• Published 29th Nov 2014
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Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Gym Leaders & The Pokémon League...(Tweaked)


-[Guildmaster Wiggilytuff's Theme - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell were cowering with their Pokémon as a furious Applejack scolded them.

The four trainers and the six Ponyville friends had just returned a half-hour ago from the Everfree Forest after Xerneas guided them through. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were demanding answers on why they were in the Everfree Forest, with what Xerneas and Sean identified as a dinosaur inside that place.

Sean was sweating bullets as he said, "W-w-w-w-w-wait a minute, Applejack-san! We haven't got the full story, but they promised to keep it a secret for Xerneas, they told us that at least."

Applejack had an annoyed face as Sean nervously chuckled, then said flatly, "…But, I have a hunch I know what really happened, and who really is at fault for that…"
He looked over to his Raichu, who was scolding Sparks and all the young Pokémon that stayed behind in Ponyville.

Sean then said, "…It would seem that if we want answers, we would have to pry them from Xerneas himself or the younger Pokémon…but, that's not going to help if they feel we're going to punish them severely..."

Fluttershy noted a few things about the way Sean's Raichu was scolding Sparks, and asked, "Umm…Sean? Is there…a…a reason your Raichu is so harsh to Sparks?"
Sean looked back and chuckled, "Actually, Raichu is Sparks' father, and so he's scolding his son, and I suspect that Sparks is the reason why the little fillies went into the Everfree Forest…"

Applejack walked up to the Pikachu and demanded, "You tell me what did you do to make my little sister and her friends go into that forest, this instant!"

Sparks smirked mischievously as Rainbow Dash and Rarity stood beside the earth pony, and made a motion that said his pika-lips are sealed tightly, and he will never tell.
Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were furious and were about to grab the Mouse Pokémon, but he unleashed a Thunderbolt attack on them, leaving the three on their backs, twitching uncontrollably from the jolt of electricity.

Sparks laughed like a child at his trick, but then nervously scratched his head facing his father, tapping his foot with an un-amused look on the ELECTRIC-Type's face. Raichu scolded his son even more, with an all too familiar face that would say, 'Oh-what-would-your-mother-do' as he slid his paw down his face. Applejack's new Roserade looked worried, then held out her arms and released a plume of a sweet, healing scent to the stunned ponies, her Aromatherapy move.

The three were healed from the minor paralysis, but Rarity complained, "Gwah-ha! My hair! It is a mess! I'm Hideous! Why-hee-hee-hee!"
Her Sableye held a comb that Pinkie handed him, to his trainer's face, smiling as widely and honestly as possible, but riding off as a creepy, murderous grin on his face to the other ponies (especially since his gem-eyes don't really emote that well).

Rarity cooed at her partner's action and said, "Guaww! You are so thoughtful, my precious little Sableye. I am so very sorry I have yet to give you a proper name."

She tightly hugged her Sableye as he started to try and squirm free from the death grip of a hug his trainer was giving him.

Rainbow Dash grumbled as she glared at the Pikachu that electrocuted her, "I'd teach that rodent a lesson if I had a Pokémon of my own…"

Sean suddenly said sternly, "I honestly hope you don't, Dash! I know the stunt you pulled with my Empoleon while I was trying to recapture Mewtwo…"

Rainbow was about to retort, but Sean said before she could, "My Empoleon got really hurt because of you having him fire attack after attack without a moment's rest. He's one of my sixty best trained Pokémon, and helped me achieve key victories in past tournaments. He's very prideful and because of what you made him do, he's been very resistant accepting any help in healing, and now he wants to fight Mewtwo again as a result. He's been very difficult to begin with, and you made it worse. You would shape up to be a horrible trainer if you are going to treat your Pokémon like that. The Pokémon League Federation would revoke your trainer license over that."

-[The Final Road (Indigo Plateau) - Pokémon Red and Blue]-
Twilight asked, "Pokémon…League…Federation?"

Cynthia answered the alicorn's question, "The Pokémon League Federation or the P.L.F. for short, is a global community that was created by our planet's various governments to regulate the growing popularity of Pokémon Battles as a competitive sport, serving as its own government of sorts. To see who the best trainers are, there are a few subgroups of the P.L.F. Like for instance; the Conference Committee, which oversees and organizes the official tournaments and regional championships..."

Steven added, "There's the Pokémon Inspection Agency, which oversees the quality and overall condition of Pokémon Gyms..."

Sabrina finished, "And, the Gym Leader's Association, which helps decide the rules, regulations, and the challenges of each official Pokémon Gym, it also designs the official Gym Badges for each gym...to name a few of those subgroups..."

Scootaloo asked, "Gym Badges? What are those?"

Sean answered, "Let me see...A Gym Badge is many things, but one in shape. It serves not only as proof you beat a Gym Leader, who are exceptionally strong trainers, but as part of a requirement to qualify in any Regional Championship League, a symbol of your strength and that of your Pokémon, enable you to use certain 'Field Moves', and also help earn the respect of traded Pokémon under your care and enable you to command them."

Rosa further added, "And, a Gym Leader serves as a test to see if your Pokémon are strong enough, and the bond between you and your Pokémon. They usually use one Pokémon type, and just so you know...Natsune-san, Cornélia-san, and Green, at least temporarily, are or were Gym Leaders in Green's case..."

Rarity curiosity peaked and asked, "What do these Gym Badges look like? They sound like a dazzling accessory."

Sean pulled out a case in his backpack, and it opened to reveal eight colorful and expertly designed Gym Badges, "The Gym Badges vary in not only from gym to gym, but they also vary from region to region. These are the eight most popular gym badges of the Kalos league in France, the Bug Badge, the Cliff Badge, the Rumble Badge, the Plant Badge, the Voltage Badge, the Fairy Badge, the Psychic Badge, and the Iceberg Badge. The Rumble Badge was one I received from defeating Cornélia in an official Gym Battle."

Twilight asked, "If Natsune is a Gym Leader as well, what badge does she hand out and Pokémon Type she uses?"

Sabrina answered, "I specialize in PSYCHIC-Types Twilight, and I hand out the Gold Badge, as it is called in my country of origin, but other countries know it as the Mind Badge, it is a Kanto region badge I hand out to anyone who can defeat me. For some strange reason, some people call it the Marsh Badge by mistake..."

Sean searched through his backpack and then said, "Yeah, I won it as my third, fourth, maybe fifth Kanto Badge, but possibly my twelfth badge overall, I don't exactly remember."

Rarity asked, "Just how many Gym Badges have you won, Sean? You sound like you've won quite a lot…"

"Of the six major Pokémon regional leagues I have entered and qualified for…" He began as he counted, "…48 Gym Badges across six regional tourneys with eight from each one, since eight is the minimum number needed to enter any of the regional championships, I already won the required number of badges to enter the championships in the latest region I've traveled to in Kyushu…"

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped as Applejack exclaimed, "Forty-Eight?! Hoo-wee, that's an accomplishment if I ever heard of one…"

Sean chuckled as he said, "He-heh, that's nothing really, some people I've heard have won more than double, triple, even quadruple of the number of badges I've won. Even as far as to win every single gym in a region and amass anywhere from 12 to 16 badges in each region…Those people take their sweet time in gaining experience, becoming far more accomplished trainers than others, even than my grandfather. And some of these same trainers are much stronger and more talented than I am..."

The ponies were silent for a few moments, until Pinkie whistled, "*whistle* That is a lot…"

Sabrina stated, "Though they would make excellent accessories Rarity-san, they really shouldn't be treated as such, they're symbols of what you and your Pokémon accomplished together, that is why they are never handed out or sold, they had to be earned by beating the Gym Leader, as a sign of tradition."

Cynthia sighed as she stated, "Yes, but that won't stop people from trying to make some money by selling counterfeits that for a period after the Leagues were first established, now Gym Badges are made in a very secret and unique way to prevent counterfeiting and the huge insult it gives to the spirit of Pokémon training."

Steven continued, "Yeah, I've heard many recent stories that say that there are further contingencies that make it near impossible to forge false gym badges. From anything like there being a little sensor inside that sends a wavelength that is uniformly unique, to being made of a very rare and hard to find metal."

"That is pretty interesting..." Twilight said, "...Mind explaining how the process works to qualify in a regional tournament using Gym Badges?"
Cynthia smiled as she said, with Sean and Steven Stone joining in, "We'd love to..."

"*Phhtttshhh!* Ikoto (cousin in Japanese) sure is a real buzzkill..."

Kellyn was pouting as he sat at a table in Celestia's Castle in Canterlot, joined by Celestia herself, N, Discord, a Pokémon Center Nurse named Chihiro, and two other Pokémon Rangers (a young boy and a girl slightly older than Kellyn), having lunch. They have just finished coming up with a plan, and are waiting for the proper procedures to be placed to execute it.

"Know this Ranger Hajime Hashimoto...I know what kind of person you are and Sir Sean Hashimoto warned me about your..." Luna blushed as she paused with her talking with Kellyn, "...'Activities'...so I'll abide his request if I catch you in any indecent act..."

"Eeee! Alright! I understand!" Kellyn said, earning the scorn of the female Ranger, who is his superior co-worker for the Ranger Union.

Kellyn shuttered as he felt her glare daggers at him, as she is fully aware of his 'extracurricular' activities from his younger cousin, and also keeps him in line in a similar manner.

She said, "Hajime-san! What was Luna-hime talking with you about!"

Kellyn panicked as she was ready to throw the culinary knives at his vitals if he either gives the wrong answer or doesn't answer at all. He said defensively, "I-i-いいえ! いいえ (Īe = No in Japanese)! I w-wasn't d-do-doing anything wrong, Senpai! I swear!"
The girl ranger's voiced raised a couple decibels, and said in a fury, "Your word means nothing to me, you liar!"

Discord wore a mischievous smirk as he said to her, "Well he and I were talking about the most interesting topics we know of last night. He told me about the measurements for some girls he saw, and mentioned you had pretty big measurements for a woman of your body type..."

Kellyn jolted like a busted boyfriend and was silently, but desperately begging Discord to shut up and have mercy on him. Discord continued, ignoring Kellyn's pleas, "...I think he said he had these...oh what did he call them, uh...OH yes! I remember! 'Wet Dreams' about you and several other drop-dead gorgeous girls he's seen. He even said his favorite was one with you in it where you were wearing nothing but a couple band-aids as I recall..."

Discord laughed for a little, until he noticed the room was eerily silent, then a gust of wind blew in...
"Hajim-" Kellyn's fellow ranger never finished until a very loud, abrasive, and sloppy noise echoed in the room...

Kellyn's face grew red as he bowed and quickly left the room, leaving Discord and the male Ranger to laugh their heads off, and Celestia trying hard to contain herself from joining in. Luna wore a shocked look with her mouth closed, and Kellyn's superior stood still for a few moments, blushing and had a speechless look, which only made Discord and the other Ranger laugh even more.

Chihiro stood up from the table and said, "Celestia-hime, I appreciate the meal you provided for us. To repay your kindness, I'll leave to do my assignment you asked me to perform. Excuse me, and you may want to open the windows or door to air out the room..."

The older Ranger clenched on the table hard as she said cheerily with an intimidating face, "If you'll excuse me, I have an idiot to kill and maim..."
She left calmly, to which N commented, "I don't need to read minds to know she means her word, so I'll go settle this argument before she really kills Sean's cousin..."

"I'll give you any news that I need either you or Ranger Hajime to investigate..." Celestia said having regained her composure, but was bawling and dying with laughter inside...

-[Pallet Town - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Sean, Cynthia, and Steven Stone had just finished explaining what the purpose of the Pokémon League has, and what the Gym Leaders jobs were, and to say the ponies were curious would be a drastic understatement.

The Cutie Mark Cusaders were overly excited at the sheer intricate network of the Pokémon League, but they felt a tinge of purpose to challenge the Gym Leaders to prove the strength of their bond with Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.

Out of the blue, Scootaloo yelled, "Ms. Natsune! Charmander and I, we challenge you to a gym battle!"

Everyone was surprised by the young pegasus' outburst, which for some reason, caused Sean to smile confidently.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell both said, "Us too! We want to prove we are Pokémon Trainers too!"

This caused Sean's smile to turn into an excited grin as May and Brendan both laughed at the adorable scene, and Applejack saying, "No way! You three fillies are still in serious trouble for going into the Everfree Forest! You are not going to do any Gym Battling or whatever anytime soon!"

Sabrina intervened and said, "No Applejack-san, it is quite alright…It is the duty for a Gym Leader to accept any challenge against them."

Sean then said, "Apple-san, Rarity-san, Rainbow-san, let those three have a gym battle, I am very curious to what kind of potential they have, so how about a bet…If any of them win, you forgive them and drop whatever punishment you give them, but if Natsune-san wins, they get their punishment and a little more. Also, this applies to each of them, any one of them can escape punishment if only they win their turn against Natsune-san…"

-[Gym Theme - Pokémon Red and Blue]-
Applejack and Rarity were about to argue to the trainer about it, but Rainbow Dash said on an impulse, "You're on! If Scootaloo wins, I get to kick your sorry flank Sean!"

Sean stated without a second thought, "Not a problem, it doesn't really matter to me, as long as I can see if my hunch is right…"

Before Rainbow could ask, Applejack and Rarity pulled her down and the three started to talk to each other about Sean's bet. Twilight was about to berate Sean about his bet, but noticed he seemed to know what he was doing.

Eventually, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash stopped their discussion, and Applejack said, "Since you seem so confident, we accept your wager partner…"

Sean nodded as Sabrina said, "Since you three young ones challenged me to an official Gym Battle, rules dictate that I hand you a badge if you win. I checked, and found three badges I can present to you, I fear I may be too strong for you, but I have one Pokémon that might even the playing field. I also would normally turn you three away if you don't have a minimum of three Pokémon under you care, but I'll restrict myself to using one Pokémon myself, I want you prepared, so I give you half an hour to get ready."

-[Tensing Up - Pokèmon FireRed & LeafGreen]-
About thirty minutes later, after Sean gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders a rundown of a Gym Battle, and gave them the necessary tools for such a battle, they were ready to battle Sabrina, with Sweetie Bell up first.

Sabrina meditated, until she said, "Young challengers, it is my duty to see the bond you have with your Pokémon, prove victorious, and you have what it takes to be a true Pokémon Trainer. Know this, I am not permitted to hold back for anything, not even you three, because I would fail as a Gym Leader, and you would fail in bringing out everything you have. I wish you the best of luck…"

The three gulped, nervous about fighting an exceptionally strong opponent, their older sisters, though wanting them to get their punishments for disobeying their orders, cheered them on to do their best. Cynthia served as the referee for the battle, and Steven offered to explain to the ponies what happens in the battles, while Sean sat atop a nearby rock, which was quite large, to see if the three had, 'The Instinct'.

-[Distortion World - Pokémon Platinum]-
Kotone, Barry, and Zekrom followed Giratina further into the Distortion World, until Giratina stopped, and he searched around the area for something.

Kotone was rubbing her fist after Barry made several unintentional sexist comments, and Barry was hissing in pain as his face had several bumps and a black eye from getting pummeled by the Kansai Trainer. Zekrom still thought that he should not get in trouble with her, because he saw Kotone give Barry a couple powerful right hooks that made cringe worthy noises.

Barry said to Kotone in a whining voice, "Kotone-san! What did you do that for!"

Kotone gave an intimidating glare as she answered in an irritated voice, "Because…you just didn't know when to shut the hell up, when you should just keep your big mouth shut. Say anything about Palkia-sama being a girl, one more time and I swear, I'll rip your freakin' ballsack off and shove it down your throat, but not before I kick your-…"

Barry reeled back in fear until Giratina said, "As much as I like mortals being put in their places, don't you think that is just a little excessive? I mean, that is the most sensitive part of a man, it would be like me threatening to rip your breasts off and smacking you around with them, right? Barry-san has had enough punishment for today, correct?"

Kotone blushed as she quickly covered her chest in embarrassment, but said, "I…I…I su-sup-suppose…I can…take it easy…just a little…"

Zekrom turned his head to the direction they came from, and said, "There's someone following us…"

Kotone and Barry saw the silhouette of something round heading for them, when it got closer, Kotone looked really annoyed as she said, "あなたは私を冗談にしなければならない…that annoyance is coming with us…"

The 'annoyance' was Sean's Porygon-Z, the most random and spontaneous of the Pokémon under his possession. Having been able to connect to the Internet, he makes all kinds of sounds, repeats garbled words like a radio, and 'explodes' at random times while doing all kinds of instant and unpredictable things. This was caused, by an overexposure to a virus that, while eliminated for good, screwed up Porygon-Z's artificial hardware. To best describe him, Porygon-Z would be a more random Discord, but who never meant to get on anyone's nerves.

Kotone's eye twitched wildly as she grunted, "Grah! Why did that, 'thing', follow us here! For that matter, how did it get here!"

Zekrom said, "He wants to help us locate Sir Sean and the others, by his action of being here, he most likely came here though his, ability to cross dimensions through a weak spot in the fabric of time and space."

Giratina looked back for a moment, then said, "I don't mind Porygon-Z at all, but I do have a very strong, what you mortals call a 'pet-peeve', of when he enters my world and punches holes in the barriers of our dimensional walls."

...and spazzes out like an infected computer model, all manner of spires and glitches erupted from his body.

Kotone smacked her face as she said, "*sigh* Let's just get this over with, the sooner Hashimoto-kun handles that time-bomb of his, the better..."

Giratina found what he was looking for and urged them all to follow him to a weak spot in the Distortion World that will lead them to the dimension Sean and the others are located.

"BLARGINATOGOT!" Porygon-Z said out of the blue...

~{Official Gym Battle: Cutie Mark Crusaders Vs. Saffron Gym Leader Sabrina}~
-[Battle! (Gym Leader) - Pokémon Red and Blue]-
Sabrina sent out the Pokémon she had in mind, the Sun Pokémon, Espeon, she knew it is strong enough to pose a challenge to the fillies, but can give their Pokémon a chance to defeat it.

As Sweetie Bell sent out Bulbasaur, Sabrina said, "I had always loved Pokémon my whole life, and had psychic powers since I was a child, I never liked battling, even now, but my family convinced me to become a Gym Leader, having a feeling that was where I was meant to be. I eventually received an opportunity to run a new gym in Tokyo called the Saffron Gym, I passed the Gym Leader regulations and beat out a dojo for the position of official gym with flying colors. Now, I wish to see what you three can do..."

Espeon readied to strike, as Sweetie Bell remembered Sean's quick crash-course in strategies, and said, "Bulbasaur, stay on your feet! Wait for the right moment..."

Sabrina issued the first attack, "Espeon, Psybeam!"

Espeon fired a psychic ray of energy and aimed the beam at Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur dodged at the last minute and readied his counterattack.

Sweetie Bell then gave the attack, "Grass Pledge!"

Bulbasaur ran up to Espeon and stomped on the ground, releasing three twisters of swirling leaves that delivered a decent amount of damage, then, Bulbasaur used the super-effective attack, Knock Off.

As the attack was about to land, Sabrina ordered, "Psyshock, close range!"

Bulbasaur was mere inches from Espeon as it released a psychic discharge, and energy spheres formed around Bulbasaur and then collided as Knock Off landed its mark, getting 33% of Espeon's stamina, but unfortunately, was defeated.

Cynthia announced, "Bulbasaur is unable to battle, victory goes to Gym Leader Sabrina and her Espeon!"

Sweetie Bell helped get her Bulbasaur off the battlefield as it was now Apple Bloom's turn, with her Squirtle, while many passerbys in Ponyville got their attention focused on the battle.

Sabrina continued talking, "Ever since I first became an official Gym Leader, I have been victorious in battles against numerous trainers, only a few ever defeated me, my victories made many trainers call me merciless and cold, I even began to become the person they said I was. That changed when I was challenged by Red Tajiri, then three years afterwards, by Hashimoto-san, I foresaw their challenges and because of their bond and trust to not only their Pokémon, but also to other trainers, I sought to change other's views towards me...to be more...open, with others..."

Squirtle was confident, but not letting that get the best of him, Apple Bloom remembered to use her Pokémon’s advantages in her favor.

Sabrina decided to battle more skillfully than with brute force like against Sweetie Bell, so ordered, "Espeon, Charge Beam..."

Espeon fired an electrical beam that was more focused than Thunderbolt, it struck Squirtle on his tail, the attack dealing fair damage since Squirtle dodged the attack, then an unusual aura effect appeared on Espeon, Steven explained that Espeon's Special Attack stat rose by one stage, effectively making all of its attacks far stronger.

Apple Bloom tensed up, knowing one more attack will result in an immediate loss, in response to Espeon firing an Energy Ball attack, she then said, "Squirtle, use Aura Sphere!"

Squirtle did so, and actually weakened Energy Ball as Squirtle used his shell to repel the attack. Squirtle then charged forward and used Bite, delivering a Dragon Pulse attack as Espeon's Shadow Ball attack missed.

Sabrina commanded, "Dazzling Gleam!"

Espeon's body then glowed in a shimmering light and fired many rays of blinding light in all directions, hitting Squirtle and defeating him.

"Squirtle is unable to battle, victory goes to Sabrina and her Espeon." Cynthia judged.

Sean was watching and his grin getting wider, he saw something, something he knew was there, and it only made it bigger. Scootaloo took deep breaths, she and Charmander were up last, and Sabrina's Espeon was on its final stretch, with only a third of its stamina remaining.

Scootaloo, like Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom, remembered to have fun and worry about the outcome after the battle.

Sabrina finally finished off with, "I was greatly hurt when I was called many things because of my powers and fighting prowess. I eventually made myself appear intimidating, cold, and emotionless...until Tajiri-san softened my stone cold heart, and my family made me change my appearance to lift the fear and sadness that dwelled in my being. Hashimoto-san was one of the first to see myself as you see me today, and it touched my heart when he was so nice towards me, even when he came to me to see myself as the rumored, 'Merciless Queen'. He eventually told me that because of how I was changing, I could find a hobby by being a film actress for a big film production company. Those two boys shaped me to be a better person, now I must do the same, are you and Charmander ready, Scootaloo-san...?"

Scootaloo nodded, knowing that because of what Sean has told the CMC about Sabrina, she knew that being a showoff was not an option.

Unlike before, Charmander was the faster one by a mere chance of luck and then used Shadow Claw, getting a critical-hit, Espeon recovered quickly and used Psybeam, hitting Charmander squarely on the chest.

Sabrina meditated a little, healing a few injuries on Espeon that hampered its battling status.
Knowing to not hold back now when she had not held back before, Sabrina learned that Espeon learned a new move recently, and decided to execute it.

"Espeon, use Hyper Beam!"

Espeon charged energy that formed a sphere at its mouth, as Scootaloo ordered, "Charmander, use Aerial Ace!"

Charmander charged forward but was hit full force from the Hyper Beam, his stamina plummeted dangerously low levels.

Scootaloo knew this was an opportunity, and gave her command, "Charmander, use Dragon Rush!"

The Flame Pokémon charged at Espeon covered in an aura that took the shape of a dragon and collided with the Sun Pokémon. Espeon endured the attack, and then the two started a standoff, both Pokémon on their last legs.

Steven said to himself, "So that's why she chose Espeon..."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked...

"Well, Espeon are great Pokémon offensively, but are known to have lackluster defenses if one can get around their attacks. So Natsune-san used Espeon because it can put up a very strong assault, but also provide those three in a chance to defeat her and win a badge. She's seeing just how strong their bonds with their Pokémon really are."

The six ponies nodded in understanding, Twilight was correct in her analogy, Gym Leaders are more or less, tests for Pokémon Trainers to pass, like any written tests held at schools.

Scootaloo haven't felt like this before, for some reason, Charmander battling against Sabrina's Espeon was exhausting her. She knows one, well placed attack will be enough to defeat the PSYCHIC-Type, and decided to use her trump-card, risking in a self KO. Sabrina knew all too well what Scootaloo was planning, she read the filly's mind, and decided to end this now, not giving the young pegasus a chance to strike first like before...

"Espeon, Quick Attack!" Sabrina ordered.
Scootaloo shouted, "Charmander! Use Flare Blitz!"

The two Pokémon charged forward, Espeon leaving an energy trail and an illusionary copy following behind, and Charmander cloaked in a torrent of flames, both attacks inching forward with remarkable speed. They leapt into the air, and struck each other, landing perfectly with each other's backs turned, and standing still. Espeon's legs gave out at it nearly collapsed, but the same can't be said for Charmander, as he collapsed and was knocked for a loop.

Cynthia gave the verdict, "Charmander is unable to battle, Natsune is the victor of this battle challenge."

-[Victory! (Gym Leader) - Pokémon Red and Blue]-
Sabrina took a deep breath as she then said, "...Just as I had forseen..."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were sad that they lost, and incredibly worried about their punishments, but Sabrina said to them, "You three performed admirably, learn from this loss so that, when we meet again, you can try to win. I await the day when we can do battle again."

Applejack then said, "Alright, none of you won, so it's time you three got your punishments for disobeying us..."

Sean intervened and said, "You can take it easy on them, they have done far better than I had ever hoped. I had a hunch and it was right on the money, those three have the gift and instincts of a Pokémon Trainer unlike any I've seen. You three should be very proud..."

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash smiled as they agreed, they looked at each other, then Rarity said, "You three are still in trouble, but we will deal with that later, why don't we go get you three ice-cream as a reward for the apparent praise Natsune and Sean gave you."

Rainbow Dash said over the cheering fillies, "In a moment, I'd got to ask Sean about something."

-[Pokèmon Mansion - Pokèmon Red and Blue]-
Cyrus sat in a chair in a dark room, still thinking about his humiliating defeat at Sean's hands, he amassed a gang by forcing them to submit to his will, but he still can't shake the horrible anger over the teenager. He heard knocking on the door as he sat up and placed his elbows on the desk, then had his visitor come in.

The visitor was a big, strong stallion as he said, "Hey boss, we have the reports come in, you're idea of starting a technological business went off without a hitch, and we are already starting on getting customers. With the knowledge we've given you, you already understood the technical know-how and what's it's…"

He stopped when Cyrus had a face that looked ready to sick one of his Pokémon at the pony.

The pony gulped as he said, "Anyways, the spy you sent just reported in, Sean and the kids that were with him are located here, Ponyville…"
Cyrus held back the urge to laugh sarcastically at the name of the town, as the stallion continued, "…There are others there too, several girls, like a blonde wearing black, and a few dudes, one with silver hair and metal accessories on his clothes…"

Cyrus gritted his teeth, he knows those two as he said, "Sinnoh Champion Shinora, and that man, Daigo Tsuwabaki…Ngggh! Have him keep a close eye on those two."

The stallion asked, "Including this guy that them human kids say was something called a 'Polkamon Ranger'?"

Cyrus growled as he said, "A Pokémon Ranger?! Where is he now!"
The pony answered, "Last the spy heard, on a train to Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia, your spy there is going to report in soon."

Cyrus ordered, "Have everyone prepare for the plan, and be sure that when it happens, you bring the boy named Sean to me, I want to destroy his spirit by watching his friends suffer…"

The pony acknowledged and left to inform the others, leaving Cyrus alone to collect his thoughts.

"Grrr…The last thing I need is that woman and the Kyūshū scumbag to make things worse, I have a feeling that the Canterlot spy's report will only aggravate me more. But reading the history of this country, this 'Nightmare Moon' intrigues me, from the evidence I've gathered, I can conclude that if I seek out this 'Nightmare Force', I will attain the necessary power needed to bring Dialga and Palkia under my control, but these new Pokémon I'm not familiar with, like that boy's 'Tyrantrum'. I need to bide my time and perfectly create contingencies and carefully thought out plans so that I can create my perfect universe, where I am god…"

Cyrus was unaware of the same long-haired woman from before, now clad in emerald armor in the likeness of a serpent was stealthily listening in on his plan.
She thought with a mischievous smirk, Easy…this is so easy, I'll inform my new playthings about that lunatic's plans when the moment comes. There is no way he's tormenting them a second time, not on my watch. Plus, this gives me another opportunity to have fun with my new little toys, especially with the two, super cute ones, Steven and Sean. Before that, however, I think I'll torment that s**thead as payback for my poor 'little' sister, and get some training down for the, 'big reveal'…

She giggled quietly as she vanished just as another pony spotted her and charged to where she was located, absolutely confused as to where the mystery woman just, poof, gone in an instant…

-[Juniper Laboratory - Pokémon Black and White]-
"…and that's it basically…"
Rainbow Dash had apologized to Sean and his Empoleon, Empoleon is still full of pride and refused to accept her apology, but Sean otherwise, convinced the WATER/STEEL-Type to do so anyways, and then Sean accepted her apology.

"Thanks a lot Sean, it means a lot that you forgave me." Rainbow said with relief.

Before Sean could say anything else, the Cutie Mark Crusaders came up to him, shouting with worry, "Sean! Sean! There's something wrong with…"
Sean understood when he saw their Pokémon groaning in pain, despite being healed right after their Gym Battle.

Then, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur glowed in a light the other humans and ponies know all to well.

Then the three Pokémon turned into, Ivysaur, Charmeleon, and Wartortle respectfully, Sean saying, "Nothing, they are simply evolving to their next states. They got much stronger than their previous forms, but with enough training, Ivysaur will become Venusaur, Wartortle will become Blastoise, and Charmeleon will become Charizard."

"COOL!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted with excitement.

-[Team Rocket?! - Pokémon Black and White]-
Out of the blue, a net fired out and entrapped some of the Pokémon, including the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Pinkie Pie.

"What's going on?" Twilight shouted, when three laughs started to echo it the air, everyone saw a big hot-air balloon flying above them, causing Sean to say, "Oh no...Not those three again..."

"Prepare for trouble, 'cause we got your Pokémon..." an older woman's voice said.
"Make it double, we are going places..." a man with a somewhat British accent added.
"Meowth, that is our game!" a cat-like Brooklyn accented voice said after the man...

"SHUT THE HELL UP, TEAM ROCKET! YOU BUTT-SNIFFING, CRAZY *Rarity screams supremely loud*!!!" Sean bellowed loudly, interrupting their motto.

The woman with a long magenta hair shouted in response, "How dare you twerp! We worked hard on that motto for the glory of Giovanni's Team Rocket!"
The man in blue hair added, "You have no idea of how many weeks we put into creating the perfect creed for our glorious organization!"
"Meowth, ya' got that right!" a cat-like Pokémon called a Meowth said after that.

Applejack angrily shouted, "You three release my little sister and her friends this instant you varmints!"

Twilight asked Sean urgently, "Who are they Sean!? And why are they kidnapping my friends and the Pokémon!?"
Sean answered with irritation in his voice, "They are Musashi (Jessie), Kojirō (James), and Meowth, ex-members of a disbanded crime syndicate named Team Rocket, it has been disbanded for several years, thanks to Red, that boy with the Pikachu Celestia and Luna found. Their leader, Sakaki (Giovanni) broke the organization up three years before I began my journey."

"So..." Twilight said, piecing the puzzle together, "...they're no good, thieving, stupid criminals, right...?"
Rosa answered uncomfortably, "Short answer, yes..."

The woman named Jessie retorted angrily, "We are NOT NO GOOD, THIEVING, STUPID CRIMINALS! You are…"

"Ooooooooo…burn…" Brendan and May said at the same time quietly.
"Such language..." Fluttershy said in response to Sean cursing out Jessie of Team Rocket...

Jessie was speechless, then curled into a corner sulking, murmuring if he's right about his accusations.
James said in response, "How dare you mock the greatness of Team Rocket, we are illustrious, we are…"

Sean's arms were sparking tiny bolts of electricity too small to be noticed only by Lucario and Twilight, but before the Kansai trainer can do anything, two quick strikes both cut the net, and popped the balloon in order, revealing the strikes came from a Shiny Pidgeot with Kellyn and N on the mighty NORMAL/FLYING-Type's back, along with a few more of the trainer's Pokémon found. Among them were;

Sean's Gengar, Shiny Roserade, Shiny Meowth, and Aegislash.
And Rosa's Braviary, Oshawott, Tepig, and Reuniclus.

The trio of thieves fell down to Earth, screaming all the way down as their balloon crashed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Pinkie Pie, and the captured Pokémon were caught in the air by Sean's and Steven's Metagross with the two Iron Leg Pokémon using Psychic. Team Rocket got out of the rubble of their hot air balloon, grumbling in frustration at the Pokémon Ranger's actions. Rainbow Dash was excited to see the Shiny Pidgeot, having already seen Blue's Pidgeot, and knew from Sean what a Pokémon Ranger job is, and what he does differently from Pokémon Trainers.

"Sean...your Gengar told me that backup is on its way right now..." N said to Sean, who nodded in compliance.

"Great..." James said sarcastically to himself, "The weirdo and the Ranger have found us..."
Meowth talked smack to the intruders, "You's messed with the WRO-O-NG ME-OWTH today!"

Sean taunted in a predatory grin and tone, "Bring it on, wannabe losers!"

-[Battle! (Team Rocket) - Pokémon Gold and Silver]-
Sean had instructed the ponies to stand back as he, "murders" Team Rocket, much to the frustration of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Jessie sent out a Seviper, while James sent out a Cacnea, Sean's grin grew more and more unsettling to the ponies, it was almost like Sean was very willing to kill the criminals instead of just beating them.

Twilight asked Rosa, "Is Sean really…going to murder them…"
Rosa gave a sympathetic smile as she answered, "No, fortunately he won't, the way he said 'murder' is simply another way he says he's going to torment them pretty badly. Sensei, as far as I know, is normally calm when fighting any other Pokémon Trainer, but that isn't entirely the case when it comes to criminals. From what I've been told, the way he treats criminals, sensei is…"

She paused as Sean had Rhyperior use Rock Wrecker on Seviper, and Raichu use Brick Break on Cacnea, all while having a very unsettling grin on his face.

They all watched as Rosa finished, "…particularly…sadistic…to them…"

This made everyone nervous as Team Rocket sent every one of their Pokémon to try and overwhelm Sean with numbers, Mewtwo simply watched, knowing Sean specifically asked her not to interfere until he tells her to. Sean readied to join his Pokémon in the fight, but was stopped when two new voices said,

"Pikachu! Use Iron Tail!"
"Delphox! Flamethrower!"

By then, a Pikachu came in at a very fast speed, then slammed its tail against Team Rocket's Cacnea, then a torrent of flames collided with their Seviper. The ponies, humans, and Pokémon turned to see a human boy with raven hair, and a human girl with honey-colored hair and a humanoid fox holding a stick on fire by her side, both of whom a number of the human trainers recognized.

Sean said, "Well, well, well…Was wondering if you two were going to show up, Satoshi-san, Serena-chan…"

Twilight was wide-eyed and looked at Rosa who answered her question before being asked, "Satoshi is the boy with the Pikachu, and he's Xerneas' trainer."
Twilight nodded, as the boy named Ash said to Sean, "You didn't think I'd let you face those idiots alone, do you? Even if you ask us to not get involved…"

Team Rocket said with a little worry, "Oh great! It's the twerp and his twerpy girlfriend! Things were bad enough as it is..."

Sean smirked as he then said to everyone, "Alright, since it's escalating this high, everyone join in teaching these chuckleheads a lesson in kidnapping folks and their Pokémon!"

Jessie said to Meowth, "You better have a plan Meowth! We're outnumbered and outgunned if they all join in…!"

Meowth sneered as he said, "Don't you worry…"
He pulled out a remote as he shouted, "I've gots the pur-fect backup plan, and backup-backup plan all set!"

He pushed the button, and out from the distance, many Timberwolves, Manticores, and a Ursa Major came at their beckoned call, with glowing red eyes and wearing weird collars.

Twilight gasped as she said, "They…they've controlled an Ursa Major?! That's impossible! No magic spell can do that! They're too wild and uncontrollable to even be influenced by Princess Celestia herself!"

Sean noticed something and asked, "So, that is an Ursa Major, huh…? I’ll admit, not as terrifying as I thought. Seen much scarier than that before…but Twilight, don't you see what's around their necks?"
Twilight looked at them, then said, "Y-yes…why is that-…"
She gasped as she answered her own question, then Sean said, "Yeah, let your friends know about that after getting Ponyville's citizens to safety, then you guys remove them after we knock them out…"

Twilight nodded as she called out to her Ponyville friends to enact Sean's plan, with Sean telling the trainers about his game plan. Everyone had their Pokémon knock out the creatures of the Everfree Forest as the Mane Six removed the collars, which as Sean suspected, were mind-control devices. They managed to beat the Timberwolves and Manticores and removed their collars, leaving just the gigantic, purple, monstrous, Ursa Major.

The massive creature proved more difficult to deal with, if it were a Pokémon, its strength would be comparable to a Legendary Pokémon's (like the Legendary Birds or Lati Duo). Twilight noticed that even under the influence of the mind-control collar, Team Rocket's control of the spectral bear monster wasn't absolute. But, even then, the creature was under their control, and they can direct the monster towards them.

Twilight said with defeat, "We lost, as long as Team Rocket has some control over the Ursa, we won't win, even with these Pokémon helping us…"

Team Rocket overheard and were elated that this 'Ursa Major' was having them finally win, and laughed obnoxiously.

They were about to gloat-and-demand, until Sean said confidently, "Maybe…if we didn't have a powerful Legendary Pokémon on our side…"

His gaze turned upward as without warning, the Ursa Major was struck by a powerful stream of blue fire, knocking the creature back and garnering everyone's surprise…

-[Eusine's Theme - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Everyone turned their gaze upwards after a loud, echoey cry sounded throughout the sky, and they beheld a beautiful, white dragon. It landed with a thud and held its great wings upward, and spots of red appeared on its almost turbine-like tail and two hair-like horns, like they were on fire. The dragon opened its eyes to reveal bright blue eyes, the trainers knew exactly who this dragon was, and they all shouted its name…


Sean commented to himself, "I suppose that explains how you and Serena-chan got here, Satoshi-san…?"
Serena winked and stuck her tongue out playfully as she said, "You would be correct, Sean Hasimoto..."

Twilight's eyes shot wide open as she realized what the trainers called the white dragon, and asked, "That's Reshiram?! The White Dragon of Truth you spoke about that was once a part of Kyurem?!"
Rosa had tears of relief in her eyes as she answered, "Yes that is Reshiram, Natural's former partner and now my partner. Now you get to see something really cool, ready Reshiram?"

Reshiram turned her head to her trainer, and knew the determined look in her eyes, the same ones that Sean had when he fought N. She said to Rosa telepathically, "As you wish, Hero of Truth…and, it is good to see you safe…"

Team Rocket panicked as they saw Rosa pull out of her bag, that dreaded spire, which summoned Kyurem as its normally blank expression turned angry and sinister. Rosa was about to use the DNA Splicers to merge Reshiram and Kyurem together, but in an instant, James' Cacnea fired Pin Missile and knocked the spike out of Rosa's hands. Then, Meowth directed the Ursa Major to attack everyone, but Reshiram launched a powerful Blue Flare attack and sent the mighty Ursa to the ground.

Twilight was quick to react and used her magic to pull it off of the unconscious beast, then smash it with her hoof, proclaiming, "It's over Team Rocket! You've lost this round!"
They only smirked as Meowth cockily said, "Did we now? I think you fail to see that we have had a backup plan for this, doooo you???!!!"

This made Twilight and the others fairly nervous as Meowth pushed a button on his remote, and from the wreckage of their balloon, something big burst from it. Twilight and the other ponies stood in the shadow of a kind of machine, it was as big as the knocked out Ursa.

Team Rocket laughed cockily as James gloated, "Looks like you lose twerps, this baby can go up against anything you can throw at it, and it was worth every yen spent on this war machine. Even if you have a Legendary Pokémon like Reshiram on your team, you won't win, so give us your Pokémon or be crushed under our might!"

The ponies were intimidated by Team Rocket's mech, but it caused Rainbow Dash to shout out, "Oh yeah?! Bring it on, losers! I can take that thing down, unless you’re chicken about it! Buk-Brak! Clucky-cluck-cluck!"

Twilight sighed with exasperation at Rainbow's gloat, but it intrigued the Shiny Pidgeot that came with the Pokémon Ranger. The gloat ticked Team Rocket off to where they decided to crush them all under the robot's bulk. That is, until a powerful, masculine voice shouted powerfully in the air…


-[Shalour City - Pokémon X and Y]-
Then, in an instant, a huge ball of blue electricity struck the front of the mech, knocking it and Team Rocket back a few meters. The electric ball then revealed inside of it, a black dragon that looked a little similar to Reshiram, with the turbine-like tail and stiff crest on its head glow a bright blue, like their electrified. Then a Drifblim floated down, with a girl and a boy holding on to its 'arms' until it got close to the ground, with a Porygon-Z following close behind.

Sean knew immediately who they were, then said to the ponies, mostly Twilight, "That is my partner, Zekrom; the Black Dragon of Ideals, and the other half of Reshiram, Twilight-san…"

Twilight's eyes lit up with excitement as she exclaimed, "That's Zekrom?! The other half of Kyurem's soul? How amazing! He looks so different to Reshiram, but also somewhat similar…"

The others agreed, with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo saying Zekrom looked awesome, as Zekrom spoke telepathically to Sean, "I am pleased you and everyone else are all right, Sir Sean…And I see you have made new friends as well…"
“I told you not to call me that!” Sean replied in a hushed, but annoyed tone.

Everypony's jaws dropped to the ground, as Pinkie Pie said, "Zekrom can talk??? That's super-duper, awesomazing, funirificly coooooool!!!"

-[Pikkon's Theme - Best of DragonBall Z Vol. 1]-
"I got the DNA Splicers, Rosa dearie…!" Rarity shouted with the very spire in her magical grip, "Now show us what these things can do, and show those ruffians what happens to those who kidnap somepony's friends, and their little sister, and her friends! RIP THEM TO PIECES FOR ME!!!"

Rosa grabbed the spike as Team Rocket just recovered from the knock back, then she asked Sean, "Sensei? May I…?"

Sean knew what she was asking, then answered, "Sure…go ahead, Rosa-san…Zekrom-sama…!"

Zekrom nodded as he flew up and turned into a black stone, and then to Team Rocket's horror, Rosa threw the DNA Splicers onto Kyurem's back, which the 'wings' on his back shattered the ice. Then Kyurem, using purple energy bolts, absorbed the black stone, which caused a reaction as massive bolts of electricity erupted from around the DRAGON/ICE-Type's body. Kyurem was then engulfed in a ball of lightning, brightly shining as they all can faintly see in bursts, Kyurem's body changing shape, when the ball of electricity dimmed down, Kyurem burst out of the sphere, looking drastically different from before.

The ponies saw that Kyurem looked exactly like what would happen if he and Zekrom fused together, as Kyurem had both his and Zekrom's physical features. He became Black Kyurem, with huge arms, a warped version of Zekrom's tail turbine, Zekrom's wings, and two sets of tube-like spikes from his back connect with his tail, glowing blue with energy. Black Kyurem roared like a monster as he unleashed powerful bolts of electricity high into the air, making the ponies, and especially Team Rocket, either nervous or frightened.

Kyurem then spoke, with his mouth moving and cricking his neck, "GRAH! Urah! Man that feels good! Haven't felt like this for several months!"

The ponies gasped, with Fluttershy cowering behind Rajin, Kyurem looked at them, then said with a confident smirk, "Allow me to deal with these pests for you, ladies…"

He gave the mares a wink, which all nine wore faces of both confusion and flattery at the same time, while the fused dragon gave Team Rocket a sinister grin as he cracked his massive knuckles. He said in a deep, frightening voice, "Now, how best to punish you three for such a heinous crime as theft and kidnapping…Heh-heh-heh-heh…"

Team Rocket's faces turned blue with panic, as Black Kyurem growled with delight, like some kind of wild animal.
Jessie ordered, "Me-Me-Me-Me-Meowth, DO SOMETHING! Before he gets here, QUICKLY!!!"

Meowth furiously pressed a series of buttons and switches, making the robot simultaneously fire missiles and charge at Black Kyurem to punch him. The Ponyvillians gasped and tried to warn the ICE/DRAGON-Type to dodge them, but all Kyurem did was smirk confidently, and began charging energy. The missiles and mech were closing in, then with a mighty roar, Kyurem created icy spikes that detonated the missiles harmlessly in the sky.

The mech readied to punch Kyurem, but he unleashed one of his most devastating attacks on the giant robot, as he shouted,


Kyurem created a glowing, freezing, ball of electric energy that was 3 times his size and in an instant, the robot exploded and massive spires of ice were formed, chilling the summer air in fall-time temperatures.

Team Rocket were flying through the air, as they each griped,
(Jessie) "Meowth! You said that it can counter any Pokémon we'll face, including a Legendary Pokémon!"
(Meowth) "It had a warranty, saying that it can fight only one Legendary Pokémon! Not two fused together!"
(James) "Meowth has a point Jessie…"
(Jessie) "Of all the-…GRRRRAGGGGGHHHHAAAA!"

They then shouted as they flew higher, "WE'RE BLASTING OF AGAIN!!!"

-[Route 209 - Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]-
They noticed that they suddenly were flying slower and slower in the air, then they were pulled to the ground to where they were launched, then landed with a crash.

Mewtwo lowered her hand as the glow from her eyes faded, she was asked by her trainer to make sure Team Rocket cannot escape.

Spike came to Twilight out of breath saying, "*huff* Twi…Twilight…I sent a message to Princess Celestia…she'll be here…shortly…*INHALE*…with some guards…"

Twilight sighed with relief as her attention was on Team Rocket, as Sean, the NEW new girl, and Kellyn walk up to Team Rocket.

Sean had an unsettling grin plastered on his face as he cracked his knuckles, saying;
"No way I'm letting you 'blast off' again just for you to be nuisances in the future, you'll be put in jail here in this world…but not before I have the chance to make you regret getting on my nerves…"

Team Rocket's faces went pale as the Pokémon Ranger to Sean's right pounded his fist into his palm, and the girl to his left rolled up her sleeves.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight covered their eyes as they heard Team Rocket shout in pain as what sounded like them getting the crud beaten out of them. The ponies looked at the damage dealt, and saw Team Rocket in a pile, bruised, battered, teeth falling out, and anything else associated with being battered.

Sean walked up to the ponies as he introduced, "Girls, this is Kotone Sakiyurai, she’s been my friend since I was two years old…"
He proceeded with introductions until Celestia and the royal guard arrive to arrest Team Rocket…

-[An Unwavering Heart - Pokémon Black and White]-
Everyone was pleased that Team Rocket was arrested, Reshiram and the remaining Pokémon were found, and that Sean's friends, Kotone, Barry, and Sean's Zekrom and Porygon-Z came there to help them.

Kotone asked Sean, "Hashimoto-san…are you okay?"
Sean replied, "Hai, Kotone-chan…I am alright, sore here and there, but alright just the same…"

Kotone sighed with relief, with her hand over her heart, saying, "Oh…thank goodness…"
Kotone then did something very unexpected to the ponies point of view…

She delivered a powerful right hook into Sean's stomach area, making the Kansai trainer clutch it in pain as he collapsed to his knees, with his forehead placed firmly to the ground.
The ponies wore shocked faces as Kotone said, with anger and what sounded like suppressed crying in her voice, "BAKA!!! Do you know how sick with worry I was when you guys got pulled into that vortex?! I feared the absolute worst when that happened! I worried that you were seriously hurt or worse, I worried that you were dead! How dare you put me through that kind of feeling again, I hate you! Baka! Baka! BAKA! BAKA-A-A!"

She stopped when she saw her childhood friend clutching his stomach and groan in tremendous pain. Kotone suddenly realized what she just did, then said, "Oh my! I-I'm so sorry, I forgot about that! I didn't mean to cause you pain again…"

Sean only put up his hand, almost saying 'do not worry about it' silently, he then asked Zekrom in Kyurem's body, "So Zekrom, among all of my Pokémon, who is still missing…?"

Kyurem simply pondered about it for a moment, then answered for Zekrom, "Everyone is accounted for, except for Yveltal and Lugia. Not sure if Yveltal is here or on Earth, but Lugia was not back home, so he could be here in this 'Equestria' place…"

Zekrom and Kyurem split from each other as Zekrom explained how he, Kotone, and Barry got here to this world from the Distortion World, then on how they would have to wait for two weeks for them to return because of Giratina. Saying that a distortion in Time and Space made the Distortion World too dangerous to enter or pass through.

Kellyn patted the Shiny Pidgeot on the back, saying, "Arigato, my friend…you may go now…"

The Pidgeot nodded and slightly bowed in respect, then gazed at Rainbow Dash with a somewhat cocky smirk, which the pegasus in question didn't seem to like.

"Alright, wise guy…what's with that look…are you asking for a beat down…?" she demanded the NORMAL/FLYING-Type, arching her back and readied to throw down.
The Shiny Pokémon cawed proudly, "PIJGOT-TOOOOHHH!"

Sean's Metagross answered the pony's question, ~"This Pidgeot seems to have taken an interest in you, Rainbow Dash…he won't let you be his trainer, not till you prove yourself to him, that you are someone worth fighting alongside…"~

Rainbow looked confused a little, until Rosa clarified, "That Pidgeot is considering to be your Partner Pokémon, until you give it a valid reason to follow you, Ms. Dash…"

Rainbow Dash was wide eyed as a grin on her face grew wider and wider, saying, "Ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh-oh-my-gosh! This is so awesome!"

Rosa chuckled a little at Rainbow 'fan-gasming', and then saw Sean speaking with Twilight, saying, "…so we have a Gengar for Pinkie, a Dragonite for Flutters, a Sableye for Rarity, a Roserade for Applejack, and now, maybe, a Shiny Pidgeot for Rainbow…So far, you're the only one who has yet to obtain a Partner Pokémon, Ms. Sparkle…"

Twilight commented, "Yeah, I'm eager to know what my Partner Pokémon is, I got a look at your Pokédex, and am just as eager as Rainbow Dash. I wonder who it is, a Noctowl? An Alakazam? A Espeon? Oo-o…I can't wait!"

Sean then thought aloud, "It would be unlikely, but there is a chance, no matter how slim it is, that your partner could be a Legendary Pokémon. Historically, it has happened before, so something like that isn't very far-fetched …"
The alicorn giggled as she said, "Heh-heh…it's funny that there is a Pokémon called Farfetch'd in your Pokédex…"

They all had a good laugh at that, as Pinkie said, "You know what this calls for??? A PARTY! A 'almost-everypony-got-a-partner-Pokémon-and-we-defeated-a-band-of-criminals' Party!"

Before anyone could say anything, a new voice asked, "Excuse me...But, is this Ponyville?"
They turned to see a tall, fairly muscular human male with blonde hair, and another human that is female, but greatly resembles, to the trainers, a Darkrai, holding his arm like a lover would.

The male human continued, "This message told us to be here, this 'Canterlot' place, or 'Mane-hatten'?"
Sean answered, "Hai...This is Ponyville, what are your names?"

The female replied, "He's Bass Cybeast, weird name I know, and I'm Samara Dark..."
Sean faintly looked at them head to toe, and noticed something unusual about Samara.

"Well..." Sean began to say, "...Maybe you two can help us find more people who made this crazy trip, my name..."

Bass interrupted, "You're Sean Hashimoto, and the Ranger is Hajime Hashimoto, Grandsons of the late Masumoto Hashimoto, and well known prodigies as a Pokémon Trainer and Pokémon Ranger respectfully..."
Samara added, "...You also became the champion of the Indigo Plateau, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos Pokémon Leagues, currently competing in the Hoenn League. We know who you are..."

Kellyn walked up in a manner similar to an American Cowboy, then said slyly with a low voice, "Yeah, Gramps was a real inspiration for me to become a Pokémon Ranger, maybe we can get to know each other tonight over a dinner table..."


Everyone watched as Sean and Kotone dragged a dazed Kellyn away on his back, with each of them holding giant Harisen fans in their hands and Sean shouting in Japanese, "やれやれ、あなたは馬鹿!制御の下でそれらの倒錯の考えを維持するか、私はあなたのお尻を蹴りますよ!"

He returned after a minute of beating his idiot cousin's senses in, and said, "Gomen'nasai! I apologize for my idiot cousin's attempts to do rather...perverted things to you Samara-san...He doesn't think straight when he sees any of the following; 1. Big Breasts, 2. Curvy Figures, 3. Flawless Skin, 4. Big Butts and 5. Long Hair, to name a few, just those seem to be the features that seem to turn him on, that you seem to have in spades..."

Samara blushed a (literally) bright red as she pouted, "Not...not like i-i-it would matter...I'm Bassie's girlfriend anyways, so I would have turned him down regardless..."

"Oh Come ON!!! Why are all the hot girls already tak-...BLAHHH!" Kellyn shouted as he was dragged away by Kotone, uttering something in Japanese angrily.

Bass sighed as he said holding a bag, "I found these on the way here, and one of them had your name on it, Mr. Hashimoto..."

Sean looked in the bag, then said excitedly, "HA-HA-HAA! YES! All that is my stuff, I thought I lost it all! Arigato Cybeast-san!"
Both of them said, "You're welcome..."

Celestia walked up to the two and asked, "If you two will come with me, I'll have you informed on what was going on...My name is Princess Celestia..."

Bass and Samara understood and followed her, leaving the majority alone with their thoughts as ponies took what was left of Team Rocket's machine. Things were returning to normal, as normal as they can be with humans and Pokémon in Equestria...

After talking for a few minutes, the CMC asked Sean, "Hey, Mr. Sean? How did you become a Pokémon Trainer?"

All the ponies and humans jolted in surprise, as Twilight asked, "You know what? They have a good point. How did you become a Pokémon Trainer, Sean?"
Rosa commented aloud, "I've wondered about that too, you becoming a Trainer, Sensei..."
Brendan, May, and Pinkie chimed, "Us too..."

Sean replied, "W-well...It's a very long story, not one I can tell completely within a single afternoon..."

Pinkie suddenly gasped as she said, "WAIT A MINUTE! Rainbow Dash! Aren't you, Applejack, Rarity, Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom heading out for another camping trip soon? 'Cause that would be the absolutely, spectacularly awesome-mazing opportunity for Sean to tell us how he became a Pokémon Trainer, and his victory at those League-ies the girl with the tall guy said he participated in...!"

"That's a fantastic idea Pinkie...!" Twilight remarked, "But, it is up to Sean to tell us...What do you think...?"

Sean thought about it, then said, "I think it is a wonderful opportunity for you guys to know me better...Sure, I'm game..."

So the preparations were planned out, with Discord, Cadence, and Shining Armor wanting to hear the story as well, went and got things ready for the trip...

-{20 hours later...}-

-[Hidden Grotto - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2]-
It was tomorrow. and as they hiked up to the camping spot, Twilight, the CMC,
and the other ponies saw Sean next to his Metagross and Gardevoir already there, Applejack asked the Trainer, "Alright...since you already got most of the camping spot ready...How about you tell us your story Sean...?"

Sean smiled as he said, "I thought about how best I can tell you and show you all my Pokémon Journey, so I'm having both Gardevoir and Metagross project to you all my memories, how does that sound...? In some ways, it's like watching a movie from around my point of view..."

"SWEET!" Rainbow exclaimed, as the Shiny Pidgeot she managed to obtain as a Partner Pokémon.
"It presents a great opportunity for me to see your world, Sean, I'd like to help out anyway I can..." Twilight said.

Sean chuckled as he replied, "Sure Twilight-chan...I don't see a reason not to..."

To Be Continued...
...Next Time; Sean's Story...

Author's Note:

Be ready for a very long wait readers, because, to get it right and to research the games, this story will have a period of inactivity...

To summarize what "Sean's Story" is, it's an opportunity for me to tell you Sean's origin-story, on how he became the trainer he is today. These are the games I'm using as research, since his story crosses through multiple games;
-Pokémon SoulSilver
-Pokémon Platinum
-Pokémon White
-Pokémon White 2
-Pokémon Y

Sean's most recent leg in his journey follows both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but he won't tell them about that, since he and I much rather it be completed before he can tell that chapter of his story. It will be, for simplicity's sake, told through a normal perspective, for us to see (moreso read) things Sean might have missed. Occasionally, I'll shift it to a first-person perspective, but not that often...

Here are a few chapter notes;

About Xerneas and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it will be in a spin-off chapter I'll publish later...

Yes, Sparks is a little douche, that is intentional, since it would be more interesting if the Pikachu purposefully got in trouble, and others with him...

Still figuring out Rarity's Sableye's name, help out if you want to...

The Pokémon League Federation is a hodgepodge of the anime, manga, and games' leagues and rules, as well as a few original additions...

The Cutie Mark Crusaders do have 'The Gift' as Pokémon Trainers, but I wouldn't say that it will give them their Cutie Marks, thank 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark' for that...

Porygon-Z, if you love him, expect more craziness from that ticking time bomb of randomness, if not, don't ruin it for others who like him, and I'll try to make him appealing for everyone, and his spazzing out would look something like a particle effects generator thing a lot of sound and music would use...

Sabrina is a mixture of her anime, and game incarnations, she is NOT her Adventures counterpart, so she has no ties to Team Rocket, but it is a little self-explanatory about her life, and I have a theory on why she didn't stop Team Rocket from invading her home of Saffron City; she was out of town at the time, on a family vacation...

She does have a innocent, child-like crush on both Red and Sean because of how they treated her, but she won't pursue any romantic attempts on either, Sean's too young, and Red is too and already spoken for...

Knowing the moves the CMC's Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle know, that gives you a big clue on my plans for them...

For Kellyn's reasons for going to Canterlot, same as the CMC getting the Kanto starters...

Yes, Cyrus has a big plan, and if that mystery woman's identity isn't obvious enough, then you'll have to wait until much later for her identity to be revealed...

Yeah, Sean has zero tolerance with criminals, and it is because of me and you readers liking Team Rocket, that Sean didn't really murder them, because I absolutely despise Team Rocket, I think they overstayed their welcome in the anime, so a heads up that they'll have no mercy on me when it comes to humor...

Yep, Ash Ketchum and Serena (decided her last name is Bellamy) are here, and Team Rocket's comment about them is partially true...

Zekrom and Black Kyurem shouting both Bolt Strike and Freeze Shock, to picture it, imagine them saying the attacks like this cool dude from;
Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan!

How many of you wanted to know Kyurem's true personality? Well this gives you a clue that he is a slight womanizer, or a flirt if you prefer...

Again, I despise Team Rocket, even though their my favorite comedy villains, I'm not going to hold back tormenting them to my delight...

Sean pretty much said the reasons why Kellyn, as big as a pervert he is, didn't go and try anything funny on Jessie...(as both the two boys and I think Jessie is ugly, personality and appearance, despite what you readers say...)

All the Pokémon Twilight listed, they are potential partners, but at the bottom, since they all are expected, I want to do something unexpected concerning her Partner Pokémon...

Bass Cybeast and Samara Dark were characters belonging to GIGA-XISBASS...A big thanks to him, and I hope I did them right. After I saw Samara's description and her pictures, I knew I had to add a very common anime-trope...

I dare you readers to translate what Sean said, but if you are under the age of 15, don't, for there be a swear word in there...

Kellyn does seem to have a valid point in terms of anime girls...Why is that...?

Admittedly, I don't think I did a very good job with Sean's burn on Jessie. So, if any of you could think of something better along the lines of the original, I'd very much like to hear it...I may even replace my version of the insult with yours...

You know the drills...
So I await your replies...
Until next time...