• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 7,707 Views, 476 Comments

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! - Azure129

It's Grand Galloping Gala time! Discord, now fully reformed, is surprised when Princess Celestia both invites him to the party and makes a special request of him as her friend. Celestiacord. Tons of Discord!

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Chapter 25: Of All the Donut Shops in Canterlot, Celestia had to Walk into Mine...

“Oh Spikey Wikey, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for saving my ensemble!” Rarity cooed (yet again) as she hugged her baby dragon escort with a big smile on her face.

Spike just grinned in a daze (he still had some icing stains on his scales and jacket, but otherwise he had managed to clean off the remains of the cake layer entirely now). “Aw, Rarity, you’re welcome. But, um…maybe you shouldn’t be hugging me right now: you could still get some icing on your dress or in your mane.” He frowned a little.

Rarity pulled back a little to smile down at him. Sure enough, a smudge of icing was on her cheek now, but she just brushed it aside and smiled more. “Oh Spike, a little icing will certainly come out without too much trouble. But trying to get chocolate cake out of my silk dress would have been another job entirely, and one which you’ve thankfully saved me from. And besides, I let my sash get covered in punch for Blueblood last year—you can’t think I wouldn’t let a little icing get on my coat for you, Spike.” She touched his cheek with her hoof. “I’m just sorry your tuxedo got stained. I’ll be sure to clean it for you, Spikey Wikey.”

Spike blushed and looked down with a big grin. “Aw, well…if you insist.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m just glad you’re safe, Rarity.”

“Thank you.” Rarity nodded as she released him, her gaze warm. “Well, come along, Spike. Now that we’ve got you cleaned up, let’s join the girls and help princess Luna keep the party going.” She used her magic to set Spike on her back.

Spike beamed a little. “Sure, Rarity! Let’s go.”

And with that the happy couple trotted off into the center of the room toward the main area of chaos cleanup.

As they passed Twilight, the friendship princess smiled warmly at the sight of Spike and Rarity, and then she turned her sights up to Princess Luna.

Luna had done an excellent job smoothing over Celestia’s departure and Discord’s sudden burst of chaos, and the ponies had rallied around her quite well. The staff as well as Celestia’s dignitary friends and the Canterlot elite had come together to calm most of the guests and to make the best of the remaining chaos, and Luna had absolutely lightened the mood for everypony with her rendition of the Pony Pokie with Pinkie Pie to start off the end of the night. And now the moon princess sat at the top of the staircase surveying the room full of ponies dancing and mingling and eating again. She smiled warmly down at all of them.

Twilight flew over and landed beside her. “Everything looks like it’s getting back into order now. You’re doing a great job as hostess, Luna.”

Luna smiled more and nodded to her. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ve always enjoyed being a leader and especially organizing high society functions. And it’s nice to see the ponies getting along so well during my night.” She looked out to the ponies again and sighed. “But Celestia has managed to establish herself as both the high leader of our subjects and a close friend to them too. I’m afraid I’m still learning how to watch over them but treat them as my equals at the same time.”

Twilight nodded. “You’re doing a great job so far, if it helps to know. All the subjects loved your dancing, and earlier I saw you talking with a lot of ponies who looked like they were liking their conversation with you. I know you usually like to be a little more…reserved, but it’s nice that you’ve tried to mingle and get to know everypony too.”

Luna’s smile grew. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled but then frowned a little and rubbed the back of her neck. “Princess Luna…do you think Discord and Celestia are okay?”

Luna considered then glanced back to Twilight. “They will be. My sister is very good at talking to others and understanding feelings. She’ll set things right.”

“Why do you think Discord confessed to her like that so suddenly?” Twilight tilted her head.

Luna sighed. “Celestia explained the situation to me briefly. Apparently Discord overheard her talking to some guests outside, defending him as a friend. However, he misinterpreted her care for him as an admission of feelings on her part, which he took as a sign to confess his romantic desires. It’s very unfortunate that the revelation of his true feelings happened so suddenly. But…at least everything is out in the open between them now.”

“You’re right.” Twilight nodded. “I guess they’ll need a while to talk things out though.”

“Indeed.” Luna nodded in return. “If Celestia does not return his affections, it will be a complicated discussion. I cannot imagine them returning to the castle until at least after the Gala.”

“And…if Celestia does return his affections?” Twilight bit her lip and blushed lightly.

Luna smiled a little. “Then your guess is as good as mine: we may not even see her until sunrise.” The night princess’s grin only grew as Twilight turned scarlet. She tried not to chuckle. “I believe my sister is long overdue for a night life, Twilight Sparkle. And I would be very happy to see her take full advantage of her opportunity to have one now that I’ve returned and you and Cadance are here to assist us with our duties.”

Twilight cleared her throat and smiled a little, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, if she needs any extra help taking care of some things during the day so that she can have more free time, I’ll be happy to do what I can for her.”

Luna laughed softly. “I’m sure both she and Discord would appreciate such an offer.” She winked.

Twilight laughed too then lowered her hoof. “Princess Luna? You know, even though you’re the only hostess left tonight, part of ruling your subjects but seeing them as equals means you don’t have to stay up here observing the rest of Gala you put together so well. You can have a nightlife too, with everypony.” She smiled more and gestured down below. “The girls and I were going to dance and talk and snack on some of what’s left of Discord’s cotton candy. And we’d love to have you join us.” She shrugged as she looked back to the night princess. “All of us spent the end of the Gala last year talking to Princess Celestia—it would be nice to spend the end of this one talking with you.”

“Oh, well, I…” Luna’s eyes widened, and then her smile grew so much. She glanced down shyly for a moment but then looked up and nodded. “Yes, Twilight Sparkle, I would enjoy such friendship activities very much. Let’s go!” Then she took Twilight’s hoof and starting pulling her along down the stairs, going at a nice trot.

Twilight did her best not to trip at first and then just followed after Luna with a smile.

It was going to be a wonderful end to the Gala night.

In the moonlit streets, Princess Celestia turned yet another corner, her head down as she mumbled to herself. “All this time I thought I was making him nervous because of leaving him as stone for a thousand years, but it was really because he felt…. So then it wasn’t that he didn’t trust me enough to talk about his problems, he was just too nervous to try with someone he…. He didn’t mean at all to make me feel like a princess instead of like his friend, he just didn’t know how to act around me since he…” She let out a deep sigh: all of these little incidents that she had brushed off as not making sense simply because Discord was the king of not making sense were suddenly connecting and falling into place for the sun princess.

Her thoughts finally stopped though as she turned a final corner and came upon her destination—the only lit-up building in Canterlot at this hour of the evening on Gala night: Donut Joe’s Donut Shop.

Celestia took a deep breath as she approached the door. She and Discord had talked about coming here after the Gala, after all, and he wasn’t expecting her to be done with the party for at least another hour, and he did love sugar, so perhaps her instincts were right and he really might have found his way here…

She frowned, however, as she glanced into one of the front windows: the place was empty except for Donut Joe behind the counter (smiling as he polished a glass) and a pony seated on a stool at the counter—a grey stallion in a black suit and top hat. His head was hung low as he slowly chewed a bite of a chocolate donut from the plate before him.

Celestia was about to turn away and consider taking a quick flight over the city to search for Discord that way instead…when she paused and looked back through the window with wide eyes toward the stallion.

She recognized his cutie mark—a tornado…and she recognized that very distinctly designed suit of his as well, come to think of it.

Celestia took a deep breath and, after a long moment, put her hoof on the front door to push it open.

Inside of the donut shop, meanwhile, the stallion sighed and pushed an empty glass toward the far edge of the counter. “Another root beer float, please,” he said in a quiet, listless (yet familiar) tone.

Donut Joe came over and magically floated the glass to the soda machine. But he had to frown a little at this strange customer of his. “Mack, you sure you’re okay? This is your third one of these, and that’s your sixth donut.”

The stallion only frowned more, his eyes still on the half eaten donut on his plate. “Please. Sugar’s the only thing keeping me going after the night I’ve had.”

Donut Joe sighed and nodded as he magically put a scoop of vanilla on the soda and set the refilled before Discord. “Mare trouble?”

“Hmm…” the stallion scoffed, “you have no idea…”

Donut Joe smiled a little. “Well, feel free to stay here for as long as you’d like. And if all that sugar starts to get to you, just let me know and I’ll call a chariot to take you home. They should all be pretty free until the Gala ends.

The stallion let out a deep sigh and finished the rest of his donut in one bite. “And another donut, please. Something cream-filled this time.”

“If you’re sure…” Donut Joe sighed and shook his head but did use his magic to get Discord an éclair.

“Trust me, I’m sure…” the stallion replied, still looking down at his plate as the éclair came to rest there.

Then the shop door opened.

As the bell over the door jingled, the stallion’s head just stayed down and his gaze just stayed forward. Donut Joe, however, looked to the door and instantly smiled and waved. “Aw, Princess Celestia! Wow, you’re early this year—is the Gala over already?”

The stallion still didn’t move…though his eyes went wide (and, by the flicker of red and yellow Celestia saw there, she knew she had guessed right about something).

Princess Celestia smiled at Donut Joe as she approached the counter. “Oh, I’m afraid I had to leave early, Joe. The Gala’s starting to get a little tiring for me. But fortunately Luna’s there to keep the guests entertained, and she has Twilight to help her.”

“Well, good for you, Princess.” Donut Joe nodded. “That Gala’s got to be a lot of work to put together, and you deserve a break. Here, why don’t I set you up with your usual—a glass of chocolate milk and a strawberry-frosted donut.”

Celestia took a stool at the counter beside the stallion and smiled. “Actually…I’d prefer lemonade tonight. Thank you.” She glanced at the stallion out of the corner of her eye; he still remained frozen.

Donut Joe nodded. “You’ve got it.” He used his magic to prepare her snack and then set the drink and donut before her.

Celestia smiled more. “Thank you, Joe.” She cleared her throat. “Erm…Joe, can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course, Princess. Anything.” Donut Joe nodded.

Celestia took a deep breath. “You work so hard each year and are so kind to keep this place open late every Gala night. Please, for me, consider popping over to the castle to enjoy the end of this year’s Gala for yourself. I’ll close up the shop for you.”

“Aw, Princess, I couldn’t…”

“I’d consider it a personal favor, Joe…please.”

Donut Joe considered and then, seeing the strange look in the princess’s eyes, nodded. “Okay, Princess.” He smiled more. “Thanks.”

“No, thank you, Joe.” Celestia’s smile warmed, and then a burst of magic left her horn. “I’ve left a hand written invitation for you with the guard at the front gate. You’re all set.”

“Great!” Donut Joe looked to the stallion. “If you want anything else tonight, feel free to help yourself, Mack. You can just leave the bits on the counter.”

The stallion only gave a single nod.

Donut Joe took off his hat and trotted into the back with a big grin.

Celestia and the stallion were alone now.

The princess let them both sit quietly for a moment while she nibbled her donut and the stallion finally found the courage to sip his ice cream soda.

Celestia cleared her throat lightly. “Donut Joe does make good chocolate milk actually, which is why I usually order it, but…I’m afraid I’ve been spoiled by someone else’s recipe lately.” She sipped her lemonade and shifted her eyes over in the stallion’s direction.

She could just make out that his eyes were remaining yellow and red now, but otherwise nothing about him changed or moved.

Then Celestia sighed deeply and turned to him, her mouth open to speak.

The stallion spoke first though. “Please…go away.”

Celestia paused, her eyes a little wide. She had never heard his voice sound so tender. She actually felt a compulsion to get up and leave, like somehow it would have been cruel not to. But she knew, even if he couldn’t see it, that the cruelest thing would be to leave him alone right now, to pretend nothing had happened, to sacrifice their friendship for avoiding awkwardness.

Celestia took another sip of her lemonade and sighed. “Please turn back into yourself first, Discord.”

There was silence at first, and then Celestia heard Discord’s tail snap followed by a light poof sound. She glanced over to see the chaos master sitting there now in his tuxedo with his head down over the donut. His eyes were so low she couldn’t catch sight of them at all.

The draconequus swallowed. “Me looking like this is going to upset that little donut stallion. I’ll have to leave before he comes back.”

Celestia sighed. “Discord, you being you won’t upset Joe. Believe me, he’s got princesses in here at all hours of the night: he knows to expect the unusual.” She cleared her throat and called out toward the kitchen doors. “Joe? I’m sorry, could you come back out here for a moment?”

The door to the kitchen opened and Joe popped his head out (his apron was gone and he had on a bowtie now as well as a small top hat). “Yes, Princess…?” His eyes went a little wide at the sight before him, and then he smiled more. “Oh, Mr. Discord—now, was that stallion you in disguise? I thought your magic felt a little odd for a pony and that I remembered that voice. Well, nice to see you. Any friend of the princess is a friend of mine.”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Joe, could you remind me where you keep the whipped cream?”

“Sure thing.” Donut Joe nodded and used his magic to open a small cooler under the counter and float the can over to her. “Here you go, Princess.”

“Thank you, Joe.” Celestia nodded in return.

Donut Joe raised his hoof to tilt his hat. “Enjoy, you two.” He smiled and then ducked his head back into the kitchen to finish getting ready.

Celestia magically put the whipped cream back in the cooler and ate another bite of her donut. “You see, Discord—no problem at all.”

“…Please go.”

Celestia blinked and frowned at the repeated sad request. She looked at him. “I’m not going anywhere, Discord. You suppressed your guilt about Tirek, and it tortured you. I’m not letting you suppress your feelings about this to torture yourself too. You’ve been through more than enough punishment in your life already.”

Discord let out a very deep sigh through his nose. “You…I’m not...we…”

“Discord…” She moved closer to him.

The chaos master’s eyes went wide at her shift, and he instantly pulled back and turned toward her. For a moment, Celestia could see his eyes, big and unsure and full of all of the emotion he had professed to her.

But then the chaos master blinked several time and shook his head. He scowled a little. “Oh what do you want from me, Celestia? A full confession?”

Celestia blinked. “Discord, I just want to talk about…”

“Fine then, let’s make it a perfect night!” the chaos master went on. “Let’s make sure my humiliation is complete! And let’s make sure there’s no more confusion.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned towards her to look her right in the eye, his brow furrowed in determination. “Celestia, Princess of the Sun, I think you’re the most fascinating female creature I’ve ever known. If chaos ever met its match, it’s you, and you are the loveliest match it could meet. Every moment I spend with you, I walk away feeling just a little bit warmer inside than I did before. And every time I recall the past, I can’t believe how stupid I was to hate you instead of admiring you and caring for you like I do now. You don’t just have my loyalty, you don’t even just have my trust…you have my faith. And…now my heart on top of it all! And I’m proud to call you my friend even if that’s the most I’ll ever be able to call you. Okay?!” He was breathing a little heavily now, his features flushed.

Celestia just sat there, blushing entirely, her violet eyes perfectly wide.

Discord blinked a couple of times and then turned toward the counter again. His voice lowered. “And if you want to laugh at any of that, feel free. I couldn’t possibly feel worse than I do right now, so what does it matter?” He took a deep sip of his root beer float.

Celestia blinked a few times and leaned a little closer. “But it’s not funny, Discord. It’s beautiful.”

The chaos master sighed deeply and rolled his eyes. “Why must you keep using that word to describe the things I do? Deep down, it’s all just forms of chaos, and I’m the only one who ever found chaos beautiful…”

“That’s not true and you know it.” Celestia frowned. “Fluttershy thinks chaos is beautiful, and I know your friends think chaos is beautiful sometimes, and I think chaos is beautiful too. Truly, Discord. And especially when you’re using it to bring joy and to express your creativity and to add something to the world—then it’s one of the most beautiful things of all.”

“You’re just saying that.” He slumped on his stool and blew bubbles in his float.

“No, I’m not.” Celestia shook her head. “And you are going to stop feeling sorry for yourself right this instant.”

Discord pouted. “Why should I?” He snapped to make the filling of his donut appear on the outside, and proceeded to eat it.

Celestia let out a breath, doing best to keep herself from letting their discussion escalate into the bad fight he clearly wanted so that one of them might suddenly walk away again like back at the ballroom. And then she smiled a little and replied simply, “Well, for starters, it’s very unattractive.”

Discord blinked and blushed, then pouted again. “Very funny…” he mumbled.

“I’m serious, you know.” Celestia frowned again. “This moping, this feeling sorry for yourself—it isn’t you at all. The Discord I’ve come to know and befriend is confident and outlandish and can roll with the punches but still keep smiling, and he turns any mistake he makes into just another creative piece of chaos.”

The chaos master rested his head on the counter. “That Discord’s buried under a pile of brand new emotions and has absolutely no idea what he’s doing anymore.”

Celestia smiled, considered putting a hoof on his shoulder, but then hesitated and merely replied in her gentle tone, “That Discord is right where he’s always been and just learning to embrace a new period of his life. And that Discord has nothing to be ashamed about, especially good feelings for another person.”

“I still want you to go.” He didn’t raise his head.

Celestia stopped sipping her lemonade and frowned once more. She nodded. “I know. And I still want you to see that I can’t. I care too much about you to leave you like this.”

“Who’s going to take care of the party? Don’t you have subjects who need you more than I do?” Discord shifted his head just a little so that he could look at her out of the corner of his eye.

Celestia shrugged and ate more of her donut. “Luna’s just as much of a hostess as I am, and I’ve had my fair share of years leading the party on my own. She’s doing it herself at the moment, and I suspect she’s having a very enjoyable time.”

Back in the ballroom…

There was a conga line going (led by Cher Rouge), ponies all holding onto each other and laughing and stepping in time with the music. Luna watched the conga line pass her with an amused smile and an eyebrow raised. And then finally she just laughed and joined the very end of it as the ponies paraded through the remains of Discord’s chaos.

“All right, Princess Luna!” Pinkie Pie squealed with a jump from her place in the middle of the line as she caught sight of the night princess’s participation.

Luna winked at her and held her head high.

Back at the Donut Shop…

Celestia went on. “…And then of course Twilight and the girls are still there to support her, and some of the guests are helping with the chaos too…including our foreign friends and those ponies who had so much to say about you out in the garden.”

“Oh.” Discord finally sat up a little, though he kept looking away from her.

Celestia played with a crumb on her plate. “Discord…why did your floor crack after you told me how you felt?”

Discord let out a breath, playing with the straw in his float. “Because I’m a lot like your sister.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Discord went on. “Her powers are connected to her emotions, so her emotions can influence them. My emotions influence my powers too, like in the past when my chaos would increase the angrier I got. So the floor, when you told me, of course it overloaded and…broke.”

Celestia’s eyes were shining. “And the flower petal from my corsage wilted because…”

Discord sighed deeply. “Because, the bouquet I gave you after Tirek I made in your image, but your corsage I made in the image of my feelings for you.” His head hung down in the same shame Celestia had seen in the ballroom just before he had disappeared. “Why don’t you fill in the rest, Celestia, I’m bored talking about this.”

And meanwhile, in Celestia’s head, the two sounds played over—the sharp crack of the floor shattering, and the soft tear of the corsage’s petal falling. And if they were connected to Discord’s emotions, then…. She looked at him, her voice soft. “Oh Discord…I’m so sorry.”

The chaos master just sighed again. “So you understand now why I can’t just have a good talk with you and bounce back instantly from this one.” He rested his cheek on his fist. “This has been the single worst experience of my existence. Even that time Twilight and the girls turned me back to stone when I was completely convinced they couldn’t and I ended up in that awful terrified pose wasn’t as bad as this. And at least as stone, you can’t feel things…like pain.” He didn’t raise his head, but he did touch the little blue flower from Celestia still in his lapel. “Poison Joke for the joke…. I really am a joke,” he mumbled.

Celestia frowned more, her eyes shining a little. “You’re not a joke. Never.” But then she took a breath and sighed. “But…I do understand that you had a bad night.” She sipped her lemonade. “So you can mope for the rest of the evening: the Gala’s a little draining on everypony anyway. But after that, I want you to think very hard about this and realize there’s nothing wrong with anything you did or that happened. You didn’t offend me, and your intentions were good.” She tried to smile a little.

“How did you even know I was here?” Discord sat up a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a scowl. “What, do you have me magically chipped or something?”

Celestia smiled a little. “No, I haven’t worked out a spell for that, I’m afraid. And I’m here because I happen to always come here after the Gala each year, like we talked about. And because I had a good feeling you’d be here too—somewhere out of the way where no one knows you and where you could get something sweet. You’re the only person I know with a sweet tooth bigger than mine, actually.” She shook her head to herself. “Last year I had to come here as well to comfort some ponies: Twilight and the girls actually… Would you like to hear about that, Discord?”

“You’re going to tell me anyway, I assume.” The chaos master snapped up another donut for himself and ate it in one bite.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Discord, you’re going to make yourself sick. Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

Discord scoffed as he snapped to refill his ice cream float. “Not until I’ve passed out in a sugar coma. I’m pretty wired naturally though, so that could take a bit of time.”

The sun princess sighed. “If that’s what you want, Discord.” She took another bite of her own donut. “Anyway, Discord, as you know last year’s Gala was a little rough for the girls. But they felt better at the end when I arrived here to explain to them that for the first time in years the Gala had actually been a fun and lively event, and all because of the excitement—I could even say, the chaos—they brought to it. And then all of us had some donuts and laughed and talked. And now this year I get to do the same thing again, but with you.”

Discord’s features softened though he still looked away from her. He considered. “However…’eventful’ I made the Gala, I’m guessing fewer ponies are on my side after I let that much raw chaos into the biggest social event of the year.”

“Not at all, Discord.” Celestia’s smile warmed. “All of them loved it. Of course, the final wave might have been a bit much, but all you did was give them a concentrated taste of who you are. And you made the chaos stop spreading as soon as you disappeared. I’m guessing right now they’re all having fun with everything that was left behind by it—pies and cotton candy and beautiful colors and all those bits of neon checkerboard patterns. Really, my only regret is that we lost the top layer of the big cake when the cart slipped.” She smiled a little and sipped her lemonade again, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.

Discord’s mouth almost twitched into a smile at her cake joke before resuming its frown. “So I didn’t ruin everything for everyone else, just for myself. I guess that’s something.”

“You gave everyone a nice night, Discord. Chaos is a good thing that everyone needs at least a little bit of from time to time.” Celestia turned to him again, her gaze warm. “You know, that’s what I meant when I told Twilight and her friends I wanted you to be reformed because I had special use for your magic. I wanted you to be yourself—chaotic but caring—and to spread that fun amongst the ponies. You deserve to be yourself, and they all deserve to have their moods lightened as much as possible. Why do you think one of the Elements of Harmony is Laughter, Discord? Harmony needs a little chaos—a little discord—to be at its best and happiest.”

Discord considered deeply. “I suppose Laughter always was my favorite Element.” Then he raised an eyebrow and actually glanced at her. “Celestia, why did you put me with the Element of Kindness instead of the Element of Laughter to reform me?”

Celestia blinked but then smiled again. “Because I had a good feeling that Fluttershy would be the best one to be friends with you: Kindness was the one Element I figured was furthest from you before. So I assumed it would be the Element that could touch you the most.”

Discord nodded. “You were right.” Then he looked forward again and sighed. “Fluttershy’s probably worried about me with how I left the Gala so suddenly. I should stop by her cottage tonight. It’s probably selfish of me to be here instead of there right now waiting for her. I know she’s going to want to talk with me to make sure I’m all right.”

“I’m sure she would understand you coming by a little later or tomorrow, Discord. You just need some time to yourself.” Then Celestia swallowed, and her smile fell a little. “Speaking of talking…Discord…” Celestia placed her hoof on the counter near his claw.

Discord’s eyes went wide, and he pulled his claw a little away as he sat up straight. “Celestia…don’t…”

“Discord, we have to…”

“If you keep going with this, so help me I’ll turn myself to stone!” He glared at her and held up the fingers of his paw hand.

Celestia didn’t respond to the threat. She just asked simply, “Why?”

Discord’s stern gaze fell to something soft and sad. “Because…because it’s humiliating! Mortifying! Unbearable! A-And I’m Discord, and you don’t…and I can’t…” He blinked and then turned away from her again. “Just forget about it, the whole thing. I got carried away, and all of this ‘having positive emotions for others’ nonsense is still so new to me, and let’s just say now I understand why you keep separate princesses for friendship and for love: they need a clear line between them, however related they may be. Thinking you felt the same way I did was so stupid of me! Even feeling the way I feel is so stupid of me!” He rested the whole top half of his body over the countertop.

“None of that is stupid, Discord.” Celestia leaned closer to him, her voice soft.

Discord sat up a little, blushing, though he didn’t look at her.

Celestia cleared her throat and went on. “Discord, let me put it this way: you could have easily come with me to the Gala as my friend and then found a mare guest who you wanted to pursue romantically like many of the guests probably did tonight. And it wasn’t a humiliating experience for them, so why should it be for you? In fact, I’m sure quite a few of the mares who met you this evening are going to leave the Gala tonight with little crushes on you.” She smiled. “I know the history between you and I is unique, of course, and perhaps the circumstances of how you told me the truth weren’t ideal. But certainly you could have approached me with a romantic interest the same way you would have approached any number of other ladies at the party, and that would have been fine too.”

Discord, however, just sighed and shook his head. “Celestia, it’s not that simple exactly.”

Celestia’s smile grew, and her eyes hazed. “Oh come on, Discord. I know you were gone for a thousand years, but I also know that you’re naturally very charming. I’m sure you have enough confidence to approach eligible females…”

The chaos master sat up entirely as he closed his eyes and scowled. “Yes, I have enough confidence to flirt with females when I just want a date or a kiss or attention, but I’ve got nothing for my situation with you. It’s a situation that’s never happened before!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused.”

“I’ve never fallen in—” Discord paused. His eyes went wide. He was silent for a long moment.

Celestia was silent too, her own eyes wide, her features rosy.

Finally the chaos master swallowed and sat back a little on his stool as he finished… “I’ve never fallen…for anyone like I have for you.” He kept his eyes down on his plate.

Celestia had to turn her eyes down to her plate too. “Oh. I see.”

Discord’s voice was very quiet when he spoke again. “Maybe this is just how it’ll feel from now on when I care for someone because of all these new emotions in me—maybe it’ll always be just a little more passionate than I remember it being in the past. But still…” he swallowed, “there’s something special about you, special to me. Truly.”

Celestia nodded and took a breath. “Well…if you’ve never fallen…for someone before like you have for me, I’d like to say that I’m honored to be the first.” Her blush darkened as she glanced toward him again. “I haven’t had a serious suitor in a while.”

Discord blinked. “Really?” His eyebrow went up as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

Celestia shrugged and sighed, playing with the last half of her donut on her plate. “As Luna put it, and I’m afraid I have to agree with her, no matter how easygoing and approachable I try to be, there is so much prestige attached to me and my history that I can’t help but seem a little intimidating others. I imagine even if anyone felt that interest in me, they would be too unsure to pursue it.” Her voice grew softer. “I have to say though, I’m particularly flattered to have won your feelings.”

Discord blinked and finally looked to her again. “Why?”

Celestia smiled a little. “Well, you’ve never struck me as an easy creature to impress, Discord. And here I’ve created the strongest impression on you possible without even trying.”

Discord’s eyebrow went up higher.

Celestia finished another bite of donut, blushing lightly again as she glanced to him as well. “Discord, part of this is my fault. I’ve been…enjoying your attention lately a little too much and not considering how you might be experiencing our time together…even after Luna warned me that you might start to feel more than friendship for me.”

Discord nearly choked on a bite of donut. “Luna told you—”

Celestia held up a hoof. “Luna told me that you seeing me as more than a friend one day was a possibility to consider. But she didn’t tell me you really felt that way. She was trying to help both of us, and I’m the one who didn’t listen.” She let out a breath as she lowered her hoof. “Believe me, Discord, if I had seriously thought that you had these feelings for me, I would have talked to you about it right away, but I didn’t realize…. And I didn’t want to say anything if I wasn’t sure because…” she blushed more, and her eyes went down, “…because I’ve liked having a male friend in my life who spends time with me and who laughs with me and who I can talk to about anything. You make me feel a little special, Discord. And I haven’t had anyone make me feel that way in a while.” She frowned. “But then I let myself get carried away, not thinking seriously about how our friendship growing so quickly could affect you, and I accidentally encouraged the deepening of your emotions. And now you got hurt tonight.” She looked up. “I hope you can forgive me for that, Discord.”

Discord blinked a few times. “Celestia…” he lightly shook his head, “…there you go, always blaming yourself for other people’s problems. So you thought me smiling a lot at you and teasing you and complimenting you was all in friendship; that’s an honest mistake, and who could blame anyone for feeling good about that? I wanted those things to make you feel good. But I’m the one who started reading too much into what we had and getting carried away.” He swallowed. “I mean, really, really carried away. I mean, you and I falling…for each other….” He blinked a couple of times, blushed and then looked down.

Celestia frowned. “You didn’t do anything wrong either, Discord. You flirted with a close mare friend, and she responded well to it. You couldn’t know I didn’t realize that you were flirting.” She blushed hotly and turned a little to let her face hide her mane.

Discord took up his root beer float for a big sip, then sighed. “I swear, it didn’t start out like this, you know…our friendship, I mean. It’s not like I’ve been harboring some secret crush on your for all these centuries.” He shrugged. “I-I mean, sure, okay, when we used to fight in the old days, sometimes I did notice that you’re sort of cute when you’re angry. But that was nothing, and I’ve really only thought of you as a new friend from the start of the reform.” His eyes went to her. “Even when you asked me to the Gala, I was just looking forward having fun with you and the girls. And even as we spent more time together, I still just liked having you as a close friend.” He blushed. “But then somewhere along the line…I don’t know, it just all spilled over into more than that. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but I can’t deny that I like that it happened. I can’t deny that I went from worrying that you could feel that way about me to hoping more than anything that you would feel that way about me.”

Celestia took a deep breath and looked to him fully again. “But Discord, don’t you think this is all moving too quickly? You spent over a thousand years hating me, and now suddenly we’re friends, and then, over even less time, you want to be more to each other?

“But you don’t understand.” Discord shook his head and held out his arms, gesturing. “Back then, for all those years, as a statue and earlier too when you and Luna faced me, I didn’t know you. I hated you but I didn’t hate you, I just hated a force who was opposing me who you happened to be. But once I was reformed then I did get to know you as a pony, as my friend, and then I realized we could have been friends from the start if only I hadn’t been so selfish all those years ago. And after that I finally started to wonder about being even more to each other.” He lowered his arms. “I can’t say the friends thing is happening too quickly—if anything, we’re just making up for lost time. I may be willing to admit, though, that the… ‘more than friends’ thing is happening a bit too quickly. But that doesn’t change the fact that the idea of us in that kind of intimate relationship appeals to me so strongly.” He blushed more. “But if I’m the only one of us, then…I must have made you so uncomfortable with that last dance. And I’m sorry.”

Celestia swallowed and shook her head once. “Not uncomfortable, Discord. I would only have been uncomfortable if you were a stranger or someone I didn’t like. But with you, I was just…surprised. I’ve never thought much about that side of you.”

He swallowed and cringed a little. “I won’t touch you anymore.”

Celestia smiled. “But then how will we hug, Discord? Or dance? And what’ll we do if we get trapped together in the hedges again?”

The chaos master frowned more and looked down again. “Why would any of those things happen? After all of this, even if we’re still ‘technically’ friends, you won’t want to spend time with me like we’ve been doing. You won’t want to talk to me about your problems; you won’t want to go out into Canterlot at night with me to see the sights and ice skate; you won’t want to have secret picnics with me; you won’t want me teaching at your school…”

“Now you’re just feeling sorry for yourself again.” Celestia’s look grew dull. “Of course I still want all of those things with you, Discord. You didn’t ruin anything between us by trying to see me as more than a friend. And even if some things are a little awkward now, we’ll work through them.”

Discord snapped himself up another donut but then just sat there looking down at his plate, his gaze dull.

Celestia frowned again. She let out a deep breath. “Discord…you know…it’s not as though the thought hasn’t genuinely crossed my mind before…about you and I…together like that.”

“Yes, yes, I know, the rumors…” He rolled his eyes.

“No, not the rumors.” Celestia’s tone became firmer. “I mean me thinking about the potential for you and I to…” She flushed rosy and looked down into her lemonade. “I’ve wondered what we would be like together. All on my own.”

When Celestia finally did glance over at him he was looking at her with wide eyes and his features flushed.

Celestia sighed and did her best to go on. “Discord, as I said, you’re probably the closest male friend I’ve had in a long, long time. You’re charming…you’re intelligent…you’re brave…you’re funny…you’re good-looking…”

“You think I’m good-looking?” He blinked.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Yes, Discord. Of course.”

He bit his lip, then went on, “Even though I look so…different?”

Celestia smiled a little. “Ponies aren’t the only creatures who are attractive. And ponies aren’t the only creatures who are attractive to me. I’ve interacted with many species over the years, and I’ve come to find some beauty in all of them. You’re attractive in your own way, Discord. And it’s…a feature of yours I’ve been aware of, yes.”

The chaos master became practically pink throughout his face.

Celestia couldn’t help a soft laugh. “Discord, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush like that. It adds to the handsome effect, you know.”

Discord blinked a couple of times and then pouted and glanced to the side. “Oh…shut up, or I’ll turn myself to stone, like I said.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Anyway…I like our time together, and I like you too Discord. My point is, your thoughts about you and I—you didn’t come up with something that had no basis in reality. The thought has crossed my mind…the thought has clearly crossed the minds of the other ponies with those rumors they made up…so why shouldn’t the thought of you and I courting cross your mind too?” She shrugged.

Discord’s features took on some of their normal hue. His voice was quiet through. “But either way, you still don’t have those feelings for me? It’s crossed your mind as an idea but not as something you want.” He took a deep breath. “You…pushed me back when I tried to kiss you, after all.” A little burning blush flecked his features again as he looked to her eyes, though he kept his gaze steady.

Celestia blinked. Then she considered very deeply…recalling his sudden words of affection back in the ballroom, the unexpected dance of his fingers over her back, his smirking offer to take them away somewhere private, the strange sight of his mouth approaching hers. Her head spun. “I…I’m sorry, Discord.” She cleared her throat. “I like being close to you, but I don’t think I want to pursue that kind of relationship. It’s not something I feel ready for between us. And…Discord, our friendship is still very young: making sure that it keeps growing is what’s most important to me right now. Anything else, I…” She took a deep breath, looking back into his eyes. “Even if we both wanted to, it’s too soon, Discord.”

Discord was quiet for a long moment, head resting on his paw as he took in her words. Finally, he nodded. “And…I can accept that, Celestia.” He swallowed. “As long as we really can still be friends and close.” Then he moved his paw near her hoof on the counter, but hesitated.

Smiling, Celestia reached out her hoof and put it in his paw. “Of course. Our deep friendship is still something wonderful that I never expected to find at this point in my life, Discord. And now that I have it, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” And then Celestia let her foreleg come around him in a hug.

Discord’s eyes went wide and he stiffened up at first. But then… “Hmm…” He smiled as her mane started to envelope him. “Hmm, hmm…” He chuckled. And then he outright laughed. “Ha! Okay, Celestia, let me go! It’s tickling so much that it’s starting to hurt again! Ridiculous ethereal mane you have just for showing off! Please! Ha!”

Celestia laughed a little herself and smiled more. “Hug me back first, and then I’ll consider it.”

“Okay, okay!” A laughing Discord gave her a quick hug back with his paw arm. The chaos master let out a few final chuckles and then sighed as they released each other. He played with the straw in his float. “Thanks for um…telling me I’m not the only one of us who’s ever thought about…more than friends. It’s nice to know I’m not entirely crazy for coming up with the idea.”

Celestia smiled and shook her head. “You’re not crazy at all. Don’t doubt yourself, Discord. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come with believing in yourself and especially with experiencing positive emotions. And I hope what happened tonight gives you something to feel good about later on even if for right now you might still feel a little bad.”

Discord shrugged. “Well, at least I’ve learned how not to completely overreact in the future regarding awkward situations like this. Though for now I think I’d like to go back to just focusing on the magic of friendship: I just hope I do better at my progress with that than with romance.” He swallowed and blushed a little again, though he maintained eye contact. “Celestia…I’d ask Twilight this except I think I would actually perish from the embarrassment, but…how do friends usually work out things like this when they come up?”

Celestia smiled softly. “With great care, Discord. And with time.” Her smile grew. “Now, why don’t you snap up a couple of those inverted éclairs for us and some of your signature chocolate milk, and maybe we can just enjoy the rest of our night together? Even if we’re not at the castle, Gala night still isn’t over.” She winked.

Discord’s smile warmed a little, and he nodded. “Well…I suppose I am still your escort, so your request is my pleasure, Princess.” With a snap of his tail they each had an inverted éclair on their plates and a big glass of ice-cold chocolate milk before them.

Celestia smiled at her unique donut in interest. “Did you ever try this trick with cake?”

“You mean frosting-filled cake instead of cake-covered in frosting?” Discord’s smile picked up on one side. “No, but I’ll put it on my to do list—I’ll call it the Celestia specialty.”

Celestia laughed softly as she took a big bite of flaky crust covered in cream filling, and Discord laughed along with her as he sipped his chocolate milk.

The two friends looked forward, smiling but blushing slightly. Then Celestia cleared her throat as she set down her donut for a moment to glance at him. “Discord…can I just ask…I mean, I’m just trying to understand. We’re so different, after all, and part of why I wouldn’t take Luna’s warnings about you developing feelings for me seriously is because I just couldn’t imagine being your type. My point is, except for my general positive traits…why would you find me of all ponies so appealing in that way?”

“Isn’t it obvious, Celestia?” Discord grinned at her a little more as he paused in sipping his chocolate milk. “Oh, I’ll admit, it took me a while for the thought to occur to me, but…it really is obvious if you think about it. You’ve just spelled it out right now actually.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Discord’s eyes narrowed a little at her. “The idea of you and I together doesn’t make any sense.”

Celestia tilted her head to the side. “Oh. Okay…so…?”

Discord sighed. “Listen to me, dear Celestia. We don’t make any sense. Do you see why that might appeal to me?”

“Oh!” Celestia blinked and blushed a little then smiled more. She nodded. “Yes, I think I understand now.

Discord chuckled a little as he finished a sip of his chocolate milk. “Congratulations, Celestia, you’re finally so orderly that even chaos is impressed.”

Celestia’s eyes hazed. “Discord, we’re two of the most powerful beings on the planet eating donuts in the middle of the night—at this point we’re beyond order and chaos, we’re just two very odd creatures who could probably use a very long vacation.”

The two of them exchanged some warm laughter at the joke.

Princess Luna had just finished a spirited round of traditional quadrille dancing, which she had spent some time teaching the other ponies how to do, and now she was heading over to the punch bowl to grab a quick glass before joining Twilight and the girls again…when she spotted a very out of place pony pouring himself a glass of punch—a pale yellow stallion in a black suit and hat with a brown mane and a donut for a cutie mark.

“Donut Joe?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “What an unusual surprise. My sister tells me you are always at your shop working on Gala night.”

Donut Joe smiled at her. “Princess Luna—always nice to see you.” He gave her a quick bow. “Yeah, I always am, and I was until a little while ago. But then Princess Celestia and Discord showed up: the princess said something about being a little tired and the two of them leaving the Gala early. Then she said she’d close up the shop and insisted I head here to enjoy the end of the night.” He shrugged. “Between you and me, I think she just wanted to have some time talking to Discord.”

“I see.” Luna smiled a little. “And did they seem well when you saw them?” Luna kept her smile and tone casual.

Donut Joe nodded. “Discord was a bit quiet, but Celestia was smiling. When he first arrived though, he did seem a little down. I don’t really want to go into details.” He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s sort of a shopkeeper’s code not to share private stuff about customers. But like I said, he seemed better once the Princess was with him.”

Luna nodded. “I understand, and thank you for letting me know and for offering them such privacy.”

“Anything, Princess.” Donut Joe nodded.

“And if you don’t mind, I’d like to make an additional request of you,” Luna went on. “Please don’t mention my sister and Discord’s whereabouts to anypony. I want them to have as much privacy as possible. They’ve been the center of attention tonight, and I think being alone for the rest of the evening is the best thing for making sure their time together ends in a happy way for both of them.”

Donut Joe winked. “You’ve got it, Princess Luna.”

“Thank you.” Luna smiled warmly as she magically poured herself some punch. “And please, do enjoy the rest of the party. I am very happy to have you here.”

“Happy to be here, Princess.” Donut Joe adjusted his bowtie and slicked back his mane. “I think I’ll go see about finding a nice mare to dance with. Hope you enjoy the rest of the party yourself!” He waved to her.

Luna waved back, trying not to chuckle. “Thank you, Donut Joe!”

As he trotted off into the crowd, Luna smiled more to herself and shook her head. Then she headed off with her punch to find the girls. “Well, at least she found him,” the night princess whispered to herself. “That is the finest news I’ve heard all evening. What a wonderful Gala night this has been for everypony!” Luna’s smile brightened at the thought.

A little while later, Celestia and Discord were still sitting at the counter in Joe’s shop, sharing hot chocolate and French Crullers now as they continued to chat and laugh and talk together. Already something seemed to be healing between them: fear and uncertainty had given way to the familiarity they couldn’t seem to avoid having with each other.

“Celestia?” Discord blushed a little as he finished off the first half of his crueler. “I know you and I were pretty high up in the air during our last dance and that the ponies down below were pretty distracted by the chaos, but…do you think anyone saw what happened between us?”

Celestia shook her head. “Discord, your exit was very discreet. And I saw some of the ponies before I left, and none of them remarked on seeing you and I up there.” She blushed a little, her eyes lowering. “So the only ones who know how you feel besides you and I, as far as I know, are Luna…and, um…Twilight.” She glanced at Discord uneasily.

The chaos master sighed. “Don’t worry, I knew about Twilight. Luna told me. I’m just trying not to think too much about it.” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s…weird thinking about her knowing that much about me.”

“Tell me about it.” Celestia took a deep sip of her hot chocolate. “She’s a grown mare now, but I always think of her as a filly. Knowing that she knows I have an admirer feels a little…awkward.”

Discord nodded. Then he sighed. “Fluttershy knows.”

“You told her?” Celestia blinked then smiled a little.

Discord nodded again. “She’s my best friend. Besides, I, um…sort of…felt it would be best to get some advice on modern mares, and she is one, so…you know.” He glanced over to see Celestia smiling at him so much, her gaze warm.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, stop it. That’s the same look Luna gave me when I told her I’d told Fluttershy. Like I’d just done the most adorable thing ever or something.”

Celestia couldn’t help laughing softly. “I’m just glad to see you trust Fluttershy so deeply.” she considered for a moment as she finished a bite of her crueler, then asked with a light blush, “Discord…Luna said she learned about your feelings while she was assisting you with your dreams.” Her smile fell a little.

Discord’s eyes widened, and he looked to her fully. “She told you about the…”

“No.” Celestia shook her head. “Luna takes her duties very seriously. She’s never told me anything about your dreams. But, Discord…” she frowned, “I hope that any anxiety you experienced about your feelings for me didn’t make your nightmares worse.”

“Celestia, that’s not…” Discord frowned too, and his ears fell. “No, you don’t understand.”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, Discord.” Celestia swallowed. “Just know that I’m sorry if I added to any of your pain or confusion when you were working through your feelings about Tirek.”

“Celestia.” Discord put his claw over her hoof on the counter. He went on, blushing and looking into her eyes. “You were not part of my nightmares. I mean, sometimes you were in them, but not as a source of anything bad.” He blushed more. “What Luna meant was that she figured out how I felt because…” He took a deep breath. “Celestia, the reason Luna couldn’t help me sooner than she did is that I refused to let her anywhere near my sleeping thoughts at first because along with the nightmares about Tirek and the past and my guilt, sometimes I was having very good dreams…private dreams…about you…and me. And if it helps to know, they comforted me a lot.”

Celestia just sat there with wide eyes, her features rosy.

Discord swallowed. “I just…in my dreams, I wasn’t afraid to get close to you and tell you how I felt. It was a nice break from keeping all my feelings to myself. And eventually I let Luna become aware of what was going on—after how much she helped me, I figured it was the least I could do. I just told her I was dreaming of someone special to me though. She figured out on her own that I meant you…” He blushed more then realized he was still holding Celestia’s hoof and released her.

Celestia blinked a few times, then cleared her throat and tried to smile. “I see.” She turned to her hot chocolate. Her smile grew. “Well, I’m glad to know I could help you somehow…even if it wasn’t really me helping you.” She finished a sip. “When Luna would go off to take care of your nightmares, I felt bad I couldn’t do something for you too.”

“You kept me smiling during the days. Even if I didn’t dream about you, our time together during the days helped me feel better no matter how bad my nights had been.” Discord smiled and ate the handle of his mug, looking down as well.

Celestia nodded and raised up her eyes to meet his again. “What a kind thing for you to say, Discord.”

Discord was quiet at first, then he let out a breath. “I just thought, you and I…that we could give each other something each of us was missing. I thought we could help each other be less lonely…and that we could do a better job of it by being more than friends instead of just friends.” He blushed a lot but managed to add, “Even if it’s not me, I think it’d be nice to see you with a special somepony and in love, Celestia. If anyone’s overdue for a happy ending of her own, it’s you. Your life should be about more than being a princess and getting escorted to dances by melodramatic chaos masters.” He gave a little sheepish shrug.

“My happy ending has been watching everyone else’s happy endings happen.” Celestia moved closer, her smile growing. “ But who knows, maybe I’ll have one of my own one day…and maybe it will include a special somepony. Thank you for hoping for that for me, Discord.”

Discord nodded as he managed to raise his eyes to hers again. “And, um…I don’t care about what Blueblood was saying—you don’t necessarily have to get a ‘husband’. You should be allowed to be with someone with or without whatever ceremony you please.”

Celestia blushed more and smiled more. “Well…one day, maybe, if the situation presents itself, we’ll see. Thank you, Discord.”

“I-I’m not talking about me though, of course, as a…consort or whatever.” Discord played with the last half of his donut. “I just meant a special somepony in general.”

Celestia sighed and nodded, her smile only growing. “I know, Discord.”

“And it could be now or a hundred years from now or a thousand, whatever works.” He smiled sheepishly.

Celestia almost laughed. “I know, Discord.”

“Unless of course you don’t want a relationship like that, in which case that’s your choice and no one could judge you for it.” He accidentally broke what was left of his donut into crumbs.

Celestia just watched him in amusement now. “I know, Discord.”

Finally the chaos master sighed deeply. “I’m sorry. I’m rambling…. It’s just all of this humiliation and romance and me trying to get used to having so many mares as close friends, especially you…”

“You’re more than entitled to pursue a romantic partner of your own if that’s what you want, Discord,” Celestia replied delicately.

Discord blinked. “Someone who’s not you?”

Celestia blinked a few times and nodded. “Yes, Discord. Someone who’s not me—didn’t that thought ever occur to you when you realized your feelings?”

Discord’s brow furrowed, and he looked down for a moment. Then he blushed. “Like I said, Celestia, this…depth of feeling I have for you in particular has never happened to me about anyone before. I didn’t start off thinking about dating and then move on to thinking about you. I’ve just been thinking about you from the start.”

Celestia’s smile fell, and she nodded. “I understand.”


Celestia raised an eyebrow as a small chuckle left Discord.

The chaos master was grinning now and shaking his head to himself as he laughed. “Oh boy, me trying to date in this day and age—just going out at night and hitting up a few cider mills in the greater Canterlot area with nothing but a smirk and a mad hope. I have the world’s worst reputation preceding me, I’m the only one of my species around here, and I’m just barely getting a handle on how to be a good friend let alone a decent long term companion.” He sipped the mug around his hot chocolate. “If I ever wanted to try, I think I’d need to turn into a pony at first. It’s the only way I wouldn’t feel completely self-conscious trying to pursue someone while trying to care about them at the same time.” He snapped, and suddenly he was in his pony form again. He glanced down at himself then back to Celestia, an eyebrow raised. “Do you really think the design is lacking though?”

Celestia smiled a little and tried not to chuckle too. “I think the design looks perfectly like a pony, Discord. But I also think it doesn’t do much for expressing who you are. Haven’t you noticed how colorful all of the ponies and their cutie marks are? Both usually reflect their personalities. Fluttershy’s pinks and yellows are calming, Rainbow Dash’s coat is the color of the sky she loves and her hair is as bold as she is, and Luna looks almost exactly like her night.”

Discord considered. “Hmm…maybe you’re right. Okay then…” He snapped his tail, and for a moment his tuxedo was folded on the counter alongside his top hat. “I’d better leave the outfit aside if I’m going to experiment with form a little: if I bust a seam on that thing, I’m pretty sure Rarity will need to pull out the fainting couch for herself.” He furrowed his brow. “Reflect my personality…Okay.” He snapped his tail—his cutie mark of a tornado was replaced by one of his face with a big smile.

Celestia giggled. “Discord…”

“Oh come on, you know I’m my own special talent.” Discord chuckled and cleared his throat. “Now, let’s see…definitely taller, I don’t like me this short any more than you do, Celestia.” He snapped and increased his height a good foot. “And I am not picking between flying and magic.” He snapped again and gave himself wings to go with his horn. “Let’s add a little color…” He snapped again—his horn became tinged in silver, his grey wings became frosted in bright blue on one side and bright purple on the other, his mane became black with blue and white streaks, his tail became white and red, and of course his eyes were yellow with red irises. “And just one more thing….” He snapped again, and his white beard grew out of his chin. He looked down at himself and smiled. “Ah, much better!”

Celestia, meanwhile, was just sitting there watching him, her eyes slightly wide…and her features tinged with a blush as she silently processed what Discord had done to himself without realizing it: he had made himself into a very intriguing male alicorn.

The princess quickly looked away just as Discord looked to her with a sheepish smile. “What do you think?” he asked.

Celestia sighed, smiling a little to herself. “I think that look captures your personality much better, Discord…though I don’t think it’ll help disguise who you are if you do go out on the town.” She glanced over at him. “But I do prefer you as you.” She gestured with her hoof to his cutie mark of his face.

Discord glanced down to his cutie mark and smiled warmly. “Fair enough.” His tail snapped, and suddenly he was back to normal, tuxedo and all. He straightened his bow tie. “Besides, the ‘on all fours’ thing still gets to me a little. And I make snapping a tail look a lot easier than it is.”

Celestia’s smile picked up on one side. “And you couldn’t just use your horn as a pony, because…?”

Discord rolled his eyes with a grin. “Oh now, where would the fun in that be, hmm? Snapping is my signature move, after all. Besides, it’s much quicker to get me back in the tuxedo by giving a quick snap, and much more precise. I told you, if I ruin this thing, Rarity will not be happy.” He dusted off the jacket then sighed. “Hmm…it’s sort of a shame, though, come to think of it—about the tuxedo, I mean. Rarity put so much work into it, but…I really can’t think of any occasion that I’ll use it after tonight.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “You could always use it at next year’s Gala.”

Discord raised an eyebrow and smiled more at her. “You mean I’m invited even after turning this year’s Gala into an emotional and chaotic rollercoaster?”

The sun princess nodded. “Not only that, Discord, but…when the time comes, I think I might like you to be my escort again.”

Something in Discord’s eyes lit up a little. “You’d still even want to go with me to something as formal as that?”

“I’d love to as long as you’re free next year and don’t have anypony else you’d rather go with instead.” Celestia’s smile grew.

Discord just grinned a little to himself. “It’s a date then, Celestia.”

The two shared a warm laugh.

Then a small yawn escaped Celestia. She glanced behind her out the window toward the position of the moon then turned back to Discord. “It’s getting late. The Gala should be finishing up now. We should probably get going.”

Discord nodded and suddenly found himself yawning too. “Yes, you’re probably right.” Then he blinked and raised an eyebrow as he looked down at his plate and empty glass and mug and back to Celestia. “I’m supposed to pay for the things that little donut pony served me, aren’t I?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow and smiled more. “Yes, that’s usually how it works, Discord.”

The chaos master considered. “And…just ‘snapping up’ bits would technically be forgery…which is bad…right? I mean not ‘imprisoned in stone’ bad, but, like, ‘sentenced to two weeks of community service’ bad.”

Celestia giggled softly. “Yes, something like that.”

Discord sighed, his look a little dull. “This is why I usually just snap up anything I need by myself. Maybe Fluttershy would let me borrow some bits…”

“Discord, it’s sweet that you care so much, but don’t worry.” Celestia used her magic to let a slip of paper appear on the counter with her signature. “I’ll just put everything on the royal tab.”

Discord smiled again. “Thanks.” He blushed slightly. “Though, um…if we do any activities together in the future, I’ll try to make sure to have some bits on hand.” He rested his head on his hand. “Hmm…it’s finally happening—I’m integrating myself into society. Yikes, if Tirek could see me now…” He rolled his eyes.

“Hmm, yes…” Celestia smirked just a little. “Pretty soon you’ll be bowing to me and everything just like the ponies.”

“Keep dreaming, Princess.” He smirked right back at her.

The two friends shared a chuckle as they stood up and headed out the front door.

Celestia turned to the chaos master. “It’s a nice night, Discord: Luna’s provided an excellent full moon for the Gala, and it’s not too cold out. And I’m afraid I’m a little tired from being on my hooves all evening. I think I’ll fly back to the castle. Would you escort me?”

Discord grinned a little more. “Really?”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “ After all you wouldn’t leave a lady to defend herself all alone on the dark streets would you?” Her smile picked up on one side, and she raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, like you’re so helpless.” Discord chuckled. “But fine, if it’ll make you happy, I’ll fly you home, Celestia.” He narrowed his eyes and couldn’t help himself as he stepped around her. “You know, your words keep saying ‘let’s just be friends, Discord’ but your actions—like getting me all alone with you in the night sky—keep saying ‘I wouldn’t mind being more than friends, Discord’. Are you sure you haven’t got just the tiniest little hopeless infatuation with me?”

Celestia’s eyes went wide, and she blushed thoroughly.

Discord laughed and shook his head as he waved her off. “Oh, relax, Celestia, I’m kidding. Just trying to lighten the mood. Sheesh, take a joke sometime.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

Celestia blinked a few times but then smiled and laughed a little too. “Very funny, Discord.” She shook her head as she turned in the direction of the castle and spread her wings. She glanced over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.” The sun princess took off.

Discord, eyes wide and a blush in his features again, watched her for a moment: the beautiful sight of her white wings spread as his rainbow-haired love flew into the starry heavens. He quickly cleared his throat though and got himself together. “Erm…yes, all right. Coming.” The chaos master took off after her to escort his princess home.

Midnight had come, the moon had passed its zenith, and finally now this year’s grand galloping Gala was at an end. Guests were shaking hooves and saying their farewells, and the girls and Cher’s group and Fancy Pant’s group were seeing to the line of departing ponies.

Of course, naturally, almost every guest made a point to say a personal farewell to Princess Luna…and the pony doing so now was Donut Joe.

Luna shook his hoof. “I am very glad you got a chance to enjoy some of the Gala, Donut Joe.” She lowered her voice. “And thank you again for letting me know about my sister and Discord, and for keeping their whereabouts secret. You are an excellent friend to the crown.”

Donut Joe grinned and nodded. “Aw, anything for you and the other Princesses, especially Princess Celestia. Her special orders of cake donuts each month really help out my business.”

“I see.” Luna did her best not to giggle, and then cleared her throat. “Well then, farewell and have a pleasant evening, Donut Joe.”

Donut Joe bowed. “You have a nice night too, Princess Luna.” And then he trotted off.

Luna smiled more to herself.

Just then the Canterlot elite approached.

“Princess Luna.” Fancy Pants smiled and gave a slight bow. “It looks like everything’s in order for the end of the night.”

“Oh yes.” Fleur nodded. “The band has taken their leave, the guests are departing, and the servants are putting away all of the decorations.”

Upper Crust glanced around. “Of course it might take them several days to clean up the rest of this chaos, but we’ve all certainly found it quite interesting to have it here for the last part of this night.” She smiled, a hoof to her chin.

“Rather.” Jet Set nodded with a grin. “This has been the most avant guarde party of the year. I’m starting to hope Discord attends even more formal functions.”

“Yes, well…” Blueblood cleared his throat, “…even I have to admit the night’s turned out rather well.” He glanced at Luna, frowning a little. “But…have Discord and Princess Celestia returned yet? You said he wasn’t feeling well. I hope it’s nothing serious.”

Luna smiled. “I assure you, Prince Blueblood, no great illness has befallen Discord. He just needed a rest, and Celestia went to attend to him. They’ll be back to their respective chaotic and solar ways first thing in the morning.”

“Good.” Blueblood smiled with a nod. “Well, whenever you see the princess, please tell her farewell from me.” He bowed, took Luna’s hoof, and kissed it.

The moon princess held back the urge to roll her eyes and just nodded. “I shall tell her farewell from you all.”

Fancy, Fleur, Jet Set, and Upper Crust smiled.

“And please, say ‘au revoir’ from us too, oui?”

The ponies turned to see a smiling Cher Rouge and Duke Honoree approaching along with Governor General Albatross and Lady Downy.

“Of course, I’ll give her your regards, Duchess Cher.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “But are you leaving so soon? I thought the four of you were set to spend another night here.”

Lady Downy stepped forward with a smile and a bow of her head. “My navigator informs me that a storm over Horseshoe Bay is going to shift the wind patterns too much by tomorrow for us to have a successful takeoff in our airship for at least another week. I’m afraid we have to leave tonight to be back home in time to keep our schedule.”

“Oui.” Duke Honoree stepped forward with a bow of his head as well. “And the Duchess has been kind enough to offer Fleur and I a ride to our main port of call for our return to Prance so that we don’t have to leave so early tomorrow morning to catch the barge from the coast.”

“Of course.” Luna nodded with a smile. “Well, safe travels to you all, and I hope we shall see each other again soon. And Celestia sends you her regards too, and Discord as well of course.”

The four bowed.

Then Cher came closer, smiling more, her voice low. “And Princess Luna, please do encourage Celestia to keep me informed about her days…and especially those with Discord. I do believe I saw them get rather close during their last dance, n'est-ce pas?” She winked.

Luna chuckled and winked. “Oui, Madame. Naturellement.”

The two mares shared a nod, and then Cher pulled back. Luna waved to the Canterlot group and dignitary group as they all headed toward the ballroom doors. “Pleasant evening, everypony!”

“Pleasant evening, Princess Luna!” They all called back to her as they departed.

As Luna finished waving, the girls approached her.

“Donuts, donuts, donuts!” Pinkie bounced up and down. “It’s time for the after Gala trip to Donut Joe’s!”

Twilight smiled. “Pinkie, it’s getting late—are you sure you want to—”

Donuts!” Pinkie bounced again and squeed.

Luna chuckled. “Pinkamena, I admire your enthusiasm, but I’m afraid Donut Joe’s is not a place we can go this evening. I just spoke with him actually—he’s been here for the end of the party—and apparently Celestia and Discord showed up at his shop some time ago, and Celestia requested some time alone there with her escort.”

The girls (and Spike) all blushed lightly and smiled in different ways at each other.

“Well,” Twilight cleared her throat and stepped forward, “the important thing is that we know where they are.”

“And that they have donuts!” Pinkie beamed.

“Hmm,” Luna smiled more to herself, “still, a little extra dessert doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” She turned. “Come along, girls—we shall sneak into the private stash of cake donuts which my sister apparently keeps, and I’ll send you all home with snacks!”

“Yee haw!”



“Ooo, private stash? I bet my Pinkie Sense can sniff them out!”

“Oh, how delightful!”

The girls all trotted after her, Twilight shaking her head and picking up the rear.

“Uh, hey...Twilight?” Spike leaned off of Rarity’s back and whispered to Twilight.

“Yes, Spike?” Twilight whispered back.

Spike tugged at his collar. “After the chariot drops off Applejack and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, can you have them drop you off at the castle and, um…maybe let Rarity get dropped off last…with me?”

Twilight’s eyes hazed. “Of course.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” Spike smiled sheepishly.

“No problem, Spike.” She smiled more.

The group continued on toward the kitchen.

Soon enough, the girls and Spike all had cake donuts and were safely in their chariot and on their way home.

The Gala was officially complete. And eventually the lights were dimmed and doors to the ballroom were closed. The castle soon quieted as the lovely night wore on.

Author's Note:

“I…I’m sorry, Discord.” She cleared her throat. “I like being close to you, but I don’t think I want to pursue that kind of relationship. It’s not something I feel ready for between us. And…Discord, our friendship is still very young: making sure that it keeps growing is what’s most important to me right now. Anything else, I…” She took a deep breath, looking back into his eyes. “Even if we both wanted to, it’s too soon, Discord.”

I'm going to ask you all for a little extra trust here--I promise everything's leading in a certain direction. And besides, Discord did get two dozen chapters to come to terms with his feelings. Celestia deserves a little time to sort things out for herself. At least a night. :heart: Please don't worry. :raritywink:

Anyway, whew, that was a lot of emotional baggage for them to start sorting out! And what's this--I wrote a story where Luna and Donut Joe interacted and DIDN'T try to date each other? Clearly I'm going to have to correct that by writing a third Donut Nights story (themed for Nightmare Night... :pinkiehappy:).

Next time...
Chapter 27: (No working title yet ^^ Probably some play on a lyric from Semisonic's "Closing Time").
Discord and Celestia have a very interesting flight home under the moonlight as the initial shock and relief of Discord's confession and Celestia's confrontation wear off, leaving them in a sort of awkward state as they try to figure out where to go from here. They're able to talk a little more intimately, someone maybe even sings a little song, and we get our final dream sequence of this story. We also see a little Fluttershy and a little bit of Luna too ^_^

Thank you all for reading!

~Azure129 aka Jenna

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