• Published 29th Nov 2014
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Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Legendary Pokémon...(Tweaked)

-[A Rival Appears - Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen]-
"I'll say it again aliens..." Blue said to the ponies, who feel offended and instantly took fighting stances.
He continued, "...Release these people immediately, and I won't hurt you...If you don't, I will force you to..."

"B-b-b-but we aren't..." Fluttershy uttered.

Rainbow Dash was being held back by her friends, as she said, "Oh yeah tough guy?! You asking for a fight, punk?!"
Blue tossed one of his Pokéballs into the air, and sent out his Pidgeot, who had a sharp determined look in its eyes, called out, "PIGGEOT-TTTOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Blue smirked as he said, "You got three seconds...two...one...Time's up...Pidgeot, use Hurricane!"

Pidgeot cawed as it flapped three times up higher into the air, as it spread its wings, they glowed white and small gusts of wind formed around its wings. Everypony braced for the impact, and the trainers were about to stop Blue from making a grave mistake, but something fast beat them to the punch...

Blue's Pidgeot was smacked upwards by a black blur, then the Bird Pokémon was struck twice by an invisible foe, it was enough to render Blue's NORMAL/FLYING Type incapable of continuing to battle.

Blue was wide eyed as he uttered, "W-w-what...?!"
The black blur was the Zoroark that Queen Chrysalis tried to impersonate Sean with, and the invisible foe, or foes, were Sean's Latios and May's Latias, not liking their trainer's friends being threatened by a smart-aleck...

Before Blue could react, Sean sprung behind him and tackled him to the ground, seemingly out of nowhere behind the trainer.

Blue growled angrily as he said, "So you aliens put these people under some mind control..."
Sean replied in a smug way, "Oh shut up Gary...We are not under mind control, you huge idiot..."
Blue responded, "You shut up! You know my name is Green..."

Twilight was a little confused, asked, "I thought that guy's name was Green, Rosa...Why is Sean calling him Gary?"
Rosa looked at the alicorn asking her, and shrugged as she said, "Uh...I really don't know why Sensei calls Green...Gary...It must have been before Sensei headed for New York...Because, I only met him when his journey took him there..."

Professor Oak had turned his back, then noticed the man held down by Sean, he headed back as he shouted sternly, "Oakido Blugarius!"
Blue flinched as he said, "G-gramps?!"

That made the ponies quite shocked as they all said at the same time, "Gramps?! Like, Grandpa?"
Oak looked into his grandson's eyes as he lectured him in Japanese, "グリーンに聞いて、彼らは宇宙人ではありません、彼らは小遣いです、そして、彼らは私たちがこの世界に巻き込まれた後に私たちを連れてきました。 あなたは若い尊敬を示しています、彼らは完全な見知らぬ人を連れて行って、彼らができる限りの方法で彼らの助けを提供しています。 さあ、お詫び...!"

Blue's head was forced down in a bowing pose by his grandfather, he grunted then said, "...Grr......I...I...am sorry...for my behavior..."

-[Route 1 - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Blue blushed with embarrassment when he heard Sean laughing hysterically, rolling on his back, as he said, "You're name is 'Blugarius'?! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAA! That is the most creative, and unique name I have ever heard, and that's saying something, since I have heard some pretty unique names before..."

Blue bitterly responded in Japanese, "あああなたは刺激性、黙れ、ばかばかしいガキ!"
Sean replied, "あなたは私と一緒に取っ組み合いしたい!あなたが戦いをしたい場合は、オハイオ州のホーホーは、それはあなたが買ってあげる戦い、天狗になり、そのため!"

Then, their shout-match escalated where they were steaming mad, and said a number of things that made some of those that understood Japanese either laugh a little, or blush with embarrassment.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy asked the trainers, "What are they saying?"
A red-faced May turned to face them, and answered shyly, "W-well...I'd rather not say...Because...um...what they are saying...it is laced with widely inappropriate...and rude...words and...phrases..."

May looked down onto the floor, her face turning redder as she trailed off, too embarrassed to say anymore.
Kellyn chuckled as he said, "Well, what they're saying, are essentially put downs that only serious rivals say to each other, to try and wound one's puffed-up ego...I should know, Sean always was one to pick fights with any jerk, even if they're much bigger than him. Caused quite a bit of trouble with Masaru-Ojīchan when he was younger..."

Professor Oak had enough and was going to shout, but Luna did so before he could, and shouted in her Royal Canterlot Voice, "CEASE AND DESIST WITH YOUR SHOUTING AND FIGHTING THIS INSTANT! NOW MAKE AMENDS AND SETTLE YOUR SILLY ARGUMENTS!"

Blue and Sean lowered their hands from their ears, then apologized to everyone...As they headed to the throne room...

Abandoned Castle, ??????
-[Castle Theme - New Super Mario Bros.]-
Inside an abandoned castle in a dark valley somewhere, a lone boy was quietly sneaking around the dark corridors, being careful not to set off any traps and in turn alerting any of the castle's remaining residents of his presence (if they're here), or the one he's hunting.

The boy physically looked to be the same age as Sean, but he seemed different than most, as he stealthily made his way to the top of the castle's central tower didn't give an obvious hint. He snuck silently through the corridors, taking out the traps and rendering them useless.

"I know he's here..." he said to himself quietly, "...this aura is his without a shadow of a doubt. I want to know why he's here..."

As he continued deeper into the castle, he eventually found the one he was looking for...

"...Where is it...I must find it...! Where's that damn flower!" a cloaked figure said as he rummaged through a ruined section of the castle, lightning thundering overhead.

The cloaked figure growled like a wild animal in his frustration, when the cloak he was wearing revealed someone who a person would honestly mistake for an elf (like in most fantasy games), the only things that would make it clear was the hideous scars riddled all over his body, and his eyes were the color of fire.

The boy looked on as he thought, Damn flower? Could he be talking about those flowers? But they're all over this world...He could find another one just about anywhere...unless he's looking for something else entirely...


The boy left his train of thought when he heard his target laugh, and saw him pull up a glowing, white flower with gold markings on its petals. He never saw a flower like that one in this kind of world before.

"What is that? I've never seen anything like that before..." the boy quietly said to himself, until he felt a whoosh as the kind felt by something rushing past.
He saw a black and milky white blur snatch the flower from the boy's target and then knocked the being off his feet to the ground. The boy was quick to react as he felt an aura of a very familiar being, and pinned his target down to the floor with a blade attached to his arm.

The being exclaimed, "I knew I smelled a goodie-two-shoes nearby, and it appears you had help from the Dog of Order..."

The blur that tackled him to the ground and appeared as a human male in European armor colored black and light green with hexagonal patterns all over, he said in a menacing voice, "You mean Dragon of Order...Correct?"
"Not when you usually take the form of a Doberman Pincher, and you answer to that 'man' like a sickly loyal dog...!" the pinned being said spitefully said, hushing as the boy inched the silver blade to his throat.

The dragon in human form said to the boy, "Just kill him already Garo...he failed to acquire what he was searching for..."
The boy briefly looked at his comrade, then killed the being without hesitation as he faded into black smoke.

"I did want to know why he was searching for that flower you snatched from him, sir." Garo said, to which his (implied) superior replied, "It won't matter to you anymore, since you'll be born into the mortal world in a matter of three days."

"True..." Garo said, "...but, I would like to know who am I going to be..."
"As a favor and reward for completing your final mission, I took the liberty to find out for you. You'll be someone named Mikazuki Augus in a dimension fairly close to the trunk area of the multiverse."

"Ah...that sector with those machines...should be fun..." Garo thought as his companion added, "...please, for your sake and as a sign of respect for our master, don't go and get yourself killed just to return and complete more missions. You have earned a chance to live a mortal's live for the first time, and our master is going through a lot of effort to make it a good one for you, my only advice, make the right choices...alright..."

Garo sighed as he said, "I'll heed your advice, or else, i believe, you will make the afterlife hell for me...correct?"

-[Celadon City - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Blue and Red argued with each other as they both did when they started their journey years ago. Professor Oak smiled, happy at the fact that some things haven't changed, the sight of Red and Blue's rivalry was refreshing, it made him feel nine years younger even…

Fluttershy was a little confused and asked him, "U-umm…Excuse me, Mr. Oakido? I-I was wondering why are you smiling at your grandson's argument with Red? I-if you don't mind, that is…"

The professor looked down and answered, "Well, I was smiling because they were like this when they were both babies, rivals to each other. You see, in some ways, a rival is the ultimate friend you can have, because he or she makes you strive to be better than before, a competition to see whose better, in the end, both you and your rival are far better than you were yesterday, and you become better at what you do for a living. Many great trainers have rivals that push each other and their Pokémon to their absolute limits, to be the very best of the best, and not just in Pokèmon, my dear. A rival is without a doubt, the sure-fire way to becoming better than ever before…"

Professor Oak rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously as he added, "Admittedly, not all rivalries are friendly, Green and Red are more like a hostile friendship, if anything. But, it can be friendly, Hashimoto-san has plenty of rivals that push him and his Pokémon to their limits, and because of that Fluttershy, they are some of the top trainers in the world…"

Fluttershy took that in, and it made her wonder if she had a rival, somewhere in the world. Then, her Dragonite she named Rajin, nuzzled her affectionately, sensing his trainer's worry. Fluttershy petted his nose and the Dragon Pokèmon growled happily as in the background, everyone else is trying to keep Red and Blue from igniting a heated battle.

She noticed Professor Oak smiling at the sight of her and Rajin together and asked, "Uh, why are you smiling Professor?"

He answered, "My research topic is the relationship between humans and Pokèmon, but now it seems that 'ponies' are to be added on my research. But, what I can tell you is that your Dragonite has formed a strong enough bond with you, for him to be able to sense your emotions and respond to them. My research has shown me that for trainers, a Pokèmon is a part of who you are as a person, whether you are good or bad, brave or timid, calm or crazy, they reflect your personality, at it entirely depends on the trainer…"

Fluttershy thought about that, then said, "Oh! So, the stronger my bond is with Rajin…the more he becomes more like me, right…he knew I was worrying, so he tried to comfort me, like how I comfort my animal friends when they are worried. Oh-oh my, that is wonderful…"

"Yeah Fluttershy-san, you hit the nail right in the head. That guy I told you about before, that was Professor Oakido's research topic I was talking to you guys about…" Sean said as he held Blue in a tight Half-Nelson.

Rainbow Dash added, "That is super awesome, the more I hear about these Pokèmon, the more excited I am for my own Partner Pokémon, I cannot wait!"
"I hear ya' Dash, I wanna know who will be mine too…" Applejack said as Red and Blue finally calmed down.

Rarity said as she polished her new Sableye off, "I am happy too about that bond between Pokèmon as well…Topaz and I are going to be the best of friends…"

She stopped cuddling the DARK/GHOST-Type as the unicorn saw everyone (minus Pinkie) give blank stares at her, like someone made a joke that wasn't very funny.

She asked, "What?"
Sean said with flat eyes, "Topaz…really? That would make more sense if your Sableye was a girl, Rarity-san…"

Rarity blushed as she said, "Oh! I am dreadfully embarrassed about that, I forgot that it was a 'boy', well then, I'll try to think of a better name."

They all made their way into the castle, and were greeted by another alicorn and a unicorn stallion that the ponies walked up to.

Twilight said with glee, "Cadence! Shining Armor! You're here? I am so happy!"

Sean's Metagross calculated in his mind, That is the brother of Twilight Sparkle, Prince, formerly Captain, Shining Armor…and Sister-in-law, Princess Me Amore Cadenza, Cadance for her preference…Storing mental data under authoritative individuals to listen too when necessary

Twilight and Princess Cadence did their little greeting,
"Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Sean thought while making a blank face (like this: [0_0]), Huh...that's pretty funny to watch, but I REALLY don't want to laugh and offend someone...hold it back Hashimoto...

"Twily, good to see you again little sister." Shining Armor said, hugging his little sister.
The others wondered why Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are here in Canterlot.

Celestia answered for them, "I called Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor from the Crystal Empire to hear about these 'Legendary Pokémon' you have mentioned frequently…It seemed to me that they merit to know as well..."

Luna said as she petted her Musharna, "Let us enter the castle post haste, I really want to know about these Legendary Pokémon, they sound like mighty creatures indeed..."

With that, everyone entered the castle, and then the trainers started their explanation of these special Pokémon, the best they could...

One Hour Later...
-[Mt. Pyre Interior - Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire]-
"...And that is the gist of it, about the Legendary Pokémon..." Sean finished.

Celestia, Luna, Discord, Shining Armor, Cadence, Spike and the Mane Six stood silently, absorbing the hard-to-swallow fact about the Legendary Pokémon being so powerful, to the point where three dragons control the very cosmic powers that shaped the universe. Professor Oak and Professor Sycamore realized the expressions on their host's faces, and continued their explanation on the possibility of the Dragons of Time and Space were involved somehow in the sudden connection of the two worlds...

"According to some myths in Hokkaido (Sinnoh), Time began moving as the Legendary Pokémon of Time, Dialga, was born..." said Professor Oak.
Professor Sycamore then said, "...And those same myths say that space started to expand when the Legendary Pokémon of Space and Dimensions, Palkia, was born..."

Cynthia finished for the two of them, "Dialga and Palkia were siblings in a manner of speaking, were meant to remain eternally separated to have never met, many people believed them to be mere myths, until some ancient documents, and the selfish ambitions of a single man, proved that the two are very much real. Palkia's breaths were said to stabilize space, and Dialga's heartbeats were said to keep time flowing, the two were worshiped in ancient times as deities or gods. Hashimoto-kun has had the fortunate encounter to befriend Dialga and Palkia after he freed them from the man who shackled them to do his bidding..."

Applejack assumed, "That Akagi fellow...I reckon he's the one who did it, right...?"

Kellyn answered, "Correct...but, that happened about four or four-and-a-half years ago to this very day back in our world...From the reports of that incident, Akagi captured three Legendary Pokémon known collectively as the Lake Guardians of Spirit, and extracted a special energy from the gems embedded in their forheads to craft an ancient artifact known in texts as the Red Chain. It caused not only the Lake Guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, a great deal of pain when crafting the object, but also caused pain to Dialga and Palkia when Akagi used two of the Red Chains to force them to create a universe of his image..."

Fluttershy gasped as she said, "H-how horrible...Why would somepony do something so awful..."

Blue said in a 'i-do-not-care' tone, "Because, some people are just a bunch of a-holes who don't like the world as it is today, and don't want to live like hermits, knowing the world remains the same. Sometimes they just have to find a pathetic excuse just to hate everyone and everything, like the crackheads they are..."

Red and Professor Oak glared at the former champion, making Blue realize what he said, then added, "O-of course, some people just have problems that make them think that an extreme method would solve it, like firing a nuke and instigating World War III, or commit genocide using some kind of super-weapon..."

That last mention struck something inside Sean, a terrible, throbbing pain on his side, as he clutched the side of his torso, hissing in pain.

Everyone noticed as Rosa and Kellyn helped Sean up, Twilight asked, "S-Sean? What happened? As soon as Green mentioned a super-weapon, why were you clutching your side?"
Sean replied, "N-no...I-i-i-it's fine...I...I'm alright...It simply *Huff* Phwwwww...Triggered an old memory, which caused me pain in the past...and still does today..."

He whispered that last part so quietly that no one heard it, but they did notice Rosa and Kellyn's expressions changed to ones like they were still recovering from a traumatizing experience.

Celestia knew it was time to change the subject, so she said, "You had mentioned there were other Legendary Pokémon besides those five, mind telling us the others?"

Sean replied, "Believe it or not...You guys had already met a few of them..."

Rainbow Dash heard that and asked, "WHAT! Who are they?!"

May answered, "Latios, Latias, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune...They are all Legendary Pokémon..."

"REALLY?!" Said the ponies in unison.
"What about Victini, Meloetta, Diancie, and Celebi?" Pinkie asked, "They seem to be Legendary Pokémon too?"

Rosa answered, "From what Sensei told me...Under certain circumstances, they are. But, they are instead classified differently from the others, being called something the Japanese called, 'Illusory Monsters', or Mythical Pokémon for Americans. Said to be so rare and difficult to find that their very existence is often called into question..."

They remembered the Legendary Pokémon they have met, and started to wonder, if these Legendary Pokémon were essentially gods, should they start treating them like gods?

Sean noticed and said, "The truth is that, because I know a number of them personally, some of them really don't like to be treated like gods, treasures, or anyone important. Others do command respect however..."

Luna said, "You speak as if you knew them personally, Sean of 'Shimoda, Japan'..."

Sean chuckled as he said, "First, if you would like to know, I do have a last name, it is Hashimoto, my family's name..."
Twilight said to herself, "Sean...Hashimoto...? That is your first and last name? I've heard it before and I can guess it is significant for some reason..."

"Well, yeah..." Sean replied, "That is it, an old relative of mine is quite well-known among Pokémon Trainers..."


Sean answered, "He-he, yeah, Masaru is my Grandfather, also known as my Father's father. He's one of the greatest Pokémon Masters of all time...The Hashimoto Clan has roots in Japan as far back as the Feudal War Era, my ancestor happened to be a powerful Warlord of that time, in fact my family's clan has a history of being quite close with Pokémon..."

-[Sage Music - Best of DragonBall Z Vol. 3]-
Celestia was about to say something to until what sounded like a young woman's voice said, "Heh-heh-heh-heh, you people are so amusing to watch...especially when you get side-tracked..."

Everyone turned around to see a female human with long black hair, in a simple green and white dress, she wore a headband of sorts with horns on it that resembled the head ornaments of the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza. By human standards, she was really beautiful, with beautiful yellow eyes and flawless skin, smiling as she had a bag of popcorn in her left hand. Everyone noted that she physically looked to be in her twenties, possibly around Sabrina or Cynthia's ages.

Kellyn said with a goofy grin and a bloody nose gushing like a sink faucet, "He-he-he-heh...Wow, she's hot...Me wants…"
Rosa and the other female humans felt a tinge of jealousy over several things about the mystery woman, one of which is her curvaceous figure.

Twilight asked, "H-how did you enter here?! This room is closed quarters under heavy guard! How did you get through them?!"
The woman chuckled as she said, "Same way many of you did, through a door..."

She pointed to an open door, then said, "...But, you have more pressing matters to attend to, like finding your missing Legendary Pokémon. I am here to point you in the right direction, you will get two pieces of news and I'd start in that place south of here, I believe it's a settlement called Appleloosa..."

By the time the mystery woman finished, a scroll magically manifested in front of Celestia, the white alicorn read it and was quite surprised at what it said. Everyone looked and wondered what happened to have given Celestia such a dumbfounded expression…

"I'll be seeing you soon in the future, Sean Hashimoto..." the woman said afterwards in a flirtatious way to the teen trainer.

Applejack began to ask, "Hey, how did ya…"
But, when everyone put gazes to the mystery woman, she was gone, like GONE gone, aside from a single popcorn kernel on the floor, there was absolutely no trace the woman was even there!

"She's GONE!" Pinkie exclaimed, not even she knew where the mystery woman was.
"Where did she go?!" Fluttershy asked, like she saw a ghost...

Rainbow Dash said, "If what that woman said is true, then what the heck is happening at Appleloosa?"

-[Mt. Pyre Interior - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Celestia read the message, and said, "There has been a drastic change in the climate, Appleloosa has been struck by a blizzard that is far stronger than those recorded of the Frozen North…"

Applejack shouted with surprise, "WHAT?! HOW IN THE HOOF IS THAT POSSIBLE! CAN'T YOU FIX IT!"
Celestia frowned as she said, "I am afraid not, the sounds of this blizzard is beyond both my and the pegasi's capabilities…"

Twilight asked, "Could it be…the Windigos, Princess Celestia…?"
Celestia pondered, could the Windigos be responsible?

"Wait, how are Windigos able to generate blizzards? The ones we know are not like that at all, more like cannibalistic demonic zombies if anything..." Rosa asked curiously, having heard of Windigos before on a trip before.

Sean interjected, "I don't really know how cold these Windigos can make things, but it sounds more like the handiwork of a Pokémon, and considering what that woman said, possibly the work of a Legendary Pokémon, I know of several Pokémon capable of just that, especially one in particular…"

Rosa grabbed Sean's shoulders and hastily asked, "Y-you think I-I-it's him?! Are you certain, sensei?!"
Sean nervously said, "Y-yes, it points to that possibility Rosa-san, you want to…to…head to Appleloosa?"

Rosa shook her head hastily and pulled Sean to the train station, with Brendan and May following them…
"I guess we're heading to Appleloosa girls..." Twilight said, as they headed to the train station.

Later on the train, 10 minutes from Appleloosa...
-[The Frozen City - Pokémon Black 2 & White 2]-
The train was just a few miles from Appleloosa's boarders, but everyone noticed the thick blanket of snow raining down very hard.

Other passengers noted the drastic change in the weather and made various comments about it...

"Yesh! It's colder than the Yakistanian Boarder!"
"How can there be winter snow in the middle of a desert...?! DURING SUMMER!?"
"Mommy! Mommy! It's snowing in the cowpony place!"
"How odd...It shouldn't be possible..."
"Cloudsdale didn't tell me about a freak snowstorm in the middle of summer..."

Pinkie was looking out the window excitedly while Twilight said, "Cloudsdale have already sent weather ponies to try to clear the blizzard. We should check up on them when we stop..."

"There's no need..." Rosa started, "I know who caused it...this is Kyurem's handiwork, no doubt about it, I've got to find him..."
"Who's Kyurem?" Rarity asked.

Brendan answered Rarity using a Pokédex, read the information aloud, "Kyurem, the Boundary Pokémon, It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out. This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals."
He continued, "Kyurem is a DRAGON/ICE-Type, stands 9'10 tall, weighs 716.5 pounds, and is theorized to have a connection to the legendary dragons of old Appalachian Mountain legends, Reshiram and Zekrom…"

Rosa sadly whispered, "Reshiram…where are you...?" as she placed her hand over her heart.

Rainbow Dash was both amazed and confused about Kyurem at the same time.
Applejack said, "Wow…this Kyurem sounds powerful, but, I have'ta ask…why is it called the 'Boundary Pokémon'? And why did you say that it…waits for a hero to fill in these missing parts of its body? Is it, incomplete? Or something…"

Everyone felt the train apply its breaks, as the engine slowed to a stop.
Then, the conductor announced in the car, "We have arrived in Appleloosa's Town Station! Please remain seated until the train comes to a complete stop…"

Sean said as he put on his backpack, "I'll explain it later until we fix that problem in Appleloosa's weather…"

-[Dragonspiral Tower - Pokémon Black and White]-
When the band of friends and the passengers stepped out of the station, they were genuinely surprised to see a desert town in nearly a foot and a half in snow, and see it steadily rising. The gang of friends had been greeted by Applejack's cousin, Braeburn, who told them that the weather ponies couldn't get rid of the weather, and that the source is located in a blizzard tornado in the orchards.

Rarity said to herself, "Good thing I packed extra scarfs, and other bits and pieces of winter gear…"
Twilight was handed a special thermometer and looked at it,
"HUH?! -54 degrees?! And dropping?! It is colder than the Frozen North! Might even be colder than anything the Windigos can generate if the temperature is dropping at this drastic speed..."

May said while her teeth chittered, "I-I-I-I-I-I'll-l-l-l s-s-st-t-ta-y-y he-he-here, I-I-I-if you d-d-don't-t-t m-m-mi-mi-mind-d!"
Brendan said, "I'll stay with Haruka-chan, it is very clear we both can't go with you beyond this point, since Hoenn is a tropical place, we aren't used to polar temperatures. Brrr..."

Braeburn said to them, "You're welcome to wait it out at my place, it's not far from here…"
Applejack responded, "Thanks a bunch, Cuz…"
The Earth Pony stallion replied, "No problem, any friend of yours cousin, is a friend of mine…"

They then see an Aurorus wandering through the streets of the town, puzzling the ponies and buffalo around it.
Rainbow Dash, thinking that the prehistoric Pokèmon is a wild Pokèmon, said, "Whoo-Hoo! That has got to be my Partner Pokèmon-…"
Sean stopped the pegasus as he said, "Hold it, Rainbow! That is not a wild Aurorus, it already belongs to a trainer Rainbow. But, we should bring it with us, because when we solve the weather problem, the heat will cause it to get sick, and I know its trainer won't be happy about Aurorus getting sick…"

"I agree...that Pokémon is simply too dazzling to get sick..." Rarity said.

The trainers sent out their FIRE-Types to help keep the inhabitants of Appleloosa warm, while they headed for the apple orchards as the frosty tornado died down.

-[Mt. Coronet - Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]-
In a mountain range not so far from Canterlot, a group of ponies were hiking for fun, when one of them got to the top of a ledge, he saw an unusual creature at the top.

It was a female human, as she asked the ponies, "Excuse me, kind ponies, but do you know the way to Canterlot, Princess Celestia asked that all humans are to head to either Canterlot, Manehatten, or Ponyville. I assumed that Canterlot is the closest, but I got lost...am I close...?"

One of the mares answered, "Canterlot is just...past that mountain over there...but, it's quite a journey anyway you travel..."

The human chuckled as she said, "Oh, I can certainly manage, I am honored by your concern…"

The woman jumped off the ledge as the ponies screamed with surprise as they tried to save the mystery woman, but in a flash, the woman disappeared and a shining silhouette of a massive bird in her place, flew over the mountain with no difficulty, with a beautiful rainbow of nearly 70 colors trailed behind the bird, as it let out a resonating call that echoed in the sky for miles.

The ponies, couldn't believe what they saw, a human turned into a huge, magnificent, magical bird. They could only stare with their jaws to the ground, trying to process the information they had witnessed…

-[Dragonspiral Tower Top Floor - Pokémon Black and White]-
The ponies and trainers trudged through the thick blankets of snow in the Appleloosa orchards, many ICE-Type Pokèmon, mostly an unusual snowflake-shaped species called Cryoganal, got in their way, but Fluttershy and Rajin (her Dragonite) managed to coax most of them to go with the weather ponies to Cloudsdale. They did, however, meet with one odd Sandslash that was blue and had huge spines that looked like they were made of ice as it followed the Cryoganal.

Rainbow Dash whined, "Aw man, none of them wanted to be my super-awesome Partner Pokèmon! Gah! I want a Pokèmon so bad!"

Sean said, "I think it is a good thing none of those ICE-Types wanted to be your partner, ICE-Types are usually not very good choices for your first Pokèmon because they are a handful to look after, and when they battle, they are notorious 'glass-cannons' in competitive battles. Until the discovery of FAIRY-Types, they were one of the few weaknesses of DRAGON-Types…"

Rarity asked, "What in Equestria is a 'glass-cannon'? Sounds very silly if you ask me…"
Twilight answered, "From the context of Sean's usage of the word, a glass-cannon is described to be something that, while powerful, isn't very practical in combat, hampering you more than your opponent."

Rosa said not really paying attention, "Uh-huh, yeah that's right, that's right, nailed it on the head…"

The ponies knew Rosa was more focused on looking for Kyurem, though they are not keen on meeting him yet...

Sean had told them all about the rumors and myths back in their world on how Kyurem was said to drag people and Pokèmon to its lair to eat them. Sean assured them those rumors were false, but that didn't stop them from being worried about meeting the Legendary ICE-Type, who was said to be very aggressive to those who angered him.

Sean nervously chuckled as he was failing to calm them down, he continued to look around for the source of the snow, and the blizzard started to pick up strength and created multiple snow tornadoes, making it much harder to find the source.

Sean happened to look at the base of a twister of snow to his left, and did a double take as he said, "Hey! I found it! The source of the blizzards…"

Everyone rushed back to where Sean was as he pointed to a large figure that vaguely resembled a Tyrantrum, but with two misshaped appendages on its back.

Sean dryly commented, "That is definitely Kyurem, I know that shape from anywhere…"

Rosa called out when the strange triangular spike glowed, "Kyurem! Over here!"

The shape turned its head and revealed two glowing yellow eyes and a glowing yellow crest on its head, the blizzard stopped in midair, eerily like time had frozen, and it was when the ponies got their clearest look at Kyurem…

Kyurem was hunched over in a posture that resembled a theropod dinosaur, it had a rather large head sticking out of a long, narrow neck. His eyes were empty and yellow, and his entire body looked like it was covered in clean, misty ice. He had two short arms with two tiny claws that resembles a tyrannosaur's, strong looking legs that also resemble that of a theropod dinosaur, but his claws on his feet were almost like glass in appearance. He had a short tail that was made completely of ice, and he had two misshapen wings, or what was left of wings, on his back, also covered in ice. He looked menacing, but the ponies couldn't help but feel, that Kyurem looked incomplete, like something was missing from him.

Rosa was teary-eyed as she slowly walked to the Boundary Pokèmon, and said, "K-Kyurem…you're safe…I was so worried about you…Sensei Sean was too…"

Kyurem continued to look at them, with the same, empty look in his eyes, not changing expressions even for a second. This unnerved the ponies, fearing the DRAGON/ICE-Type might attack them all…

Rosa, with Sean behind her, got to Kyurem's face, then hugged his face as she said, "All we need to do now is find a way home, and look for Reshiram, you can't really do much without me or Sean, can you…? Follow me…"

Kyurem obeyed Rosa without any hesitation, like he was some kind of machine, which puzzled the ponies, this caused Twilight to use a mind reading spell to look into Kyurem's mind, but was greatly confused and it was clear on her face.

Applejack asked, "Twi'? Why are you looking at Kyurem like that?"
Twilight answered, "I-it doesn't make sense…there are no thoughts in Kyurem's mind, it was empty…even a machine has some form of thoughts that a mind-reading spell can detect, but there's nothing, nothing at all!"

Sean overheard and decided to say, "Well, that is because, well…Kyurem's nothing more than an empty shell of his former self, his soul is gone, that is why there are no thoughts in his mind…"

The ponies jaws dropped as they shouted, "WHAT!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!"

Sean replied, "I'll tell you about it when we get back to Canterlot, I feel Celestia and Luna might want to hear about Kyurem's tragic tale…"

Back at Cantelot Castle, 46 minutes later...
-[For a New Life - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky]-
True to his word, Sean told everyone Kyurem's story, which was really a legend from the Native Americans of the United States, about a single powerful dragon Pokèmon and twin heroes who supposedly created a lost kingdom in the Eastern Seaboard of North America. He further explained how the brothers argued and Kyurem split itself in half, and what remained of Kyurem's corpse came alive by sheer willpower, and how the two halves of Kyurem's soul became the White Dragon of Truth, Reshiram, and the Black Dragon of Ideals, Zekrom. N told them all about Reshiram and Zekrom, who fought each other by the command of the sons of the twin brothers, and turned into stone after badly wounding each other, and how they await for a Hero of Truth and a Hero of Ideals will set them free from their dormant comatose states.

The ponies teared up, they had never heard such a depressing tale, even Celestia couldn't hold back tears as Kyurem's story was quite similar to her's and Luna's, on how Celestia had to banish her own sister to the moon a thousand years ago.

Pinkie Pie was crying waterfalls as she said, "WAH! HAH-HAH-HAHH! THAT IS SO…*Hic*SO SAD! POOR KYUREM!"

Fluttershy was being held by Rajin as she said in a shaky voice, "Oh dear! I didn't know Kyurem was suffering that much!"
The others looked down with tears dripping from their eyes, they couldn't imagine going through what the Boundary Pokémon went through.

Celestia turned her gaze away from everyone else, trying very hard not to cry, the Legend of the Twin Heroes brought up painful memories of how she and Luna as Nightmare Moon fought each other on that fateful day.

Blue and Red looked at the floor with frowns, as Blue said, "Geez...that is a bad thing for anyone, Pokèmon or not, to go through…"

It was harsher when that Sean learned earlier from a friend of his that, because Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom were separated for so long, they all can't become one again, and Kyurem can only stay fused with either Zekrom or Reshiram for so long, not both.

Sean pinched his nose bridge as he said in a low tone, "Yeah, I know it is sad, Kyurem was reduced to being essentially disabled, but he does still remember things, but can't really do much, can't even express emotions."

Celestia turned to her sister and hugged her while looking at Kyurem directly, who was being fed Pokémon food by Rosa and Sean's Metagross.

She asked, "Is…is there something we could do for Kyurem? I cannot let him suffer for what happened to him all those years ago, it just doesn't feel right for me to not do anything to help him."

Sean answered, "I don't know if there is something you can do, if I'm honest Celestia-hime. I've heard there are possibilities, but we have yet to find them if they do exist, but Kyurem can regain some of his thoughts through an object called the DNA Splicers, which allow him to fuse with either Reshiram or Zekrom, and separate them."

Rosa pulled out the very object, the same triangular spike the Mane Six saw before, and confirmed it is the DNA Splicers Sean talked about. N also revealed to them that Sean was the current Hero of Ideals Zekrom waited for, and that he passed Reshiram over to Rosa as the new Hero of Truth.

Sean continued, "With Zekrom back in our world at my home, and Reshiram still missing, Kyurem will remain in this, I guess you can call it 'automatic state' where he will do nothing but the most basic actions, like eating and breathing."

Luna proclaimed, "By my honor as the co-ruler of Equestria, I shall find a way to correct the wrong that sir Kyurem suffers from…"

Rosa responded, "I know Kyurem will thank you, if he can..."

"Bishiaaaaaahhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkk!" Kyurem suddenly moved and released frigid cold air and caused everyone to shudder.

May complained, "R-R-Ros-s-sa-ch-ch-ch-chan, d-do y-you ha-have t-t-to ha-have Ky-Kyurem out r-r-r-r-right n-n-nn-ow? I-I'm f-f-freezing my..."
Sean interrupted her, "No wait, Haruka-san. Kyurem senses it too, something is coming..."

-[Explosive Encounters! Red and Blue - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
In an instant, the entire castle shook ferociously as a loud crash echoed in the city.

Twilight said to everyone, "It sounded like it came from outside...Let's see what is going on..."

"Right...!" everyone said and they exited the castle, to find out what that crash was all about.

As soon as everyone got outside, they saw a massive blue dragon with scratches and bruises all over his body, on his back wincing in pain. Fluttershy flew up to the dragon's face, and was greeted by a frantic expression as the fire-breathing reptile said, "AYIE! NO! PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE! I'M SORRY!"

Fluttershy asked the dragon, "Shh...It's okay, nopony is going to hurt you...what happened, Mr. Dragon?"

The Dragon said, "I was just sleeping on my treasure, dreaming of fem dragons..."

Rosa had a flat expression as she thought, Great...even dragons are perverts...

The Dragon continued, "I felt a rush of wind, so I thought it was another dragon trying to steal my treasure, but instead was this, small, I don't even know what it is, with a long purple tail. I noticed it clutch its head and as soon as I brought my face down to it, the thing smacked my nose!"

Sean's eyes popped wide at the mention of a creature with a long purple tail, as the Dragon continued on, "I got angry and fired at it, but all it did was wave its arm to the side and the fire shot around it, then I felt a twinge in my throat, and I couldn't breathe fire, I threw a punch and then I was lifted into the air and thrown about in my cave, like I was a toy. It felt like magic, but it wasn't magic, and before I knew it, I was thrown miles from my cave, then that thing fired a lightning bolt from its hands and struck my chest, and then these orbs appeared out of thin air, and struck my body, like I was hit by boulders, and before I knew it, I was grabbed again and was squeezed then threw further out..."

Sean suddenly asked, "Where is your cave? I know who you went up against, and I promise to get your treasure and cave back. The one who attacked you wanted the cave, not your treasure..."

The dragon responded, "MY TREASURE?! He can have it for all I care, I never want to see that thing ever again! If it means that I have to give up treasure so I never run into that thing again, I'll do it! I'm getting the hell out of here!"

The dragon flew up and took off as fast as his wings could carry him, Rainbow Dash shouting, "Wait! You haven't told us..."

The dragon was too far away to listen, "...where this thing you saw-...AH, forget it...!"
Sean's Metagross said telepathically, ~"I probed the dragon's mind and have not only got the location of his cave, but also identified his attacker, it is Mewtwo who attacked him..."~

Sean said, "私はそれを知っていました, only Mewtwo could defeat a dragon so easily. And those attacks the dragon described, only my Mewtwo knows those moves. I've got to go to that cave!"

Sean called his Latios and flew down the cave where Mewtwo is, Rainbow Dash asked, "Who the heck is Mewtwo?"

Brendan answered, "Mewtwo is a recently identified Pokémon that came to light a few years ago, it is an artificially created Pokémon made by mankind, but its strength is great enough to consider it a Legendary Pokémon, so much so that it was said to be the most powerful of all."

Twilight replied, "This Mewtwo sounds quite dangerous..."
Rosa said, "It is dangerous, which is why we have to help Sean out, or else he could get seriously hurt..."

So everyone hurried after Sean, Celestia and Luna felt they should help too, so with their Aegislash and Musharna, followed Sean with everyone else...

-[In The Future - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
Everyone made it to the dragon's cave, the Pokèmon were very hesitant to enter, because they felt the angry presence of a very powerful foe. They felt Mewtwo's powerful and frightening aura, even the ponies and trainers felt a tinge of dread from the Genetic Pokémon, especially hearing about its powerful psychic abilities and its savage drive when battling.

Sean already started ahead, and everyone followed him, as they trudged deeper into the cave, clear signs that a ferocious battle was waged are etched on the cave walls. There were massive diamond crystals that were broken and shattered, with clear signs that they were struck with tremendous force, too great for even a dragon to cause such destruction. The floor was littered with impact craters, gigantic gouges, even upturned pieces of earth. The walls were lined with blast marks from lightning, columns utterly pulverized, gigantic slash marks (too big to even be a dragon's), and sections that were blown apart with shattered shards of tough gemstones lined in the holes.

Luna fearfully commented, "Such destruction, this Mewtwo must be formidable to break even diamonds, like they're nothing but glass."

Pinkie had mulled it over a bit and asked, "What does its name imply? Mew-Two…is there a MewThree? MewThousand? MewOne?"
Professor Oak answered, "Mew…it is Mewtwo's original…"

Rosa knew little other than Mewtwo is very powerful and aggressive, so asked, "Original? What do you mean Professor?"
The others confirmed their curiosity as the Pokémon Professor tried to remember.
"Mewtwo is a Pokémon created through genetic experimentation, by splicing the DNA of Mew, a very rare, and almost unseen Mythical Pokémon, said to be the ancestor of all Pokèmon due to its DNA containing the genomes of all existing Pokèmon, and is capable of learning every move out there. If I remember correctly, the idea of Mewtwo was at first created by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Fuji, whose research took a very dark path as he succeeded to obtain a DNA sample from a preserved Mew fossil, seeking to see the boundaries he can reach, he created Mewtwo to be the most powerful Pokèmon ever…"

Twilight's interest was piqued, as she asked, "Did this Dr. Fuji succeed? In creating the most powerful Pokèmon?"

Professor Oak scratched his scalp as he said, "He did succeed. Unfortunately, he succeeded a little too well, in my honest opinion. It was completed when they had actually acquired Mew and had it give birth to the cloned Mewtwo on February 6th some years ago. I believe the Mewtwo Fuji created became aware of the experiments he was going to perform on it next, and rebelled, destroying Fuji's laboratory on Cinnabar Island and hurting a lot of people and Pokèmon in the process of its escape. Fuji survived the attack and last I heard, he retired from science because of an overwhelming guilt for creating a monster, no one knows where he is today…"

Fluttershy was shedding tears as she asked, "Why do ponies do such horrible things, Mewtwo must have suffered a lot from those experiments…"

Sean suddenly stopped, which surprised everyone, as he replied in a slightly depressed tone, "I ask that question myself, Fluttershy…every single day when I witness someone commit a horrible act. Some say it is for power, others for money, many say it's for their beliefs, some even say that they do those things because they can."

He knelt down onto the cave floor, as he held a flashlight, everyone gathered around to see a crushed PokéBall on the ground.

Sean delicately picked up a large piece and said, "This is my Mewtwo's PokéBall, this explains somewhat on what happened…"

The piece shattered as Celestia asked, "How so, Sean?"
Brendan answered, "When a PokéBall breaks, it sends harmful energy spikes that can confuse and often mortally wound a Pokémon. Modern PokéBalls are crafted to be extremely durable, you can drop a block of concrete on it and it would stay in decent shape, but would need to be repaired. However, if a PokéBall is destroyed…"

Rosa finished, "…The Pokèmon within will be released and often, will gain extraordinary amounts of pain, enough pain to be driven mad and blindly attack anything in its sight."

-[Turn Music Off]-
Everyone was silent…
The horror on the ponies' faces was very clear…

Sean said in response, "Something my grandfather told me was that; in the event a Pokèmon is released by the Poké Ball being destroyed, the Pokèmon can be recaptured in a new Poké Ball and for about two hours, will regain its composure and naturally heal from the pain, but will still need to be treated. He also told me that, in that scenario, only its original trainer can capture the Pokèmon."

Blue asked in a 'aw-come-on!' voice, "What?! How is that possible! That must be false information!"
Sean said, "No, it is very true. Several people my grandfather knew can attest to that, by his belief, the unusual effect can wear off, but you would have to be extremely patient…"

May asked in a sarcastic voice, "Okay…how long are we talking about…5 days? A month? A year…?"
Sean interrupted, "He looked at it with Gantetsu (Kurt) and found out with the current technology, 70 Years…and that is IF you're lucky…"

Everyone's jaws dropped like sledgehammers as Rosa exclaimed, "SE-SEV-SEVENTY YEARS?! AND THAT'S IF WE'RE LUCKY???!!!"

Blue couldn't believe it at all (he wanted Sean's now wild Mewtwo for himself), and he demanded, "WHAT?! How the hell does that even work?!"

Sean simply answered while looking ahead, "You know what...the Trainer's Renewal Test…"

-[Growing Anxiety - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
Sean's Metagross twitched his eye as he said telepathically, ~"We are getting close to Mewtwo, I can feel the pain *Sssssssss* has, and the pain i-*Bbbbbrrrrkkkk*-ting my tele-*kkkkkrrrraaakkkk*-ic connection…"~

Everyone tensed up when they heard the painful moans of the suffering Mewtwo. It sounded absolutely unbearable, some of them thought, Fluttershy wanted to rush ahead to help Mewtwo, but knew that in its current state, it would lash out in fear and confusion at her.

Everyone was all tense, knowing that Mewtwo would almost certainly attack them on sight at any moment.
Sean spoke quietly to everyone, "It's too dangerous for the rest of you…head out of the cave, I'll handle it…"

Twilight and Rosa outwardly rejected, but Sean said while covering their mouths, "You don't quite understand, I trained and raised Mewtwo... Mewtwo is much stronger than you realize, I am fully aware of Mewtwo's strengths and weaknesses, I'm the only one who has a slim chance against Mewtwo. You see, Mewtwo and I have a unique bond, I can wrangle that PSYCHIC-Type and am the only one who can, please go…"

Twilight aggravated quietly, "But, you can't right now, you're still healing from your injuries!"
Sean, quietly, replied, "That's the point! I can't live by myself if something bad happened to any of you! Mewtwo is a born-fighter, Mewtwo will badly hurt you guys, that's a guarantee at this time! If you must, you can follow me, but promise me this, when it gets ugly or when I say for you to get out, you will get out of here…"

Everyone promised, as Pinkie did the same, but differently, "You have my Pinkie Pie Promise, Sean…Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye…"

Sean said, "Don't any of you break that promise, those of us in the Hashimoto family holds any promises made to heart. Follow me…"

He motioned with his hand as they moved deeper to the heart of the cave.

-[Down a Dark Path - Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
No longer than a minute later…

Everyone got to the massive chamber at the heart of the mountain, and inside was the dragon's massive pile of treasure, floating in the air and cackling electricity caused by unstable psychic energy. At the floor of the cave, they saw a human-sized, and even human shaped, grey creature with sturdy legs, a long thick purple tail, scrawny arms, three fingers on each hand with orb-shaped fingertips, a proportionally average head on a tiny neck, and a fleshy tube connecting the creature's head and shoulders. The grey creature clutched its head tightly in a fetal position, tears streaming from its tightly shut eyes and gritting its teeth hard. The creature was definitely Sean's Mewtwo, Mewtwo whined in almost unbearable pain.

The Genetic Pokèmon opened its eyes wide when it sensed the presence of others and quickly shot up and back into an aggressive stance, growling ferociously like a wild animal, a very angry wild animal. Eyes narrowed with both fear and hate as it saw nothing but strangers in its sight, even those it knew and came to care for. In short, because of what happened, Mewtwo saw no one but enemies…

Sean compassionately approached his missing friend and said comfortingly, "Mewtwo, it is me, Hashimoto Sean, your friend…I'm here to help you…"

He placed his hand out invitingly, as Mewtwo, whose eyes did not change at all, relaxed its body a little when the memory of a kind person caring for it came to its mind…

Suddenly, an Ultra Ball was thrown and hit Mewtwo on the head, causing it to rear back in agonizing pain, returning with greater force. Everyone turned to see that it was indeed Blue who threw that PokéBall, with a somewhat cocky grin plastered on his face.

He proclaimed, "Mewtwo you're mine now!"
The Ultra Ball opened up as a red energy field formed around Mewtwo's body, but then it shattered, which could only happen if a Poké Ball was thrown at a Pokèmon that already belongs to someone.

Blue was wide eyed as he said, "Huh...What the kid said was right…誰かわかったね..."

-[Palkia's Onslaught - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
Mewtwo seethed with pain-induced rage, never had it felt so outraged before. Using Psychic, its eyes glowed cyan and so did its right hand, then it grabbed Blue and violently threw him towards a wall. Sean got behind Blue and shielded him from a serious injury, taking the full brunt of the attack, but Blue sprained a leg and broke an arm...

Blue looked behind and saw Sean slowly getting up as Mewtwo threw coins and gems with lethal force at everyone.
He asked, "What did you save me for, you loser?"
Sean replied, "Only your grandfather can slap you silly for something stupid as that, baka! And because it was the right thing to do…dumb***..."

Twilight and Celestia put up a magic barrier, but the speed created by the flying bits of treasure generated enough impact force to rival a high-caliber bomb, and cracked the shield. One gold bit shot with such force, it shattered the magic barrier and nearly shot through Twilight's head, just barely scratching her cheek and leaving a cut.

Rainbow Dash managed to dodge a good majority of projectiles, but finds it hard to keep up with someone who can move objects with ease by a slight jerk of the head. But, Mewtwo was frantic and furious, so the smallest pebble, could strike like a baseball-sized meteor, and it threw with all its might.

Celestia's Aegislash manages to get through unscathed to Mewtwo and performed a powerful Night Slash attack on the Genetic Pokémon. The PSYCHIC-Types used their psychic abilities to freeze all the projectiles, their combined might was just a bit greater than Mewtwo's, but their starting to wane.

The Japanese trainer noticed the aura around Mewtwo, then said to everyone else, "Get out of here! Mewtwo is about to unleash a devastating attack!"

Everyone heard, but Rosa said defiantly, "No way I'm leaving you alone Sensei! I'm stay…"
The young girl was then pushed out of the cave by Pinkie Pie as she screamed, "NO ONE BREAKS A PINKIE PROMIS-S-S-SE!!!"

And before it knew it, Mewtwo unleashed its most powerful attack, Psystrike and it shook the entire mountain, which despite all that happened, stood strong.

Gallade and Absol both used Protect to save the gang's Pokèmon that stayed behind, and left after their trainers as Mewtwo howled a battle cry filled with anger, and pain.


Sean had shielded his eyes from the dust, he wore a proud grin on his face as he secretly worried, Oh crap, I remember how difficult it was to capture Mewtwo, and I only have five PokéBalls…but…that is all I really need…

Mewtwo scowled at Sean, its mind was too confused to think straight, as Sean said to the Genetic Pokèmon,

"Now that everyone is safe…I have…NOTHING TO FEAR!!!"

-[Battle! (Mewtwo) - Pokémon X and Y]-
Everyone got out of the cave as an explosion shuddered the mountain, they were all worried about Sean, contending with the powerful Mewtwo by himself, who frightened a dragon of all things and literally threw him out of his home.

Rosa tried to go back in the cave, but was stopped by Celestia's magic as she frantically said, "Let me go! Let me go! I have to be there for Sensei!"
Celestia held her firmly as Twilight said to the frantic trainer, "Rosa, I am not pleased as well, but we did promise him to stay out of trouble…"

Rosa shouted in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry, "You don't get it! You haven't known Sensei like I have, he's purposely put himself in front of danger! I…I CAN'T LOSE HIM AGAIN!!!"

That last sentence made everyone wear very shocked and confused faces as Rosa finally gave in and started to cry hard, with her Pokèmon trying to calm her down. She can't lose him again?!, they all thought, the way she worded that phrase, and the tone seemed to have implied, Sean had once, lost his life, but that was impossible since he is here and completely alive and healthy, or could it…?

Rosa hugged her legs tightly as Luna asked hesitantly, "Ms. Rosa…did…did something…really bad happen to Sir Sean?"

Rosa never got to answer as a terrific explosion made everyone cover their ears and see Sean on top of his Shiny Metagross slide out of a new opening on the mountain and Mewtwo running out with incredible speed, both showed clear signs of battle wear, being covered in dust and burn marks from intense battling.

Mewtwo charged forward with a glowing, black ball in its hands as Sean commanded, "Metagross! Use Hold Back when I block Mewtwo's attack!"

And with that, Sean caught Mewtwo's arms as a barrage of Shadow Ball attacks fired harmlessly into the sky, Mewtwo snarled and threw a ferocious head-butt to Sean's forehead, only for Metagross to slam a glowing leg against Mewtwo's body. The attack was whittling Mewtwo's stamina, but then, it crossed its arms in front of its face and then glowed in a green sphere of light moved from Mewtwo's chest and spread all over its body.

Brendan commented, "Gah! Mewtwo knows Recover!? At this point, Hashimoto-kun is going to lose, a Mega Evolution should be enough, but why isn't he using one…!"
He stopped and answered his own question, "…Wait! He can't! He doesn't have enough time to trigger it! That's why he hasn't used Mega Evolution against Mewtwo!"

"Of all the times..." May said as she ducked for cover behind a huge rock.

Mewtwo's body cackled with electricity after fully recovering, and with a tremendous shout, unleashed a mighty Thunderbolt attack at Sean and his Metagross! They dodged just in time as the Thunderbolt shattered a boulder, but unfortunately, Sean panicked when he heard a familiar scream…he turned his head behind him and saw May balancing on one foot over a cliff. Latios struck Mewtwo with Aerial Ace as Metagross threw a Meteor Mash attack that collided with the Genetic Pokèmon. Sean raced to catch May, discarding his shirt, jacket, shoes, and backpack as they crashed to the ground, gaining a burst of speed as he discarded them.

Blue and Red exclaimed with surprise, "Sean had weighted clothing?!"
Blue further commented with sweat, "Guess that explains how he was able to hold me down, the guy just copied Son Goku all the way…"

Mewtwo fired a shockwave with Psychic and blew its opponents away, about when Discord showed up and helped everyone fend off Mewtwo.

The shock-wave made May loose her balance and cause a piece of the cliff top to break off from the mountain. May screamed with fright as she fell off the mountain everyone else noticed too late as they saw May fall off and Sean jumping after her in his weighted pants and tank shirt. Rosa screamed with shock at the sight of her mentor jumping off a cliff to save her friend, Sean caught May with his left arm and using his right arm, thrust his sharp and strong katana onto the cliff face, cutting through it for a few seconds as they slid down, and then it snagged as the two were safe for the time being.

May gasped for air for screaming at the top of her lungs, she saw she wasn't falling anymore and felt someone holding onto her. She looked to see a wincing Sean holding her around the waist and her arms around his neck, then saw he used his sword to hook on the cliff like a ledge.

May sincerely thought she was going to die, as tears started to form in her eyes, Sean said in a grunted voice and compassionate smile, "Ga! Are…are you hurt…Haruka-chan? Your dad will…urrr!…kill me if I let…anything bad happen to his…precious little girl…"

May was taken quite aback, she wanted to answer him, say that she was fine. But, all that came out were stifled whimpers, then May hugged Sean tightly as she cried on his shoulder, like a child seeking comfort from her parents.

Sean knew how May was feeling at the moment, an said as he petted the back of her head, "There, there…you're safe Haruka-chan…I keep the promises I make and I promised your dad I'd keep you safe from harm, and that is what I'm doing…"

Another tremor from the battle against Mewtwo shook the mountain and shook the sword in the cliff, making May start to panic and cling onto Sean tightly. Sean looked up and saw Fluttershy and Rajin fly towards them with rope in their hands, he tried his best to hide his pain, but the Element of Kindness saw through it and was trying to calm May down.

May said quickly with fear, "No-no-no-no! D-don't take me, don't take me, DON'T TAKE ME! I'M GONNA FALL! I'M GONNA FALL!"

Sean said to her sternly, "You are not going to fall! Rajin and Fluttershy will make sure you won't fall Haruka-chan, with my arm's tendons pulled, I won't be able to keep you from falling, trust me."

May reluctantly agreed as Rajin flew her up to the mountain as Fluttershy asked, "Are you going to be okay? Rajin will come back and together, he and I will help you up…"
Sean said, "That is fine, but my arm is kinda shot for the moment, you are best needed to help our friends. I'll be fine, even if I'm not, but Mewtwo still needs help, I have something in my backpack that just might work if we time it just right, it's located…"

He told Fluttershy what she need to do, though not wanting to leave him there, Sean made Fluttershy promise to do what he asked her to do, and so she did.

The battle against Sean's Mewtwo has reached an almost chaotic point, where everyone has battle damage, and Discord was trumped by Mewtwo throwing everything in its arsenal at him, and rendered the Lord of Chaos unconscious for a moment. Brendan was comforting a frightened May who he held tightly to calm her down. Rainbow Dash took temporary command of Sean's Empoleon, telling it to fire and fire attack after attack, but tired the WATER/STEEL-Type to a point where a Thunderbolt caused him to be knocked out. The ponies, Pokèmon, and trainers were feeling weak from fighting Mewtwo, who constantly used Recover when things got bad for it. But the Genetic Pokèmon was feeling fatigue as well, and knows it won't last for long. Sean's Pokèmon were confused and unsure what to do, without their trainer's commands.

Fluttershy found Sean's backpack and searched through it in the spot Sean told her it is in, and by sheer luck, she found it…
"Wait…that's not right…let's see…no…no…no…Marvel's The Avengers…? No…focus Fluttershy…ah! There it is!"

She pulled out a particular PokéBall that, instead of it being red on top, was purple with two pink bulges, and a tiny white 'M' on it. Fluttershy remembered what Sean said about the ball, ("In this hidden pocket in my backpack, is a special PokéBall that certainly will work on Mewtwo. It can capture any Pokémon without fail, and it's called…")

"The Master Ball…" Fluttershy said to herself, she shook her head and readied the next phase of Sean's plan…

-[Vs. Mewtwo! - Pokèmon Origins]-
Fluttershy musters enough courage to give commands to Sean's Pokémon for him,
"Metagross, hammer away at Mewtwo's health, keep it from performing any attacks if you can! Gallade and Absol, you two help Metagross! Same goes for you, Blue, Red!"
Metagross said his first verbal sound in compliance, "Meta-Groooossss!"
Red and Blue both said with confidence, "You got it!
Fluttershy then flew over to some of her friends and relayed, "Rarity, have your Sableye help Brendan's Alakazam, Princess Luna's Musharna, and Princess Celestia's Aegislash rebound any attacks Mewtwo unleashes back right at it!"
The four Pokèmon confided and their trainers sounded off, "Understood!"
"Twilight, use your disabling spell on Mewtwo's Recover move, that will make in incapable of healing itself!"
Twilight was surprised at Fluttershy, but figured it out it was Sean's plan, and replied, "Roger that!"
"Rainbow Dash, I need you here for this…"
The athlete pegasus was then told what her part is, and after that, she said, "Oh my gosh! That is going to be so EPIC!"

Now she took a deep breath as she issued the last thing on her to do list from Sean,
"Applejack, Rosa, Yūki, Professors Oakido and Platane, you are going to help me get the injured out of harm's way, Sean cooked up this plan to catch Mewtwo! He has to get a 'Certain Pokemon' ready for the last phase of his plan!"

Rosa was greatly confused, as she said, "W-wha? What 'Certain Pokemon'? What is…? Guh…Gah…I don't under-…"

An explosion interrupted her train of thought, she turned her head and saw the battle against Mewtwo grow more intense, not deciding to second guess her teacher's orders, she went off to get the injured Pokèmon and Discord out of harm's way.

Discord began to regain consciousness as he said, "Yeowza! That was the first time I ever felt real pain, must have been 2,000 years ago if memory ser-…wait, we have to stop this Mewtwo, character before he seriously hurts somepony else…"
Fluttershy wrapped a bandage around Discord's lion paw as she said, "Sean has that plan already taken care of, and if what he told me is right, he should be here any minute now…"

Mewtwo, though very tired, managed to repel all the attacks it could against it. But, it felt more surges of pain, and found it unbearable, battling kept the unending pain at bay, so Mewtwo figured as long as it continues to battle, it won't feel that pain anymore, it only guesses, how long can it battle.

It readies to launch a super-charged Psystrike attack on its downed foes, but then, a torrent of fire sped through the air and Mewtwo dodged at the last minute. The flames looked like they came from a dragon, but everyone looked up to see a mighty Charizard, twice as big as they normally are, wearing a metal bracket with a mega stone, fly down with Sean riding on its back.

Rosa was wide eyed as she said, "I…I…I…know that Charizard! That is Deathwing, Masaru Hashimoto's Charizard, and now it's Sean's Pokèmon! That Charizard defeated all the Legendary Birds at once under Masaru's command! B-but how…?"

Fluttershy answered, "Sean said while on the way here, he spotted Deathwing's well known, 'territorial mark', that it claims an area as its training grounds, and knew it can face Mewtwo should his own Pokèmon wouldn't be enough. He had me send Latios to fly to him and pick him up, so that they could find Deathwing, we were supposed to stall until he got Deathwing ready…"

Rosa looked with awe at a legendary trainer's, urban legend of a Pokèmon, and then Fluttershy added, "Oh…Sean also said that Deathwing, is a female Charizard…"

Everyone had a face that said, 'Are-you-SERIOUS-serious?!' on them as they looked at Fluttershy, then at Deathwing and back at least five times, until Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically, "That makes total sense! Go get em' Deathwing!"

Deathwing continued to fly low as she looked at her opponent, she had heard of Mewtwo before, but never met the PSYCHIC-Type Pokèmon, until now. Her pride as a warrior knew that Mewtwo is a truly worthy opponent for her skill and strength, but remembered her old trainer's grandson needs to weaken Mewtwo for recapture.

Sean gently patted the veteran's back as he said, "Okay girl, you know the plan right?"
Deathwing looked behind and nodded in confirmation, as Sean then said, "Good, now let's get this show on the road…"

Deathwing unleashed her kind's infamous, 'Display of Strength', a challenge where she roars while unleashing a powerful Flamethrower attack to the sky, a message understood by all Pokèmon as a right to challenge.

-[Mega Evolution! - Pokèmon Origins]-

Mewtwo could vaguely remember such a challenge call, and so, responded,


The PSYCHIC-Type flew after the FIRE/FLYING-Type high into the sky and already unleashed a Shadow Ball barrage at Deathwing, but the huge Charizard was surprisingly agile, dodging every one of them, then shot to Mewtwo like a bullet and struck a powerful Shadow Claw attack which landed a critical-hit!

Rainbow Dash was waiting excitedly on a cloud above the clashing powerhouses, unable to contain her excitement at an epic battle, and on how she wants a Charizard like Deathwing.
She says to herself, "I cannot wait, for my own Pokèmon! I really hope it is something as awesome as a Charizard!"

Mewtwo unleashed Psychic on Deathwing, but the Flame Pokèmon used the chance to fire a Dragon Pulse that collided with Mewtwo as it put up a Barrier attract to deflect it. Mewtwo then charged at Deathwing, to make the battle close quarters, but Deathwing was quite adept at close combat, so she caught Mewtwo's arms in her claws, creating an impact wave that destroyed some of the weaker clouds in an area. Mewtwo was surprisingly strong in physical strength, Deathwing was quite surprised, but knew that whereas Mewtwo fought nonstop for ten, maybe twenty minutes, she is ready for battle, and hardy broke a sweat.

Mewtwo tried using Recover many times before, but couldn't understand why it won't activate, it felt strength start to fade from its arms, and that was when the mighty Charizard grabbed Mewtwo's left arm and threw it down to the ground, hard. Mewtwo felt a slight change, and then, it tried it once more…

Twilight frustratingly yelled, "NO! The disabling spell wore off! Now how can Sean defeat Mewtwo…"
Applejack looked at Mewtwo closely, then said with shocked eyes, "Uhh, Twi'? You might want'a rethink that…"

That was when everyone noticed, despite being fully restored, Mewtwo looked exhausted, the non-stop fighting had given Mewtwo little time to rest and regain its strength, and because Twilight had disabled Mewtwo's Recover move for a period of time, the PSYCHIC-Type had to expend more energy than it should to stay on its feet. This was Sean's plan all along, tire Mewtwo and expend its energy so the Master Ball has a guarantee to capture it.

"Even a Master Ball has a chance to fail if the Pokèmon is too riled up from pain and that energy it is releasing. Ready Deathwing?"
Sean saw his grandfather's signature Pokèmon look back at him, then growled in eagerness.

-[Battle! (Successor Korrina) - Pokèmon X and Y]-
Sean nodded, and touched the Key Stone, like before, the Mega Stone and Key Stone erupted in light and then, Deathwing grew larger, more horns and spikes littered her body, and her already impressive wings grew larger and more pronounced, Deathwing is now a…

"Mega Charizard Y…" said May, starry eyed the entire time she saw Masumoto's star Pokèmon.

"Deathwing, use Flamethrower!" Sean ordered.
Mewtwo shot up and got ready to unleash another Thunderbolt, the ELECTRIC-Type attack was weaker because of the efforts to tire it out, and it was destroyed by Deathwing's powered up FIRE-Type attack.

Mewtwo got the full force of the attack and suffered tremendous damage against it, but Deathwing's onslaught was just getting started…

Deathwing activated the Drought ability she has and intensified the sunlight, and immediately fired the powerful GRASS-Type move right as Mewtwo fired a Shadow Ball attack prematurely. Its attack was destroyed and got another attack pelted on full force.

"And now…"
Mewtwo shot up at an unreached speed, charging Psystrike to be fired mere inches from its opponent. The attack was fired, but just barely missed hitting both Deathwing and Sean. The flame on Deathwing's tail erupted with fury as she readied for the final blow, Sean then told her, to use her ultimate attack.

"BLAST BURN!!!" Sean shouted!
Deathwing bellowed powerfully, as swirling spheres of fire appeared around her fists, and a roaring buildup of fire formed in her mouth. Mewtwo was far too close for it to dodge, as Deathwing, rammed her fists and unleashed her eruption of fire at the same time…


A hell storm of raging fire and explosions thundered louder than a volcanic eruption, and could be seen and heard from all over Equestria. The explosion from the attack took the entire top of the mountain and vaporized it, clean off, and Mewtwo lies on the ground, too exhausted to battle anymore, its body gave out and now lies passed out, trying to use Rest to restore its health. But, the pain kept returning far worse than ever.

Sean knew it was time and got the Master Ball ready, and said, "Rainbow Dash, Now!"

The pegasus dove down and then, spiked the Poké Ball at an amazing speed, Mewtwo opened its eyes too late as the Master Ball, collided with Mewtwo. The Genetic Pokèmon disappeared into the Poké Ball and after nine twitches, the Master Ball made a very familiar *Ding!* sound, but it sounded more unique than other Poké Balls, that means, Mewtwo is Sean's once more.

Alright! Mewtwo has been recaptured!

-[Victory! Gym Leader/Elite Four - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
"YAHOOO! BEST ULTIMATE BATTLE TO THE DEATH, BUT REUNITING WITH A FRIEND PARTY, EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRR!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted enthusiastically, and also never took a breath during it too.

Rosa walked up to Sean, clenching her fists, as Sean noticed and said, "Oh hey, Rosa-san...I'm very glad you're safe, all we have to do now is..."

Rosa cried as she couldn't handle her friend's almost reckless actions anymore, Sean looked at his friend with a disappointed face, he really didn't like seeing his friends hurt.
He knew he was rather reckless, but didn't realize how upset it made others, so he knew what to do...

Rosa looked up as she felt Sean place his hands on her shoulders, and then said, "G-Gomen'nasai, Rosa-san...I cannot promise you that I won't do something reckless and stupid..."
Rosa looked sad, as Sean continued, "...But, I'll promise, for you and Kotone-chan, that I'll be more careful, for both of your sake, and my family's sake..."

Rosa looked at Sean and knows he was sincere about his promise, then Sean said, "Let's head back to Canterlot, we got injured to heal, and Mewtwo needs to get medical help after what Mewtwo went through."

With that, everyone headed back to Canterlot, and began to piece together what happened...

-[Abyssal Ruins - Pokémon Black and White]-
As two hours passed since Mewtwo was captured, Sean sent out the powerful PSYCHIC-Type, as Discord cast a healing spell on it, because Fluttershy asked him nicely. Mewtwo groaned as it stirred awake from its sleep, everyone saw its eyes pop open, and lurch back in surprise with so many strangers around it...

"それを握って、Mewtwo! It's me, Hashimoto Sean, your friend, these people won't harm you..." Sean said to the Genetic Pokémon.

Mewtwo looked to see its trainer, and said telepathically, in a...woman's voice?!
~"S-Sean? Is that you? Where are we? Who are these strangers? What happened?"~

Pinkie exclaimed, "Mewtwo is a GIRL?! WHO KNEW...!"

Twilight asked Mewtwo, "Wait, you…don't remember what happened a little while ago?"
Mewtwo formed an Aura Sphere in her hand and demanded, ~"What are you! Stay away all of you!"~

Sean intervened as he said, "やめる! Mewtwo, you're not going to be hurt, they helped us when we wound up in this dimension. Here, look into my mind and see what happened…"

Mewtwo did what she was asked to do, but still very suspicious, probed everyone's minds as well as her trainer's.

Celestia and Luna felt Mewtwo reading their minds aggressively, because she was uncertain, they felt the uncomfortable intrusion, they were amazed that Mewtwo's psychic powers passed right through their mental blockades with ease.

May felt the Genetic Pokèmon in her mind and said, "Ga-Grah! Stop it! Please! That hurts, Mewtwo!"
Twilight was caught off guard and subsequently reacted automatically, by shoving Mewtwo's power back to her.

Then, the alicorn started to see and feel all the things Mewtwo felt, the unbearable pain, scientists probing her, hearing their thoughts, them sending machines to contain her, and all the pain trying to escape a hidden laboratory in a far off land.

Twilight realized what she just did, and quickly said, "Mewtwo, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen! I-I-I-I just reacted automatically…"

Sean stopped her as Mewtwo said, ~"N-no...I am the one who is sorry…I can't trust anyone immediately, and those that I did, betrayed me…I have severe…trust issues, I apologize for that…"~

Sean said after that, "Mewtwo doesn't trust me completely either, but I am gaining her trust slowly, as I am giving her my trust, and yes, I knew Mewtwo was female from the start…"

He paused for a moment, then said, "Wait…maybe you guys can help Mewtwo make friends, but first, let's head back to Ponyville. With all that happened today, we deserve some much …"

Rainbow Dash excitedly said, "Whoo-Hoo! I can't wait for Deathwing and I to race back…! She looks really fast!"
Sean said in response, "Actually, Deathwing is going to head back to that mountain, Rainbow Dash…"

Fluttershy asked, "What? How come? She doesn't want to head back with us…? Did we do something wrong? Oh gosh, I'm so sorry..."

Sean explained, "No, no, Fluttershy-san...Deathwing would certainly come back with us, but because she marked that mountain as a training ground, she'll stay there to train by herself. Deathwing prefers to train alone, not even with Grandpa, but she will come back during breaks between training sessions. She also knows that mountain will draw opponents for her to fight, not just for that dragon's treasure, but the mountain itself. Deathwing does whatever she wants, and will take orders when it is necessary, sorry about that…"

Deathwing nodded as she waved bye and headed out of the castle, and flew to the mountain where the dragon had abandoned his treasure.

Afterwards, Sean, Rosa, May, Brendan, the Mane Six, Spike, Steven, Cynthia, Kellyn, Korrina, and Sabrina headed back home to Ponyville, where they will be in for a great surprise.

You are reading...

Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles

Feel free to use this prototype cover picture as a break to get food, go to the bathroom, drink water, etc. and return reading afterwards...

-[Pallet Town - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
The ponies couldn't stop talking about the battle between Deathwing and Mewtwo, and even wondered what kind of person Sean's grandfather really was. Applejack looked at Pinkie Pie with Haunty, Fluttershy with Rajin, and Rarity with her currently unnamed Sableye. She didn't really show it, but the Earth Pony was just as eager as Rainbow Dash was about getting her own Partner Pokémon, and with 721 of them and counting, she couldn't wait to find out who it is. Applejack hoped to get a Pokèmon like Arcanine, for the fact that it was essentially a giant dog, who could help Winona with herding and corralling.

The train ride was just entering Ponyville as Twilight stretched and said, "Good grief, I really need some rest, non-stop action all day long, it reaaallly…*Yawns*…drains your energy. Can't wait to get to bed, and Sean, I know a relaxing spell that could help you fall asleep if you have trouble, ask me if you need my help."

Sean weakly chuckled as he said, "He-heh…Noted…Thanks Twilight…"

Sabrina commented, "A place that sounds peaceful, Ponyville must be a wonderful place to ease up on tension. Yes, I'll be able to meditate here…"
Rainbow responded, "Yeah, I guess, sometimes it attracts trouble like a magnet, and we get a few random monster attacks. Though, I guess we won't worry about those if Mewtwo is as powerful as she made herself out to be, kicking Discord's sorry flank around like that, it is both comforting and scary to know that somepony is strong enough to fight a god."

Sean looked out and said, "Yeah, but I can tell Sabrina is a little confused about Mewtwo…"
The Gym Leader tensed up as Sean continued, "…I know from your family, that you actually met Mewtwo once, but that was really a different Mewtwo than the one with us now."

Sabrina said in response, "Y-yes, for one, your Mewtwo was less hostile than the one I know, and it had a male's voice when it used telepathy. I know your explanation, Sean of the Hashimoto Clan."

But, before any of the ponies could ask, the train screeched to a halt as it arrived at the station.

"Guess we'll have to wait for that explanation…" Korrina said in a serious/sarcastic tone.

Three minutes later…

As they stepped off the train, they were greeted by a…


They were greeted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and the Pokémon the four children left in Ponyville, along with plenty of new faces…
With them, was the following new Pokèmon for each of the four trainers…
Sean's Haxorus and Dragonite.
May's Plusle and Minun.
Brendan's Torkoal and Ferroseed.
Rosa's Zoroark and Jolteon.

They also saw Sean's Torterra with the three fillies on his back, climbing down off the Continent Pokèmon's back. But then, they heard three new voices coming from Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell…

Then, they saw a Charmander appear behind Scootaloo, a Squirtle behind Apple Bloom, and a Bulbasaur behind Sweetie Bell, along with the trainer's own Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur on the station platform.

Applejack connected the dots and said with glee, "My little sis and her friends have their own Pokèmon partners, but, how did…"
Scootaloo interrupted, "…He-he…You don't need to know, by the way, Sean, why didn't you tell us Torterra could talk like a regular person…"

Torterra and Sean had shocked expressions on their faces, as Sweetie Bell whispered, "Scootaloo…we promised we wouldn't say anything about that…"
Scootaloo whispered back, "Oops! Forgot about that…"

Rosa looked skeptically at Sean and asked, "Sensei…! What is that filly talking about…and you BETTER tell me the truth!"

Sean held his hands up defensively and said in a scared tone, "I-I-I-I cannot tell you guys, it-it-it-it's a secret, I would tell you if I am permitted! Please drop it now…"
He continued in a very threatening voice, "…Or I will have to keep you quiet…permanently…"

He made his hand go to his sword, and the look in his eyes made everyone think he will keep his threat, Rosa immediately backed off as she said, "Okay! Okay! I'll drop it! Geez...You don't have to threaten to kill us!"

Sean dropped his stance and said in a chipper voice, "Good, now that is out of the way, let's have dinner, 'cause I'm starving! And, we'll all have to get up early tomorrow to get a head start…"

Rainbow Dash asked, "What? A head start on what?"
Sean smirked as he said, "Why knowing the basics of Pokèmon Training of course, and Hajime will have to head back to Canterlot to meet with Celestia about finding any stranded Pokèmon here in Equestria…"
Kellyn was about to retort, but Sean interrupted him in a hushed tone meant for Kellyn to listen alone, "You know as much as I do that Celestia asked you, idiot. Plus, isn't it the code of a Pokèmon Ranger to help protect Pokèmon in distress. You will stay with me at Applejack's farm and Rosa will stay with Twilight, because I know you cuz', and I cannot leave you out of my sight for anything…"

Kellyn pouted, like he was caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, and was caught long before he even did it, as he was dragged by Sean's Tyrantrum in a humiliating way (how is up to your imaginations).

Twilight asked Sean quietly, "Why are you…"
Sean knew she was going to ask and answered quietly, "Because Hajime-san is a big time pervert, like my Grandpa Masumoto when he was younger. I was aware he was giving Cornélia-san, Natsune-san, Shinora-san, and especially Rosa, indecent looks, I knew he was staring at Rosa's chest area. Do me a favor and put up magical barriers at all the places those girls will be staying at, then put up a barrier around Sweet Apple Acres, because he will cause trouble for both the girls and himself, if he…"

He whispered the rest to Twilight who was pretty shocked (and was blushing a fair bit) and as such, complied when it gets dark, they headed off as the sunset turned the sky a lovely orange.

-[Pokémon League (Night) - Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]-
After they got dinner, they fell asleep, but as Sean suspected, Kellyn tried to do rather perverted things to the girls late into the night, but because of Twilight, he couldn't get out of Sweet Apple Acres, not until morning. Sean's Tyrantrum wound up picking up Kellyn and then slept on top of the Pokemon Ranger, pinning him down where he just gave up and fell asleep.

Luna looked into his dreams and commented with a rather red face afterwards, "M-my, this 'Pokèmon Ranger' cousin of Sean's has really…errr…creative…dreams…time to move on to another's…it's that apprentice of Sean's, let us see what troubles you…"

Everyone was starting to wake up, several hours later…

-[Route 1 - Pokèmon X and Y]-
"So…those are the fundamentals of Pokèmon attacks…Physical Attacks, moves that require the user to make physical contact, Special Attacks, moves that deal damage via long-range, and finally, Status Attacks, moves that help turn the tide of the battle to your favor."

Rosa clasped her hands together as Sean finished his explanation, then continued for him, "Examples of Physical Attacks are, Close Combat, Metal Claw, Flare Blitz, Thunder Punch, Wood Hammer, and Rock Slide. Special Attacks are, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Aura Sphere, and Hyper Beam. The examples of Status Moves are, Toxic, Synthesis, Dragon Dance, Protect, Leer, and Flash."

Twilight was busy jotting down notes, whereas Rainbow Dash complained, "Just how many moves are there? It's not like we need to memorize them all…"

May responded, "You actually have to remember quite a few of them, and to answer your question, 609 moves and growing with each Pokèmon discovered…"
Pinkie said, "Wow! That's a lot of moves!"

Brendan then said, "Yeah, but not every Pokèmon can learn every move, most have a restricted list of moves they can learn, this is what we trainers call, a 'move-pool', the only Pokèmon I think is rumored to be able to learn every move, is the mythical Mew, the Pokèmon Mewtwo was created from…"
Twilight asked, "I've heard you mention Mew before, just what is it?"

Sabrina answered, "Mew is the most sought after and rarest Pokèmon of them all, everyone, Pokèmon collectors, criminal organizations, scientists, serious trainers, and practically every Pokèmon Trainer, had at times risked their lives searching for it…"

Applejack and Rarity wondered what was so valuable about this particular Pokèmon, and Fluttershy asked before they could, "Why so? What is so great about Mew that everypony would risk death to get it?"

Korrina answered, "Money, power, bragging rights, friendship, knowledge, many others slightly to unbelievably ridiculous reasons. Mew is said to look small, with big feet, big adorable eyes, tiny arms, a long tail, and is a very pale pink in color. Very few people know Mew exists, and even fewer have actually met Mew, many people simply dismiss Mew as nothing more than a myth, or an extinct species of Pokèmon…"

-[Chargestone Cave - Pokèmon Black and White]-
Sean was slightly pleased that Kellyn is in Canterlot at this moment, being given missions and kept busy from doing his 'pervy-antics', slightly ignoring everyone talking at once, and collecting his thoughts…

But, then a voice that was slightly familiar to him called out to him, in his mind, ~"Sean…head to the Tree of Harmony…the Elements of Harmony know where it is, there's someone there you have to meet…"~

Before Sean could ask the voice what it was talking about, he felt that, whoever that was, is gone now, he looked to the others and did what he think was the right thing to do…

"Hey guys…There's something I feel we have to do…"

How long have I been asleep?
Surely, it has been millennia since I last gazed upon the world...I wouldn't be surprised if I see it once again millions of years later, or never at all...
I mean after all, I was responsible for making them fear me, despite the good I've done, and accepted the punishment in accordance to their wishes...
It still doesn't help alleviate the boredom for me, I wish to see the beautiful blue skies again, the green forests...
Hear rivers run calmly through the land, and to hear birds sing once again...
After all, they are the legacy left behind by the Dinosaurs since their untimely demise...
I sure wish a human could free me soon, so that I may take in the beauty of the natural world once again...
And hopefully before I lose my sanity from being in this solitary confinement...
But, I'll wait...
As long as needed...
That was something I agreed to with the humans, and I have no intention of breaking that vow...
...Maybe I should sing a hymn song until then, hmm...?
*hums and whistles Nearer, My God, To Thee out of boredom*

-[Santalune Forest - Pokèmon X and Y]-
Sean led everyone (the Elements of Harmony and Rosa, Brendan, and May) to the Everfree Forest because he 'heard someone say to go to the Tree of Harmony', which the others were quite skeptical about.

Applejack said, "You must need to lie down Sean, voices in your head telling you to go here sound like a symptom for somepony about to go crazy…"
Sean replied, "I'm not crazy, Applejack-san, when this voice talked to me, I felt a similar presence to that woman that told us that cryptic message that led to Kyurem and Mewtwo…"

Rainbow Dash asked, "A similar…presence?! What are you talking about?"

Sean answered, "Well...I can sense aura like Lucario…"

Everyone stopped immediately with wide eyes, then May commented, "That…explains an…awful lot about how you do…well…those things you do…"
Twilight added, "So do I, I get how you knew so much about aura when we asked about it, you can sense aura like your Lucario?"

Sean sighed as he continued, "Yeah, I can, very much like my Lucario. I could also use an ability like what is done in some anime, I can sense power levels if I concentrate. Most of the time, I sense fairly average energy levels, so when someone with a rather powerful aura comes in, I would feel rather nervous. But for some, their aura is at times so great that it…"

-[Bury the Hatchling - Jurassic World]-
He paused as his gaze fell to the forest floor, to something reflecting what little sunlight bled through the canopy of trees…

"…frightens me, like…I'm in…the presence of…a…" he continued as he knelt down to the reflective object.

Everyone noticed Sean's unusual behavior, then they saw what he saw, but it was too dark to get a good look, so Twilight and Rarity cast an illumination spell, and then moved to where Sean was. When everyone saw what Sean was looking at, made them feel quite nervous, like they saw a dead body…

"…god…" Sean finally finished in a serious tone.

…For the reflective object was really a few puddles of water, inside the footprint of a very large creature…

The print resembled that of Tyrantrum's, but much bigger, easily on the scale of Pokèmon like Gyarados and Onix, or of a creature like a dragon, it was large enough for any single one of them to fit inside.

Sean examined the print as Twilight said, "I've seen big footprints, but none of that size, or of that shape before…"

Fluttershy said, "It looks like whoever made it is like a giant, flightless bird…in the subject of legs, and must be at least as tall as the town hall's second floor…"
Sean placed his hand in the print, then said, "…and it walked through here recently, the print is very fresh. That means whoever, or whatever left that was here around half an hour ago, and from how deep the toes were in the mud, it was stalking something, it was certainly hunting whatever was up ahead…"

That made everyone's blood pressures drop, as Rosa asked, "What…what made you think it was hunting…?"

Sean sniffed the air, then answered, "The print had a drop of blood of something floating in the puddle, and a lingering metallic smell in the air…"
Rainbow started to say, "What does that ha-…"
Sean interrupted and said as he pulled out a rope, "…if you smell something like copper or especially iron in the air, in a place like this, that iron-like scent could really be the smell of fresh blood…"

That made everyone huddle together in fear as Sean tied different sections of the long rope to each of them.

Twilight asked, "H-how would you know what blood smells like?"
Sean answered as he tied the rope around his waist, "My grandfather told me, and I have smelled blood before, a friend explained it to me. For now, we should stick together, mask our scent, camouflage, quiet down, and move slowly and cautiously…and we shouldn't have any Pokèmon out right now…"

May asked, "Why not? We would have them protect us Hashimoto-san…"
"I thought of that, Haruka…" Sean said, "…but something in both my common sense and my gut say that it would be disastrous if we do…"

Pinkie whispered, "Okie-Dokie-Lokie…" and the others soon complied, with Rosa shuddering uncontrollably.

They trudged quietly through in the darkness, Sean's aura scanning the area, and everyone on full alert.

A branch snapped loudly in the quiet…

Everyone tensed up, searching frantically in the dark for the source of the sound.


They heard what sounded like an impact tremor come off at a far, but close distance, reacting, they ducked for cover as the tremors grew in strength and volume…





Everyone's heads turned quickly to their rights and saw a branch fall down, and a dark outline of the mystery creature's back glide past the trees like a phantom, then a long tail followed suit swinging about like a stiffened rod.

-[Indominus Wrecks - Jurassic World]-
Sean made a motion that told them to crawl past quietly.


The mystery creature thundered on, searching for what they can assume is food, or if it ate, is looking for more food.
Rosa felt her hand squish in the mud into a tiny trickle of something warm to the touch, she feared on what the liquid could be, so she sniffed it, iron-like and left a dark mark on her hand…
She started to hyperventilate, it was blood, Rosa hated the thought of seeing blood after her journey through France, and was trying to hold back a panicked scream. Sean noticed and quickly covered Rosa's mouth as she gave a muffled scream, the creature snorted and quickly turned its head in the direction of the friends, giving everyone a good look of its eyes, they glowed like a cat's eyes in the dark.

It snarled and walked towards them, each thunderous footstep made everyone's minds scream to run away, so loudly in their minds that they fear that the creature was able to hear them.

It lowered its head to the ground, and started to sniff out the tiny area of its focus. The tip of the creature's snout was just two inches from Sean and Rosa's backs, the trainers felt drops of putrid drool drop on top of them, as the creature continues to sniff them out, it couldn't see them because of the darkened colors of their camouflages made them look like the forest floor, but it can smell something of interest there. Rosa grabbed Sean's hand as slowly as she can, and held tightly, sparking a face of confusion on Sean's face.

Hmm? Sean thought in his mind as Rosa's grip tightened little by little, What was that...feeling I got when Rosa-san touched my hand...?


A branch in the distance snapped very loudly, having the large creature turn its head in the direction of the noise at a surprising speed. It growled ferociously, like a wild, untamable animal and stormed off after what made that sound. Everyone took the opportunity to get out of there as fast as they can, before the creature noticed them and go after them.

10 minutes later…

-[Santalune Forest - Pokèmon X and Y]-
"Gah! That…was…terrifying!" Rainbow Dash said.
"I agree Rainbow..." Twilight replied as she wiped the sweat from her brow, "...I think I've never seen a creature like that in all my life. I don't even think it's from Equestria at all..."

"Get it off..." Rosa's voice said quietly, causing everyone to look right at her.

Rosa was frantic as she tried to rub the dark stains off her hands. Sean took a look in the better lighting of their resting area and confirmed that the stains were indeed blood, which didn't help Rosa calm down at all. With her starting to panic even more with her failed attempts to rub it off, it prompted Sean to try and calm her down. He got out of his backpack a bar of soap to use and water to help his apprentice to wash it off.

Applejack complained, "Rosa! You nearly got us all eaten by that monster! And over you sticking your hand in blood of all things…!"

Rarity stopped Applejack saying, "Come now, honestly! There are folks who are deathly afraid of the sight of blood, Applejack! She must have a very good reason to be so afraid of blood…"
Sean said, "She does, and it was because of me that she cannot help but freak out at the sight of blood. Everyone has very legitimate reasons to be so afraid of something, for me, I cannot stand the sight of spiders, or medical needles, and I would freak out majorly if a spider touches me, because of a traumatizing experience with them as a child."

He sighed as he then said, "One day, on one journey we had, I got hurt very badly, she doesn't like to talk about it, but I had severe injuries and was basically, bleeding to death. She couldn't do anything other than watch me slowly die, there were moments I coughed up blood all over her, that and me coming so close to death was enough for Rosa to panic at the sight of blood, and for her to develop a very real phobia for it. Don't tell her I told you, don't say anything on the subject, and don't pressure her to tell you exactly what happened, it is a very painful moment in her life I don't want to reawaken again."

"Aww! You do care for her…" Pinkie Pie said.
Applejack felt so ashamed about that, and said, "I'm sorry, but, doesn't Rosa know you talked about this, I mean, she's right next to you…"

Sean said as he caringly rubbed his apprentice's shoulder, "No, for about a few minutes she'll be too terrified to even be paying attention to anything, but I can coax her back into reality, but please promise you all won't do anything I asked you not to do…"

Rarity spoke for all of them, but knew he was hiding something, said, "We promise, especially if it causes her discomfort…yet, I can't help you're intentionally leaving a few details out of your explanation..."
"It's a story for another time I'm afraid..." Sean said, "...Right now, I need to calm Rosa-san down..."

The others agreed, then Sean snapped Rosa back to reality from her shock-ridden face, by gently slapping her face's cheeks as he spoke calmly to her...

"Rosa-san…Rosa-san…Rosa-san, it's okay, it's okay. You're fine, please snap out of it. It is alright, Rosa-san…"

The girls took notice and thought it was really sweet how Sean was snapping Rosa back to reality, while a few of them (Rarity, Pinkie, May, and Twilight), thought Sean may have feelings for Rosa, but quickly thought that isn't the case based on his personality.

Rosa blinked twice, looked around and saw Sean smiling warmly at her. Rosa pulled Sean in for a hug as she said, "I…I'm so…so glad you're alright…Sensei Sean…"
"Hai...I'm alright, Rosa-san...why wouldn't I be alright..." Sean said as he returned the hug for a few seconds to make her feel better.

Rarity thought, Ooo...the two would make an adorable couple, I'm sure of it! But, it's clear to me, even from the very subtle body language signs, that he's being nice to Rosa for just being nice sakes. A pity, but maybe I can make sparks fly between them...

May blushed and looked away to hide her red face. Not only was she just a little jealous of Rosa, but she mainly was embarrassed when she started imagining herself and Brendan in the same situation...but...uh...in their, 'birthday suits'...and looking ready to 'cross-the-line'...

Sean patted Rosa's head almost like a father would his child, and said, "How about we head to the Tree of Harmony now…大丈夫?"

They all responded to a yes and continued into the Everfree Forest, and after thirty minutes, arrived in front of the Castle of the Two Sisters, where below into the gorge, lies the Tree of Harmony, and they saw in front of it, something Sean of all people, did not expect at all…

-[Tower of Mastery - Pokèmon X and Y]-
The ponies and trainers were shocked to see a very tall, blue, stag staring at the Tree of Harmony. The ground beneath the tall creature's feet was blooming with beautiful flowers unlike any of the ponies or humans had ever seen before. The stag looked behind and the ponies saw its irises in its eyes were shaped like an 'X', which looked VERY other-worldly, even by Pokémon standards.

Sean said, "That…that's Xerneas…the Legendary Pokémon of Life…! And he's a Pokémon a friend of mine has…"

Xerneas looked magnificent and elegant, very worthy of a Pokèmon named a god, the Life Pokèmon bowed to them, and as a sign of respect, everyone bowed back.
Xerneas then said with telepathy in a very calm and soothing voice, "Hello, Sean of the Hashimoto Clan, a pleasure to see you in good health again. Kind children, you are as well I see. You six ponies must be the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, it is a genuine pleasure to meet you at last…"

Twilight jolted and the other ponies were surprised and demanded, "Hey! How did you know who we are!"
Xerneas turned his head slightly and said, "The Tree of Harmony told me, its presence is…very much like my own, so I was able to communicate with it surprisingly well, compared to other plant life…"

Rainbow Dash said, "Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! What?! The Tree of Harmony…told you?!"
Xerneas made a silent motion, like he was laughing, then said, "Of course, I am able to communicate with all life, no matter what they are, or how they came to be. And Fluttershy…"

Fluttershy squeaked as she hid behind Sean like a frightened child, something about this elk-like Pokèmon gave off a presence or feeling that was just like that of a dragon's.

Xerneas spoke softly, like a kind gentleman, "Kind Fluttershy, you have no reason to fear me, even if I carry the blood of dragons within my veins. In many ways, I am like you, for I care deeply for all life, not just animal life. If I may, can I present you with a gift I know you will love…?"

Fluttershy hesitantly walked up to the massive blue Pokèmon, but relaxed when she saw very genuinely kind eyes, then nodded.
Xerneas had no visible mouth, but he would be clearly smiling like a parent, as he said, "I am so pleased you accept it, my dear. Here it is, my special healing elixir, created from my own life energy…"

As a shimmering vial appeared and floated gently down to the pegasus, Fluttershy said after Xerneas' last statement, "Oh no, I cannot accept if you gave your life energy for it. Please, take it back, you need that more than me…"
Xerneas' eyes softened, like a father watching his child grow, then said, "Apologies, but you don't have to worry. My life energy is renewable, I won't need the energy I put in the vial. I am an immortal, but you will need to use it to heal others, like this poor creature here…"

Xerneas moved aside and revealed a badly cut and bruised tiger, yowling in pain and unable to move because of the pain.
The Legendary Pokèmon then said, "I found this poor creature limping away, so frightened she was, as unusual canines made of wood closed in, she escaped the clutches of another creature. It pained me to see those unable to defend themselves, so I intervened. My presence alone was enough to frighten the wooden wolves, I tried to heal the suffering feline myself, but it wasn't enough, at best, I eased her pain. But, by creating an elixir from my own life force, it will do the job needed. But alas, I cannot use it to heal, someone else has to use it in my stead, which is why, Bearer of Kindness, I gave you my own energy to heal others."

Fluttershy said no more, and got to work, one drop in the tiger's mouth was enough to completely heal all the injuries and even better, renewed the big cat to a perfect condition and maybe prolonged her life by a couple decades. The tiger licked Fluttershy, and purred with delight at Xerneas' legs, then left the cave and into the Everfree Forest.
Fluttershy tried to hand the elixir back to Xerneas, but he said while softly pushing it back with his leg, "It is yours to keep, little pegasus, I ask of you to heal those who suffer from pain, whatever form it may be, but use it wisely, for there is but enough to heal for two years if used wisely."

Twilight thought of Xerneas as a kindly father-figure by his behavior, and said to him, "We greatly appreciate your most generous gift, O' Lord of Life-…"
Xerneas laughter interrupted Twilight's thanks and he said to her, "Forgive me, young alicorn...But, you may drop the formalities, I am not my brother, or my uncle, you may speak to me as you would others…Young Princess…"

Twilight sheepishly chuckled and asked, "Oh…Ok…but, uh, Xerneas? Why are you here? Drawn to the tree? And who is your trainer? Sean said you belong to someone…"

Xerneas answered, "My trainer is a young boy, born of Kanto, raised in France, named Satoshi (Ash) Ketchum, I was separated from him and his very dear friend, Serena Bellamy, when many others of our world were brought here. I fear for their safety, but I know they are alive, for I watch over every living thing upon the universe. The tree is much like myself when I renew my life and body, I take the form of a tree when dormant."

Twilight was somewhat amazed, and wondered, for a moment, if Xerneas was the Pokèmon World's equal to a creator god, but remembered he said 'brother' and 'uncle'.

"I'm worried about Satoshi-san too, Xerneas-sama...he's not exactly the brightest bulb, even if he's with Serena-chan to keep him from doing something really stupid..." Sean said, to which May asked, "Who's Satoshi?"

Sean answered for everyone, "He's a friend of mine from my childhood days in Japan, younger than me by 2 or 3 years. He moved to France for a while because of his father's work, where he reunited with a friend of ours from Oakido's Summer Camp years ago. Her name was Serena Bellamy. She always had a crush on Satoshi, and if memory serves, they are together. But, Satoshi is really shy about it. You and Yūki-san might like him, as his Partner Pokémon is a rather strong Pikachu..."

Xerneas walked up to a strange chest in a flower sticking out of the Tree of Harmony's roots, then said, "I wonder what is in this most peculiar of chests? I sense an enormous amount of energy within…"
"Oh, that thing, well, you see…" Twilight told Xerneas and the trainers about the chest that appeared after she and the ponies gave up the Elements of Harmony and returned them to the tree, how it happened a week or so before this multidimensional business happened, and how it seems that six keys are needed to unlock it.

Xerneas said out of the blue, "I can unlock what lies within the chest, if that is what you desire…"
The six ponies shouted in unison, "YOU CAN??!!"

Twilight asked the God of Life, "C-ca-ca-ca-can you? Please!"

Xerneas gave a soft chuckle, then answered, "Certainly, your highness…"

-[Trunks Powers Up - Best of DragonBall Z Vol. 3]-
His antlers changed from a blue hue, to an almost pale peachy yellow in color, with glistening colorful spires snaking up and down through his antlers. Rarity was captivated by the color and patterns on Xerneas, wanting his likeness in a fashion line. Xerneas leaned forward, but then turned his head upright and sharply to his left, to the Tree of Harmony, as it faintly glowed in a warm light.

Everyone was about to ask what gives to Xerneas, until they noticed his eyes, they told the tell-tale signs that he was talking with someone.

Xerneas snapped back into reality, and said solemnly, "I am terribly sorry, children, but I cannot open the chest…"

Applejack asked, "What? How come? Didn't you say you can open it?"
Xerneas answered before any more questions were asked, "I can open it, without question, but the Tree of Harmony asked me not to. It told me that you six have to open it. It explained this to me, that you will find the keys to unlock it, by going out of your way to live up to your Element you represent, something about receiving them from ponies you help or along that line…"

Rarity said, "Alright…But, I think it is time to head back, we do still have those basics of Pokémon Training to learn, and the three fillies are eager to begin learning more about how to become full-fledged Pokémon Trainers…"
Rainbow Dash added sarcastically, "Yeah, with that big monster roaming the Everfree Forest? How the hoof will we get past that thing?! It's as big as a freaking dragon!"

-[Route 18 - Pokémon X and Y]-
Xerneas interrupted, "Oh! Now that you mentioned it Rarity...Applejack, there is someone I want you to meet…"
As soon as the FAIRY-Type said that, a Roserade appeared from behind Xerneas and walked up to the apple farmer, smiling warmly.

Xerneas then said, "I would want you to take care of this wild Roserade, she made friends with those three young ones that were here with your Torterra, Sean, this Pokèmon became intrigued and wished to be your partner. And as for, 'that monster', it isn't a monster, just a scared animal…one I…haven't seen…in an era…"

Applejack smiled widely that now, she has her own Pokèmon Partner, like Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, but…

Xerneas sounded depressed after that, which Fluttershy asked, "W-what kind of animal is like that?"

The Legendary took a deep breath, then answered, "One native to our world, long ago. But, because of a cosmic accident, millions of years ago, they and many other forms of life perished, all humans have of them are mere fossils, and their legacy within the birds. It would sound familiar to you humans, because it is a type of creature Hashimoto is overly fond of…"

Sean had a smile on his face, like a child in a candy store, and said, "I knew it! That thing was a dinosaur, wasn't it…and not just any dinosaur, it was a t-…"
Xerneas held a leg up as he said next, "You would have to find out when you return, I will guide you safely out of the forest, after that, I'll return to the Everfree, and if you are worried about Zecora, your zebra friend, no worries, I'll protect her for you guys, like the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Twilight jumped with surprise and said, "WHAT?! Why would you stay here! Can't you come back to Ponyville with us, you can wait for your trainer there…this 'Satoshi' boy you were talking about-...?"

Xerneas sighed as he said before Twilight could finish, "Your world is certainly peaceful, but here in this forest…Despite its creatures and the hostilities, it feels more comfortable to me, like I belong here more than anywhere else. Plus, the dinosaur needs me, though it may not look like it, the poor creature is terrified, and confused. To cope with such a fear, the animal does what his kind has done for many a generation, survive. I'll lure it deeper into a section of the forest where I can keep an eye on it, and far from the paths you ponies might take. I feel Palkia would love to have it as another one of her, pets, after she cared for so many others like it after 66 million years."

Twilight can clearly see she couldn't make up Xerneas' mind, so decided not to argue about it any further. So, with Xerneas leading them on, everyone began to head back to Ponyville, on a safe path that Xerneas seems to create, many creatures that would normally attack them on sight, simply moved aside from the God of Life's path, like he was royalty…

-[Jurassic World Suite - Jurassic World]-
In the Badlands south of Equestria, a lone dragon was napping in the sunlight, the warmth was very pleasant to the massive reptile. He felt a rush of very hot air, which prompted him to crack an eye open, and before him was a small, white dragon covered in feathers or hair, he didn't care.

He lifted his head up then said, "What do you want, runt…"

The dragon was the missing Legendary Pokèmon, Reshiram, and as Reshiram spoke telepathically, the voice sounded female, "Please tell me, kind and noble dragon, have you seen any humans around? Particularly a young girl of teenaged years?"

The dragon felt to give an answer due to the ego-stroking, but had no clue what the white shrimp was talking about, so responded, "Don't know what the heck you're talking about and I don't care, haven't seen a 'human' anywhere. Nothing but rocks and a few ponies if you really must know…"

Reshiram begged the dragon, "Please, I need to know if they are safe, I cannot rest if I…"

The dragon interrupted rudely, "Go buck off a cliff, lady! I! Don't! Care!"
Reshiram was taken aback, never had she met a dragon so rude, and as he flipped her off then resumed taking a nap. Reshiram's patience was ran dry after that, she flew up in front of the reptile's face, and the dragon knows his 'guest' is still here.

He said in an annoyed tone, "Are you stupid or something? I told you, I don't kn…"
He was scratched across the face by Reshiram's Dragon Claw, he roared in pain as Reshiram said strictly to him, "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME WITH SUCH A FOUL MOUTH! Know your place on who you speak to, foul-mouthed beast!"

Her Turboblaze ability was starting to flare up as the dragon started to say angrily, "Who do you think you are, huh? A queen or something? If it is a fight you want it is a fight you'll get!"

Reshiram loudly proclaims, "I AM NO QUEEN! I AM A GOD!"

Then the DRAGON/FIRE-Type bellowed loudly as a massive pillar of fire erupted from around Reshiram that soared miles into the sky, making the dragon quite nervous. The Vast White Pokèmon lunged confidently at the dragon, knowing she can overpower this reptile and teach him a lesson in manners.

At a cliffside to the south of the battle, a boy and a girl watched as the girl asked in a polite voice, "Is that Reshiram? Fighting a dragon?"

Her voice had a slight French accent, to which the boy said, "Hai...that's Reshiram, and I know whose Reshiram that is...It is Rosa-san's!"
The girl replied as she tied up her long, honey-colored hair, "Mademoiselle Parker's Reshiram?! Does that mean our friends are here too...Including Monsieur Hashimoto?"

The boy smirked as a Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder, he answered while adjusting his cap, "Yeah, Hashimoto-san and Parker-san must be here! We did find his Gengar, and now we found Parker-san's Reshiram. Time to return them..."

The girl sighed as she said with a smile and blush, "Alright, just...promise me you won't do anything that could be life-threatening, please?"
"I'll try..." the boy said as he grabbed her hand and helped her to mount on his Charizard's back, "...for you, my dear friend..."

To be continued…

Author's Note:


It would mean a LOT, if you readers tell me that for chapters around this pretty long length;
Do you want them cut into sections?
Do you want them so long that they can form two to eight chapters considering the bare minimum?

Answer that question, BEFORE, you comment, request, etc.
Not knowing is making my stomach tie into knots of uneasiness…

With that out of the way, here are a few things about the chapter…

First off, Deathwing is a tribute to all the players of Pokémon Red, Blue, Fire Red, and Leaf Green who chose Charmandar as their first Pokémon, and also a tribute to trainers who are absolutely proud to own a Charizard as one of their best Pokémon Partners...

The inclusion of a dinosaur in this story was both, because of Jurassic World (little kid me is very happy, current me says it is awesome), and is a hint of the upcoming, Infinity Arc of Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles (one of the final Story Arcs of the story), which I mentioned will include Jurassic World's antagonist, the Indominus rex.

Yes, Sean's Mewtwo is female, but she (us readers will call her Mewtwo Y) isn't the only Mewtwo. And for Xerneas, I know a lot of fanfictions and stuff make out Xerneas as a female, for a short while, I did as well, but, from a design perspective, Xerneas made more sense as a male. The Life Pokèmon has similarities to deer, so deer anatomy dictates that (mostly) only bucks can have antlers, where does lack any. That's my judgement, and it is final…

If you're wondering what the Sandslash in Appleloosa looked like, it was this:

Yeah, that's the Alolan Sandslash introduced in Sun and Moon...

When you see a swear word being censored, just imagine a convenient background noise happening over the censored word. Like dinner plates crashing inside a nearby building, or a Pokémon letting out a cry at the time...

Three guesses to who those mystery women are really…

When Rosa said,

"Sensei…! What is that filly talking about…and you BETTER tell me the truth!"

She said it in a tone similar to a girl who found her boyfriend with another girl's undergarments stuck to his clothes, even if it was an accident. You know what I mean, right? Further played on by Sean's defensive reaction after that.

And, yes, I purposefully left you on a cliffhanger with ending it before, what could be an epic fight between Reshiram and that especially rude dragon…

Though I am sure it is obvious, any clue to who the boy and girl at the end are? Their identities will be revealed in the next chapter...

With that, I leave you with Xerneas' last words to the trainers and ponies,

"…When you get back to Ponyville, say hi to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo for me, please, and tell them to visit again…"

Until next time…