then after that please feel free to take the rest of the afternoon to yourself-I'll just be adding those rainbow accents I mentioned to the girls' dresses and my own, so I won't need much help.”

Spike beamed. “Oh, thank you, Rarity!” He licked his lips. “That sounds delicious. And it'll be nice to have some time to see Twilight this afternoon.” He frowned a little. “I feel bad for not being around a lot for her these last few days.”

“Oh I'm sure she's been keeping herself busy, Spike, but I know she'll love to see you for the afternoon,” Rarity assured with a nod. “And thank you so much again for all of your help. I appreciate it.” She gave him a little pat on the head.

Spike blushed a little more and nodded in return. “You're welcome, Rarity. Anytime.”

Rarity smiled brightly and then magically raised her sketchpad again. “All right then, well, let's get on to deciding about accessories-a cane or no cane, that is the question.” Rarity magically made a black cane with a gold head appear in Spike's hand, and then observed it carefully.

Spike and Rarity continued on with their work for a little while longer until it was time for Spike to have his gem feast and head back home to Twilight.

Discord and Twilight had spent the better part of the morning together reading quietly. The master of chaos had then left early in the afternoon, claiming a desire to spread his chaotic wings for a bit, and ever since then Twilight had been down in the throne room doing some more 'redecorating.'

She emerged into the library again now though, letting out a sigh from a job well done. “I think I've earned a break.” She smiled to herself. “Maybe a nice, quiet lunch in here and a little Starswirl reading of my own. Maybe I'll even try reading it backwards.” She magically picked up her copy of one of Starswirl's books on general magical theory from a shelf and took a seat at the long table with it. “I just can't believe how…good of a reading companion Discord was. Even the girls aren't that quiet when we try reading together.” She raised an eyebrow, scratching the side of her head with a hoof. “No pranks, no jokes, no interruptions-he just kept flipping the book all different ways and flipping through the book all different ways and flipping himself all different ways, but otherwise I've never seen anypony that focused on reading except…well, me.” She sighed in a touch of amazement. “He really is responsible when he wants to be. And I guess he really must have a lot of questions about dreams. I just hope nothing's troubling him too much.”

Twilight frowned, her voice lowering a little. “I know the Tirek thing must have been traumatic for him. He seemed so shaken up after he got betrayed, after all. He hurt us, but I still felt so bad for him.” She turned her book over so that the back cover was facing her, and then opened it to begin reading (though not before magically making a few hay and carrot sandwiches appear on a platter at her side). “Unless it's the Gala that's on his mind, and those rumors…” she mumbled to herself softly, starting to get into her book, “Though I can't see how a dance or idle gossip could bother anybody that much…especially someone like Discord…”

Twilight had a few moments of golden silence to embark on her little reading adventure.

Then two, loud, booming knocks on her balcony windows practically made Twilight jump right out of her seat and into the air. “Wh-Who is it?!” she called out, catching her breath and trying to straighten her book and chair.

Suddenly the balcony windows opened…and in walked Princess Luna! “It is I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna!” Luna announced somewhat commandingly as she entered. She gave a bow of her head to Twilight.

Twilight instantly stood up and smiled brightly. “Princess Luna, it's so great to see you. Uh…what brings you by in the afternoon?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Luna sighed and lowered her head, the formality of the moment over. “Insomnia, Twilight Sparkle.” She approached and took a seat next to Twilight, resting for a moment. “ I have had much on my mind, and also my sleep schedule has been disarranged slightly by the Gala planning.”

Twilight resumed her seat. “Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, Princess Luna.” She frowned but then smiled, magically holding out the platter of sandwiches to her. “Would you like a little lunch while you're here?”

Luna smiled but shook her head. “Nay, but thank you-I usually take my lunch in the middle of the night and have a rather large breakfast before going to sleep. I'll be fine until dinnertime.” She smiled at her hostess. “I am glad to find you at home though. My sister explained to me that you are temporarily making this library your reception room while you alter your throne room…for Discord?” She raised an eyebrow.

Twilight nodded, setting down the sandwich platter. “Oh yes, that's right. It's a surprise though, so please don't let it get around, Princess Luna. I don't want Discord to know the details until it's all done.”

Luna nodded her head. “Yes, of course, Twilight Sparkle.” She glanced around the room. “Your new castle is coming along quite nicely-I enjoy the interior. But I think you and my sister should go over some of the formalities of being a princess-keeping a staff, the proper announcement of guests, enlisting royal guards from the infantry, and getting some hoof-woven tapestries as well might be nice.” She put a hoof to her chin, her gaze returning to Twilight. “Then again, perhaps you and I should be the ones to discuss those details. Celestia has never been terribly strong at such domestics. She's never entirely cared for the princess need of servants and finery, I'm afraid.” She smiled a little.

Twilight smiled a little awkwardly and looked down. “Actually, I think I can understand how Princess Celestia must feel.” But then she took a deep breath and raised her head, speaking in a steady, decisive tone. “But I understand that this castle won't function most efficiently without others ponies helping to run it. And I've already decided that once the throne room is done and the Gala is past, I'll…I'll be looking into hiring a staff and guards.”

Luna smiled more. “Excellent, Twilight Sparkle.” Then she cleared her throat. And then the princess of the moon was silent.

Twilight waited patiently for a few moments, and finally didn't know what to do except raise an eyebrow and prompt with an encouraging smile, “So…did you need something from me, Princess Luna?”

Luna maintained her somber, regal bearing for a moment longer. Then her smile became a little strange, and she glanced down, glanced back to Twilight again, and glanced down once more. Finally, a very deep sigh escaped her, and Luna just got to it already. “Twilight, while my sister has informally adopted Cadance as our niece, I believe she thinks of you as one in an even closer relationship to her. Like the baby sister she and I never had…or like the younger sister she needed during those last few years of waiting for my return.”

Twilight blinked and blushed very much. “Like a…Princess Luna, I don't know about.” She shook her head. “I feel like Princess Celestia is one of my best friends, a hero of mine, but I can't imagine she would really think of me as another sister.” She looked to Luna's eyes. “And I know I could never replace you for her: not for a few years, not even for a moment.”

Luna's gaze softened and she smiled more. “Celestia's right. Your modesty rivals even hers, Twilight Sparkle.” She laughed a little, shaking her head. “But I am not accusing you of being too close to her, Twilight,” Luna went on. “My point is, you know my sister very well. In fact, considering how long she and I were separated, you know the modern Celestia a bit better than I can claim to. I have only been back for little over a year, and I have spent a great deal of that time re-accustoming myself to our world and also regaining control of my nights. Not to mention my sister and I get to see each other so infrequently anyway considering our opposing schedules.”

Twilight considered this argument and nodded. “Well…I guess I have spent a lot of time with Princess Celestia over the last few years, especially before I came to Ponyville.” She smiled.

Luna smiled in return and nodded. “Exactly my point, Twilight Sparkle. So, um…” Luna bit her lip, glancing down, “I need to ask you something about my sister these days. But I know your bond with her is an almost sacred one to you both, so if you are not comfortable answering, I will not hold it against you. It is your right as a princess and her friend to keep her trust.”

Twilight's tone became a bit more serious. “Of course, Princess Luna. But…But what could you want to ask me that you couldn't just ask Princess Celestia yourself?” She raised an eyebrow.

Luna played with a bit of dust on the table with her hoof. “Erm, well…has Celestia ever talked to you about…stallions?”

Twilight blushed entirely this time, her eyes going wide. “Uh…” her mouth hung open in a touch of confusion, to say the least.

“I mean,” Luna went on, clearing her throat and trying not to blush a little herself as she just managed to make eye contact with Twilight again, “Has she ever talked to you about love, matrimony, courtship…expressed any personal preference or desire regarding those subjects?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to ask me if Princess Celestia ever mentioned wanting a special somepony to me?”

“Exactly!” Luna replied brightly, clapping her front hooves together. “Special somepony-is that what the ponies are calling it now?” She put a hoof to her chin. “Hmm…I really must start socializing more regularly. At least the Gala will provide me with an excellent opportunity for mingling with modern citizens and learning more of this modern vernacular.” She cleared her throat, lowering her hoof again. “Anyway, yes, Twilight, has my sister ever mentioned to you wanting something like that?”

Twilight considered for a moment. Then she looked to Luna and shook her head. “No, not that I can remember. But, Princess Luna, I'm really not close to Princess Celestia like a sister would be-or at least I haven't been until now. I was just her student all of those years, and I was really young for most of that time. I don't think she would have shared something like that with me anyway.” Twilight raised an eyebrow again. “Has she…mentioned something now, or…?”

Luna shook her head. “No, no…Well, it's just…all of this silly gossip going around about her and about Discord has made me think about the matter, that is all.”

Twilight blinked. “But I thought Discord said you and he and Princess Celestia had taken care of all of that.”

Luna smiled. “The rumors we are dealing with by not dealing with them directly. To respond to them with any force would just give rise to more gossip, Twilight, would make it seem like we were protesting too much. Our greatest concern now is merely how to deal with the rumors if a subject brings them up to one of us directly, which may happen at the Gala. But as for why I have brought up the subject of courtship regarding Celestia right now, that I have done out of a personal concern for my sister.” Luna looked down a little. “I missed out on a lot of time for getting to know her, Twilight. We were apart for a lifetime. And when it was over, I hadn't changed one day and she had changed by a thousand years.” Luna considered. “Who knows? Perhaps in all that time, the thought had crossed her mind about a husband, a companion…even a family.” Luna chuckled softly to herself. “Oh when we were younger, before we were princesses, before Equestria, before all the lifetimes, she was always quite popular with the alicorn colts: a bright, bubbly thing with that snowy coat and pink hair. Never as popular as myself of course, but still…” She sighed and glanced out of the corner of her eye to see Twilight looking at her with her head tilted to the side and blushing a little again. Luna cleared her throat and let out a breath. “But, anyway, I am going too far back. I came here to discuss the present. These rumors and some behavior from my sister have just led me to wonder about her preferences regarding romance. She's always a bit reserved about discussing her more personal feelings though, even with me sometimes. I just wanted to see if you had any insight on the matter, something I may have missed.” She smiled and stood up, stretching her front hooves forward a little. “But it's all right. I appreciate your help anyway though, Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps I am just reading too much into certain things.” She shook her head to herself, smiling a little more.

Twilight stood up as well. “I wish I could help you more, Princess Luna.” She smiled, “I think it's nice that you care so much about how Princess Celestia feels though. Her wanting a special somepony isn't something I can say I've ever thought about her wanting…ever.” Twilight scratched her head with her hoof. “But I guess anything's possible.” Her look softened. “But I'm not sure that the rumors going around would make her think about that too much, even if the subject was one that she had some strong preferences about. I mean, they're rumors about her and Discord.” Twilight laughed warmly, looking to Princess Luna.

Luna's eyes went a little wide and she bit her lip again. “Yes…well…” she cleared her throat, smiling brightly then. “As long as nothing gets taken too far and everyone is content… Speaking of Discord,” she turned and headed toward the balcony window (as she abruptly changed the subject now), “Is he doing well, Twilight Sparkle? My sister suspects he's been a bit disturbed lately.”

Twilight nodded, walking along with Luna. “I think he's just had a lot on his mind. He's been a little…jumpy about the Gala and about Tirek too. And please don't tell him I told you, but I think he's been having some bad dreams. He borrowed Princess Celestia's copy of Starswirl's Guide to Nightly Musings, and he was here reading it all morning. But he told me he doesn't want to talk about anything, he just wants to handle things himself. He said his dreams were too private.” She raised an eyebrow in thought, looking forward. “Though I can't imagine what dreams could overwhelm him of all people.”

Luna took in this information with interest. “I see. My sister expressed similar concerns to me about his sleeping habits. But if he really desires privacy, I am honor bound not to disturb him unless I believe he is in some danger from his dreams. But I will keep the situation in mind…about what could disturb Discord…” She raised an eyebrow. “I wonder…” They paused at the window now, Luna still lost in some thoughts.

Twilight nodded. “If you think of anything to help him, I sure he would appreciate it, even if he can be a little stubborn.” She rolled her eyes to the side.

Luna gave a small, warm laugh. “Yes. Well, I shall do my best.” She looked out to the sunny afternoon and then a deep yawn escaped her. “Anyway, I'm afraid I must depart now, Twilight.” She rubbed at one of her eyes with her hoof. “I really must try to get back to sleep…and out of this blinding sun.” She blinked several times. “I swear, Celestia makes afternoons this bright just to make sure that I stay in bed and get a full day's rest.” She smiled and shook her head to herself, then raised her wings to depart.

Twilight smiled. “Of course. But thank you for visiting me, Princess Luna. It was nice to see you. I feel like we don't get to spend enough time together. Maybe one night I could stay up late and we could have tea or a snack or something if you're free?”

“I would like that very much Twilight Sparkle.” Luna smiled and turned back around for a moment. “You know, this may sound silly to you, but Celestia isn't the only one who thinks of you as a baby sister sometimes.” Her smile brightened. “It's actually been quite nice for me getting to know you as part of our little family as well. For once I get to be the big sister.” She stood up just a touch more proudly. “It's sort of fun. Though I'm afraid in many ways you have much more to teach me than I have to teach you, Princess Twilight.” She stepped back and gave Twilight a bow of her head.

Princess Luna usually being so formal, Twilight had a momentary compulsion to bow in return but then stopped herself. She came forward instead and put a hoof on Luna's shoulder. “Princess Luna, I already told princess Celestia this, but…please don't bow to me. We're friends, and if we really are like sisters too then I just want to be treated normally. A nice hug is perfectly fine to leave on or even a hoofshake.”

Luna sighed and shook her head but smiled more. “You and my sister, Twilight Sparkle, always wanting to get rid of the formalities of monarchy. But very well.” She held out her hoof and took Twilight's, shaking it heartily (and almost lifting a surprised Twilight off the ground as she did so). “Farewell, Twilight. And I may take you up on that offer for nightly snacks soon.” Her smile brightened, and then she turned and spread her wings fully again. “Goodbye, and have a pleasant afternoon!”

Twilight stepped forward, waving to her as she took off. “Bye, Princess Luna! Have a nice sleep!”

Then Luna was gone into the daytime sky.

Twilight smiled to herself as she walked away from the window, heading back over to her table. “Hmm…” she thought to herself, sitting down and opening up her book (in the reverse way) again to resume her reading, “Well, if anypony can figure out what's bothering Discord about his dreams, it's Princess Luna. And maybe Princess Celestia can even help too since she and Discord seem to be getting so close.” Twilight smiled a little more to herself, blushing lightly. “And I'm like a baby sister to them…” She laughed, shaking her head as she turned a page, “And Celestia having a special somepony…” She sighed.

Twilight read quietly for a few moments, and then a look of interest came to her face and her eyebrow raised. “Hmm, Discord was right. Reading backwards is interesting…and it kind of lets you think about other things more and gives you a whole new perspective on the argument or story of the book. It's like I can see how it's constructed better. I'll have to thank him for suggesting it.” Twilight magically picked up a sandwich to take a bite and went on reading and musing to herself, wondering about Celestia and Luna and Discord and the Gala too just as much as she wondered about the work of Starswirl in her hooves.

Not too much later, she heard the familiar scuffling of some scaly feet along the corridors of her castle, and then a familiar purple and green baby dragon dashed into the library.

“Twilight!” Spike called out, running to her and catching against her in a hug.

Twilight laughed warmly, putting aside her book and lowering her sandwich. “Spike! What are you doing here?” She gave him a little hug in return. “I thought you'd still be busy helping Rarity.”

Spike pulled back and waved her off, smiling. “Aw, she gave me the afternoon off so she could do some small work on the girls' dresses for the Gala instead of designing more for Discord and Celestia's outfits. I'm just sorry I haven't been around here for you much lately, Twilight.” He frowned. “I know the girls can't be here all the time, and I don't want you to get lonely. And besides,” he looked down, shuffling a foot, “I miss you when we're apart.”

Twilight smiled warmly. “I miss you too, Spike. And I'm so happy we can spend some time together today.” Her smile brightened. “Actually, though, I've been lucky-already this morning I've had a visit from Discord and then a visit from Princess Luna, so I've barely had a chance to be alone, let alone to feel lonely.”

“Good, I'm glad,” Spike smiled up at her. Then he glanced to the side sheepishly. “Hey, Twilight, um…I know you were kind of hoping I'd stand by you while you were doing the hoofshakes at the Gala, and I still will if you really need me but…well…” He blushed and shrugged. “I sort of asked Rarity if I could be her escort to the Gala this year since she had such a bad time with her escort last year, and she said yes!” His smile was full of hope about the idea but his gaze was full of worry about Twilight's response.

Twilight, however, just beamed at this news. “Oh Spike, that's great!” Her gaze grew warm. “I promise I'll be all right greeting the guests on my own. You just enjoy yourself with Rarity at the Gala. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful escort for her.”

Spike smiled sheepishly. “I hope so.” He sighed. “I'm so nervous though, I don't know how I'll make it through all those weeks until Gala night thinking about it. I don't even think I'll be able to sleep.” He wrung his little claws together, “At least not without dreaming about…her.” He sighed, his gaze going dreamy.

Twilight chuckled. “I'm sure you'll be all right, Spike. I know escorting someone you care about can be a little overwhelming, but I'm sure you'll do just fine and that Rarity will have a wonderful time with you.”

Spike nodded. “I hope so.” He looked up at Twilight. “So is there anything you need me to help you with, Twilight?”

Twilight considered. “Well, nothing much. The girls are coming over a little later for a meeting, and there really aren't any chores that need to be done. But,” she smiled more, “if you wanted to pop over to the throne room to let me know your opinion of how things are going down there, I'd appreciate it.”

Spike nodded and gave her a thumbs up. “Can do! I'll be right back!” And with that he dashed down the hall.

Twilight smiled to herself and then went back to her book. She was through the last chapter now and moving on to the second to last one. “Hmm…Spike'll be Rarity's escort…just like a little Discord and little Celestia.” She smiled more and flipped a page. “Of course, Spike's much more nervous than Discord is considering how he feels about Rarity. Spike really might dream about her if he gets too worked up thinking about the Gala and how much he likes Rarity and wanting everything to go right. And Starswirl did write once, I think, that romantic love often finds expression in dreams-it must have been in his Nightly Musings.” Twilight sighed, flipping another page.

There was just peace and quiet for a moment.

Then Twilight's magic stopped enchanting the book pages to turn, her eyes going very very wide. Her mouth hung open a little, and a distinct rosy blush marred her purple cheeks. “Discord…if he was dreaming about…” She couldn't finish the whispered words aloud.

Twilight remained frozen like this for a long moment but then blinked a few times, shaking her head. She tried to smile. “No, no, there's no way that…that Discord might be…heh…and about Princess Celestia, of all people.” She shook her head once more, smiling more to herself. “I think reading this book backward is getting me a little. Maybe it's time to put it away for now.” She closed the book smiled, magically raising the rest of her sandwich to finish it off. “Hmm…Discord and Celestia…” she shook her head to herself once more. “That's just…just…” she suddenly found herself blushing brightly once more this afternoon, “That's just too surreal, even for Discord…I think?” She wanted to ponder the problem more, but just then she heard some scaly footsteps dashing up the hall again and Spike soon entered to gush all about the details of the throne room. Twilight smiled at his approval of her decorative changes and quickly forgot about her fantastical suspicions regarding a certain draconequus and a certain alicorn…for now, at least.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your reviews, support, and opinions so far, I appreciate them very much :twilightsmile: I'll continue trying to update as frequently as I can. I'm also planning to post a couple of one shots soon, and to start another full length story like this one, but progressing this one will stay my priority for now.

Also, I know Celestia and Discord had no time together, but they are going to ridiculously make up for it during the next chapter, I promise :raritywink:

Also, not sure if it makes Discord's antics with the book any more believable, but I read magazines backwards. No idea why lol.

Have a nice week, everyone--and if you're stuck in the northeast like me, fingers crossed that all of our snow melts eventually! :twilightsmile:

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